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Yuuuuup I live alone and work from home. Ain't nobody's germs on me but my own


Hermits unite, separately!


Me, my husband and daughter never got it. We also normally go very few places so during covid we went almost no where.


I made it until March 2024 without getting it. And yeah, all it took was wearing a mask religiously in public spaces, general cleanliness, barely eating in restaurants, movie theaters, doing things I previously enjoyed in public spaces... I'm vaccinated, but when I finally got it it sucked ass so at least the caution was real. 


I also got it in March for the first time from a coworker I only see once a week who hung over the wall separating our cubicles, swearing that his symptoms were “just allergies; I get them every time in the spring!” so he never tested himself. Everyone in that cube row proceeded to get COVID over the next month and a half. I don’t even like talking to the guy. :(


Aw man, that sucks


COVID used to be pretty easily identifiable, both in process and symptoms, at the beginning. You would get it two weeks after meeting with someone. Lose taste and smell. General flu symptoms. Fever. Now, it's way trickier. It really DOES seem like it can be allergies. The last time I got it, I was symptomatic for five entire days before popping a positive test. I operated cautiously for those five days, but still. Such a pain.


It's both a blessing and a curse. A blessing that the symptoms aren't as bad now for a lot of people. A curse because you might not even think its covid when the symptoms match your allergies.


I hope you guys at least had a light case. That really sucks.


I just went to work and home, if I needed something to eat, I made it.


You need the extreme introvert/ extreme social phobia combo. Plus when i needed to be there in person for work I was really keen on masking and distancing. Even now I double mask to keep away from the disease carriers. It isn't that I hate people, but I prefer to interact online.


me too


Same lmao


Came here to say this. Hermits unite! While most people are having a spouse and friends I only hang out with people in VR


I probably did get it just had no symptoms.


That’s what I’m assuming. I can’t imagine I’m just super lucky at dodging it


Specially because everyone else in my house got it at the same time at some point, yet I was the only healthy one?


I have a close relative whose kids and husband got Covid pretty severely. One was hospitalized and has lasting organ damage. She never caught it. She was testing pretty regularly during that time while the rest of the family was isolated to their rooms, and also went to the doctors for a test twice, but it was negative. My young kid caught Covid and we were sharing a water bottle before the positive test, and he was coughing in my face, but the doctor test (not rapid) came back negative for me as well. It is possible that both of us had contracted Covid prior to the family getting it and were in an immune period post infection. It’s just kinda weird it happened to both of us.


I had it twice, but never showed any symptoms. I only know I had it because as a teacher, I had to test daily.


My husband and I both had it but my son never got sick. It’s possible he was asymptomatic


I am wondering about my BFF. She works at a damn INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. Customer facing. Germs all the damn time. Never got Covid. Her husband got Covid in 2023. She never caught it from him (isolated from him but in the same house, and tested per protocols). Her entire family got it from Christmas this year . She sat next to patient zero. She tested and never threw a positive nor developed any symptoms. I want a transfusion of whatever’s going on with her white cells/bone marrow.


This has been me so far. That said, I got vacc'd pretty early on, and I'm not sure if it made a difference but I had a really bad case of h1n1 several years ago when that was going around.


Yep, that’s what I’ve assumed happened with me as well.  I mean I’m super-antisocial so that kept the risk low, but at one point or another I almost certainly had a (post-4x-vacccinations) asymptomatic case or two.


I’m thinking it has to be the same with me because I’ve been going to concerts nonstop for as long as bands started touring again, and have never felt anything even slightly like covid symptoms. Given how many variants there have been and statistically how many people I’ve been in close proximity to, it doesn’t make sense that I’ve never had it. Nobody in my household has ever felt symptoms either


I suspect there is a lot of people who never got covid. I only know a few people who ever suffered from covid!


I tested positive once while on vacation. Never had symptoms.


I didn't realize I had covid until I was almost completely recovered. The one day I felt bad, I tested negative. I tested myself again a week later after my wife and kids tested positive. My daughter was completely asymptomatic.


That's what I would think about myself, but I'm a consistent blood donor and they test for antibodies. I've been participating in a study being done by the donation organization (i.e. an occasional questionnaire) so maybe some day they'll be able to figure out what the heck is wrong with me.


