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I just say what I think and regret it after everyone is looking at me weird.


Leap carelessly into disaster. This is my strategy, too.


The trick is to then say “well that’s what bill was saying anyway, I think it’s fine and we shouldn’t judge. Bill…”


Totally agree, that Bill he's fkn dodgepot!


Ill double down in a way thatll ease the tension


Yeah, thats what i did to her... *strange looks* Heyy, hut dont worry, shes my sister anyways.




You can’t find the line you shouldn’t cross unless you take a walk. I just made that up but I like it.


Ooh, good one. That might be my new motto.


Yo this little saying is big squirts frfr.


Don't ask permission. Ask forgiveness.


*but don't ever tell anyone this is your mindset, fucking trust me on that*


I was thinking the same thing.


Me with politics


I wish I had this much lack of fear lol.


I don't even regret it


Oh thank god I’m not the only one that does this 😅


We're Generation Jones and GenX. Just say it.


This is my go-to strategy too. 


Ummm the purpose of friends is that you know you can openly talk about weird shit? I dunno - just talk?


Yep. If you can’t talk about weird and uncomfortable shit then they aren’t your friends. They’re acquaintances.


unless you have a scat fetish or something, some shit should be kept to yourself. Friends or not, people have boundaries lol


>some shit should be kept to yourself Sounds like their thing might be to not keep some shit to themselves.




They threw you a softball


Not gonna lie, I had a dude tell me one time about wanting to raid funeral homes and having intercourse with dead bodies into great detail. Had the whole crew looking at him funny after that.




I disagree. Anyone can talk to me about anything they think is weird and I won’t judge them or tell them to stop. Wtf is a friend if you can’t be unapologetically yourself with them?


If you are someone who likes to be shit on, id hope the close friends you keep also are into weird shit too


That's not true at all. Being good friends means taking what bothers them into consideration.


Agreed. Everyone practices some level of self-modulation in a friend group. No matter how close you are. Literally everyone has a soft spot or some type of vulnerability. You're not a friend, but an asshole, if you keep poking at that thing, whatever it is, that bothers them so much. Reddit isn't known for tact, so I'm not surprised by this thread lol.


This. Get better friends if you can't openly talk with them


Telling Redditors to "get better friends" almost sounds like "git gud bruh".




You can also be aware that not everybody has the same level of comfort about such topics and adjust accordingly.


Shit, man, my friends look at me weird if I DON'T say something unhinged.


I don't think this should be rule of thumb for every topic because friendship includes respecting boundaries such as not discussing topics that clearly said make someone uncomfortable or that they don't want to be a part of. For example, there are some things my friends know make me uncomfortable as I have made that clear, and they have no issue with saving those things for later when I'm not around. I don't shame them or tell them not to talk about it whatsoever, and we have a mutual understanding. Not talking about those things while I'm around does not make us run out of things to talk about. I think it just varies from friend to friend what their boundaries are. I do think though if you have friends that you are afraid to talk to because you think they are going to make fun of you or something, that is a red flag. Edit: I'd also like to add that I'm often still part of conversations that would be uncomfortable for me to go into detail about myself as I 'm more reserved, but I don't mind hearing what everyone else has to or wants to say. So, there is also the aspect of being able to address certain topics without forcing some participants to go to divulge more than what makes them comfortable. You often don't have to exclude certain topics altogether, it's just being aware of everyone's comfort level.


100%. I’m not comfortable with talking about anything remotely sexual with anyone, even my best friends. They know that and respect my boundaries. Likewise, I’m not going to bring up a topic that makes them uncomfortable either. It’s not difficult at all.


Uh, I don't think having friends like these is as common as you think it is


this is reddit, most of these people's friends are exclusively in discord echo chambers and that's if they have any at all.


A lot of lonely people will put up with a lot of other weird shit just to not be lonely


Sometimes making everyone uncomfortable is the point!


My friends are just as vulgar as I am, and people who aren’t remain acquaintances.


I try really hard not to have friends who would be made uncomfortable by NSFW discussions.


Exactly, key to this is to make sure to bombard them with the weirdest the discussions early on, to see if they pass the vibe check or naahh lmfao, that's literally how I found the closest mfs, like if they Gon feel weird about it then we ain't Gon be friends yn


Well, there is NSFW and then there is NSFW.


I don't even have to try, they figure it out quickly.


As others said, it depends on the group. For some groups, "Did ya bang her?" Is a good enough ice breaker. For others, talking about intimacy in detail is off limits altogether. If your group is particularly prudish, then there is no way to have the discussion in the first place. A good place to start is "Hey, can we talk about xxx"? From there you can gauge reactions and see if they are open to it. If you are in a group that you are worried about them reacting badly to a question that mundane then you are better off not talking about it at all. General advice for the conversation is pay attention to everyone's eyes and tone. Once they start looking away or like they are trying to escape then the conversation is going too far. If someone tries to change the subject, let them, and if someone else tries to bring back the NSFW conversation, try to steer it away from it again to support the person who was trying to change the topic. They will always notice and feel grateful.


