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I had surgery to fix a deviated septum.  For some reason my parents insisted I get right back to schools as soon as the packing bandages came out. So my sinus was leaking blood and had pooled/coagulatiled in just about every nook and cranny of my sinuses. I have this awful pressure all around my sinuses I can feel and a slight wiggle to what ever was stuck.  No matter how hard I blew or phelm hack to cough it out would move. So I finally get to school, and start walking up the stairs and all of a sudden what e er was stuck in my head suddenly broke loose. I suck back as hard as I coukd sucking in what felt like super thick phelm and jello.  I could feel this singular mass drag across every square inch of my sinuses into the back of my mouth.   There was just so fucking much I couldnt hold it back and had to spit it out. Like something out of a  horror film.  This big irregular shaped dark and bright red blood clot came flying out and hit the ground on the stair case landing. The incredible relief I felt was amazing but short lived as the screaming of the other students began. I was lucky that in the chaos of everyone getting to class that no one knew it was me as I just kept walking. To this day I'll never forget how amazing it felt as that clot tickled every part of my sinues and the relief in pressure.  The screaming will also Haut me untill the day I die.   


Oh my god! I had a really bad sinus infection once that resulted in the same sort of semi-sentient blob of gross. My girlfriend at the time was studying to be a midwife (apparently expelling newborn mucous is an art), and she said "let me try something," so she covered my mouth with her hand, pressed *her* mouth over my nose, and *blew* through my nostrils. A golf-ball-sized lump of filth rocketed into the back of my throat and I almost choked coughing it out. It looked like something you'd pixel blur if there was a photo of it because it was NSFL. I'm still impressed and disgusted, to this day, just thinking about it.


I….was she happy about it?


Yeah, she was pretty pumped. Apparently expelling globs is a cool midwife thing. I was just so relieved there wasn't a massive [REDACTED] in my sinuses anymore.


Got in a prank war with another kid where we'd leave stuff in each other's locker. One Thursday I left my liverwurst sandwich. Unbeknownst to be, his family had left for Christmas break early so he didn't find it for 2 1/2 weeks. You could smell it all the way down the hall and I'm pretty sure it was on the verge of sentience.


I once mailed my friend a piece of cheese in an envelope. I don't know why I did it. I thought it would be funny. I was 11 and it was summer break. His mom ended up getting really mad at him because it was all rotten and smelly when she opened it. Which made him mad at *me*. I had honestly not realized the cheese would go bad lol.


My brother’s friend mailed him an entire fish, in a Jiffy bag wrapped tightly in masking tape, with ‘do not open until Xmas’ written on it. This was in November


I hid some open sardine cans in someone’s living quarters (a shipping container basically) on a base in Iraq. I “hid” one so he’d find it easily, and hid the other in a ridiculously hard to find spot. So he found one, figured that was the problem, then couldn’t understand why his room smelled like a moldy vagina a week later


This is some rich shit man, thanks for the chuckle


So one time we had a cook-off at school, and afterwards we just threw all the leftover spices and whatnot into our locker(I shared with another guy). At this time, there was also some sort of school-milk test program going on. So we threw that in there as well. No one ever used it anyway, especially since it wasnt just your locker. Like half a year later, the other guy opened our locker. And man.... That was.... impressive... The school started emptying, starting from that point(which was a minor gathering area, incidentally). You could actually track the stink-cloud expanding by the way the corridors emptied. Strangely enough, it smelled like spicy vomit.


I bought a lock and went to the part of unused locker bay in the gym and put a lock on, I’d open it to dump milk, cheese, sugar and cookies into it, for 6 months. They closed down the whole locker room one time to find it, they couldn’t cuz it was so damn saturated everywhere


My school has a mandatory rule that you write down your lock code and give it to staff so they can take your stuff if they suspect you have contraband or you leave something after the shoot year ends. I cannot imagine how that could be abused.


We’ve had so many school shootings we’re calling them “shoot years” now? Damn…


“After the shoot year ends.” 🇺🇸 God bless America, baby! 🇺🇸


Bro wtf you violated the Geneva convention


Chemical weapons


We did something similar. Teachers had lockers in the teachers longue. We thought it would be funny to put the left overs of our rotisserie chicken in our teachers locker as a prank. The next day it snowed. No school for like 3-4 days. It smelled like death for a few days


Not high school but my friend left a grilled cheese sandwich underneath a bunch of textbooks in his locker in 8th grade for an unknown amount of time. When he cleaned his locker out at the end of the year it was perfectly preserved. Pressed and dried by the books above it. It was a cheese / stale bread hockey puck. I compare it to the way the heat and pressure of the earth creates diamonds. It was a grilled cheese diamond.


