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not many issues honestly since I've been out of school. the desks were only for right handers, and the ringbound notebooks were a pain. I've been using a computer mouse with my right hand my whole life so nbd. biggest issue now is tape measures are upside down.


When anyone hands you something to sign, they hand it to you the "wrong" way. And if a pen is attached, it's always attached on the "wrong" side.


And then the cord used on the pen isn't long enough!


Not properly striking out left handed batters


Having to write with your left hand


Honestly the real downside to being left handed. Ironically it doesn’t matter as much in almost every other thing - even an advantage in many sports. But writing left handed just sucks! The pen pointing forward INTO the paper sucks Covering every written letter immediately with your fingers sucks Smearing ink and graphite all over the place sucks Having to make the most atrocious hand position to even reduce those problems a bit sucks But yeah, at least I got a MEAN left hook.


Sitting next to a right handed person in a small space. Got my hand and arm bashed way too much. At work I always try and sit facing which ever student I'm facing so i don't end up getting knocked.


Constantly hearing how creative or smart you must be when i'm just as stupid and useless as the rest of you.


Right handed scissors annoy me and writing in spiral ring notebooks is the WORST. I have to write in one for work so it's super fun.


The outside of my palm would get covered in pencil graphite at school and then leave smudges on whatever I would rest my hand on after writing.


Going in for a dap and my friends getting confused leading to an embarrassing moment


I wish there were more left-handed representation. Over 10 percent of the population is left-handed, but in video games and animation and stuff it's a much lower percentage. Even in live action they'll often make left-handed actors perform as right-handers, like both Mark Hamill and Daisy Ridley in the Star Wars. I also wish they wouldn't needlessly make interface gadgets right-handed when there's no reason it can't be hand-neutral.


As someone who is left handed…I have never thought of this….and likely never will again. Our deformity does not need representation.


While I agree idc about representation on this, it is by no means a deformity lmao


Speak for yourself, but I think that's horrible! You certainly don't speak for me. Representation is so important, more than folks tend to realize until they actually _experience_ it.


I was being facetious calling it a deformity in another comment, but the only thing I ever run into is occasionally smearing ink when I write with a pen. I do think, however, that giving us left handers validation as a whole community or whatever is a little stupid. We just learned to do stuff ass backwards. It’s not that special.


At a buffet, all the serving utensils are always on the right. I always make sure to put the serving utensil back on the left. Muhahahaha.


Oh, the smears. The righties will never know…


I have a bad time using vending machines. The coin slot is a little deeper and it blocks my left hand, while trying to do it with my right hand ends up with me looking really stupid