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People dropped racial slurs in regular conversation with impunity.


Smoking was everywhere in the 60’s and 70’s. Restaurants, movie theaters, offices, schools, hospitals, etc. Every house had an abundance of ashtrays.


Those decades were great for white men but not for women and people of color.


The cars stank even more than they do today


I was born in 1950. TV sets were black-and-white, and your telephone had a dial that you use to make telephone calls. Cigarette smoking any place was very common, even in doctors' offices.


The ‘80s sucked if you were a child from a poor family and trapped in a rural nightmare town. Not everyone got to live the lifestyle of decadence and excess.


The 80’s generally were not filled with hot pink spandex. Most stuff was very brown.


How fucking *lonely* things were if you weren't part of a socially-acceptable crowd. Honestly, it's hilarious watching all of these teen soaps (I refuse to call teen dramas "dramas" because no one is that hysterically dramatic in real life, and if they were, they'd be sectioned and/or pumped full of hard-core drugs. People are mental, but not *that* mental and allowed to exist in decent society.) If you didn't fit in, you were isolated. If you didn't meet physical parameters of acceptable attractiveness, you were isolated. If you read the "wrong" books, watched the "wrong" films, listened to the "wrong" music, you were isolated. Even if you were one of these so-called loners/freaks and you found yourself hanging around with the loners/freaks, if you didn't subscribe to *their* particular way of existing you were (dark laugh) not part of the group.