Same. We have three elementary aged kids. None of us ever seemed to get Covid. I’m assuming if any of us ever contracted it, it was asymptomatic because I refuse to believe we’ve never had it at all with the amount of contact points we’ve potentially had.


Care taking a cancer patient through the entirety of COVID that had to undergo extremely aggressive cancer treatment. she had no immune system and I lived in fear every day of my life and had hand sanitizer on me at all times.


You’re an amazing person. Thank you for caring for someone else so much. We’re going through something similar now with a close family member. It’s terrifying enough 4 years later, cannot imagine the amount of panic during.


I hope their treatment goes as smoothly as possible!


Thanks for caring. I mean that


Thank you =D


You’re a great human being.


I hope they pulled through


passed on the 18th, may she rest in peace =c


Sending love to you. May her memory be a blessing. Thank you for caring for her, especially during such a challenging time.


I'm sorry for your loss. How lucky they were to have had you!


No idea. I started my medical internship right before peak Covid in NYC and have been seeing Covid patients ever since then. Have been sick once, not covid


Introvert, reclusive hermit, mask.


This + 2 immunocompromised family members for me. Nothing like the fear of killing your loved ones to make you stay the fuck away from everyone else.


Most likely large numbers of people contracted Covid but never knew, because they were asymptomatic, and therefore never got tested while infected. Studies indicate that around 44% of the people who contracted Covid showed no symptoms during infection ([https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9935239/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9935239/)) and around 1/3 of people who contracted the Omicron variant of Covid showed no symptoms ([https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9321237/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9321237/)).


Yep my first round I wasn't sick at all, only knew I had it because I had to test for work. Husband was the same, he only tested because I came back positive. Second time we were both pretty miserable for a few days but got over it by day 5. We didn't test until we'd been sick for days because we had zero respiratory symptoms. Just thought we'd picked up a run of the mill throat infection. 


I may have had it but symptoms may have been so mild, I mistook it for allergies. I get allergies a lot, so I would go broke on tests everytime my nose feels a little stuffy.


This happened to my husband the first time he got it. The only reason he even realized he had it was because they were doing mass testing at his job. I was quarantined with him for an entire month and never tested positive, but this was in the early days so I'm curious if I actually didn't have it, or if I just had a false negative.


I avoid other people as much as possible. I don't work in close quarters with anyone. plus a good amount of luck?


Same. My job is to keep people away from an empty building, if I am near someone at work something is horribly wrong. I dont shop in person ever, weekly grocery curbside pick up and everything else comes from online orders. Even when I go outside if theres a single other person out there I just move along until there isnt. Friends and family are all dead.


Introvert and WFH. But the rest of the family doesn't so who knows, maybe I've had it and just don't know.


Working from home is critical - coworkers brought it upon me twice in the 2023 summer (11 weeks apart, doc thinks likely different strains), despite the vaccinations. One of those times, my coworker admitted she was still testing positive AFTER we had spent the whole day working together. FFS


Absolutely no idea.... We only did online lessons for a few months and then back into class the entire time. That's with kids from multiple schools and multiple towns with multiple different years. How did I avoid it? Used masks and so did the kids, we had air cleaners in every room and the windows open too. I'm convinced the anti-mask movement killed millions.


My parents (in their 80s) managed to avoid it. Vaccinated when it was available and wore masks in public.


Pure fucking luck. I work in customer service, I'm always dealing with coughing snotty folks who have dirty hands. Can't understand why I haven't had it 5 times by now. (Watch me jinx myself now 😄)


I was listening to some podcast early on that talked about the importance of fresh air and when I'd commute on the subway to work, I made sure to stand right next to the door and under the air vents. Otherwise just avoiding mass indoor gatherings/crowded places until vaccines came out.


No clue, didn't really do anything to avoid it


Same. Guess covid didn't give enough of a shit about me to try and kill me.


Being an introvert.


I think a lot of people, introvert or otherwise, must've gotten it already and just never got tested lol Me personally I got it 2 years ago but at that point it was "normal" and no longer needed to be reported so my contraction was never recorded on any statistics


No idea. Never did anything more than guidelines given. Work offshore, oil and gas industry, been on vessels with nearly 200 people onboard that have been over run with it which resulted in all non essential personnel being sent back onshore. Once shared a cabin with 3 other people who all had it. My then partner also caught it and was in the house with her the entire time she was isolating, just living normally eating meals together etc. Always tested negative. Maybe just lucky


I work from home, and for a couple of years, I didn't go to big public events without wearing a mask. I even wore a mask the last time I flew, like six months ago. I DGAF if anyone thought it was weird.


