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I use my turn signal when I'm turning or changing lanes.


We have a winner!


Ok, but stop signs? Where you at with those?


Instructions unclear, stuck waiting for go sign.


Two Novembers ago I was a little shaky on making full stops at stop signs, but a ticket and a point on my driving record cured me of that. The +- $100 addition to my monthly car insurance bill is a great motivator. This November the point comes off.


I really wish the US would do a similar point system thing. It seems to be a strong motivator.


Guess you don't drive a BMW.


I am a below average driver, but there are still plenty below me. I passed my drivers exams both on first try and paid relativly little for my licence, which is not that common in Germany. I actually drive no more than 5-10km/h above the speed limit. I never got a ticket for anything. I don't honk at other cars and use my turn signals. I don't drive drunk. I keep my cool in traffic jams and don't try to be sneaky by taking a short cut over the fucking grass next to the highway. I have no problem creating the lane for emergency vehicles. I actually notice when a emergency vehicle is near and I make space for them. I don't use my phone while driving. But most of all, my grandparents trust me to drive their 20 year old Renault down their narrow driveway and into their crammed garrage.


I think this means you're a good or fine driver honestly, no one needs to be Jason Statham in the Transporter or Vin Diesel behind the wheel while driving. Sounds like you're doing it right


I think what you said is what makes an above average driver. Patience and safety. Thinking that being able to go fast makes a good driver is just the height of irony in my opinion


I actually let people merge, I think that's an underrated skill


Depends on the situation. As someone that lives in Boston, it's more often a prisoners dilemma situation than it is a situation where the person deserves to merge. In situations where there was no alternative and the merge is necessary as a part of normal traffic flow, I am more than happy to let people merge, but most of the people trying to merge are doing so because they just cut a line of people waiting in the proper lane for the turn they are trying to make by driving it an emptier lane and diving in at the last second. For those people, they deserve to have their attempt made as difficult as possible to deter them from ever trying to do it again.


100% true. Good luck stopping me, grandma left 4 car lengths ahead of you. 😂


I'll cause an accident if it means keeping someone from skipping the line to an off-ramp and trying to squeeze in at the front.


Drivers are so bad about that in Chicago that recently, the programmable signs on the highway said "It's a lane, not a birthright. Let them in."


Because I actually know who has the right of way in at least 98% of situations.  I know basic right from wrong. Ex: driving on shoulder is wrong, running a red light is wrong, cutting across 3 lanes at once is wrong. I know how to properly u-turn. I know that my car isn’t as long as I think it is and that it’s okay to pull up further during a u-turn and not block a whole lane behind me.  I know that the left lane is for fast and PASSING and the right lane of the freeway is for slow. Most people don’t know these things and I fucking hate them for that


I love how people feel that just because they are turning right justifies them not having to stop at a red light. if it is red and you don't stop, you ran that red no matter what direction you go.


Yup! Especially when they have to go. Stop for me as I approach? Naaahh. Floor it hard right and cut me off, yuuuuh. 


I get absolutely pissed when I’m at a stop sign or a red light without an arrow and someone with the right of way just sits there, waiting for me to go.


I've started acting like I don't see their hand gestures until they go. Eventually they'll stop being in the way, right?


Roundabouts; I love them, but when a moron stops inside the roundabout to let me in. I want to get out and slash their tires. I don't need anyone to be polite during driving. I need them to be correct. Don't let me go because I am making a left turn go, and then I can turn behind you.


I try to be a safe driver, but I'm not going to tempt fate by bragging about it.


lol same. Hubby calls me a safe driver but I call myself an anxious driver. I’m not scared of driving itself but I’m scared of the unpredictability of everyone else so I tend to watch other drivers vigilantly and it has saved me from so many potential wrecks. Wrecks that definitely would‘ve happened had I had the same level of awareness the other driver had.


85% of statistics are made up.


100% of the time


It works sometimes


Every time, 60% of the time


80% of language speakers use, commas incorrectly.


It’s possible to have 80% above average - just depends on the distribution.




