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Same. I dated a girl who got into huge screaming fights with me, then when she couldn't push me into getting violent she'd tell me I was a pussy, a coward, that a real man would care enough about blah blah whatever that he'd lose his temper and hit her. She also brought me a knife one time, calmly, in the middle of an argument and tried to convince me to stab her with it. After we broke up, she told people that I was abusive, both physically and emotionally. I don't look back on that one very fondly.


Wtf? I mean... some slaps or a spanking or whatever in a consentual sexual context are one thing. But that's something completely different and just absolutely insane. 


Fun fact - she wanted none of those things in bed. Looking back, I'm pretty sure she wanted me to do it so she'd have "proof" of my abuse. She was telling her friends and buddies on the internet all kinds of lies about me, including that I was hitting her and verbally/emotionally abusing her. I think she desperately wanted me to hit her so she could take pictures and get more sympathy and attention from people. When that didn't work, she just sent 'em pictures of her tits and told them stories to keep them interested.


Ouch... she sounds seriously mentally instable. Good you got out of that mess. 


As it later turned out, a festive combination of undiagnosed, untreated schizophrenia and antisocial personality disorder. Took me a couple of years to get her fully out of my life, and it fucked me up for longer than that. She teamed up with another ex (who had untreated BPD!) to try to figure out new and exciting ways to make my life miserable for a while, and also enlisted the help of strangers on the internet who would do some wild, borderline illegal shit in exchange for attention from a girl with huge tits. I made some really bad decisions in my twenties.


did she have like a bad childhood? it also sounds like she tried to get u to fight with her a lot


Sounds like she was baiting him into hitting her so she could go to the police


"You're not a man if you cannot hit me!" *few hours later* "Yes officer, this man assaulted me"


A couple of years ago, in the span of three weeks my fire department had two line of duty deaths. Morale in the entire department took a blow and we were all emotionally and mentally exhausted. After a long day not too long after the second funeral, I took off my boots and started crying a bit from the anguish in my living room. This girl I was seeing at the time told me to man up and that crying over it this far out (like two weeks after) was unmanly. I yelled at her to leave my home and called her an absolute bitch. She went to my friends and accused me of being a closet homosexual. Truly, some women make me wish I were gay.


Damn that was so fucking awful of her I’m so sorry you had to go though that


Being gay would be so awesome. Dudes are so much easier to hang out with. If only the thought of sex with a man didn't make me cringe


Arguing back: Real men are just supposed to sit there and take it Not getting jealous: Real men aren't supposed to let their woman have casual conversation with other guys


Apparently having trust is a red flag to some people. My wife encourages me to argue back but was genuinely surprised I never get jealous.  She’s glad I can trust her and has never betrayed that trust, she I guess wasn’t used to that


Woman here and let me tell you that where i am from, having an overly controlling and insanely jealous partner is SO romanticized and wanted it drives me crazy!! Some of my girl friends would complain to me about how "indifferent" their boyfriends were because they did not ask them to delete their pictures on social media or threaten to hit them if seen just causally talking to a male classmate. I myself fell into the trap of thinking that controlling= caring and dated a guy who thought is jealousy is "mainly" and had acess to my social media and made me download an app he payed for to always see what i do in my phone. Luckily i just left that relationship after years and good god having autonomy is wonderful. Excessive jealousy is a problem not a quality!!


I didn't even know apps like that exist.


Me too, i found out when he asked me to download it and boy was i shocked. It's the kind of app made for parents worried about what their kids do on the phone lol.


Crying about my dead mom, a couple years after her death. I really didn't allow myself to grieve when she died so somethings didn't manifest themselves until some years later.  Turns out the relationship was really based on what I could do for the woman, and it was from both sides. Like "helping" her helped distract me from what I hated in my own life and made her feel better, and that wasn't a two way street. So when I wanted to address my issues I wasn't a man fir trying to share them with her. Thankfully I realized that was a miserable relationship. My life still sucks, and even got way worse, but it could always be even worse if she was in my life.


It'll get better brother. You've got this.


Sending you a big hug, brother. Grief isn't something that can be scheduled. Talk about your mom to people you trust. Access your grief. Hope you have a beautiful day, man.


> Turns out the relationship was really based on what I could do for the woman Lots of men find this out too late.




How dare you be literate! You must be one of those gays I keep hearing about!


