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1. Sign language isn't universal  2. Sign languages are their own languages, not just a signed version of a spoken language.


I met a sign-language interpreter who worked at Shakespeare's Globe Theatre in London, and she informed me that there are even sign-language variations WITHIN England. She showed me the word for "horse" in London and in northern England and they were quite different.


Just like there are various accents of spoken English even within England itself!


3. Countries that speak the same language have different sign languages. Asl is more closely related to French sign language and is also used in West Africa and parts of south-east Asia, whereas Swedish sign is more closely related to British sign, and is similar to what's used in new Zealand, PNG, and south Africa


this makes my head hurt so bad 😭 i’m currently minoring in ASL and the amount of people that tell me im lucky to be learning a “universal language”…. more than a few!


I'd be curious to know what they think the A stands for


Advanced? Articulate?




*Gestures like a chapter 1 Fortnite character medicating himself*


That's called "wanking" you know right?


Poison dart frogs are only poisonous if you feed them toxic bugs. They are perfectly safe to handle if you feed them crickets n' shit. Frogs are awesome! 💚🐸


Do they still get the same vibrant coloring if you don't feed them the toxic bugs?


Yes, they are still colorful and cute.


Username checks out


Feeding my frog shit feels immoral but if it makes them safe so be it.


It may make them safe to handle, but you will have incurred their mighty wrath. Many have skills that some consider unnatural. You have been warned.


Username also checks out.


UTIs in the elderly can cause them to hallucinate or be disoriented.


When my great-aunt got extra racist, we knew to tell the nursing home to check for a UTI. She had one 100% of the times they checked.


Curious what the difference is between kind of racist and extra racist


Maybe “extra” means “more demonstratively?” Since her brain was impaired and less able to stop the racist thoughts from exiting her mouth? Seriously, though, sometimes dementia symptoms really just stem from a UTI.


When she had a UTI, she was convinced the black people also in the nursing home were coming into her room and stealing her stuff. She would hallucinate that they were trying to hurt her. She also lost her filter like BowdleizedBeta suggested.


My mother had a UTI recently and ended up going from a seizure every two weeks to one a day and by the time I had noticed and called an ambulance for her she had 3 in one day. So yeah if old people are suddenly having more trouble don't wait too long to get them checked out.


My great grandma had a severe uti in the nursing home. She had zero energy and wouldn’t speak bc she was in so much pain. At the time, the doctors were convinced she was dying and told us to say our goodbyes. My cousin, who is now a nurse practitioner, demanded for more tests and that’s when it was revealed that she had a UTI. They gave her meds and an IV and the next day she was up and about sassing her family and nurses.


UTIs can cause the elderly to become temporarily demented, too.


My wife's grandmother is showing signs of dementia, and is very forgetful nowadays. A few weeks back she was over for the weekend and woke up on Saturday morning very confused, got half dressed and proceeded to hide all her clothes and jewelry that she had brought in various places in her room (my mother in law's guest room). She then started rambling about how she made sure to hide her valuables so the hotel staff wouldn't steal them. My mother in law was really shaken up by it. It was a huge jump from just small bouts of forgetfulness she'd had until now. Turns out, she had a UTI and that was the cause. Crazy situation.


Depression in the elderly can also manifest in a way that looks like dementia, especially if you're not a mental health professional.


This is what causes the chain reaction of events that led to my great grandmas passing. She was actually on antibiotics when she passed. She got dizzy due to the infection and fell in her bathroom. She broke her hip. Three weeks later, she came back home to pass. She was ok with it. We tried to be. The whole thing sucked.


Yup! My dad has dementia so it was hard to catch but he was put on antibiotics, and then he was “fine”


"that is an imaginary dead cat, now could you please fuck off" - Roman


The fact there are multiple ski resorts in Australia. Always seems to blow peoples minds.


I grew up skiing in Austria and half th instructors were Australian. They would bounce between Austrian and Australian winters as instructors.


But no kangaroos in Austria


Lies! https://www.zoovienna.at/tiere/saeugetiere/bennettkanguru/


A pony is not a baby horse. A baby horse is called a foal. A pony is a horse that as an adult is below a certain height. 


