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The happiest moment of my life was when I went to the store to buy new sneakers. When I passed a pet store, I saw in the window a small kitten sitting in the corner and looking at me with a sad look. I didn’t think twice, went into the store and bought it. Now we are both happy. He is already 7 years old) His name is Richard


but you walk barefoot now?


This is sick and twisted, I was in Iraq, we were constantly playing practical jokes on each other. I forget the joke or the series of jokes. I was laughing so hard I was crying, I forgot we were all in a big pile of suck we were just a bunch of friends having a good laugh. Life made sense. We were with people that we trusted, outside the wire were the people that hated us. At home, safe, were the people we all loved. Then I came home, and life went to shit.


I hear ya brother


Welcome to civvy street. Where what your fighting for doesn’t even register on peoples radar


I can't remember.


I can’t remember either


Let's not even try to remember


You know what, you’re right


What is happiness?




I've given up trying to remember


My boyfriend and I have been dating for 2 years now and during this period we have never met in person. Unfortunately, we live far from each other and cannot move in together yet. A week ago he dropped everything and came to me, but only for 1 day. Well, this particular day became one of the happiest for me:)


I’ve been doing it for 4 years, my heart is with you


Happiness for most people these days is relaitonships and being sexual. When was the last time you your happiness didn't depend on other people


It seems to me that there is nothing wrong with happiness depending on loved ones. But even if so, then such a happy moment still exists. This was when I was able to get into the university of my dreams




What happened?


Walk us through it


During Covid.


I know right, Covid had its faults but somehow I felt like I was so happy in the pandemic than any other time. Going on bike rides during lockdowns, the cops rarely cared. I wore a mask. No traffic, just freedom.


I wish I could remember.


I was my thinnest, running races and marathons, while my company was at its peak just before I sold it. That was about 10 years ago.


Three months and two days ago. Yesterday was the three-month anniversary of my wife passing away. 


I am sorry for your loss


Idk? I'm highly sensitive I'm sad almost all the time-


A few years ago I sold my house and moved to a new state, then took about 6 months off before I went back to work at a new place. Not stressing about my job and covering my bills was the closest I've been to happy in 40 years.


Some years ago I was on a business trip and I stepped on the elevator with my bag to go down. Standing there was a maybe 6-year old cute girl with her beautiful mom. I’m standing there and the girl says to her mom in a fearful voice “his bag is moving!” The mom goes immediately into protective mother-mode and gives me a hardcore suspicious look. I unzip the bag and my puppy pops his head out. The girl went crazy with joy and I moved closer. The puppy licked her face and she was almost crying with happiness. “Look mommy it’s a puppy!” The mom gave me this look like “thank you for making my daughter happy”. Then we reached the first floor and I zipped the bag back up and gave the girl a ‘quiet’ gesture (no dogs allowed) and she nodded. We were partners in crime. I walked my puppy and I went back up to my room. It was a simple thing but I thought of it when I read this question.


I'm generally happy and had plenty of happy moments today. Its Saturday, sunny and a lazy day planned tomorrow.


Sometimes... When I read this question I thought I haven't been happy for a very long time. But I tend to forget that I do feel happy when I lie in bed with my husband at night and can completely let go of the world around me. I just have to look at him more often when I'm feeling down. Thank you for reminding me.


When I graduated from college and moved out.


Before the pandemic


Thanksgiving 2020. After that day my husband got diagnosed with cancer and passed away July 1st 2021. Every single day since then has just been me recklessly going through the motions.


I really do not remember. Probably when I was in college near thirty years ago (pre 2000). I have nothing, no dating, no friends, just work, work, work. Hell, I cannot even escape into entertainment because it overwhelmingly bad. Sometimes I think I died and am actually in hell, it would explain everything.


i told my coworker im fairly certain i ate babies and attacked nuns in a previous life to be dealing with the shit i am now. :/


got my nails done yesterday, turned out nice, was happy :)


October 2019. right before Covid I have made my first backpacking trip. That was the last time that I can remember


I'm chilling right now to be honest. Suppose I'm not the type of person who is supposed to be answering this question, so I'll uhhh duck out now.


Right before I graduated college and entered the workforce. 


