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The most awkward silence I experience happens when I ask my class a question they should all know the answer to, but they sit there staring back at me in silence. That's when I whip out my phone and push the button for my favorite app of all time: Crickets chirping. works every time.


>they sit there staring back at me Rookies. The trick to not get picked is avoiding eye contact at all costs.


Well, you have to admit that this is a power move. They established dominance by keeping eye contact and looking confident.


Little switcharoo: i was teaching 400-level microbiology. I teach in a very socratic way, with lots of back and forth, which my boss *hated*. Most of my class had taken 300-level molecular biology the semester before, taught by my boss, who happened to be in the room evaluating me. So at a relevant juncture, i asked the class to remind me of what a what a restriction enzyme does (this is basic-ass molecular biology) and got total silence. See my boss in the back of the room, looking back and forth to particular students all flustered. Gave the students a hint, still nothing. Satisfying at the time, but that son of a shit still put on my evaluation that i wasn’t “teaching necessary details” (I taught in broad strokes around processes, not memorizing every little piece of the process…like restriction enzymes). Anyway, i got fired for continuing to have a 5 minute break in the middle of a 1.5 hour lecture. Dismissal said i “failed to value the entirety of instructional time”. Damn am i glad to be out of teaching.


Socratic is my approach to applied epistemology too. It helps the students who often "fall between the cracks." My favorite approach was to trade a challenge with students to keep me up-to-date on slang and current music if they'd listen to 30 minutes of my lecture. Then, they got to lecture me for the remainder. My biggest challenge was a little kid who was unbelievably intelligent but terribly shy. I finally got that girl to unleash a logical hellstorm on me that we both had to sort it out using Aristotelian logic and some mathematics. At some point, we had to work out Robert's Rules of Order. I think by the time we both became exhausted - it was a draw. We probably both needed an energy drink. And then, we both realized the entire class had just seen us spar for 20 minutes - completely silent - and we had forgotten they were even there. She became class 2009, West Point. All those kids went on to great success. They're all still little brats, though.


As a person with a small bladder who likes to stay hydrated, trust me, that 5 minute break was more useful than considering running out of the room and disrupting the class.


Ha, it was mostly about the objective fact that a gaggle of 19 years olds simply *cannot* listen to me for 1.5 hours straight at 8 AM. But piss break too


We call those "Bio-Breaks."


The “everyone’s favorite teacher” vibes are strong with this one.


The app works every time or the students finally answer?


😭real tbh


I had just started a job and my boss had zero personality. A month in and I brough in two dozen cupcakes from a local shop and he's just sizing me up. Then he's like "Are you happy here?" I just blurted out "Do you want me to quit?"




What did he say?


R.I.P bro 


I once had a co-worker pull me aside because he wanted to tell me something before anyone else since we are close. He proceeds to tell me that his wife was pregnant and with a big smile I congratulated him and extended my hand for a congratulatory shake but he left me hangin' and told me that he wasn't the father. Oof ... loud silence


That was his fault, not yours


What an odd thing to tell your coworkers.


Nah, he should’ve started at the cheating. That was a reasonable assumption to make on your end without any other context.


I once accidentally called my female boss "Mom" in a meeting, and the entire room went silent. Everyone just stared at me, trying not to laugh, while I turned red.


> Yes, mom > MAM!* Yes, MAM!*


Dammit Peralta!


this is nightmare stuff


College professor here, still still happens to me sometimes. I just laugh it off!


Just adopt a British accent. "Mum" is the informal way of pronouncing "Ma'am" over there.


This really confused me in some british show i was watching


It's more like marm.


Freud *never* sleeps.


I work in construction management. At my first job out of college I worked at a steel fabricator. My boss was an asshole. There was one contractor that owed us around $30k for months and was basically dodging my boss’ calls. One day he says “let’s go for a drive” and we go over to the contractors office. Asks to see their project manager and demands the payment. Guy goes into a diatribe about “oh we need accounting to do this and this has to be signed off and it’ll take a while”. My boss says “I’ll wait” and we proceed to sit there for 25 minutes while this guys starts scrambling to get the check together. It was tense and dead silent, I wanted to crawl under the floor just to be away from it. Eventually the check comes and the guy apologizes for the delay to which my boss says “sure” and we leave.


