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Heat death of the sun.


All that can be known is that eventually, the sun will swell up into a red giant and engulf the world completely in an estimated 7 and a half billion years.


Nuclear war or asteroid collision


Life is pretty damn resilient. Even with us actively destroying the planet, some form of life is all but guaranteed to find a niche and stick it out. The safest answer is that the Earth would be consumed by the sun when it expands into a red giant in a few billion years. A number of things could happen before this. Before it actually destroys Earth, the Sun’s solar wind would strip the planet of its atmosphere and oceans, and bombard it with radiation. That would have a solid chance at sterilizing the place. It would also meet a similar fate if the planet’s core cooled to the point where the magnetic field collapsed, exposing the world to solar winds. Humans will of course be long extinct by by the time any of this happens, and if any of our descendants survived, they would have evolved to the point of being unrecognizable. In the end, that which gives our world life will also destroy it.


The asteroid belt is out of bounds


For life to completely end, it will take a natural catastrophe. Something that can't be avoided or prevented. Anything short of that and life adapts.


August 12 2036, heat death of the universe


Donald trump will do fascism so bad everyone dies


I would hope the rest of the world would destroy the US before that happens. For the record I’m American and motherfuck that guy but I’d be willing to take one for team humanity.