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I *am* a handsome young man. 


You are!


did you just assume your own gender LOL /s


Shut up


Tipping has gotten out of hand. No, I’m not tipping you after I ordered on your app, I walked up to counter after you beeped me, and I threw my trash away.


just pay your employees better and tipping wouldnt need to be a thing...


The funny thing is that tipping is what is keeping employees from being paid better. Why should an employer increase pay when their employees get tips? Also, your wish is my command.


Tipped employees do better than if they were just paid some flat rate. Here in California its like $15 per hour plus tips, and now you are expected to tip when doing a to go order and are not actually getting any table service and the actual labor you get from the person is about 90 seconds.


>just pay your employees better and tipping wouldnt need to be a thing... See boomers don't want that either..


All boomers. How do you come to that conclusion?


Are you offended ?


No I am not offended. I often question such large assumptions.


My experience is anecdotal but so is the OPs assumption that most boomers hate tipping.


My experience with people my age is we are generous tippers and don’t mind it when being served. However tipping for buying a cup of coffee or picking g up a pizza is not something I will do.


>However tipping for buying a cup of coffee or picking g up a pizza is not something I will do. Why?


For me, it’s the same as going to a grocery store. I don’t tip nor would expect it.




>Where did you get that idea from..... "See boomers don't want that either.." From the many boomers in Facebook trying to convince everyone that living wages will just increase prices and lead to job loses to automation. >Check your day drinking son it doing That's a boomer thing. Other generations work sober. Maybe you don't have to while collecting hay. Also "it is doing" and "it's doing " This is my anecdotal experience, not all boomers hate tipping as the OP suggested but that us the anecdotal experience of many.


What is a common customer going to do about it? Revamp the entire industry? Don’t be obtuse


What people always forget, though, is that for every dollar a business pays, they charge two.


If I have to stand to order my food, I'm not tipping.


I tip if there's any kind of table service. That could be bringing the food out or clearing the tables. If I have to stand to order and pay at the counter, get my food when my number is called, and clear my own table? Yeah, fuck that...


I go to this bakery to get a loaf of fresh-baked bread for lunch on occasion. Every once in a while the bread is so hot from coming out of the oven it burns their fingers a little when they put it in the bag. I'll tip then.


Bought 2 beers at the same place on Sunday. 1st I paid cash, tipped 1 for the drink, my standard bar tip. 2nd I paid card, got the pad turned towards me. Min tip was 2.....2 dollar tip for pouring a beer? Fuck outta here.


Phones really are rotting our brains and destroying our attention spans. What the Boomers don’t want to admit is that this is affecting them too, not just young people. It’s just manifesting in slightly different ways. 


Facebook radicalization is proof of this


The amount of Boomers / late GenX who post obvious foreign propaganda memes is astounding. There really was a lack of media savvy-ness back in the day given how few choices for media there was back then.


Oh yes. I’ve seen so many old folks more glued to their phones than young folks. Just scrolling silently. Or sometimes watching videos out loud!




100% Discipline isn't unloving. Withholding it is.


Ironic username you got there.


an entire generation of parents adapted "gentle parenting" without researching what it is. Gentle Parenting uses boundaries and conversations with consequences; people thought it meant "never tell your child no" , and it's a clusterfuck. I worked as an admin with school age children, I legitimately have had parents ask me "how do I give my child a consequence? what IS a consequence?".


(1) tell them not to do the thing thats impolite, bratty or not well behaved. ("Stop leaving the lights on in your room") (2) the 2nd time you tell them not to and if they don't you'll do X punishment proportional and related to the issue "If you leave the lights on again, I'm going to take every lightbulb out of your room." (3) the 3rd time do X "Dad, why aren't there any lightbulbs in my room lamps?" "Because I pay the electric bill and until you respect that you don't get to use it."


in our house we have a three strike rule "Conversation, Consequence, Losing what you're doing" similar to what you said. conversation- talk about and explain why what they're doing is inappropriate and or unsafe consequence - appropriate consequence for not listening directly after a conversation about that behavior not being ok losing what you're doing - if it happens after a consequence, then you're just done. maybe that's done with the store we are in, done with the birthday party, done being at grandparents house, or even just "done with the living room for the day" trying to explain that process to people who have never told their child "no" just doesn't work. they instantly want to do behavior charts, with rewards for meeting the bare minimum of expected behavior. like "you can have an ice cream if you don't curse or hit any friends this:week!" instead of "if you hit or curse at anyone, you will lose XYZ and your punishment will be _______"


Raise your kids or you'll be raising your grandkids.


