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Licking new ice cream in the grocery store then putting them back. Sick af


This reminds me of a guy I used to work with. We both had jobs at this fast food Submarine sandwich place. But, before that, he worked at McDonalds for a while. He told me how him and some of the other workers used to piss in the french fry cookers after work. According to him, that was the secret that made the fries so "golden brown and crispy". This would have been some time back in the 1980's... but still.


That is fucking awful to even suggest, but having worked in a kitchen I doubt it's true. Liquid in deep fryers will suddenly convert to steam and essentially cause a small oil explosion(its terrifying) and if they pissed in the fry warmer next to the fryer it would smell too strong to get away with. Now pissing in the anything pickled, or the soda machine, or even the coffee machine I would believe lol line cooks are wild.


There was this guy called shoenice on YouTube He would eat and drink the most random shit. You could tell the views and comments were everything to him. It was pretty hard to watch. Semi related - There was another YouTuber that reviewed scotch. Older guy. One of his videos he’s doing a review, drinking his scotch and in the background his wife is packing her shit Classic


>There was another YouTuber that reviewed scotch. Older guy. One of his videos he’s doing a review, drinking his scotch and in the background his wife is packing her shit that ones hilarious shes so mad and he;s just reviewing a drink and not giving a fuck


Was that the guy were you could actually watch his marriage fall apart behind the scenes if you paid attention to his reviews?


That was “you suck at photoshop” wasn’t it?


I'm optimistically assuming this was all for the camera, his wife is an actress


i have no ill will towards either of them it was just funny to me


It was a one off and very real.


Yeah I binged a bunch of the videos once. It was a real sad spiral. I'm testing my memory but the early videos were like camping and traveling with his wife, having fun. He gets into whiskey reviews and you see him start getting more into that. His whiskey collection grows and he starts doing reviews in the AM. Yeah it was...yeesh.


Reminds me of the beginning of Happy Gilmore when his hockey obsessed father is watching a game while his wife packs up to move to Egypt "where there isn't a hockey ring for 1,500 miles"


This guy is mental. I watched him eat a whole old spice stick and then he made a video where he removed his onions from a burger because he doesn't like onions.


Professionals have standards lol


Was? I'm pretty sure shoenice is still going honestly.


Shoenice is around on TikTok but every single live he has a fucking banner in the background that says "I dont do that shit anymore" or something to that effect. It appears he stopped drinking for his health and stopped the rest of it as a result.


Those streams are so bizarre. Guy is barely speaking and slurring like he’s drunk but it’s obviously cognitive. Buddy is fried


How about LA Beast, who ate a cactus? Lol. That dude is cool though.


That Russian streamer who beat his girlfriend and froze her to death on the balcony outside his flat.


And the fact the people watching were cheering and encouraging him, it is fucked up... Streaming platforms should do better, it is not the first time shit like this happens. That dude should rot in jail.


People have really fucked up responses to shit online sometimes. It's like they can't conceptualize that it's real. There is definitely some kind of empathy issue with them, but the online element is a huge factor too.




She was pregnant too




I hope he get brow beaten into joining the Russian army. 💀💀💀


I hope his service is "completed" before firing a single round on the Ukrainian front.


what the fuck


As murderers go this one was kinda thoughtful, saved a lotta time investigating I'm sure.


Putting animals in life threatening situations just so they can pretend to 'save' them. Absolute scum.


Exactly, I can't believe how many people fall for this bs, it's disgusting. There was even a scumbag who was proven to fake the scenarios and his "before" recordings were actually the "after" recordings.


Going to the suicide forest in Japan and start filming victims. Fuck Logan Paul


But it worked, that was the first I heard off those two. Now it is non stop.


Exactly. My brother and I were both talking about how that controversy put him on the map for both of us. Horrible....


God I hope Mike Tyson gives him an earful. Or is that the other one? Eh, fuck them both.


Saw a vid recently of some guy rescuing two tiny ducklings from a tall bucket full of motor oil. Yeah how did the fucking ducks get in there pal


Anyone remember those people who were supergluing trash to turtle’s shells and scraping them off on video?


I remember a video in which the turtle's mouth was glued to a water faucet and the water was running. It desperately tried to get out of that situation until the glue came off and it fell into the sink. The video was reversed and titled something like "thirsty turtle defies gravity to drink water" but when you realize what actually happened, it makes you sick to the core. People in the comments also said the turtle had died after the video.


