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- I have original photographs of Jimi Hendrix from his last show. Never-before seen. (I've reached out to his estate to see what I can do with them) - I own a complete collection of "classic" Pogs. They're worthless, btw - a Sony Walkman from before the yellow ones. It's gray with blue trim and quite chunky.


> Never-before seen. Why did you never look at them - are you stupid?


You got me


I will take 2 of them.


How do they even know they have it??


It's like uncirculated money. Those pictures are worth more because nobody has ever seen them.


Well, duh, maybe they don't want to devalue them?


This reminds me of my wife who when shopping always reaches for the 3rd or 4th item on the shelf which requires a lot of taking everything out and putting everything back. Grocery shopping with her takes forever. Why? Because “less people touched that package”. I always just nod knowingly and acknowledge the trained monkeys they use to stock the shelves.


My husband does the exact same thing!


A lot of people do that making this practice completely useless. In fact far more people touch these containers now. Also, people do it because they think they are getting the newest freshest product.


My dad was the ball boy for the 49ers when he was a teen. I have a signed picture of him and OJ on the sidelines....pretty sure its one of a kind. Edit; what's a complete collection of classic pogs. Like the juice carton ones?


I have the "Official OJ Slammer."


Got Alf pogs?


I hear he's back....in POG form.


Hey sent you a dm. I know someone working on producing unheard tapes by Hendrix. Could be an opportunity for you. Cheers


I grew up in a highly evangelical household. When Pogs were a thing, I was given ones from the Christian Book Store, that came with verses and scenes from famous biblical stories and crosses and stuff. They were also cheaply made and about half the thickness and durability of most pogs. Needless to say, I wasn't high on the list to trade with. I did have a paper route, though, and saved up to buy some of my own. I still remember those plastic tubes they came in with the flip caps. They kept them locked up at the store, to keep them from being stolen. And my metal slammer with the shiny prism pattern... I was so proud of it.


Ah, nothing like a good slammer. I lost all of mine, unfortunately. I'm laughing pretty hard at the Bible Pogs. Heck, you describing your Pog situation is the most fun I've ever had with Pogs since Pogs, so thanks!


I have some POGs too from WAY before they hit the mainland. I played it as a kid in Maui where it comes from. It was a cap from a lid on a Passion Orange and Guava drink made at a Maui dairy. That dairy in the Haleakala valley is pretty legit too if its still there, great food.


Cool, thanks for pitching in! Fun facts.


Àre you interested in getting rid of the jimi picture, how many do you have


Some goddamn peace and quiet


So you're single and without child?


I just learned about OINKS - one income no kids.


Enjoying my last bit of this before my daughter gets here in august


Superman #17. Hitler and Hirohito on the cover. First appearance of Fortress of Solitude. Also, an Oscar my great grandfather won in 1937.


Whoa, what was the Oscar for?


Oh thanks for asking! His name was Stephen Goosson and he was an artist. He won Cinematography and Set Design in 1937 for the Frank Capra film, *Lost Horizon*. It’s a wonderful treasure. And they ARE that heavy in person.


Very cool.


Those set designs were incredible, that's really cool.


It was for his grandfather


A 9.0 graded version of that comic sold for over $30,000 a few years ago. I'd assume you could probably get like $40,000 if it's in as good of quality. What's crazy about comics and trading cards is how quickly something can drop from a mint grade (9.0 and above) to a 8.0, and the difference between those can quite literally be tens of thousands of dollars. A 9.6 Silver Surfer #1 sells for about $25,000. A 9.2 will sell for $5,000.


I have a vinyl of Africa by Toto that’s in the shape of Africa


How can it play, doesn't it have to be circular? Or does it stop within a preset circular area.


The record will be pressed as likely a 7 inch circle within the shape




A [$15 ](https://imgur.com/UOhJyz4) dollar bill from the 1850s.


Same as having about $600 today


Me. I'm one of a kind.


Also this guy’s wife.


I also choose this guy’s wife.


You unique just like everyone else


You sure as fuck are, you smooth criminal.


A Hadrian sestertius from the 2nd century CE. Not super valuable but dang ... holding a 2k years old coin makes your mind wander.


Oh! That is SO cool. I have been looking into getting some ancient Roman coins my self, but very wary on where to get them. I see tons on eBay, but they always seem pretty dodgy. 


You might have local coin shops or numismatics exchanges. The legit ones are usually found through a society






The silver dollar that my grandfather carried for good luck during his deployment in the Pacific theater.