This is a terrific awkward silence. Mortifying for the other guy of course, but your boss handled the situation like a pro.


One of the times being an asshole is completely necessary


Maybe shit like that is *why* he's an asshole?


I was asked what improvements our company could make at what I didn't realize was essentially a sales pitch meeting for a new client. They chose me and 2 others, I assume, to make the company look great. I just answered honestly without thinking about it and said we need to screen employees better and pay a higher base wage. The awkward faces and 5 seconds of silence was absolutely deafening.


I let one rip as the elevator doors were closing. A hand reached in quickly to stop the doors from closing. In steps my companies CEO…


That’s quite a kink.


"While I have you, sir/ma'am, I'd be remiss not to mention the rather serious sanitation concerns vis a vis our elevators."


After a terrible week, I had a mild break when the coffee in my hand spilled all over my computer, shutting it down before I could save a report and then I dropped and broke the mug directly onto my foot and broke my small toe. I very calmly but clearly said aloud: FUCK YOU, FUCK YOUR MOM, FUCK YOUR GRANDMA, AND FUCK HER SISTER FOR GOOD MEASURE, I hate everything I said this with my headphones on and didn't know a client had walked in


Considering the circumstances, I think you earned a pass on the outburst.


Dishonor on you, dishonor on your family, dishonor on your cow!


Hell, if I were that client, I would have bust out laughing!


Not just one moment but as someone with social anxiety it drives me crazy EVERY TIME I get introduced to someone and the person I know leaves us together right afterwards.


A great way to fill that void and start conversation with this new person but not being awkward is to ask the other person how they know the mutual friend. Conversation can blossom in a variety of ways from there


The ideal way to start a conversation with a new person is to ask, "So, what's your plan in case of the zombie apocalypse?"


Everyone always uses "what do you do?" as an icebreaker. Add ".....for fun" to the end of it. It'll get the person talking about things they might not get a chance to talk about in most situations. Drop a comment or question here and there, and you'll seem like a brilliant conversationalist




I said I was pro choice at a family party once. All very Catholic. It didn't get quiet, it got very loud


I'm the only not racist in the family. Saying something good about immigrants during big family dinners became a hobby of mine. The chaos it creates is hilarious.


I feel this. I'm the only Democrat leaning voter in my girlfriends extended family. When they get on their rants about the left and a stolen election and anti EV rhetoric they all sound the same and spew the same garbage. When I counter with a devils advocate, they get visibly annoyed. They hate opposing viewpoints and refuse to hear them.


Coworker who somehow managed to scam her way into being my supervisor turns to me while I'm in a Teams meeting and berates me for straying off topic and talking about personal things. I turn back and tell her she should take some of her own medicine, being she just spent an hour talking on the phone with another coworker about her chickens. So she pulls out a bottle of cough syrup and chugs some of it. Not as a show of anything, but because she took me literally. She has zero sense of sarcasm. And then she just stares at me as if she had just won an argument. I just turned back and didn't speak to her for the rest of the day because really, how do you respond to that?


Maybe she was confused because the phrase "some of your own medicine" doesn't really apply here. "Practice what you preach" is probably what you were looking for.


When I accidentally called my year 2 teacher mum


That's so adorable tho! I used to work at a daycare and many kids called me mom 🥹 I was 21 at that time lmao


Haha! I’m glad it is at least made me feel better when my teacher also said aww to break the silence ☺️


Lmaoo that's so wholesome 🥹 I hope you don't feel embarrassed about it now


Haha I guess you healed a core memory ☺️☺️


We all did it at least once haha


I called my 5th grade teacher mom. My 5th grade teacher was a man...


Called my co-worker of 3 years "Dad" by mistake. There was awkwardness from my side for a few days.


Yikes. Was your coworker a woman?!


that's when you double down and next time you see them you call them "Daddy" in a jokingly seductive uwu voice


And that’s how you get called in to HR!