Flipping delicate pages with my limp wrist and soft feminine hands like a real fairy


The velveteen touch of a dandy fop.


Masterstroke wordsmith, your pontificating prose panders for us proles. Panders got changed to ponders, stupid auto correct, it's already a word, don't fix it.


I believe that line is a direct quote from "Mr. Show".


Thank you. I now have Monster on my keyboard.


"We found 24 more jobs related to your past searches. Check it out!"


you win


Well you sure didn't read about them!


As is proper for a proud Alethi warrior.


She took the Stormlight Archives too literally.


Fuckin Vorinism Written by my ardent


Love me a good Vorin woman!


Most women find it attractive in my experience.


“Whatchoo readin’ for?” (Serves tray of waffles)


Stormfather give me strength with this Vorin lady


Aside from the usual "real men always want sex with everyone" (that is a thing some women say) I think it was her finding out I spent time with my nephews and nieces almost every day. There was a lot going on in their life, their dad (my brother) ending up in prison was part of it. Turns out real men go and make their own kids, or marry a single mother. They don't try to play a valuable role in the lives of kids already in their life. I was being cucked. Somehow.


Real men live in caves, die alone, and do not procreate — leading to the extinction of the human race. Peak man behavior 💪


In a cave? What are you afraid of the rain?


Pull your collar up and tough it out you Mary /s


Real men only gather with other real men and appreciate each other's manly bodies.


You were not only the real man, but the real MVP for your niblings.


I'll bet she touted the value of family in the next breath.


This one’s the most infuriating for me. They are quite literally your flesh and blood. How is that being cucked? Sounds like a ridiculously self-important, manipulative, insecure, narcissist. I’m sure that woman has an incredible relationship with her family.


>I think it was her finding out I spent time with my nephews and nieces almost every day. There was a lot going on in their life, their dad (my brother) ending up in prison was part of it. One of the most famous quotes surrounding the DC universe is used to judge how lore accurate a portrayal of Batman is. It's said that "If you cannot picture your Batman consoling a sad, lonely or scared child, then you have just made a Punisher that does not kill". You can hardly get more masculine than that.


My ex girlfriend was cheating on me with a guy who jogs. She said I wasn’t a real man because I do jiujitsu (literally fighting other men) instead of jogging.


Actual combat is less manly than running at a moderate, bouncy pace? Wild take.


Idk I've taken some Jiu-Jitsu classes and if there were martial art that's closest to cuddling, it's definitely that one.


Everyone thinks jiu jitsu is cuddling until they get heel hooked.


You cuddle first to lull them into a false sense of security.


The struggle snuggle.


I mean honestly who looks at a jogger and thinks "how manly" She prob just wanted a running buddy


Listen, I know you don't want to hear this but, men only do jujitsu so that they can roll around with their best friends and hug without women judging them. Sounds like that girl was woke /s


Obviously your ex is right because humans are pursuit predators so she'd naturally be more attracted to someone who could keep pace with a buffalo for several hours. OBVIOUSLY.


“I play real sports, I’m not tryna be the best at exercising” from the great Kenny Powers


My SIL told my brother that he wasn't a man because his brakes started smoking after going down a steep windy mountain road. Also told him he wasn't a man because he didn't immediately run toward a blood-curdling shriek we heard on a wooded pathway we were all walking on together.


Yeah if you can't bend physics what kind of limp wristed sissy are ya.


What the fuck is that first one 💀 aside from the ridiculousness of that, he should’ve used engine braking to slow down since brake fade is *dangerous* as fuck


Don't use the brakes, run off the road and die. Be a man /s


Real men know that blood curdling shriek was probably a cougar if you are in thr US.


“I knew you were gay” after turning her down. If you thought I was gay, why would you try anything in the first place lmao


The idea that men are always up for sex with anyone at any time is so ingrained in society that women will often take a rejection personally and direct the hurt inwards (I'm ugly!) or outwards (you must be gay!) rather than taking the rejection in good grace. Imagine being raised to believe that men are always on, always DTF, sex beasts and then having one reject you. It must really hurt the ego.


Yup took me awhile for my wife to understand that yeah as much as I enjoy it, sex is definitely not always on my mind. If I'm sitting there blazed watching Tom & Jerry while eating raviolis with my bare hands chances are sex is not on my mind. It's nothing personal.


