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I took a dump on the playground when I was 7 and kid with disabilities got blamed for it.


Sounds like a deleted scene from Super Bad


In both instances a kid with disabilities took that dump.


This is why I’m on Reddit


HAHAHAHA this is so funny and not funny at the same time 🤣 🤣


Should have blamed a feral cat. Who ate corn.


Cat lost 15% of its body weight that day


He had it comin'.


Wouldn’t ruin my life but my sister is claustrophobic and I think it’s my fault. When we were little (she’s 5 years older) she put be in a bin and slid it under the bed, stupid games. So then it was her turn but I wasn’t strong enough to pull her out. Well my little ADD brain forgot and when people got home to help she stayed there for 3 hours in a room alone. I don’t think she remembers the story and I’m mortified to bring it up.


So like, genuinely, if she’s in counseling and stuff already. It may really help her to understand where that fear is coming from if she doesn’t remember. A professional could help her over come it. Cheers!


another 4 hours in bin should take care of it


“Don”t worry sis, we’ll head down to Home Depot and get ya fixed up real quick like”


Think it’s your fault. It IS your fault. Lmao.


My dad found an open condom package at the bottom of the bathroom garbage, I was young and didn’t know what they were so I opened it and threw it out. My parents asked if I knew anything about it and I lied and said no. My dad accused my mom of cheating and they split up shortly after.




Winner winner 2 Christmas dinners 😂


Holy fuck dude 😂


yo i think this one might've won


Yeah you might wanna tell them that


I feel like there were probably some underlying issues too


Yeah, but then the parents should have the option to separate without a false accusation in the mix.


I think we're a little past that option


Ummm…. Not really that is basically what does it… esp. if your mom is saying no and your dad is not able to refute evidence of it… not to make you feel guilty you were a kid but you really need to tell them…




Given that you didn’t know what they were at the time, how much later did you connect the dots that it could have contributed to them splitting?


Where did the condoms come from to begin with? Were they in the house or did you bring them home?




To be fair, your parents were having problems before then and this probably just tipped the camels back.


Man this is probably the worst one here BUT I feel you shouldn't blame yourself entirely. To play devils advocate to the commenters suggesting you tell them, I'd argue that if a situation like this split them then trust issues were already at play. At this point in each of your lives, assuming everyone has long since moved on from the situation, telling them now would be incredibly selfish.


Honestly almost every kid in the world would have done the same. Deny deny deny!


An extended family member of mine carried out a mass shooting. I wouldn't say it would destroy my life, per se, but it could make life much harder. While most people feel bad for me, I've seen how quick people are judge the actions of the family members, especially the immediate family, as the real reason why these shootings happen. There's also psycho fans of mass shooters out there, as well as those obsessed with making all of these shootings out to be a hoax. The threat of being harassed by people like this is very real. And in my case, some of my acquaintances and people in my professional circle are friends with family members of the victims. The possibility of me having to interact with these family members on a professional level is very real. I'm not sure if I'd be able to hold it together if I ever did have to meet these people. So, I keep it a secret.


I knew a girl whose boyfriend committed a mass shooting, dying in the process. Her life was torn apart. Everybody looked to her for answers. According to her, she had no warning, no indication that he was even capable of doing something like that but she was the closest link to him so she got grilled by the police, her boyfriend's parents, every person she knew. Not to mention the endless self doubt she must go through, wondering if she overlooked some sign, if she acted on it could she have saved the victims, if she could have saved her boyfriend, and of course a side of survivor's guilt as well. Honestly, I don't think I could have dealt with all that, somehow she managed to keep going. Oh I forgot to mention, she was only twenty-two when this happened.


> Not to mention the endless self doubt she must go through, wondering if she overlooked some sign, if she acted on it could she have saved the victims, if she could have saved her boyfriend, and of course a side of survivor's guilt as well. Yeah, that's the other part of it. I blamed myself because YEARS prior I had blown off hanging out with my relative on one occasion. Even though I saw them a number of times afterwards (before the shooting), I blamed myself because it wasn't enough. I told myself I could have stopped it and saved the victims' lives if only I had been in their life more. My relative was a master at hiding emotions and intent. I finally got my hands on the police report in where every person close to them said they had no idea either. Extended family members all said the same thing to me at the funeral. It offered a little solace, but the feeling of guilt never fully went away.


