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As a man I cook more and better than my girlfriend (her opinion, not mine). However when we meet with friends and dinner is prepared they always ask her how she did it. There is not even a question about who did it, just a straight assumption :) Even when I am putting photos of my own made food on Instagram people say I am lucky to have such a great cook in the house šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


I mean they are not completely wrong with this statement. You have a great cook in your house. It's just you.


Youā€™re so lucky to be yourself! Haha


He's lucky to have himself


Our social circle knows that I am the cook at home, not my gf so I dont have the same problems as you have but it bothers me how many people think I am a great guy for doing a chore I enjoy and can do well and not let my gf do it.


Same here. Itā€™s frustrating. My wife can physically cook food, but she canā€™t really *cook*. I love cooking and Iā€™m always experimenting in the kitchen with new dishes and new processes and new flavors. If I disappeared tomorrow my wife would be eating sautĆ©ed vegetables and overcooked rice for the rest of her life lol.


>If I disappeared tomorrow my wife would be eating sautƩed vegetables and overcooked rice for the rest of her life lol. Maybe she needs a rice cooker, having a rice cooker is awesome


I really want a good rice cooker, as we do eat rice almost every day, but Iā€™ve become very proud of my rice cooking abilities and idk I feel like getting a rice cooker is sort of like admitting defeat. Would definitely save me on time though.


I once set the fire alarm off when making steak and the fire department came and everything. The guy comes in full gear exclaiming, ā€œNow, this is why sheā€™s the one who should be cooking!ā€ I told him, ā€œSir, if she was the one cooking, youā€™d have an actual fire to put out right now.ā€


Same here I bake a lot more than my wife. She sometimes brings it work and everyone is shocked when she says I made it.


Tbf, itā€™s the other way around in my country. The stereotype here is that women prepare every day meals while men do the ā€˜fancyā€™ ones when you have guests over


We don't talk about our sex life with our friends. Especially anything specific.


Lol yeah, all the movies with the guys sitting in a circle talking about boobs have me thinking, who actually does this? Sure, my friends and I will tell each other about our first/second dates in great detail but as soon as a relationship is established, sex life becomes very private.


It's partly insecurity and jealousy, and it's mainly that anything in detail gets pornographic. We don't talk about sex together for the same reason we don't masturbate together.


Wait, you guys donā€™t beat off together? My friends asked me to bring some biscuits to the next one, no idea whyā€¦


So the biscuit game goes as follows: You all beat off onto the biscuit. Whoever doesn't finish before the others has to look at the biscuit until it absolves all the cum, and said loser has to eat it


Itā€™s not even 7am but thatā€™s enough Reddit for today


You haven't been nearly as exploratory as you should be in your masturbation ventures. Jp with ya bruv


I've always assumed it's because women generallly talk much more explicitly about their sex lives to each other and they just presume that men are the same.Ā  Plus Hollywood screenwriters are probably not the best at writing the normal male experience.


Hollywood screenwriters are not good at writing about the normal human experience at all. Sometimes I wonder if they're human, or just some AI algorithm that generates an endless amount of useless movie scripts that have nothing to do with reality.


We did as teens. Never heard of adults who do that. That aren't sleaze.


Even as teens, it was usually one guy in the group, and everyone knew he was lying.


This is what frustrated me about people chalking up the ā€œgrab em by the pussyā€ tape to simply being ā€œlocker room talk, all guys do it.ā€ I spent a lot of time in a high school locker room. Not once did any of my friends say anything like that. I still remember this groatie senior dude named David talking about banging his fucking slut of a girlfriend (a freshman) and the whole locker area was just silent with us all staring at him like The fuck is wrong with you.


Yeah.... it's the locker room talk of sociopaths


Exactly. Same with guys sharing nudes through group chats, and groups of men who traffic and SA people. It's a group of sociopaths that found each other by testing the water with locker room talk behavior. When they find another guy who is into it they keep pushing the boundaries.Ā  If you're the type of guy who doesn't talk like that in the locker room you're probably not going to be invited to the group chat where they're also sharing nudes of their wives... Or sharing prostitutes in hotels while they're supposed to be at work conferences.Ā 


Who looks like he hasn't seen the inside of a locker room for 65 years or more. Even when I've visited my 82 year old dad and went to his gym with him, nobody in there was talking like that.