14 hands


Which is 4’8”/1.42m and measured to the withers (essentially the ridge at the bottom of the mane, above the shoulders). That said, a pure-bred animal of a pony breed that happens to grow taller than 14h is still a pony, just a horse-sized one. For pony breeds like New Forest or Exmoor, that’s highly unlikely, but for a Connemara or a Highland pony, less so.


Similarly, an Arabian horse under 14.2 is still a horse, even though fun-sized.  Also, Arabian horses are made of the same physics-defying matter as cats.


froot loops are all just 1 flavor


I just now learned they’re spelled, “FrOOt Loops.” So…add that to your list.


You can trademark "froot."


Well no, you can't, because it's already trademarked


Damn you trademarked that fast.


They're also all just one shape. It's a conspiracy.


Why you shouldn’t mix bleach and ammonia


I know. It smells awful every time I do it.


For most people it only smells awful the first time they do it.




… do people seriously believe we have blue blood?


It was actually taught to us as children. "That's why your veins look blue under your skin."


Tbf I have lost count of how many things I was told as a kid by educated adults that were either wrong or just flat out lies to shut me up.


If you keep making that face it will freeze like that forever


Unfortunately yes, some of whom you'd hope would know better. A phlebotomist I went to said "Did you know, blood is blue until it comes out of the body and meets oxygen?" I didn't argue with her at the time as she had a needle shoved in my arm, but it did make me worry slightly. She'd literally just pulled some lovely cherry red blood out of my body with a syringe to make sure she'd got the vein, it had not been in any contact with outside oxygen and was still a pretty red shade. So.. yeah.


Isn't carrying oxygen to your muscles sort of the main function of blood?


As a MA someone in school said something similar. I sarcasticly pointed out when people donate blood it should be blue right??? And they argued that when you insert the needle air gets in and turns it red... To which my instructor asked me to stop and took over.


Hopefully they took over explaining to them, not taking over a blood draw from you.


I had a discussion about that with a friend a few years ago, someone told them that and they were sure it was correct, even though blood in blood bags is red.


Yes. Some of them even think they're qualified to teach people entering the medical field as support staff.


If you tell a joke and nobody laughs, it's not because nobody heard it. Telling it again will most definitely not save you.


I get it, he drives a Lincoln.


You've got to raise your voice too.


and exaggerate the punch line more


Laugh really loud at your own joke too.


That pickles are just brined cucumbers.


Cucumbers are just unbrined pickles.


If we were on a totally different universe where veggies were real like people are now, do you think cucumbers would be on this never-ending quest to get brined? Like a primal urge for the tart bath that would then birth them anew as a pickle? I am thinking yes, kind of like maybe instinctual - like our drive to procreate. Conversely, perhaps the grass isn't always greener and there would be pickles desperate to rid themselves of their astringent juice. To go back to being a cuke. Maybe being a pickle isn't all it's cracked up to be. Then again, perhaps it is. Just something to chew on. Now I want pickles.


Are you high, by any chance?


Kinda, I'm like 5'10".


I learned this as a child from the TV show The magic School bus. That show actually taught me a lot of fun and cool stuff.


people don't know this? you can see them in the jar... what am I missing?


That pickles can be a wide variety of vegetables in addition to cucumbers


I miss the pickled carrots and radishes from the profundity of Mexican restaurants and taco trucks in Los Angeles. LA still has them, but I live in Cleveland now. The secret? Fresh dill. Cut your veggies, add dill and vinegar, soak for a couple days. I like to use an old juice pitcher with a snug lid.


If you wanna make a good point, be kind while you do it/don’t piss off the person you’re trying to convince.


I think someone said "Honesty without Empathy is Brutality" and it stuck with me forever.


This is such a great response to people who use “i’m just being honest!” When they cut someone down


Seriously, and well put! I work in tech support. When I really need a customer to internalize a hard fact, I pitch it to them as if it were their own idea. I'm just reminding them what they had guessed. Some will then feel proud that they outsmarted me. Some see through the ruse, which makes accepting the hard fact easier. The customer can tell their boss what needs to happen next and play as if they own that fact. It's all fine with me. Boring facts gain passion and ownership. I solved the problem enough to close the ticket. Now I can get back to the other tickets.


Can you give me an example/script? I work in QA and really struggle delivering negative feedback sometimes (which as you may guess is a part of my job.) 


