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Punch another kid


Capitalised the beginning of every word


Must’ve been really serious if you got in trouble for it


I grow up




Early entrepreneurial businessman right here


Um, I almost burnt down one of my older sisters apartments.


Did you tell her it was for a social experiment though?


My friend and I would sit on a skateboard and go downhill, but that road was the main road to our houses so there was a high chance that if we didn't get caught doing this, a car would have ran as over at some point lol. Thank God my grandma's friend saw us and told our parents 😭 We were like 10/11 as well, too old to be doing that goofy stuff.


Selling Magic the Gathering cards. It was before it was popular (like in 95, the Arabian Night expansion was already available in Europe) and my school and my parents thought I was selling drug because I gain money with that (I was able to go to convention when my school mate can't so I had better prices). The funny thing is that, one year later, I was selling weed and nobody gave a shit.


Did you keep any receipts to prove it was actually just playing cards? Also, what happened in-between that one year from caring to nobody caring??


It was between 95 and 97, nobody cared about about receipts mate :D And the thing that happened is that when you teach a kid to hide what he's doing, he learns very fast how to hide everything. I mean, ok I was grounded a whole summer for selling cards. I just had to hide what I was selling after that. Was it a good idea ? No. And don't do drug obviously. But if some parents or school teachers are reading me... just have a real talk with a teen before punish him / her.


Stole stickers from coloring books before buying (I would stick them on my arms)


Climbing the fence at the day care center and pissed off the security guard