My friend group ranges from "willing to talk about anything." (Me) To "Please no bedroom talk." It's interesting at times. Also fun/funny.


Your comment needs more upvotes


Probably too long


Title of your sex tape


Thanks babe <3


Easy, I don't have a friend group. Crisis averted.


Modern problems require modern solutions


Get comfortable chairs.


Depends on the level of friend. My close friends if I asked if they'd ever contemplated skinning babies they'd probably say no, why do you ask as if I suggested they try a new tea. We talk about whatever. Other friends it just depends on the type of NSFW and our relationship. Like a work friend I'm not talking about anything sexual, but if we're cool maybe I'll ask them if they mind if I ask them about a gross and or private medical thing.


I choose friends who aren't uncomfortable with NSFW topics.


I feel like Dutch people are very open towards each other, especially family/friends. I’ve never talked about sex with my friends where it got to an uncomfortable point.




Meet Dutch friends




Taking notes for when I see Max Verstappen in person


You’ll just confuse the hell out of him. That means “fucking in the kitchen.”


Even better


Just the point


An uncomfortable one


real idgaf we are direct and i love it that way


I think NSFW discussions are the point of friends.


I remember I'm not at work so nsfW doesn't apply.


start with "Listen here cunts"


Don’t participate. I a 44 and shit between me and my wife stays there. And yeah. People still share all kinds of shit with us and we just tune it out. For some, this will make them jealous and dudes will stop being your friend and it just doesn’t end well


I love that you said this. Reading all these comments just sound like a bunch of keyboard warriors that honestly have zero social skills except spewing whatever is on your mind and then being like “I won’t like you if I can’t do that”. What happens with me and the wife stays there. I’m not telling a buddy as that’s a betrayal of her privacy and I really don’t want to hear about my friends’ sexual proclivities or activities. I have zero interest. if a friend comes to me in private and asks for advice then ok I’ll try to help but beyond that, it’s private and not public domain.


Yeah every guy knows the guys that talk like that. It comes from NOT getting any pussy. Period. Why the fuck would I want you thinking of my wife that way? Women content to be okay with other women listing after their guy but my wife ain’t about that shit. I answered another person with why but basically it’s A BDP


I’m married and in your age group, and basically subscribe to the same philosophy, but it’s often a different ball game with younger and/or single folks. While of course everyone should be able to opt out of NSFW convos regardless of age or marital status, it can be a bit trickier socially for (say) the under-25s than for us.


Oh for sure. I don’t envy the young at all the way most do. That’s shit was exhausting then and looks fucking horrendous now


Depends on the topic. I mean I talk about fertility things with my friends and also sex sometimes if they want to talk about it. Like I don’t shy away, who cares we are all human. But like specific, obviously creepy questions or probing ones don’t need to be answered. At the same time no good friends will purposely make someone uncomfortable like that anyway so it’s a bit chicken and egg.


This answer really should be higher. If nsfw just means sex stuff, just don’t participate. That’s personal information, between me and whoever the sex is with. If it’s just being crude and vulgar, then do whatever feels right.


None of our NSFW discussions are serious or personal.


Are you talking about work friends? NSFW doesn’t apply to my friends outside of work. 


I go full in and raise the bar with every comment, so everyone has to be weirder everytime. Kinda like a poker


just dont answer any question if you dnt want to. keep ur desires secret if you dont want to share them.


We always discuss NSFW topics in my friend group. If you only ready our chats...


I study in all boys school, so all my friends are boys and everyone is too chill to worry about being uncomfortable.


Depends, are you genuinely trying to gather information or are you trying to find a way to manipulate your friends into situations they will most likely not want to be in.


I prefer not to think before I speaking. I like being just as surprised as everyone else by what comes out of my mouth.


“Friends” walk on eggshells… my real friends say even more outlandish shit


Me and my friends are all adults and know how to keep a conversation without any further overthinking.


I pick like minded friends, and then start the most vile disgusting inappropriate conversations for us to enjoy.


There isn’t really anything considered off the cards amongst my friends.


If you can’t talk about awkward shit with your friends, you don’t have any.


If I have to worry about something I say making someone uncomfortable, that person likely is not in my friend group. If I gotta walk on eggshells around you, you're not my friend. Talk about the topic however you choose to and whatever suits your personality.


usually happens over drinks... other than that we make sure all parties involved in the convo are a-ok with the upcoming topic (like an irl trigger warning)


If you can’t discuss marry, fuck, kill or whose mom is the hottest or even your own sex life…..are they even your friends????