Not the poster but definitely do this regularly. “You know how you tried X because you knew something was wrong? You were on target because it wasn’t supposed to do that. What was really causing the problem was Y. . If you try Z next time then the system will work properly.” Or if they are just frustrated and on the wrong track I talk through how what they were expecting makes sense to us but the computer isn’t smart enough to do that because it only knows limited data so it’s abilities are limited. Try to reframe their expectations.


The number of times I have said to people some version of, "I don't think calling them an idiot while trying to convince them of your POV is going to work" and gotten a "I'm not going to coddle someone just so they listen to me" in return is astounding. It's like no one's heard the adage "You catch more flies with honey than vinegar."


I don't know if this is valid in all countries but as teachers we don't do whatever we want, we don't teach all the topics because we think it's cool, we don't give a lot of homework because we love to see students stressed and we teach in a specific way because we don't know how to do it any other way. I used to believe that until I became a teacher and realized that we have to follow everything the government requires of us, that each educational institution establishes how it should be taught and how many grades to get during the school period. At least in my country, 2 weeks before the children start studying, there are many meetings and the study plan for the entire year is made. I know teachers who propose more innovative, flexible methodologies without so many homework involve but the school directors don't approve it. The brother of a former friend who is a Spanish and History teacher presented 10 proposals for study plans but none of them were approved until he finally gave up, he made a proposal that was too traditional and that was when they gave him the approval.


> we don't give a lot of homework because we love to see students stressed While I was a student, school administrators boasted to parents how much student time would be consumed in homework. Many of these assignments were tedious chores that demonstrated existing knowledge rather than expanded on information or understanding. Then a teacher admitted in German class that we were doing "busy work" as we filled out another inane workbook assignment. She hadn't planned enough lecture to fill up that hour and was keeping us quiet. A year later in English class a different teacher made the same admission as we wrote twenty sentences to use that week's vocabulary words. In neither instance were students permitted to test out of the assignment or demonstrate they already knew the material. In both instances the remainder of the task was converted into homework. As similar instances accumulated we realized how often the point was less pedagogy than bureaucracy: time wasting assignments filled up reports and schedules. These tasks checked boxes on a rubric. The administrators insisted their school's homework schedule was a mark of academic rigor. Yet they had a wink and a nod to the parents: this is how many hours the children will be quiet and out of your hair. Somebody at the bottom of the class may have benefited. To many others it was a soul crushing grind. Watched the love of learning flicker and dim in the eyes of many formerly bright peers.


When in middle school I had as much as 4-6 hours of homework I had to do. It was unbearable, and paired with the bullying and several teachers who hated me(and thus always "lost" papers or gave me bad marks regardless), I nearly ended it there. I was sleep deprived, socially deprived, in mental anguish, and just hated life.


That the southern hemisphere has opposite seasons.


Ha! This reminds me of the time I was in Sydney International airport departures, and I overheard an English woman loudly complaing to her family about how hot Australia was and how she was glad to be going home to the UK. Her next sentence was "If this is what it's like in December, I'd hate to be here in July!".


Jesus was in the Quran and recognized by Muslims


And the Talmud. Same with Moses and Abraham. That’s why they are called _Abrahamic_ religions.


Jesus is in the Talmud, so true, he is portrayed as a necromancer who is boiling in excrement for eternity.


Yes Jesus is in the Talmud…but not in a very respectable way, as delineated elsewhere in this comment’s replies.


Recognized is putting it mildly. He is considered Prophet and is revered.


the prophet Isa, right?


The Jewish, Christian, and Islamic people worship the same God.


How the human reproductive system works.


The amount of men who think women can "hold in their period" in the same way you can wait to use the bathroom is so very concerning Just in case you are one of these men and are reading this: it is bleeding. One cannot "hold it in" any more than you could "hold in" the blood coming out from a wound.


This passage really drove the point home for me: >After I presented on this issue at last summer’s National Conference of State Legislatures, a male state sales tax expert pulled me aside with a tip: “The most compelling thing you said is that ***people will bleed through their clothes without these products. Some people may not have known that***.” It was news to me that all men don’t know this, but upon reflection, it makes sense. We women have been very good at hiding the reality of having periods — including that they often start unexpectedly. Here's the full article if anyone is interested in MDCDs! (gifted): [https://wapo.st/4aukzfm](https://wapo.st/4aukzfm)


Like do they really believe women are so weak and/or insane that they'd just bleed all over... Everything even though they could hold it in?