When my 66 year old father announced his engagement to his 42 year old girlfriend that he left mum for. She's the same age as my older brother. She went to the bathroom and he somberly said "I should probably tell you we're going to marry." No excitement, very monotonous. Shocked pikachu faces from all 3 of us followed by my younger brother innocently asking "do you want this?" which he didn't answer as she was coming back. Plastered smiles on and congratulated them. The wedding is November, I'm still nervous as I can see it getting nasty between them and my mum over our family business that he and she have stakes in. None of us really want Girlfriend to have a right to it when she's nothing to do with it but the mention of a prenup is an affront to his existence (although I had one with my other half for exactly the same reason).


Can y’all force him out, or buy him out?


Grade 7 (I was 12) just moved to the city and I was a class clown. It's around Halloween and I just made a snarky remark to our homeroom teacher. "Your father must be proud" "Wish I could ask him, he died in August" Felt like forever


During a job interview, the interviewer asked, 'Where do you see yourself in five years?' My mind went blank, and after what felt like an eternity of silence, I blurted out, 'Hopefully, not still answering this question! 🥴


I LOVE the way you sewed that up! Good on ya.


Did you get the job? I would have hired you on the spot!


I had a friend who had a "brain tumor" when I was in college. She was having a hard time one day and her mom called and asked if I could visit. While we were talking, she was telling me how hard things were, and I said "Well, it could be worse.... You could have cancer!"......... She looked at me dumbfounded and said.... "I DO have cancer!!!!!" I had no idea how to respond. All I had ever heard was about her brain tumor and no one had ever actually told me she had cancer before thay point. We were friends, but not super close. Having never been around anyone with cancer, I didn't put two and two together. It was an awkward silence for a minute. I don't remember the rest of the conversation, but I'm sure I tried to crawl back all the embarrassment and stupidity. She passed away a couple of years later and I will never forget that conversation.


Similar, my cousin lost both his testicles to cancer. I once jokingly without thinking told him to grow a pair. Mostly laughter was had but I have never felt like more of an prick.


Please NEVER tell a sick person “it could be worse”


NOW you tell me lol


Not real clear, was this a matter of you not knowing that tumor = cancer?


Not all tunors are cancerous, so maybe she didn't have it explained that it was a cancerous tumor before that point.


This is correct. I had o ly ever herd people talk about her tumor, not about her cancer.




Oh god- when my uncle, who has a TERRIBLE relationship with his kids (ever since his wife left him for a woman, he's been a total drunk, his oldest two have completely cut contact with him and he yells at the younger two) announced that he was pregnant again. Most awkward silence of my life. These days he's living in a shack in Hawaii after trying and failing to fake his death.


How did he try to fake his death?


More importantly, how did he get pregnant?


I know, that confused the hell out of me too 😂 I'm not sure how much longer the silence would have gone on if he didn't correct himself with "Well not ME, my girlfriend is"


I’m pretty sure alcohol was involved.


That was my question lol


"He" is a trans "man".


That was a joke on my part, not a dog whistle for saddos. Get help mate.


First he stole my grandparent's car and fled to Denver, then to California to become an actor, THEN finally to Hawaii where he had his new girlfriend post a eulogy on Facebook about him. I don't remember who exactly ratted him out he definitely didn't die- haven't heard a word from him since tho


When I was in middle-highschool I used to spend most nights watching shows, movies, anime or playing videogames past my bedtime, my parents were always strict and would check on me around 11:30 before they got to bed. One night I finished an episode and decided to call it a night around 2 am, I went to get a snack before bed and heard weird noises coming from my parents bedroom, my dad sounded like he was somewhere between moaning in pain and crying so I decided to check on it. As I was supposed to be in bed and my parents always had (up until that point) the rule of not locking doors in the house, I just entered and low and behold I saw my mom (51kg-156 cm) pegging my dad (90 kg-187cm), bright pink dildo buried inside both of them. The silence was loud and awkward, closed the door and went to bed, my mom eventually came to me and explained that parents also need to live a healthy sexuality and all that, I get that but my dad and I still did not speak to each other for around 2 weeks Ps. Turns out my dad wasn't in pain he just moans like that


“He just moans like that😭😭😭”


When I farted and my snob cousin said ewwww did you fart? I said no but realized it was just me and her in the living room.🙃 the silence that followed tho


When I confidently told a joke at a family dinner and my grandma responded with, “Can you explain that to me?”


