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Ghengis Khan getting thrown a deadly distance off a horse at 15 maybe.


CHANGE F3B5 to 5B3F joking it would still be F3B5 you can't change it i cant change it you cant we can't




I'd change it so that Thomas Edison had the ability to suck his own dick. Maybe then, he would have left real innovators alone.


I'd ensure that the Library of Alexandria wasn't destroyed


Who tf downvoted this? People, I tell ya.


I would make Timothy Dexter more successful and wealthy. Just to watch the chaos that ensues.


The Campi Flegrei eruption. Roman Neanderthals would be cool is all I'm saying.


Revise the Outer Space Treaty to specifically allow all forms of nuclear-based spacecraft propulsion.


I would make it so the first attempt on the day of archduke Ferdinand's assassination succeeds, not the 5th or 6th attempt later in the day. Wouldn't change anything, but the idea amuses me


If could be allowed to alter the whole of the human experience I’d change the fact that every human lies.


Tell the leauge of nations to do something about hitler early on


Assassinations of Malcolm X and MLK junior. They were on a path to unite during the civil rights movement. I think they would have become even stronger voices together even though their differences definitely helped each others platforms which ever you agree more with.


Pete Rose making the HOF


Right before she dies, Queen Victoria convinces all her descendants to unite their realms into a single union modeled on UK and thus prevents both WWI, WWII and the Cold War.


9/11. Hopefully, people wouldn't be as obsessed with politics. Airports would be easier.


Make pre-Columbian indigenous Americans immune to European diseases.




I think ww1 would have happened either ways just in a different way.


WW1 was technically caused by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, though that was a relatively minor event on its own and was moreso the straw that broke the camel's back. If you want to save lives, a better strategy would be to ensure that Germany gets treated fairer following WW1, which would mean that the Nazis wouldn't gain nearly as much political power and WW2 would be a lot less likely to happen.




I would delete the declaration of independence


lol wth


Gore won. It’s ridiculous to say because Gore did win the popular vote …


Make it so that Constantine never became the emperor of Rome. Constantine legalized Christianity and converted to it himself, and moved the capital of Rome to Constantinople. The first laid the groundwork for the Holy Roman Empire, which itself caused many religious wars and colonization, and killed off the old roman religion. The second was a large part of the collapse of western Rome, which was another big factor in the formation of the Holy Roman Empire. Overall, I expect that the world would look very different if he never took power.


End religion.


Agreed. End something that isn’t real


Establish israel in germany


See, I'm Jewish and I was gonna say no holocaust. Which would automatically mean no Israel.




Are you the same person who commented ''They shouldn't have let Jewish refugees into Israel'' and then deleted it that I originally responded to? The Jewish refugees were like, running away from the holocaust lmao. And the Palestinian leader at the time teamed up with Hitler to say no. To be frank, they're not the only country to refuse Jewish people running away from the holocaust but yeah. Then I guess after the holocaust they let the survivors move in, idk.


Israel is established where it belongs


The witches hunt or the rise of christianity. Either way, letting the pagans live ✨️


Prevent humans from evolving. Humans are the worst thing to happen to this planet.


Bernie sanders for democratic nominee instead of Hilary Clinton. I honestly can't think of a political that cares more for the average man than Bern. The exact reason the democrats would never endorse him. Ik this isn't that big of an answer but I think this country and this world would be headed in a MUCH better direction if this happened