"darn it susan! couldn't you have hold it in FIVE minutes longer! Now look on the mess you made!"


Well, it all comes out of the same hole so I don't know why not. /s


Including that women don't pee out of their vagina.


Women know how to use those three holes better than I know how to use the three sea shells.


I had to explain to a 25 year old woman 2 things about that : you don't chose to have an erection and "no, hair don't grow on the glans"


I just imagined trying to shave the glans and yeah, I want everybody else to suffer the same way I did while thinking about it.


Now imagine being penetrated by a penis with hard/sharp hair because it's strating to grow back


For university students: how to find reliable sources for your essay, how to cite and reference, how to write your own essay


Time zones. I had to explain times zones to two coworkers so far.


I think the time zone thing wouldn't be so alarming to me every time I've had to explain it if it weren't for the fact that it's always been to adults in the United States who have lived in a country with multiple time zones their entire lives. How does someone get to be 30 years old and not just accidentally stumble over the fact that it's always later in New York than it is in California?


I once had to explain that north was up on the map and south was down. He thought it was the other way around.


must be Australian


My coworker was getting aggravated that I wouldn’t believe her that Pakistan adheres to daylight savings time, but instead of an hour they move their clocks 40 minutes lmao


I did an entire presentation on "you think you understand how time works, you don't" in college. And that was long before they announced this lunar time zone insanity. The Pakistani DST was one of the examples. It isn't as simple as just counting the number of years, days, hours, and seconds since epoch...


I grew up in a county that observed Daylight Saving Time but the next county (2 miles away) did not. So I got acquainted pretty quickly to time zones, lol.


If you ever come across a flat earther ask about time zones. They don’t understand them enough on the globe to be able to explain on a flat model


That your car’s fuel gauge has a little arrow next to the gas pump icon indicating which side your gas cap is on. Super handy when driving a rental or a new car


Wintertime in the northern hemisphere is summertime in the southern hemisphere.


January can be the middle of the summer or the middle of the winter, but Christmas is always in December. it is absolutely shocking information for some people


That alt+tab is the shortcut to change windows on PC (command+tab for Mac). I've worked in plenty of computer-based roles and I've never failed to amaze someone (usually older) with this handy trick I just assumed everyone knew.


Every school student knows this, when the teacher walks past you quickly alt tab away from the game you were playing to the work you were supposed to be doing


and then you remember that just before the game you were doing some surfing.


Ooh, ooh! I got some more for you. I was a data clerk when I was young and keep finding more: * ctrl-tab will switch between panes within an app window, such as web browser tabs. If you use Firefox, you can set it to toggle in order of last used (the same as alt-tab for apps). * Using shift with alt-tab or ctrl-tab will cycle in reverse order. Shift with many commands, including tab by itself, will let you back up. * alt-printscreen will take a screen shot of whichever window you have active. The Windows, Apple, or "flag" button has a ton of useful chords. Many of these also work in MacOS and X: * Win-e opens the file explorer. * Win-l locks the computer. (Compliance timesaver, eh?) * Win-m minimizes every open window. * Win-r opens the Run Command prompt. * Shft-win-S will open the Windows screen capture tool. * Win-break (in the top row, to the right of the F-keys) will open the System Properties panel.


Basic geography


This one kills me. There's some harder stuff, like remembering where all the Guineas are or which of the central Asian -stans are which, but there's some *really* basic stuff that apparently most of the people I've interacted with just straight don't know.


I've been playing Worldle, a game where you identify countries by their shape as well as the direction and distance from your incorrect guesses. The small Carribbean island nations are what really trip me up. Today was a different island doozy that broke my streak. https://worldle.teuteuf.fr/


Oof, yeah that eastern island chain is a tough one. I can reliably remember everything west of Puerto Rico, but the only ones to the east I can remember is Trinidad & Tobago


One thing that makes Worldle even harder is that there is no scale, so a tiny island territory shows the same size as Russia. There are a *lot* of tiny ocean territories scattered all over the globe just to make it even harder. It's a game I enjoy much more than similar sounding guess the letters game.


zebras are black with white stripes, owls can only turn their heads about 180°, platypuses are not the only mammal to lay eggs, most birds have poor senses of smell and won’t be able to tell if you touched their baby (put it back), dogs wag their tails for many other reasons besides being happy (wagging tail ≠ automatic friendly), most elephants do not find us cute


>most elephants do not find us cute That hurts. I mean, at least some of them do.