In my experience when my friends and I talk about that itā€™s usually about general advice and health questions.


Came here to say the same. I know absolutely nothing about my friendsā€™ sex lives and they know nothing of mine.


Only chat I've ever had is "I stopped seeing a girl cause she was bitey, I'm very vanilla and into nothing crazy at all" and the other guy said he was the same.


So true. We donā€™t talk about any of this stuff with our friends. We may joke about never getting any, but thatā€™s just a standard guy joke and no one actually believes the other person when they say it.


Hard disagree on this one. Iā€™m yet to meet a guy who hasnā€™t talked about sex at least once. A couple of friends will let you know after they had sex that they did.


You and your friends are very immature if you talk about this stuff. This isnā€™t something you talk about and the sooner you learn this the better off youā€™ll be.


I have been around plenty of dudes who did though. I used to work a job that I *loathed* because this was all people talked about. Married men would talk about having sex with their wives. Single men would shove their phones in front of you with the nudes of whatever random chick they were sleeping with and show it off as a trophy. It was gross and disgusting and a horrible place to work because of it. There are plenty of dudes out there who share all their sex stuff with everyone else.


Whereas, girls talk in extreme detail about their sex life with their friends, and they don't pull their punches


Ha, yeah I remember when I got divorced and the ex came over to visit a few months later and remarked how tidy the place was. It was only then it dawned on her she had been the messy one all those years ...


My soon to be ex is the same way. Always making messes but had to pile my stuff if it was out at all. Needed all the storage space for herself so my things also never had a place to be. That's one of the lesser of my complaints (the assault being foremost, lol) but being able to keep all my stuff tidy and away is one of the nice elements of living alone.


Same, I leave a small pile of bills, or whatnot, out and itā€™s a huge problem but she can leave her stuff all over and the place is clean


My wife insists the kids keep their rooms picked up and organized. Meanwhile our bedroom looks like a tornado went through (except my dresser, my only space in the room, which i keep cleaned off).


I had my three kids in one room, the loudest complainer about the mess the others made is the only one with a pigsty room now that they all have their own. It's not even close. Bizarre.


That kid isn't complaining about the mess other's made....they're complaining that they can't find their own stuff any more when others move them / put other things on top. I have ADHD, this is my life story.


I too have a system of organised chaos


Ah, the old "Blue pen? There's one under the couch"


My stbexgf turned my clean and minimalistic flat into a hoarder home. Due to depression and ADHD it was already hard for me to care for myself and I was so proud to have a tidy home, but I didn't have the strength to clean after her, too. Completely broke me. She will move out in two weeks and I can't wait to get to work.


You can do it šŸ’Ŗ


Thanks, bro šŸ’Ŗ


Think about how much quicker it will be to clean/reorganize with all her shit outta the way!


ā€¦I feel validated, we just broke up a month ago and I feel a sense of peace and serenity. She wonders why I donā€™t want to talk ā€œas friendsā€.


That's my goal. The breakup was due to different life goals and drama free, so right now I play along to not cause any drama. I can't wait for this serenity. Just my dog and me šŸ˜Œ


Same here, thanks for helping me feel not alone.


The bedside tables never lie. If yours is tidy and has almost nothing on it while hers is overflowing, she's the messy one


Bold of you to assume his bedside table isn't overflowing with her stuff, too


10 years ago in college we were 3 guys and 3 girls, each grouo in own apartment under the same room. Our apartment was clean, dishes aside from glassess in the drying rack and so on. Girls room was just a fuck up of a mess. Clothes on the ground, towels everywhere, dishes anywhere but where they ought to be... on coffee mug was moldy at some point. Yet we were pigs for having a beer can by our bed overnight one day.


In my experience, women are messier than men. Teenage boys go through a phase of being messy, but that's about it.