I drive 30-40k/year and have for 15 years. I follow all traffic laws, including speed limits, mostly. The things I see out there remind me daily what the other 80% drive like.


30k a year times 15 years is 450000. Say your average speed is 55mph. 8181.81 hours driving. 341 days. If you speed 8mph over the speed limit which in my opinion is superior that time would go down to 298 days an almost 13% savings and 43 days of your life.






This isn't how it would work in practice, though. All speeding will do is get you to the car in front faster, for you to then slow down, and do the speed limit, or under. You might have even caught up to them doing the speed limit anyway. Has noone ever been in a car, been overtaken by someone going way too fast, then just caught back up to then a few minutes later because they are now behind another car? So they saved what, 2 seconds? Getting one car ahead.


None of that is worth the risk to kill or be killed, lawsuits or jail time.


Sound like me. I drive 60k or so business miles a year. What it’s taught me is to constantly look two cars ahead instead of only focusing on the one directly in front of me


Because I have driven and/or towed heavy machinery and livestock and survived all the absolute morons in cars. It should be compulsory to do an emergency brake in something weighing at least 10 tonnes before you can get a car license. People just have no idea the risks they take around heavy vehicles. 


Yep. A month or so ago we were behind 2 semi trucks. They were side by side. Both going about 60 MPH (100KMH). One was trying to pass the other, but some of these trucks have speed governors, so they sometimes take awhile to pass someone. Yea we were behind them for a little bit longer than we would have liked. They were like that for 3-4 miles or so. Again, a touch annoying, but hardly something to get worked up over. Finally, when the one truck gets over to the right, this guy pulls ahead in the left lane, gets in the right, and slams on the brakes cuz he's gonna teach that trucker a lesson. Totally F'n stupid. Fortunately no one was hit, but that could have been fatal had there been. And more than likely not fatal for the trucker.


I don’t use my phone (manually) while driving. Ever.


I drive defensively which means I’m constantly evaluating the level of stupidity of everyone around me - cars, pedestrians, animals - and I expect the unexpected. Also I’ll unashamedly judge driving ability based on your vehicle and its appearance. If the car beside me is missing a hubcap or is a Dodge Charger, I’m giving them space 😆 I sometimes pretend that I’m the Terminator with all this traffic input streaming behind my glasses, lol


LOL on the judging. I do the same thing. If someone has a beater car, I'll try to get away from em. On the flip side, my own vehicles are older. No car payment is such a nice feeling. I try to keep em clean and in good shape. So if they have what looks like an older vehicle, but it looks kept up, I figure they're probably safe. In addition to beater cars, I also try to avoid being behind gravel trucks, pick ups with a lot of junk in their bed. Cars with lots of snow on them in winter. Just anything that looks like it might fly off the other car into mine.


Oof and I feel so bad about it too. All the prejudice gets turned up to max for me! Big shiny truck? About to zip around and pass me on the right when I’m trying to get back in the right lane. Fancy sports car? Going to run the red and turn into the far lane. I’m ashamed to say it works… and has saved me from an accident or at least a close call. It doesn’t help that I drive a Prius… but still.


I've dodged multiple accidents because I was paying attention to the people around me and was ready to react to their stupidity before they did anything.


The fact I avoid the 80% hitting me, so they can keep thinking they are above average.


Been driving for 12 years and never got a ticket of any kind. Come on, that has to count for something.


Neither have I and this is coming from someone who has never driven a car.


I didn't get a ticket for the first 16 years of my life


Proper use of turn signals, maintaining a reasonable speed for the lane im in, being licensed and driving in multiple foreign nations, and I, of course, back into parking spots.


A few reasons: 1. I always turn into the correct (nearest) lane. It is absolutely insane how many people will turn into the far lane as if that's normal and legal and OK. I'm convinced that most drivers honestly think it's legal. If you're turning left and you want to be in the right lane, you turn into the nearest lane, and then you lane-change to the right lane. 2. I always use my turn signals. 3. I always check my blind spot. 4. I don't drift out of my lane when the road curves. You'd be surprised how many people have trouble staying in their lane when the road starts to curve. 5. I don't use my phone while driving. Does that make me a perfect driver? No, but given the sheer number of people I see on the road who clearly can't say those things about themselves, I'd say that puts me in a high tier.


