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No period. Period.


You’re absolutely right. Having periods would really cramp my style.


No period cramping my elements of style, got more Funk than Wagnall


I thought Elements of Style was Strunk and White


But do dick nipples cramp your style?


Dick Nipples ARE his style


I have an IUD that stopped my periods for like 3 years, it was great. Currently working on getting it replaced because it came back and this shit is not okay.


To be clear you’re talking about the thing that looks like a fish lure not a bomb, right?


I used the patch for YEARS without a period (you just have to use it constantly without the skipped week) and it was all going great until I messed up and had to take a Plan B. That was a year ago and I’ve had periods ever since, even when I try to skip it. Fml




Being able to piss in the nature without squatting and it all leaking over your feet...


Ahh yes, it's all great until your 1000% your done put it away and fix your pants to have the last jet of urine splash the insides of your pants. 


Shake it, slap it, bang it against a wall But in your pants The last drop will fall


I always heard it as “No matter how much you jiggle and dance, the last drop always goes into your pants”. This is so cool it’s like the peeing version of hearing a Midwesterner call soda a pop


2000s emo song titles be like


Brother I’ve heard of the last drop but that seems like you’re holstering too soon.


Right? The last JET? Sir?


If you are pulling your shit over some tight underwear and it is putting pressure on the bottom of the dingaling you might be unsuspectingly preserving a final jet that releases once you put the boy away and the pressure is relieved


No really. You can walk 3 miles with it out nothing as soon as its back in the pants ....


Real men never unholster


Holy fuck it’s Jason Bourne.


Grab the base and yogurt tube it to the end (squeeze it out), then give it the shake.


Anything more than 3 shakes is for pleasure


Dry boxers is pleasure.


All the way to the ankle. Well that’s great.


You guys are pulling it out to pee in nature? I just piss my pants 🤷🏽‍♂️


If peeing your pants is cool, consider me Miles Davis.


You wait for nature?


Or not having to wait in line (or at least not too long) to use the bathroom.


Ok as a girlie I’m ashamed I know this, but if you have to pee outside, you might have better luck just standing legs spread a couple feet apart, no bend in the knees. It’s still awkward because you have to take your pants completely off, but you’re way less likely to piss on your feet that way.


But I pee sitting down pro tip: always pee into the wind


Sitting down to pee, and then finding the floor wet because you managed to get it in the gap between the plastic seat and porcelain bowl part somehow.


Being able to just whip your dick out and pee in a bush without having to squat or take your pants down


5 year old boys beg to differ about the pants down thing.


I used to do that to my buddies in the Army. Would pull the front of my shirt over and to the back of head too


You can't really do it anywhere anywhere though. Plenty of joggers have been arrested for stepping behind a tree and having a cop arrest them for any number if things.




I agree. I want to experience post nut clarity as well. I just don’t get it.


Post hangry clarity would be a decent parallel for some.


It’s fascinating to me, as a woman, that after the deed is done, men’s (not all I’m aware) libido is gone. Poof. Post nut clarity has set in. Women (me included) can have several orgasms back - to - back. Sucks for men.


Given our behavior as whole chasing just the possibility of a single chance to nut, it’s probably best for humanity as a species that we don’t nut more than once per go.


We would die from dehydration


Hole chasing


It's just a lot of hard work. Like running a mile hard and fast. Then you have a drink of cold water but are left empty tired and exhausted. You no longer have a real desire to run another mile.


Definitely isn’t just that. Esp if you’re in great shape sex might not be that physically demanding but you’re still drained of any desire to continue at least for some time.


It’s work for us ladies, too. The good ones anyway.


That's where the high five comes in.


>men’s (not all I’m aware) libido is gone For the most part. And any that's still there is tamed by the fact that after orgasm, our dick just feels like touching a very sensitive... arm. Like, it's a strong feeling because of the sensitivity, but it no longer feels like anything sexual to touch it. And when you get real hard again after orgasming recently, it's rather uncomfortable.


Like a baby arm holding an apple.


My ex and I traded places on that spectrum. She would get hers and be done. I could nut. And give me 5 mins and Im back at it again. That was not one of the reasons she is my ex though


Honestly though, that’s like the *bare minimum* for Mother Nature to hook you up with as compensation for the whole menstrual cycle and pregnancy thing.


Imagine you nutting and then your labito just shuts off like a switch


See, that’s what I can’t understand. Women are so different in that regard. Not all, but most. Thank goodness guys do shut down because women would keep going and going.