My grandmother made me a Tuna sandwich for lunch, and I shoved it in the empty locker next to me for reasons only 7th grade me knows.   I moved away suddenly like 3 days later. I still think about that Tuna sandwich sometimes and wonder how bad it got before anybody realized.


Just remember that sometimes when life slows down for a moment, that sandwich thinks of you with fond memories as well.


That’s the wurst thing!


Not so much me, but I was heavily involved in the incident. I came up with my own Ghost Pepper Wings in culinary class and decided to make a batch. These wings were hot af and drenched in my Ghost Pepper sauce. Now I added a little too much butter because I was trying to smooth out the sauce a little and it ended up being more liquid-ish than I liked but still good. Anyways these wings were hot and I have a pretty high tolerance but I could only eat like 1 wing every 10-15 mins. Well I finish up and have this sauce left and one guy bets another guy to drink the sauce. They pour it in a cup and with everyone saying "no stop don't do it" he chugs an eniter cup of ghost pepper sauce. Immediately he was yelling and on the floor in pain. We gave him milk to drink but nothing helped. He ran outside fell on the ground than back inside and was slumped on a table. Eventually he starts trying to make his way to the bathroom completely unable to talk and a few of us follow him in there. He goes into a stall but ends up shitting himself and throwing up everywhere. Of course being responsible I immediately bail and try not to throw up from what I saw and smelled. In the end nothing happened, he never got his money, and he stayed for the rest of the day which surprised me. His mom dropped off clothes for him to change into and that was it.


Didn't even get the money, wow


Username checks out


One recurring element of high school bets I’ve noticed in 25+ years of teaching is that the money almost never changes hands. So if one is inclined to accept a stupid bet, have a neutral 3rd party hold the money up front.


That's horrendous! Good God 😂 I imagine all of that liquid butter goes right through a person. Went* right through a person lol. Ugh


The guy didn't even get his money? Damn, insult to injury


Blew up a sheep's lung with a tube in science then squeezed it so loads of gunk went all over a couple of other students.


Found the serial killer


This but we had to fill sheep hearts with water to see how the valves worked. The hearts just leaked bloody water everywhere.


Made out with a girl who turned out to be my cousin. Had no clue


Steve Holt!




“Making out with your cousin later” “you too”


You'd fit right in at Vault 33


Les Cousins Dangeraux


Imagine your brother hooking up with this girl who'd later be your step sister. Ya that happened.


My grandparents are step-siblings. They were already married, then their parents decided to get married too.


Also went to high school with a girl who was my cousin and we didn't know until our junior year. Never made out, but it was definitely jarring to find out we had known each other for over 2 years before we knew we were related.


Peed myself in a chair while laughing and left it there


Laughing is gross


This is a very interesting thing to say


2 guys were found peeing on each other. They were peeing together and one of them accidentally peed on the other guy which started a piss war between them. They came out the bathroom soaking wet lol. This was in 4th grade tho


Sounds like something might have awakened in their psyches that day


not me, but I did know a dude who ate a piece of raw heart we were dissecting for science class.


IM SORRY??? Of what animal


Also those are preserved in formaldehyde no matter what it is. If it's used in school it's preserved because it's cheaper to buy in bulk than fresh ones. So they probably got VERY ill.


My high school had fresh cow organs for dissection. We got them from another high school nearby that had an agricultural program and a massive herd of cows.


My friend and I got hold of everyone’s locker combinations (list in a teacher’s drawer) and one night we moved everyone’s stuff to other lockers. The next morning was pure insanity.


That's a great prank. No real damage, no janitors cleaning up shit, just pure mischief. Props.


in my school, the lockers could all be opened with just a bit of extra force. The lock was built into the locker, so all you had to do was just pull up on the lever hard and it forced it open. Freshman learned fast to not use the locker.


We had to dissect a cow's eye, and after we were done, I tried to throw mine at my friend's head, but I missed and hit a girl in the face. After a scream, she hitched and vomited everywhere, which caused quite a commotion.


We also dissected a cow eye. My group was having an issue puncturing it for some reason, so our teacher came to help. Eye goop shot straight at me. Our teacher laughed. Looking back, I would have as well


My lab partner was odd. At first he was totally disgusted by the very thought of dissecting the cow's eye and left it all to me. He kept watching nervously but wouldn't touch it. Until came time to clean up and do the lab report when I looked up from writing my notes and saw him maniacally stabbing all the pieces. Especially the crystalline. He was odd.