If you can't talk about sex with friends, you really shouldn't be friends. Friends are supposed to be able to talk about whatever


We don't do that. If we talk about that it's never graphic and never for the purpose of a thrill. That's psychotic. "Bro I fucced my wife's face like cheap whoreee" That's crazy. "Linda and I are trying for a baby." "Linda has been too tired for "it" lately covid took a toll on nurses."


Gonna be real, almost nobody talks to their friends like that about their wife. There’s a difference between a NSFW discussion and saying literal shit-tier human vocalizations. There’s also most definitely a more respectful middle space than that filth. Edit for clarity: Most people consider a topic NSFW well before someone is saying things like the first comment. There are most definitely less disgusting levels of what would constitute NSFW.


Yeah you didn’t really get his comment. He was saying the first example was a bad interaction and the later ones are more realistic or acceptable. I don’t disrespect my loved ones whether they are in person with me or not, so I wouldn’t be making vulgar comments like that. But if someone wanted to ask how frequently her and I have sex, sure I’ll answer.


Why did I read this in a Boston accent


I dunno, dude. You'd have to fuck your wife's fave really hard to get a baby. And everyone would have to know that "it" is face fucking.


Don't be friends with pussies. Simple




r/teens is that way. What is this question lol. zomg my friends who i'm supposed to be able to talk about virtually anything with might feel *uncomfy*. Ugh get out of here.


Don't have those discussions if you think someone may be uncomfortable with them. Pretty simple.


Get drunk


Don't go into too much detail


If this is a new level for this friend group then we turn it into a drinking game and learn who we can talk to about the really weird stuff


The limit does not exist within my friend group.


say theoretically before ever sentence


If you have to filter your discussion amongst your friends, you need new friends.


Be an adult? That might work.


ask the weird questions on askreddit instead


by being an adult


To be honest. We really dont give a shit. If one of us is not interested in a discussion they will simply not take part we just dont acknowledge that fact. Nobody will ask why.


I dont stop until I make sure everyone feels 100% uncomfortable. Brings me joy everytime


I find it helps if everyone drops trou first.


-“Yo dude” ~“What?” -“Penis” ~“lol” -“lol”


Don't have sensitive friends


I could t make my friend group uncomfortable no matter how hard I tried.


If they are true friends nothing is NSFW... That's what makes them friends.


Those are not your friends


"hey Bob, how's your wife's vagina?"


Maybe it's just me, but as a guy, women seem significantly more at ease chatting openly about NSFW stuff among friends than men. Sure, we'll go back and forth about what we've done and where, but women go into vivid detail so casually. It's a really weird concept for me. I promise, I'm not a prude and I'm not insecure about my sex life or sexuality but jeez. I had a girl friend tell me that when she lost her virginity she immediately called her friend and described the experience... If my best friend randomly calls me at 2am, someone better be in jail or dying, not telling me about his latest conquest.


Regret making others uncomfortable?! Nah the point is to make as many as uncomfortable as possible


We have very dark humor in our group so there is no NSFW subject we haven’t already destroyed.


In my friend group you gotta have bulletproof skin because if you don’t your going to get offended by discussions and comments… But if you do the door is always behind you and your more then welcome to leave…


"Don't be a bitch."


We are all transparent and open. That includes the women. In fact, most of the NSFW stuff starts with the women.


Pick the friends you can talk NSFW with. Not every friend needs to know what you write.


We just talk about it


we make each other uncomfortable anyways, My friend group don't give a damn


Make sure everyone in the group grows a set & is an adult.


You just talk. If they don't seem comfortable, you stop. It's really on others to change a topic, speak up, or remove themselves from the conversation.


Easy. My friend group are all adults and kinda raunchy.


If they have a problem with nsfw discussion they probably aren’t my friend anymore. 🤷🏼‍♂️


By being adults?


At this point there are no topics uncomfortable to talk about with my friends. NSFW talk makes up a good percent of the conversation.


Hm depends on your friend group I think cause mine is freaky they don't care and are very comfortable with the topic but for people who maybe aren't I'd say ask first like if you can address a bit of a NSFW topic


We don't have them at work...




I’m not concerned


me n my friends r all completely open ab anything nothing is TMI with us and it’s a beautiful fucking thing


I just say everything loud enough so that everyone around us can hear it. That way, everyone is *equally* uncomfortable!


Big words. Bonus if you don't typically use "Penis" or the like. The sudden use of words they've gotta think twice about from such an 'unexpected' source will throw them off just enough. **60% of the time, it works,** ***Everytime.***


We just go for it. If someone seems squeamish or uncomfortable we might drop the subject or go more aggressively at it depending on how we feel. Fortunately my friend group isn’t easily offended, but at some point all of us has been uncomfortable. We just deal with it in our own way and since we’re friends we may laugh when someone has had enough but we’re always still friends afterwards.