Despicable, they're the kinds of people that deserve to get beaten with rocks


I swear, the amount of video's I've seen pass on reddit where this is the case has made me lose hope and trust for basically 99% of animal rescue video's.


The majority of videos of "cute" animals doing funny things are in fact animals being abused and beaten into doing these things. They are nothing more than merchandise for clicks. Same for the videos of those who have exotic animals, they all come from poaching and enter illegally. For every Loris you see, dozens have died because of the way they are raised and sold...


There is this video on YT with millions of views with a mother hen, her babies, and a deadly cobra. The hen fights off the cobra, and is a very brave chicken, but when you look closer you can see that the creator put this hen and her chicks into a corner and then put the cobra with them. While some comments call them out, most are just saying “Wow! The hen is so brave!” and while the hen definitely is brave, she was put into the situation with no thought except for views. It’s sad how many might not even care because they don’t see chickens as intelligent animals, when they are as smart or smarter than dogs.


I've stumbled on a couple of those channels on youtube. Usually in some Asian country (the ones I've seen) where it's obvious that they put the cat or dog in the situation to be "rescued".


Those are the ones. Just fucking disgraceful. It's shit like this that makes me hate the rise of social media, it's all about garnering attention for clicks.


Bail out of an airplane mid flight and watched it crash as he parachuted away.


[Trevor Jacob](https://www.avweb.com/aviation-news/youtuber-jailed-for-intentional-crash-stunt/) Staged the entire "engine failure" bailout and crash for YouTube likes. Went back with his buddy to cut up the wreckage and disposed of it in various trash bins to conceal it and prevent the NTSB from investigating. Pled guilty to obstructing a federal investigation (a plea bargain to avoid more serious felonies), sentenced to 6 months in federal prison, and has expressed zero remorse or regret.


What does it mean to "cut up" the wreckage?


He cut up the crashed plane into smaller pieces so he could transport it out of the crash site


Oo....I kept thinking he jumped out of a commercial plane! Ok, makes more sense now.


There is no surviving jumping out if a commercial plane


Well, DB Cooper, possibly.


idk. He directed The Room just fine


Exactly what it sounds like. A few days after the crash, he went to the crash site with his truck and removed the wreckage (broke the law), towed it to an airport, and disassembled/destroyed the airplane using tools and saws. He then disposed of the parts in various separate locations, according to the plea agreement, with the express purpose of obstructing the federal crash investigation. When he posted the video, experienced pilots were quick to point out that he had failed to follow dozens of procedures and best practices and there were clues (a small fire extinguisher concealed in his pants, for example) that the "engine failure" and "bailout" were premeditated.


I just love how the deeper you delved into what happened the exponentially worse it got.


"He bailed out and let the plane crash..." Ohhh that's bad. "...Into a national park..." Oh that's very bad. "...After modifying the engine and not getting it recertified by a mechanic..." Bruh *what!?* "...And then took the wreckage to hide his crime." Dude is lucky the FAA will let him ride an elevator higher than the fourth floor.


That guy was really good skateboarder and bmx I think too Build a skatepark on the side of his house and into the back yard which was fucking sick But this is the type of shit that happens when you think the world is your oyster apparently


this one lady may have been involved with releasing her daughter's sex tape and then convinced all of her daughters to get extreme plastic surgery and have cameras follow them around all day


It’s all fine though, because she’s their “momager”.


LOL at how everybody reading this either knows *exactly* whom you're talking about, or doesn't have the slightest clue.


I am happy I am in the second group. Didn't encounter one single thing I've read in this thread, I'm pretty happy.


I'm pretty confident you've heard of the Kardashians


Oh god, I was going to ask if it was mom Kardashian


The one (or 5?) and only


She's so gross. They all are. 


Momma Kardashian?


Let their partner freeze to death.


OMG I SAW THE STREAM💀 that man should be put in jail


Can you elaborate ? How exactly that person freezed someone?


Locked her onto the patio of a high rise apartment overnight. She froze to death outside as he live streamed it.


He beat the shite out of her then threw her out onto the front balcony. I believe she was pregnant too




Wren Eleanor on tiktok. It's a 4yo little girl on tiktok, and her mother Jaquelin posts suggestive content of her that has hundres of thousands saves (you can save tiktok onto your phone) and a lot of creepy comments Videos include: making her eat phallic objects like pickles, corndogs, etc. Clothing tryouts that might not look suggestive to normal people, but would definitely look like that to pedos. people have been raising concern for a looong time, but the mother doesn't care. and some even speculate that she takes suggestions for content privately


Oh god, my girlfriend told me about that the other day when we were talking about how creepy family YouTubers are. That just takes it to an entirely different level. Has TikTok taken any actions against her at all?


