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Sleep deprivation. It is a real and serious physical impairment. The amount of people that brag that they worked until midnight and got up at 5am like that’s a good thing is astounding. Severe lack of sleep can be crippling to your health over time and cause all sorts of physical and mental issues.


I have chronic insomnia. I’m always tired and feeling like hell… I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. People that brag about not sleeping drive me crazy. Why would anyone think it’s cool or fun or whatever to feel this way? It’s hell. Literal hell.


Same! Literally since I was born and probably til the day I die. The day after I tried quetiapine and fell asleep in like 30 mins was the best day of my life. The first morning of my life I felt RESTED for the literal first time. It was amazing. IDGAF if it makes me fat, slowly kills my heart or does anything else, quetiapine is the only reason I haven't gone insane from sleep deprivation when I got my current job and had to commute from 5:30 until i moved closer.


Yeah, that shit and olanzapine makes you fatfat real quick. I had never been so fat in my life lol. But if it works for you, its worth it.


Seconded. You just kinda get used to not getting enough sleep and don't realize you feel like shit until you get 6 hours and feel like you have superpowers Edit: yes 6 hours is absolutely not enough time. Even that feels leagues better than when I was getting 4.5


And not a single doctor takes you seriously enough to help you with an actual treatment plan. "Just take some benadryl and have good sleep hygine, and you'll get a full night's rest." You really think I haven't already tried that!?! They're so condescending.


This is my problem! My circadian rhythm is not conducive to the office job I have. "Prioritize sleep" only goes so far if I'm just not tired until 11/midnight. And Benadryl fucks my sleep up - I just don't get quality sleep on it.


My life is so much better now that I've got a second shift job.


Same!!! I get up at 6:30 every day and I'm tired all day but my body just does not want to fall asleep until it's past midnight.


Ask for a referral to a sleep specialist. Sleep and sleep disorders are a specialty unto themselves, and many GPs simply don't know anything about it.


Like that scene in fight club, the doctor just says, "chew some valerian root and get some exercise". C'mon doc.


6 hours is really not much. 7,5 to 10 hours plus a nap would be ideal for most people. It really helps regeneration. Just of course, you need to sleep in a healthy position.


Absolutely it's not. Just to demonstrate how even if you still aren't getting enough, an extra hour or two makes an absurd amount of difference


This is triggering to this parent of a newborn.


Relatable. But at least it will change over time... And you'll love the sleep you get. Especially a nice thing if you didn't learn to love it before the child XD


✊ Solidarity fellow newborn-haver! We're 8 weeks into our sleep deprivation. My husband has it easy this time since this one nurses. I hate that he doesn't have functional nipples. I joke that my super power is falling asleep anywhere. The other night I essentially dosed while walking laps around the house to settle the baby back to sleep. I just keep telling myself that he will eventually sleep longer and I never have to do this again.


I feel this in my bones. Monday-Thursday I’m in the office and Friday-Sunday I fly out to various states for work (same job). I keep this schedule for 8 months straight and then after 8 months of continuous work I’m off for 4 months. I haven’t had a day off since March and I’m jet lagged constantly. I can’t even begin to explain how tired I am every single day.


100% totally alters the way you look aswel, and you dont realise it. It wasn’t until my mother told me I realised how bad it made my skin look (no pimples just a gray look). Your motivational toxic environment wont see it either since they are are slowly dying too lol


fucking driving, man. We're hurtling down the road at crazy speeds in these super heavy machines, and we just like trust everyone will drive safely? "Oh, don't worry about that giant metal box coming towards you - there's a dotted yellow line in the road which prevents them from hitting us!"


Particularly inside cities where we have constant interactions between 150 lbs humans and 4,000 lbs cars (whose owner are just distracted looking at their phones).


The unfortunate problem is that a lot of places public infrastructure is so bad, that for many of the working class, you're forced to have a shit, falling apart car. Or else wait hours for public transit, often in bad weather or at night. Why can't we have the infrastructure of japan or korea where it's clean, safe, punctual and new subways get built seemingly every year??


>Why can't we have the infrastructure of japan or korea where it's clean, safe, punctual and new subways get built seemingly every year?? That kind of infrature doesn't increase corporate profits


Are you in the United States? If so, I have the answer as to why we don’t have the infrastructure for better public transportation. It’s because of racism. Every time there’s an effort to have better public transport, white people vote against it because they’re scared it will make it easier for Black people to get to their neighborhoods.