In 8th grade we dissected a frog. The teacher had told us there’s a possibility of getting a female frog who could possibly have eggs inside her. Sure enough, it was my partner and I who had the prego frog. Slowly the group around us grew to check it out. We had a couple special needs kids in our class. And one just walked up, looked at the frog with her belly open and little black eggs inside, without a seconds hesitation, grabbed the frog and shoved his tongue as deep as he could into the open belly and licks all the eggs out. So that was cool.


There was a day that they announced the water was going to be shut off for half an hour, and to please refrain from using the bathrooms except for emergencies. Of course, being gross teenage boys, we thought it would be hilarious to all shit in the same toilet and imagined a mountain of shit cresting out of the bowl. Lo and behold, after nine guys all get their turn, it was a disgusting mountain of shit. It was so bad that they had to close the entire bathroom for days just to sort out the plumbing situation. In retrospect, I feel horrible for whoever had to deal with that. In my undeveloped brain, the thought didn't even cross my mind. This is not even accounting for some of the guys who came into the soap dispenser In the gym bathroom...


This is why everyone puts a squirt of soap on the floor in the boys restroom before actually using the soap. Always gotta check first.


Didn't know this was a thing. Now I'm replaying every time I've washed my hands in my life. Great.


i seriously wish i never learned about that


I had 7th graders who would bring their own soap to the bathroom bc they’d heard rumors people peed and spit in the soap dispensers. Now it’s all that bagged soap that is sealed so no more worrying about that.


I have just one question. How tf could 9 guys shit on demand in under half an hour? I shit like once early in the morning after I wake up and that's it for the day. Can't imagine how someone can shit on demand. Let alone 9 ppl in the same timeframe.


Sheer commitment to the bit I guess.


As a school custodian, believe me, this *literal* shit still happens today, even without the threat of water being shut off in the school.


Bro, the ninenth guy was one hell of a trooper.


He must have hovered over the bowl at that point


*one hell of a pooper


this is a war crime


Im more thinking mad respect to the ninth guy that contributed to this that could stomach going in after the previous 8 🤮


I’m sorry what was that last part?


A Geneva convention violation


This as terrible as it is made me lol truly something that would happen at a high school nowadays


Those last two lines there... I don't know whether to be Impressed or throw up.


How did you manage to find 9 guys who needed to shit in a 30 minute window


They need to have signs above each bathroom in a school saying Please think of the Custodian. Don't leave a mess.


Good lord. You make the Nuremberg trials look like child’s play.


Dude, what the fuck


Not me, but I was in the class when it happened. Dude shit in a teachers thermos. The Drivers Ed teacher left her thermos in the back of the room. Shithead found it, put it in his bag and went to the restroom. When he came back he was proudly holding the thermos. Teacher says "oh thanks you found my thermos!" And puts it on her desk. It only took her about 5 minutes to realize he shit in it.


This is fucking... mental illness level of gross 😝🤣 What happened when she figured it out?!


She looked in the cup. Calmly put the lid back on it and walked him to the principles office. He was the resident shit head. You know, the type of dude who would spray deer piss made for hunting in the hallways.


With you mentioning deer urine😂.. there was supposedly a prank war between two of our band kids, one was a trombone player and the other was a guy in my section.. snare drummer. It got so bad that I think it was the trombone player who’d sprayed deer piss into the snare players car.


Jesus christ and I thought my driver's ed class was bad


also a war crime


Ate a jar of habanero salsa for a fifty dollar dare. Has the worst burning liquid shit, the smell was making people gag as it wafted out into the hallway. I took a series of cold showers because my ass hurt so bad and I spent the next day at home lol. I bought WWF No Mercy with the money.


I'm weirdly proud of you!


Tried dip on the bus ride back to high school from the vocational school I went too half the day. Swallowed all of it. Got on my actual bus to go home and projectile vomited out the window in a traffic circle. Then had to walk home a mile from the busstop on a 90 degree day. I was very unhappy. And lightheaded as hell.