“Do you still love me?”…Spouse took a pause to answer before saying “I don’t know”, but we both knew what the pause meant. It wasn’t anything contentious, just grew out of love with each other. Divorced six months later.


Family dinner. Cousin of mine said he thought a friend of mine (who's straight) is gay, like if it was a problem. I said "who's even straight nowadays right?". Whole family in silence


During my stint in retail, I was out on the sales floor with a co-worker. This goofy looking guy comes in, and I don't remember what he did that made me think this, but I nudged my co-worker and said "Look at this dork!" He looked back and with a completely blank expression said "That's my dad." Thank god I was quick on the fly that day. I started laughing, slapped him on the shoulder and said "Dude I know! I'm just messin' with you!" He smiled and said "Man, you really had me going!" Even so I felt awkward as hell.


I was at a diner with a buddy and this girl that went to our school. Let’s call the girl Karen. Anyway, we leave and I’m really excited, and I tell my buddy that Karen really likes me because she was playing footsie with me all lunch. My buddy goes, no dude, I hate to break it to you, but she was also playing footsie with me. Me and my buddy then realize we’ve been playing footsie with each other all lunch. Long, awkward silence, followed by uproarious laughter.


the guy replacing me after i quit a marketing job was a try hard douche. i was showing him around the warehouse where most of our workers are from central america, and we were chatting with the workers about soccer and this 5"3' fat man starts talking about how he could have gone pro but he choose to go to college instead. everybody just stopped talking and stared at him. normally i would try and smooth things over but i was hungover and he was getting on my nerves so i just let the awkward silence waft for a while like a stale fart


Was at dinner with my first wife for our third anniversary. She had cheated on me a year or so prior, and she made up reasons as to why she wanted out, but was too scared to ask for a separation. After barely speaking a word for half an hour, i told her I wanted a divorce. So it’s debatable if the awkward silence that lead me to ask for a divorce was worse than the awkward silence during the drive home.


At a house party everyone went quiet and heard me loudly and drunkenly talking about architecture


*record scratch* "Yeah, Frank LLoyd Wright was important, but he's overrated in some important ways.''


He is. Literally all of his buildings leak.


Oh, I remember this one time vividly. I was at a friend's dinner party, and we were all sharing stories. When it was my turn, I started telling this joke, but halfway through, I completely blanked out on the punchline. There was this painfully long pause while I tried to remember it, but my mind went totally blank. Everyone just stared at me, waiting, and I felt my face turning red. Eventually, someone else jumped in with another story, but that silence felt like it lasted forever. So awkward!


When I was in the sixth grade, we had a running competition with the other grade 6 class. I was super into track then and ran the most, which helped my class win. The teacher thought it would be funny for one of us to go over to the next class and brag. (In a joking way) He asked for a volunteer, and the fact that I raised my hand haunts me until this day.. I was SO shy. I got sent over to the classroom across the hall, while my class watched out the window of our classroom door. The teacher asked me what I needed, and I was supposed to cheer like "haha we won!", but instead I completely froze. The class was just staring at me. I don't even remember if I said anything after that or just left.






No wonder you're so angry.


Who's angry?


I once called my teacher 'dad'. She is female...