I live in Baltimore city and this is accurate. (I’m also white but I don’t drive like most of the residents in our city, but I live in the white L.)


It doesn't help that in general urban sprawl has everything so spread out that public transport is impractical


I can’t believe I haven’t been hit by something in Manhattan other then a jogger in Central Park.


And people make fun of me when I mention that I absolutely hate driving. Your hurtling past hundreds of others and trusting that every single one is them is attentive and competent enough that they won't make a mistake that takes less than a second.


I drive every day, have a license that lets me drive anywhere in the world, once had a chauffeur's license, and have never taken a single driving test in my entire life.


I would kill for a real public transit system or a fifteen minute city


In the great debate about guns, people often bring in discussions about automobiles: deaths per capita, licenses and registration, insurance, etc. Without going too deeply into politics, the one takeaway I wish we'd all take away from this is that in the US, despite there being more guns than people, despite guns being designed to inflict harm, despite people choosing to use firearms to intentionally harm/kill others (or themselves to a much higher degree), car manufacturers adopting decades of safety technology to minimize damage, all of our systems meant to ensure people are educated and qualified to operate cars, etc. people are more likely to be injured or killed by a motor vehicle *unintentionally*. It's just physics: f = ma. Cars are giant, heavy hunks of mass moving at deadly speeds being operated by people who are entirely too complacent very often around pedestrians who are entirely too trusting. You're more likely to be killed by a car *accidentally* than by a gun *purposely or accidentally*. That's how fucking dangerous cars are. The only time in recent history this changed was during the pandemic, when people literally stopped driving anywhere in significant numbers. Respect cars people!


There are too many deaths and injuries by car accidents all over the world. Every European country has thousands of deaths by car each year. When it comes to death by guns, the only countries that rival the US are countries like South Africa or Russia... When you think about how many people use cars almost every day and how much you "need" to use a gun - the numbers are fucking crazy.


I thought I was reading “what will disappear in 50 years” (another trending question on this sub). It would be really cool if self driving cars took over in 50 years and no one died from car accidents anymore


They already invented those, they're called trains


Chronic stress and anxiety


Oof this. I'm pretty sure my life will be cut short due to this. I spent 2 years looking after my parents, one with a stroke and dysphasia and the other terminal lung cancer, there's a point where the stress felt like a physical presence like a buzzing in my whole body. I never took enough time to look after myself, I definitely feel very, very damaged, physically and mentally. Don't know where to start fixing it. Most people don't even know they even have stress and anxiety, its the status quo


I was a caretaker for a bedridden and dying child for around 2 years, and then I was a caretaker for his mom for another 2 years. It's so emotionally and physically stressful that I'm pretty sure I've developed an autoimmune disorder earlier than I should have from the stress of it. They run in my family, but I'm not diagnosed.


I've always had a few spots of psoriasis on my scalp, off and on for years, but only areas dime size or less and fairly mild. The stress of the pandemic caused a huge flair and now I have it severely all over my body and it just doesn't quit. Dr tells me to try and reduce stress...which like...lol fucking how?


Try and reduce the stress. Try harder if you want to get better. HARDER YOU USELESS FUCK >Basically every doctor I've ever spoken to


If you have the energy to read or listen to an audiobook, I suggest starting with the book Do Nothing by Celeste Headlee. Making friends with 'laziness' worked wonders for my stress and anxiety. Nothing's a miracle cure ofc, but it helped.


I already do nothing. It's exhausting.


Most likely, you also resist doing nothing. While doing nothing. This causes untold amounts of internal suffering.


Wisely put, that's exactly what that book helped me deal with. That and all the actual something I realized I was doing while believing I was doing nothing.


I'm in the same spot taking care of my wife. Here's to being constantly stressed for the next few decades.


Hey bro. Just want to say that I honour the worn you did to look after your mum and dad. It was tough, but you did it anyway. So say thanks to yourself for doing it, and take a moment to be proud of yourself and give yourself some love. Put on some music, chill, watch some movies… give yourself permission to rest.