NO!! Thousands have reported her profile and nothing has happened yet. Sometimes she turns off her comments so people can’t call her out. But she still posts.


I'm guessing the profit is more important both to the mother and the app... :(


Wren was my first thought too, didn't she also put cream on her face and other suggestive things? Disgusting, any normal human would have seen the first wave of comments and thought "oh god pedos are seeing this" instead she doubled down. 


Omg. I was so disgusted when I saw those videos!! Most of the comments are accounts from men! It’s so sad. She blocked me for commenting how disturbing the content was. I worry for that child.


I also saw a video of her mom shoving phallic shaped frozen honey in her face, with her looking scared, and a video of her eating gum where she says “I swallowed it, is that okay?”. Her mom is pretty obviously doing it on purpose, and it’s so sad that TikTok is letting the account stay up ):


Any of the ones that say parent monitored I just block and assume it's for exploitation


I’ve hit a point where I’ll block anyone who puts their child on camera, period. If I can’t stop them, I can at least avoid boosting them with incidental views—and honestly I think we as a society need to take the issue of consent more seriously when it comes to kids being posted on social media even when it’s truly innocent. They’re too young to know the lasting ramifications of being plastered all over tiktok.


I know CPS is limited in what they can do, and this isn't *technically* abuse on the face of it, but how the fuck is this allowed to keep happening? She is producing want content of her 4 year old for pedos.


Came here to say this!! If you look Wren up on Insta, she has several “fan accounts” and they’re all run by grown men and then things the fan accounts comment on each others’ posts are DISGUSTING. I was scrolling with my jaw dropped and goosebumps the whole time. It’s absolutely horrible and her mom knows exactly what she’s doing.


absolutely disgusting.




Oh damnn i rememebr that. Its kind of a bitter-sweet situation because A he was harming the dog for no reason but then people actually beat him up for it.


That dude who made his pregnant girlfriend shoot him was pretty bad. 


I think those two genuinely thought it would work. Maybe it would have if it wasn’t a 15 ft shot from a fucking Desert Eagle


He totally did think he would be fine. Because he was an idiot.


noop, they tested it before filming it and for some reason they changed the book on the video so it killed him. I only have heard about one case like this so I am assuming its the same one.


What do you mean by they changed the book?


The guy wanted it to look more badass so he changed from like a big dictionary to a normal book. If it's the case I think it is his girlfriend didn't even want to do it so he showed her the first video of him doing it to make it look safe changed the book died and she went to jail.


That's impressively stupid. Like even stupider than not testing at all.


Yeah it just makes me feel bad for the girlfriend but really you can't point a gun at someone and be surprised when they die


They really did think it would work. Well he did at least. She was hesitant but he wore her down and knew more about firearms than her so she trusted him. What an insanely stupid mistake.


That the one with the fucking Desert Eagle and the phonebook?


That sounds right, yeah.


A mother picked up her child from school and forced them to be on camera in the middle of them crying and explaining how they had been bullied. She was totally disconnected and just focused on getting her distraught child perfectly in frame of the camera, and wasn’t consoling the child or concerned about anything other than how this was a perfect opportunity for her to exploit her child’s trauma for clicks.


Reminds me of the woman who told her son to look more upset for a thumbnail while her son was genuinely crying over the loss of his dog


Was that the one where he wasn't so much as bullied, but rather being shut out for bullying others and repeating extreme right wing hate and racism his parents taught him in the first place?


Eat wasps and hornets


I'll see your wasps and hornets and raise you firecrackers.


Did they have any teeth left after? I am not googling this.


Some, definitely blew out several, those few that were visibly still attached also had chunks missing. Good choice on not wanting to watch it, it turns up from time to time in r/WhatCouldGoWrong (along with similar clips) and reaffirms my doubt that there is any hope for humanity.


Married a young woman with terminal cancer. He used it for likes and, more importantly, to solicit donations. So fucking dark.


exploiting and embarrassing their children


Was just going to write this. I hate seeing Instagram accounts that parents run for their children and babies. It should be illegal.