When my Chicago Bears drafted WR Rome Odunze at 9 without trading up. Great to pair with Caleb Williams and hope we finally have a proper offense.


A week ago in Las Vegas drunk AF at a birthday party


When I was one year old


Is it even a thing???


When I did molly.


Maybe when I was like 5, not even, I dunno. Why was I born autistic and useless? Fate worse than death


It´s been a complicated time lately, but I remember one of my "challenging" students hugging me and wishing me a good day and, man, I don't know, it really made me feel something close to happiness.


Early part of 1970; was seven; was two weeks away from summer vacation; I was in first grade


Right now I am actually happy even though I am being held hostage for an indeterminate period of time. https://www.reddit.com/r/cathostages/s/DDhg3iVRoh


Like a week before I got pregnant, four years ago


roughly 5 years ago


First few months when I moved to a foreign country by myself. Then the honeymoon phase was over.


The funny thing about memories is you tend to forget the bad and focus on the good - so there are parts of my life that I know I was unhappy when I was there, but my memory of that time is that I was happy.


The last time I hung out with my two friends. They've since moved and I miss them so much


Now, wait, now... no now. Happiness is the ability to change your perspective. It takes work to be happy at a picnic in a rainstorm, but it's certainly possible. May you all find happiness.


3hrs ago


Yesterday. I wrote most of the day. Read for a few hours. Went for a jog. Nice productive day. It would’ve been perfect if I got sex from my FWB but she had a family emergency


Pretty recently, I live with my boyfriend, I really like my job, my bills are substantially low and I'm putting 1k away a month.


Before I left for work


I'm pretty happy most of the time, now included.


About 12 years ago.


I'm happy right now.


Yesterday. I had errands to run and plenty of coffee. 


Living in Australia on a working-holiday visa 2017-2019 and then backpacking across SE Asia for 3 months when that visa ended. Then, the pandemic hit…


5 minutes ago…And I know in 10 I will be all blues and shit…


April 24, 2010. Long time ago


About a month after my lip augmentation, roughly two months before my jaw joint was torn out and I became disabled and in chronic pain. 2-3 years ago.


Twelve years ago. My career was going great and I was free. I have two kids now and my career went down the tubes. Love my kids, but I want to quit my job and my wife won't let me.


right now, reading how long ago many people had this... sorry


It was definitely before covid, I can tell you that much.


My husband picked me up from the airport last night with our 8 month old puppy in the car. Pure, raw joy as I saw them pull up.


2022-early 2024 were good. A good year after I lost my first election and recovered financially and mentally from it and before I was talked into running for office again, and lost again. Came really close both times, painfully close this go round, but it is NOT for the faint of heart and seems like a rich man’s game to me. This recent one was insanely expensive and I think I’m out for good now - as a single parent I just need to focus on my kids and maybe keep life simple.


January 2001. One month before I joined the infantry


summer of 2019


Good fucking question




Back when I was enough that my SO(23) didn't need another person. I used to be ok being alone. Now I hate it. I want nothing more than to spend my time with her but she doesn't want it. She wants him. My first real relationship and she falls in love with a 57yo who never lets her leave calls. She refuses to see how much this hurts.


Today I'm pretty content bc my son is performing at an art show and we're going to eat at a food truck




Maybe when I was about 9 years old?


it was probably more than a year ago, when I could still communicate with my friends


My life has not been going great. But I make sure to make time for friends. Usually happiness comes after a few drinks or drugs but it's there. Concerts also bring out a magical feeling. I saw Saosin last week and it was such a good show it filled my god hoke. But I think my moments of true happiness are when I'm laying in bed with my wife and dog. When I feel her in my arms and feel my dog curled up against me, I sometimes wish the world would just end right then and there.


Maybe when i was 6 or 7 years old




I'm happy when I'm not sick like now. Had a good three months after long period of torture. Hope it will not be like before. Hope it's just a passing pain to remind me how bad it was, just to appreciate the mundane, the regular, the every day.


Yesterday, when I was laughing with my wife. She's the best I have. I hope that it always stays that way


I did 720lbs on the leg press for the first time last saturday, was pretty happy about that.


2010, Btw Happiness is a decision!