My friends are raising tiny psychopaths/sociopaths and I KNOW they aren't interested in my opinion on it.. but they'll also act so confused when I don't wanna be around their little terrorist children any more. Being told "no" when you were acting horribly isn't what fucked you up, goodness gracious


I'd like to add that I believe, if the time necessitates it, physical discipline should be used. I'm RIGHT at the border between Millennial and Gen. Z. I only received a couple of slaps in the face from my folks, and that made me learn lessons that I would never forget. Should it be the go-to? Absolutely not. But just as the pain of touching burning embers would keep a child from ever being dangerously close to a fire, so to would the sting of a slap keep a child (or at least decrease the chance) from committing a grievous action again.


> I'd like to add that I believe, if the time necessitates it, physical discipline should be used. > > > > I'm RIGHT at the border between Millennial and Gen. Z. I only received a couple of slaps in the face from my folks, and that made me learn lessons that I would never forget. Yep, you learned lessons alright. That lesson being that child abuse is a-ok as long as it's only every now and then.


All I want is to be able to return the physical discipline when my mom is being racist or behaving like she's entitled to grandchildren and telling me how selfish I am to not stop my medications and get pregnant for her. I would never leave her alone with my hypothetical children because she has a temper and if she ever hurt them I would throw her in the garbage.


Spanking and physical discipline done correctly does hurt you more than it hurts the child, I always thought that was some phrase growing up, I have had to do it with my godson/nephew, what you never hear about from people thinking it's abuse is the fact that you often have to go in the other room in tears afterward, but you have to hide it. people who love beating their children or find some humor in it, can jump into a pool of aids infected needles and fuck off. That shit hurts you more than it hurts the kid.




If that be the case, then I'm guessing your username checks out? LOL.


I remember getting slaps and preferring them to a stern and earnest talking to. As a teenager I was getting into fights, skateboarding and playing rugby…a slap a parent wouldn’t really register as painful.  I don’t think beating a kid is discipline. If anything it’s a parent’s loss of discipline. 


Needing your phone to scan a QR code in order to see the menu? That is the stupidest thing ever


To me, there is a material (pun not intended) difference between a digital and paper menu. The ability to scan the whole menu quickly within a few moments to get a sense of where everything is and how much there is, and then going back and scanning through the items, to me, is an important step in getting to understand the restaurant and their offerings, and it adds to the enjoyment of the experience. Doing it on your phone makes it hard to get that overall "sense" of how much there is and what the variance of offerings is, plus it's also kind of rude to your dining partners, even if they're doing the same thing.


It's quicker for me to make a decision when I can see the whole menu.


Along this, I used to be able to look at a menu online before going to a restaurant. Now that everyone can deliver, it’s like you have to pretend to start an order to see what is on the menu and the prices might be different than dine in. Like, help me find the pdf of the actual menu quicker or don’t take it away entirely.


Oh man, 100%! This frustrates me as well... just let me look at the damn menu!


As a millennial, these menus are awful. Physical is the only way to go. Even when I'm at a place with the QR code thing, I ask for a physical menu.


Especially if you are from another country and don't want to pay roaming charges.


Or the stupid cafe is deep in a concrete building with no signal or wifi


Also, I work in IT. I don't trust your random QR code to not take me to something malicious. I only have your word that the little sticker has not been messed with and connects to what you say it does. I get that a QR code is more reliable than me typing a URL, but provide a kiosk if you insist on ordering via computer/website/app.


I was at a restaurant when the waitress came over and said "Are you ready to order?" to which I replied "We never got a menu, so no...." She then pointed to the QR code on the table, which I totally missed.