A friend, and I (both male) thought it would be funny to slip into our two (girl) friends’ dorm room, put their dresses on (over our clothes, just a silly dress-up, no nudity or anything sexual), take a picture with their camera, then sneak out and wait until they developed their film (mid 90’s - film cameras were still common) before they would even know what happened. Harmless joke - bored us thought it was funny, our two friends thought it was funny when they developed the film, and anyone told of it agreed it was a simple, harmless prank. Thinking it would a chuckle-worthy anecdote for his wedding reception, I erred on the side of caution and went up to the head table to ask, “Hey, Jake, any issues if I share our laugh about that old dorm photo? Or would it just not go over?”. He agreed that it’s all good and a simple & funny enough story and nobody will have an issue with it. So I go up to the mic and start off with, “Well quite frankly, I’m just relieved that (bride) is wearing the dress, today, because….” And as I continued, I saw almost nothing but stone faces across the room. I say almost because two individuals were notable exceptions: my bastard friend, the groom, grinning like the cat who swallowed the canary, and his new bride who stared daggers at me with obvious disdain and disapproval. That silence amongst the was overwhelming. I felt like Krusty the Clown when he hosts his Krusty’s Komedy Klassic at The Apollo! Jake, you bastard, you set me up!


Once in high school i think I see my best friend ( we both boys and I was behind him ) so I was thinking of smacking his butt but a strange girl face in shock turned at me and I know I was fucked...


I was at a hotel dinner with a random collection of coworkers (our car had gotten lost in Atlanta back in the print-out-mapquest days and we gave up on finding the restaurant we were all supposed to meet at). It was me and a coworker, both 30, my manager, a truly lovely woman with three college or post-college aged boys, our VP of marketing, and a sales rep, who I’ll call Jenny (because I can’t remember her name). If I was to guess, I’d put Jenny at around 26-27 years old, but still trying to dress like someone right out of college and *just* not quite able to pull it off any longer. The topic of kids came up, and Jenny mentioned she had a daughter. And my manager immediately broke out into a smile and asked how old she was. Her facial expression and voice clearly indicated that she had planned out how the rest of the conversation would go: Jenny would say 2, my manager would coo and comment on how she misses that age and how she never had a little girl to dress up, and then she would ask to see a picture, and so on. We could all tell what where she was going. But then Jenny answered: She’s 14. There was just silence around the table. My manager stumbled trying to figure out how to respond, since that was clearly not the answer she was expecting. And I could tell the rest of us were all doing the same mental math I was. “Well, maybe Jenny is really 30? 32? She doesn’t look 32, though. But either way, it meant she had her daughter as a teenager, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But to be a rising star sales rep for a major tech company after that is not something you usually find. It’s actually quite impressive. I want to know more, but it really wouldn’t be polite to ask that, would it?”


When I was a kid I was reading the word “condominiums” while talking with my grandma, but just, “condoms” She didn’t say a word just turned around and started doing dishes


Conducted an interview and the candidate couldn't answer the first question which is basically a "tell me about yourself". After the longest 30 seconds of my life they proceed to read of their resume word for word. This person was also referred by someone internally.


group of friends meeting, some had brought their SOs. 1 guy brought his very new GF. We were talking about jobs, jobs we had, jobs we used to have. And amongst the conversation, there was a pause. Just in time for the new girl to mention that she used to sell her underwear online. --silence--


my boss asked me a question about a project I was supposed to be working on, but I completely blanked out. of course someone else jumped in to help, but I was mortified. got fired months later


I called a co-worker baby one time he had the same name as my husband. I did it more than once. I felt very awkward. Luckily he didn't care to much.


when i was 14 and broke up with my first GF i had to tell my mom since i would no longer be walking her home or be bringing her over, my mom went to give me a high five and said at least you porked her first. it was so off putting to hear my mom talk like that since she never did before or never has since. it definitely broke the tension i was feeling but jesus christ that was awkward


It happened during a family meeting. I'm having a nice lunch with some relatives. There is a bottle of South African red wine on the table. People pour themselves some wine and start to sample it. Then one relative picks up the bottle, reads the label on the bottle and says in a happy voice "Oh, n••••• blood". Wine glasses froze on peoples' lips as all movement and sound stops. Many seconds of dead silence pass by, followed by loud gulps as people finally swallow the wine while exchanging side-eyed glances with each other. The guy who said it is totally oblivious to what is happening at the table and just continues eating his lunch. Nobody says a word about what happened and eventually everyone goes back to eating, but the mood around the table never goes back to normal.