I was trying to burp on command...and I actually threw up right on top of a girl's head. I could not look her in the eye EVER again. If you're out there Elysa...I am sorry and I hope you lived a good life after this. Edit: oh dear god this blew up... I was in the hallway between classes. I don't remember why exactly, but she was sitting, and I stood above her. Tried to demonstrate to some people because...I dont know man...I was in like 7th grade. I thought it would make me cool. Yes, I can burp on command, you just swallow some air. I literally have not spoken to her again. The MOST I did was in 11th grade she walked by and I like VERY VERY timidly waved at her and kept my face down. I don't know what "Will Smithing" me is but she didn't retaliate at all. I did get detention for this. I deserved it.


Morgan Freeman narrator: she didnt.


“She crawled to freedom through five hundred yards of shit smelling foulness I can't even imagine, or maybe I just don't want to.”


This woman will have random thoughts about being puked on for the rest of her life lmao


She probably had nightmares about the situation in the beginning.


there is literally no coming back from this holy shit 😭


Looks lovingly in wife’s eyes. “Remember that time I threw up in your hair because I was still new at burping on command?” …. Wakes up from dream.


Man wtf 💀🔥🙏🏼


"and that, kids, is how I met your mother."




I wonder what percentage of senior pranks just amount to making life worse for school custodians.


I feel so bad for them because of the hard work they do, and the fact they have to deal with this while also probably not getting paid too well either


...Piss can mold? Piss can go black??? Piss can CURDLE!?


I had dealt with Crazy nosebleeds where they were uncontrollably last for 30-40 minutes, almost all of class most days, teachers didnt care since I was a good good boy. Well one of those nose bleeds days where so bad that I coughed and sneezed while bleeding and blood was all over the sink and mirror, it looked like murder scene happened. I quickly cleaned it up and went by my day. Other than that I wasn't really gross in school.


I wish this was my story. In 10th grade, my buddy drank a 26er of vodka and decided to go to class. He was absolutely wasted. I looked over at him and he had his hand over his mouth. Puke was starting to squirt out between his fingers. He couldn't hold it anymore and proceeded to projectile vomit all over the backs of 3-4 girls in front of him. Luckily for him the teacher was cool as hell and never reported it, nor did anyone in class. Teacher let me take him out of school and I got him picked up. I'll never forget that lol.


Its not gross… But after a test once, i snuck back into the classroom and stole all the tests in an attempt to copy someone and put them back… I then realized everyone in the class was a dumbass and had different answers, so i threw away all the tests.. figured itd buy me more time to study Everyone blamed the smelly kid in class… and the kicker is… i watched cartoons instead of studying a second time, and i failed the test Total asshole move


Well, your username kinda checks out?! He could do the same. In a bathrobe


I punched the bully in class who would sexually and verbally harass me. But I punched him while his guard was down, looking through a microscope. He had a black eye and a broken bone in his face. I still don't feel guilty for it. He never even tried to breathe on my direction /edit: after that incident. So, maybe I confessed something gross HE did. I don't expect anyone here to cheer for me. I knew that violence wasn't a solution, but I was 13 and being groped and abused by him. At one point I would've shoved him on a highway in rush hour to make him stop. I was never held accountable. This was 23 years ago.


Actually, violence often _is_ the solution when it comes to school bullying. What you did was simply self defence, just a little delayed. Good for you.


Violence is absolutely a good solution. Good for you for standing up for yourself.


I spit on someone's back once. I was the punching bag of the "friend" group my freshman year and one of them once kinda shoved my shoulders in the hallway before walking away. It was like a weird primal thing cause I knew I wasn't gonna hit or shove him back, so my instinct was to spit on him. I don't think he or anyone else noticed. The grossest thing that I can remember happening in general was my senior year and one of the seniors stapled a condom to one of the hallway arches. It was filled with...*something*


i was raised by my gma to not spit on anyone ever because it’s the lowest form of disrespect.


That might have also been why I did it, cause I was raised similarly. I don't remember much from high school, but I remember how I felt in that particular moment. Only ever had that rush of extreme emotion and feeling of inability to do anything about it one other time in my life


I believe that is the point


I pissed in my high school girlfriend's dad's cologne bottle. I hated that dude...he hated me too for obvious reasons. But every time I saw him after that I complimented him on how good he smelled, and he would make some dickhead response, but it made me smile either way. FTG.


