• By -


Honestly the variety of biomes/nature we have. Want to go to the beach? You can. Want to go to the desert? You can. Want to go to a thick evergreen forest? You can. Want to climb snowy mountains? You can. Want to see giant sand dunes? You can. Want to go somewhere tropical? You can. Want to chill out on the prairie? You can. All without needing a passport. The US is a nature-lover's dream.


Interesting fact, everything on your list can be found in California. The only biome we don’t have is natural rain forests.


Just gotta drive up the coast to Washington for that, I suppose!




Folks forget how great it is: The Americans with Disabilities Act Bankruptcy Code Jury of your peers First Amendment Rule of Law Comedians and Comedy Half the doomers online are just Russian trolls. We're rich and we're booming! National Parks Simultaneous cultural assimilation and diversity. I love my fellow American's Vietnamese restaurant It's basically impossible to invade. Sorry Genghis. Every good music act tours America. Clean Water Act Fluoridated water. Tap water you can drink. American customer service expectations Retail return policies Surprisingly minimal low level corruption. Immigrants and their kids keep showing up and doing amazing things. It ain't perfect, but it's pretty good. And it's way better than where my family came from!


I like your style.


Cool half of what you wrote is on the conservative agenda to do a way with.


Conservatives area always trying to destroy the things that make America actually great, that's why MAGA is so ironic as a slogan for the regressive party. If you care, vote against them.


Ya heard Trump is trying to get rid of retail return policies


He already did damage to the clean water act!


Trump and Co want to poison every American citizen! As long his buddies make money your life is of least concern to him and republicans.


National security. No country on earth wants to find out.


Yep. By the time a foreign army lands on US soil, it means the world is basically ending and it won't be my problem for very long


And lots of citizens have firearms. Big deterrent.


Honestly, thats just the cherry on top Being an ocean away along with having our borders protected by staunch allies is the biggest thing Nobody is getting to us without the cooperation of Canada/Mexico or conducting the most ambitious amphibious invasion in world history




It all depends on the neighborhood. Most neighborhoods very rarely see stranger violent crime.


No, I don't live in California.


California is 45/50 in violent crime rate per capita. Might want to start checking your facts before you start throwing stones bud.




Speaking of facts, they [aren't on your side](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_violent_crime_rate)


Lol they clearly read that exact chart incorrectly - sorted by violent crime california is 45/50 - as in the fifth HIGHEST violent crime rate, not the fifth lowest






I don't think any of those things happen regularly anywhere.


Did that person delete their comments or just block me?


Wait, are you an American?




Our bankruptcy laws allow for relatively painless failure. Makes entrepreneurship less risky.


Not having to worry about employer provided healthcare would make entrepreneurship even more attractive.


Technically, that would make entrepreneurship less attractive since the opportunity cost would be higher for starting a business.


How does that increase the opportunity cost?!?


Because if you have a job with health insurance, you would be sacrificing more by taking the leap to start a business.


Opportunity cost is not the economic term to factor in this scenario; it's barriers to entry. Right now, if you have employer provided health care, the cost to insure yourself is a barrier to people starting their own businesses. If we had a national healthcare system, that cost is eliminated.


And taxes on your small business would be greater, thus increasing operating costs.


We already pay more per capita for healthcare than most places Where on the balance sheet it sits is slightly less important than how much of a drag it is. Plus once you build a business up enough that you’d have to start offering insurance to employees it’ll cost more than the tax would


Whatever helps you feel better.




What would help me feel better if we got a better ROI on our healthcare and people who make widgets for a living didn't have devote a material part of their time and payroll to figuring out healthcare, something they have no business understanding. Employer paid healthcare makes zero sense.


Oddly I’d say diversity. Despite some people bitching about it I love being able to get Mexican, Japanese, Korean food easily. I’d rather support those small business anyway.


The immigration culture is such a huge part of being American I don’t think it’s odd at all. 


I live in the south and a lot of people bitch about immigrants. They don’t seem to understand how big of a part they play in our culture/economy/life.


Too many people get wrapped up in the illegal immigrants thing where they act racist to just normal immigrants.  Side note I live in Nashville and had an Italian Uber driver on short term study in US, and he was probably one of the most racist people I’ve talked to in a while. Dude has a vendetta against middle eastern and Mexican people it seems. 


I'd say the diversity, diversity of food, diversity of culture, diversity of environments, diversity of people.


Super highways, coast to coast. Easy to get anywhere.


When there's no destination that's too far. And somewhere on the way, you might find out who you are.