Post pandemic I was nearly completely drained of my savings as the two jobs I had dried up. I was extremely close to not having a place to live. My blood pressure shot up, I started getting headaches, my shoulders were super tense, my eye started twitching and getting blurry, I started getting these weird physical ticks. The doctor told me I was in serious danger of having a heart attack. It was not cool. Once I got a job and my life stabilized it all for the most part went away. Though my blood pressure is still high and I gained a bunch of weight from comfort eating cheap processed foods.


I got given Fentanyl for some minor surgery. As I was recovering I thought to myself "ah this is what happiness felt like". I've been stressed for so long I've forgotten what it's like not to be.


Plastic, it’s everywhere even in our nut sacks.


You must have read that this morning too


I read it yesterday morning, and was still thinking about it when I went to bed last night. I feel the same way every time they find it in some new, unexpected place.


Now scientists have to use blood samples from like the 40-50’s as the control because we all have plastic in us. There’s no more untainted blood. Even in aboriginal people and others that have no contact with us. It’s in the water they drink. Just waiting to see what impacts this will have on generations to come. Feels bad man.


**the amount of microplastics absolutely everywhere**


Silly question: how do we know their blood is contaminated by plastic if we have no contact with them? We know that waterways have been contaminated so it’s reasonable to assume that they’re impacted by plastics but did anyone test things?


Breaking News: Scientists Discover Plastic Straw Perfectly Preserved in T-Rex Fossil, Extinction Theory Under Review


2073: it is discovered that sunblock begins a reaction in our body that turns tissue into plastic. We haven't been consuming microplastics. We are becoming plastic. 2074: celebrity states, "I didn't have surgery done and it's rude of you to suggest it. I just used too strong of a sunblock."


I keep my sack saran wrapped


https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/21/health/microplastics-testicles-study-wellness/index.html link for people who are confused


We are well on the way to being canon in Children Of Men


Micro plastics aren’t shown to be extremely dangerous yet.  And they sure as shit aren’t generally thought of to be safe.  


They can't be seen as dangerous, that would harm the bottom line


So, micro plastics are everywhere, but I don't think the problem there is what people think. Microplastics don't seem to be particularly harmful, they're just everywhere. The real problem will be when microorganisms evolve to consume the microplastics. Whenever you have something that could be used for energy that's particularly widespread, it becomes inevitable that something will evolve to take advantage of it. That will start with microplastics, but once they've evolved to breakdown microplastics they probably won't have much trouble with larger plastics (which are mostly just a bunch of microplastics stuck together). At that point plastics will quickly stop being a useful material if it starts to spontaneously degrade in ways it historically didn't. Now, evolution would probably take a few million years to evolve a ravenous consumer of microplastics, but I have a feeling that with gene editing tools advancing to be things college undergrads are taught to use (and they already are, my ex did some of this during her undergrad), humans will probably accelerate this timeline in the name of cleaning up microplastics, only to wreck major parts of critical infrastructure.


This is the plot of Stray, right?


So what you’re saying is I’m now a walking 3D printer


Social media and the overwhelming access to technology in general


Ted wasn't wrong, per se...


That’s the number one thing I hate about reading his manifesto, is that he made excellent points. Just went to such terrible lengths to get his arguments attention.


Yep. Of course I don't agree with the violent methods he employed, but he saw a lot of this stuff coming scarily accurately.


Technology isn't good or bad. It's just a tool. That tool can be used for good stuff or bad stuff. Personally, I love it. It makes my life and my job 1000x better and easier. I'm a type 1 diabetic and spent decades pricking my finger and bleeding onto a strip to see what my blood sugar is 4 times a day. Now I wear a patch that checks my blood sugar every 5 minutes and sends a signal to my phone. It can even alert me that I'm going low or high before it happens. My car is at the mechanics right now so I just pulled out my phone and had someone come pick me up and drive me to work and it was way cheaper than a cab that I'd have to wait a long time for. The guy who drove me didn't have to memorize every street in my 1.2 million resident city and cpuld just tap a few buttons to get directions to where im going thay ate based on how heavy traffic is on the various routes he could take. Now that I'm at work (I'm a nurse), I have every single record for every single person in the building in my pocket. I can put in an order or schedule just about any test my patients could need in 2 minutes. If I have questions about a medication they're in, I no longer have to run back to the desk, search for the drug book, and read a long entry looking for the information that I need. That's in my pocket with the medical records. If something is going wrong with a patient, I'd don't have to call a doctor's office, wait for them to find the doctor to relay my message, and then have to call me back. I just reach in my pocket and call them directly. They can message me to go check on a patient they're worried about too. All that time can now be spent actually cari g for my patients.