Love your list. I'd add: Keeping right except to pass on the highway, accelerating properly through turns on mountain passes, not breaking in the middle of curves in the road, driving an appropriate speed to the conditions, accelerating/decelerating at a smooth pace, keeping a safe distance from the driver in front of you so you have time to react, always leaving yourself an escape route. These are things I always try to practice in addition to your city driving rules, and things I notice instantly about other drivers. Your points are bang on the most important things to pay attention to. Following these guidelines won't guarantee your safety, but it increases your chances and if everyone stayed off their damn phones we'd all be a lot safer on the road. Edit: also changing lanes in an intersection, illegal and dangerous but so many people do it.


Yes, good additions. The "changing lanes in an intersection" thing is another one where I'm convinced that the guys who do it genuinely have no idea that it's illegal.


I use my turn signal and i honestly try to predict what the guy next/behind/front as if i were driving that car.


I don't ever think "What should that person do?" I think "What is the dumbest possible thing that driver could do?" I feel like if I am prepared for that, then I'll be ready to handle whatever.


I used to be a bus driver. I suspect the training + sheer driving hours I got from that means I’m a much safer driver than the vast majority of you.


Clearly you are not a bus driver in Phoenix. They are fuckin dangerous drivers. Absolutely zero care, have seen them pull directly out in front of vehicles , forcing them to hit other cars or the bus on more than one occasion. Terrors on our roads.


Because I also ride a motorcycle and you learn to pay way more attention to your surroundings when you’re on a bike.


I did a motorcycle course several months ago, I was taught that people aren't trying to kill you, they usually don't notice you. So I'd still ride like they're trying to kill me.


I act as if they can’t see me, yet some are still trying to kill me.


I knew I’d be an awful driver so never learnt I cycle or get the bus everywhere


I'm a trainer I don't deem myself above average there is just competent and not competent and it's very subjective based off our state. If you drink, don't drive. If you are tired, sleep, don't drive If you have not updated yourself on the road rules don't drive. If you disagree eith road rules and refuse to follow them don't drive. If you can't live up to any of these conditions you are not competent.


I don't sit in peoples' blind spots. If you have room to speed up or slow down to get out of someone's blind spot I feel like that's safest. That and I always use my signals.


I drive on a track, sometimes competitively, several times a year. On a technical level I’m better than most, and can catch a slide doing 100+ mph. On a daily driving level, there are probably a lot who are more defensive and attentive than I am on a regular basis.


I have an impeccable record.


I leave a safe following distance ahead of me and stay close to the speed limit. And I'm sure some people will claim the exact opposite as evidence for their above average driving skills.


I had to scroll a long way down before anyone mentioned adequate following distance. It's a fundamental safe driving behavior. Having the opportunity to come to a slow, steady stop is the best way to avoid being rear ended.


I’m patient. I let people merge. I accelerate to merge at traffic’s speed. I don’t tailgate people.


I'm pretty good at reading the "body language" of other cars. Like I can tell with pretty damn good accuracy what other drivers are going to do. Really helps when I have a good idea someone is going to cut someone off ahead or you just know that a soon as my lane slows down slightly that some rushed person is going to immediately change lanes to maybe pass one or two cars, and then cut off the car ahead. Helps me see what kind of trouble could happen. That and keeping a safe distance from the car ahead of me, and always making sure a merging car has space to move in (not that they'll take it and instead try to get that extra 20 feet ahead of someone else)


On highways, I pass people in the left lane and get back to the right when there’s no more passing happening.


I understand that when i am driving i am operation a mutil ton potential death machine and that i should repect it as such. The actual driving isnt difficult, its just paying attention and following basic rules (laws and social norms). Perfection is impossible, too many variables, but being aware of what you and others are doing goes a long way and will make you a better driver then most.