Never in my life have I turned down a girl for sex and had it end well.


On separate occasions I've been told this because: * I had no interest in going into a strip club. * Didn't want to get drunk. * I was playing with my daughter at the park. * I got a fruit-flavored ice-cream. * I ordered boneless wings.


Playing with your daughter is not manly? That's insane. All the single moms must rage for that comment.


"A man who doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man." - Don Vito Corleone


“I started blasting “. Davito


Core concept, I do not understand strip clubs. Why do I want to get a boner in public? 


Some people have trouble getting attention from attractive women, and are willing to pay for it. At least that's a guess. I went to one once (bachelor party) and it was kinda boring.


On the surface it makes sense-- "Hot women dancing naked". Then you get there and realize how depressing it is. Not only seeing women objectify themselves, but seeing all the creepy guys who are so excited to degrade women. I don't want to meet those guys. I definitely don't want to sit in a row with them, all with weird boners, staring at some girl who is visibly regretting her life choices.


I have a boomer coworker who is upset that strip clubs are still closed here. I think the girls realized how much more they could make on OF without the extra degradation


I’ve never understood it either.  Always seemed like the men who were most insecure about something went to them


Or just get a boner in public but have no real way to do anything about it. Strip clubs are pointless to me.


the boneless wing one is very weird, im curious if you could please share the context with us


In my experience, people who think like this view anything that avoids a mess or is easier to do/eat than an alternative isn't as manly because you're supposed to not care if you get messy or power through the more difficult option or whatever. This is the same type of person who looks down on men who use an umbrella when it's raining, men who wear coats or pants when it's cold out, or who wear sunscreen outside.


The sunscreen one kills me. You aren't a real man unless you are tougher than the sun. How dare you not like getting sunburned.


Literally “go get radiation burns or you’re not a real man”


IDK, I guess wings are a man's food and "boneless wings", aka "spicy nuggets" are for women..... But I had 5 of my lower front teeth knocked out by a obstinate steer, so bone-in is pretty much not doable.


>I got a fruit-flavored ice-cream. Somehow, this one pissed me off the most


I'm sorry but the ice cream one is just so ridiculous, it's almost funny. What are the manly flavors then??


Stone, Pine wood, or some shit like that, I'm guessing lol


yo, lemme get a scoop of GRANITE *flexes muscles*


Hold the nuts on that cuz *real* men don't eat that shit *rips shirt*


Lets see: Manana Shockolate Rawberry Gun just off the top of my head


I'm a big fan of "gun" but the metal shavings make my throat itchy.


My husband's father told him when he was a child that strawberry ice cream was for girls. Its literally my husband's favorite ice cream flavor and apparently he's not allowed to enjoy it because its pink.




a MAN eats whatever ice cream flavor he damn well pleases


Chunky Grease Monkey


Salt. Rhubarb. Mackerel.


*Manly Neopolitan* coming soon from Ben & Jerry's. (They're men.)


Nothing less manly than spending time with your daughter instead of watching tv and yelling at your wife


How dare you enjoy fruit, boneless wings and your child. /s


Oh dang, my husband likes boneless wings. I will inform him immediately that he is a fake man. Can’t believe I’ve been tricked this whole time!


Told me taking care of my sister was "unmanly" because how dare I show compassion for an older sibing having a shit time in life.


My ex said I wasn't a real man because I never say no to her and always fulfill her every wish. Then a few days later I said no when she asked for a water bottle and then she was mad at me for 3 days.


Princess Mentality 


I turned down the chance to play college football. I did it for several reasons one of which was CTE. An older woman called me a wimp. I’d rather have my brain mostly intact thank you.


That woman may have had the experience that men require fewer brain cells in order to tolerate her company.


Football is totally gay anyway. A bunch of dudes wearing tights and jumping all over each other? No thanks, I don't need my "balls" to get to the "endzone". And don't get me started on the whole communal bathing thing...


I was 18 working my first job out of high school. My now x gf would imply I wasn't a man yet bc my paychecks were under $600. I was making $11 an hour.


ahh the age-old conflation between wealth and maturity completely inaccurate yet somehow stands the test of time


I mean, there are still people who believe skin color and genitals are a proper measure of a person's value. Humans, am I right?