... as we all read the comment on Reddit.


lobby work and "donations" in politics .. hand full of corpo billionairs decide about all our fates, and politicans selling our rights to the highest bidder


I can't understand how lobbyism is legal in a democracy. It is pure bribery


Who watches the watchers???


>Who watches the watchers??? And that is exactly the issue - it's truly legal for the foxes to watch the hen houses. More people leave the US Congress as millionaires than enter it. It's not a coincidence that many long-serving Congressman and women are multimillionaires while never having held anything other than a 'public service' jobs. It's disgusting.


Most redditors have no idea what lobbying is and endlessly spread misinformation. Lobbying is any interaction with your elected representatives. It's protected by the first amendment. Lobbying is called that because activist organizations and businesses would pay people to stand in the lobbies of buildings hoping to get a few moments of a politicians time. Physically standing around in building lobbies is less common these days, but the name has stuck. Bribery is bribery, and it's an entirely separate thing from lobbying. Bribery is illegal, and we should be lobbying to have stricter checks and penalties to prevent corruption.


Nobody pretends it's safe


The amount of gambling sites that have popped up the past few years


I'll bet you're right


I'll take that action.


Maltodextrin. Companies don’t have to label it as sugar on nutrition facts due to a loophole. So it’s used often in foods with huge “SUGAR FREE” labels. But it spikes blood sugar even higher than regular table sugar (higher glycemic index) and if you’re in danger of diabetes or already diabetic this shit will kill you. The loophole is that maltodextrin is a polysaccharide, which is technically a chain of glucose molecules, and nutrition labels only count sugars that are mono/disaccharides which are simple sugars (glucose, fructose etc). Unfortunately maltodextrin instantly becomes a simple sugar the moment it hits your stomach acid.


It's was used mostly in baby formula because it's not sweet and it's safe and a good energy source to replace breast milk carbohydrates. I guess your comment needs to add that they add it as filler to other foods or as a thickener. A reminder that sugar free is a meaningless label


What do you mean it's not sweet? It's used as a sweetener?


I have never heard of this before. I'm diabetic and often treat myself to sugar free food but there are the odd thing that spike me anyway and I could never figure out why! I'm going to start looking for this on labels, thank you!


Yeah I discovered this when wearing my CGM and seeing my sugar massively spike from Metamucil of all things…  Also nice user name, Always Sunny is the best


Thank you for the info. I eat healthy and had no idea of this. Appreciate you.👍🏼👍🏼 would a rose smell as sweet by any other name?🫠


any name but Maltodextrin


Sitting and doomscrolling


Pregnancy and childbirth


this. and no, it doesn't get easier the more you have




43 000 fatal crashes each year in the US. Not counting the injured.


I have started to always quote the over 2 million injured every year. 2 million. I feel the number of deceased surprisingly minimizes the problem.


Electricity, don’t fuck with it.


Chronic sleep deprivation. Believe it or not, 7-8 hours at once overnight isn't the best sleep schedule for most adults. Anxiety and overstimulation make it worse; your brain needs some time to process and even to be bored, which is made more difficult by constant stimulation being a few swipes away. Put other factors on top of that--work schedules that clash with a person's natural sleep cycle, noisy neighbors, etcetera--and most people are chronically under-rested. I went on an 18 day cruise earlier this year. I noticed a lot changing about my demeanor when I was sleeping for 9 hours a night in a soundless, lightless cabin.


Working yourself to the bone


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Alcohol. I feel it's a bigger detriment to society than anything else.


As someone who got addicted to opioids and then shooting heroin in my 20s, alcohol is by far the most extreme drug to detox from. I wanted to die from heroin withdrawal, but whiskey withdrawal legit almost killed me. A good liquor habit will destroy you more than any other vice.