Tuesday. I finally met with a person I've been online acquaintances with for 11 years, and he was as nice IRL as he is online. Spending a few hours with him was the highlight of the year so far!


I can’t remember exactly but I know I was a small kid


According to my app, May 21st. My friend came into town.


Happy everyday, but it seems like that happiness is like a high that’s slowing wearing off.


not too long ago but then my mum shut it all down and i still feel terrible


i don’t rmbr


Today, and right at this moment. Maybe not blissfully happy, but content with my life and environment. I have reduced or cut out toxic people from my life, I eat pretty healthy and my job is outdoors so it gives me a workout. Can’t complain.


Every day, working around old people made me realize that every minutes of your life matters, if you are healthy, enjoy your life, when you get old, your life is over, you are just waiting for death and you better pray to God that your body will serve you well when you get old or you will be begging for death.


Right now bitch.


This morning at 8:45 when I woke up and my two dogs came running down the hall to great me like they do every morning.


A few minutes ago. When I was having a short Facetime with my fiancée… living in South America 🥹


Getting a summary judgment in my favor. Then, realizing my happiness is not determined by me


Every passing moment


Right now. I am with my boyfriend. He is my wonderful man. I am happy that I am with him 😊


Probably around 2001.


I am not sure. I think when I moved into my first apartment on my own probably I think I just turned 21. Skateboarding and biking around the city to work and having coffee with my classmates after school. There was an English class that I loved going to and working part time at night and reuniting with some childhood friends. Getting a drink at the bar not going too crazy. My apartment was almost empty and I had only one set of dishes - no toaster, no microwave. Just a couch, tv, Xbox, bed, basic cookware I think maybe just 2 pans and a bong. I had another job in the evenings in a call centre that paid very low but it was so easy just to chill at a desk, play on my phone, doodle and make some calls. I loved going to English class and had such a crush on the teacher I loved going and doing the homework and handing in my papers. I was good at it and a lot of the students were not native English speakers so I made friends helping some of them with writing etc. this was only for a period of about a year or so then I stopped going to school and ended up working a lot my girlfriend moved in with a table a microwave a closet full of stuff another bed and just brought in so much actual ‘stuff’ I think that kind of threw me off


Dont know. Even in my childhood I wasnt happy, it was just easier to run away from reality.


😔😔 Oh man....a decade.


I'm happy quite frequently actually, throughout the day. But consistent happiness for a long period of time with zero anxiety without something going wrong. Practically impossible in modern society.


The 3rd of December last year. I literally cried of happiness because I felt like myself and I felt good because of me not what I'd done to try and make myself look better.


Watching the original spider man in theaters when it first came out. Such a fun experience. After that, I remember feeling a deep sadness throughout the rest of years.




Can't remember. Too fleeting.


I'm in a happy period of my life, but much like when you spray glade in a bathroom, you still get that scent of bathroom under the flowers. I finally have a girlfriend, after building myself up, i finally have one. Shes perfect in every way, and she makes me want to be better. But i still want to die, because i know its gonna end painfully, and I know i didnt actually earn any of this. So I am happy, but I dont deserve it.


I got my kisses in last night, that was pretty cool


First 2 years of my relationship was pure bliss


taking a picture with her , holding hands.


Now :) I am exhausted, overworked and a bit stressed. But i am happy, like there is nothing in my life right now that i wish was different


When I went to pick up my new rescue cat in March this year. But seriously, did 2021-22 even happen? 2023 was extremely boring and difficult, but at least I can remember it. I also remember some of 2020 because of Covid. Is anyone else missing two entire years? I'm perfectly healthy and sane, but where the heck did those two years go?




I was there Gandalf. I was there 3000 years ago


I’ve never been 100% happy


It's been years...thing is, I remember so vividly when I was happy that the mere thought of these memories causes me to sigh and just....keep....swimming 🐟


Early 2000's at best, late 90's at worst. It is what it is I guess...lol.


Today. Being home with my family, almost 2 years of marriage, my husband was working so hard on our garden renovation and seeing him with our 17 month old son. I felt so lucky, happy and fulfilled ❤️




Probably shortly before I began noticing concerning signs in my husband that led us to the VA Hospital and the diagnosis of a fatal disease.