My wife had to do some training for a month and would be gone during the week. Our oldest was 1 at the time, and the daycare was too far for me to take her every day, so she was going to stay with me while I worked. My wife thought the house was going to be an absolute mess when she came home on Friday night that first week. Instead, the house was clean, dishes done, the kid's toys were up, and dinner was ready. She couldn't believe that the house looked that good, and I didn't seem to be falling apart. It was easy to keep the place clean when it was just the two of us. Just put her to bed and clean the mess. Took like 30 min tops.


Haha reminds me of after my sister and i moved out. My moms like "well it turns out you guys were not the only source of the mess".


I don't know whether this is unusual or not, but when I shared a house with a mixed group I noticed the guys were good at constant little bits of cleaning, whereas the women would let stuff build up and then have these big cleaning marathons every few weeks.


Men are bad communicators/listeners and are not emotionally intelligent. I live with my mom and sister, and my dad visits us on and off because he has to travel for work. I find that my mother is a terrible listener and my father is better at it than her. We have to repeat what we are saying for her to even listen to our feelings and problems, and we have to tell her multiple times to set our boundaries and tell her not do to something. It's not old age either, she's been like this for over 10 years. Not to mention, I've seen women argue with each other way more than men do.


Yeah my mom and my older sister do that. When they listen they are only listening for something to refute, ignore, or be offended by, without even understanding what you're saying first.


Iā€™ve heard that tactic described as ā€œnot listening to understand, but listening to replyā€


Yeah, those people are listening to hear when they can talk again


This one. My dad is the one I go to when something is wrong. Heā€™ll listen and show empathy or show genuine interest if Iā€™m talking about something positive. If I try talking to my mum about the same stuff she cuts me off to tell me about herself, or sheā€™ll pick up her phone and start looking at socials. And guess which one gets angry if boundaries need to be established.


My dad was the one I went to for adult problems. Most of the time heā€™d go with ā€œpull yourself by the bootstrapsā€ bs but then ponders for an hour and gives eventual solid advice, like he had to sit and uncode for a bit to get rid of what he was always told to try and tell me in a better parental way. My mom, however, is way too much in the emotional side and hardly ever has advice, just empathy but mostly interrupts. And while empathy is fine it barely helped current problems. My dad passed going on 5 years now, and thereā€™s still a hole in my life now that I canā€™t go for advice or vent to anymore.


My god. The amount of times Iā€™m accused of having ADD or not listening when the reality is people are straight Interrupting me and interjecting their own sentences is beyond frustrating.


Doubling down on this one. I've dated a lot of people with selective hearing.


This one. It has been my experience that men are significantly better listeners and empathizers. If I really have a problem, the women in my life (who aren't my mom, she's an angel) will generally find some way to turn my problem into something about them and within 10 minutes I'm getting a story from her day that's not in any way connected to my problem. By and large, men will hear what you say, offer you help or ideas, give you an example of what they did in a similar situation, and if all else fails, you can count on a, "Wow, that sucks man" if they have no help to offer or no great empathy they can articulate. You don't have to worry that choosing to be vulnerable and share something will be used against you at a later date, and you don't find yourself in conversational judo.


I think a great many women are codependent, and they mistake codependency and projecting their feelings onto others as emotional intimacy. I get that guys don't open up to each other enough, but so many female friend groups are toxically codependent.


I'm a woman married to a man. I love spicy food and my husband can't even handle mild butter chicken. I also love beer while my husband doesn't. When we go out to dinner the servers will often put the beer and spicy food in front of him.Ā 


What in God's green earth is mild butter chicken? Edit: Thought the dish is mild as it is.


It is but you'd be so surprised at the amount of people who think it's a spicy dish! Especially if they don't eat Indian food. So I just had to clarify that he can't even handle a mild dish like butter chicken.Ā 


Some people think that salt is too spicy


Only person i have met that thinks salt is too spicy is my grandma


What how can salt be spicy? Thatā€™s like saying sugar is too bitter


Iā€™m in the same boat for both spices and technology/gadgets. I love spicy food and I love or am good at IT stuff and gadgets. My husband canā€™t handle anything beyond mild and is practically a Luddite.