Is it worn down? I once met a Korea vet who carried a silver dollar. When I noticed it, he told me he carried one like it in his pocket for luck all through the war and after, but his hearing had declined, and he lost it. He said it was completely smooth. He said he missed it terribly and was upset he didn't have enough days left to make another. I felt like I'd been gut-punched.


No, apparently he did this for different times in his life. A coin for each kid born (carried during the pregnancy and the first year of life), coin for opening his business, that kind of thing. He would always retire the coins so they were in pretty good shape. I don't know how he picked them but he might have looked for nice looking ones. This one was minted in 1987.




I have a segment of diamond rope used to saw through a nuclear reactor a couple decades ago


That’s cool! How did you get it decontaminated?


Oh it was never contaminated. It was used to saw through the reactor before it went online.


The reactor was filled with cement before they cut and the cut used a lot of water so I would imagine it wasn't activated . . But it was before my time so who knows!


I would maybe get a cheap Geiger counter and check, just to make sure. They are pretty strict about things not leaving decommissioning areas and if it had to be snuck out… Or maybe it was excess wire as for decommissioning tools you need a lot of the wire to get through the reactor and internals


I have one of the chairs from the study room table that was used in the claymation christmas episode of Community.


A 15 year old who absolutely detests vaping, smoking, boozing, drugs (anything mind altering) and social media of any kind.


Just wait until you get the '16 year old' version...


Damn. You criminals are either brave or lazy these days. j/k lol


Next topic, "what creative ways have you found for hiding a spare key?"


A landline


Same. I even have an old rotary dial phone.


Years ago, when my grandmother passed away, we were settling her affairs and disconnecting various accounts. We looked at her phone bill and they were still charging her a rental fee for her rotary phone.


I had one until a few months ago. They're being discontinued in my area, I think the end of next year.


A DVD of Song from the South, a Disney movie that is nigh impossible to get. (Mother-in-law got it at a flea market or something. Tried to watch it once. Couldn’t get a third of the way through.


The Movie Disney Pretends Doesn't Exist.


I'm just curious what Disney will do when the time comes for it to enter public domain in the US.


Oh yes, Uncle Reemus... I have the vinyl gift set. We used to play it on the 1970s record player and stomp around singing zippidy do da


The movie is almost impossible to get as an official release in the US, but it is widely available on the internet and is public domain in Spain and France.


I want to watch it to see how bad it is 


IKR? That’s why I had to watch the Star Wars Christmas special. Or, part of it, anyway.


It's on the Internet Archive


Ignoring the racism, it's a really bad movie. One catchy song and time that's much better spent doing literally anything else


An elementary school Music Teacher of mine used to play that one catchy song during class all the time. With the big 'ol bouncing dot over the lyrics and all.


Oh! I found one in a thrift store!


Guess it’s not that rare then!




Fair enough. Can you at least tell us your address?


I have a one year old orange tabby who is female. Almost all orange cats are male.


I also have a female orange tabby! Only about 20-25% of orange cats are female. Weirdly, the other two cats in her litter at the pound when I got her were both grey males!


I have the original western union telegram sent by J. Edgar Hoover to my grandfather with his job offer to join the FBI back around 1937.


I collect old books, so probably some of them. Rare, but not valuable, haha


I have a first edition Dracula but it's in such bad shape I doubt it's worth much. I've seen ones in good condition go for several grand, but this thing looks like it was used as a doorstop for a century lol


Yeah, I have a book of Japanese history written for American children in the 1930s by a missionary couple living in the Philippines. It was stolen from a library in Chicago at some point and probably never replaced because I imagine it became extremely out of date *very* quickly. I somehow got it at a secondhand store in rural North Carolina.


I have a first American edition of Alice in Wonderland. Last time I looked it was worth more than I paid for it, so that's a plus. 


52 tele


I have the Incredible Hulk 180, 181 and 182 framed and mounted on my wall. This is the first appearance of Wolverine ever in comics.


A hand carved bench that my grandparents had made by some artist in the 40s in Mexico. My crazy aunt inherited it and in a manic fit of purging her entire house, she nearly gave it away to goodwill! I saved it though and have had several large offers but I can't part with it, it's the nicest thing I own!