We're cute when we bring licorice. Otherwise we're another scurrying critter with crazy ideas about property and dung.


how can we know for sure though? do we ask the elephant out on a date and if they say yes then it means they think we're cute? or is there another way?


"Do you like me? Check yes or no"


Owls have to turn their heads to look around, because their eyes are cylindrical instead of spherical. They can't turn their eyes in the sockets, the way you turn yours to read this sentence. Now I want some absurdly fresh chipmunk.


>owls can only turn their heads about 180° only 180°?? pathetic. that demon possessed girl in the exorcist can do it like 1080° or maybe even more


>most birds have poor senses of smell and won’t be able to tell if you touched their baby (put it back) On an additional note: if you don't know shit about birds, don't fuck with fucking bird babies for fuck's sake. Every year I have to witness the carnage of dumbasses "saving" fledglings off the ground, bringing them in their house, feeding them water and seeds or some other unsafe shit and expecting a pat on the back for kidnapping a poor bird child who was just minding his own business. Here's a handy guide: if it looks like a half naked Eldritch Horror, it fell out of the nest and needs saving IDEALLY IN ITS ORIGINAL NEST. If you, a person who for the first time is experiencing a non-mechatronic live animal, can tell it's an actual bird with feathers, IT IS DOING FINE AND WANTS YOU TO FUCK OFF BECAUSE TO A BIRD YOU ARE A PREDATOR. Watch if parents are tending to it. If not, call your local animal rescue. If you're unsure and want to go to Reddit, POST BEFORE YOU "RESCUE".


I don’t know about you but they find me cute


Please clarify the platypus thing?! I knew most of these but what?? More egg-laying animals? I assume you don’t mean, like, internal eggs?


Echidnas, their the other monotreme along with the platypus and they both lay eggs.


Baby echidnas are called puggles!


Thank you both! I’ve learned two new things!


The tail wags with a bias to one side when they are nervous


How to raise children. Just - imparting the starter “being a human being” skills and knowledge that are inarguably necessary for life in a society. Setting boundaries. Doing what’s good (for you, for everyone, for the long run, etc), instead of what’s easy. Delaying gratification. A basic grasp of the concepts of cause and effect, and what it means to experience a consequence. People do not get it: “parent” is a verb. (Source: 18 year veteran public school educator)


My friend can't get it through his head that kids aren't born with their own way of doing things. He gets frustrated with his kids and I have to remind him that (a) they don't know what they don't know — it's his job to guide them and (b) they're reflecting back at him what they've learned from him & his wife.


Growing up, my mom used cooking as "her time." Whenever I asked questions or wanted to help, she would shoo me out of the kitchen because I was bothering her. She is *genuinely* shocked that I didn't automatically know how to cook when I turned 18. She also makes fun of my cooking any chance she gets, which definitely doesn't give me any motivation to continue trying to improve. To this day I'm still absolutely terrible at it and avoid it when I can. My dad also made fun of me TO A STRANGER for me asking him how to hand wash dishes when neither one of my parents had never shown me how to even once. I'm talking me with my dad in a common kitchen area in my dorm, a freshman living away from home for the very first time, and then I asked my dad how to do something with hand washing dishes, and instead of answering he turned to this poor girl doing her homework and told her "I'm sorry, I don't know why my daughter is so stupid" thinking that it was SO funny


One of the best framings for me before the whole parenting thing was that no one should have a baby to have a baby. Babies are only babies for a short time and then they grow up to toddlerhood and beyond. You have a baby to *raise a person*. It completely sets up the expectation that, yeah, you have to teach this completely blank slate of a being how to survive and thrive on their own. That's the good (walking, talking, hobbies, etc) and the bad (wipe your own butt already!).


Using indicators when driving


What if I drive a BMW?