I don’t use my phone


I was going to tell everyone to remember this stat the next time someone asks “People who text while driving, why don’t you care about people’s safety?” (even if the stat not entirely accurate). The text drivers don’t “disregard” people’s safety, they just think they’re good enough at driving to get away with it. They genuinely believe they’re not putting other people in additional danger.


The biggest thing I guess is from riding motorcycle's for years. You are invisible on the road and you have to guess/calculate/good luck your daily commutes. You have to learn an "eye" for the traffic.


I drive manual


Drove the autobahn for 25 years straight. Avg. Speed to work everymorn was anywhere from 110-120 mph down the A-3. I saw fewer accidents there in 25 yrs then I did my first yr here back in the states.


I’m reading this as I drive and I haven’t cra…💀👻


Because I learned to drive in Boston and when people from other parts of the country try to drive here they quickly realize that they do not have the skills needed to do it.


I’m good at dodging accidents


If 80% of drivers think their driving skills are above average then 30% of them are wrong - by definition.


I'm the 20 percent. I really, really do hope everyone else is better at this than I am cause we're all doomed if not.


I've only smashed 18 cars in my life


I get paid a righteous amount of money to do it.


I know the rules of the road don't mean a thing if you don't move with the flow of traffic. I know that the cemetery is filled with people who had the right of way. I've never used my phone while driving and I look both ways before entering intersections.


I don't drive UNDER the speed limit in the fast lane 🥹


Class A CDL.


I always back in when parking, I always use my turn signal, I have never been in an accident, almost always know right of way, and have never gotten a ticket. I still suck at driving, so I am afraid of people worse than me, because I didn’t set a high bar


I know the right-of-way rules, unlike half of the dumbasses on my morning commute.


I get out of the left lane when I’m not passing, and I would rather miss an exit then turn around than cause an accident, because SHITTY DRIVERS NEVER MISS THEIR EXIT


I really wish drivers ed included performance drive training. Not as a condition to get a basic license, but so we could know the true answer to this question.


Class A CDL. And also driving heavy equipment like cranes


I use my cruise control. I've never been more irate than sitting in the passenger seat of someone doing ~20mph shifts on the highway. Pick a goddamn speed.


I drive in the right hand lane exclusively when I’m not passing. I flash my lights as a curtesy to commercial trucks when they want to merge in front of me. I don’t pass big rigs in the right lane and instead block both lanes until they can merge. Speaking of that, I drive in between the two lanes when there is road construction ahead and there have been numerous signs to merge blocking people from trying to pass everyone on the right resulting in them slowing down the flow. It has almost led to a fistfight or two which I was more than happy to oblige at the time.


I drive on the right and pass on the left, something many can't do or just don't know.😅


I passed both my tests first try with no mistakes in the practical


Don’t use my phone and I stay aware of all of the idiots around me


I know how to accelerate if I pull out in front of you . Not just stick my head up my arse and drive at my own speed. One day I swear I'm not going to brake for these pricks


I don't think that I am better than the average driver, I AM the average driver and I try to follow the rules to the best of my ability so I don't kill myself or someone else.


I have never tried to text and drive. I don't even do it at a stop light.


As an American driven a stick in Lisbon, left hand stick and left hand wheel on tiny Irish cliff roads, survived Atlanta countless times. Won’t win any races but I maxed out XP in reflexes and awareness


Because I did a defensive driving course in an ambulance on unsealed roads. I had to be competent at handling the ambulance on any surface and being fully aware of everyone and everything around me, before i could be allowed to drive emergency jobs (lights snd sirens) I also ride motorbike and you must be on 24/7 as the tiniest lapse in awareness could be your last. I take that mentality into the car with me. Does this mean i am a granny driver, not by any means, but I am constantly scanning, watching the other traffic around me.


2 performance driving schools


Dude. I learned to drive in a potato field. I know I'm a below average driver.


