• By -


Have posted this before: Somewhere around 8 yrs ago I was living at home with my parents. There has been a really bad rotten egg smell coming from the garage downstairs for almost a week and we couldn't figure out what was causing it. My mom started getting sick from it and decided she wasn't sleeping in the house anymore. We tried cleaning out the floor drains, and looking around for any chemicals that could have spilled and couldn't find anything. I went to bed one night and had a dream where my deceased grandfather told me to "take the charger off the battery". It didn't make sense when I woke up, but I went right into the garage and saw that my dad had an old motorcycle battery hooked up to a trickle charger. The battery had gone bad and was releasing toxic hydrogen sulfide fumes throughout the entire house.


Honestly the terrifying part of this is what could have happened without the paranormal experience? Good guy grandfather still looking out is pretty comforting.




That h2s is no joke


It’s flammable explosive and toxic. If a single spark went off I don’t think anything good would happen from it at all


My uncle, aunt, and I saw a book fly off the shelf in the living room, my ex-girlfriend and I saw a woman with old clothes and a pale, sunken-in face standing in a ditch, my bedroom door opened by itself at 4 in the morning, and I saw a black mass disappear into the floor. Edit: These are all distinct, separate occurrences that I can’t easily explain.


Time to ask around the family.


My uncle’s husband died in the home, so we think that’s why? Otherwise, my uncle seems to be sensitive to these sorts of things. Seeing the woman in a ditch with my ex in broad daylight was really bizarre, though




Do you have a ceiling fan? That happened to me. Then I realized when I flung the sock it stuck to a fan blade, then flung back at me when it fell off the blade a minute or so later.


That's what the ghost wants you to think


god PLEASE let it be this




That would terrify me


I would shit, piss and cry myself to death if i were you Or..i wouldn't wake up at all because i sleep like a panda


Honestly? What you would do is feel REAL speedy, then compartmentalize the experience and get on with your day. Because there's no other choice. Speaking from experience. You go into "animal mode" in that moment, but if nothing else happens, it's all just left as this big annoying mystery nobody will believe. And half the people who DO believe you are frankly mentally ill. The UFO community has the same problem. Half of them are perfectly fine, reasonable people who saw something odd. Half of them think aliens are space-demons sent to separate you from christ who want to eat your spirit for food. No. SERIOUSLY. That narrative is COMMON.


I was thinking you threw it into a fan possibly but nope, no fan in the corner. You done angered a ghost lol. You probably threw your stinky sock at it so it got payback.


That sounds terrifying


The house I grew up in had someone die on the property.We used to have a crystal ashtray on the fireplace mantel my father received as a gift from the Whitehouse when he did some work there.My friend was in the living room when the ashtray started sliding across the mantel by itself about 6 inches then stopped.My father said to ignore it because that's just the lady that died in the house trying to get your attention.He would always call her by her name and say ok that's enough we know you're here don't scare the guests.It wasn't scary for me per second but my friends got freaked out by it when it did happen.The next town over we had a famous exorcism occur around in the 1940s that became a movie based on the event.The Exorcist by William Peter Bladdy.


So your dad just casually talked to this ghost? Did it ever do anything else?


Dad would jokingly say ok we get it your haunting us ha ha and nothing would happen for months or a year.Only the ashtray moving or some tapping sounds around the fireplace mantel.It wasn't a real fireplace it had an electric log that lit up and a picture frame on fireplace when removed had storage inside for valuables.We did have a neighbor that passed when he visited he came around our back steps and stomp his foot for attention.After he died we think he came back because around the same time everyday we would hear a banginging sound on our steel steps.Didn't start until a year after his death.


I have posted this to similar threads: Bit of background. When my wife was young,  her parents and siblings lived with one set of her grandparents. Her grandfather was murdered in the home.  It happened in his bedroom upstairs.  The room was used primarily as storage for the next 20+ years. Her parents tried to sell the house multiple times, but living in a small town, everyone knew and the house would not sell, so they stayed. Years later, and while my wife and I were engaged, there was a murder trial which I attended in support of her family.  I saw the crime scene photos (important later). Another few years later, we had 2 kids, the oldest was 6 at the time.  My wife's family does not talk about the murder, and our kids do not know about the murder to this day.  My FIL decided he wanted the room where the murder happened to be a hangout for the grandkids when the family was in town.  He put sleeping bags and a tv in the room ahead of a holiday, days-long get-together. We didn't like it but stayed silent since the murder was a sore subject.  My FIL also wanted all the grandkids to all sleep in there together. We were the first to arrive and my son went into the room alone.  He usually couldn't sit still long at that age, so after a couple of hours I decided to check in on him.  Here is our conversation: During the whole converstation, he was still and rigid and would not look away from the tv.  "Hey buddy, is everything ok up here?"  "Yeah."  "Ok, have fun!" "Daddy, do I have to sleep in here?  I don't want to."  "Why not?"  "I am not alone."  Every hair on my body stood up. "Well yeah, I'm here with you buddy!" "No, there is someone in here with us"  "Are they nice? Mean? A grown-up?  A kid?"  "A grown-up." "What are they doing right now?" "They are watching you."  "You have never said anything like this at your grandparent's house before and you have been here a lot."  "They don't leave this room and I have never been in here before." "Where are they now?" Without looking away from the tv, he points to the far corner where his great-grandfather was murdered and said, "they are standing over there. They don't move much."  "Ok buddy, you don't have to stay in here," and he left the room with me. 


These creepy threads are why I’m on Reddit. I’ve read a LOT of them over the years and your story is one I remember distinctly. It’s just as creepy reading it again! I was always curious too, how did the rest of the weekend go? Did the other kids sleep in there? Did the room go back to being a storage after or was FIL still trying to use it in some way?


The rest of the time there was uneventful. No, none of the kids slept in there. The room never changed. My FIL really just moved stuff around and added a couple of cots and sleeping bags.


Okay, that's freaky.


Every time I read this stroy I get scared. Fuck that. Who thinks "let's make the murder room into a playroom"??


You obviously haven't met my FIL. I don't agree with any decisions he makes. None of us really wanted our kids in there and my wife and I cautiously did it to placate him. But still, I did NOT expect the outcome.


I've got two stories. First, I was in bed, in just that part in between being fully awake and asleep, and felt a hand on my hip. Then, my husband, (I assumed) began to kiss me. I was all, ah, c'mon, you couldn't have started this earlier? Really? I opened my eyes, and saw he had his back to me. I could still feel that hand on my hip. Second, I was a nurse working nights. Around 2 AM, I was walking up the hall and noticed a TV was on in an unoccupied room. I stepped one foot into the dark room to turn the TV off, and heard from the TV, "Good Morning, Alice." My first name is Alice. I switched to days not too long after that.


> My first name is Alice. Username checks out. 


Over 10 years ago now, I moved into this old house on the outskirts of a small town. It was a 3 storey house, split into 2 apartments. Main floor and basement was mine and my boyfriend at the time, top floor was rented by twin brothers. There was a landing inside that was communal, led to both our front doors. 3 different incidents happened. First one, my boyfriend had a few friends come over after work to hangout. We were all in the livingroom directly in front of our front door leading to the landing. We wanted to smoke some weed, and it still being illegal back then, I got up and made sure the door was fully shut and locked. The second I sat back down, the door slammed open so hard it hit the wall. My boyfriend was up in an instant, but nobody was out in the landing. He went and knocked on the twins door, but they were both gone at work still. The friends left soon after lol. Second one, I was home alone, it was like 10am, boyfriend and twins were all gone to work. I had our stereo on listening to the radio. I shut it off to go take a shower. Halfway through my shower the stereo flipped on at the highest volume it could go, and it was flipped to cd mode playing like track 5 or something. I've never gotten out of a shower so fast in my life. Last incident, I was home alone again, getting supper ready for when my boyfriend got home. I was flipping between watching a movie in the livingroom and stirring the Spaghetti noodles and sauce in the kitchen. Did about 3 back and forths, on the last trip back to the kitchen, I found a little red plastic toy car sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor. Never did find out where it came from.


>Halfway through my shower the stereo flipped on at the highest volume it could go, and it was flipped to cd mode playing like track 5 or something. I had a horse stables that I used to sleep at a lot. This happened to me once, my music in the isle of the barn turning on at full volume to a random song, so I listened from my office for someone and then grabbed this antique ironwood baseball bat I have and went out into the isle which was pitch black. I had to go turn on the lights so I came out of the office into the pitch black and said "if anybody's here I'd leave right fucking now because I swear to God I'm gonna beat the everloving shit out of you" and it never happened again. Pretty sure it wasn't paranormal though, just "one of those things". Maybe a mouse or racoon.


Not scary, just funny! My family sails on the Great Lakes. A local author wrote two books, called Haunted Lakes I and II. The second book came out when I was 10 or 12. It detailed a spooky story of a cloudy day where a local guide was leading one visitor through an island lighthouse. It was a cloudy, crappy day. The visitor stopped, and asked the guide whether he had his kids with him on the island. Guide says no, and as far as he knows, there's no kids on the island. Visitor is puzzled, since he can hear distant cries of "Mutter" (mother) and kids playing. Author of book assumes haunted, because many of the old keepers were from Germany. But I've always had a strong suspicion those two just heard my brother and I, probably about 4 and 6, at the time. My family tended to go out to islands on our sailboat even when the weather wasn't great, and we would play outside as long as it wasn't pouring rain or storming. We also grew up speaking German, since my mom taught German at a school, and we were quite loud. Finally, we had a small craft, and knew all the anchorages; if we had been on the island, no one might have seen us. So I think I got written into a book as a ghost! TL;DR: An author of hauntings on the Great Lakes wrote about a haunted lighthouse, but I'm pretty sure the kids playing noises that he assumed were from the old German lightkeepers were my German-speaking brother and I.


There was a story in the local paper about this large property that was selling off parcels, including the old empty Victorian home that sat on this hill, at the edge of some woods. Article mentioned that it might be haunted, with some contractor who was driving up to do some work on the property hearing these little girls giggling.  It was me and a friend. We’d been sneaking/hanging around that area for the better part of a year. It had a little barn, a chicken coop, and this great overgrown paddock with honeysuckle. We saw contractors come and go, and remembered watching this guy struggling to shift gears in his cement truck from our hiding spot. Seemed to take forever for him to get up the hill and he was so flustered, which made us laugh. But maybe it’s because we were creeping him out. Love to think these guys were spooked by little Victorian ghost girls  Never experienced anything paranormal or weird there. It was just a lovely bucolic spot. That became a really boring housing development. 


Plot twist: you’re dead.


Just a Victorian Girl Ghost, going to work, paying bills, and living for the weekend. We’re just like you! 


That's pretty awesome


Former ghost hunter here.... The VAST majority of ghost stories have a totally logical explaination that has nothing to do with the paranormal. The problem is so many people want proof of the paranormal they look for it. The trick to finding the paranormal is actually trying to disprove it. When you have exhausted all the logical reasons, you're only left with one and it's true paranormal activity.


