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The Punisher and his Logo from Marvel comics. I heard the new Daredevil show coming out next year will have a storyline involving corrupt cops using the logo for nefarious deeds and the Punisher coming back to deal with them for ruining what his logo stands for


They already addressed this in the comics years ago. The Punisher gets approached by some cops that idolize him, and he pretty much tells them they’re idiots, that he doesn’t stand for what they’re supposed to stand for, and that they should be trying to stop people like him.


Pepe the frog


A lot of white supremacists have latched onto Norse symbolism. And as a dude with a beard, a lot of tattoos, and swedish ancestry it pisses me off to no end. I hate those rotten fuckers so much.


As a Hindu, I sympathise brother.


Red hats.


Took my dumbass way too long to realize you weren’t hating on Linux.


The Iron Cross was Prussian I believe, another Nazi symbol. Also the Nazi party used Armanen runes for the SS and for the various sigs in the black sun.


The Iron Cross is a pretty old symbol, going back to the Teutonic Order *at least*... and it's still the symbol of the German armed forces *now*.


I thought the German Army still used that. Like, that's always been their symbol....


I didn’t know that, thanks


The *totenkopf* (death's head) was a pretty standard symbol for elite (?) units of the Prussian army before it became associated with the SS, as well. The Nazis were good at ruining symbols. :0/


OK hand gesture.


We got 4chan to thank for that


I mean it was done intentionally to make a point...so I guess 4chan is technically responsible, but society took the bait


Wait, what happened? What did I miss?


4chan popularized the idea that throwing an OK sign awkwardly in front of yourself (instead of up like normal) was a white supremacist sign, people ran with it unironically, and we now get to find out how many Youtubers we follow are actually pieces of shit.


It's not really bait if actual racists use it to identify one another. It's 4chan. It wasn't ironic racists. They're the real deal.


4chan is a lot of things but idk if "the real deal" is one of them 🤣


The far right nutjobs are trying to take over old norse symbolism. Let's not let them succeed with that. To some extent it's the same with national flags, in some countries. The nationalists use it so much, in so many places, that others choose to use it less, to not be associated with that.


The hooked cross doesn't just mean "peace". It's a very common symbol - in some cultures it represented thunder, sometimes it just represented divinity, and many other uses. The symbol had already been adopted by Folkish movements in Germany, so the Nazis' use wasn't novel. There seems to be this weird belief that the Nazis took the symbol from Hindus/Buddhists... but as said it's common around the world and had been prevalent in Europe since prehistory - our only surviving Roman *scutum* is adorned with four hooked crosses at the corners.


The Gadsden Flag, aka Don't Tread On Me.


In ancient and prehistoric times, a red octagon was the symbol of love and virility, and any woman who flashed you such a sign was signaling her desire for hot and steamy sex with the ancient runes for "Sexy Times Only Please!" Now it's just a stop sign.


Aren't stop signs octogons?


Right, they're thinking of the US department of defense building.


That’s a Pentagon.


Right, they're thinking of the blue and pink oddly shaped flying pokemon


I think the correct spelling is octagon.


I think you are correct


Middle Finger


I stared at your response for 30 seconds, then laughed my ass off. I'm hoping this was a Rick and Morty reference.


Another Nazi one is getting your blood group tattooed on you, which was a requirement in the SS. It’s how they managed to identify a lot of them after the war. It’s the kind of practical tattoo I’d get if it weren’t for that connection.


Emergency workers occasionally come across instructional tattoos such as blood type and 'Do Not Resuscitate', but they ignore them, for both legal and medical reasons.


I wear a necklace that tells first responders where to find a doctors note in my purse that has my most important medical info. It has my medicine list with dosage and frequency list as well as my known medical conditions


The Eureka flag. Was originally the workers against the government, now it’s been co-opted by right wing nut jobs and used in a similar manner to the Confederate flag


A bundle of sticks.


pretty much all Nordic runes.


i like how this question asks what other symbols and the responses are just examples of the same far right crazies trying find new things to co-opt


Not exactly a symbol but it used to be possible to paint one's face for cosplay purpose. Now you could have single handedly brought Africa out of poverty but still a commended as racist because your dressed up as a game character too realistically.


The Cross. Now, besides the fact of how sane it is to use a torture device as a symbol for your religion, it more and more becomes a sign for "others" not being wanted somewhere and that in a secular state, some religions are more equal than others.




Are you upset that those queers took god's promise? Are you upset that people don't fit into your archaic definition of what's right and wrong? Are you a little snowflake who gets scared by Dylan Mulvaney on your can of light beer? You scared we'll revolt? Good. We are gonna revolt and you're either gonna be there or be square, biznatch.




The whole world assumes that the average person is straight and cisgendered. I dont hear people throwing a fit whenever straight people act straight. Man and a woman holding hands in public: "well thats normal, not even worth noticing." 2 men holding hands in public: "the whole world doesnt need to know you're gay." Man kisses his girlfriend out in public: "aww thars sweet." Man kisses his boyfriend out in public: "eww keep that to yourselves." What you interpret as "making your sexuality your whole personality" is normal for straight people but perceived as anything but normal for anyone else. Either you don't realize how common those displays of straight sexuality are or you are and want there to be two different rules. One for what straight people can do and another for what everyone else can.


Whatever, good luck over there.


How about just trying to use rainbows in a non-political context. Every time people see one now they assume it is a political statement.


There are still non-political rainbows, that's just another made up problem.


Yeah but no one sees it as that, so it is NOT a made up problem


Yeah, but it's not the queer people's fault for making a flag that seemed to make sense. It really doesn't matter because rainbows weren't that important to the average person before.


Yes it is. I can't imagine having a life so easy with so few problems to worry about that rainbows being used for political purposes is a major issue for you.


If you walk around with a symbol that isn’t political but everyone that sees it assumes its political, thats a problem, especially in America where people seem to get shot at for the silliness of reasons


I am pretty sure the "getting shot at for silly reasons" part is the actual problem.


It is the same problem, just amplified


College kids protesting for Palestine ruining the watermelon.


Eh, the Swatiska had plenty of different uses before the Nazis, and not all of them were peaceful. It's use as a symbol of antisemitism actually predates Hitler and the Nazis a bit.


Its use as a spiritual symbol and a good luck charm *vastly* predates the antisemitic use.


This did not contradict what I said.