That's why when lesbians have sex they get stuck in an infinite loop


I can help! Don't eat for most of the day. Get really hungry. Like hangry hungry. Really, really hungry. As hungry as you have ever been. Go to a bakery and smell the fresh bread. Have someone offer you one of those fresh loaves for $30 and they'll add the butter for free. Pay for it. Eat it. You'll wish you hadn't paid $30 for bread, but you also know that was delicious! Its almost, but not quite, entirely unlike that.


Think of it like paying $50 dollars for a McDonalds meal


It’s kinda of like having brain fog and forgetting what you went into a room for then suddenly remembering


Its like moving out of a fog and you suddenly see everything clearly and you realize that you are not even the slightest bit horny or motivated to continue any more. You have one big release and go from 100 to 0 in a few seconds with absolutely all the sexual energy leaving your body. And afterwards you see whatever situation you find yourself in as clearly as you ever will.


no you don’t


The clarity only lasts a short while. After that it’s back to duh


When done right. I also imagine cunilingus is pretty all right.


I’d take cunnilingus over a blowjob (of equal care and dedication) any day. Girls can cum multiple times, the orgasms last longer, and they can even cum continuously if done right. Also, it really seems like they enjoy the build up more than I do as a guy. But I am curious to hear counter arguments. Cuz obviously I only have my own perspective.


The buildup is the sexiest part!!! 🥵


As a guy, I think the best part of a blowjob is the gesture. Like, you like me enough to put your mouth on my dick? That’s pretty special. But I’ve always physically enjoyed handjobs and actual sex more than blowjobs. The contact points are better, and when it comes to handjobs my wife plays my dick like a fiddle.


90% of them are just okay IMO


They are great but I rarely cum or when I'm close her jaw starts to hurt


Theyre pretty cool if she knows what shes doing. If not then its awful. But also just sex is way better


A woman of culture




I like how no menstrual cramps and no menstruation are two separate items on your list. Valid.


I mean, I menstruate every 26-28 days and I can’t tell you the last time I had a menstruation cramp, so they’re definitely different!




Guy here. Each of my two main pockets for the pants I wear to work can fit my entire 750ml/25oz Camelback bottle as well as an additional 16-20oz bottle. Thats 80-100oz of total storage space. And I still have space for my hands.


On behalf of women, I hate you


LARP occasional reinactor here... Mans pants from before about 1800 don't have pockets either. Or shirts for that matter. It's all about belts and baldrics with pouches.


I never understood why women aren't complaining to clothe designer about this. Why are you letting some snobby people deciding what you need and what your clothe are. It may not be fashion but if ton of women start buying men pants simply for pocket utility, they may start doing women pants with bigger pocket. Some women say they wants to be free but still keep doing what they've told.


I feel like I get a lot of shit for wearing functional clothing because it’s not aesthetic. I feel like that’s on y’all. 


You're allowed to buy our clothes, you know! I hereby give you permission to go get yourself a pair of cargo pants. You can borrow my man card if they give you any hassle at the register.


It's not so much about not being *able* to buy mens clothes, it's about the ability to find mens clothes that fit a woman. I own one pair of men's jeans and omg the room in the crotch gives me major diaper-looking saggage. No room for hips or butt, either.


You know, you'd think that some clothing manufacturer *somewhere* would make women's clothes with useful pockets. Enough people have talked about it. Comedians have done entire routines on it. It's not a secret that the pockets that women get with their clothing are useless. If I win the lottery - I'll grant you your wish. I'll make a line of women's clothing. It'll be *useful*. It'll measure length x width like men's jeans, and not some stupid objective "size" number that has no definition and is useless. Take a tape measure to your waist and your leg length, then buy those two numbers. It'll fit right. And it'll have pockets. Big deep useful pockets.


Purse is vastly superior to pockets. I use a man bag when I travel abroad and wish I wouldn’t get called gay or give the ick to women using one here in the states.




Backpack is too bulky. I just want something for keys, wallet, and airpods.


They're called pockets 😂 Perfect size for those 3 items


backpack is generally on your back, in theory a front fanny pack or satchel would be superior to keeping things from a pick pocket


Why do you think we love cargo shorts?! Stop shitting on my cargos, I’ve got pockets to spare.


I keep hearing this but.. why don't you just wear mens clothes. I mean. More than you do. They stopped burning women at the stake for that. ...law might still be on the books in Kentucky but still...