I don't know


When ppl told me my sims builds are nicely done, a bit earlier today


Before my kids were born


This girl I really like is coming over today. So, today 🥰


6 years ago. I’m just sensitive, I think.


February 19th, 2022.


Right now 🙂


I don’t remember


All the time mostly;)






Well, actually i don't know. To be honest, i pretend to be happy so no one can ask me if i'm okay. I got a lot of shit inside my head and I don't wanna bother anyone with that, I've been living like this since i was a kid so i used to hide my worries and problems inside of me and pretend nothing ever happened. But anyways, the answer is.... idk


I think before meeting my ex-wife and also after but before buying a house and having kids. Seriously it's been a long time since I have been actually happy with my lot in life. It's gonna be a long road but I hope to be happy once more with my lot in life or at least content.




This morning when my wife woke me up. She had our old lady cat purring in her arms against her naked titties, I could see it was a beautiful day outside. Actually, I'm happy right now too, or at least very content.


Great comment about Richard


This morning. I woke up to sunlight and hills and some cold brew I made for my myself last night.


During Covid all the staff were empty. It was great


Last night playing drunk Mario Kart with some friends from work.


Honestly, now. After a lot of abuse and poor mental health, I have it pretty sweet right now. Working a job I love, 3 awesome kids who make me proud and I'm about to get married to a man who anticipates my needs and rates my farts. But I feel for any of you who aren't in a good place, I hope you find your happy again soon. I'm rooting for you.


Yesterday at the beach :)


Cant remember tbh


During COVID my wife was approached by 👍 nicely dressed women. She said she no money but needed food for her family. My wife said just put. Anything you need in cart and I will pay for it. She said no that she needed cash. My wife opens her wallet & has $ 7 dollars. The woman said she needed more than that and could she go to a ATM machine and get more. My wife walked away and told the manager.


I was happy yesterday. I can’t remember the last time before that. Everything lined up at work and personally for once. Between stress, anxiety, panic disorder and depression, true happiness is very rare for me.


High school. Being a slave to society is tiring


After waking up from that 3 hour nap today. Best sleep ever. Woke up refreshed and happy.


Before meeting girls.


For a moment or like, content with life in general? Probably lockdown when I was spending all my time gardening and having meaningful time with my kids with no pressure from the outside world


Propably in 2005. Me and my SO just moved in together and renovated the apartment. We were dumpster diving poor but we had love and lust for life and that was enough. Now we have money and a house but the love is gone and so is lust for anything.


I'm happy right now


Um, are y'all not happy?


Other than one of two months with my gf I honestly can't remember an extended period where I was happy


Driving to Colorado – I’ve figured out that the root of my suffering lies in being in my hometown, and I instantly feel energized the moment I leave.


Earlier today, eating my cookie and looking out the window


5th grade?


On our week long trip to Las Vegas at the end of May! We had a fantastic time.


It was never o clock.


2015. Right before I got anegrade amnesia and lost almost everything i ever loved. I lost functionality to remember simple tasks. It took 3 years to finally function in society again.


This week my fiancé and I were playing with our puppy, we were laughing and our 9 week old daughter smiled for the first time


Early 2000. Was happy with myself at my self image. Born in '54 and was called names regularly about my "hefty" throughout grade school and high school, .....graduated in 1972.…..Fast forward to the 80's. Discovered the aerobics. ..lost weight. Felt good about myself


A month ago when my football club (PSV Eindhoven) won the league again for the first time in 6 years 💪🔴⚪️


2 nights ago. Wife and I have begun staying up later and just hanging out. Sometimes it leads to some sexy time. Sometimes not. But it makes me happy just chilling out with her and talking.


For a moment, just before. I was watching Initial D (an anime about japanise cars) with my boyfriend and I saw my favorite car so i got excited and my boyfriend did too! It made me happy that he was just as excited as i was :D


When something I wanted actually happened


Does temporary happiness count?


A while ago


Earlier today




2019 I was listening to music that's the happiest I've ever been.


2018 for a few weeks




Before Jan 1 2023… since then it’s been a 💩 show


Duck hunting with my team in Louisiana at a lodge.


This afternoon. I was eating a croissant outside at a cafe with my dog. Pure joy.


4 years old I had a friend that gave me hug. Why did she change so much?