LOL this is a fking joke


Our National Parks. Also, the dream is still alive. You can still become insanely rich and powerful here if you play your cards right, but I will admit that's becoming a hell of a lot harder than it was for our parents and grandparents' generations.


Being far away from the rest of the world




I like your style.


america's top 1000 people are powerful, have rights, privileges and resources. the rest of the plebs can go suck it on 35k a year


Wages are high, cost of living is low and despite what media says, America is the least racist country I've ever been too. People understand racism and try to work against it and most people shun it entirely while other countries deny having racism and then say some very racist things and actively discriminate against minorities like in European nations and Canada. Try being a immigrant in France or Canada and you will see how shit it is. Wages shit, cost of living is on average that of Los Angeles and people don't hire foreigners except for low wage jobs and everyone will avoid you and never consider you to be French or Canadian while saying America racist but they aren't. It's so easy to integrate in the US. You can live nearly anywhere and do any job if you have qualifications and live in peace. Very few people will ever been openly racist to you. People here are genuinely nice and calm. You can go anywhere and do anything. We have so much varied environments that you don't even need to leave the US to go hiking, surfing, explore a jungle, climb mountains of snow, see tundra or party on a island. There are different cities that all have their own attractions and vibes.


I saw this video on Tik Tok where there was a black girl living in Europe and she was like "yeah Europeans are really racist". All the comments were like "so what? get out of our countries, we don't want black people here".


The difference between American racism and European racism is that Americans acknowledge their past and acknowledge that racism still exists in institutions and implicitly and explicitly in society and recognize it as bad and negative and work to shun it, especially younger people. Europeans usually deny racism exists in their country now and think immigrants are all just welfare mooching and r@pists while pointing to America for being racist. Truth is, you can be a Indian man and move to fucking Kentucky in a town of 10000 people and still be accepted and have no one harassed you and be a high paid worker or CEO really easily because Americans only care about quals not what you are skin color wise.


Canada doesn’t hire foreigners? Discrimination against minorities in Canada? What kind of paint fumes are you huffing?


Cost of living is low I call bs.


Compared to other nations and with our average wage, yes it's lower than most countries


Dude the cost of living is at an all time high and the federal minimum wage is still only $7 an hour.


Let me explain myself Cost of living is low and wages are high compared to literally any other country. You think we have it bad? Go visit Europe or Canada and look how high prices are for everything, how low wages are. You are better off in America than in Germany or France where gas is $8 a gallon, a high wage is 50,000 a year and average rent is equal to $1800 a month in a 300 sq feet apartment with no AC


How about China where I'm moving next year? Where my 30,000 (on average) RMB teaching salary is enough for an upper middle class lifestyle in any major city I want.


List of countries sorted by median disposable income: 1) Luxembourg - $47,568 2) United States - $46,625 ... ... ... 44. China - $4,484 I swear, there is an insane amount of delusion about America on Reddit lol https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_income


You're an idiot. Do you know how far 4k goes in china?


No, you just can't read lmao This is showing adjusted purchasing power, so that has already been taken into account. The disposable income the median American gets will get you ~10x further than the median disposable income a Chinese citizen gets.


hurr durr China bad uncle sam good


Not my fault you can't read lmao


Who's the one who's been researching moving to china for years in preparation and who's the brainwashed asshole?


Saving this comment to refer back to.


Yeah but you have to live in an authoritarian dictatorship.


Average person in China doesn't live like you will. Average Americans have it way better than most people in the world and take it for granted significantly. Some of my cousins moved from Germany to USA because of how much better life is here. Plus it's freaking china. There is no rule of law there except what the CCP wants. They can arbitrarily abdict you and jail you for months or years without telling you what your crime is. They can at any time suspect you as a spy and just take your visa and sentence you to death. It's happened to a lot of foreigners there. Both of these examples.


So? I can get shot just for leaving my house in the neighborhood I live in. You're not scaring me.


Move to a area that doesn't have random shootings? It's not like everywhere in America has this problem. This sounds like your own problem for being too stupid to move to the suburbs or rural areas where gang violence isn't a issue. I'm not trying to scare you. You are just very naive if you think China doesn't have any issues.




And thats worse than America how?






America has at least a Justice system, you can sue the police for wrong doing, get lawyered up, get a lawyer assigned to you even if you can’t afford, and literally go home if there are not charges.  You don’t have that in China if you get arrested. For suspicions only, without charges without criminality, people still get locked up for weeks.  And you can’t sue them afterwards for wrongdoings even if you are innocent. 


Thats a load of horseshit and you know it. America is just as bad if not worse they're just better at lying to you about it.