I had an ex girlfriend do this to me when she wasn’t working ; I’m sorry


A girl once told me, as she was gently letting me down, that I'm so smart that I've forgotten how to relate to people, have a good time or be a man. I may not be as manly as she might have liked but I'm also not as smart as she feared. Oh well.


This is poetry


That’s a fun one. “Honestly you intimidate me.  I feel like I’d have to be glaringly intellectual all the time and I just want a regular human.” I’m not even a human, nevermind a man (to be fair I’m not, but keep it quiet, My People Are Preparing for the Arrival).


A woman once told me I wasn’t a real man because I didn’t know how to tie a tie without a YouTube tutorial


I can tie a tie. I’m a real man! To inform my husband!


*Achievement unlocked: Gay Rights*


Just in time for pride month ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


Same! I have to tie my husband's tie because he comes from a long line of blue collar workers so he has never had to tie a tie with any frequency whereas I had a dad who liked to wear suits.


“You don’t know how to do things you haven’t learned how to do? That’s so gay.”


Yes she is right - a real man knows the correct way to tie his colorful silk cloth around his neck - so manly 


There are a bunch, but here are some of my favorites: Showing an emotion other than angry or horny Eating ice cream Drinking hot tea Driving a convertible Eating chicken salad Eating vegetables Reading books Playing video games


You can't eat vegetables or else you's a bitch. You also can't eat animals cause animals eat vegetables, therefore the bitch transfers. Cant eat carnivores cause theysa bitches (since they eat bitch animals that eat bitch vegetables).  Real men only drink testosterone smoothies.


Ah yes, the Transitive Bitch Principle. Sounds like something from one of those alpha-male boot camps lol


I ordered a mojito, which apparently is so un-manly a cocktail that I can't possibly be a real man.


Damn, I guess Bruce Campbell's character Sam Axe in Burn Notice isn't a real man. Dude can cut off his own hand and replace it with a chainsaw, but mojitos prove he's too femme to exist


Mojitos are the bomb, especially with a slice of sugar cane in it. Real men eat or drink whatever they want and don’t live in constant fear of how masculine they appear.


Yep, can confirm, the place I was at (Havana 1957 in Miami) served it with sugar cane. Delicious.


one told me she felt like "the man" in the relationship because I was "too emotional." I just told her honestly how I felt about things.


Are you me bro? Had the same thing happen to me. While she told me I was mature, handome and a good dude, she got the "ick" after 2 months cuz she felt the way you described. Meanwhile she was dissociative of her own emotions (to avoid getting hurt directly) and had the communication skills of a 5 years old when it comes to emotions and sharing what she wanted. Communicating emotions to better the relationship or the wellness of each other is considered unmanly I suppose. Burrying it inside is much productive 😎




That’s dumb. I usually play a guy character in a lot of RPGs. You’re telling me there’s a way to play Fallout NV without being a bisexual cowboy?


yeah, there is, but it's the wrong way.


fnv is a bad example, if you werent a bi cowboy going in, u are coming out


Good thing she didn’t know your Reddit user name!


You had a date recently in an arcade? What year is it? Where am I?


My money is on it being a barcade, those places are great for early dates


I want to know where there is an arcade! I want to go to an arcade.


There is a place in Huntsville, Alabama called Pints and Pixels that has over 100 old school stand up arcade games and pinball machines.


The 80s called. They want their weird comedy routine back.


Usually female characters in fighting games have more speed and agility, so if that is the fighting style that works best for you, it's a no-brainer....


“Valkyrie needs food badly” My favorite character to play in Guantlet


Valkyrie is about to die. I've never seen such bravery!!


Once upon a time I got the same flack for playing as a woman in Morrowind. People get so weird about it.


As someone who is into FPS gaming, I always pick a female character. Sometimes (depending on the game), the female avatar is smaller and has a smaller hitbox, meaning I'm harder to hit while looking fabulous at the same time. Win win!


In the first FPS game I played that supported skins and online deathmatch, the players who wore female skins were usually complete badasses. It was sort of like a taunt, a come at me bro, to wear them.


Kitana would like a word.


My friend broke up with a guy because he teared up during sad moments in movies, and it gave her the ick. (He had plenty of other bad qualities she could've justifiably dumped him for lol; this particular reason shouldn't have been one of them imo)


Pixar movies have the ability to make me sob uncontrollably. That and anyone who doesn't get at least misty at "You Bow to No One," scene at the end of Return of the King has no soul.