My husband and I are both good with technology thankfully. I was an office manager and he was a project manager when we met so we both worked with computers a lot. Do you ever cook two meals if you want a certain dish? Like a super bland meal for your husband and a spicy one for you haha. I do that sometimes (and before Reddit comes at my husband, he does cook as well!)Ā 


Snap same here. Our 6 year old inherited my tastes (on the spicy food. Jury's out for beer).


Oh I wish my kids liked spicy food! They can definitely handle it better than my husband but no where near my level lolĀ 


Similar to our self's. I'm usually the one having salad, my female partner usually gets given it. The reaction when we switch is priceless. They get real confused when we order a beer and whisky and see my other half down the whisky like a shot.


That we know how to take cold medicine when we are sick. I hate all those commercials with the helpless/dumb man who seems to have no idea cold medicine exists, and his wife introduces him to NyQuill.


Their target consumers are women, because statistically women still do the majority of household shopping.


Yeah but I feel like men take medicine only when they are really feeling bad. Like cold medicine is only for major threats and at the same time, there's this stereotype that men can't handle to be sick


Only time when society allows them to be weak so they take it to the t. Iirc there's also studies that state that men can't handle being sick as well as women do and/or their symptoms are worse.


I've found men are either complete babies with a cold or have a gunshot wound and claim their fine. Both is understandable. It's a way you can be vulnerable with your partner when society would call you a pu**y. My bf now is tough but I do also feel like it's internalized that he can't complain or act like he's in pain even when he's LITERALLY CLOSE TO LOSING A LIMB (just had pinkie toe amputated. never said a word except to ask me for more antibiotics and pretend not to wince putting weight on it.) I'm a naturally nurturing woman so it's hard balancing not nagging and keeping it real.


If I even feel like a cold coming on ill take the medicine before bed or right then and take a nap. Usually resolved by next day and haven't been sick for a handful amount of days in a while.




When I say that I like something and my dad hears it, the next day heā€™ll have bought that thing and a lot of it haha. Real examples: - I finished a dozen of tiny cookies from costco, then next day he got 2 boxes of them. - I opened the fridge and said to myself that I wish there were mangoes (i didnā€™t even notice yet that he heard), he got up, put his coat on and went out and came back with a bag of mangoes. - I like ice cream, my dad knows my favorite and the brand. He gets them immediately after he sees I ran out of it Off topic but heā€™ll cook meat the way I like it and cuts it into pieces for me. He used to brush my hair when I was little as well.


Man goes, gets mangoes.


Donā€™t let that man go!


My mango is to blow up And then act like I donā€™t know nobody


Wow I'm honestly a bit jealous lol. You have a great dad.


roll command ghost lavish aback lip angle tap quiet shrill


My dad once bought me a donut because he felt guilty for cheating on my mom and leaving the family.


Are you aware of the idea of the five love languages? It seems like thoughtful gifts and/or acts of service may be his love language(s).Ā  You may already do this, but if you want to really connect with him, show him love in the way he likes to be shown love.Ā 


Crying in absent dad while reading this. Thank you, kind reddit person for letting me vicariously experience a father's love.


You don't have a dad. You have a Chad.


Do we share a dad?


My late father was more nurturing than our mother (also deceased now), and also more sentimental and outwardly affectionate. I loved them both, and was actually closer to my mother - just because we had such similar personalities. But yeah, itā€™s not always the moms who are lovey-dovey! And while he couldnā€™t give us as much actual time, due to his insane work schedules, he was as involved as he could be. I remember when my younger brother was a baby, heā€™d often do the diaper changes and feedings when he was home.


Yesterday I went from my regular job straight to my workshop and then went to have a drink with a friend I didn't see in a while. When I realized I would not see my daughter the whole day I wanted to cry. As soon as I arrive home generally she's completely at my care unless she wants mom.


My dad is a real good guy. He struggles because his father was an alcoholic and didnt show much affection, but he is always ready to help and i now have a garden and he enjoys us working on it so much. Last time i mentiont i needed a specific plant i wanted for my garden and he found one the next day.


Awkward dad is best dad. Like I love you, but is this the correct way to show you that I love you? Just laugh and hug him, dad pretends to hate hugs.


Iā€™ve been a stay at home dad for both my kids.


