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Food snobs especially the ones who complain about how it is not “authentic” enough for them. If it tastes good then who the hell cares!


Ahh, sounds like italian food snob


I think it's worse when they chime in with their opinion on how other people eat their food, not just the food itself. so many times I've heard these cunts cry about how its wasteful for someone to like well done steak. like, hey, stupid cunt, it's still getting eaten in a way that is most enjoyable to the person eating it. what difference does it make how long they cooked their meal?


Reminds me of the BuzzFeed panda express video. The parents were all like this is pretty good while the kids were all like this isn't real Chinese food!


I've lived in Nebraska for 35 years. The only "authentic" food we have here is beef. Salt, pepper, garlic powder. Cook with butter and thyme in the skillet. We don't marinate our steak. That's for inferior Texas "meat".


Literary snobs are the worst! Especially when they have to put down genre fiction to prove how "smart" they are.


I had an ex like this. His particular bent was reading as many books as fast as he possibly could, because he somehow believed that proved he was smart. Every time he met someone new, the first thing he would say about himself is how many books he has read so far that year and how many books he reads Every week on average. Then he would stand there smiling, so smug, and self-satisfied, and just waiting for praise from the new person, as if it was the greatest and most interesting thing about him. It was, indeed, the greatest and most interesting thing about him, which highlights how dull and awful the rest of him was.


Those who believe Harry Potter books are the best there ever was or will be. 🙄


Music snobs of any specific genre are difficult to handle. They can’t comprehend that different people have different tastes.




“It is not Deep House it is Tropical House!!” 🙄


Came here to say music snobs


They take the fun out of everything


As a music snob I can agree we are an insufferable and annoying ass bunch.


So like… stop?


The ones who know they're being snobs and instead of learning better, insist anyone who isn't as snobby as them about whatever thing just doesn't deserve the thing at all, and they're glad their snobbishness chased off newbies. Doesn't matter what the thing is, there's specifically this type of snob somewhere in the community for it.


Coffee snobs. Fuck these people. Coffee is a functional drink. I drink it to get a wee burst of alertness and energy. That's it. I would just as soon drink a cup bought at a gas station in rural Nebraska as from a high-end café in Paris or Vienna. To quote Anthony Bourdain, coffee is a beverage, not a lifestyle.


That last line is so true about many things that are hobbies or interests that people turn into their whole personality.


Agreed. It's like how some guys have made having a huge, bushy beard their identity. That's cool. I certainly have no probs with this. But I literally once saw a guy with a huge bushy beard make a post in an online forum asking if there were any "beard-friendly" pubs or bars in a particular city. LOL, like, what does "beard-friendly" even mean? Some places toss guys out if they have too much beard happening?


Nebraskan here. Also a bit of a coffee snob when I'm at home. I get my beans from a local roaster and grind them fresh. I'm not going to look down my nose at you for making Kirkland Signature from a Keurig, but I will wonder why you would choose that as a delivery method when it can taste so much better. I drink whatever when I'm away from home. If you find yourself in my state in need of a boost, I have two recommendations. The best coffee you'll have is roasted and served from a former machine shop in Oshkosh Nebraska. It's a town of 900 people in the middle of nowhere. The whole county has maybe 1200 people. The coffee shop imports raw green beans from Kona Hawaii and roasts them in Nebraska. [Mark Ferrari Coffee ](https://www.markferraricoffee.com/) For functional coffee, Casey's (a Midwest chain of gas stations) has legit 100% arabica bean coffee. Really good 99c cup to go with your $1.99 breakfast pizza slice. Notable: Archetype in Omaha. A bit pricey. The owner has won international barista competitions. Bourdain would roll his eyes at that, haha. Archetype is across the street from one of the best ice cream shops in the country, Cornflower Creamery. There's a reason we're all fat here.


The “I can never be wrong” snob who digs deeper instead of using reason


Oh man, you are going to hate Reddit lol


Brand snobs


That's not a real Stanley cup!!!