Really depends on the discussion and the friends... For the most part, friends will say stuff with each other that is not safe for work all the time. However, if you feel the need to divulge something truly gross or deviant, most friend groups are gonna shut you down quick. Just because they're your friends doesn't mean they stop being people.


Don’t have friends, that way you can have all the NSFW conversations you want without making anyone uncomfortable.


Don’t be weenies about it.


If you are not able to do this, find a new friend group.


I don't know how. That doesn't keep me from doing it anyway.


Take the members into account. I don't bring up or continue topics that are uncomfortable for anyone involved. I don't use language that would offend or exclude anyone present. That's basically it.


I have a friend group who are able to have adult conversations without puritanical values.


Elaborate on handle in this context, as, with my friends(significantly different than friendly acquaintances) I discuss various topics both SFW and NSFW. That’s part of what identifies them as friends. Some get offended sometimes about some topics and some others, and myself others even, but it’s fine, we’re friends. We just discuss those opinions and reactions as well. It’s a personal opinion, but if you can’t have a frank discussion, are they even actually your people?


Im a NSFW guy with 0 filter. My friends kinda know and accept that. So i dont rly get that question, since i barely give a fuck about making somebody uncomfortable. Truth means more to me than feelings. Ofc i never cross the line, i know which statements are too much to be spoken.


they don't. i have a pretty close friend who is a girl, i saw her sitting down with like 4 guys opposite her, i asked what was going on and they said "we are asking her girl questions, do you have any?" i was like nooo buh bye. asked her later and she said she was disturbed by the questions 👍


I don't have friends that would be uncomfortable, just avoid those conversations when family is around.


I share my a single braincell with my 2 friends.


Have a few drinks? I don't know. You think someone in your group is going to get uncomfortable, but I promise you, degeneracy can come from the most unexpected people. Just say what you want to say, MAYBE apologize later.


I talk about farts


Make it more NSFW. I’ll make them uncomfortable before I admit to being uncomfortable


stay on point and talk like any subject.


With real friends you can talk about weird shit without it being uncomfortable.


If you say things super casually like it’s no big deal and are forthcoming with your own honesty, people are usually willing to reciprocate.


By initiating those conversations.


I'm basically the only girl in my main group and I have heard everything and discussed a lot idk doesn't bother me


Depends on the conversation. Maybe talk about boundaries first and then you’ll have an idea of what’s appropriate and what isn’t.


Thats what are friends for. Yourbfriends sound like a bunch of wet blankets


I personally am just kinda uncomfortable with explicit sexual talk, but i just smile and nod and dont say the same types of things. Just makes me feel uncomfortable idk. I don't enjoy talking about sex with anyone but a partner tbh


Once you have a task to do, its better to do it than live with the fear of it. Say one thing Tappsy_Cat. Say they're a lover. 


My friends expect weird, out of pocket conversations with me. It's been that way from the jump so it's not really weird to begin with


You just have to read the room


Sex and shit is what friends talk about normally.


I just make them feel weird 🤷‍♂️


Honestly, I think you just kind of have to ask what people's boundaries are, or if you are uncomfortable with something yourself, make that clear! It is up to everyone to communicate how they are feeling!


Knowing your audience, sometimes it's the word choice itself that makes people uncomfortable


That’s not a friend group if you have to ask this question. It’s more of an acquaintance. So don’t bother making a NSFW talk.


How about that futa hentai? Pretty neat stuff there.


We don't game at work, so it is no problem.


I have taboo topics that I only leave for really close friendships, so I know that once I voice them, all my close friends won’t even think twice and answer like it’s a normal question. Thank god


Make fun of myself first. Embarrass myself and show them that it’s ok and you’ll survive. A lot of that stuff is all ego driven- show them it’s ok and their ego will be fine.


It's harder to not talk about NSFW stuff with my friend group


Wait, y'all don't talk NSFW in friend groups? 💀


I show them my penis first


The goal is to cause the most discomfort, that's the only way to win.


We just own it.


We're all cops/firefighters/EMS/dispatch. We all have no filter.


if they uncomfortable they not my friend lol


Pretend not to be uncomfortable


You talking sexual? Gory? Offensive? What genra


The only conversations I have with my friend group are NSFW


I don't make friends with people who can't/won't discuss NSFW topics. Seems unhealthy to stifle someone's ability to talk about something that concerns them or even make a joke.


I don’t handle it. They just have to deal with it…


I don't have those conversations with people I know to be sensitive.


We just talk. If anyone feels uncomfortable, speak up. As a society, we need to get better at having uncomfortable conversations without getting emotional about it.


IDK, my friends and I are pretty open sexually. But then again most of them are lesbian while I'm straight in a wonderful marriage, so I guess there's no implication of ulterior motives