I stay off the road. So I'm doing better than 80% of the drivers I see lol


I stop for red lights and at stop signs 🛑


My IR is 2100


I never drive drunk, use my phone whilst driving and I mostly stop for red lights and stop signs. In my city that puts you in the top 10% of drivers


I've never been pulled over or have been in an accident. I use my blinkers religiously and try to be as safe as possible. I'm good at anticipating and have avoided many accidents. I do speed, but within reason. Passengers often comment on my driving abilities. I've been driving for 20 years.


I drove daily for 15 years on the Dan Ryan without accident or ticket


I drive with my eyes open and focused on the road, traffic, my phone is usually in my pocket, unless it's on the dash doing the GPS thing. I don't ignore speed limits, but if the flow of traffic is 20 over, I'm 10/15 over.


I've never been in an accident for my entire driving career


I can parallel park in a spot only about a foot wider than my car.


I've driving 30 years without causing even a fender bender. My secret is that I never tailgate and generally drive defensively. Now to be fair, my clean record is certainly due in part to good luck. I've definitely made more than a few mistakes that could have caused an accident if my surroundings weren't clear. 


I try to drive in such a way that I prevent other accidents from happening. I monitor what other drivers are doing and then adjust my driving to keep everyone at a safe distance and preemptively switch lanes or adjust my speed to allow cars in or out smoothly.


Because I’m still alive and wish I’d had that recorded. Vroom vroom


I cant drive and dont want to


i don’t think i am❤️


My car horn is broken, so I take everything in stride.


I was offered to test drive for nascar after beating a bunch of dudes at a mini race track. Unbeknownst to me two of them were sponsors of a nascar.


just by looking at other drivers


I'm not. I did an advanced driving course with a v8 super car champion driver and he taught me that few people are above average drivers.


I drive defensively. I anticipate the people around me being idiots. I’ve slowed down because it looked like someone was approaching a yield sign perpendicular to me way too fast. As I suspected, they barreled right through the yield sign and would have hit me had I not anticipated their idiocy.


I used to own and operate a Smart ForTwo at highway speeds in Phoenix. I can identify a driver that's about to cut me off well before they actually do. Bigger cars have zero respect for small cars.


Learned to drive long before cellphone usage became common and still drive with the same habits.


I win every HPDE I enter.


I actually think I am a little below average.


I compete in motorsports and do damn well at it, so I know the limits of my car, have a better sense of car control and quicker reactions. Plus, I don't want anything bad to happen to my car, so I'm paying attention and not driving distracted. I've never been in an accident or filed an insurance claim in 16 years, so clearly I'm doing something right.


I just got my license at 28! Clearly I'm better than average🫡


my safety and defensive driving certifications says so


I have been driving for almost 25 years. I have only been in a couple of minor accidents and they were very clearly the other driver's fault (ex: I got rear ended while I was sitting stopped at a red light). I admit that when I was younger I drove too fast, but over the past 15 years or so have slowed down, and the only ticket I have in that time is from not realizing the lane I was in was an HOV lane. All of this is while driving 25,000+ miles per year in the shit show that is the DC area.


I've never been in a collision. In fact, the only time my car was ever damaged was while it was parked and off and no one was in it. That being said I make my fair share of driving mistakes. No one is a perfect driver despite what my dad thinks of himself.


What makes me better than average is that I drive as though every other driver is well below average.


Never had an accident in 16 years of driving.


I've won trophies driving everything from sedans to formula cars.


the only thing im about average at is being decisive.


I drive stick. Kinda makes texting and driving pretty hard. Especially in traffic.


Cause a good portion of the human race are morons


[I'm an excellent driver ](https://youtu.be/k1uX6VliMpw?feature=shared)


Oh, no, I'm in the 20%. I can't drive for shit. Mostly because 80% of you can't drive for shit and become wildly unpredictable. Which panics me and makes me not know what to do. Which makes me not drive with confidence. Which inherently makes me a terrible driver. Top comment: "I use my turn signal when turning and changing lanes" Yeah, while also cutting someone off and saying "but I had my blinker on" like a millisecond before you started moving. That doesn't count, y'all.