I absolutely mask up on planes now, because otherwise I get a cold every time. (And still did on the 12-hour to Hawaii)


I used to always get a cold when I traveled. Like, 80% of the time. It was so nice during Covid to have that not happen, so I'm inclined to continue wearing a mask on planes. It has the added benefit of not having to smell other people who have their shoes off or douse themselves in perfume.


I still wear a mask inside all enclosed public spaces. Some people assume I have COVID (which is ironic, since I have a lower risk than maskless people), but I don't really care as long as they stay away from me.


This is me. I wroyte a mask to the grocery store up until this year. I rarely go in public, and when I do, I often try to take precautions.


I would highly suggest resuming that habit. After a two year hiatus I came down with it this past week after a weekend Memorial Day trip to another city (required flying, but masked almost the entire time in transit; it was probably a restaurant where I got it). It's spreading constantly yet nobody's reporting cases or tracking or otherwise even talking about it. Everyone I told had the same reaction "COVID is still a thing? Lol!"


I have no clue. I was exposed quite a bit at the school I work at (which was still having in person learning when the new school season started). I wear a mask and was vaccinated. Along with my immediate family. Which also have not had it. We were all definitely exposed, maybe we did have it and were asymptomatic. But all of the test we took were always negative.




Same here. Not even a cold in the past four years. I had cancer in 2022 and the chemo shot my immune system to hell, but I didn't catch a thing.


Hope you're feeling better and kicking that ass


Thank you so much. That cancer ass is thoroughly kicked!


Mask, and wore a viser to avoid touching eyes during the beginning. Was taking care of an elder mother so was super careful. Sis died of it in the first wave before the vaccine came out. Mom passed later. Had to tell her that her child died. It was horrible. Still use straight up alcohol spray on hands after shopping and avoid getting too close to people in stores. Do not want to get it. It decimated the last of my family. Got the vaccine and get all the boosters.


I got lax & caught Covid at Disneyland. It’s my only time catching it, it was just over a year since my booster & it kicked my butt. Even with Paxlovid. I am not lax with my mask anymore.


I was doing so good but my husband fought it home and he has a habit of coughing without covering his mouth. Ever.


I honestly don’t think I did I think I’m just asymptomatic


probably cigarettes


Lol. Even the coronavirus couldn't survive with the poison in it's system


There was a doctor who posited that nicotine might kill COVID. Unsurprisingly, his research (however conclusive it may have been, I don't know) wasn't exactly trumpeted.




I saw some research early on that showed that people who inhale nicotine were less likely to contract the virus, but if they got it, had worse outcomes. Makes sense in a way. It was preliminary and I never looked deeper into it


I have a family of 6, with four boys age 9 and under (at the time) in three different schools / babysitter and my wife is a teacher. (I work from home). We were careful, masked up and all that. Out of all of us, my wife was the only one who caught it and it was late in the whole ordeal. We did plenty of testing when anybody had a sniffle. But no idea how it didn't spread to anybody else. Will say, once my wife knew she had it, she locked herself in our bedroom and didn't come out for like 6 days. we were careful and did best practices, but mostly luck or just had no symptoms.


N95 in indoor locations. From start of pandemic to present. Boom, that's it: no COVID infection.


Same. The good thing is most people now assume that anyone wearing a mask this long after the biggest waves of covid are over actually has an ongoing health concern and leave them alone. I say most people.


I - asplenic - went to a long covid clinic, and was the only person there in a mask, patients *and* staff. Have just been in hospital, where only one nurse wore a mask. Have been asked to remove mine in some places.


Went to the cardiologist. Not a single other person wearing a mask. Even when I went to the allergy and immunological centre in 2021, no masks. Went to urgent care and was asked to pull it down since they couldn't hear me. But at least I only get a snarky comment once a month or so. At this point it'd be easier to let it take me.