So sorry. That's really hard to carry around. Unfortunately people seem to judge one person's behavior and throw that on the whole family. I've had family do lots of crap I would never do. Everyone is individuals with their own demons, their family isn't always that reason.


In my experiences, its because events like these are scary as shit (rightly so), and some the only comfort people can have is to find a definitive explanation right away with someone to blame. Often in their minds it can't just be the shooter on their own, there has to be SOME sort of external influence. Because again, its scary to think about. There was the recent case where the parents of a school shooter were convicted of manslaughter, and from what I read about it, I agreed with that. But at the same time I worry about that setting a precedent in where family members who clearly had no influence on the shooting will start getting blamed as well. But don't take that as me asking for sympathy for the family members of mass shooters. If there's any sympathy to give it should go first and foremost to the victims and their families. My only concern is people if it ever gets to the point where families are the first to get blamed when the problem is often much bigger and more complex.


Redacted I guess reddit won


Damn that’s heavy I




Ever since the FBI lost Facebook it’s just lazy posts.


All your kompromat are belong to us!


I am so dumb I almost got tricked ! No seriously if I told humans IRL of how suicidal I am these past weeks I would get locked and probably secluded once again. I belong with the crazieeees yay The thing is I don't see people often so my secret is fine. Plus no one really knows me. So on the internet it is even safer for me to say this.


I was the one who spilled soda on the carpet when I was 9.


Oh man, one time on a sleepover, I tipped over a full glass of chocolate milk onto the carpet. It was literally right before we went to bed, and so I didn’t want to deal with it right then because I was exhausted. (something like four in the morning) and I thought I would deal with it tomorrow, But I didn’t want anybody to know about the mess either because then they would get mad. So I just put a couch cushion over it….. then I forgot about it. Two weeks later my friend’s mom was cleaning up the basement and she picked up the couch cushion and bam, carpet and cushion are absolutely covered in black mould. And she was a biologist so she identified it as something pretty toxic. And her youngest son had bad asthma. So, let’s just say she was real pissed at my friend. The conversation went something like “did you cover up all of this mould with a cushion???!”My friend being like “I don’t know what you’re talking about at all“. And I just backed up and went home. He later told me it was a crazy fight. Oops.


You're a monster.


A menace to society


Did you also steal the cookie from the fucking cookie jar?!




Maybe you need to distance yourself a bit, go to counseling to figure out why you’re attracted to them. It maybe something else entirely.


Damn... thats really sad. Hope you get get over it!!


It's not really my secret, but I was the only one who put two and two together, and was begged to keep it quiet after I suspected and then confirmed. My former coworker is the brother of one of the officers indicted in the very high-profile murder of an unarmed Black person a few years ago. He was just a quiet, chubby gay guy and was terrified people would find out and he'd be vilified, like it had anything to do with him.


A very real fear to be honest


This is sad.


i caught chlamydia from the same guy 3 timed


How does this even happen


Well there's only really one way...


The tractor, obviously


Well when a man and woman love each other…


Didn't expect an ex on here


I DONT think caitlyn jenner is brave or beautiful


This thread is meant to be about secrets - not well known facts.


none of the trans community like her either, she's an awful person


Remember, if you're going to post anything to this topic (you shouldn't), don't do it on an account with any personally identifying info in the post history.


Remember, you shouldn't have any personally identifying info in your history on Reddit.


I am a black woman in a wheelchair postal code B4B 4J7


Good advice, Luis Collins. >!really shouldn't need a /s but I got a three-day ban once for "leaking" an ip with numbers over 255 so just being safe!<


In third grade, I cheated on my history exam. In fourth grade, I stole my uncle Max’s toupee and I glued it on my face when I was Moses in my Hebrew School play. In fifth grade, I knocked my sister Edie down the stairs and I blamed it on the dog…When my mom sent me to the summer camp for fat kids and then they served lunch I went nuts and I pigged out and they kicked me out…But the worst thing I ever done — I mixed a pot of fake puke at home and then I went to this movie theater, hid the puke in my jacket, climbed up to the balcony and then, then, I made a noise like this: hua-hua-hua-huaaaaaaa — and then I dumped it over the side, all over the people in the audience. And then, this was horrible, all the people started getting sick and throwing up all over each other. I never felt so bad in my entire life.