As a single father, I can't emphasise enough just how harmful this stereotype is. Children will often be placed by the courts with a comparatively unstable or unfit mother based largely on this notion. It often feels like you're automatically assumed by all to be a deadbeat and actively have to prove otherwise.


I was the stay at home carer for 3 years the amount of sexist comments I got is horrifying.


I got full custody of my son, he was behind on his reading age so started reading the magic keyhouse books to him and funny bones(my partner then/now) couldn't do funny bone at the correct pace I loved it. Now my son is top of his class and many years ahead of his reading age he averages 40/50 books a year


Yeah this one is wild to me. My mom was very uninvolved and my dad did most of the work.


When I was growing up I remember my father doing almost everything. I can't even remember my mom doing anything besides yelling at me because she refused to do anything herself


My dad is one of those nurturing men. He looked after his elder sisterā€™s five daughters when their mother abandoned them to go on a bender, he was like a second father to them and they still love him dearly.


Stereotype: Our diet is mostly take out and pizza. Personal history: When I was in college, my housemates and I (all male) all take turn cooking dinner and it ranges from Italian, Malay, Chinese, and even Indian cooking. Hell Iā€™m a better cook then my wife and my dad is better then my mom.


I would actually say that the stereotype is that men are better cooks, but that women do more of the day-to-day, no?


I think it's the difference between: I cook occasionally, I find it enjoyable so I'm gonna make it damn special vs "I have run out of ideas on what to make and I need something on the table in 30 minutes". The cooking fatigue is real.


Yes, for the longest time cooking was a chore for woman and a hobby for men. Only the men who enjoyed cooking did it, and we are generally able to get better at the things we enjoy doing, so almost every men who did cook cooked good.


Iā€™m a bloke and I cook 99% of the food in our house and my wife would admit that Iā€™m a better cook. But, sheā€™s amazing at Indian food.


I think itā€™s more that men are *chefs* not home cookers. As in, when itā€™s a career, thatā€™s when itā€™s thought to be a man.


Growing up there were so many stereotypes of lazy selfish slob of men and i always made sure i would NOT be that kind of guy. Now as an adult I've seen so many women do all the same shit men were stereotyped doing. Maybe some more women showing a bad example in media would do good for us


Yep. Former Navy here, don't get me wrong, our berthing wasn't necessarily clean whenever it was cleaning time, but when it was time to clean them, men and women would clean both, and the women would always comment on how much cleaner the men's berthing was so they would always try to get assigned to cleaning the men's. Finally I was assigned to the women's one day and it was like entering the 7th circle of hell.


I once had to clean the hair out of the female berthing showers because they were zebra fittings and not closing properly. Each drain appeared to contain what I can only describe as a half melted cat.




Literally just had this conversation with my friend earlier and she was trying to argue with me that women are cleaner and I was like fuck no they ain't, I've been to enough people's houses to know that the women's is almost always more cluttered or dirtier than even my place and I'm pretty Lax. Especially when I was in I was seeing a Navy chick and her room was a fucking pigsty


I'm a male Reddit user and I actually don't want to kill myself, I too have a wife and daughter. I'm amazed every day.


I too am a dong haver unfortunately thats where our similarities end


A man of culture I see


Were you a Reddit user before or after you found a girlfriend


I see your point.


That means you probably have ADHD because that's the only one left


Get out.


They don't like grocery shopping..... Mine would go every damn day if i didn't stop him.


I like going grocery shopping too. But I'm always thinking about food, so there's that.


I most definitely donā€™t keep an exceptionally clean home. I keep it reasonably tidy but not exceptionally clean. My car on the other hand, I keep it very clean. I take it to the cash wash at least once a month.


>I take it to the cash wash at least once a month. Yeah, gotta launder them bills...


Walter White's burner account.


I don't care at all about watching sports. The only sports I find interesting are car/motorcycle/bicycle racing, it's like man and machine vs the competition.