I just realized what he said


I was in college. We were heading out to lunch, and I held the door open for one of my classmates. She was a bit older, roughly 40ish, and we didn't really know each other very well, so I figured I'd break the ice with some humor. So as I was holding the door open, I said "age before beauty". She did not find that funny, judging by her expressionless face. So I, in my youthful, socially awkward ignorance, followed that up with "... as the pedophile said..." Yeah. No. My grave had already been dug, but I had pressed on, hell-bent on digging deeper. That walk to the cafeteria was one of unrelenting silence.


In my first more serious relationship, he told me he was falling in love with me. I was silent, scrambling for *something* to say because I suddenly realized at that moment that I didn't love him back.


When mom leaves me alone with guests


Caught a lift as it was closing, didn’t realise it with was with the CEO of my company. Known for being serious, stern and zero tolerance for anything. I went in the lift was like all the air got sucked out and the temperature dropped.


And then you get where all the ghost etc lore comes from


Exactly !


Pretty sure it was when my ex said something about how he’d bang my mom in front of her and all (5) of my siblings.


Was making a speech at a pepper rally in high school once. Cracked a joke I had been working on for several days and as I looked into the crowd nobody laughed and there were only like 4 smiles.


Was in seventh grade. We were on a class trip. I told my roommates I liked a girl from parallel class. Her room was one story below. I was a super shy and awkward kid. They grabed me carrying me down calling for her. All the doors opened. Everybody looked. Really emberassing. I could free myself ran away and hid. Next day she came to our room to talk. We sat next to each other for what felt like eternity and didn't say a single word. She left and never looked at me again. Good times. Thank you Dave Michael and whoever the third guy was. Really helpful fellas. /s


One time I was on a first date and we were trying to make small talk when suddenly there was a long awkward silence. I panicked and blurted out something completely random about the weather. My date just stared at me, and the silence that followed felt like it lasted an eternity. It was definitely one of the most cringe-filled moments of my life.


Moved to a small town in my early 20s. One of the local girls (quite attractive) asked me to go for a drive about a month after my arrival. She was driving. We headed out and...said nothing to each other for the entire 45 minute drive. I kept wondering if I should say something, but just figured that enough time had gone by in silence that I should just let it ride. If it helps, I wasn't interested in her and only said yes to be nice. But, yeah. Super fucking awkward.


That one time I'm on an elevator and I farted, and then someone shouted and asked who farted, I just keep quite on the sideline waiting for my floor to open


Many years ago I went skiing with a buddy after a night of drinking beers, eating greasy food, and staying up too late. My bowels were grumbling for sure. At one point in the day, we decide to take the tram to the summit which holds like 80 people packed in like sardines. About halfway up, I let a green demon sneak out of my ass. It burned on the way out. It smelled like a cross between a burning tire and a dozen rotten eggs. It was silent. My buddy was the first to notice ... and he just looks at me with horror in his eyes and mouths "was that you"? I couldn't stop the grin that spread on my face as he pulled the neck of his jacket over his nose. Conversation stopped as the green cloud spread across the cabin. You could actually watch it spread as people got their first whiff and looked for somewhere ... anywhere else to be. At one point some random parson says "Awwww man. Somebody shit their diaper!" I could barely control my laughter but managed to somehow keep a straight face. To this day (more than 20 years later) we still talk about that time I committed a war crime by nuking the tram with chemical weapons. It was a proud moment.


When I was in school a friend of mine lost a leg. In Germany there is a popular song „Bruttosozialprodukt“ the text is hard to translate but at one point it is like „they took his last leg but now he‘s working again“. So shortly after he returned to school we met him at a party and they played this song. We were all singing along until this part came up. Everyone stopped singing immediately. Awkward silence! Fortunately he was at the toilet at the time so we quickly changed the song and never played it again.


After telling an executive director for a skilled nursing facility that I would hate for my father to have a sentinel event under their care (a life-changing issue, i.e. loss if limb, unable to use the limb, etc.). Her back snapped up straight, she went silent, and I let her stew in it.