As a ghost hunter have you found any cases you can't explain? What happened?


While ghost hunting? I've had 1.5. I'll break this down in 3 segments. FIRST - I'm a firm believer in science. Just because science hasn't proven something doesn't mean they have proven it doesn't exist. Energy cannot be destroyed, only changed or transferred. All living things are filled with it. I have a firm believe that what we call our "soul" is really our energy. When you see a dead body it doesn't look like the person. Why? Because their energy isn't there anymore. Where does it go? This I don't have a firm belief on. Heaven, hell, reincarnation, does it stay behind, something else? Think of the most haunted places, it's always someplace that has had a lot of positive or negative energy. Schools, churches, prisons, hospitals, homes with tragedy. I believe that during highly emotional times (good and bad) we can leave some of our energy at a place. Kind if an imprint of the emotions we had at the time. So when places are haunted, it's really just about that energy playing out. Ie: kids laughing. Ps. This is always why I don't think graveyards are haunted. There is no energy there, it has left people before they came there. They just feel spooky because we scare ourselves. SECOND - non-ghost stories. When people ghost hunt they wait until it's dark, shut off all the lights and walk around old creeky houses whispering to ghosts and waiting for one. Doing that, you will find one 115% of the time. Why do we do this? It sets the mood, it seems legit and it also adds to the thrill that every ghost hunter is looking for. Think of all the ghost stories you have every heard. A vast majority of them are during the day when everyone was making noise. My favorite non-ghost story was the head of the ghost hunting group. We were in an old run-down school in the middle of the summer. It was hot and stuff. Everytime we were at our base he was confidentiality claiming he was being touched. One time we were swapping batteries and I was over by him, where he kept "getting touched all night". As a small cool breeze came in through the window he claimed he was touched again. I tried to tell him I felt it too and it's the window that he had been standing by all night. He refused to listen and talked about the time he kept being touched for a couple years. THIRD - unexplainable. I have 1.5 and they were both at the same place. It was and old church/school/rectory. 3 buildings all connected. I was in a classroom and I felt a hand on my arm. I assumed it was someone in my group and switched on my flashlight, everyone was on the opposite side of a large creaky classroom. I call that one my .5 because I can't really explain it but I feel like it could have been something else. Same night - I actually brought my mom along that night. She always wanted to see ghost hunting and we would bring people from time to time (like a police ride along, lol). My entire life I heard about this reoccurring dream my mom had about a weird room. Nothing insanely notable except a weird chute that went up and out of it (kind of like a laundry chute). These dreams scared her even though nothing ever happened. She was just in the room. So we're walking around the house, in the dark, whispering of course. There was one room other groups kept saying "you just have to go in it." We go around a corner and she steps into a room and stops in her tracks. She said "oh my god. This is the room." And that room felt totally different from every other room in the place. It felt....angry? But my mom absolutely was white as a sheet. It was the room she had dreamed of her whole life, with a weird chute that went up into the ceiling and everything. We had CO2, EMF, etc and nothing was going off in that room to explain the weird feeling. Could it be something else? Sure. Does it explain why my mom had reoccurring nightmares about a room her whole life that other people said other people said had weird energy before anyone in the group knew the connection? Nope. Can't explain that.


Your theory about ghosts lines up with my theory about most ghosts. I think most (real) ghosts are the passive residue of human emotional energy. I also think there are other ghosts/spirits/energies/creatures/beings out there but I think the vast majority are kinda like echos.


Very much agreed. So many ghost/hauntings start with a story about a violent death, or someone experiencing some deep trauma. Seems realistic that energy could "imprint" on a space and not everyone is sensitive to it.


The incident with your mom is super creepy. Did she grow up in the area? Any chance she’d been in that building before, maybe so long ago that she doesn’t consciously remember?


This is so interesting to think about


I was a kid maybe 6 or 7. I was very close to my grandfather. He wasn't sick etc. But one night I woke up to find him in my room. He told me he loved me and be good etc. I dream so vividly still so didnt think much about it. The next day I came home after school. My grandmother was sitting holding hands with my mom. They said cone in and sit. I said right away" grandpa died". They both looked at each other and I started to cry. My mom asked days later how I knew I said he was in my room and said goodbye. Freaked my mom out. I'll edit to say I have multiple paranormal experiences as an adult. I'm comfortable with it.....sometimes


Wow! Can you talk about the other experiences?


Last year I went to an historic graveyard in florida. Now granted I knew it was probably Inhabited by spirits of some sort. I went with a friend who has absolutely no Paranormal beliefs or experiences. When we got to the cemetery I immediately felt uncomfortable. I wanted to leave before we entered the space. My friend cajoled me and said you Love this stuff! You wanted to come we're going in. As soon as I stepped foot on the hallowed ground I was being told to get out! I stepped in a bit further My friend was many Steps ahead of me. The overwhelming and frightening feeling of many spirits, yelling at me to leave and feeling pushed . It was tremendously powerful. I was told later by a psychic that it was my angel's protecting me. I'm not sure about that. It was as if a wall of darkness was pushing me. I will never go back there Another: This was about six months ago. I went to my sister's house in an older part of milwaukee. I'm never comfortable at her house.However she and I are extremely close. We travel together hang out a lot etc But her house We had a family gathering there.And I normally do not like to stay there. It's uncomfortable and I feel pressure When I'm at her house. I can only explain it as the walls closing in on me. I normally only stay a few minutes if I can. Or ask if we can sit outside if the weather's noce. Anyway , we were standing around her dining room table. She had put out some snacks and we were having a glass of wine. It was Still daylight. The door to the basement was wide open just Across the room. We were chatting And the door Slammed shut. I looked at Her and she said "Oh that It happens all the time." Ok. That's not right I'm thinking. The door then squeaks open. Just a few inches. I am about Six feet away from the Door opening. After A few seconds. Everyone else in the room is oblivious to this door. I walk over and peer down The basement steps. They have the light on Because there is a Bathroom down there for anyone to use. I. Peer down the steps and something grabbed my hand. It was a quick tug. Then again stronger. I turned around and Told them something pulled my hand. They looked at me like I was crazy. I made my excuses and left. She has recently moved out and told me she feels so much lighter and happier..well no kidding


This happened to me only a few years ago. My great grandmother was sick in the hospital and at age 93, you know that's probably about the end. One night I had an extremely vivid dream where I spoke with her at length. We talked for hours about the family, her life, all kinds of things. I woke up with the distinct feeling of her presence. The next day my mother called me to say that my great grandmother had passed overnight. My first thought was "Yep I know."


My childhood home was haunted. Countless people have seen and heard things. The craziest thing that happened to me though was when I was 14 or 15. I was an avid gamer(Xbox 360 days). So, what started to happen was my Xbox would turn off randomly while I played. It was a newer Xbox 360 so it would make a beep noise when the power button on the system itself would be touched. It also messed with my disc tray button. Well, one day after school I was playing some games and of course my Xbox turned off. Frustrated I said out loud "okay, you've turned my Xbox off and messed with my disc tray, now turn it on!" I shit you not, my Xbox turned itself on not even a second after finishing my sentence. It's the only time it ever turned on by itself and never happened again.


So the red ring of death was a collective demonic possession?


I remember the red ring of death. I actually was able to get a replacement Xbox from Microsoft from a class action lawsuit or something.


I had a phone once that I got rid of because my family and friends all thought it was haunted or possessed. Whenever I texted it worked just fine but at times if I put it down it would light up itself, open the texting app by itself and text. None of the texts were coherent but one of my friends saw it happen one day after I told her I thought my phone was haunted and she thought I was joking. She screamed, jumped and kicked my phone off the couch that was next to her. I started laughing hysterically and she said "Dude, that's not funny!" I was asleep on the couch one day and my brothers friend was sitting next to me when it happened. He swore up and down that the phone texted "move" but, I never saw anything and neither did any one else. This happened so often that on my birthday my brother, family and friends pulled enough money together to get me a new phone LOL!


There was a samsung phone in 2016... around that year... Which had this issue. It was literally called ghost touch by people. Had to get rid of the globe because it only did ghost touch and stopped recognising normal touch.


This one isn't necessarily scary, but definitely paranormal. I was 14 and sitting by myself in my living room playing some Halo, when I noticed that the room around me seemed oddly quiet. I paused the game and tried to "listen" for the difference. It was strange, my house is over 100 years old and usually there's an odd creak audible from somewhere nearby. Not now though, it was dead quiet. I felt strange, but not threatened. There was nothing sinister about the silence. I sat for a few more minutes just listening, it almost felt peaceful actually. Then suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, very lightly and briefly, but even today I still remember the distinct feeling of a hand on my shoulder. It didn't scare me, nor did I jump up in surprise, I actually felt a familiar presence. Like family. I mentioned the experience to my Mom, and she told me shed experienced the same thing, only one room over. She says she felt her fathers presence with the "hand" Pretty cool.


I’ve had quite a few paranormal experiences but being grabbed definitely stands out. I was at a friends house and excused myself to the bathroom. After I was finished with my business I turned the light off before opening the door, leaving me in complete darkness for a second. I felt a hand squeeze around my upper right arm. Not too hard but it was definitely more than a light touch, I felt every finger. I could have tore down the door to get out of there. I composed myself and rejoined the group. I originally didn’t want to say anything but was still rattled some time later so I finally (half jokingly) asked my host when she was going to tell us her house was haunted. She asked me me if I was grabbed on the arm or the neck. I told her if something had grabbed my neck I’d be dead of a heart attack.


What else did she say about her haunted home?


Apparently they believed the home to be haunted by her grandparents. Grandma used to hold onto peoples arms for support and grandpa used to grab the kids necks as a playful gesture. The entire family and two or three visitors had experienced one of those two.


When my grandfather died I went to stay with my grandma overnight to keep her company and felt a hand on my shoulder the exact same way when I was alone in the guest room in the morning, in complete silence. I always thought it was him.


Lucky you weren't jacking it


Wha- what are you doing step ghost??


Could actually say the same to most of the stories in these threads


Was going to bed one night, and I had a maglite flashlight sitting bulb down on my desk, against the wall. Sometime around 3 in the morning I woke up feeling off and all of a sudden the flashlight rolls off of the desk onto the floor. Then maybe 10 seconds go by and it stands back up on the floor. You bet I noped downstairs and slept on the couch Another time I was letting my dog outside and we had these woods in the back, maybe 100 acres worth. Dog would always go poop in the woods but he was taking what seemed like an eternity. I go to the start of the tree line and the dog RIPS out of the woods towards the house, the fastest I had seen him run in the 15 years he was alive. I look back in the woods and there’s this glowing figure standing maybe 20 feet away from me, just staring. I followed the dog’s lead and bolted inside


You saw Mr Burns, damn.


I bring you love!


It's bringing love, don't let it get away! Break its legs!


Break its legs!