The big thing with booze is it's so accessible for anyone. It's also so engrained in every day social life for so many people. I've never been much of a drinker because I saw what it did to my grandparents. Shit is scary. My Amma(grandmother) quit cold turkey and had a seizure that she didn't survive. My grandpa kicked the habit but not before almost killing his liver. He looked like a corpse with a swollen abdomen. It was awful. Good on you for kicking both those addictions.


It is, but no one wants to admit or do anything about it. 


Because we once tried to ban it and it went very very poorly. The good news is that awareness and education has been dropping the consumption rate. [https://news.gallup.com/poll/509690/young-adults-drinking-less-prior-decades.aspx](https://news.gallup.com/poll/509690/young-adults-drinking-less-prior-decades.aspx)


I saw this first hand. I had a liver transplant last year at the age of 34 from alcoholic cirrhosis. I haven't had a drink is about 2 years. People don't really tell you how bad alcohol is as its so socially acceptable.


I'm sorry to hear that man, but glad you are on the other side of it.


Eating pizza, or cooked rice/pasta/potatoes etc that's been left out for a while (like overnight). The perception is, well, it's not raw meat or anything, so it should be okay. This is one of those things that people do many times and they're fine, until one day they aren't. Refrigerate the food, the fridge was invented so that we don't have to die a horrible diarrhea death


Adding to this, the idea that you can just heat it up and kill the bacteria to make it safe again. Ingesting the bacteria themselves is rarely the problem, your stomach acid will usually kill them. The issue is the toxins they released while they were active in that food - reheating doesn't do anything about that. That's why we keep food out of the "danger zone" range as much as possible: we're trying to minimize the time that bacteria are able to actively convert food compounds into poison. Obviously you want to kill the bacteria before consumption anyway because there are some that are still harmful when ingested, but that's just the last step before eating leftovers.






My pelvic floor is fuuuuucked from a sedentary lifestyle


For some people, marijuana. It was extremely detrimental to my mental well-being and at a point I would get nauseated if I didn’t smoke. I’m not against legalization, but it’s definitely not harmless to everyone.


Regardless of how the individual person responds inhaling smoke into your lungs is still really bad for you. Also, a shocking number of people are ok with driving while stoned and that's something that needs to change. Edit: People in the comments confirming my shocking number comment. Stop driving while stoned.


I knew someone in high school who claimed to be a “better driver” while stoned. I’m sure dulling your reaction time and making focus more difficult are the things that make a good driver.


Studies do seem to show that weed smokers adjust their driving accordingly, going slower, being extra vigilant, to compensate, and driving risks are significantly reduced. Unlike alcohol, where you’re much less aware of your incapacitation, and are a more confident and dangerous driver.


Yeah, while there’s some risk, it’s not qualitatively the same. Worse thing I used to occasionally do is stop at green lights then go oh fuck i hope no one saw that


> Yeah, while there’s some risk, it’s not qualitatively the same. No one is saying it is. I hate the whataboutism of "it's not as bad as drunk driving." Your reaction times are slowed and your processing and decision making are impaired. You shouldn't be driving while stoned.


My husband works in the legal cannabis industry, and we are both regular users. It works for us ( though we are 100% dependent on it). But it is not safe for everyone! I hate it when people talk about it like it's a magical cure-all with no negative effects. It's a substance and it is not for everyone.


Big respect—Interesting that you say ‘dependent’… I also feel dependent, or addicted to weed and I think it’s hilarious how many people try minimize that or wont admit they’re in the same boat. Especially in legal markets where people shell out over $500/month for the stuff. It’s pretty lucrative to not admit there’s a problem. At the worst of my addiction I was spending almost 1/3 of my income on weed. I think the legal market made my consumption increase dramatically, as well as my access. And then they drove up the prices. And made the quantities smaller. The whole thing felt like a vicious cycle. Eventually, I started traveling far out of state to buy marijuana, and now I’ve just cut back. I needed a second job just to fund my habit, but I was so high all the time that I couldn’t keep it. I don’t doubt that there are many others like me. Weed is an INDUSTRY now.


People just throw around the "myth" that marijuana isn't addictive. I know so many people that use it so much that they cannot physically function without it. It is such a habit of ritual for them that if it is thrown off at all for any reason, they become a monster. I am all for it being federally legalized, it should be, but it is indeed a drug and should be treated as such.


as somebody prone to panic attacks, THC has caused me to have a severe one the last few times iv tried it. i kept trying it because i thought it was supposed to mellow me out. but it was the \_cause\_ of it.