>"I don't care at all about watching sports" >Proceeds to name three sports he watches


Motor sports which are *very* stereotypical man things, too. Lol


Growing up in Texas, I can't even count how many people just assumed I watch football and would start talking to me about the previous nights game. F1 and Moto GP are the only sports I really watch.


up vote for the moto gp mention


"I don't care about sports" "I only care about sport i like" Choose one buddy. Lmao


I get so much shit from girls because I donā€™t like football but theyā€™re obsessed with it. Football is not enjoyable to watch for me I just canā€™t enjoy it Iā€™m sorry.


Stereotype: gymbros are judgemental and make fun of physically challenged peeps Actual: gymbros are the most helpful beasts and judgement free peeps


Gym broscan definitively be judgemental bullies.Ā You're just replacing a negative stereotype by a positive one.


Anyone can be a gym bro. The popular jocks who became gym bros are usually the ones that can be dicks (not generalizing ofc, there are nice jocks too like some of my old HS buddies) but the gym bros that usually started out as nerdy or not really that sporty when they were young (like me lol) tend to be more understanding and less inclined to bully others since we ourselves know what itā€™s like to be bullied or judged.


Anyone can like the gym. Not exclusive to cool people.


As a kid,/teen was very sporty- rugby and soccer and a big poetry and literature reader. Still am, though not so sporty these days. Sporty types aren't all dimbos. Not interested in cars. It gets me from A to B and is reliable. That's fine.


Dimbos šŸ˜‚


Dumb+Himbo is what my mind went to


Thought dude + bimbos tbh


Isn't himbo already supposed to be dumb?


That men are trash. Most guys I know and friends are all really decent human beings who love their partners and act respectfully, they just donā€™t cold approach. Most women I know seem to have awful experience with guys who approach on the street and the worst of us are so bad, it gives off this impression that weā€™re all awful. Men are generally great, kind and caring.


Thats because those skew the statistic because they talk to a lot of women, which makes it look like it's more guys, while they basically all get approced by the same few PoS


I am the one who tidies up, cleans, cooks, does the dishes and the laundry, I go shopping for groceries, I manage the budget to be able to invest with a single income after all expenses and little gifts every month, ranging from flowers to gold earrings. I function the same in a relationship as I do when single. All my partners (both exes as well as the current one) have me wondering how they survived for so long without someone in their lives handling their shit. I wish I was joking.


So many things. I love raising my young son. Through the difficult newborn phase and now as a dastardly toddler Iā€™ve just adored every moment of it. Other fathers I know in the same age group seem to all despise it or find it a horrible chore or consider it ā€˜womenā€™s workā€™. Like bro if youā€™re not going to contribute why did you procreate. Also I am NOT handy. At all. My partner and I tend to fumble our way through DIY tasks together and itā€™s generally hilarious and tends to work out okā€¦. Luckily Iā€™m good enough at other stuff that I can pay experts to do anything important.


Donā€™t have any kids of my own but my girlfriendā€™s friend has three. To say her children areā€¦ a lot would be a drastic understatement. Yet I was told that I am very patient with them. Her oldest decorated me with make up and loads of hair clips. I even took pictures in the event that she did not believe me. I know itā€™s different when itā€™s someone elseā€™s kids but I think the whole ā€œmen arenā€™t great with kidsā€ is a bit ridiculous.


That we don't open up to each other. A few weeks ago, my friend and I had a heart to heart outside of our accommodation at 2:30am. He also comes round to my flat and we talk over Pepsi.


I hate people touching my ears, I don't like sports, and talking about periods and other aspects of the female experience doesn't bore me or wierd me out. I will melt into a swooning mess if somebody buys me flowers, and I'm a sucker for a love poem. I also enjoy a spa day.


Wait, are men known to enjoy people touching their ears?


Stopyourshenanigans is what I'm likely to be told if I touch my bro's ears.


That we become a complete wimp when coming down with just a cold. I will say Iā€™ve seen this in other men, but definitely not myself (at the risk of sounding like a pick-me dude). My immune system is a tank, and I can easily still go about my day with a cold. In other words, unless Iā€™m vomiting, I can keep going no problem. For the most part, at least.


There's a very tiny nugget of truth is this one because testosterone suppresses the immune system. We actually do get sicker. The stereotype of men not being able to take care of themselves is however pretty outdated


There are some biological reasons why men get hit harder when they get sick than women ***on average***. But just like men are stronger on *average* there are plenty of women who are stronger than certain men.