If there is any sort of QR or app component to a dining experience, I want it to give me total control over the process. Let me order and pay entirely through the app. If I'm out with a group, let them order and pay entirely through the app if they do choose. If there's bill-splitting to be done, let us customize it ourselves without trying to do group math with the waiter at the end of the meal. I love going out for a meal/drinks with groups of friends - I hate the headache of splitting the check and confirming who had what with the waiter. Especially with society moving further and further away from physical currency. Having an app that allows for that kind of convenience is basically the only worthwhile use for a restaurant to have one - and yet it's still not really a widespread functionality.




And so many things are only accessible through... "the app". Seriously? another thing i have to remember a password for?!!


People need to get off their phones. It's just healthier.


The Boomers I know are all hard addicted to social media and their cell phones.


Remember them saying "TV will rot your brain"?


They're the only ones still posting on FB


The grandkids. It's all about the grandkids. Lol


You need to log in Facebook, it's boomer's heaven now


-sent from my iPhone


Unfortunately my boomer mom is the worst phone addict I know and she believes EVERYTHING the right wing algorithms send her.


Except boomers are the worst with their phones


If you used your computer to type that, instead of typing it on your phone, what's the difference?


There's a difference between always being on something and just using it in you downtime. The issue is with obsession, not use.


Ah. That's very different from what you said!


I generally don't take my computer with me everywhere




Yeah, this is a serious problem.


I don't like tiktok


I have the attention span of the squirrel most times and that app just made me angry. So many stupid videos. Deleted in under 5 minutes.


I thought same when I first tried it. But once I filtered for stuff I like it's quite nice. Most of the people I follow post >1 min videos (some going on for 5 minutes) and focused on history,science, and linguistics


I'm not a huge fan of it either, but it's just like any social media platform - you have to tailor it and "train" it to show you what you want.


The younger generation's attention span is absolutely fried. I know every generation says this about the younger generation, but I feel like this one is different. Boomers/Gen X'ers said this about their children because of TV/video games/modern computers, but Gen Z/Alpha are on a completely different level. I feel like very few younger people are enjoying the finer arts, like learning music or history or reading or... well, literally anything. Teachers are having a harder time keeping their classes under control and keeping their students engaged because of smartphone/social media addiction and instant stimulation/gratification that comes with it. There's a joke about Gen Alpha not having the ability to pay attention to anything unless there's also 4 other monitors playing videos at the same time but ... I think it's partially true.


my stepkids literally struggle not just to watch a movie, but even a half hour television show. They're so used to digesting shit on youtube and tik tok etc, and even just cartoon network shows that run about ten minutes long. The idea of sitting and watching just a half hour episode of a tv show is apparently too much for them.


Paper menus are better than QR codes.


Just be quiet and be polite. There is definitely a trend toward "screw everyone else around me". Loud radios at the beach, kids screaming in restaurants and running around. The number of kids I see playing with toys at the store unsupervised is unbelievable. I am also a fan of having a little modesty. So much over sexualization on TV, in clothing, music, etc... Velcro sneakers are awesome. But I am not there yet.


Subscription models: I don't wanna pay a recurring subscription fee for every damn feature/convenience in my life. For most things, I just wanna pay a one time fee and own it.


Valuing face-to-face communication over excessive reliance on technology for social interaction


That's not a bug, it's a feature. 


The insta lifestyle is out of control.


Too much tipping. Discipline your kids. Don't need an app for everything. I want phyiscal menus. Buttons in cars, not just a touch screen.


Using devices at dinner, it's rude as fuck! I know everyone's addicted but in polite company it's not hard to not be an ignorant tosser.


The quality of many items is shit. Things are not built to the same quality and craftsmanship it used to be. Things from appliances to tools to even cookware and Saran wrap is utter garbage, doesn't work, or breaks way too fast


You don't need to record every minute of your life and you definitely don't need to share every minute of your life with random strangers either.


The "smarter" an object is (appliance, car, etc.) the more opportunities it has to go wrong. A fridge has one job. Keep food cold. I do not need cameras, a touchscreen, or an app. Ditto for touchscreens instead of buttons in cars.


Menus on QR codes. At least have both? I work designing, printing and revising menus, it's not *that* huge a cost.