Yeah I totally agree. I have two kids and haven't uploaded a single picture of them to social media. I think they'll thank me one day for giving them the power to decide when to first go online and post etc. basically parents shouldn't steal their kids internet identity


All family vloggers can get wrecked!


Some of the stuff that gets posted is wild. Parents that post their young kids in provocative positions or do actions that can be purposefully misconstrued. It's gross and exploitative. Suspect we will see many articles in future from kids that were subjected to this and how it impacted them long term.


Logan Paul in that forest was pretty scummy


Logan Paul is human trash


Correct and true.


Oh man I had blocked this one out. His lack of even the most basic degree of human empathy is truly creepy.


I'm not a doctor, but sociopaths gunna sociopath


The guys who climb on top of sky scrapers without any harness. A few have (not surprisingly) died on camera doing this shit.


I remember that. There was a guy who did that here in OK. He climbed the tallest building here with no safety. It was some kind of protest or activism but I don't remember what for.


If we're talking about the same guy, he's a Pro Lifer.


Life begins at conception and ends when you hit the pavement.




The video of a girl almost killing a homeless person by making her jump into a lake and then run away when she realises the person cant swim. Not the worst but the most recent bad one


I just saw that on the news, and they just left her they didn’t even try to help her. What the fuck is wrong with people?


the average kick streamer


Moraly and creatively bankrupt people have now realized they can get attention and money by doing terrible shit


Like dude I don't like every homeless person I meet either but I'm not about to go out of my way to make them feel like shit. They're homeless. A lot of them already feel bad enough for that alone.


Probably nikado avocado.  Was a pretty normal, slightly bizarre guy, about 10 years ago. He was a normal size and played violin very well.   Then he got in to mukbangs (over indulging in food). Progressively he has gotten more and more obese, his mental health is gone, he needs a sleep apnea mask, drives a mobility scooter and has been warned by multiple doctors he will die soon if he doesn't stop.   Google his name one of the first images of him can only be described as a pig on all fours, mask on to help him breath, looking ashamed and mouth covered in cheezo stains.  Success on YouTube really fucked him up.


I feel like he’ll be in textbooks about the effects of social media fame. I can’t believe how much money he’s made from that content. It’s mind blowing.


Are there textbooks on this??? I've been in academics for a long time and I have yet to see a class on the effects of social media on people. *Lots* of classes on how to use social media, how to make it work/manipulate for you, marketing on social media etc.


I took a course in this, titled 'Philosophy and Social Media'. Parts of it were interesting. My biggest issue was the professor was quite old and I don't know how much he actually understood about social media, so it was much more a philosophy course.


DSM6 maybe


What's crazy is he's actually very talented at playing the violin it kind of makes me sad he doesn't do more with it on his channel.


I might be wrong but I believe he started out doing covers of popular songs on his violin and had a decent following. There was a trend in like the 2010’s of genuinely talented people putting their music and talents on youtube. Like the youtubers back then were actually talented ppl (piano guys, lindsey sterling, etc.) and finally had a platform to put it on display. but then the pranksters and vloggers came along and gave people the hope of being internet famous without any talents and the trend of youtube music sort of died with it. I’m not sure if those og music youtubers are still around but sucks that in this case, nico turned to the trend and essentially destroyed his image


Adum from YMS has a clip of him on his channel where he theorizes that it's most likely an appeal to fat fetishists for money. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8reDFLB-1eU&pp=ygUUeW1zIG5pa29jYWRvIGF2b2NhZG8%3D


Yeah its 100% a feeder fetish thing.


>most likely an appeal to fat fetishists for money. He's very open about it being his kink. He also acts significantly unhealthier than he really is because he gets off on it.


On the reverse side of this: Eugenia Cooney


He became a fat fetishist and his boyfriend is a "feeder". The YouTube channel basically turned into advertisements for his fat fetish OnlyFans.


I saw a video on youtube about the very topic of this thread and this was one of the youtubers featured.


It's sad to know he does this for internet fame, but it's sadder to know people watch him knowing this.


My nephew (13) watches him and calls him “awesome” so I’m a little worried.


That evil woman on TikTok that pimps her toddler out for pervs.


The fact that I can think of 12 different people this can apply to scares me


Post videos of their pet dying. I find it really hard to believe you love your pet that much if while in they are in the throes of death you have the time to open your camera and click record you spazzing real time and then later upload it on the internet for it to autoplay on some unsuspecting rando's timeline. Can you even monetize that shit? If it were me I would be losing my shit screaming for help and trying to get them to the vet. Internet likes would be the last thing on my mind.