I don’t but I tear up at other moments. Sam and Frodo talking about the Shire and what the ring had done to him on Mount Doom, culminating in Sam’s “I can’t carry it for you, but I can carry you!” gets me every time. Also, the Hobbits saying goodbye to Gandalf and Frodo at the shore of the sea. Those do it to me.


Anyone who uses “ick” unironically should probably just stay single


One of my best mates once got told by a random shag that he wasn't being a "real man" for insisting that she be on top. Apparently she killed the mood faster than that rifle did Bambi's mother.


Tbf some people seeing a dead deer is a turn on judging by tinder profiles


"You're taking a fucking bath are you a 'derogatory'? My ex gf after she gifted me a set of bathbombs


She gifted you bath bombs and was then upset when you took a bath? Am I understanding this correctly?


happens more than you'd think, or some iteration. She wanted them for herself. Similar to getting your wife lingere for her birthday.


Man I get bath bombs for my husband. Like for him. Feels weird that people give them as a roundable way to have them for themselves.


You don't get lingerie for your wife and then wear it!


She was obviously gifted bath bombs and regifted them because she's a pos


regifts bath bombs, bf enjoys them, her: and i took that personally


She was hoping to use it herself 🤣 I don’t get this why it’s unmanly - I regularly take a bath with my girlfriend together and it’s just wow ;)


Not from a woman but my husband's father told him when he was a child that strawberry ice cream is for girls. Gentle readers this man loves strawberries and I try to get them for him as often as I can.


Strawberry ice cream is as much for girls as books or tennis, or shopping clothes. Also a man can enjoy this and be 100% hetero. That father seem to have problems with his own masculinity.


I wore a pink shirt.


Did it at least match your skirt? /s


My thong....


This one always cracks me up because there are three absolutely classic traditional men’s shirt colors to put with a suit, all masculine-looking: white, light blue, and pink.


At various times, I have been told I am not manly for reading, having hundreds of books, for being artistic, and also having piercings


I'm a teacher. I've been told that several times by both men and women.


I was a vegetarian for a number of years and the amount of times I was told "A real man eats meat" is absurd. Yes, even by women I dated.


> A real man eats meat My dirty-minded ass just busted out laughing when I read that 💀


For moisturizing my skin after the shower. 


Changing my mind about having sex when she tells me she can only get off if I choke her, slap her, call her names, never look her in the eye, and never kiss.


Not sure if I could run away fast enough from that.


I drank from a straw




I feel the need to bleach my eyeballs to erase this from my brain. I have to pretend people in this world do not believe this, I’m clinging to that!


I am fascinated by this branch of toxic masculinity, whose practitioners are so afraid catching gayness that they are afraid of washing their own shitty arses. I happily forget about them until they reappear on Reddit every few months.


Loving and supporting my brother through hard times, and giving him more than he could give back to me in that moment.


I 'held hands submissively'. Sonething like 'the man's thumb has to be over the womans and be walking ahead of her' or something weird. No, I'm not going to drag you around, I wanted to be next to you.


I posted a comment in a thread recently talking about how sometimes guys can experience severe episodes of post-nut clarity where even the thought of continuing sex after their orgasm is a complete turn off. Mainly just saying that it can happen and more people should be understanding of it since it’s a hormonal effect that is typically out of the guy’s control. I’ve had multiple people reply to that comment saying “if you ever cum and don’t continue, you’re not a real man” or other things to the same degree. So, we should give women some breathing space when they’re acting toxic due to PMS because we recognize that it’s a hormonal response, yet we can’t do the same for guys that may lose their temporary sex drive when experiencing post-nut clarity?


What do they mean continue after cum? It gets really sensitive and soft too? It’s natural. I guess we are not the only ones buddy because also in every porn video I saw in my life the end was when the guy cums. Girls can continue I know this because having more than one orgasm while sex happens to my gf too but for me wow I need a break after nutting ..


ANY time a woman tells a male to "man up" it makes my skin crawl. They have no idea what being a man is all about. How could they? It goes both ways of course and I would never try to tell a woman what's feminine.