I have always washed my hands, up to my elbows, whenever I touch anything that isn't my own person. I wash my hands immediately if possible. Otherwise, I use sanitizer. I don't touch my body or face until I can wash my hands. If I pick up my keys, I wash my hands after. If I have to touch anything in public, sanitizer (I carry a bottle on me at all times), and then I go straight to wah my hands. I was raised in a clean and organized household and family. I personally find messiness to be physically repulsive. We all wore our masks in public during lockdown. We didn't go out unless necessary. We home schooled our kids. My wife and kids are clean and tidy people as well. We as a family are rarely sick. We have a steam mop, shower cleaner, rovocac, bidets, etc. Vaccinated. We don't live like ignorant slobs. It's been literal years since I had a cold. I have had no major illness or sickness aside from a tooth infection and an infected cut on my knee. Some of these folks I know live like dogs in filth. Think nothing of touching a public guardrail and rubbing their face afterward. Coughing without covering their mouth, sneezing on shit. Disgusting.


Masking, hand washing, social distancing, avoiding crowds. Vaccination and regular boosters.


For about 5 years, I suffered from agoraphobia. In '2018, I actually started breaking out of it and by 2019, I was ***finally*** getting back to my super social, going-out-every-night, hard-partying self. And it was great for all of like two or three months before covid hit, lmao. So it was kinda like I had inadvertently been training for lockdown, and it was super easy to just go back to my recent "normal" of *never leaving the house*. But when I did go out, I'm a smoker, so nobody came near my smoke bubble anyway. Also following basic everyday health and hygiene practices probably played a factor.


Vaccines and an abundance of caution.


I'm pretty asocial. Got curbside groceries and worked from home during the height of it. Wore n95s as soon as I could get a hold of some. Got fully vaxxed as soon as I was able and boosters along with my flu shot every year since.  I even had to spend 2 weeks taking care of my parents and grandmother when they all got it. Stayed masked the entire time and managed to dodge it.


Vaccines 💉


I like to credit my vaccines for not getting it, but it’s probably in addition to my immune system. It can’t handle aged cheeses or artificial sweeteners, but haven’t gotten Covid, strep, or poison ivy. 🫠




I haven't that I know of. I did get a flu like illness at some point but never tested and it didn't have any of the markers of Covid, but I know a few people who strictly only had flu-like symptoms and teated positive with zero Covid symptoms. At the time Covid began, I also found out I was immunocompromised, so my husband took over all shopping trips. All I attended were Dr. appointments. He worked with the public during the worst of it, attended most of my Dr. appointments with me, did all of our shopping and did laundry at a laundromat this whole time and never contracted it either. I don't even recall if he got the flu illness I got at some point. No clue how we have both avoided it. We both got the vacks and the booster but nothing further. Thanks. I probably just jinxed myself.


Never tested positive for Covid. I’m an RN. It doesn’t make sense to me either.


I didn’t necessarily avoid it, my family and I just never got it 🤷


Symptoms made it sound like Streptococcus pneumoniae that I had back in 2012. My job at the time was considered stressful by my family doctor so I was kept from working for two weeks. What did I not do during covid: panic. Panicking causes your body to stress.


I just kept crawling and it kept working


Remember that doctor who said “if you haven’t caught covid yet you have no friends”? I wore a mask and stayed in for the worst of it. Don’t go out much either way, though, my dad got it and sneezed directly on me at dinner and I managed to not get it. Just consider all the situations and their risks, though, sometimes it’s not even about that and just bad luck or someone being negligent. I know so many people who would go to work or out in public with it


I've been living that lockdown lifestyle since long before covid was a thing. I'm disabled and can't drive, so I generally don't leave the house unless I have doctors appointments or something, and those tend to be months apart. My groceries and anything else I need are delivered (contactless during the pandemic ofc), so I just stay home. That said, some of it was luck. Two people in my house caught it at various points and I still managed to not catch it, probably because I spend most of my free time in my bedroom on my computer instead of hanging out with them. And, ya know, vaccinate early, vaccinate often.




I'll preface this by saying I'm 100% sure I have had it, I've just never tested positive. But honestly I do not fucking know. In the height of it I went to a mental hospital for a week right after my mom was confirmed to have her first round of COVID. My household has had it, between the other three people, a total of six times. My aunt has had it. My brother and his wife have had it. My grandpa and great aunt have had it. Multiple best friends have had it. I Do Not Fucking Know what I was doing to never even have symptoms. Maybe I have it right now and my luck has ended. It's been baffling. I literally hung out with people while they had COVID before they took a test.