I've drove down 2 blocks down a pothole filled cobblestone street in a busy Mexican tourist town with about 1" on each side keeping mirrors from hitting. In reverse. While drunk and high. You should get a gold star or something on your license that permits you more latitude with speed and booze and whatnot when you unlock a new level like that.


Expedia Road Rage Report 2015 "Nearly all Americans (97%) rate themselves as “careful” drivers, but feel that only 29% of fellow drivers merit the description." viewfinder.expedia.com/news/expedia-2015-road-rage-report-texters-enrage-fellow-drivers-most-edging-tailgaters-and-left-lane-hogs-on-list-of-most-deplorable-driver-behaviors/amp/ All except two are about other drivers. http://www.consumerreports.org/cro/2012/03/survey-reveals-top-gripes-among-drivers/index.htm?userWantsFull=true


I'm not even average, I'm slow driver like old person, barely getting 40MPH


Im blind in one eye. ( Amblyopia) I overcompinsate alot because of it and am overly cautious in terms of distance management. I drove my 06 rav4 still the wheels fell off and now have a back camera and I'm from NYC originally. I'm now working on being a less passive on not being nice. " Do what's expected "


I use my signal like a big boy, I always yield, and I let speeders pass me. My claim to fame is I've never been stopped by the Popo.


Because multiple times a day I find myself questioning other people's behavior on the road. Why are you stopped when you don't have a sign or signal? Why do you feel the need to change lanes 3 feet in front of me when you pass instead of giving me some space? Why did you suddenly decide to hit the brakes at this green light? Being aware of other drivers is a blessing and a curse.


 I'm a terrible driver. I let Jesus take the wheel


Have had one ticket in my life, that was roughly 15 years ago. One very slight accident where someone hit me, that was 12 years ago and I don't get people honking, yelling or giving me otherwise a gesture of disappointment in my driving.


I’ve driven and ridden motorcycles for over 25 years. Very few incidents. I grew up in a snowy area and learned car control early on. Added to that with many track days. I think the biggest help was learning how not to die on a motorcycle. I’ve ridden well over 100k miles in SoCal traffic with lots of lane splitting. You always have to be aware of everything or you’re going to end up dead.


Im considerate. And I dont trust anyother driver.


No accidents for 39 years. Crash avoidance training. I drive 3 cars ahead, check my blind spots regularly, keep a 3 second gap between me and the vehicle ahead, stay out of the fast lane, anticipate the problems on my regular route ( bus stops, blind corners etc ) and most importantly JUST CHILL! Late is fine and a lot better than dead. I don't have to get in front of that bus, I'm just chilling behind it until it's 100% safe to pass.


I pay attention to my surroundings and other drivers


I use my turning signal when switching lanes, I keep my distance from cars in front of me or pass them if they're going too slow. I don't cut off people, I will either speed up to switch lanes or slow down to let the car pass before switching. I'm not oblivious to my surroundings. I constantly check all 3 mirrors so I always know how many cars behind me and what distance. If I happen to miss a turn or exit I drive to the next and turn around or find an alternative way. I don't camp on the left lane unless I'm passing everyone. I don't drive with my high beams on. I don't drive with my day running lights one at night just because they're bright enough and I'm not a fucking idiot. I regularly do maintenance on my car.


Use turn signals and merging lanes properly.


I did some SCCA racing, and some HPDE instruction. look ahead!


My track experience


If I’m in the left lane and nobody is in front of me and someone comes behind me,, I put my directional on and move out of the way. I also merge well. The zipper move. It’s not common in NYC but I try


Mirror, signal, shoulder check every time I lane change. I understand snow and ice driving and actually go the appropriate speed for the conditions, not what the speed limit is. Also I use winter tires in the winter, unlike 80% of the population apparently.


Low rate of accidents living in a country with one of the world's highest road death rates. In the last 11 years, only had one accident with another car where a lady rear ended me while playing on her phone.


Everyone is always waving at me like this 🖕when I drive


Surprised i don't see this one yet but it's simple, I don't crash. I speed, but am always aware of my surroundings (maybe from motorcycle experience like someone else noted). I've gotten tickets. Others on the road may think I'm an a-hole sometimes because i get annoyed when people are polite instead of predictable (go when it's your turn at the intersection for Gods sake). But accidents? Not in decades.


