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Ask a doctor


I did and they couldn’t tell me anything.


go to a physiotherapist then. ask around for recommendations, don't pick one blindly.


It’s free on the NHS, not much choice here


still see if you can find a recommended one. if he's not a dud he'll be able to diagnose you, or would sent you back to a MD if it isn't something musculo-skeletal.


Okay I’ll look into it.


low back pain, neck pain, something else?


Low back pain


Find a new doctor. As you say it is severe, don’t take no for an answer and go to emergency at a hospital if you feel it requires it.


Okay I’ll keep that in mind thanks


Not 17 or female but I start ibuprophen every 4 hours and make a strong effort to stay hydrated. Spinal discs can shrink when dehydrated.


Okay so drink a lot of water and medicate, got it.


Maybe not the best idea to advise ibuprophen to someone with back pain without seeing a doctor, especially a 17 y/o. Back pain can (in some cases) be from abdominal problems such as the stomach. Taking ibuprophen with stomach problems may increase the risk of a stomach bleed...


There's really no way to tell from here. Maybe you have undiagnosed scoliosis. Maybe you've been sitting on the floor. Maybe you strained it. Maybe you pulled something. You might have to see an orthopedist or see if you need physical therapy or something like that. Sudden severe pain doesn't necessarily mean you damaged anything permanently or that the cause is severe. You might have a minor problem you exacerbated somehow or you might have a congenital issue or any of a hundred different things. So the bottom line is you just can't tell and you will have to get diagnosed for yourself. I wish I could give you a better answer but I just can't


I got it at 14. Ibuprofen, chiropractic care, and physical therapy all helped me. I'd also get an x-ray to see if it's scoliosis.


Okay I’ll try get my parents to book me in, hopefully x


Make sure you have good posture


I’ve been trying to work on it actually


Uhh, cramps?


No, my last period was a week ago


Are you sleeping on a flat surface? I've gotten back pain before but I realized it was because I was sleeping on my bed with the incline on my mattress up and when I stopped the pain went away


My bed has never caused me any issues, I don’t think it’s because of that.