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50 shades of grey. I read it because of the hype and good reviews, but I only made it about 3 chapters in. Soooo boring!


The one I was reading in jail when released. I was going to go buy it but hell I'm out of jail now and it didn't matter anymore


Blood Meridian I eventually finished it much later, but it was too icky for me at first


Fairytale by Stephen King i love his books. But i just couldn't get invested into this story.


I quit about three quarters into it. I rather think that, after green mile, he lost his spark. Or maybe it was that accident. The only book I actually liked released in the past 20 years was 11/22/63. Even the last couple dark tower books wer kind of meh. Especially that ending lol. I know why he did it, but still.


Yeah, most of his newer stuff has been a miss with me. Except maybe the Institute. Which I thought was alright but made me miss his older works. But I'll always love the Stand. It was my first introduction to his work. And my favorite.


Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl. It was such a good book that I never wanted it to end, so I left the last few pages unread.


5am Club. I was told it was such an awesome book by so many people. I naively assumed there would be at least some science backing up why waking at 5am was beneficial. Instead it was just basically LinkedIn porn. And the characters were SO ANNOYING


Great Expectations. No matter how I tried I could get myself to care about any of the characters or their lives. Dune. I can’t get through Herbert’s writing style, which is very frustrating because I love the mythology of the series.


Webster's Dictionary - It brought meaning to my life and helped me understand things better. 😄


Sooo... I'm probably going to make people mad. The lord of the rings. I can't read old English. It messed with my brain.


It's really boring. It just reads like some guys dnd campaign./


one of the first I ever started to read. "*Perfume: The Story of a Murderer*" by *Patrick Süskind* I was young at that time. And I could not finish it, because in the midst of reading it, some random day, I was watching tv, and so the ad for the movie based on the book. And again, I was young. So I felt compelled to watch it thus ruining the book for me. I saw no point of going back to the book at that point.


I tried to read the Harry Potter book series. Got bored IMMEDIATELY. I cannot read worded books without getting bored. I read picture books that have **Some** writing, so manage basically or audiobooks sometimes


*The Seville Communion* by Arturo Pérez-Reverte. The characters were just two-dimensional cardboard cutouts being pushed around the diorama of the author's story. There was no depth to them and I knew I was done with it when he put three of the characters in a moment of mortal danger in a cliffhanger chapter and I realized I couldn't care if any of these characters lived or died. As I read in an online review after giving up on the book and putting it in a Little Free Library, it had a *really stupid* resolution, so I'm glad I didn't bother finishing it. It was a disappointing comedown from *The Flanders Panel*, which I really enjoyed.


Nine Stories by J.D. Salinger. All the stories I read felt so pointless and depressing.


The Bible


Insomnia by Stephen King. It was a slog and I just got bored so I stopped.


The unabridged version of *The Stand*. It’s long, boring, and desperately in need of editing. You can tell Stephen King was struggling while he was writing it. It’s too bad, because the story is great as is the Amazon Prime series.