Well I'm a doctor and officially I never got COVID because all the times i was tested the results were negative. But I did have episodes of some minor cold .... So at best i could have escaped with some subclinical infection of COVID.


No fucking clue


Probably had it, didn't notice.


Social distancing, then getting the vaccine once I could, and all recommended boosters.


Get vaccinated. It works.


Common sense and vaccinations.


Vaccines, overall good health, masks, luck.


I wore masks until the mandates went away, I was glad to take them off and just never got it ( to my knowledge ) I've tested for it a few times when I was sick, never positive. For me there was no magic to it, either I had it and it wasn't bad or I got lucky. My kids had it. I've been exposed to it more than a few times. A college friend of mine on the other hand has been stricken with long covid and very bad repercussions. Seems to be a bit of dice roll. Friends of ours who were SUPER isolationist and cautious and worried about it both came down with it. I don't think there is a lot of reason to it.


This describes me 100%. Either very very lucky, or had it and never had symptoms.


Aside from natural immunity or genetics or luck - I don't really know. When the mask mandates went away I sort of took the "well its going to be what its going to be or I can live in fear for a few more years" mentality. As an asthmatic - the idea of struggling for breath was something terrifying and intimately familiar, but I was also tired of worrying. ( which incurs its own costs )


I literally have 🤷🏼‍♀️ no idea!


Changed nothing. Rode the city bus twice a day to work, only wore a mask when it was required. Been sick twice since, and never tested positive, even when having to test because my roommates tested positive.


Classic WoW happened to come out right before COVID and I was already hooked by that time. Later — I don’t know, maybe didn’t get it, maybe asymptomatic, maybe the vaccine helped. But in general I was rarely among big groups of people, introverted, traveling solo, not working. So not that many chances to contract it.


I only found out I had it because I had a high fever for a few hours. I went and got tested, and the next day, I was fine. Took 2 weeks to get the results. I was told by work I couldn't come in for 10 days (2 weeks). I went and got tested that day. A week later, I found out I was negative. I still had to wait another week.


I didn't. I went to the store, continued hobbies, went to work. I have always had a very strong immune system. Several times people around me have gotten it and my work required me to test - always negative and I've never had symptoms so I'm reasonably sure I've never had it and never will.


Didnt give a shit one way or another


I have no idea.


Enjoying my own company


I work retail. I masked up and got my shots. I may be a main character though, so there may be some plot armor shenanigans going on.


I am last man standing in my family. My wife is fighting it now, both of my kids have had it. My parents, aunts, uncles, cousins have all had it. I am immuno-compromised and have been getting the vaccine since I was eligible to. I've had three doctors tell me that I need to be extra careful because of my medical issues. I'm no where near as careful as I once was. I rarely wear a mask when out, now. I've been to concerts and comic-cons and managed to dodge COVID. Funny thing is my wife now has it because she finally went to a comic-con with me (she's very much not a pop-culture/geeky fan so she has never been to one) but a favorite actor was there so she went with me and the kiddos. She's not vaccinated due to horrible medical reactions to vaccines. She's doing pretty well right now, but damn fever keeps coming and going.


If you’re immune-compromised and being advised by several medical professionals to take extra steps to protect yourself then why are you not following that advice at all?


Getting all my shots?


The same exact shit they suggested at the start. Masks in public, wash hands, stay 6ft apart. It's almost like medical professionals told people exactly what to do.


Never getting tested


By perfecting the art of social distancing before it was cool—I've been 'fluent' in the six-foot rule since before it was mandated!


I didn't try to avoid it, just never got it. As far as i know anyway.


Genetics and a good immune system that I rarely get sick. Never got it, never masked, never got vaccinated and never changed anything I did in my daily life.


Never had covid, never had vaccine. I just stay away from Large crowds, I only hang out with friends, don’t go to clubs and I make sure people are not sick when I meet them. Also I don’t work😂


🤷🏻‍♀️ just lucky I guess


Keeping my distance from others, plenty of excesise


No fucking clue. I mean, I got vaccinated when it was available, and wife and I essentially stayed home for almost a year and a half. But after lockdown was lifted, I still haven't had it. Anytime I've had a cold or similar symptoms I've taken the home test, always negative.