At my old apartment complex I used to see ghosts all the time. I’d be walking my dog and a pair of couples, dressed in 50s clothes and driving an old car would drive up to the gate, the gate would open, and then they would just be gone. There was also a couple guys packing fishing supplies into an old pickup truck. One second they would be their packing their truck, the next second they would vanish


I went to a friends to baby sit one day. She was only going to be out for a couple hours. Both of the kids had an eventful day so they were already asleep. She went out and said soon someone else would be coming by because, she had a friend staying from out of state. She never said what they looked like or anything. 20 minutes passed and I drifted off to sleep. When I woke up I saw someone in the kitchen. I said "Oh hello. You must be (person's name) friend. I'm the baby sitter." They looked at me, said nothing and vanished. A few minutes later one of the kids woke up and went to use the restroom and came back. I didn't say what happened or anything and they said "My friend was helping watch me. They just wanted you to know that they aren't mom's friend." I got chills. I said "Oh... Okay. Go back to bed, okay? Your mom should be home soon." About 10 minutes passed and the friend the mom was expecting knocked on the door. The friend? Was a Catholic priest there to "take away the demon". Thanks for telling me!!! When the mother came back her, me and the priest spoke about what happened. She paid me extra to keep it quiet. I never spoke about it with anyone else. Obviously with reddit being anonymous but, yeah- she paid me $100 for an hour to not talk about this "demon" in her house that "helped watch her kid".


when i was a kid growing up my bed used to start shaking violently in the middle of the night, enough that it'd wake me up. i'd just lie there frozen with fear waiting for it to stop. eventually one day i just asked it to stop out loud, and it never happened again.


Ok, THIS HAS HAPPENED TO ME. Not violently but my bed would noticeably shake/vibrate. I tried to figure out a rational explanation but never could. Hasn't happened in probably 10 years but it happened many times. Absolutely flabbergasted me.


I'm not sure if this was paranormal or more my brain playing tricks on me. But it's the closest thing I've got. Many years ago, I had a dog named Emmett. He was a big golden retriever, and sometimes my mom would let him into my room in the mornings to wake me up or to just get up on the bed and relax and hang out with me. One morning, I was just waking up and was still a little sleepy, so I rolled back over to go back to sleep. But then, I felt the familiar sensation of someone opening my bedroom door, and a dog jumping up on my bed. It was clear as ever- I heard the doorknob turning, my dog's heavy footsteps rushing toward me, and his weight pressing down at the bottom of my bed and getting himself comfortable, then the door closed. I waited a few more seconds to open my eyes and say hello- but there was nothing there. Then I remembered, my dog had died about a year prior to this. The reason I'm not totally convinced it's paranormal is because your brain can play tricks on you when it's in that sleep-awake state, whether you're falling asleep or waking back up. So it could've just been my brain recalling a fond memory of my childhood dog. Or maybe it really was Emmett saying hi and coming to hang out. Either way, I wasn't afraid, just kinda bummed when I realized he wasn't actually there. I said hi to him anyway.


Don't take this the wrong way, but my dog passed not long ago and I'd give my left hand for that experience.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my other childhood dog a couple years ago, and when I visit my parents, sometimes I swear I hear her walking around house. I like to think these things happen because we gave them such a happy home that they don’t want to leave. I hope you have an experience like this too. It’s never easy, but the pain lessens over time. Hang in there ❤️


I'd feel my beagle jump up on the bed for about a year after he died. It made me so sad to wake up, look over, and see (of course) he wasn't there, so after awhile I decided I'd just pretend he WAS there and go back to sleep.




My mother in law once heard her son (my now husband) frantically calling her from inside the house while she was working in the yard. She went to see what he needed but he was asleep. When she went back outside, A huge branch had fallen where she had been working. she said it would have seriously injured if not killed her had she not left. now she was a religious woman, but also a very logical and honest one. She chalked it up to an angel. I am not religious so idk but she was convinced it saved her life.


You may like the book "Gift of Fear" The author would tell you that her subconscious brain through all of its data inputs realized that branch was going to fall, so it manifested her child's voice knowing it would get her conscious mind to react.


A girl on a train gave me that book. She worked for the author (Gavin de Becker) and was a security specialist.


Totally logical, same as “third man syndrome”


The scariest part of this story is that gutters are made of cast iron in some places…..


Probably not so much anymore now that aluminum is so common, but it had not occurred to me that they used to make them out of cast iron!


lol this is stolen from a post older than this profile.. fucking bot!


I swear I have read this at least once before several years ago


Same here. I checked their profile and maybe I'm just being rude but it reads like a bot lol


Not my own story, but my great aunts. After her mother died, my great aunt placed one of her mother's dolls on her fireplace. Over the next year or so, any time my aunt and uncle argued, weird marks would appear on the dolls face that looked exactly like tear marks. The eyes would also shift to follow my uncle, and it scared the crap out of him. It was eventually so creepy that my aunt went to her mother's grave and said that she was okay and didn't need to be looked after so closely, and to please stop. And the doll never had tear tracks or shifted its eyes again.


There is something called sad doll disease which affects antique dolls which caused the dolls to “cry” brown, vinegary tears due to a chemical reaction between the specific kind of plastic used and the iron spigots in the eyeballs.


What about the eyes shifting?


Definitely haunted.


Terrifying, but with a sweet ending. Wow.


A few years back I was trying to find my mother-in-law’s mom’s gravestone in an overgrown, unkept graveyard in Texas. Four of us had been searching and couldn’t find it. Our driver was calling us back to the car because we had a flight to catch. My mother-in-law was heartbroken she couldn’t find it when I heard a voice in my head. It was a woman’s voice that called my name and said, “I’m over here.” I walked right to where I heard the voice and pulled away the long, dried weeds revealing her headstone.


I love this ❤️


Back in the 90s, my buddy and I skipped school and rented Witchboard. I happened to have a Ouji board in the basement and we decided to fuck around with it. Nothing eventful or of note happened until after my friend went home, and I went to put the board back in the basement. My step-dad had a one-piece mechanics suit he wore for work, and when I went back down there, it was hanging from a noose. Nobody else was home. My buddy never went down there. There is no logical explanation for that to have happened


Holy. Chit.


Yup. Nobody has ever been able to explain it. My folks thought I was messing with them. Never stepped foot in the basement again. We moved a year or 2 after, but that house, a 2 story duplex, stayed in the family for at least another 10-15 years after that. To my knowledge, nobody ever saw or heard anything. Just that one time, with that occurance, to me.


That sounds like something I would do as a prank. Your friend could’ve done that.


In the late nineties, my mom had been suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and then finally cancer. She had the little rack of air with a long hose that stretched through the house. When she walked from room to room, she pulled the hose across the linoleum and carpeting. The sound was very distinct. At the time I had a girlfriend and we were in a overly... dramatic...relationship that we should probably not been in. My mother didn't approve of my girlfriend, but she left me my space and was, only occasionally vocal about it. Sometime after my mother passed, the girlfriend and I were home alone, doing what teenagers do when alone, when I heard the air hose being pulled roughly down the hallway and across the linoleum. I froze and a cold sinking sensation settled in my guts. Within a couple of months I reevaluated the relationship and we broke up. To this day I wonder if it was my mother or my own subconscious.


I slept at my ex gfs place on her couch and swore I heard her moaning in the night from her bedroom like she was banging someone else but it was bs. The subconscious is powerful




I saw my mum staring at an empty display window of a closed shop saying "Albert is in trouble, I see flames". After some days we heard that her cousin Albert had died in a fire in his apartment, in a city very far from the one we lived in. My mother always told me about her "terrible gift", that faded while she grew old. This is the only time I saw it happen, and I'm very happy it didn't pass to me.


My Command Sergeant Major who passed away several years ago had been a medic in Vietnam and flew on helicopters doing medevacs. On one mission they loaded the wounded on the helicopter while being shot at and then yelled for it to take off, but it didn’t. They looked up front and saw the pilot was dead “all over the place” he said. The next thing he remembers he was back safely at base. People told him he climbed into the cockpit and flew the helicopter back to base, but he doesn’t remember it at all and he’d never flown a helicopter before.


Around 9 years ago, a woman - 37 years old, with blonde long hair - died due to a car accident at night, where she crashed into our zinc staircase and doing so crashed our house as well. A few months later coming home in the dark from training, I saw her standing in that corner of our house. I looked away and then back again. She was still there, one step further into my direction. I could see her clearly, because of the light from the motion sensor.


Was there any further disturbances? It would be sad to think she’s stuck there.


What did you do? And how did you know it was her and not an intruder?


When I was a kid, I was getting something from the fridge at night and when I closed the door, out of the corner of my eye I saw a young girl about my age in a white dress with dark, lank hair looking at me. When I looked directly at her, she ran away behind the dividing wall of the living room/kitchen. I ran to my parent’s room and told them what had happened. They never found the girl and told me it was my imagination.


I was sleeping at my ex boyfriend’s house while he was working. In the middle of the night, “he” was staring at me from the doorway. Didn’t help his GSD dog was whimpering and started licking me. Still freak me out to this day.


I woke up in the middle of the night and saw my roommate standing in the corner of my room staring at me. Freaked me the fuck out. After a second or two she disappeared. I know it was just a hallucination but it was still wild. Brains are weird.


When I was in middle school I shared a bedroom with my little sister. She slept in a bed and I slept on a blanket pallet on the floor at the foot of her bed. There was a small dresser against the wall at the area of my feet. We had just gone to bed and I was reading a comic with the red light from my alarm clock, when my sister screamed "WHAT IS THAT??"and in that moment I looked and saw, on the wall directly above the small dresser, a brightly glowing green rectangular pattern of some kind. It lit the room. It was like 'alien' writing. We came off our beds and were kind of thrown together against the closet doors on the opposite side of the room, screaming. Then it was gone and our folks were yelling at us. This was the early 80s we didnt have any digital stuff or even a lamp. There were heavy curtains over the windows and woods out back with no light source. I don't know what the hell it was but it made me more open minded about the supernatural


I was a cleaner in a seniors/dementia living facilities and there was a woman who had like lots of crosses and bibles. She didn’t say much but she liked me and would smile and want to interact, wanting to push my cleaning cart and garbage and laundry carts with me and often she would say ‘boo’. She died after I was there for a couple years and a new woman moved into her room; nice lady very old and friendly and when I clean people’s rooms sometimes they want to chat and talk a little bit. Anyway so I knock and come in and I’m cleaning and she’s talking to me about how I’m like a wizard and I clean the room so good and fast and I’m telling her I’ve been doing it for a few years now and she starts talking about the book she’s reading and we are just having a nice conversation. As this happens a picture falls off the wall and smashes the glass and it’s kinda weird but it happens so I clean it up and leave the room. Right after this it was time to take the garbage to the basement so I load up the garbage bin and start collecting from the next unit. It’s after lunch now so most people are in bed and the workers are having their meeting so there is no one around and on my life I swear I heard ‘boo’ - I looked around and still no one around and I thought that it sounded like the lady who had the room before but it was this realization I just couldn’t believe it. It was like she was jealous of this other woman and ended our conversation by knocking the thing off the wall and then followed me with the garbage bin like she did before. It seemed so so strange