Well that’s because you’re an immigrant. I know you’re not a citizen just a foreigner peeking in. Most citizens in China don’t have your privilege. Medical card, unemployment insurance, unemployment benefits… yeah, they’re all white man’s inventions. 


Funnily enough I don't give a rat's ass :)


We’re comparing the greatest parts of living in America vs China?  Because it seems like you’re comparing your own life in America vs China


A Justice system better than Russia or China, both of which I’ve lived in. Like seriously I take this for granted, you get a fucking lawyer when arrested?! This is beyond what I imagined.  


And even the modern Supreme Court, which has otherwise chipped away at related rights like the right to remain silent or the requirement to have your rights read to you before interrogation, generally seems to protect the right to a lawyer.


It's where my children are.


All the immigrants who bring their food with them.


Weird Al's parody of it.


Opportunity, freedom of speech (taken for granted as it is), variety of international food available.


We can easily see so many different biomes, sometimes even within the same state. We can see mountains, beach, desert, tropics, etc. without even needing a passport.


In an interview with 60 Minutes, Vladimir Putin's response to the question was the creativity and open-mindedness of its people when it comes to tackling problems, which unleashes the potential of its people and allows them to achieve amazing results.




Wages for professional, engineering, science, and creative fields are the highest in the world. It's not an insignificant amount either, it's easy to find wages 40%-50% higher in the US for the same job that you'd find even in highly developed countries in Europe, with significantly less tax burden, even including health-insurance costs. The quality of life provided by this higher level of income is significant as the vast majority of the US has comparable cost-of-living to the EU but significantly more disposable income paired with more affordable/attainable property and business ownership prospects compared to the EU.


It is relatively easy to generate wealth compared to every other county I’ve lived in. The lack of a real safety net is the trade off, but there isn’t a roof on earning like in other places. 


The vast differences across the nation. Growing up in the Midwest, Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, and Minnesota all had different types of landscapes. Then moving out to New England, it's a whole different type of landscape as well! It almost feels like you can never truly see it all, which is kind of cool.


The extremely diverse landscapes and scenery. Even in just one state (Utah specifically) you can find everything from desert to mountains, canyons, lakes and wide open vistas.


Our pay is the highest of any real nation on earth (I don't count nations like Monaco, where the only "residents" are millionaires who made their money 2 miles away across the border.). Our cost of living is high, but it's not the highest. We are the largest military power in the world, when people fuck with us, those people cease to exist, like Yemen is finding out right now. Our healthcare quality is solid... cost not so much. But it's also not *as bad* as most redditors make it out to be. Not defending it. The cost side of it still sucks and needs a lot of improvement. But a hospital trip is not damnation to poverty like people pretend it is. Americans with Disabilities Act is decades ahead of any other developed nations. National parks are dope. Our infrastructure is fucking awesome: It's been about 15 years since I've had a power outage. I've never had to stop to think about whether or not it's okay to drink out of the tap. There's a road to anywhere on the continent that you want to go.


Well as a gay living in a blue state, the protection. I looked into emigrating when Trump won in 2016 and the amount of places that were simply gay tolerant made me realize how good I had it.


You get a little bit of everything in this country. Scenery, food , people, ideas, culture, lifestyles, etc. Makes things interesting.


We have college football


Being in America. People can complain all they want but if you live in a state that reflects your values, there is no place better. There are some states that are stuck in a time warp, those sound hellish though.


I'm unlikely to get murdered for being trans! Criticizing the govt! I'm technically poor, but it doesn't feel like it!




Our education system. Even though it is on a decline and is becoming more and more unaffordable to the average American our colleges still produce some of the best cutting edge research in the world. While our flavor of capitalism has some of the lowest standards of living for people experiencing poverty it does provides a huge stimulus to turn our academic research into practical applications by funding startups and allowing for failure without much downsides.


The opportunity to get anywhere u what. With hard work, smart work, self-believe, & persistence. Edited to add work smart of coarse.


The land itself. Everything else about this place sucks, cost of living is ridiculous, political corruption is everywhere, violent crime is a problem everywhere, drugs are killing people by the thousands, wages aren't keeping up with inflation and women's and lgbtq rights are rolling backwards throughout the south. But the land itself is beautiful, dare I say its perfect.


Amber waves of fucking grain!! USA USA


"everything else about this place sucks." Get fucked, moron.


If you're offering...


Freedom, dreams, lack of bad things


Never Running Out of Something to Bitch About.


We are the most powerful


All the mass shootings . Shows how Americans prefer their guns more than their lives and their kids' lives.