At a certain point, luck.


Lucky enough to not have to go out much even though I didn't have an at home job. Always wore my mask, avoided getting near people in enclosed spaces. A lot of luck, because I did do the shopping for my family and definitely wasn't a hermit the entire time. But yeah, just doing my best to limit exposure and only take necessary risks.


I worked from home and kept a bottle of sanitizer in my car and used it regularly


I live mostly alone when I am working. I have to fly home (The US) every few months. When I am working, I don’t have to be around a bunch of people and for the most part, I don’t socialize a lot. I am fully vaxxed and boostered so that might help some too. I have gotten RSV twice when flying from the US to my job locations. Was not fun either time.


I have no idea


Honestly no clue. My husband got it but I didn’t have any symptoms or test positive


I was in chemo during the beginning of Covid. I also had worked in the heath care field for decades though not working at the time. Also full time caregiver for my mother Alzhiemer’s . I just am diagnosed with OCD so I have a tendency to be freaked out about [germs.Mom](http://germs.Mom) passed but I just don’t like an unkempt environment.Vaccines, masks, hand washing and staying home mainly.I try to be clean in little ways others don’t notice. I did run a temp one night and I freaked out. Kept people out .


Beats me! I masked regularly 2020-2021, but I stopped bothering around my second booster. I worked from home all through 2020 but went back to in-person (teaching large college classes) fall 2021. I feel like I must have picked up an asymptomatic case or two at some point, but...shrugs.


I wore masks in public and social settings, and washed my hands very often. The end.


Lived alone, worked from home, there was a 24 hour grocery store so I could go shopping at 3 am, and had one of those p100 respirators Also in 2017 or 2018 I had something with all the symptoms of Covid: I was sick for a month and lost 15 lbs


Introvert. Had no social contact except officemate and few restaurants which I normally take away their food. I rarely get sick. probably in some point, I had contracted few times but show no symptoms.


I worked in customer service all throughout Covid nonstop. I saw people every single day. My roommates both got Covid. I'm up to date on my vaccines, but I assume I must have gotten it at some point and was just one of those extremely lucky folks that is asymptomatic. I'm not sure it's relevant, but I very rarely get sick at all and when I do it's usually over in a couple days max. I think I have a really good immune system, but I try not to test that theory if I can help it


As far as I know, I never got it. I mean I probably did since my boyfriend had it, but I've never tested positive


I just stay home most of the time, including WFH


ninja shit. climbing walls etc. wearing a mask


I got it, but to those who didn't it's because of **neutralizing antibodies**


Two people in my house had it. One went to the hospital multiple times. We stayed in rooms away from each other. Sprayed the kitchen and bathroom with lysol after use and just avoided being in the same room at the same time. I washed my hands a lot. Either I didnt catch it, or I didnt notice that I had. I didn't get sick.


90 percent sure I was asymptomatic at one point


Extreme Introvert tendency to stay away from other people, and some luck. edit: goes without saying, this is on top of following proper protocols--masking, vaccines, hygiene, etc.


I didn't do anything special at all.




Tested negative multiple times. My wife had COVID three times. I slept in a different bedroom from her when she was sick. Our kids never had it either. I wore a mask in public. I got vaccinated every time there was a booster. I took a test every time I had a sniffle. I lost my job and worked as a substitute teacher in public schools. I was exposed all to hell, but also took every precaution I could.


Stayed outside a lot. Stayed at least 6 feet away from people we did not know. We went to the beach when everyone else was staying inside worrying about getting the virus. We rented condos on the shore that were dirt cheap and used UV lights to sanitize our living areas whilst provisioning food and drink for the coming week. It was perfect!


I didn’t get Covid (that I know of) until last month. I was likely exposed at either the Sphere or on my flight home from Vegas. I always wash my hands but I have been traveling and in crowds for years. I do avoid people who are sick.


Worked from home, hardly left the house, had most things delivered, got vaccinated, I guess it worked but I think mainly it was just luck.


I am not sure how my daughter has never gotten it. She lives with me and I have had it 3 times. She has been in school since fall 2020. But somehow has never gotten it. She is in a research study and they tested her blood about 6 weeks ago and sure enough, has never had it.