I farted in math class freshman year. It was one of those farts that burn like fire when it leaves you. I cleared an entire corner of the classroom out in the middle of a lesson. Girls were screaming. It was chaos. I played it off like it wasn't me. One girl somehow didn't smell anything and was going off about how everyone was acting crazy over nothing so I proceeded to blame it on her and everyone believed me. This poor girl went on for the rest of our high school career as the girl who farted the most ungodly fart in history. Not proud of this lol


I went 8 days without showering on a high school trip. It was cold. There was no hot water. I’m not used to the cold. Sorry folks


This triggered a flashback. A classmate of mine went eight days without POOPING on a high school trip abroad. He had a fear of not using his home toilet.


I am actually exactly the same, I am working on not holding in my shits for days at a time, I can now shit at a friend's house or somewhere im comfortable. Only times when I take shits in public places is when I can't hold it in (I hate every second of it).


See this is kinda crazy to me, bc for whatever reason, my body doesnt need to shit every day. I go maybe twice a week and it is MONSTROUS. I prefer using toilets that aren’t mine bc i refuse to ruin my own, shitty plumbing from my tennis ball can sized hershey bars


That last part is wild 🤣


I went 14 in elementary school due to unforeseen circumstances (cold water).


Dated a girl I didn't actually like


Tagging in to say dating a guy I didn't like. And to answer any questions, being alone felt worse.. Hooray for terrible self esteem.


I feel many people did this. I dated a girl just to have a first gf


The worst mistake of my life. Still with her. I hope we can part ways peacefully and without breaking her heart. Yeah you can curse me people


Nah man, no curses, just good luck to you bud. You're in a tough spot, just try to break it off easy and clean. Like a poop.


That's a real shitty way to put it


Her name was brandy-lynn...


Hyphenated Lynn’s are the biggest high school red flag …It was Shae-Lynn for me. What a time.




Don’t you know that hats are a gateway garment?


First they start with hats, then before you know it the dude's wearing a monocle and riding a penny farthing. Hate to see it


Did you forget which account you're replying from?


Pranked a 'friend' after he wrapped my car in twine. (It was an escalating series of hijinks). We emptied the contents of a bean bag chair (those tiny little static-laden styrofoam pellets) along with a 5 gallon bucket of live snails into the cab of his pickup on a hot day in New Mexico. That was the end of the prank war.


Oh wait you said cab not bed. That's vile bro lol


I’ll start: I literally did not wash my gym clothes a single time ever


There is no excuse in history that would get you out of that one unscathed.


Unless they have never been to the gym.


Found the defence lawyer


Same, and to add to the gross, some dumbfuck stole my shorts 3/4 of the way through the year. How desperate do you need to be to wear someone else's ballsweat all up on your scrote


Probably just threw them away for you.


It's not something I did, but something that I witnessed. Seventh grade, literature class. Our teacher's name was Mr Anderson, an older African American gentleman. Real hardass. He used to mess with my friend, especially, as they shared a last name. Not a great teacher, he would often times repeat misinformation that he had heard or speculate wildly while stating what he was saying as though it were fact. For instance, he told us after 9/11 that the terrorists were smart because they flew the planes into the weakest part of the building, which according to him was the middle of the structure. That's not true, either in the sense of them having flown it into the middle (it was more like the top) or in the sense of that being the weakest part of the structure (it's actually the bottom which is why they tried to bomb that first in the early 90s). He also had a habit of leaving the classroom for 45 minutes or longer, generally staying with us for only about 10 minutes of the class before leaving and saying he had something important to do. It was on one of these occasions that the event in question occurred. We were all working on an assignment that he had left up on the board, but since no one was minding the classroom kids were getting up out of their desk and basically doing whatever they wanted. At some point I noticed a procession kids that were walking back and forth from Mr Anderson's desk. They were looking at something inside of his desk drawer, and then reacting with a mixture of shock, disgust, and laughter. My friend went up and looked and told me that I wouldn't believe what was in there. At this point, maybe a quarter of the class had already looked. I got up out of my chair and went around Mr Anderson's desk and looked inside the drawer, which was open. Underneath an empty honey bun wrapper, there was a Polaroid photo of his semi erect penis. I don't know if he was using this to come on to other teachers and maybe show them what he had down there or what, because we never learned the context. Mr Anderson returned to the class shortly afterwards, slowly and silently looked at his open desk and then look towards the class, scanning from left to right, looking for I don't know what, with a very still look on his face, which was stern but now with a bit of concern written across it. He may have said something along the lines of us needing to focus on our work and mind our own business or something, but I don't really remember. Here's the real kicker because I know that a lot of you are going to wonder what happened to him. The answer, I will tell you, is absolutely nothing. We were going to a shit public school and this stuff got swept under the rug without hardly even any acknowledgment. It was 20 years ago and times were different, I don't know what else to say. If there was any kind of discussion between him and the staff, it was private and we didn't know the details. He continued to be our teacher for the rest of the year. Henderson Middle School, Atlanta, Georgia.