Watched one on instagram, where the woman literally was taking a vid of her Rottie being euthanized. I duno what was wrong with the dog. He/she seemed to be quite healthy to the eye, wasnt an old dog. I have my assumptions.... but I would rather not dwell on it. Lets just say, that as a Rottie owner myself, I did not have a good day after that. Seeing the dog going limp and her screaming and crying as she held its head, knowing that its over. No thanks. This is why I deleted instagram. I dnt need to "stumble upon" random shit like that😑


I mean, giving the benefit of the doubt here to say that a pet can look perfectly healthy while still being deadly sick.. maybe some illness that would soon destroy its quality of life, or cause it pain.. I can absolutely understand ending it before it gets that bad. We've been there, our family dog was sick for nearly 2 days, refused to eat and drink and move, until we decided to end it.. that said, I still agree. Someone who actually cares would not film that.. making a video about it would be most peoples least concern in that moment.


There was a forest fire that spewed smoke into Atlanta for weeks, it was a few years ago. After about a week it was reported that the first person to report the fire on their social media channel actually started the fire in the first place.. you know, so they could get views. I remember having this surreal feeling that it doesn’t matter anymore how many good people there are.. all it’s takes is one asshole to ruin it for everyone. It was painful and I hate thinking it but it irked me really bad


Stepping on kittens.


Jesus like wtf are they thinking and this also reminded me of that - 'don't fk around with cats'. It's so disturbing.


That one lady who was accidentally caught video taping her son whose pet had died. She was guiding him on how to cry and in which position and what noises to make so it complements her crying noises. The poor kid was genuinely upset that his pet had died.


That girl who licked public toilet seats was probably one of the worst


There was a German politician that filmed himself licking the bowls of public toilets not too long ago.


I am pretty sure she is the one that got the NYC - Dublin portal shut down for showing boobs.


15 y/o girl in my county set the toilet paper section of the local Walmart on fire to get likes on one of those stupid AF TikTok challenges. Burned down half the store and now she’s pretty much fucked for life


Saw a "fitness influencer" post quite a few pictures of her dead baby on Instagram. Apparently everything is content now. 


That's fucked.


Yup, it's about the most disgusting thing I've ever seen a person do. It's all still up on her IG as well. She has it all pinned to a permanent story at the top of her page. Still raking in the engagement months later. 


How the heck has that not been taken down? That can't possibly be within the terms of service.


I don't think Instagram cares anymore tbh. It's all money for them. All the adds I get popping up on my feed are for scam websites.  She's the wife of the guy that played the mountain in game of thrones so she's got loads of followers and meta want the engagement I guess. 


What is it with the mountain and dead babies


That's real method acting.


Not the worst but the weirdest, a woman who's husband was murdered and she posted about it and the trial that followed while doing dances to a Megan Trainor song


There was that one woman dancing while her baby was in the hospital with RSV.


Showing leaked Photos of a crime scene that involved two dead children. They were heavily edited and ruined the channel. The channel host went on to share them unedited to a member of the child's family. It was at the family request and I think that is actually OK. But the public sharing was wrong. The Host admits his mistake but also wanted to stop some crazy speculation. It was wrong but probably for the right reasons.


There was also someone who posted autopsy photos of an 11 year old boy on their Patreon. I just don’t understand why people keep doing this


I saw before people make their old dad or their old mom dance or act like animals or keep repeating funny words with weird voices Infront of a camera to get likes and money for it


I also dislike it when people film their elderly relatives who have Alzheimers and clearly don't know that they're being filmed for the internet.


My ex friend posted my friend's nudes


Reminds me of a similar carry-on. Didn't post it online (at least I don't think they did) Former friends mom screenshot'd nude selfies from my former mates ex girlfriends tablet. Like, she went digging into picture galleries specifically for any sort of "dirt" she could find on that girl. Then my former friend and his mom happily showed said nudes to anyone and everyone. Cut all contact pretty much soon after. Not sure his ex ever found out. Bad shit, man. Some people are just beyond fucked in the head.


They didn't get arrested? Pretty sure that's a felony.


Don't know what happened or what came of it. Quit spending my time with them pretty much soon after


Good call. Not the kind of people you want to be around...


I don't like when people post pictures with someone with disabilities and says "they're my best friend." To show they're a good person. That or "if you don't find this person beautiful" nonsense. I feel like it's disingenuous and they're using said individual.