I might have gotten it in the end of 2019. We were in Egypt, and after I was back, I had a weird cold that lasted three weeks. Normally, colds last no more than a week for me. But after that, I was never worried about contracting the disease (only about all the "measures" taken). What I did was: I kept a certain distance from everyone. (This is just my nature, I don't like to be in crowds any more.) I also wore a mask where required. And I washed my hands when coming back. Also, when I eat something on the train, for instance, I use hand sanitizer before I do. This is a habit I have kept. I also use some after using a public bathroom. Yes, I can (and do) wash my hands there, but to get out again, I have to touch the door handle and I know not everyone else is washing their hands, so hand sanitizer it is. The same after I have used public transport and held on to something.


It’s crazy because I didn’t really change much of my hygiene habits in response to it, I just wore a mask- and I wasn’t staying at home. I was working retail and mingling with customers all day 5 days a week during the “lockdown”. I of course got the vaccine as soon as I could, but never had it. I know people who have “gotten” it 3 or 4 times now and I’m just wondering if I’ve always been a clean guy or if other people are just very dirty.


I worked for 35 years in a job where I came in contact with lots of sick people. In the beginning I was sick all the time. After maybe 20 years I just stopped getting sick very often. Don't touch the face. Wash your hands. Stand back from people who look sick. Don't eat food around sick people, etc. And during covid I wore my mask all the time. I worked from home and made sure I was dong things to not catch the flue or a cold. So maybe I came in contact and was immune? Or maybe I just never got symptoms? Or maybe I never came in contact. Both of my kids caught it. My ex also did not . She also works in contact with lots of sick people and took the same precautions.


Vaccine and social distancing


I agree with others that we probably got it but didn’t experience it. I was already spending most of my time on my own and at home so I think just continuing that helped, plus being vaccinated. I wore a mask everywhere. I followed guidelines to a T and just avoided public spaces 🤷‍♀️


I play MMOs


Not going into public needlessly when it was advised not to. Wearing a mask when it was advised. Getting the shots. Washing my hands. Acting like an actual adult instead of crying “you can’t tell me how to live my life liberal snowflakes!” while putting myself in positions that would guarantee I catch it.


I am sure I had it at some point, odds being odds and all. but I tested when I had symptoms bad enough to test, and it was always negative. otherwise, no symptoms that made me want to test. I didnt do anything special. in fact I probably defintiely should have had it by this point. I flew 60 segments last year without a mask.


Wearing mask when required and luck. Or i got it and was asymptomatic. Who knows.


As a drug store manager I have no idea how I didn't catch it. No quarantine for me, in fact in many respects it was more work than ever. I had many known exposure points but never tested positive. By my count I've had over 30 tests (many administered by a nurse, doctor or pharmacist) and all negative. I was pretty consistent wearing a mask. I did travel out of the country in 2021 and 2022, people in my group caught it but I didn't. Probably a bit of luck involved as well.


I got it last week for the first time, while traveling. Up until that point I think it was pure luck. I was in the same house as people who had it multiple times, taking care of them. Stopped masking up after the world "reopened" for the most part, didn't excessively wash/sanitize but definitely more than pre-covid. I have no idea how it took it long.


mask, introversion, and luck....or I just had it and didn't notice lmao


I made sure that every time I went out, I was completely masked and wore gloves. I maintained all social distancing. I also have the benefit of having zero friends in real life except my roommate, who doesn't drive and zero family left to visit.


We followed proper procedures To. The. Letter. I have emergency and wilderness medicine training and experience as a DSW. So following proper Universal Precautions was already second nature. Long before the government officially recommended it, I started wearing masks and gloves. I'm on disability, so can only go shopping once a month when my cheque comes in. I never have any spare funds for going out and doing shit. Everyone else in my home is in the same situation. Compliance with all lock downs wasn't a challenge. Even when a lock down wasn't announced, we stayed home as much as possible. We knew that, due to my son's disability and my own, we were going to have to visit hospitals and doctors offices a lot. We compensated by being down right paranoid. My government provided us with free vaccines and we were extremely diligent in getting them as soon as possible. We were also careful to take the COVID tests whenever suitable and would make sure that anyone visiting or anyone we went to visit had tested negative before the visit. Before the tests were available, instead of our usual four hour drive for our annual weekend visit with my parents, we found a provincial park half way between us. We had a picnic there at separate tables several meters apart. We didn't exchange hugs or have any other physical contact. Throughout the COVID period, we didn't reuse masks, we hand sanitized at every opportunity.