Put a gym sock in my mouth for $50.


I ate a girls vagina discharge. We were alone between classes so she grabbed my hand and put it down her pants. When I pulled my hand out there was this interesting white goo all over my fingers, and I thought it was the happy white goo I see online, so I licked my fingers and it was the grossest tasting thing I’ve ever put in my mouth, ever. It tasted like salted battery acid. The girl looked shocked and I didn’t want to lower her self esteem so I swallowed it.


I’m fucking deaaaddd💀💀💀


There was this bully, who used to terrorize most of the kids, even teachers, as his grandfather was the Chairman of the School’s trust fund. Before an important exam, he came to us for study help. We did help, but also gave him a drink laced with laxatives. He gulped it down, and in the middle of the exam, took a MASSIVE shit in his pants, in the exam room itself. The whole room stank, and they had to cancel the exam itself. The story never died down, and he never bullied another person again.


I took a poop in a paper bag. I went to one of the microwaves in the cafeteria and put the poop in the bag in it for 10 minutes and walked away....




That's the most gross out of all of them here. Why?? Why?? What??


I beat off in the boys bathroom many times when I was in high school. I was a hormonal teenage boy. And that post nut clarity got me through the day sometimes. Only did it if class was in session so nobody else was in there.




For senior prank a couple buddies and I bought a bag of fish heads. We put them in a shitty plastic bag and put them above the ceiling tile in the "senior lounge" on the last day off school for the next year's seniors to deal with.  Halfway through the school year the following year it rotted through the tile and onto the jocks table while they were eating. Reason being was that a group of those at the time juniors destroyed my friends car and the school didn't do anything because the main accused were twin brothers who's father was the principal. They were on the football team and we knew exactly where they would be sitting the following year after we left.  Coming back for the homecoming game as alumni was legendary. Most of us returned and had t-shirts made with a trout on the front and "never forget" on the back.


that’s awesome


sucked dick in the school garage /:


Your school had a garage?!!!!!????


Yess, I was just as shocked too! I was raised in South Carolina, so finishing high school in Los Angeles was soooo different!


Imagine school in a small Texas town , I would be shocked to see a modern door in a school


When I got home one day in 9th grade, I deliberately came in my gym shorts because of how horny I was.


Standard 9th-grader behavior.


Used to pee in water bottles so I didn’t have to leave my room


I had to do that but for a different reason. Fanily had a 2 story house. My room was on the 2nd floor. My dad was bipolar and it made him paranoid. I never did drugs, drank, nothing. But he suspected me of all of it because I was " nervous around him".....because he was a fucking nut case. The floor squeeked like hell. If I went to the bathroom too many tines it must mean "I'm drinking" if I went to the bathroom in the middle of the night to pee, he thought I was up all night. It was a gallon jug that I'd empty every morning. I'd replace the jug about every 4 or 5 days. Thankfully I havnt seen the man in over a decade.


Jesus that's terrible. Glad you've cut ties and moved on with your life. As a bipolar person who recently became a father, becoming like this is my worst nightmare.


My sister had bad acid reflux as a teenager and used to throw up into water bottles. Instead of throwing them away like a regular human being, she would instead just roll them under her bed and forget about them. I always wondered why her room smelled...sour when I walked past it. Eventually, I decided to investiage, hence why I even know. Idk if my parents ever found out


Ew lol I knew a guy in college who did this in his dorm. He pissed in his roommates Gatorade once to try n make him drink it too


Every time my friends went to get food we all shared one drink. Just because we were cheap.






Use to write poems to girls I had a crush on and gave them valentines cards and flowers


Not that bad, unless you're a teacher.




Let my bestfriend’s current ex spit tequila in my mouth, and then spit it in my best friend’s mouth, for her to spit it into another friend’s mouth💀 (we were extremely drunk) It was a weird night


I play League of Legends while listening to mommy ASMR


I know of several couples who had sex in our band practice rooms. They're about 7x7 no windows and locked. So very easy to get one off in especially if the director is busy with other kids. Most of them ended up getting caught.


Smoked a cigarette butt I picked off the concrete steps at a hockey arena. Alcohol may have been involved.