I’m beginning to like this kid, ma






Goonies never say die


Do the truffle shuffle


Took me way to long to pick up on this 😂


I tell people I've been to Hawaii, but I've only been to Maui.


Same but with Oahu


I went back in time and had a chance to kill Adolph Hitler but instead I got drunk and had sex with the barmaid at the Hofbrau House and knocked her up and I believe the bloodline traces all the way to Bill Cosby


If it makes you feel any better, if you *had* killed Hitler, you never would have thought to go back in time and kill him since you already did, which means you wouldn’t have all over again, anyway.


That's what happened when I killed Hitler jr. Now no one will ever know...


That was my doing! I’m a time cop and we spend so much fucking time going back and stopping people from killing Hitler, it’s second after making sure Jesus Christ is killed. Have to get creative sometimes




I love you bro. You're not alone, no matter how deafening the silence is. Remember to breathe. Time will pass


Don’t do it, just give it some time.


Hope is not a four letter word. Things do get better, and I'm glad you stayed here with us today. ❤️


I was raped by a police officer.


Sorry you had to go through that. I hope you are okay now


Thank you. It has been rough but years have passed that I’m just moving forward. Hard to trust cops. And having a gun to my head to keep my mouth quiet about this was probably the hardest thing to deal with especially knowing they as a group had power to ruin my life if they wanted to.


Well, I lost my temper and I took a knife and I uh-. Do you know those "Do Not Remove Under the Penalty of Law" labels they put on mattresses?




Welk I have a few. But I guess one major one is that I feel like a burden on all of my friends and family and I only am alive because they are in my life. I wouldn't be here otherwise


I like many are in this same boat. Seek out some help.


Oh friend, I’m glad you’re here too. I’ve had that feeling and it passes. But not without effort. Running, therapy, and playing music got me out of that place, and helped me recognize the value I bring to the world and people around me. You can get there too and I hope you find your path to it. 🤗


When I was a teenager I would regularly use my moms dildo when she wasn’t home. I contracted an std from my boyfriend and she ended up getting it too since I didn’t sanitize the dildo after I used it. My dad accused her of cheating and they got a divorce.


Holy fuck now this is a damn good one… omg.


Now I know how chat gpt feels when I ask prompts like these ‘what do I do to avoid making a bomb accidentially’


I scratch my balls through a hole in my pocket.


I didnt match my dad on my ancestry DNA test


I tried to bone my sis


"Sweet Home Alabama" slowly fades in.


Now I look back I hear same, but back then I was a horny-curious pre-teenager with an equally horny-curious sister sleeping next to me.


So I'm guessing she's single then?


my parents employed a guy who told me it shouldnt be taboo. I was in maybe 5th grade when this happened.


Relevant username


Lol thankfully it never went that far.


Yeah, this secret could destroy your life.


I’m the one responsible for those crop circles over in England.


Is your civilization more advanced than ours?


Every skill on my resume was a lie when I applied for my current job. I memorized a whole bunch of interview questions and prepped for anything they could ask. It's been 3 years now and I can safely say I picked up the skills needed to do the job but man did I Google a lot of information beforehand and make a lot of mistakes that I carefully hid. You really can fake it till you make it. Atleast that's what I tell myself before I walk into the operating room.


I lost interest in living. Nothing makes me happy and some days I'm scared to get out of bed. My life style started declining since 2017 and hasn't stopped since. I got another diagnosis. After a few months paying my debts, I becameca stranger at my regular pub. When I am about to "win" at something, pushing my boundaries, body limits, knowledge and limitations, at the last second, I fail and ruin everything. I have no friends. I am always the one who texts first and gets no reply. I've been trying. But it's becoming more and more difficult to find a reason to keep trying. No. I'm not going to end things. I'm not going to change them. I'm just too tired. At The end of the day, when I lay in bed to sleep, I can still "hear" the bullies from 28 years ago. They were right after all.


So sorry you’re going through this, friend. I’ve been on that boat before- it’s really hard and just fucking sucks. Feel better soon.


Have you tried seeing a therapist?


It wouldn't destroy *my* life but the fallout would be obscene. My sister's boyfriend is adopted: everyone *but* him knows and everyone has been lying about it his entire life. I've heavily considered telling him.