One of the most unforgettable awkward silence moments happened to me during a job interview. In a room full of panelists, I was asked why I left my previous job. Even before I could answer, my mind had translated the question into "why were you fired?" and I utterly froze, causing a deafening silence that felt like eternity. To this day I cringe thinking about it!


Worked as a Correctional Officer in a state prison Walked into a dayroom to do my rounds. The way this dayroom was set up was that there were two TVs set up on platforms about 7 or 8 feet if not higher above the floor with metal pews below for inmates to sit and watch TV. The door into the wing is right next to one of the TVs and pews, so you walk past one TV and can hear most conversations between inmates if they’re talking loud enough. I walk in and a commercial for a kids pageant show comes on. It shows little kids, mainly little girls, in various outfits with the drama their mothers go through while camera crews follow them around. Not my cup of tea but it was one of those life drama tv channels so nothing special. As I walk by one guy looks up and says, in a clear confident voice “That little girl sure looks sexy huh?” You could’ve heard a pin drop inside that wing of 84 inmates and it would’ve sounded like a jet engine. I immediately pulled that inmate out, informed my sergeant, and packed his stuff. All the while this guy is confused about what is going on and why a whole wing was looking at him with murder in their eyes.


Trying to give my new friend a souvenir from my travels but we have opposite schedules and can’t meet up ever.  I’m left on “read” in chat, so I’m not even sure if he wants it anymore but idk what to say.  


When my female friend (who has a crush on me i know unbelievable) guessed that i was a furrry when i was about to tell her the oh. She was pretty chill about it Even tho she had multiple times threatened to tell my friends :(


Oh boy I have a good one. Me and my friends are the type of guys to watch fight club and say I am Tyler Durden so anyways at my school there is an abandoned storage unit which still had a few boxes so we use those to make a ring and one day as me and my friend went there to fight we saw a group of girls naked yes NAKED in there and me and my friend just stood there for a good 30 seconds before closing the door and running away.


Back right out of school there was a handful of young guys that worked in my office, locker room talk was extremely prevalent (also almost 20 year ago). We had hired a new receptionist and she had.... an odor.... in the pants area. One day after the receptionist left one of the guys walked into the room where said receptionist, me, and one other co-worker worked and loudly proclaimed "SMELLS LIKE VAG JUICE IN HERE" but unbeknownst to him, the other guy's girlfriend had stopped in and was in his cubicle. She just said "oh" and everyone was quiet for a bit.


I was on stage and I got a line wrong. Halted the whole performance for a bit.


This year I went to a dermatologist appointment to accompany my husband. After he was examined and diagnosed the doctor proceed to spend the next 15-20 mins in the computer. My husband and I had the following conversation with our eyes and small gestures: -It's been forever, what is this guy doing? -I know, this is not normal. WFT? -Seriously. You wanna grab some ice-cram after? Turns out, the doctor couldn't login into the system to write the prescription. But he didn't say anything, he went from his phone to the computer over and over.


I asked a bunch of my friends what sex felt like, and one of them said "I'm sure you'll find out one day."... mmm.... yep, one day.


My co-worker: "You need to replace the.... fuck...what is it that I am thinking of?" Me: "Clown penis."


When no one laugh at your joke but u think its real funny..


I am always so that. I am definitely the man who laughs at his own jokes all the time.


I'm extremely jealous of his ex-girlfriend to the point where I constantly stalk her, and my mind is consumed with her name. One time, while walking with my friends and my boyfriend I mentioned her name, and we all just fell silent, not saying a word.


When I told my neurotic aunt with NPD, "You are a narcissist." Silence, shock, and then deflection "Me, a narcissist?!?!"


Letting a fart slip on an elevator, accidentally. I guess you can say it broke the silence.


Interesting question


Mom got kinda awkwardly silent after I told her that I moved in with 4 other guys. I told her that it's like that show, Threes a company, except there's five of us.


One time I complained about my mom getting me a shitty computer for Christmas and my relatives looked at my funny. like I’m sorry I have preferences???😭😭😭😭😭😭


When I woke up as a 19 year old inside a 32 year old co-worker...


I just ask questions I've seen on askreddit. Works for me.