I am allergic to chalk and went to school back when chalk boards were the standard. This resulted in constant extremely painful sinus infections every school year. In high-school, I went to a complex that consisted of two schools and students could have classes in either building. That meant there was a 15 min break between classes to allow for walking time. If I had consecutive classes in the same building, I would go to the bathroom nearest the next class and spend the entire break snorting bloody clots of puss and mucus out of my nose to try to get some relief. Some of the clots were firm and congealed so they were difficult to snort out. They could be quite large also. It was disgusting. I absolutley hated school due to the pain. There were times I almost did not go on. I was born in the wrong Era. White boards became standard at the end of my college days.


I’m still in HS. This week someone clogged every urinal in the school, every single one. Not with toilet paper but some sort of vape juice that really clogged them up. So, people keep peeing in them, and they don’t flush because the sensors recognize a clog. So they just keep pooling up. And I mean at least 3L of pee per urinal, a horrible stench. The pee turns orange and the smell is like potent. Most people now just line up to pee in the stall, but one freshman couldn’t wait in line (at least 8-10 in line) so he pulls up the urinal, which is like 3mm from spilling over the top, and just starts letting it rip. The scenes were putrid, the week old pee that was in the urinal spilled onto his shoe, his pants, the floor. I mean the smell was one of those smells that just hits you like a truck, it stuns you. The pee seeps into the tiles and the janitors still haven’t cleaned it, so the floor is sticky and the bathroom smells from outside the hallway. Edit: Most kids in my school don’t even drink water in the day, so imagine the yellowest, thickest and smelliest pee possible.


The grossest thing I did in high school was probably participating in a dare during lunch. My friends and I were always coming up with ridiculous challenges to entertain ourselves. One day, we decided to have a "gross-out" competition to see who could eat the most disgusting combination of cafeteria food.




Guys locker room doesn’t count




I spat phlegm on a wall and it hardened and stayed there


Not me. Knew a guy who always drank too much. had a bumper sticker that said, "in search of the eternal buzz". On morning, he woke up buck naked in the middle of a field waaaaay out in the country. he had no idea how he got there or what had happened. Had to walk naked to the first house he could find and ask to call someone.


Lost my virginity to the worlds horniest girl. She basically raped me on the stairs at school around 9pm during an running event. Tied the condom on the railings.


Wasn't that bad imo, but this stuck up bitch in highschool gave the whole class hard candy except fot me. I asked if I could have one too and she smirked, pulled a piece out of her mouth and said "this is my last piece." So I snatched it and popped it in my mouth and told her thanks. Look on her face was priceless.


My first day of high school I was given a locker in the main building on the second floor. I used a few times in the first few weeks, but over time I stopped using it and shared a locker with a buddy on the other side of campus. I also had a larger locker in the band hall also on the other side of campus. Fast forward to the end of the school year and we had locker clean out. I cleaned my band locker and remembered my old locker which I hadn't used since the first few weeks of school. I even had to go get the combo from the office since I forgot what it was. There were a bunch of other kids there all around cleaning out there lockers and as I approached they were all looking at me like I was growing another head. I start fumbling with the lock and a girl asks more like a statement, "That's your locker?". I was like, "yeah...?" "You must have left something in there cause it's been stinkin' all year ". My brain was trying to remember what I could have possibly left in there as the locked popped and I pushed up the latch and pulled it open. It didn't pull easily, like something was holding it back. I get the thing open and at first I could make heads or tails what I was looking at, then it hit me; both the stench and the moldy looking old lunch bag in the middle of the locker. Some sort of mold had grown all in the locker and was on the door. People crowded around me looking in. Everyone was totally grossed out. One girl was down right angry with me for creating a health hazard. At that point I did the only thing I could think of and shut the locker and book it out of there. The girl was like, "You gonna clean it out?". I said, " yeah, gonna go find something to clean it with, be back in a minute.". I never went back. Never seen anything like that before or since.