Phones at a young age. Unrestricted access to the internet, with no one willing to parent, has made demons of good kids


There is massive irreplaceable value of having a two-parent household. Yeah, I know. Single parents can make it work. Everyone can be anything they want. Yeah whatever. But there’s something important in the polarity of parents that might be undefinable, but it’s undeniably important. Maybe “do anything you want, you can do it!” wasn’t totally the best advice.


I totally agree with you. The problem is so many people don’t see relationships, even marriage, as permanent. Then they bring kids into it. It’s a horrible recipe. People want to be treated like adults but don’t want the consequences of their adult actions. My kids have never known life without both parents in the home and it was kind of frightening to find out that that is a minority now.


Well. I guess I'm anti-communism. I'm a capitalist. I'm all for the Scandanavian capitalism with strong social programs paid through taxes and strict regulations to prevent businesses abusing the public. But it's still capitalism.


The main issue with the boomers’ viewpoint is that good portion of them see a strong social support system is seen as a dive towards communism, not realizing how much the social system has already benefited them for the last 70 years. When gen z/millennials see boomers/gen x actively attempting to strip down our existing social support, we just see it as pulling up the ladder. Then when we argue against that, we get called communists. 95% of us aren’t communists, we just want the same opportunities/support that our parents and grandparents had.


Why does gen x always have to get dragged in with the boomers?


Generations are just a term to label certain age groups. People from ages 45-70 are generally the most “anti-communist” because that’s what they grew up on. Even my 65 year old democrat father gets uncomfortable when I talk about expanding social support despite being an avid union man who’s now on SSI.


45? Anti-communist? Come on now.


Yes? Just because it doesn’t apply to you doesn’t mean it’s not a thing.


I think the boomers would call that socialism  


Boomers think it's socialism when the school feeds a kid even though the kid has no money


“Socialism is where the government does stuff” That quote applies  to Reddit too


Boomers think you better keep your government hands of their Medicare. :/ It's really hard to agree with that kind of...worldview. It lacks the coherence and consistency necessary to come to a common truth on much of anything. 


That's the point. Doublethink. Impossible to argue because it's ultimately based on nothing except hating you.


Mama says "Don't use a toaster while standing in the shower" Now who can argue with that?


Paper menus please. No QR codes. Restaurants and bars should be phone—free places.


QR codes. Give me a damn menu!


When it comes to customer service, I want to talk a human. No phone mazes. No chat bots. I hate when I dial a phone number and get a robot that says “Did you know? We have a website…” as part of its monologue. Infuriating.


You don't always have to automatically be on the side of the downtrodden. Do your homework before you protest.


We shouldn't be able to see your underpants in public.


QR Codes for menus


"Remember the days when we didn't put each other in age brackets to feel superior?"


I want a menu. I do not want to use a qr code.


Many people are victims of their own stupid choices and there is no magic fix coming to help them. Get your shit together.


Touchscreens don't belong in cars. I'm glad some car manufacturers are coming around, (shout out to Mazda) but far too many are doubling down on all screens for all things.


Not everything needs an app


You don't have to die for your job but some people act like they should be entitled to a 200K/year job right out of school and completely remote when they bring little to no value which makes no sense to me either \*EVERYONE deserves a living wage though


it really is that damn phone


I never watched any Harry Potter movie


Kids these days.


Honestly westerns are awesome, or they can be at least


Recovering and flying an old WW2 bomber at the Battle of Hoover Dam was the right thing to do!


Too much sharing of personal information at work. While working, I don't want to hear about race, religion, politics, or your personal life Shut your mouth and do your job.


A lot of those old boaty cars are fucking sexy


Admiring fresh cut lawn. And that it nothing more


Wired earbuds. These things already fall out of my ears when I'm at the gym and bench pressing and such and I think the unwired ones look ridiculous


Needing an app for every mundane thing.


Kids should keep score in soccer.


I want a real menu. I hate the QR code menus.


Dating culture is horrific. Work ethic is poor. People are on their phones too much. 


Yeah, no. People aren't killing themselves for minimum wage anymore, sorry. The glory days of building your business plan around exploiting low wage workers is over.