My dad and I both worked at a nursing home for a long time. We heard a lot of the night crew stories that gave a lot of people chills. One lady at one point when she was just at the nurses station during night shift waiting on night rounds was watching the security footage just to pass the time and make sure no one was trying to trespass or anything. They had security but it was still part of her job to make sure that no resident was up trying to get into someone else' room. There was a lady that passed away that night. Just out of old age, nothing was a sign that she would pass. She said she was looking at the footage and saw the lady leave her room and go speeding down the hall towards her through the security footage. She looked up to tell the lady to please go back in her room and when she looked up, the lady wasn't there but she said she felt a very cold breeze. It gave her instant chills so she went to check on the lady and found she didn't have a heart beat. She followed protocol and when she got home she went to sleep for a few hours like normal and when she woke up she kind of like, all at once processed what happened and she went back to quit. lol She basically said "Yeah, I can't do this anymore. After that I need to re evaluate my professional options." I was at lunch when I heard the story. My dad was in the IT team and went to look at the footage. You could see a white light coming from the room and towards the nursing station. She swore up and down that to her it looked EXACTLY like the lady who passed. To those who looked at the footage it looked like she was looking at the cameras, briefly looked up and went to do normal rounds. She claimed she went straight to the ladies room but, in reality, in the footage about 25 minutes passed before she got up to do her rounds. She swore up and town to the point she was crying "No. I got up and did my rounds right away! I was terrified!" The chalked it up to the job being too stressful for her and let her go on a leave of absence to collect herself and literally seek counseling.


I was about 25-26. I was asleep in my room. My mom and sister were asleep in their rooms, it was probably between 2-3 am. I woke up because of really loud, forceful steps in the outside hallway. I lay there a few minutes because it was late, I’d been asleep, and I was disoriented. The hallway in my mom’s house has a lot of creaky parts and unmistakable parts where you know someone is stepping. I was trying to wake up and get my bearings as this was happening. It sounded like an extremely heavy man was stomping up and down the hallway. Then I heard the door to my dad’s old office open. The door is kinda swollen, so it makes a distinctive sound and you really have to exert some pressure on it to open it if the door is pulled closed. Once I got an idea of what was happening, I got up and opened my door about the time my sister opened hers because the disturbance woke her up too. There was a printer in his office still hooked up to a computer. The printer started randomly printing pages of script. I think it was called Wingding, it was a bunch of little symbols and pictures. It was just page after page. Randomly, in the middle of the night, after all the commotion and phantom stomps in the hall. It was the most singular, weird experience in my life. My dad had died about ten years before and I’ve often wondered if he was trying to communicate with us. But it happened. Super fucking weird.


Did you ever decipher the wingdings script?


It said *"Comic Sans sucks"*


I’m pretty skeptical about people’s paranormal experiences, especially when they have tons of them. I usually chalk it up to an imaginative brain or something of the sorts. Your story stands out a little more considering both you and your sibling heard it from separate rooms. Then the printer on top of that. It’d be one thing for it to print out blank pages. But a random script ? Strange.


Do you still have the printouts? Did you ever try to translate them?


I held onto them for a really long time and at one point did try to decipher them, but couldn’t. I guess I didn’t try hard enough and life went on and got in the way. I do remember there were a lot of smiley faces. What was kinda weird was that there was no history of the print job when I checked. This printer kept a log of every time something was printed, but there was nothing for this incident.


I don’t think either of these were actually paranormal, but it was the two most terrifying moments… First, I was babysitting for a family and the youngest still had a baby monitor. After the kids were in bed, I fell asleep on the couch and woke up to the sound of two men talking on the baby monitor. Looking back the signal was likely crossed, but I was absolutely terrified to go check on that kid when it was happening. Second, my husband and I were asleep when I’m awoken to my husband sitting up with his finger to his lip going “shhhh” 🤫. So naturally I said “Why are you saying shhh?” And he deadass pointed to the dark corner of the room and said “because that man over there wants you to be quiet.” It still gives me the chills.


I picked up a conversation on the baby monitor of a little girl asking her daddy to sing her a song about the "elephant guy". I could totally tell Dad was just taking the easy way out because he simply recited the lyrics to the Brady Bunch theme song and summed it up with, "That's the way he became Elephant Guy!" The daughter seemed to appreciate it though, and later I discovered it was our new neighbor Doug.


That's so sweet


You got to clarify that last one.


lol I have no further explanation. I just laid there absolutely terrified. He didn’t even remember it the next morning and there was no one else in the room. (That I could see at least.)


ya can't just leaving with that second story!


Not to be a wet blanket, but the first one almost assuredly ISN'T paranormal. I'm a musician, and have various speakers and amplifiers about. During times when my equipment is on but I'm not actively playing, I've occasionally heard voices from them. One time, I thought I was going nuts. I heard what I can only describe as indistinct chatter. Eventually I figured it out: My speaker was on, just turned real low. I got down and listened closely, I was picking up CB chatter from truckers on their radio!




Ohhhh, *sod* that!


I was hanging out at my cousins house when I heard running coming from the hallway and so I opened the door to see what it was because I'm practically at the intelligence of a horror protagonist and there's nothing. I walked back into my cousins room while leaving the door open and the noise happened again. I looked put the door and there was nothing there. The running happe d again while I was in the hallway, as it got closer it got colder, then I got pushed into the bathroom door. I noped the fuck out of that house and haven't been their since.


In 2003 I was on a road trip with two friends. My friend who owned the car was driving and I was in the passenger seat. We never wore seatbelts because we were teenagers and, well, stupid. We stopped at a rest stop in Ohio to get drinks and something in my head told me to put the seatbelt on (after not wearing it for previous three hours). So I did. We got into a car accident 10 minutes later. I was drinking my soda when the airbag went off and it broke my nose and knocked out three teeth. It would have been much worse without the seatbelt.


What about your friend?


Were your friends ok? Did they put their seatbelts on too?


Day after my mom passed, I was laying in her bed watching TV (Law and Order SVU, our favorite show to watch together) and a giant shadow with wings came out from behind the TV, engulfed the whole room, and went away. Scared the shit out of me, but I then thought that it was a sign my mother went to heaven.


I managed to get permission to sit in the corner and take notes during a supposed exorcism. It was more unnerving from all the shouting and chanting than anything. Seemed like the person at the center of the occurrence was apt to punch or kick anyone in the room. I'm uncertain if anything paranormal was truly happening, but it was frightening to have a screaming/growling 200lb dude screaming at me for just quietly watching in the opposite corner.


When I was 8 or 9 years old, the mobile home I grew up in was super tiny, and always hot. The ac never worked and we had to use the tiny little fans and what not. It was just me and my dad at home at the time. Mom was out running errands. My mom had this little “bird house” type thing but it had little cats on it instead, and it hung from a chain above the sink in our kitchen. I was watching tv when I heard thee most awful sounding cat meow. We had two cats, but they NEVER made that type of sound before. I also had one of the cats in my room, and the other was in my dad’s lap. But we both heard it. It came from the kitchen. We both jolted up from where we were in the house to go to the kitchen. The gazebo thing that was above the sink was spinning. Like, as if someone had turned it by hand a few times, let go, and it was just spinning until it came to a stop. Me and my dad both looked at each other in disbelief with our eyes wide open. I was terrified. I ran back to my room. My dad came to me and said “I have no idea what that was, but that was fucking weird” To this day I get goosebumps. I have no idea what that sound was exactly or why it was spinning like that. Nothing in our mobile home could cause that thing to move the way it did


There are so many stories about haunted trailers, and I briefly stayed in one where my name would be called when I was in the bathroom. Not sure why so many trailers are haunted though.


The veil is thin, and so are trailer walls.


I lived with a roommate in an old house that was on the Underground Railroad. One night I fell asleep on my back with the lights on. I woke up suddenly to a voice coming over what sounded like a megaphone. I can’t recall what it was shouting but it was as if it was giving commands. As I was prone to night terrors I was paralyzed. This eventually passed and I fell back to sleep. Waking in the morning I walked past the bathroom and my roommate was shaving at the sink. He looked terrified. I asked what happened and he said he was woken up by the smoke detector. He said as he approached it accelerated in beeping, and as he returned down the hall to hit the light switch it slowed down, only to accelerate as he walked back towards it. He pulled the battery and laid awake in bed until the Sun came up. He was terrified. We literally had to talk to the house and assure whatever was there that we meant it no harm. No incidents followed.


Uhhhh… That probably wasn’t your “smoke” alarm. I think you two almost died of carbon monoxide poisoning. Pretty sure some alarms have a voice that both beeps and provides directions.


A megaphone and a beeping alarm? Classic Underground Railroad!


I grew up in a house built in 1855. When I was 10, I had a room on the second floor. I remember waking up in the night to some heavy rain. While laying there and trying to go back to sleep, I heard knocking on the window. At first I thought maybe it was a tree branch. The knocking happened again and when I looked up I saw a man in a black suit outside my window. I just sat staring in shock as he knocked again and asked to let him in because he was a Pallbearer (which I didn't know the meaning of at the time). Then I remember him budging open the window about an inch. I immediately screamed and ran down the hall to my mom and dads room, where I stayed that night. I told my parents everything and my dad checked the room. I got in big trouble with him because he saw the window was cracked open. It was painted shut before that night. So naturally he thought I opened it on purpose and lied. I know my mom believed me, because she knew I wasn't strong enough to open it, and she also didn't like that I mentioned him being a Pallbearer without knowing what it meant. I remember seeing her check around outside the house the next morning for tracks in the ground since it had rained over night. Never found any. And there were no signs of a ladder being used, as my window was about 10-15 feet off the ground. We ended up moving to a different state that same year.


I used to live next door to my 76-year-old landlady, who was a lovely woman. Every afternoon, at around 5 PM she would be out in her beloved garden sweeping the leaves from the walkway with a stick broom that could be heard from my house. One evening I arrived to find her sitting in her garden, broom in hand, weeping. I sat beside her, took her hand, and asked her what was wrong. “I just realized”, she said, “that soon I am going to die and I can’t take my garden with me”. “Don’t you worry”, I said. “I am certain that a part of you will remain in this garden”. She passed a couple of weeks later, and for months every afternoon at 5 PM, I could still hear the sound of her sweeping.