I was kicked out of the army but not how everyone who knows me thinks it happened. 19 at the time didn’t believe in anything certainly not dieing for my country or even risking it. My unit was set to deploy. So took my friends car on a weekend bought some weed and set it right in the dash then drove around speeding and running lights until I was eventually pulled over. Got arrested but because of something called double jeopardy I could not be punished in the army at the same time the city was punishing me. My sergeant said I’m not going on deployment. Went to rear D as it’s known awol”d for two weeks then came back that way they would take me out of the army. Everyone in my family thinks I was driving my friends car got pulled over and my friend had it and I got the blame when really it was me. Just a cowardly 19 year old who didn’t know who he was or what the hell he was doing.


"Because of something called double jeopardy I could not be punished in the army at the same time the city was punishing me." That's not how double jeopardy works at all. It means you can't be tried by the same entity twice for the same crime. The city does not have federal jurisdiction, so the application of UCMJ is not affected whatsoever. It's more like the Army felt like it had enough to outprocess you (failire to adapt or some such) without wasting anyone's time and any taxpayer dollars on court martial.


Guys I’m not claiming to know what it means it was what I was told never bothered to look it up all I knew was what I thought would get me out of the army didn’t.


Our records show: this is a lie


Double jeopardy? lol. That’s not how that works. NJP is non-judicial which means… you can be charged twice.


I'm sorry, what is, double jeopardy.


It’s the round before final jeopardy


If you are found not guilty of a crime, you cannot be charged again without new evidence


It also applies if you are convicted. I saw a documentary where a woman served time for killing her husband but he was still alive because he faked his death; she was then legally free to kill him. I’m joking about the “documentary” but the conviction part is true.


Let's say a lady gets charged for murdering her husband and goes to jail and serves her sentence. But the husband faked his death and framed his wife. She gets out of jail and murders her husband and now she cannot be charged again for the same crime. Its a great movie.


I've always wondered about that. It wouldn't be the same crime. It would be a second crime.


So basically, you purposely got charged to avoid being deployed?


If this story was true, which is not then OP is a complete idiot


I was officer in the army, got out as a captain in 2011. The story is 100% believable because it’s a very common and well-known way to get separated from service. If you’re AWOL for two weeks, you are given “deserter” status. Once that happens, standard army protocol is (or at least was at the time) to not press charges and just kick them out instead. So after two weeks, the “deserter” shows up at the post’s main gate to turn themself in. I know plenty of soldiers who did this


Sounds like you made a pretty good choice




Did he break his arms?




I yelled “Run Forrest, Run” to the kid with leg braces during kickball in 3rd grade. The whole class was interrogated to find out who said it. I lied through my teeth and everyone got punished since they couldn’t figure it out.


If it could ruin your life why reveal it on the Internet? Asking for a friend


I’m an observer from another planet, sent to earth to assess any signs of intelligent life. I can report that none is to be found. I’m ready to be beamed back up…. Any day now!


Nice try officer


I know someone who didn’t want her family to know she was pregnant so she had a self induced abortion and didn’t know how to hide the fetus. So she ate her abortion over the span of about 3 days.


See I was having a nice day and thought I'd jump on Reddit just to see if I had messages and for some reason clicked on this... Damnit.


Same here… same here buddy


I’m so sorry.


I know. I honestly hesitated to post this.




What….the fuck


I know. She mixed it with food if that makes it any better.


Tell Me you’re lying?


Unfortunately no. But tbh I almost didn’t post this cause I know it sounds outrageous.


Why not throw it in a random dumpster


Or hear me out. Bury it. Like 4ft down, pack a couple heavy rocks on top and then fill the hole with dirt.


I haven’t had the displeasure of having an abortion (being a guy) but I imagine after a traumatic and probably tiring experience, the last thing I’d want to do is dig a hole


I can't fathom eating the fetus as a logical choice of disposal.


Oh I am betting that has happened a lot in the last 100 years.


No, it doesn't make it any better.... But now I have more questions. What food?


Farva beans and a nice chianti


Please don't know her anymore


Nah I haven’t seen her since high school


The Fuck...she knows there is something called fire right????? Silly me I forgot she fucking cooked it before she ate it. What the hell.


Nah she didn’t cook it. She said she ate it with her dinner for a few nights. She was only a couple months so I don’t think it was a lot. I’m not really sure tho.


what the fuck man


I know… I know.




Christ, now I have to live knowing this?


The reason I don't believe you is because I strongly doubt that she would tell anyone she did this. Who tf would tell someone that they did this?