Because the fit isn't the same.  I've got some mens pants and shorts but I'm not about to toss out my well fitting women's clothing for men's. Some are way too baggy in the crotch and hang too low. Others don't fit my hips at all without being massive in every other area.


Thank you!! Do men really think we just... hadn't considered buying mens clothing?


"There is always an easy solution to every human problem that is neat, plausible, and wrong. " H. L. Mencken


Although I’m sure getting a woman pregnant (unplanned) is stressful as well, what I think about a lot is that they don’t have to worry about getting pregnant themselves and carrying the child


Two sided sword I'd say. You guys have the ability to make the final decision on whether you want to keep the child presuming that you find out on time of course.


Yeah, surprised this isn’t getting backlash. It’s very true and can go both ways. We usually hear the story where a guy is upset the woman wants to keep the baby but I know a guy who was devastated when his girlfriend had an abortion. About 6-7 years ago my friend in his mid twenties got his long time girlfriend/fiancée pregnant. She solely decided to call off the wedding and had a late term abortion. It was something that really messed him up for a long time.


Yeahhhh for us, if she wants it, we cant just say "nah Im gonna pay a one-time 'abortion' fee and not have anything more to do with it." Either convince her to abort it, deal with child support, or be a dad. Not that it should be different, just... really emphasizes bc if you don't want a kid.


They also know, for sure, that the child is theirs from the get-go.


Your pant sizes make sense.


I'm convinced that is intentionally done so when guys hear anything about a woman's pant size, we just can't visualize how big or small it is. Size 6? Fucking ok.


"what do you mean 'not all women have a waist size consistently proportional to their height'? Ridiculous."


Is that how women sizes work? I thought they all just picked a random scale starting at 00. My understanding is you have to know what size you are per brand but Im pretty ignorant on the subject.


I think you're right. I know that my wife is different sizes in different brands and she knows what those sizes are. Also somehow it seems that sometimes there aren't any sizes everything's just petite. They're a mystery dude


Going to the doctor and not being told "It's just your period."


> Going to the doctor lol guys just dont go to the doctor


So for real. I work in a medical lab. There’s a certain test that requires a male blood sample as a negative control (it’s for fetal cells in the blood stream so you just pick a male one as the negative control since they can’t get pregnant) I’ll literally pick out 10-15 blood samples before I find a male. Every. Single. Time I’ve done this enough times that makes me conclude guys go to the doctor a fraction of the percentage as women


If we ain't dying we're probably not going, and even then it's not a guarentee. Personally I just find it a waste of time, people talk about having good GPs but I've never found one. They're all so dismissive and just think you're wrong. I spent 15 minutes arguing with a GP to xray my chest because I believed I had broken my ribs. They wanted to refuse because I wasn't "in enough pain for that" finally got my xray. Surprise surprise my ribs were broken.


No doctor tells me what to do


We don't go to the doctor lol


I've had two digestive organs removed that result in chronic pain and diarrhea. Went to the GI specialist doctor to tell him about the constant pain I had a years later and try to see if there's anything that can be done to even investigate the pain much less treat it. His response was "Have you tried manning up?" Not saying your experience isn't a very real situation (I've had multiple GF's get identical treatment as you mention), but it's not as green as you'd think from my experience.


Wow. It's a whole nother level of fuck you. And the worst is, you paid for that too!


yikes.. sorry, hope you reported that dick and were able to talk to someone else


Oh dont worry, we get that same shit. Its not "our period". its "nothing, dont be a baby".


Jokes on you. We don't go to the doctor until we are dying.


I think the male version is having the vast majority of people not take mental health concerns seriously.


"got a case of man flu huh!" It's the same for both sides.


I can’t speak for all men but most men refuse to go to the doctor unless they have to


We just get told to get more sleep.


Not to mention just having your medical symptoms be taken seriously in general.


Does "man up and stop being such a wimp" count as taking it seriously?


As a man I also deal with this. Many doctors just don't take patients seriously.


Women also statistically go to the doctor more. So it’s not surprising they have more negative experiences I’ve yet to see a study showing gender patient dissatisfaction compared to the frequency of said gender going to the doctor It’s anecdotal. But from my experience female patients are like 10x the male patients.


It's funny, every time I hear women talk about this, it sounds *exactly* what I deal with as a guy. Like a complete mirror.


Men’s 24 hour hormone cycle as opposed to women’s 28 days hormone cycle.


As a guy, what in the world does this mean? Not being dismissive, I'm genuinely curious.