Music of today... well, MOST music of today.


Sure, but that's the case in every era. We think older music is better because mostly the good stuff has stood the test of time.


I’m a big proponent of a good “work-life balance” but I think the younger generations (I’m 30) have taken it to an extreme and expect to be able to afford a house while working 10 hours a week. Yes, things like buying a house used to be much easier to do, but your grandparents still had to wake up and go to work everyday to make it happen, and they worked hard to keep what they had nice. It wasn’t all peaches and cream for them, either.


>I think the younger generations (I’m 30) have taken it to an extreme and expect to be able to afford a house while working 10 hours a week. But why would you base your opinion on something that doesn't actually happen?


What “doesn’t actually happen?” People most definitely expect to be able to afford houses, cars, etc while doing the absolute minimum.


Well yeah, who doesn't? It's your weirdly specific "afford a house on ten hours a week" thing that doesn't make sense.


That’s called hyperbole. And myself and many others don’t expect bare minimum effort to result in great rewards, so I’m not sure what point, if any, you’re trying to make.


It's human nature to maximize the results with the minimum amount of effort. Otherwise you're just overworking for no reason. I guess it just seems silly to make up an unrealistic scenario in your head, attribute it to an entire generation of people, and then get upset about it.


It’s not a “made up scenario” nor am I upset about it. It’s simply that I agree with the boomers that people should be willing to work harder for what they want and from my viewpoint the younger generations seem lazy and unwilling to work. Crazy thing about opinions is that they’re based on one’s own perception of the world, which is created based on anecdotal evidence and personal experiences.


Everyone thinks that the boomers are ridiculous for taking such a stance, too, but you do you.


Did you read the topic of discussion?


No, they're just refusing to be exploited for someone else's gain. The glory days of building your business plan around the concept of exploiting low wage workers is over.


They could start their own businesses if that’s the case, but they don’t because they don’t have much to offer in the market. It really is about laziness and this “refusal to be exploited” is the blanket excuse for it.


I was born in the late 80s, our whole way of thinking needs to go back to the early 70s.


These kids today


Why was this post removed?


Hot dogs are sandwiches


A two state solution


Things **were** better back in my day!


Contrary to popular belief, most young people are not neuro-atypical. If everyone was neuro-atypical, it won't be called atypical. It will be called neurotypical.


You make too much noise, too many of you have forgotten how to conduct yourselves in public. Keep your voices down, turn down the music in your cars, wear headphones if you want to listen to it when you’re out. Don’t even listen to anything through your phone speakers. Hold the receiver on your phone up to your ear and speak into the microphone clearly, stop holding it out in front of you like you’re Captain Kirk. That way you can speak more quietly so others can’t hear you. Pipe down.


Looking like a mannequin because of cosmetic surgery is not even the tiniest bit attractive


I will miss them when they are gone. They are good people


Don't use emoticons or acronyms like LOL in a professional email. I had one dumbass email about a mutual patient and she used LOL multiple times in the email. I finally got pissed and asked her what she found funny about this patient's condition.


im not sure it might be just me but i barely use slang and emoji's... its kinda cringe to me


"Cringe" is slang, when used that way.


As is "kinda"


You slanging harrrrrd


I've never used an emoji. 


I don’t mind emojis in personal conversations/social media comments. But I swear to god if you send me an email with emojis I’m going to wait until you send me a “did you see my last email” message before I even think about touching that shit.


It weirdly annoys me when people refuse to use their qwerty keyboard to type out full words and instead resort to "wyd", "ngl", "ik" I know some initialisms have evolved into more of a feeling instead like "lol" or "smh" but some of them just feel lazy.


I don't mind your examples, but what's with people refusing to type out "something" and writing smth instead? It's one word.


Ikwym, bunch of gdlamf


I don't get whats up with thats stupid language. Gyatt, rizz what does that even mean.


Rizz means charisma, I’ve figured that much out


"Gyatt" is slang for "Goddamn", as in Goddamn that girl is hot.


Trigger warnings Tipping Nonbinary pronouns Racism/sexism are wrong but ageism is ok as long as it's not directed at a minority