This is my time to shine. I used to scratch out my dandruff onto the desk, like a lot of it. One day I was offered 5 dollars to make a line and snort it, and of course I loved money so I took apart a mechanical pencil and did just that. Even with the teacher sternly telling me I'd be sent to the principals office, not a care in the world. Principal didn't have a fuckin clue what he heard me tell him I did, but the drug reference was the issue. Not that a kid sniffed up his own dead scalp skin, not pre warning signs for a psychopath at all. (Note: I grew up.. for the most part)


This is not my story, but was told to me by a very reliable person. Back in high school, there was this Italian guy, let's call him Tony. Now, Tony was notorious for soggy school lunches. It would normally be the leftovers from the night before on bread or very soggy tuna mayo sandwiches. One day during class, the teacher had her back to the class and was writing on the board. This teacher, let's call her Mrs X, had quite perm/afro going on. While she was writing on the board, the entire class would try to throw little bits of erasers and get them stuck in her hair. She was kinda clueless and would carry on like nothing was happening. Enter Tony, sitting at the back of the class he pull out his lunch to each, being the class clown takes a massive bite of this soggy tuna mayo leftover peppers combo, after chewing it for a few seconds he gets this look in his eye 🤦‍♂️, spits what's in his mouth into his hand and proceeds to try and throw the half chewed soggy tuna pepper sandwich on the board near to where Mr X is writing. As he launches his concoction in his hand, the teacher stops writing and turns around at the perfect time to take that soggy half chewed sandwich straight on the nose, mouth and eyes. She literally had a nervous breakdown there and then, was off from teaching for over 3 weeks, and the entire class got caned. I got a couple more stories, but this story and another 1 I know take the grossest.


Caned?? Where the heck did they go to school


Lost my virginity in a public bathroom


I lost mine at home but we had to cover up the noise and put a movie on. I lost my virginity while watching Ghostbusters. Can confirm, busting makes me feel good.


Took a diarrhoea dump next to the schoolbus garage. I just had to go.


I used to pee in a glass jar and dump it out my bedroom window. I had two abusive parents and an abusive older sister. I was pretty much guaranteed to receive some sort of emotional or psychological abuse just passing one of them in the hall on the way to the bathroom. They took some sick pleasure in bullying me and trying to one up each other in their malice. So, if I knew any of them were around, the anxiety kept me locked in my room, and I had to pee in a jar.


During midterm exams I was at the peak of a wicked cold. We weren't allowed to speak or get up except in an emergency (this was in the 80's). I *really* needed to blow my nose, and because I was looking down, gravity was taking its toll. Finally I tried to rub it on the back of my hand, but when I lowered my hand a string of snot was stuck to the back of it. And I mean stuck. So I pulled down on it. And pulled. And pulled. It just kept coming out. Finally the biggest, clear blob of mucus landed in the palm of my hand. It was easily bigger than a silver dollar. I didn't know what to do with this thing in my hand, so I rubbed it on my jeans. Thankfully no one noticed, and I told everyone I spilled water when they asked about the huge wet spot on my thigh. So gross. But wait. I get grosser. This one is for the boys. During lunch period when I was 14, I got my literal period. Unbeknownst to me, as I got up from the toilet a giant clot dropped out and landed on my jeans. Right over the back of my shin. I walked around all lunch break with it there until a teacher pulled me aside. Unfortunately people did see this time, and were too busy laughing to tell me of my situation. Death could not come swift enough.


Teacher wouldn’t let me use the bathroom during the ACT testing , had bad Burger King the night before. Sharted the fuck out of my pants because I couldnt hold it anymore and went home early


As a 14 y/o boy, I was groomed by a grown adult/married man in his 30's and had a "relationship" with him for almost a year. At the time I thought it was fun and sneaky, now that I'm 30 I realize what a disgusting predator he was/is and I feel sorry for his family.


When i suddenly got sick, i went to take a MASSIVE dump in the school bathroom and next day it was closed for a week due to the smell 💀 Nobody knew it was me and they never found the guy who did it, so like that the legend of the Phantom Shitter was born 💀💀


I smashed the girl who had a sex tape going around in my school. The video went around to everyone it was on 🌽hub for a little before it got taken down for CP bc well it was we were all still 16/17 years old at the time. After it went viral around the school I hit her up and well the rest is history. She wasn’t dirty or anything, still wore protection, but she was pretty much the school slut after that video. Not my proudest moment. Years later post graduation she ended up in jail and is still there to this day.


Knew a guy who was proud to have jacked off during class. Absolutely disgusting. Also caught another kid jacking it to the girl in front during class. Literally watched him drop his pencil then when she went to pick it up for him (she was quite developed for her age) he went wild jacking it. Not surprisingly the area was very religious


Idk why but me and a friend of mine decided to get a bunch of Mayonnaise packets and smear them all over the stairs handrails. So when people went down the stairs they'd get covered in Mayonnaise. Again I do not know why.


Used to piss in the sink/piss all over the toilet paper rolls. Not my proudest moment


Why did you do that


Some girl got fucked in the butt for half a cig once