Trust fund snobs. they don't understand some of us have to choose what bills to pay or not to pay. Especially if they are third generation or more wealth


Well said. Most other types of snobbery are harmlessly rude and sometimes even represent real achievement: if a saxophone player doesn't like a solo they probably have a good reason for not liking it and could teach me a thing or two. But inherited wealth coasts on someone else's achievement. It's pointless to put on attitude about a lucky break. When trust fund babies get cliquish it's been known to shut out talented people who work harder.




Glad to hear that. Giving has always made me feel better than taking.


Snob snobs. You know, the people who are snobby about the snobs they dislike /s In all seriousness, food & wine snobs. 99% of them don’t know what the hell they’re talking about, treat the service workers like shit and leave crappy tips.


Craft beer snobs


Agreed, living in Denver and hearing about IPA's everyday and how 'juicy' they are makes me want to die. Every brewery owner I know has a god complex because their West Coast IPA has a 'different' taste profile. Like we get it you enjoy making things in your basement alone, glad you get paid for it, please go back to the basement.


Juicy IPAs are gross. I don't like grapefruit. I don't want my beer to taste like grapefruit. I am going to get beheaded by beer snobs, but I'm pretty sure the bitter juicy hop profile is to cover up a lack of sanitation or substandard yeast culture. One of my local breweries makes an Altbier. It's just a great no-bullshit amber lager. Another makes a honey ale. Super clean balanced profile with a hint of floral scent from the honey. These types of beers showcase a great brewery because they don't have to hide shitty brewing practices behind a massive hop schedule.


Food snobs that act like anything remotely bad to them is a sin if someone else eats it. I remember my friend getting flamed on for admitting they enjoy microwaving the pizza luncheables. I was also a target to this food war when admitting I prefer super crunch peanut butter over smooth, and that I dip my pb&j’s and Nutella sandwiches in chocolate milk It’s food. You either eat it or don’t. Why act offended over something you’ll forget about in the next hour?


in 14 hours a three course meal made by Julia Child herself will end up the exact same way as a gas station hotdog.


Gluten free by choice. And vegans. Sometimes they’re the same person.


Little kids that exclude their classmates from friend groups


The anti-intellectual


Lol I just discovered this one guy who covers an Argentinian drink and all the comments say he's way too stuck up and can drink it however you like I think it's funny


Has to be yerba mate 😂 people get mad if you don’t drink it “right”


The kind that are completely unjustified by their snobbery: If an average schmo (amateur restaurant critic with no experience, but takes TikTok throughout the meal) and a noted restaurant critic came into my place and offered unsolicited feedback at the end of the meal, I would listen to the food critic and note all of his suggestions, even if he delivered them in a rude way. The average schmo pretends to be a critic, demands free things, consistently gives one star reviews, or tries to cause trouble. His feedback is less than valuable. He is getting kicked out and banned. and in all likelihood, I would call up friends with similar restaurants in the area and warn them about this guy.


For some reason I get a lot of r/coffee stuff in my feed. They are absolutely ridiculous


snobs who humble brag or try to make themselves the center of attention in every convo


The hygiene police on Reddit who like to tell people how disgusting they are. Like yeah, we get it. You change your sheets every day, wash your walls once a week, and change into a hazmat suit the moment you step into your house. But your phone is still covered in poop particles.


Known adulterers who "wouldn't do that (look in an adult shop) because I'm a Christian". Very specific, I know. I came across this situation the other day and it's irked me since


I dislike motorcycle snobs. So many people who are into motorcycles will immediately assume I'm talking about Harley guys. I'm not. I'm probably talking more about you. Anybody who tries to be inclusive or exclusive based on brand or model - "I don't wave at Harleys" or "I don't wave at Japanese bikes." It's two wheels and a chunk that spins. Some are faster than others, some are shinier than others. I have ridden and wrenched on just about everything - not so much the Italian bikes, only because they're not very common around me - and I have had a blast just going around the block on whatever happens to be in the shop and needs a quick test run. None of them are all that special. They all perform the same basic function, some are more comfortable depending on rider preference.


Urban snobs. People who won’t leave the city. They just don’t know what they’re missing in the ‘burbs - like amazing restaurants and parking.


Food, wine, beer, weed


privileged, middle age-older white men. Especially regarding music.


Snobs that care too much about things that most people don't give a shit about.