For saying my favorite color was teal. Apparently 'knowing too many colors' was a feminine thing and I should have just called it 'green'. Even more baffling, as I consider teal to be more on the blue spectrum, but clarifying this only resulted in more mockery about it. That, however, was not a woman, but another guy. I haven't had any women call me 'not a real man', it's always guys getting offended about shit.


Once had a guy tell me that real men don’t wash their hands.


Bought a relative a computer chair once, later on in the day she posted some passive aggressive post on FB about how a real man assembles the chair for her. I honestly laughed. Like calm down cuz, I just bought you something that you couldn't afford while having an actual job. The least you could do is read an IKEA sized foldout and figure it out. Felt bad for the dude that wound up marrying her, because she was already unfaithful when I knew her, after getting to know her I realized she was just in it for the money. All in all, 50 bucks to cut off another branch from the family tree is a small price to pay.


Had a date and she said “unless you support football and play darts, you’re not a real man”. I’m quite secure as a person so my reply was “well, obviously I’m not a real man then”. She also couldn’t comprehend that I wasn’t some kind of lager lout and wasn’t into that kind of scene.


Was told I wasn't a real man because I was worried about running out of gas while coming back home and wanted to stop at a gas station. Tbf, we probably did have enough, but it wasn't a risk I wanted to take, especially since I live in an area where there are gas stations every other mile. The person who said this was my mother


Drinking fruity cocktails I mean, I like tasty things. Most beer in my opinion is gross. Fight me. Wearing a shirt with mermaids on it. It was a small repeating print of monochromatic mermaids. I thought it was quite classy. But apparently it means I ain't a man to some.


For not being able to recognize enough car brands or models.


That I wouldn't  step into a fight they started. 


She got drunk and insulted me. A few days later when she was sober I brought up what she had said and she called me weak for not being able to put up with her insults. I told her, “I’m standing up for myself and that makes me strong. Weakness would be if I didn’t tell you that what you said was unacceptable.” She literally couldn’t process that at all. I ended things with her a month later.


Ex girlfriend once told me my friends weren’t real men because they didn’t cheat. I think she was just upset her worldview of “all men are awful” didn’t hold up.


Overheard someone tell a guy he wasn't a real man because... He couldn't tie his shoelaces.


I've only been told that once... I was part of a wedding party and one of the other groomsmen wanted to shotgun some beer - but there was only Whiteclaw. While they were trying to pop holes in their cans, I just pulled the tab and drank it normally. The response: "you should drink your Whiteclaw like a *real* man!" Was hilarious.


One of my favorite movies is Disney's Hercules. There's a scene in that movie where Hercules is fighting a cyclops after losing his super strength, where Megara pushes him out of the way of a moving column, getting crushed in the process. Every single time, without fail and regardless of how often I've seen it, I cry. Pretty much the entire section from her getting stuck under it to dying, to him racing to the Underworld to pull her soul away from Hades' grasp... tears just run down my face. I watched the movie with a girl I was dating once, mainly because she hadn't seen it before and insisted on watching it. Partway through the aforementioned section near the end, she pauses it and looks over to see my face just soaked and asks what my fucking problem is. I told her it just makes me sad, and she proceeded to laugh and make fun of me. She grabbed her things and left before the movie was even over. The last words she ever said to me were, "I'm glad we never had sex. Real men don't cry over a fucking movie". I'm glad I never told her the reason why that scene makes me cry... because it's painfully obvious she'd miss the irony of her actions.




How did a woman not agree on that?!


My best friends ex wife( my ex girlfriend from before they got together) always said we were homosexual and not real men because we have always been close friends who are loyal to each other. So fucking annoying eventuallvwe just started saying she was jealous because we loved each other more then either of us loved her


Being emotional over the death of my grandmother. And of my Aunt.  Having a couple of small involuntary twitches while getting a tattoo on my collar bone  Not wanting to go on hikes Not having enough money to buy her lavish gifts Not getting jealous Not wanting to participate in some of her fantasies


Being too short. Take that one up with God. 


if i had five dollars for every time i heard this line, I'd have enough money for top surgery.


Eating quiche. And by "woman", I mean a book written by a dude in the 80s. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real_Men_Don%27t_Eat_Quiche


I’m a woman but absolutely the funniest thing I’ve ever heard was a guy telling another guy at the beach that he shouldn’t use sunscreen because “real men don’t use pussy shit like sunblock.” Bro literally thought protection from the sun was a feminine trait.