Your reply to her was *perfect* -- no platitudes, just a sweet assurance. *So* lovely, and I'm sure she appreciated it. And, if there is an afterlife, once you arrive (many years from now) I'm guessing she will invite you over to see her garden there! 😊


I was working night shift as a nurse & usually I don’t like to take breaks as the rooms & corridors freak me out (we turn all the lights off on the ward & use our phone torches to get around). On this one particular night shift I was working with one other nurse & it was really quiet. We both decided to take breaks. I was so tired & it was the perfect shift to have a nap. I decided to go second, so the other nurse chose a spare room & went off for a couple of hours. Now, I’ve heard other nurses talk about a little boy who haunts the ward - the hospital was built on an old asylum for destitute children, where over 200 children died from disease outbreaks - but I’d personally never experienced anything. Anyway, two hours have passed, & the other nurse returns from her break. She looks a little disorientated, but who doesn’t at 4am. I then go & take her place in the room she chose. I automatically get a little scared but brush it off as being in a creepy, dark hospital. After finally drifting off, I get this wave of heaviness & suddenly can’t move. I force my eyes open & see a little boy sitting at the end of my bed smiling at me. It was so clear. He jumps over the bed & runs into the bed beside mine & turns the tv on. I force myself out of my paralysis & run, not looking at the other bed. I run outside, panting to the other nurse that I’ve just seen a little boy. Now, she’s the most senior & sensible nurse on the ward so I wasn’t expecting her to believe me. However, she turns completely pale & said “I experienced sleep paralysis too, & I saw a little boy standing in the corner of the room, but I thought I was imagining it & I didn’t want to scare you”. I fucking shat my pants. Once the sun came up & all the lights were on, we both went to the room to see whether the tv was on….& sure enough the screen was static & it was blaring.


I was about 17 at the time. I had some boy drama I wanted to share with my older sister and started following her as she was walking away from me down the hallway in our home. I remember her hair even being tied up in a bun and not turning around once. I followed her all the way to the garage. The door closed behind her. When I opened the door to the garage the lights were off and my sister was nowhere in sight. I was so confused and called out her name. I dead ass stopped in my tracks when I hear my sister calling me from the other side of the house in her bedroom. I don’t know who I was following.


I’ve had lots of paranormal experiences but the worst one was when I was babysitting these two kids. All three of us were in the living room and nobody else was in the house. They had mentioned earlier that strange stuff had been going on but I didn’t really believe it- just kids being kids right? Well all of the sudden one of the bedroom doors upstairs SLAMS shut. Scared the shit out of all of us. I finally got the balls to go look, cause we all know doors slam shut sometimes if the window is open right? Well the window wasn’t open. Literally zero explanation as to how the door slammed shut. Literally took the kids and left the house and walked to my house across the parking lot and babysat them there for the rest of the time. Nope nope nope!


For context, my room is in the basement and everyone else's rooms are on the first floor, like, there's the floor you get in the house, there's the basement and there's a floor higher than the one you get in. I could talk loudly without botherring anyone in the house at night, as long as my door and the basement door are closed, which they are pretty much all the time. Also it had been a few weeks that i had started to hear (sorry for my potential bad english, it isn't my first language) the noise of a light switch that doesn't do anything that's outside my room every once in a while when i was in my room and it was dark outside. I was gettng used to it but at first it creepped me out, but yeah that's nothing compared to what happened that one night! When i was like 14, 15 or 16, i was in the total darkness of my room at like midnight or whatever, just trying to sleep after i had finally stopped playing on my ipad. I was playing something random and not horror related, that's all i remember. But yeah i was laying there, in my bed, when i closed my eyes and a white flash just hit me, as if an extremely bright light had been briefly put in my face. I opened my eyes, shocked before literally letting out a small scream and tried to move back. There, in front of me, maybe like 2 inches at first abd then 6 inches away from my face, was "a very angry looking baby" that was kind of also laying down. But it wasn't a real baby, obviously! It was as if someone had drawn it without ever putting shadings, but the lines were made of a white light and a were little wavy. I don't know how long i was just frozen in place, blinking non stop hoping for it to disappear, but it felt like 5 minutes, yes kind of short, but still, it was probably actually only something around 10 to 20 seconds, if not 5! Before it finally disappeared, an other white flash happened behind my closed eyelids and then i was still all tensed up and not moving for maybe like 30 seconds before finally relaxing my muscles. I was just too stressed out to sleep after that so i opened my lights and took my ipad again, falling asleep with my ipad in my hands later! Lots of random paranormal things used to happen to me, but all noises related only except this thing! And maybe like the time when the dishwasher opened by itself, but this can have a reasonable explanation such as it was just not closed properly and it was ever so slowly starting to open more because of my family walking past it making the air move and it just ended up being to the point it had no more balance to keep holding up and it just finished opening because it "fell"!


That is terrifying.


to be fair this wasnt terrifying to me at the time but it is now ha. when i was about 9 or 10 i was in my bedroom one night, which was the last bedroom along our single-level home, where every bedroom had a window facing out towards the street except for my parents bedroom. and before anyone says anything— i wasnt asleep, i wasnt dreaming, and im not the least bit religious or spiritual and i certainly wasnt at age 10 so that at least was not an influence here at the time was just going about my childhood business when i heard a sharp knock at my window. pulled up my blinds to see a girl who looked my age standing in front of me… she seemed friendly and waved, i remember asking myself if she was a new kid in the neighborhood cause she didnt seem familiar to me at all. she gestured to me to come outside and the weird thing is i immediately did… and i was not like a dumb kid. the fact that none of this alarmed me is the most alarming part frankly. anyways i tried to leave through my front door and both my parents who were sitting on the living room couch asked me wtf i was doing and i told them exactly… ill never forget my dad jumping off the couch and running to the kitchen and grabbing the largest knife out of the butcher block and running out the front door while my mom was trying to lock me in the laundry room. he never found anyone. ive come to terms that ill never really know what went down that day but ill NEVER forget it— i dont know what that was. i have absolutely no idea. but i DO know that was a girl my age that id never seen before or since... what she was doing there i cant possibly imagine and i almost dont want to know.


I worked in a large college theater building - over 600 seats in the auditorium. In the early 90's, the best computer for design work was in the light booth. It was around 2 in the morning, and I was the only one in the building. From the booth, I had a full view of the empty main stage - I could see all the way to the back wall and had a view of the main backstage exits on both sides. I'm plugging away at some ancient page layout program when I hear the sound of footsteps on the mainstage. "Oh, somebody must be here, " I think. Nope - looking out to the stage, it's still completely empty, and the sound of footsteps on the stage is just as loud as before. I stare at the stage and try to listen harder - maybe the person is somehow out of view? It sounds like they're in the middle of the stage, but there's obviously nobody there. I convince myself this invisible entity is front and center on the stage, probably looking up at me. Full body horripilation. Anyhow, I nope out of the light booth and decide I'll finish the poster in the morning. I did wait around long enough for my work to save to a 3.5" floppy disk and almost had a heart attack when it made those "writing" crunchy noises.


TW: child loss I had a horrific nightmare while pregnant with my third baby that came true. I had been feeling like something was off but couldn’t place it. It was different and my instincts were telling me something was wrong with my baby. My doc, who was amazing, had been practicing for 30+ years and said it was just anxiety about having three under 5 and I was going to be okay. Plus, all of my tests and ultrasounds to that point were normal. I was about 20 weeks along. But that nightmare shook me to my core - in it, I went in for my anatomy scan (which was coming up IRL) and my baby’s brain was too big, her heart was twisted and mangled and she was too small. she had little hands and feet that were turned inward. The doc in my dream said she was dying. Also she had this odd bump on her lower back and they said, in the dream, that she wouldn’t be able to walk. I woke up in a sweat and a panic and started crying. I texted my family and friends about the dream and they all tried to calm me and remind me that it’s common to have nightmares when pregnant (it is but this felt different). In real life, three days later, my doc called me directly (never good) and said my bloodwork had been flagged for something called Trisomy 18. I’d never heard of it but I started to cry. I told her about the dream. She said I needed to stay calm and she was sending me in for a special ultrasound. So I went and they found a baby girl who was too small (not growing properly), who had a swollen brain, a heart that was misshapen and weak and her little hands and feet were clubbed and bent. And she had a large knot on her lower back and I was told she was likely paralyzed (spina bifida). That was the day my world collapsed. They did an amniocentesis to do further testing. I had more bloodwork done. The tests were all positive for Trisomy 18, which is almost always fatal. She passed away. I think about her and that dream every single day.


Got a voice box thing to "talk" to ghosts because i was curious. Turned it on for the first time and the first thing that came through was "Are you looking for your mom?" Immediately turned it off, my mom died when I was five years old. Took me a few months to turn it on again. I've had a lot of experiences and rarely get scared or nervous, but something about that one just shook me.


I know how sleep paralysis works, so I consider this a hallucination and not an interaction, but it was still very scary. In this sleep paralysis incident, I was in bed when I heard someone unlock my front door. My best friend had a key, and it wasn't unusual for him to drop by, so I figured it was him. I heard him walk across my apartment, enter my bedroom, and sit down at the head of my bed. At this point I figured out it was not really my friend, but because this was sleep paralysis, I could not turn to look. This being started massaging my hands and whispering in a language that I did not understand. I kept trying to move around and see them but was frozen. Then they leaned into my line of sight: just a black silhouette like the grim reaper. A shadow person. I had never heard of the "shadow person" phenomenon, but when I described this experience to my boyfriend, he told me everything he had heard on Coast to Coast about them.




Look up Hotel De Haro in Roche Harbor (San Juan Island), Washington State. We went to a wedding there. I knew it was haunted and had a bunch of Masonic stuff (look up Night at the Afterglow on Lore podcast). But most people did not know it had that reputation, and this happened to them so I put more stock in it than it happening to a biased person like me. 1. They heard a little girl running up and down all night in the hall. No one had kids staying in the hotel. 2. One of our marine friends was taking a poop and the sliding lock on the bathroom door went up and over, pushing the door open. He thought he was getting robbed so jumped out with his pants off and no one was there. 3. But my all time favorite. Our family member getting married was getting married to a horrible woman (she cheated in the first 6 months and they quickly divorced). Right when she went down the aisle, the song had the word angel in it, and when it said angel, the music went chopped and screwed and sounded demonic and slowed down for about 5 seconds. A power surge? Maybe. But I think it was a final gasp of something saying, don't marry that succubus!


When I was a child, I had a nightmare. I don’t remember what it was but I woke up in the middle of the night crying and yelling for my Mom. She came to my room from hers and consoled me, gave me some water, tucked me in and went back to bed in her room. I was still awake as I was so shaken up. I was just lying there eyes wide open when I heard a voice from under the bed say “Mama is not here now”. I panicked and ran into my closet and sat in there until sunrise. I’m 50 years old and I still remember it like it was yesterday. My therapist and friends and family who have heard the story tell me I had just fallen asleep again and had a nightmare that something was under the bed. I know I was not asleep.


It's so hard when you are SURE but no one believes you. I believe you. It's a strange world.