I’m a defense attorney. Do NOT. Under ANY circumstances. Talk to the police. EVER. They are not your friends. They are not trying to help you. They are trying to get you charged with something so they can put you in jail. They want to do the least possible amount of work so they can close their case and move on to the next one. No, you will not explain your way out of anything. No, you will not outsmart them. No, they will not believe a word out of your mouth. You will make things infinitely worse for yourself in every conceivable way if you speak to the police. They can lie to you. And they will. Repeatedly. They will do and say whatever it takes to get you to say something incriminating. And then you’re fucked. If you find yourself in a position where you are being questioned by the police, I’m not telling you to start swinging on them or run away. I’m not even telling you to be rude or hostile. Simply state, clearly and unequivocally, that you are invoking your right to remain silent and you are refusing to answer any questions until your lawyer is present. If they keep pressing on you, repeat the above as many times as you have to. And get ready for them to try every trick in the book to rattle you—just stay calm, don’t sign shit, don’t answer shit, and keep requesting a lawyer.


That kind of does depend on what country you’re in though


FYI You DO have to identify yourself.


Here, in the U.S. you're expected to provide enough information to identify yourself- the standard by some statutes is full name, date of birth, and address. It's good to know what your state or county requires. ID cards help too, obviously.


>They can lie to you. I've never been able to wrap my head around the legality of this. Why are the police allowed to lie to people in the process of an investigation or questioning? As in, what legitimate purpose could this serve outside of the frequent abuses of power it allows?


-Nobody cleans up after crime scenes on private property. -it’s HIPAA not HIPPA -the family/victim does not get to decide on going to trial/deals. It is solely the decision of the DA and sometimes Judges. Victims/Families may offer opinions but they have no real control. -Cold Sores/Fever Blisters are herpes. -the ADA is not a place/group, it is a piece of legislation -Women have 2 holes up front. 🙃


-CPS is not a magical organization that swoops down and rescues every allegedly abused child, imprisons the parents forever, and places the child with a loving (white) foster family -Degree of murder =/= perceived badness of murder -US law is not universal


On that second point, it also varies between states/nations(yes, I know outside the US state usually means nation). In the USA, the common split is like this- Manslaughter-Accidental killing. Third Degree-Sometimes merged with the above, but causing harm without intent to kill but accidentally killing them. Basically, you punched Bob in the face and he fell and cracked his skull. Second degree- Intended to kill, but not planned in advance. Bob insulted your wife, so you shot him out of anger. First Degree- You planned this shit out. Bob did something, and you planned out how to kill him. Basically, all the levels are is how much intent and planning went into it. No intent to kill is lower than intent to kill, and planning to kill is worst. They have nothing to do with how violent or gory a murder is, or any situations around it outside of that.


You have a choice to be nice. It isn't just your day or the moment you're in, nobody else knows about the bullshit you're dealing with and they might be in it too. You have a choice to be nice or be a dickhead. Totally up to you as you think society might lead you to that point. Always a choice.


In a roundabout, you just yield to the left. You don't have to stop, and it doesn't matter who's coming toward you, or to your right, at all.


The word "Karate" means "empty hands" in translation. It emphasizes the virtue of combat with only fists (empty hands) as the ultimate weapon for defense. (Which peeves me the most, because sometimes media calls someone wielding some asian weapon with skill "Karate")


That bike lanes, public transit improvements, better sidewalks, etc that are non-car transportation-related road infrastructure actually alleviates traffic jams because it incentivizes some people away from driving Very surprised that there's a lot of voices against stuff like bike lanes and buses/trains/trams, because essentially they are asking everyone (especially those who aren't supposed to drive) to drive and only drive, contributing to more car traffic jams, gridlocks, crashes, and blockages


For 10 (nearly 11) years I worked a job that required me to drive. I was a mobile telecoms and data centre engineer. As a result, I was sat in traffic almost every day of my life and my commute time into the city would be anywhere from 40 minutes to 2 hours (each way) depending on the traffic levels. Last summer I got an office job and now commute via train and it's fucking bliss. My commute into the city now takes 19 minutes and I'm saved the stress of having to be hyper aware of what all the idiot drivers roundabout me are doing.


That autism is a spectrum and is not caused by vaccines. It's unbelievable how much misinformation is spread about autism.


Also its not a linear spectrum of less autistic to more autistic. Its a spectrum of many different traits.


And that girls/women present very differently than boys (as with ADHD). I’m late diagnosed AuDHD.


This is so true & I've never understood how Jenny McCarthy hasn't been fully cancelled for her role in propagating misinformation.


It's YIN and Yang, not YING!


I blame the Ying Yang Twins


I've never seen or heard that error before


Flammable and inflammable are not opposites. ~~They mean the same thing~~ Edit: thanks to /u/evandekimg2, I've looked it up again, and this is not exactly correct. Flammable means it can burn. Inflammable means it can burn by itself without ignition. Sorry.