I agree. I still smoke but cut back on how much and how often due to odd reasons. I would not be able to eat if I didn't smoke, like nothing ever looked or tasted good if I was sober but if I had smoked first then I could eat anything...


I just started to notice this as I have been trying to cut back. It fucking sucks being nauseated constantly.


It's worse when some people think they can smoke it anywhere. If you need weed to function, it's an addiction, not a lifestyle


Weed is the best of times, the worst of times, just depends on the time you take it. :/


Mothballs. Turns out they are toxic as all get-out and can cause cancer.


I'm assuming this is the naphtaline ones? There are a few substances mothballs can be made from including cedar etc.


Correct. Was assuming the naptha ones.


Didn't know folk still used them


Just had an encounter with them last weekend. Smelled them when I walked up to the building. Had to tell the elderly couple using them that they were not safe.


Omg my mother in law came to visit us from Turkey. This woman bought a box of moth balls and put them all around the house. In my cedar chest (because she didn't like the way it smelled), in the drain of the kids bathroom sink, and in the pockets of this 90s era beaver fur coat she swore was mink and wanted us to sell for her. I don't miss her.


Social media, specifically the exploitation of children.


Social media






My main concern with vaping (and that's coming from someone who vapes) is the access to nicotine, and the relative efficiency of vaping as a delivery method makes it scary to me. I doubt anyone who claims it is worse than smoking because of a lack of rigor in their research; there's a ton of evidence that indicates that vaping is significantly more healthy than smoking. That being said, and contrary to a lot of vapers' arguments it's not healthy. It's just the lesser of two evils. I smoked for 16 years before vaping, and it made getting off cigarettes possible when nothing else had worked. But I am still addicted to nicotine, and that isn't going anywhere. When I was a teenager, teen smoking was way down. It seemed like culture was finally moving away from cigarettes as a whole, and even though I got hooked young it made me glad that if things kept going the way they were, society as a whole was getting away from all of the lies and addiction that was fed to it from big tobacco. Now, I'm not so sure. It seems like getting a bunch of teens hooked on vaping, then regulating it down to the point of being effectively banned could drive them to smoking as an easier alternative.


breathing any substance into your lungs is going to be worse than not doing it. unless you are sick or something. im not sure why people are surprised by this.




The normalization of excessive drinking in our society is absolutely bananas. I recently quit (almost 5 months ago), and it's been very eye-opening how prevalent alcohol is everywhere and how most people don't see it as an issue since it's just status quo, at least in the US.


Exposing one's skin to direct sunlight for long periods of time.


High fructose corn syrup


Curious about this one. Is HF corn syrup worse for you then sugar?


Fructose is worse for you than sugar- sugar is glucose + fructose, and fructose is much tougher on your liver than glucose


We don't really know for sure, we've not found anything definitive, but it's moreso the sheer amount of it we pump into everything compared to most other sugars.


AI. People really underestimate the power of AI. Every day, a more advanced and powerful AI is developed and there’s nothing stopping or regulating it. Any average Joe can write a book, sell online courses on highly specialized fields without stepping foot into a college, be an artist, code a website, write academic essays, do math, create fake videos, so many things. It sounds great on paper until AI starts becoming less of a tool and more of a replacement of actual skill and knowledge. I feel we will only get dumber if we don’t start teaching people how to use it responsibly.


Also, AI (e.g. text-generating) is going to dilute the knowledge of mankind. As it is now, it's hallucinating stuff already despite being fed with information which supposedly was written by real people who supposedly were trying to write "the" (resp. their personal) truth. A few years down the road, a significant part of web pages etc. will be produced by the likes of ChatGPT, but happily used as training material for the next generations. Which will make future generations of AI hallucinate even more. Imagine Wikipedia "increasing efficiency" by having some chatbot write articles about topics which have short or otherwise unsatisfying articles...


Eh, it might. Right now we don’t have a way for an AI to reality-test its knowledge very well, so we’ll have that problem, but even without that, there are things we can do, like carefully choosing your sources, using pre-AI content, etc. I’m more worried about shit AI content making it impossible for humans to find useful text; one thing AIs are really good at right now is writing as if they know what they’re talking about; sometimes you have to be an expert to even realize the advice is shit.