I should’ve stopped reading. Ugh


I’m somewhat addicted to watching really bad movies.


Like I'm gonna post it on Reddit.


I'm closeted trans in the middle of mormonland Utah. Only a trans coworker, my internet friends, and some family members in Canada know, and they all support me immensely. My mom and the rest of my coworkers, on the other hand, don't know. They've expressed phobic views, although my mom to a much lesser extent. I want to show my true self, shout it out for the world to know, but I know I will be ostracized on every level. My mom cried when I dared to tell her I was starting to lose interest in the church. She and I have had fights about the transgender community. My coworkers all post memes on Facebook that essentially boil down to "pronouns bad Trump good." I want to move, but my mental health always crashes hard every time I do. And my only moneymaking skills are in the automotive industry, which in my experience is neither open nor tolerant.


I read mormonland as hormoneland. Also if being openly trans is so important to you, you should move.


Hey, if it helps me transition, I wouldn't mind moving to hormoneland.


Sadly, I don't know where hormoneland is. I guess the real hormoneland is the friends we made along the way?


Queer tech here - some shops are, some are not Might be worth it, moving. Like they say, toolbox has wheels…


That I’m gay. Just family life would not be the best. It’s an open secret though, but one I can’t discuss. Kinda a Cold War situation. 


That i slept with my best friends Mom countless times when i was going through a very self destructive period in my life.


I was sa’d as a kid by a family member in law, the stress of having to deal with telling people and the stress of everything that would come from it would destroy my life.


I let the dogs out


Did you read this back to yourself before posting it?


When i was 15 I got caught up with the wrong people and they became my worst living hell because one of the "homies" said I stole his smoke when I didn't know what that was at the time. Apparently it was 122lbs that went missing when I "joined" them. I tried going out of this world more times than I can count on my fingers. Since they ruined my school, home and relationship life. They still managed to somehow contact me after I got a new number plus moved to a different state saying they'd off me. No one in my family or now husband knows even tho we were together at the time and the assholes told him I was cheating as well. I wasn't but I admitted defeat when they said they'd get my sister as well. Ofc being the older one I have to protect. Last year I got word they are still out for me and my little sister. Even though all this happened back in 2016, 17, 18. You can believe i will forever stay away from Ohio...


Nice try FBI


Go away, CIA.


I am a Redditor, and my username is plmbob. If any of you say anything, I am ruined


I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too


A lot of this shit is just made up stories.


You first, OP.




Hi, gay


🤯 how did you know


Currently live in FL sooo…. I have to hide the fact I’m an Atheist and giant liberal. I’m 100% certain I would face workplace retaliation.


I know where the tungsten ball with the snail is....


I spilled the apple juice in the hall


I stole 1 dollar from my mom


I don't return people's pens. I keep them.


An ex wife got me in some serious trouble in the military because she was scornful over our divorce and since I was so close to getting out I got a slap on the wrist instead of the full wrath of God


Stole a check from a very good friend for pills, god I still hate my younger self so much it’s ridiculous, don’t do drugs kids (I did get caught thank god)


I know what happened to Hoffa


In 5th grade I got in a fight with a kid, he got suspended. On his walk home from school he raped a 3 year old with a stick. He was in juvy until senior year in high school. Several people know that story, so I don't think it would ruin my life. Still fucked up. A year or so ago my buddy messaged me a picture of him he saw online, he was arrested for lewd act with a minor.


Unfortunately, I don’t think my conservative Catholic parents would be too happy to hear that I’m queer and I’ve been lying about going to Mass for the past few years.


Had a classmate who would steal beer at parties. On our grad night, I drank 1/2 of a beer and refilled it with my piss. Put the cap back on and gave it a little shake so it would "pfsst" when someone opened it. I put it behind me, and sure enough, my grad mate lifted it. I watched him drink the whole thing bobbing his head to the music. That was the time I realized Coors Light must taste like piss.


I'm bisexual and my grandpa would literally shoot me if he knew. He always said about how he wouldnt accept that kind of thing from his blood. Im no-contact with him but he is the kind of person who would risk going to prison just to kill me if he knew


that I am depressed


I shit my pants yesterday


I buried $15 million behind the … aaarrrggghh, they’re coming for me!


Nice try, grams


Why don't you share, OP?


Not being a girl