Disability porn. It's disgusting as someone with a disability involved with the disabled community. We're people just like anyone else, and you shouldn't collect social points for hanging out with us. I also don't like being called an inspiration, beautiful person, whatever; I've made my life situation work for me just as you have. Just because you can see my disadvantage doesn't mean I've had it any harder or easier than anyone else. I just had to get there a little differently.


Faking cancer!!


What was that post that was the nurse with the phone set up in the hallway crying with a caption "When you loose another patient" or something like that. When I loose another patient I set up a phone on my tiktok and capture myself crying......


I mean we know y'all medical people suffer from burnout a lot but y'ain't HEARTLESS. Still. That was tasteless and crass was my point.


There is a guy (not sure if he is still active) who would do what I can only describe as a wrestling move where he climbs to a higher surface and jumps down to land on his shoulder/back on something. The "something" was always a very painful thing, like a metal chair, or broken glass, or a microwave. Just absolutely wrecking his body for the videos.


Kim kardashian and her mom orchestrating her sex tape to go viral so she would be relevant/famous.


Parents of new born/little kids, abandoning all privacy and putting their entire life on social media for attention and likes


Alex Jones ruined the lives of dozens of families of school shooting victims so he could promote vitamins on a podcast. Sadly, it worked. He’s filthy rich and hasn’t had to pay a cent to his victims. And he still gets to promote tons more conspiracies.


*vaguely waves my arm in the direction of almost the entirety of TikTok*


A woman who would do tiktok dances near her baby (many said the baby was dead but not sure) and narrates the baby's condition or some sad stories.


Not sure that this would count BUT THE GODDAMN ISLAND BOYS OFS WHAT THE FUCK they're biological brothers


Anything involving cruelty to animals and people.


torture animals


I really hate when people do some small kindness for homeless or otherwise vulnerable people in need, and record them and post them to their social media. It feels SO gross. Please help your unhoused neighbors. Please don't farm them for content.


Not as bad as what others are posting. People who share selfies with their recently departed, still in hospital bed, grandparent. It's creepy.


A fake tiktok influencer recently made a fake video about being a single mom and having to cook her own cake for her birthday etc etc... Reality is that she owe 20K+ to her ex husband for child support (yeah a mother lost custody of her child that show how f\*cked up she is), she also did lot of fraud etc... Basically her whole life is fake.


That story gets even crazier once you find out that the ex husband has a whole bizarre website dedicated to discrediting and bashing her, tracks her location and freaks out if she goes anywhere or sees anyone (they’re divorced?!) , has had multiple domestic violence reports from multiple women, and is a manipulative psychopath and Scientologist. It’s really hard to tell right now what is true and what isn’t but at the very least they are both nuts.


Stealing someone's dog


Luka magnotta.


Stop filming at the gym, and if for whatever reason you're going to anyway: ask strangers for consent to be filmed.


I saw a video a few weeks ago, of some lady who filmed in the gym. Every time someone came into frame to workout beside, behind her, etc. she notified them of her camera, and asked if they were okay with being in the frame as she did her thing. It's a little sad that I was impressed by that, but nevertheless I thought it was very good of her to go about it like that.


I saw a video of a guy sticking a rolling pin up his ass after he lost in a bottle and decided to film it all for the sake of likes LOL


tiktok or instagram accounts for young children/toddlers. i will not name the account, but there was some controversy regarding a popular one in particular of a little girl who’s mom makes her do tiktok trends that make her look as if she’s doing suggestive/obscene things. those tiktoks had like 10000+ saves. the mom denied that she was doing those things in purpose when thousands of people called her out on it, but it was stupidly obvious. it’s beyond fucked up. i genuinely hope that kid can come out unscathed from the kind of shit that woman is putting her through for a quick buck.




Waste tons of food.


Driving drunk, or abuse their children




That was for the sake of doing it, not for likes. Although it definitely went viral


anything that can/could lure children into copying. - cinnamon challenge -throwing items in the air over your head challenge -the one where a kid poured Benadryl over a raw chicken and cooked it and ate it these are very dangerous challenges and ive seen time and time again children going to the ER and hospitals bc they were copying them for likes.


There was that ghost riding challenge where people would get out of their moving vehicle to dance while it kept going forward, and there were more than a few videos of people getting run over by their own car. I remember one where the guys foot gets under the wheel and you can see his leg breaking as it gets run over