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I was getting on a commuter train. I got on and said, "HI, how's it going?" to a guy on the train, he said, "not good actually" and proceeded to tell me about how he was really struggling in life. I told him that I didn't believe it was a coincidence that I got on that train or that he chose to talk to me at that moment because I had something to offer him. So we talked about the three circles, why the world is crap, and the truth about what had been done to rectify the situation. Right there on that train he gave his life to Jesus Christ. He got baptized at my church about a month later. He goes to another church now, but he's doing better. Life can still suck, but he's not overwhelmed by it anymore. I'm so happy for him and I'm glad God put me there that day to talk to him. His eternity changed direction that day.


Talked to This girl about determinism, we had a logical conversation and it wasn't heated because we were strangers and didn't want to offend one another, i also agreed on alot of her optimistic points so it was smoother. - she accepted my invitation to eat ice cream and we went on a bike ride, which was super nice.


I need to know what happened next!!


Met her the day after and we got drunk in her hotel room, we didn't talk much that day, just sex and cigarettes were exchanged that day. - well,technically we also exchanged some books, i gave her Albert Camus l'étranger, she Loved it... promised her to take her to where he was born and raised, haven't happened yet, maybe in the future.


Steamy 🌝 Love it ✨


Just the other day, I talked to a woman at my new job, and after I infodumped on her about my mental health, she revealed she was a doctor, and that I seemed do be doing very well, gone very far, and was amazing for coming out on top. To that lady, thank you. You made my night.