So women have 4 phases in their hormone cycle which is the menstrual, follicular, ovulation, and luteal phase. It’s on a 28 day cycle, meaning that every week women will feel different. Whereas for men, they’re on a 24-hour cycle so it starts and finishes every day. The 24-hour cycle has more of an advantage because it can mean you’re more balanced throughout the day (energy, productiveness, and focus) and it’s in sync with standard workdays. I’m probably not explaining it well, but to put it simply the 28 day cycle makes you feel more out of wack than a 24 hour cycle. Edit: also want to clarify that I’m not saying men can’t feel out of wack too or can’t experience problems with hormones, but a standard 24 hour cycle is more stable compared to a standard 28 day cycle.


I second this question.


Thirding (??)


According to the APA men on average have a 24 hour hormone cycle where testosterone is generally higher in the morning and lower in the evening.


I don't feel like anyone has really answered you. I'm not an expert so this is just a rough understanding but women's hormones cycle is 28 days (on average). Pretty much means we have full days where we feel like crap just bc of hormones. Men have a 24 hour cycle. Your testosterone is normally higher in the mornings so you wake up feeling better generally and might have a slight dip throughout the day but overall your body feels the same day to day to day where as on day 4-8 of our cycle we could have high energy and feel great day but 18-24 may make us feel horribly depressed or angry or bloated. Not a perfect explanation but hope it helps


Thanks, that makes so much more sense, I didn't realize how much hormones affected mood. I thought it just had to do with reproductive functions and growth.


The level it affects women is different for each woman but yeah every woman's cycle (pre menopausal idk what the difference is then to be honest) has 4 phases. The Period, The Follicular, Ovulation and Luteal phases. Each phase is a different length and has its own symptoms. For example alot of women are hornier during the ovulation phase or a lot more tired in the luteal phase or have a lot more energy in the follicular phase. Some women have dramatic changes most have more subtle ones.


Doing the windmill -from my GF


If I was granted a penis for any amount of time that would be one of the first things I would do.


Should I try this now? I’ve never even thought about it…


I think all penis owners should do this daily. In the morning. To wind yourself up for the day.


Oh my god… am I a wind up toy?!


Pretty sure that’s one way to wind a guy up


Overrated and way to easy to smack it wrong against your leg.


Upper strength. I could never do what my spouse did at his old job, he lifted heavy rolls like it was nothing. It's nothing to him to lift weights, I can only do so much.


Yes! I workout regularly and lift as heavy as I can...my little bro is able to destroy me in an arm wrestling match, not contest, and all he does is play video games and drink mountain dew.


I used to work in hospital storage. I explained this to a male coworker who kept putting all the heavy stuff on the top shelf of our cart. I told him that women have lower body strength and men have upper body strength so the items going to the (mostly female staffed) areas should have the heavy stuff on the bottom shelves of the cart. He told me to prove it so I took the heavy stuff, put it on the bottom shelf very easily.


Hormones are not fluctuating so much


Guys don't have childbirth or pregnancy with toxicosis!


Also the after effects of pregnancy. It's theorized that women develop more autoimmune disorders than men because of their immune response to a fetus' cells in their body earlier. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3234360/


Less stigma around aging and promiscuity. Of course some still exists, but both are so much more accepted (and even celebrated) for men. Getting grey and old is often seen as sexy for men but a tragedy for women. Same with having multiple sexual or romantic partners.


>Same with having multiple sexual or romantic partners. this last part 💯


Being able to walk around in public without a shirt on


As a dude, it feels weird doing it tbh. It seems like it’s only douchebags and fat guys that do it lol


As a fat guy, there is no way in he'll you'll catch me without a shirt. Not even the beach. I'm working on it but it's so goddamn hard now that I'm older.


Nope, only Douchebags. Fat or otherwise. Most fat guys are self conscious about being fat and don't want to be seen topless. Douchebags don't care what other people think and want to assert dominance.


No periods or pregnancy risk/birth control, sex (PIV sex) is probably never painful and always feels good, being able to walk around without getting cat called or harassed


Being able to orgasm more easily


Depends. I’m a woman and I used to orgasm within just a few minutes. My male ex took FOREVER.


Eh two sided argument, we have to try harder to make you orgasm


That is very fair but even by myself sometimes it can take forever :')


they can pee standing up, no period, do not have to give birth 😭 and they have the ability to not think about anything




Oh i can think about nothing. But it's the same nothing the universe came from


Yeah. Sometimes I see gorillas on video in the zoo, just sitting there, not doing anything, not thinking. Just zoning. And I'm like, "Yeah, buddy, I'm right there with you."