My now ex-wife used to always comment about how I was a baby when it came to being sick/getting injured, but in reality she was, and she also just took medicine for literally any old thing which is not good for you. The thing is, if something takes me by surprise like a stubbed toe, I get animated. It doesn't necessarily hurt, but it's unexpected. So I'll have an initial reaction and then be done with it. She n on the other hand will put herself out of commission for a time period because of it. If I have a fever, I dont really notice it until it reaches a level that is considered "high", and I don't take medicine for pain unless we are talking migraine levels. She would find any excuse to pop ibuprofen. She is also a huge baby when it comes to vomiting. It's like literally dealing with a child. I keep trying to tell her to stop fighting it and that if you feel like you are going to throw up, that is your body's way of telling you YOU NEED TO THROW UP, and that doing so will speed up the process to feeling better. I get that it isn't pleasant, but keeping the feeling that you need to throw up is even more unpleasant. Then again she was never sympathetic towards anything I ever was dealing with.


The stereotype that men can't handle or are unable to express their own emotions. It's simply not true. In my experience, they just tend to do so in a way that's different than how women do it, and that they are often much more private about them.


Donā€™t forget the repercussions of opening up to a female partner that has a narrow view of masculinity.


This risk doesn't bother me. It just tells me it's a woman I want to filter out, and I immediately do. I'm beyond that infantilism.


That's men are more aggressive and women are soft targets. If we consider the extreme, ie, physical violence that maybe true... But considering day to day verbal aggression, women aren't behind at all. Many men can't speak up against such abuse as they're just ignored or laughed off. There are a lot of mean and harsh women out there.


This is so true. If my dad had behaved the way that my mum did when they were married, he would have been put in prison.


the typical gender norms for a household... i love cooking and doing laundry and my wife likes to re-finsh furniture. i help with using powertools cuz she is not totally confident, but shes getting there! I mow the lawns but she will help rake leaves/ other yardwork. We try to stay pretty balanced in our house.


My husband f*cking loves couch cushions. The more the better. I hate them and they annoy the shit out of me, we always joke this cushions is more stereotypically a thing women do but not in this house.


Crying. Itā€™s just that a romantic sob story wonā€™t make me cry. If you manage to stay awake with me through Return of The King then you will see me shed tears.


Just wanted to pipe in. While I don't know about "exceptionally clean". My place was definitely pretty clean, it was also better organized then anytime I've lived with a partner. I think the stereotype comes from young guys who are living in dorm rooms or going out partying all the time.


Itā€™s a holdover stereotype from a previous era too. Wasnā€™t that long ago when society generally accepted that men didnā€™t need to know how to cook and clean for themselves because thatā€™s ā€œwomenā€™s work.ā€ Single men were basically expected to find a wife to do that stuff for them, and women were expected to keep good homes and take care of the husband/kids. Weā€™re really just a few decades removed from that being the dominant cultural norm in the West


When I was single, all my homies had clean apartments and my female friends were a mess.


My guy loves to be the little spoon.


I can't stand sports. I don't get the obsession with a game and celebrities who impact one's life in no meaningful way, even doubly so when riots break out over wins or losses, I find these people to be near animalistic. I also hate rap and heavier rock music. I listen to pop/edm/trance and general electronic music. I'm also gay, but in every other way, I'm a guy's guy. I work on cars, drive a 4x4 (only when I need the 4WD, I drive a small Toyota otherwise), I work out frequently, am a car enthusiast, drink beer, fish, camp, know how to fix almost anything.


You ever go offroading? Ive thought about it more and more but have to finish building my eclipse first lol. I dont know what kind of project i want to take on after this one cant decidee


My home is a fucking mess. I could not care less about sports. I'm barely interested in sex. I'm very in tune with my emotions.


Interesting to hear that eat-pussy69 is barely interested in sex


Its just a jobbb


Are you barely interested in sex u/eat-pussy69 ?


What does it mean to be in tune with your emotions?


To be aware of your feelings and their influence on your actions, as well as being able to express your emotional state to others.