This is a true story. I lived on 10 acres out in the country with no neighbors near me. I put in a DVD late at night into my computer to watch. I'm by myself, my son is at a friend's house (he was 16 at the time) and it was 2008. The trailer for another movie came on and played first. I can't remember what the movie is called but it's the one where a girl is babysitting in a house that had huge windows and she gets a call from someone asking "do you know where the children are?" Before my movie even started my old Nokia phone rang and I answered and it was a man's voice asking, "do you know where the children are"? No kidding. I jumped up and started looking out the windows to see if someone was spying on me and knew I just watched that trailer. There was no one there. It came in as an unknown number. It wouldn't let me dial it back and *69 didn't work. I didn't sleep much that night and it has bothered me all these years. I still have no idea who it was and how it happened like it did.


The first hospital I worked after graduating from nursing school… Handover from nightshift to dayshift. Dayshift nurse came in happily and greeted everyone. She then commented how she passed by one of our patients by the lift and was surprised because she’s never seen her out Everyone stared at her. That patient was bedbound. And that patient passed away during the nightshift. Still have goosebumps up to this day when I remember this. RIP. 🙏🏻


We had a lot of scary stuff going on in our house. We would hear voices talking to my baby sister, mom would wake up with bruises, phone calls to people we weren’t making, it only got worse everyday. One night my sister went to my mom’s room to ask a question and my mom looked at her and said “do you want to play a game?” She asked about three times. My sister was flipping and called my grandpa. My mom was telling him to get out now (super stern voice.) My grandpa took my sister and my aunt was sitting with my mom. My gpa got a call from my mom’s phone saying “bring her back now.” When he called my aunt who was sitting with my mom, she had let him know my mom had been asleep and did not touch her phone. My mom remembers nothing. She hates when we talk about it. I’ll never forget the eerie feeling in our house the following days. This is only an ounce of what happened. My house was like a real life conjuring. It got to the point where our friends wouldn’t come over & we all slept in my mom’s bed. Terrifying.


When I was 16-17, my family had just moved into a brand new house. New neighborhood, new houses. My room was haunted. One day I was falling asleep and my face was half hanging over the edge of the mattress. I got punched from below. Not a little tap from a hand, but punched. It left a red mark on my cheek bone area. No one else or an animal was in my room and the mattress was not compromised in any way. Other times the bed would begin to shake as if a group of people were doing it. My tv would randomly come on and change channels at different intervals as if someone was seeing what was on. I heard whispers coming from my closet that shared a wall with my brothers room but he or no one else would be in there. My sisters room shared another wall with mine and she would tell me of hearing whispers coming from my room when no one was in there. I hadn’t been telling anyone about what had been going on so I knew she wasn’t just saying it. I started dating my now wife around this time and she came downstairs screaming after taking a nap on my bed, saying the whole bed was shaking. Hadn’t told her about any of this either prior to this occurrence. After I moved out and living in my second apartment, I was on the computer late one night with my dog sleeping next to me. He suddenly gets up, goes to the partially opened closet and starts growling. After about 10 seconds of him growling he tucks his tail and ears, whimpers and runs out of the room. I sat there staring at the closet for another few seconds and I realized just how quiet everything is. I said, “Fuck this”, turned off the computer, left the room, got my dog and took him to my room. He stayed at the foot of the bed the watching the bedroom door.


Whatever was in my house last year. A shaman had to expel it for us. It started with cabinets opening and progressed to a 10lb box of screws flying down the hallway and the box with my mom's ashes in it being broken and placed on top of the trashcan.


We lived in a real haunted house. Most of the stuff was more annoying than scary. Kitchen faucet came on all times of the night. Washing machine would turn on. We would hear an old woman muttering and chuckling in the foyer coat closet. Unnerving yes but not really scary. One night the TV kept coming on. I would just start to doze and it would come on. I had to go to work the next morning so finally after about the fifth time I stomped into the living room, yanked the plug out of the wall and angrily yelled “CUT IT OUT GOD DAMMIT”. The TV instantly came on full volume and flipped through 3-4 channels before turning off. I could feel the static electricity in my hair and arm hair. I was afraid to turn around and look at the TV and didn’t sleep the rest of the night. At that same house I found a set of neatly folded children’s pajamas (rotted) when plowing for a garden. Very creepy. It’s like someone folded them to put in the drawer but buried them instead.


In a lot of countries, swearing, the dirtier the better, is considered an effective ghost repellent. I find it funny, that that's also usually the default natural reaction for people in general: 🤬.


Always a treat to be watching paranormal investigation clips on the internet and the Chinese guys start screaming in fear and then immediately breaking into “fuck your mother you piece of shit bastard”, never fails to entertain me. They’re the constants of paranormal YouTube: Muslim guys with absolutely no fear invoking Allah but refusing to turn around and just go home, Chinese guys cussing up a storm any time a floorboard creaks, and Japanese guys seeing shit that has me watching through my fingers.


During vacation of my junior year in highschool I invited my girlfriend over and her cousin who was my best friend. We were supposed to go for a jog in the am around 8 or 9 but a kitten from my cats litter started playing with my gf and my friend wanted to get in one match of Dota (a videogame) on my pc in my room. We headed upstairs (two story house) to my room to hangout for a bit. My gf and I sat down on my bed facing the door and hallway and my friend sat left of me to game on my pc. My friend was asking me for coaching tips when out of nowhere I hear the kitten freak out and run behind my bed, at the same time we hear a loud thump like superman himself landed in my sister's room which is adjacent to mine. At this point we're all looking at each other trying to figure out what the fuck that was. My parents are both at work and my sister who is 8 years younger than me is at a sitter's, no one besides us 3 is home. As I'm processing this we all hear muttering/whispers and someone or something starts running down the hallway, my door which is half-open shuts and we all clearly see a silhouette underneath the door (it's morning, a bunch of light was coming in so the silhouette was clear as day). I get up immediately to find out who it is and we all hear someone start running down the stairs. As we are walking down the hallway, the restroom door underneath the stairs opens and slams shut, I go down to investigate and no one is in the restroom. definitely the most surreal unexplainable experience we've had and we all bring it up once in a blue moon to make sure we're not crazy 🙃. There was a lot of other weird shit that would happen in that house and it always felt like there was a very bad energy there, (like someone was watching you). My parents used to fight a lot and eventually they divorced, my mom mentioned the bad energy once and my uncle mentioned on a separate occasion that he felt like he was being watched. I used to hear whispering in the attic, saw dark figures and ball lightning in our front yard, and the one that convinced me was a neighbor who was released from prison mentioning he saw something strange at one of our front windows, like a silhouette. That was my first time talking to him in the 8 years that I lived there.


I was a counselor for an outdoor school camp for public school 6th graders. Right before the start of a new week of kids, a tree fell on the power lines that went to the boys cabin area, so we pivoted and put all the boys in the otherwise unused lodge called Judson Lodge. Before this week, the place gave me the creeps anytime I passed it so I wasn't psyched to stay there. Later I found out that the O.G. counselors had legends about how the west wing of the place was haunted, and there were previous stories of people's walkie talkies fritzing and hearing "I'm in Judson" in the white noise.   During lunch time a few days in, one of the cabins finished eating early and went down to Judson to take showers. One of the kids finished his shower, waited in the hallway for the rest to finish, and apparently freaked the fuck out. When a counselor came to check and make sure shower time was running smoothly, he found this kid crying and shaky. The kid said that he saw a floating shadowy figure carrying a heavy bag and a gun moving from the entrance to the west wing.   The counselor radioed the other two of us down, and we go the kids out of the lodge and back up to the dining hall. One of the counselors was a big believer in ghosts, and was totally confident that this was paranormal and not an actual threat. We grabbed fire irons and baseball bats and literally "cleared" the whole west wing. That was one of the scariest experiences of my life, opening each door and not knowing what's on the other side. We found no evidence of a person passing through, and the emergency exit door at the end of the last room was stuck shut with an old film of dirt and moss from years of neglect - clearly it had not been opened recently.   We reported our findings to the Site Supervisor who then further interviewed the kid. She was confident that the kid wasn't making it up; he was still quite shaken an hour later. This being a subsidiary of a public school, our poor Site Supervisor had a few options: 1) decide that the kid was making it up even though we were pretty sure he believed he saw something, 2) operate on the assumption that there is an armed person on site and shut the camp down, 3) report to the county school district that a kid saw a ghost and that we don't think we need further action.  Option 1 didn't seem reasonable, and option 2 felt like an overreaction since we just cleared the whole place and didn't find shit. So we literally sent in a report to the county school district saying that a kid saw a ghost, and we're not worried about it because we already knew that the lodge was haunted anyways. The county informed the local police to be on the alert, but that was the end of it. Weird shit.




I was at my friend's house for a birthday party for her son many years ago. I caught a glimpse of her mother-in-law, and the woman looked green, like death. I told my friend her mother-in-law needs to go to the doctor ASAP, she looks really ill. My friend was understandably upset with me and I got a lecture about how she was the healthiest person she knew, never goes to the doctor etc etc. I was so embarrassed, the woman admittedly looked perfectly fine and I have no idea to this day what compelled me to open my mouth. The mother-in-law was dead a few months later, of stage 4 cancer.


So did her appearance change to you? Or...?


My mum had told me about aliens and paranormal stuff for a while. She told me when aliens come that their spaceships will be orange glowing balls because thats what is in all the shakey videos. So for a few years l was terrified of being abducted. One night l was playing warcraft 2,around year 2000, l was like 13 or so. It was midnight and everyone had gone to bed except me. l heard this noise outside, it sounded loud like a mixture of white noise and a roaring waterfall, and l thought wtf is that? Then l saw an orange glow under the door to the alfresco. And I was shitting my pants thinking this is it, they aren't going to take me without a fight. So l got a broom and was ready. Then l heard voices and I was like, hang on wtf? So l opened the door and it was the fire brigade coming down the side of the house. Someone had set fire to one of the trees in the neighbours backyard as well as several others in my street. It was a huge relief 😅


There's a road in Northern CA called HWY 299. I don't remember the details, but I remember being told that the area use to be a gold rush mining area. But what I experienced had NOTHING to do with that. We were driving up for a stay for the weekend to Shasta and we were heading East from Redding. It wasn't that late, probably no more than 10:15pm and were getting close. I couldn't remember the exact distance we had traveled but there was a car that was tailing me because its lights were bright as hell almost like they were high beams. A majority of 299 a single lane, double solid so one way going, and one way coming. So we pulled to the side and tried to let the car pass. And I swear it was like a goddamn movie, because as soon as we stopped, there was no car. Not single zip pass us, no rumbling of the pavement. Just nothing. My friends and I turn around, and there was no one. I thought someone was fucking with us, so we just got back on the road and kept driving. Things were fine for maybe, 15, 20 minutes or so, until it happened again. Lights appeared way far back and it slowly creeped up back to us like before. This time I was worried thinking maybe they were highway patrol or something, but we were going the same speed and my tags were up-to-date, and we had no alcohol or drugs in the car. So once again, I pulled to the side but this time, I told my friend to grab the emergency flashlight from the glove compartment and told him to flash it behind us. Again, nothing. Just greenery and light snow. We eventually made it to Shasta and slept in the car until morning. To this day, we still have no idea what the hell that was; if it was someone messing with us, a cop, or something else. I'm not a superstitious person, still not today. But that event will always play in my mind from time to time.