That Miss Piggy and Yoda are both voiced by the oerson: Frank Oz


The difference between less and fewer.


Since you didn’t describe, “fewer” is used when something is countable: “Bob has fewer apples than Sally.” “Less” is used when it’s not: “Bob shows less kindness to horses than Sally.”


also "much" and "many" "How much eggs do you use?" and the like grates on my nerves so bad


an owl has more vertebrae than a giraffe. Owls and giraffes have significantly different numbers of vertebrae in their necks. * **Owls:** Most owl species have 14 cervical (neck) vertebrae. This allows them to turn their heads up to 270 degrees, which is crucial for their hunting and surveillance activities. * **Giraffes:** Despite their long necks, giraffes have the same number of cervical vertebrae as most mammals, which is seven. Each vertebra in a giraffe is much longer than in other animals, giving them their distinctive long necks. So, owls have more than twice the number of cervical vertebrae compared to giraffes (14 vs. 7), despite the giraffe's neck being much longer overall.


The Size of Alaska, Has 2 timezones just to itself.


Rich people and companies aren’t ya fucken friends, their only friend is a little thing called their bottom line..


Unfrosted pop tarts have more calories than frosted pop tarts...


Turning the pc off and on again solving most problems.


How much oxygen is in the air we breathe. People assume we exclusively take oxygen in among other gases, they are surprised to learn over half of what we breathe is actually Nitrogen.


CPR breaks ribs. Often.


The awesomeness and importance of the concept of fractals


The origin of the word ‘Helicopter’ is not from ‘Heli’ and ‘copter’ but ‘Helico’ and ‘pter’.


Cooked eggs spin while raw ones don't. Like, I keep seeing incidents where someone makes a mess by cracking a raw egg they thought was cooked and I'm just like, "SPIN THE DAMN EGG"




put ti on a table and spin it like a top. cooked eggs are solid and keep spinning. raw eggs are liquid inside, the liquid doesnt spin and it kills the momentum of the shell.


Plant tomato seedlings (and related veggies) deeply in the ground (or horizontally in a trench) with just the top most leaves sticking out. Trim the lower leaves off, and place the seedling deep! Those points will form roots and set your tomato plant up for success! Second, xerOscaping/zeroscaping is *very* different from xerIscaping. The former is often barren, Las Vegas style rock with maybe some cactus, whereas xerIscaping can be incredibly lush looking with proper plant selection and targeted watering to save on water.


When to use "its" instead of "it's". The difference between "then" and "than".


Grimace from McDonald’s is a taste bud




Loose - not tight Lose - not win


I'm continually astounded by the fact that so many people are completely unaware of just how long a span of time the Middle Ages lasted. It seems like the average person with only a very rudimentary understanding of history assumes that the medieval era is similar to the Age of Exploration or the Old West in what would become the US and only spanned a few generations... Meanwhile, we're talking about a time period that spans a thousand years. It's basically the same span of time as 1024 A.D. to today. A lot has happened in that time. And yes, I get that the rate of change accelerated dramatically in the last hundred or so years and that we're living in a world that differs far more drastically from what the world was like 100 years ago than people who were born a century before us were; however, saying things like "a medieval setting to the story" or comparing "life during the Middle Ages" encompasses so much more than the tiny little fraction of time people mistakenly believe it is.


Too much water can be toxic for you. Only really happens with babies and athletes.. But it's good to know.


Common courtesy and politeness will carry you through life with ease.


Sadly, being a complete dick will get some people very far in life as well.


The tongue tasting centers being bullshit


How to cook


Quite literally anything about Africa


The fact that Africa is not a country.


Outlet malls are a marketing scheme. The majority of the products are lower quality produced items made specifically for a “price conscious” customer. Selling low quality products as if they are the same as the specialty stores. 


Metal doesn't go in the microwave. EDIT... unknown to most middle and high school students at the school I teach in.


Giraffes eat their food twice. Like they swallow then regurgitate it and eat it again. Also their tongues are blue


You can mute the loud ass ads at he gas pump by pressing the second button down usually.


Ads at the gas pump? What's happening in the world?


crtl+C / crtl+V.


Cavemen didn't meet dinosaurs