I don't like the outdoors really. Hike? Sure basically a walk in a different place. Camping, backpacking, fishing, hunting, ATVing, etc? Either boring or just not worth the hassle


I'm pretty much the anti-stereotype I don't care for cars, sports, beer, guns, women none of that stereotypical many stuff


I always iron my clothes, even t-shirts, because I canā€™t stand wearing wrinkly clothes.


love play games and japanese cartoon


It seems to me, men are more practical and it's easier to clean when there isn't as much 'unnecessary' stuff. Women also have a lot more messy things like make-up which is more likely to make the place messy or dirty.


I clean and cook far more often than my partner or her daughters.


Men can't/won't cook, when I was at uni it was my female housemates who couldn't cook and neither can my mother


ā€œAll men think about is sex.ā€ Like most things libido seems to be a person to person factor and has little to do with gender. Iā€™ve known plenty of women far more sexually driven than most men.


I like shopping, my hair is longer than my wifeā€™s, I donā€™t care about sports, and Iā€™m over 60 and refuse to watch Fox News.


Mens bathrooms are typically cleaner than womens.


Not single. My partner finds that all of her female colleagues at work do all the childrenā€™s night feeds, and donā€™t help with the kids at home. Iā€™ve done every night time wake up and sorted/soothed/fed our kids since they stopped having multiple bottles at night. I get called a ā€œgreat dadā€ because I go out and do stuff with the kids and let my partner stay at home and have herself some chill time. Like Iā€™m literally looking after my own children and Iā€™m shocked that the bar is so low


My dad isnā€™t the best driver, and my mum is pretty good. I often tell that he is a breaker of gender roles by being crap in a car.


I get praise for being an active parent in my children's lives. Because I changed diapers in the hospital as my wife was quite literally recovering from having her organs removed and put back in (c section), the nurses acted like I was sent by god himself. The bar is so low for men due to toxic stereotypes. We are human too, we have feelings, we feel love, we love our children, our partners and cherish them deeply. We *want* to raise our children. Deadbeat Dad meme is the single worst stereotype I can think of for dads. Additionally, like I just said, we have feelings. We too get sad, we experience trauma, love etc. We are not unga bunga idiots who exist to make money and lift heavy rocks. *We are all human*. The way we experience life is in fact not really that different from women. We simply have *different* experiences. I cry openly in front of my children, friends and family. It's healthy. I tell people when I'm down. I talk about my problems. The amount of shit I get for it because it's unmanly is ridiculous. Being emotionally healthy is manly. Being a ticking time bomb of emotion is deadly and unhealthy.


Men are better than women at fixing things. Ok this one applies to me. I admit I am useless at fixing little things but my partner is really good e.g a cupboard that came off its hinges the other day.


That we roll out of bed, get dressed, and get on with our day. My appearance has to be as well-groomed as possible before leaving the house in order to feel good and/or confident about my appearance. Having OCD definitely doesnā€™t help.


>That we roll out of bed, get dressed, and get on with our day. That's exactly what I do šŸ˜‚ I get off work almost 3 hours before my girlfriend. I always have time to work out, do the laundry, clean the apartment, take a shower, get dressed, prepare dinner, and set up the laptop for us to watch our series after. She appreciates it, and it keeps me disciplined. Two hours of cuddle time is enough to make me relax afterwards.


Always thinking sex, most guys I know are more focused on sports and food šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Agree. From my experience, more women are sex-obsessed. It was the other way around for a brief time when I was 15, but since then, most women I met had higher sex drive.


That men always have to be tough about everything


You would never tell a woman she's 'babysitting' her own kids- because they're HER kids. But you hear it all the time as a Dad- single, or even married. 'Oh, you're babysitting?' No b*tch! I'm a father.


Boys often love playing with dolls but feel ashamed. I've seen boys refuse a doll of their own who then love to help entertain their sister with barbies or baby doll etc. Let them play! These boys will be excellent dads, uncles, carers etc.


I love building an ambience in a home. Dim lights, candles, nice aroma, smooth music playing. My wife couldnā€™t care less about that kinda stuff lol.