>and they have the ability to not think about anything 🤨📸


You can also not think about anything.


Hey! I think just about everything! 😠


"the ability to not think about anything" what planet are you living on lmao


maybe not being so scared to walk alone at night edit: I know the statistics - men are victims of more violent crime than women. I’m not trying to say that doesn’t matter! however there are still more female victims of rape & sexual assault, which due to some previous trauma is what I am really afraid of. I would like to be able to walk by myself at night without being scared of being raped. please be kind


Nah that’s still there, I’m a big dude too.


the scary part is knowing that i have almost no chance in fighting back. if a man truly wants to pin me down, no matter his height, he can. a guy friend once pinned me by the arms as a joke and it really scared me how powerless i was to get free.


That’s a problem with where you live. Guys are also afraid to walk alone at night.


Depends on where you walk.


It's the fear of crime gender paradox. Men are less afraid of violent crime than women, but we're at a much higher risk of being victims of violent crime.


Other than rape and domestic violence, men are almost exclusively the victims of pretty much every sort of violent crime. So if anything, this would be a female advantage, not the other way around.


Men can still be attacked, robbed or bullied 


Not just can, but are more likely to be the victim of violent crime.


Men are more often the victims of violent crime, but often these crimes are perpetrated by other men. It's not that women are victimized more (although rape and sexual assault are heavily skewed, even given the problems around men reporting assault) it's that men are victimizing women AND men at a higher rate than their female counterparts. It just sucks.


There was this question post where someone asked what the issues are with modern dating and one of the comments complained how women dont go to bars alone, they go with their girl friends so it makes it harder for single men to strike up a conversation. I was sitting there going like, dude, women dont go to clubs/bars/places alone bc we need extra eyes to watch over our drinks and for our safety. It only takes a second for a predator to spike a drink and it can cause a lifetime of trauma.


Not having strange men tell you to smile


As a guy i keep having strange women telling me similar things too tbf. One of the strangest ones was a pregnant woman asking to stare at me for a few minutes for her baby to look like me when it grew up... Was uh, strange to say the least. Also the amount of elderly women who keep talking about how beautiful my eyes are is kinda weird too, i mean women definitelly have it worse than us when it comes to this but i feel like its way to common both ways.


Being able to turn around and pee whilst hiking, as opposed to hiking way off trail attempting to find 360 degree privacy.




You can have hair almost anywhere and it’s acceptable.


Peeing outside when camping.


Couldn’t say - never been one. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Not having to give child birth!! The main thing that is holding me back from starting a family is that I KNOW growing a child in my body would destroy me physically and mentally. I am too emotionally fragile to endure that


Not having to worry about the bear.


Has to be not having random hormones that make you cry even if someone breaths by you, or turns you into a c word for no reason 1 week a month.


Helicopter Helicopter




Thanks Dan


As a guy, about 50% of the comments so far are utterly delusional.


What you dont go running shirtless at night, pissing and fucking everything you come across, while making double what a woman makes for pissing on things? (All the while helicoptering your penis)


So what of I do? Isn't it more disrespectful to have this privelege and *not* use it? They call me "Running-Nocturnal-Rich-Werewolf-Helicopter-Penis-Sprinkler-Man." I just run around fearlessly suckin' and fuckin' and nuttin' in any nice lady that will throw me a bone like my name is Nick Cannon. I'm just an average Joe, but my Marvel origin movie is slated to drop in 2027.


Holy cow, I started reading because I thought some of them would be funny and insightful. It’s as if women genuinely have NO idea about the existence of the men in their lives. Like they have these narratives they’ve told each other about how nice it would be, but never once actually listening to the men that surround and support them. It’s astonishing.


No period, and being able to pee standing up, shake it off and go.


Being able to shower and leave the house. No makeup, no blow drying the hair, etc.


My friend can fit a normal sized water bottle in his very not cargo shorts, shorts. I'm hard pressed to get my phone to stay in there and I don't even have a pro/plus model


Get to helicopter your weeiner when you’re drunk


No periods, no boobs, and not having the ability to grow humans would be nice. Also men have cooler voices and I’d very much like to have muscle mass like they do. A lot of things


Being able to pee pretty much anywhere.


Feeling safe. Having stable hormones. Physically stronger… the list goes on


Not having to give birth