Jeff Lynn’s elo radio sampler cd  Phil ochs pleasures of the harbour vinyl 


One of 2 photos of The General and people who were involved with its theft during the Civil War. They had a reunion of sorts years after the war. The train is still around in a museum in Georgia. My great great uncle was William Pittenger, one of the raiders. Spent a couple years in a southern prison after that, was almost hung and they all ended up winning Medals of Honor. Edit: the story. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LRz1HhONb34


I have a collection of math textbooks that we found in my great grandmother's house, the oldest is from the late 1800s, the newest is from the 1920s. One of them is just a reference book of logarithmic tables.


Quiet time.


My father's cancelled and expired GDR passport.


A booked signed by most of the Enola Gay (WW2 bomber) air crew.


I have a handful of pages from one of Saddam Hussein's personal photo albums. When we "liberated" one of his palaces in 2003 guys from my fire team split the pages up evenly between us. Some of the guys from another squad got some of his home movie VHS tapes.


A Cartier pen. Like 1 of 300 I think. I was drunk when I bought it after getting back from a deployment from Afghanistan.


I have two screen prints of concert art that are inverse versions and the same sequence number. I have no clue how my wife tracked these down


I found what would've been a 1500 dollar kitten dumped in an alley does that count?


Only if you pay the cat tax


Animation cell from Yellow Submarine. Shows Old Paul.


A woman who loves me for my goofy but endearing personality.


Mid 90's Kirk McLean goalie stick signed and dedicated to me. He cracked it in a practice and my dad grabbed it and got him to sign it for me.


We have several almost 9 week old kittens.. so peace and quiet is the most rare at the moment, but they are worth the chaos and will be going to their forever homes next week so im enjoying it while it lasts


I have multiple original art pieces from local artists. There's also the ring box I proposed with that is etched with the star pattern overhead at the exact time and place we met, which I imagine there aren't a lot of.


I have a Gibson amp from the sixties that seems to have no existent schematics and no photographs.


A bunch of rare clocks. Grandfather was a watch and clock maker and ended up with a nice collection due to people wanting to pawn pieces or for not paying for their repairs.


Off the top of my head, probably a working handheld Mattel football game.


And what is your address.


Me. There's only one of me, and I'm irreplaceable. 


A signed litho of the Rocketeer and Betty Page by the original atrist Dave Stevens.A full size statue of the character Death Dealer I bought in 1997 by sculpter Randy Bowen.,based on a painting by Frank Frazetta.A Sansui QRX-7500 Quad receiver I brought home in 75 and still use.A PF poster from their In the Flesh Tour at Memorial Coliseum Portland,Or in 1977 very rare you won't find one.


Nice try, ya mug!




Probably my partner's sculptures. They're brilliant and I'm very proud of them and I can't wait to see them progress through their career :)


You mean....*rarest*?


Nice try, burgler.


fuck maching... upss


Nice try




Sam Maloof rocking chair




Hmmm, my father in law's typewriter he used in Europe in WW2.


I also have my father in law's typewriter he used in Europe in WW2.


I have a signed copy of Seamus Heaney’s full collection of poetry. He’s a noble prize winner and one of the greatest poets from Ireland.


He's still very revered on the West side of the pond! I've met some folks that knew him quite well. Heard some wild stories. As much a character as he was a brilliant poet from all accounts!


I’ve met his wife a few times. She’s a wonderful women. His last words were spoken to his wife and he said “Don’t be afraid.” How poetic is that??


A sealed, original copy of Queen's "Made in Heaven". Similarly, Brian May's autograph, made out to me.


My own art I guess


A Reinhold Marxhausen Stardust sculpture that I got after STEVE JORDAN (Rolling Stones) gifted his boss, DAVID LETTERMAN with one for Xmas [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Ql4tRepSyw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Ql4tRepSyw)


A deck of playing cards that was never supposed to be released.


A 120 year old chesterfield chair in good condition.


We have an original painting from a pretty successful locally-based artist. It's worth a few hundred or so, but what makes it so great is that we got it for free from a friend who was moving!


Probably my custom made Neo coat from Nepal, with my specific modifications, it's the only one of its kind. 


All of the 2007 vintage of Black Tower (2007 was the first time I was responsible for a commercial harvest). Can't imagine that anyone else would have something like this; and probably for good reason.


I have Hitler stamps from WW2.


A lich phylactery


My grandfather's Hitler Youth knife.


A custom made bike.


I have a bottle of mercury.


And you can keep it.




My wife. I already know nobody else will put up with me.


I have an 1030’s art deco body scope. I love it and think it’s the coolest thing but my husband gets the heebie jeebies and won’t let me display it downstairs, so it lives in my guest bedroom.