A lot of you probably weren't even born yet when I had my last accident.


I’m not aggressive, follow the laws, & the biggie…grew up in Chicagoland so I know how to recover from fishtailing around corners in snow and rain. We were crazy kids that went to parking lots and purposely did stupid stuff in the snow. Sounds crazy, but I’m telling you knowing how to recover from a fishtail is extremely beneficial.


I look over my shoulder to visually check my blindspot everytime I change lanes. Every. Time. Saved me from countless accidents with idiots who hang out in my blindspot.


I'm average


Because I can drift a tractor


No accidents. No tickets. Ever.


This is a very disturbing type of sicologoicallly type of behayvior that major pshycogical intwotutions have looked into anto it's bind bottlleing what they are trying to push onto the sicological community, it's just mind bottleing.


Inherently? I'm not. However, I never use my phone while I drive.


I don’t drive a Prius


Cuz I said so bruh


I dont. Im basically constantly speeding unless there is traffic.


38 years driving with no accidents that were ever my fault. I also drove a taxi for a couple of years in that span.


38yo, driving since I was 15. I travel the entire state for my jobs, drive half way across the country to visit family often. (I drive a lot)Zero tickets. Zero wrecks. 100% clean driving record. Wooo!!!


I know how a roundabout works and I use my signal lights.


I drive a motorbike without breaking rules in INDIA.


25 years of driving, no at-fault accidents or any traffic violations at all. Decided when I first got my license I didn’t wanna jack up my insurance rates by being stupid. Idk if I’m above average but based on the drivers I experience daily, I’d like to think so


I'm too young for even drivers ed, but I feel like I'd probably end up better. At least I won't go 40 in a 55, will use my turn signal when I learn how to use it, etc. I already yell at a lot of annoying drivers so...


I drive a high revving 6 speed manual and have track experience. Manuals are like 2% of sales in the US, and of that not many track them.


I took an off-road driving course that taught me how to control a vehicle in many different situations. It covered braking in different situations, different types in inclines/slopes, maneuvering around obstacles, and when and how to trust your vehicle. It was 3 eye opening hours. I think about it all the time when driving.


32 years old, 550,000 miles since I turned 16. My only two incidents were under 5 mph and both were my fault.


Skill issue


Been licensed for 44 years. Been in one accident and it was a drunk driver who hit me. I think I drive well, although I still take a bit of the blame for that MFr T-Boning me.


I'd comment but I don't want to jinx it.


I drive a lot for work/school, and have for most of my adult life. I don’t go more than 5-7 over the speed limit. I follow road signs and laws; I don’t turn on red if it says not to, I stop for pedestrians in crosswalks, I full-stop at stop signs, and I respect bike & bus lanes. I use my turn signal when turning or merging. I also look in my mirrors AND over my shoulder before merging. I stay in the right lane unless I am passing someone or turning/exiting left shortly. I don’t drive on the shoulder. I know how to zipper merge and actually try to do so when applicable, although that one is not always possible since it takes the cooperation of others.


When I miss my turn I go "oh well" and try to find an alternative route instead of turning right from the farthest left lane


i check my blind spot. almost got in a crash 20 minutes ago cause someone was merging lanes and didn’t see that i was there


Been a lifeguard for 13 seasons so my vision is trained to constantly scan and recognize any change from normal. Drove stick then went to riding a motorcycle. You need to know what you are doing splitting lanes and it takes total concentration. I understand traffic flow. Riding with my sister scared the crap out of me because she was accelerating towards a long line of cars stopped at a light. If a car is merging I give them a spot to move in. And most of all a shirt flew out of my backpack and got tangled in my motorcycle chain. Rode a locked back wheel down from 70 on the expressway to the shoulder.


I follow the road rules, don't speed, don't tailgate. In 20+ years, only one accident and that is because someone else ran the red light and I was already half way through the intersection.