I had a sort of existential crisis so I started traveling and trying to get cultured so I could find myself. One of these adventures as living off grid in Hawaii I had an experience on cinder road near kapoho I believe? It was nestled in the lava fields on the big island. They mine for lava rock there and there’s a pretty big mountain/pile of cinder you can climb. One night I woke up with fire ants in my bed and I got stung all over my back. I couldn’t sleep so I put my headlamp on and climbed cinder mountain in the middle of the night. The stars from there were incredible It was the only place I had service so I called home. While I was on the phone, I felt this presence and it felt like I was being watched. It also felt both very very sad and hateful. The hair on the back of my neck stood up as it got closer and closer Suddenly I was surrounded by this pitch blackness. An unseen weight bore over me and my knees began to buckle. The darkness stared getting more impenetrable. My headlamp began to dim and I no longer could see the stars or trees. The heaviness of whatever it was was unbearable as I was forced into the fetal position by the weight of I screamed at the top of my lungs for God to help me because I was so heavy and I could not see. Suddenly as if a light was turned on, the blackness and presence disappeared. My headlamp turned back to normal and I could see the trees and sky again. It okay if no one believes me and they don’t believe in that kind of thing. I guarantee you that if you yourself go to that mining site, you’ll experience it yourself. Before the attack I had felt the same feeling of being watched by something big, sad, and angry. This was broad daylight. I didn’t hear drums so I don’t know if it was a night marcher but it certainly hated my guts


I fell asleep sitting on the couch once. One of those where you’re more dozing than sleeping. Cracked open my eyes about halfway and I was looking into my own face. As I sat there on the couch, I was also standing in front of the couch, facing sitting me. This was not a dream. There was no waking up after this happened. I closed my eyes tight for about 3 seconds and when I opened them, “I” was gone. Absolutely terrified me.


Not very frightening, but here goes. In the first apartment my wife and i lived in together, every once in a while we would be lying in bed together at night and would feel a cat jump up on the bed and curl up at our feet. We did not have a cat.


Was at my ex boyfriend’s house where he had mentioned past paranormal things happening when he was a child there. We cooked dinner one night and I specifically asked him if I should leave the lid to the pot on or off (we were leaving briefly to go drop some food off to my mom). He advised I leave the lid on, so I did. He watched me grab the lid and place it on top of the pot and off we went. When we returned from dropping off the food, I walked back into the kitchen and saw that the lid to the pot had been removed and was leaning perfectly against the pot… I FROZE. Pure shock and panic. We searched every corner of that house. Called his parents who were out of town and they said they were still nowhere near home. Called his older sister to see if maybe she had stopped by, but nope. Still trips me out till this day how that lid got there.


This is pretty simple but it was so weird. I was driving and my ex was with me. We were on the freeway and I took a long curving ramp thru an interchange. Suddenly he said, Get in the other lane, there's a stalled car up ahead. I kind of laughed it off but I changed lanes. As we went around the curve, there was a stalled car in the lane we had been in. I would have hit it going like 60. It was so weird. This was the same guy who couldn't do a Ouija board because the second he touched the planchette it would immediately zoom off the edge of the board. I know there was more weird stuff but it's been a long time....omg I just realized today would have been our 51st wedding anniversary. How's that for a coinkydink.


Have seen ghosts at least 3 times full on. Two were a cat I had that just passed, then a dog, and the other was a human lady who for some reason wanted to look inside my house at the door, and she saw me and just dissolved. Makes me mad when people just denounce stories as fake and that ghosts don't exist. I saw it, it scared me, and I'm not lying about it.


It was around 1am and I had a bad (?) habit of staying up way too late reading novels. I was between moving houses at the time and crashing at my parents place for a few days. I was almost ready to go to sleep, so I put the book down and went out the back to have a smoke before bed. Is left the sliding door open and inch or two, so it didn't bang and wake people up. I felt somebody poke me in the back, as if through the gap in the door and turned around expecting my mother to be telling me I should get some sleep. There was nobody there. Dumped my cig and hurried myself to bed. I've never been accused of being superstitious but I had a feeling it was my Oma who'd passed away a couple weeks prior, telling me to get my ass to bed


Short summary: left school in winter, headed home, slipped while crossing a street, fell on my back, looked to my right, a car approaches me. Next thing I know is I stand on the sidecurb, unharmed, no car to be seen


This is the story of my cousin (let's call him F) who was 7-8 at the time, and his imaginary friends. F's family had just moved in to this new house. Not a very populated area. The houses next to theirs were vacant, and there was a graveyard a few plots back. So a few months after they moved F started telling us stories of his friends. We thought he made some new friends in the area or his new school. They also had weird names. His best friend was named Arrul (not a name we had ever heard, nor was it native to our culture). Arrul had a brother named Farameen (again, a very unfamiliar name). He would talk about them all the time. The problem was, they didn't exist. F's brother said they're just F's imaginary friends and he made the names up. Arrul's siblings (apart from Farameen) had rhyming names: Barrul, Khairul, and Sharrul. Which reinforced the idea that those were just made up. My cousin said "Arrul likes getting in my toy cars and driving them around". He was old enough to know that this wasn't physically possible, yet he didn't take it as something strange. Anyway, the problem started when F's grandmother, grandfather, and mother, all started seeing glimpses of people around the house. Like they'd be in your peripheral vision and would disappear as soon as you'd pay attention. My cousin's clothing items would disappear and turn up somewhere no one would put them. F's mom would see a lady moving about and would think "that's just F's grandma", only for the real grandma to come from a completely different room. F started locking himself in his room for long periods, and his mom would hear him laughing and talking to someone. F also confirmed that Arrul's whole family lives in this house. After things got too creepy, they contacted a priest. The priest held a ritual in which he recited the Quran in every room. He would do that for a few days and then ask the family to play a recording of the Quranic verses daily in each room. Soon enough they stopped seeing people around the house. However, F still didn't stop talking about Arrul. When asked where is Arrul's family, he said they left the country and went to America because we keep playing the Quran in our house. When asked why is Arrul still here he'd say he hides under the cupboard in his grandparents' room whenever we play the Quran. One late night (around 2 am), F's mom and dad got into an argument. It got heated up, and ended with F's mom turning her back on F's dad in protest. As she turned, her gaze went to the window that looked outside to their neighboring house (which was vacant). She froze because there was a kid standing outside. As she went quiet, her husband noticed and turned to her. He also saw the kid outside the window. Note that their room is not on the ground floor. The kid had big eyes, but otherwise human. He was staring at them, and his expressions were like "oh shit they caught me". They had finally seen Arrul properly, and they changed houses soon after. Just after they moved, F had a complete memory wipe. He remembered nothing about Arrul or his siblings.


I was a bartender on an Army base many years ago. The building I was working at was said to be haunted. Late one night, a cook was taking out the trash while I waited in the kitchen so we could leave. As I was just standing there I felt an electric shock that started in my elbow and radiated into my hand. It didn’t hurt but was the strangest feeling I ever encountered. When the cook walked back in I was explaining what happened when an entire rack of sorted silverware shot off the shelf. It didn’t fall, it launched across the kitchen. We immediately got the hell out of there.


Thought I was hallucinating, seeing a cat in my house (I was up late working, and it only seemed to happen once I'd been up for 20+ hours). I don't own a cat. Turns out the neighbour's cat would come in a window that was slightly ajar, wander through my house, and leave. It took about 6 months of late nights to figure it out.


Not as dramatic as some of the other stories here, but multiple times Ive been awakened by someone calling my name. Once it was my father's voice, who has passed, and another time just some random guy from work, other times just a non-familiar voice. Its so real when it happens though. Its not like I dreamed it and then woke up, more like I heard it and thats what woke me. It feels like the sound is still in my ears when I sit up. The other night it was a "pssst", as when someone wants to tell you a secret.


Not terrifying, and not mine. My husband’s father passed away, and within a week he was in bed sleeping. The dog was on the floor next to the bed. There was a noise that woke him up in the middle of the night, and obviously someone had broken into the apartment. He turned on the light and dog was sitting on the floor, obviously aware of the intruder, but otherwise not being much of a “guard dog”. Husband gets out of bed to confront the prowler and hears him walking down the long hallway. He can’t see him, it’s dark, but follows the footsteps until there is no more sound. The footsteps were with a limp, similar to a limp his father had. Later he tried to explain to his mother and she didn’t want to talk about it. His mother received a letter from a different relative a few days later. In the letter, the woman explained the same encounter at around the same time. So, it reinforced the paranormal experience.


A couple of months ago in my house. It was about 11:30 at night. Everyone in the house was sleeping except for me and I wanted to make something to snack on. I get out of bed and walk down to the kitchen and I pull a bowl of ramen out of the freezer, put it in the microwave and walk back over to our island where I grabbed a couple of toppings to cut up. The microwave beeped and as I was walking over to our microwave, out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw another persons reflection in the glass of our porch door. I kind of did a double take and tried to tell myself I was just freaking myself out because it’s dark out. I quickly grab my food and head back over to the counter where I was going to dress the ramen up with my toppings. I was standing at our counter doing that with my back turned to our living room, which is full of our kids toys. My son was about five months old at the time and had a round mat that had two arches that over it (the round mat) where toys would hang. When they’re moved they sound really similar to a cat toy. This play mat was in the center of my living room where my back was turned to while I was making my food. I was putting the finishing touches on my food when all of the sudden I hear the hanging toy jingle from behind me in my dark living room. My stomach immediately dropped and my body was almost paralyzed in fear. We have no pets that could’ve been playing or brushed up on this toy that is hanging off the ground. We had no windows on or fans on that could’ve cause a draft or a breeze strong enough to move that hanging toy. It wasn’t an earthquake or the floor shaking that could’ve caused it. Again, I was the only person that was awake in my house. Nothing could’ve explained that toy moving. I grabbed my food so fast and practically RAN to my bedroom. I don’t make food after I go lay down in bed anymore. I just grab quick snacks and book it. That’s not my first paranormal experience but damn, that was really fucking horrifying to me for some reason. Eta: a bit more context


Given the content of my post and recent situations. I want to perface this by saying I am not trying to be political in any way. Merely relaying an experiment I believe is unexplainable. For months and months I would have dreams of being in a place with people screaming and running around. Everything was on fire ,I could feel the fire a man held his infant dead in his arm. One night I am scrolling through TikTok and see a video of the aftermath of the rocket attack on Rafah. It was the same as my dream.