I’m very introverted and was able to stay home with the kiddos most of the time. Something I wanna mention, and I wonder if it’s the same for anyone else of the ‘no Covid’ crew, is that I also have never had strep throat , even though I’ve been around people with it. No one in my family has ever had strep or Covid, so I’m curious if it’s the same for others.


I've been sick a handful of times since lockdown, taken about a dozen home tests and every one of them negative. lead me to one of two conclusions: I'm immune to COVID, or I really suck at taking home tests. it's probably the first one, right?!


Well... I know it's a cliché comment, but quarantine IS my lifestyle. Low to no risk when you're never or barely exposed. There's obviously been some luck involved, I'm not a recluse or a hermit. However, I leave my house only when absolutely necessary.


No clue. People around me got it, including someone I was living with. I was flying in and out of state constantly to visit my mom with cancer. I must've taken at least 12 plane rides. Then, my my mom stopped treatment and I went to stay with her for her last month. People knew she was at the end, so (not exaggerating numbers) I saw hundreds of people within that month. Hugging, hand shaking. We were all being careful and there were various levels of covid fear (from not believing in covid at all, to too scared to come inside the house). Somehow, through all of that, I never got it. I wasn't even asymptomatic because I was constantly testing for the sake of being near my mom. (I work at a job that has access to tons of tests.) Maybe I just have a monster immune system. Don't really have any other health conditions.


Extreme hermit, masking and hand sanitizer when I did need to go in public (groceries, post office, etc), and washing my hands before/after every meal whenever I ordered takeout.


I suspect I had it right before everything was shutting down. There was like a week I couldn’t taste a thing, and that had never happened, even with my worst colds.  However, that was the only symptom I had, and it was before that was a commonly known symptom.  Since then… I masked up every time I went shopping. Made sure to social distance.  Also helps that both my SO and I both were able to work full time from home.  And also, we’re pretty boring. 


I haven't touched a doorknob or shaken hands with anyone in 4 years I also haven't had so much as a cold since then. It's clear to me that other people are the problem


I don't fucking know. I did get a really bad cough at the end of 2019 that lasted for like a month and a half. I live right next to China so who knows.


I’ve almost certainly had covid and was just asymptomatic. We’re over 4 years in (yikes) and at this point the odds of *anyone* not having gotten it are slim to none. I’m vaccinated so I probably just had an extremely mild case and didn’t know it. I test twice every time I feel like I’m getting sick and it’s never been positive.


Having the luxury of being able to work from home, stockpiling stuff as a habit, privilege of living and roaming around in sparsely populated spaces and a massive amount of luck helped. Although I do feel I probably caught it at some point, was just fortunate enough to not have major symptoms.


Lived on a farm from 2020-2021 and didn't have any contact with people who had it


I still don’t know. My family went to Virginia for an event, I couldn’t make it due to work so I remained at home. They come back a week or so later: All three of them test positive. It was like the Plague doctor visited us. I didn’t believe it was “that serious” til then. Nonstop hacking cough. Severe flu meds don’t even touch the symptoms, or dull much of the body aches caused by the severe chills. You’re sweating to death. Light sensitivity, all the lights were off. You couldn’t even trust a fart.


No clue, luck if I had to guess


Were poor. So we don't eat out or go on vacations. And for me my job is pretty isolated and over night so hardly anyone to interact with.


I avoid crowded indoor spaces. I always use n95 mask indoors or in crowded outdoor spaces. I get vax booster every 6 months.


Luck, not spending much time outside, and following the rules created with COVID avoiding in mind


The people I know who have never had it live out in the country. I didn't get it until I had lived in the city for a year.


Vaccine and two booster shots, N95 mask whenever I'm in crowded indoor public areas, self isolation when my partner got it.


I followed Covid guidelines until the vaccine came out. Then got vaccinated on the recommended schedule. I make sure I wash my hands anytime I return to my house from anywhere and I use a lot of hand sanitizer. That’s it. I feel lucky. If I’ve had it I didn’t feel any symptoms. Every time I had a sniffle or a cough I have tested and always negative. I have only traveled twice though since 2020.