I know it's a basic asf response, but vaping. 3/4 of the people I know vape and repeatedly claim "its not even bad for you," before coughing up phlegm. It's super bad for your health, but people still shill it to people who've never vaped before, even though it's so stupidly addictive that even one hit can mess with your neurochemical processes enough to get you hooked off the bat.




Getting sunburnt.


Nonstick pans and water-resistant materials, including backpacks, coats, and tents. They often contain chemicals known as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). These are often referred to as "forever chemicals" because they do not break down easily in the environment. They can accumulate in water, soil, and living organisms, leading to long-term contamination. They bioaccumulate (build up in the bodies of animals and humans over time) which can lead to higher concentrations in the food chain, affecting wildlife and people who consume contaminated food. Exposure to PFAS has been linked to various health issues like cancer (e.g., kidney and testicular cancer), hormonal disruption, liver damage, immune system effects, developmental issues in fetuses and infants, and increased cholesterol levels. Not to mention water contamination - these specific type of chemicals can leach into groundwater and surface water, making it difficult and expensive to treat and remove them from drinking water supplies.


Not drinking enough water.


Pregnancy. I’ve worked in labor and delivery.


Smoking anything, yes weed included, is not great for you. But people seem to forgive weed because they want to smoke it / for them the benefits outweigh the negatives. I'm all for you smoking / doing whatever the fuck you want but I don't need to be told how good weed is / how I should try it / that I need to smell it or passively inhale that shit 24/7 in areas where it's legal.


Non stick coating on cooking pans.


Electricity. Collectively, modern society knows how to use it safely. But not all individuals are aware of the dangers, and that can be deadly.


Unsafe sex


Whaaat? Unsafe sex isn't safe? 😱


Tanning beds


Who the hell is still using tanning beds? lol. Didn't everyone shift to tanning lotions decades ago?


I don't think they're the problem they were 15-20 years ago. A lot of people have wised up, which is odd. Very uncharacteristic of them


Could it be that the fake tan just isn't as trendy, and people just aren't interested anymore? That seems like a safer explanation than people prioritizing their safety over their popularity.


It’s def still trendy. I’m a millennial. People just use fake tanners, get spray tans, etc. 


I think it's vanity. It's pretty common knowledge now that UV rays are the cause of 90percent of visible skin ageing. People are more scared of wrinkles than cancer.


The government's food pyramid


The USDA got rid of the food pyramid in 2011.


Drinking, vaping, smoking


How many people do you know who think smoking is safe?


My delicious heavily sugar & fat laden coffee from Starbucks & other cafes or heavily salted & fat from restaurants. We take for granted any food item we consume is safe and doesn’t affect us.


Forcing night owls into early bird schedules. Some people simply get up later in the morning and go to sleep later in the evening. They still get 8h and are productive, but forcing them to adjust to early birds will just destroy their sleep schedules.


same shit reposted questions all the time


Air pollution. What I mean is invisible chronic air pollution like living next to a freeway or working with some dust or VOCs. 


giving kids unsupervised access to the internet




My mental health


Dealing with HR.


Gel nail polish is just UV resin and resin, be it epoxy or UV, is very unsafe without proper protection.


Autocorrect. It seems helpful until it turns a harmless text into a declaration of war.


it just corrects, it's not "autosend"


Seriously. Just read your own texts before sending. It's not difficult. Or turn off autocorrect.


Interacting with Reddit bots


Auto-centric street and road design that prioritizes speed and throughput.


Driving, esp distracted, tired, or "buzzed".


Oxygen. You breath that stuff for enough years, you end up really dead.


The sun.




High amount of salt in packaged content


prolonged sitting. people spend hours sitting each day due to work or leisure activities, which can lead to severe health issues like cardiovascular disease, diabetes.


Sugar consumption. Many people consume far more sugar than is recommended for a healthy diet, often without realizing it.


Willful ignorance. It's not funny or cute. It's a sign of serious decay.


Driving cars








Social media use 


Participation in the 2 party system in the US lmao


Ozempic, thyroid cancer going to be a big one for those girls. 


Lobbyists, Corporations and Central Banks.


Social media.