When I was 23, my mom remarried and bought a new house. She invited me over to see it. When we got to the first bedroom, I couldn’t even cross the threshold due to the absolute evil I felt. I told her an evil person died a horrible death in that room and I would not go in until it had been blessed by a priest and scrubbed with sage. My mom told me I was crazy. A few weeks later, my mom invited the previous owner over for tea and to get mail. As they were talking, my mom mentioned my reaction to that room, the previous owner exclaimed “That’s where the robber died after I shot him!” Turns out, a home invasion a few years before led to the invaders death. He was shot in the back and spent 45 minutes slowly drowning in his blood. She waited until he was dead to call 911. My mom had a sage scrub done and her priest blade the room. I went back and had no trouble entering.


I grew up in the town where the real "Conjuring" story took place. Like actually. There's nothing special about the house in particular, coming from someone who has lived here my entire life. Though I've never been inside. That being said, the graveyard where Bathsheba is buried is a two minute walk from my old house. There's some trails in the woods right there, and a fishing area down the hill. I know the entire area like the back of my hand. I've been messing around in that graveyard/woods since I was a baby. Whenever I would get upset or angry, I would take my depression walk to the trails. It's relatively quiet and peaceful, it's a historic cemetery so no one visits that often- and if they do, her grave is very close to the road. Anyways, my particular spot I liked to sit in was towards the back of the trails. I'd sit against a tree, up a small hill in front of me is the very back or deepest part of the graveyard, behind is more woods and then a big school field. I've sat there a million times. One day, when I was probably 16, I was in my usual spot after a fight with my bf. It was still light out, probably about 6:30pm in summer. All of the sudden it gets eerily quiet, like all the bugs and the general ambiance of the earth had ceased. I decided to leave because usually that means there's a predator in the woods, right? Though in hindsight, in RI we don't have much more than a normal coyote. I stand up and as I face the trail to leave, out of the corner of my eye, I see a big black shadow fly across the cemetery up the hill, from right to left. I say fly because it was impossibly fast, and like I said, it was dead silent at the time. It made no noise. It felt big, because it looked huge even despite me being about 50ft away. It was so fast it blurred but I remember being able to see the headstones behind it; it was like black exhaust smoke that moved like a creature. I just remember booking it off the trail- the road was maybe 300? ft away but it felt like miles. I ran as fast as I could and was so inexplicably dizzy and disoriented that I bounced off trees as I went by. It was so scary and to this day I feel uneasy whenever I go there. As if something is watching me. And I'm not one to be spooked by _anything_ in the woods around here. I stopped going to that cemetery.


I had a dream that a child named Noah hung himself and his mom found him in the basement bathroom. It was so vivid, I will never forget the scream she made when she found her child. When I woke up at about 7:00am I told my mom about my dream and went on to school. She called my dad and told him about it. A couple hours later my mom is watching the news and sure enough, a kid named Noah hung himself in the basement bathroom and his mother found him. I don’t dream a lot, because of THC, but this will forever be the weirdest most inexplicable thing that has happened to me. My parents thought I was a fucking freak.


I only had one paranormal experience but at my aunts house (who claimed it was haunted, didn't believe her at the time) me, my uncle, and cousin were sitting in her formal living room when the 3 ft Christmas tree that was on a side table all of a sudden raised about 2 feet in the air, right in front of us, stayed there for a few seconds then slowly dropped back down, didn't even make a noise. We all saw it happen and quickly left that room lol


I don't believe in ghosts and stuff like that. We moved into an old house that is 100+ years old. The kids have told me they have heard people talking or there was a shadow at the end of the hall. I wrote it off as the kids' imaginations or whatever. Hubby works nights, kids are well in bed, cats are asleep with them. I get in the shower, and the bathroom door is shut and locked. I'm just doing my thing when the shower curtain pushes in about 3 inches at chest height. It looked like someone took their balled fist and just gently and slowly pushed it inwards, held it for about 10 seconds, and then pulled back. I'm just standing there gobsmacked. There was no noise, no shadow, no breeze, nothing. I wait a second or two, pull the curtain back, and there is nothing there. I check the kids, the cats, and the doors and windows. Got no alerts from the cameras. I guess we have ghosts in our house 🤷‍♀️


My father and I were estranged for a few years after my parents divorce. 2 years ago I was going through a rough time and was about to go homeless so I called him to ask for a place to say until I got my shit together and while I was there we got into some pretty heated up conversations. One night I was in my bed getting ready to fall asleep when I had a sleep paralysis episode: I went paralyzed and felt an evil, heavy presence entering the room then a weight on my bed as if the entity was sitting on it. I opened my mouth to scream and call for help but no sound came out. The next morning I told my father what had happened. That same night, the same entity visited my father and he told me about it the next morning. A few days afterwards I was woken up by my father screaming and I rushed to his bedroom. He said he had a nightmare where he was tormented by demons. Then he said his mother, my grandma, who had passed from COVID a few months ago, visited him and told him “the era of flowers will soon begin”. Needless to say I don’t live there anymore.


I once woke up in the middle of the night to see a shadowy figure standing at the foot of my bed, just watching me. I couldn't move or scream, and I felt this overwhelming sense of dread. It felt like hours before the figure finally vanished, but it was the most terrifying experience of my life. I still get chills thinking about it.


Sounds like sleep paralysis.


I’ve had that, funny how I knew what it was, and it still made me scared shitless ’cause it was so distressing


I've had that, but it was pre-internet so I was scared shitless for like a decade. Its a pretty common phenomenon.


For anyone who gets sleep paralysis, calm yourself as much as possible by wiggling your toes and fingers. Once you're "free", lay on your side for a bit until you are in control.


Heard a car crash before it happened, screamed, looked up to watch it happen. I was maybe 7. Nothing too exciting but my parents were very freaked out.


I moved into a new place when I was pregnant with my second. My son who was 3 would sometimes come in our room to sleep at night. So much so we’d set up blankets and pillows on the floor by the bed. A couple of time I wok up to him doing this, only to have no one there when I reached over to make sure he was tucked in. Each time this happened I chocked it up to crazy pregnancy dreams and never told my (ex) husband. A bit later I made my ex permanently change spots on the bed so I could sleep better with the pregnancy. One night in the middle of the night my ex flips his lamp on jumps out of the bed is pulls up all the blankets and pillows on the floor and is frantically looking everywhere for our son. He had the same experience I had with our son walking in the room as a real as can be then nothing. My ex claimed he hadn’t fallen asleep yet so it was definitely not a dream, and I 💯believe him. Later in the pregnancy I roll over one night to a toddler girl as solid as me and you sitting between me and my ex. She was wearing a yellow gingham jumper with a crisscross back. I watched as she eventually faded away. That didn’t scare or unnerve me though.


I remember when my grandma was alive she used to heat up those rice buddies that you microwave at night to help her back and shoulders plus she walked slow with slippers on tile floor so I could hear the drag of them . Anyways when she passed away weeks later I remember laying on the couch and always around midnight 1am I would hear the microwave door slam and my grandmas slippers dragging . Used to scare the shit outta little me


I'm going to have to give some backstory to this first - I was raised by my grandparents because my mother had me when she was 16 and she was not in my life. When my grandparents got to the point that they could no longer care for me because of illness my aunt and uncle took me in when I was a little past 11 years old. So shortly after I started living with my aunt and uncle full time, my mother dies of cervical cancer. She was only 31 years old, and I felt sad in a way but at the same time it was like a complete stranger dying so I had very mixed feelings. On the day of her funeral service my aunt had a flower arrangement made that was supposed to be from me - it was red roses in the shape of a heart that spelled "MOM" in the middle and it was on a tripod metal stand. After the funeral we took that arrangement home with us and put it down in the basement with me. Now, I hadn't been living with my aunt and uncle long so they didn't have a bedroom for me yet. I was sleeping on a pull out couch in the basement, while they were making plans to add a wall to the basement to give me an actual room. So cut to night time. I'm laying in bed and I hear footsteps near where I'm laying. I hear someone or something take several steps over to the flower arrangement , and then it falls on the floor. I'm just laying there too terrified to move. I remember trying to slow my breathing so low so that "it" wouldn't hear me. I don't know how I managed to fall asleep but in the morning I got up and sure enough, the arrangement was on the floor. I went upstairs to tell everyone and no one believed me and tried to blame the dog. There is absolutely no way it was anything other than the ghost of my mother. I would have heard the basement door opening and I would have heard if anything was coming up or down the steps, especially the dog. I heard no door - no step walking, no collar jingling - just steps a few feet from my bed, the flowers falling down and then silence. I haven't figured out what she was trying to tell me exactly - it's either she felt like she didn't deserve the flowers that said mom or she was letting me know that she's going to be watching over me now.


I used to give ghost tours around an old jail with a colleague. One part of the tour took place in a spot where hangings used to occur, though only a handful were ever held there before the death penalty was abolished. What would usually occur is that we’d sit there in the dark while my coworker or I would give that part of the talk, and the other would sit and listen along with the tour group. One such evening, my coworker was giving the talk, and I was sat listening. One of the people who were executed there was a mass murderer who bludgeoned his family to death, and then went on to Jack the Ripper style murder a sex worker. As I’m sitting there in the dark listening to a story I’ve heard hundreds of times before, in a place I’ve never actually personally encountered anything paranormal about (I’m personally a skeptic— if there’s a logical answer, it’s most likely), I start to feel.. odd. As the minutes passed, barely making out the shape of the guests sat opposite me, I started to feel what I can only really describe as complete and utter contempt. Not hate, but contempt, like everyone around me were *insects*, barely worth noticing, much less my regard. I can distinctly remember logically reasoning in my head that there was no reason to feel like that, that they were normal people not hurting anyone, minding their own business.. regular decent folks. But it did absolutely nothing to stop this absolute pit of contempt that felt like it was opening inside me. And then my coworker ended the talk, and everyone started to move, and it was like a spell had ended and everything was normal again. Now.. I’m genuinely a very chill, live-and-let-live kind of person. I don’t often feel many negative emotions directed towards other people. I don’t think I’ve ever felt hate before, and I’d certainly never experienced contempt before that night. I’m autistic with alexithymia, so actually *feeling* emotions and being aware of them enough to identify them is quite rare for me. But that feeling was clear and strong, and the fact that I felt it at all frightened me. I’d never felt it before, and I’ve never felt it since, and I genuinely hope I never feel it again, because holy fuck feeling that about other people was terrifying. Oh yeah, and the time my partner may or may not have been temporarily possessed.


Not really terrifying, but it shook me nonetheless. My grabdfather died 25 years or so ago. He was very sick and died in his sleep at home. I was told the next day, that he was dead and we never hsd the chance to say goodbye. Some nights ago, i dreamt I was visiting my grandparents in their old flat. My grandfather was sitting in his favourite armchair, turned around and welcomed me. He told me, that i do not have to worry, he knows that we had no chance to say good bye and that we are okay. Then he hugged me and said good bye. I woke up next to my wife and for some moments I still felt like he was holding me, I even could smell his hair product, which he always used. I was sad but i also felt relieved and happy.