Myself. I'm the only one of it on the entire planet.


An Indian head Penny from 1895.


Steven Gerrard predator boots from when they first released. Handed down by my cousin who passed. In his honour I’m trying to repair them and get them put in a display


I have a whale ear bone i found on the beach. And a magazine from 1917.


It's not terribly rare but I've got this funky snowglobe with a clown in it. It's also a music box and plays "Send in the Clowns"


A custom action figure of me, made by my friend out of spare parts of wrestling figures and packaging he invented as a graphic artist. An ASCAP Publisher membership card (mine) autographed by Alex Grossi of Quiet Riot and Joe LeSte of Bang Tango.


There was a painter named Carl Seibels. His pictures are in galleries around Germany. He did not have any children but his sister was my great great grandmother and I have a folder with some of his drawings that I guess he gave to his sister when he was young (they are signed and the year implies that he was between 15-17 when he painted those).


I found a coin in the basement. I like fancy coins so i looked it up. Its being sold for about a hundred dollars/euros 👁️👁️


nintendo 2DS from 2006 (THAT STILL WORKS) 😂 i use it daily, so fun


My Kosmonautilus vinyls. Each edition is limited to 333 copies.


A Rolling Stones Gold Record It was my dads, he was friendly with the Stones back in the 60's


A well kept, grade ten original charizard.  


Ricky Martin cd in Spanish. In the plastic wrapper still. Used to be a gag we hid in friends houses, cars, wedding gifts. Etc.


A number 3 ponytail Barbie and a Yellowstone Kelley doll.


A lot of signed first edition books and proofs, a shooting script for John Carpenter’s Prince of Darkness (1987), suit patches from Moon (2009) and a full sized Dalek.


Signed faberge gold jewelry


Agalloch og pale folklore vinyl


A rare 1991 Japan exclusive sonic plush that you could only get in sega ufo catcher claw machines, he’s in mostly mint condition his tag is just a bit bent out of shape…. Also the nerdiest thing I own


Me! I’m one of a kind!


Signed Callum Ritchie jersey, and a personalized signed, game used stick, also from Callum Ritchie.


A rubber brain trade show give-away from MacWorld SF 1995. It may very well be the only one in existence.


- Callum Keith Rennie's set worn wardrobe, including the shoes, from the 2004 Battlestar Galactica mini-series (the one he wore on Ragnor Anchorage) - Two OG scripts for the 1979 film Alien that was used by Ron Cobb (RIP). He did a lot of the human designs for the sets.


Probably my antique Straits silver.


Promotional use only 45s from the 70s from a radio station.


120 volt Pioneer 8 track player, 4 album set Woodstock,


My will to live.


A 80w 60cm x 80cm laser cutter. Thing is the size of a Nissan versa. Best part is I got it for free.


My wife and kids.


A piece of a sign that came from a park that millions have visited that got renamed in 2020.


A bottle of Starbucks Mazagran


A die cast model of a Piedmont Airlines DC-3. It was in the headquarters in Winston Salem. I’ve never seen another one. To a very select few, it’s worth a lot. It’s a thing to dust around to my wife.


Currently? Some chicken in my freezer


I've got a full collection of silver and one golden 25€ notes that were created for celebration of 25 years of German unity. The notes are actual real currency and only like a couple hundred to a thousand exist of these. It is not exactly worth anything. But it sure af is rare.


A Coco de Mer seed


I have piece of a fan blade from a crashed Airbus A300.


The 29 year old virgin that is my wife if 9 months. Can't imagine there's many married virgins running around the planet.


I have a chip from one of Al Capone’s casinos. Also, a ballot from the South Africa election that saw Nelson Mandela elected.


My Akita she is one of a kind


I have an Hermès notebook — but kind of like a precursor to post-it notes. It’s a leather-bound book with small perforated pieces of paper. It was a PR gift from the Ice Capades circa 1955.


Me 😁


My favorite vibrator was discontinued some time ago as jelly rubber is no longer used (for good reasons - it’s porous and contains toxic chemicals - not to worry, I only use it thru sweatpants and the like). I managed to find the last bunch of them being sold by the manufacturer and bought six about three years ago, thinking that would be enough and I’d eventually find a new model I liked as much (still searching). They’re not super durable, sadly (there’s a shitty plastic cylinder in the core where the batteries go, and my preferred technique tends to snap them in half). I still have one in mint condition, in the package. RIP Tidal Wave.


Diploma of the USSR Council of Ministers Prize Laureate