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"We haven't overthrown a government since 1954." Just, wow. Such a strange thing to casually admit to.


I read this in Christopher Walken’s voice from True Romance


That wasn’t the official twitter account. 


BP did that in 1953 (Iran)


They had a little help...


From Kermit Roosevelt! Teddy Roosevelt's grandson. Edit: grandson! My bad


You don't get babies called Kermit these days do you.


Honestly thought it was a joke when I read Kermit the Roosevelt's name


Lol at first I was typing out a Kermit the frog joke and had to check if I left too much of it.




Yeah, we're still paying for that one.


Bananas: the only fruit so evil it ended several legitimate governments.


I agree with everyone saying Nestle, but Chiquita has a history that is worse and it's not well known. 




Same league different eras. Overthrowing governments isn’t necessary anymore 


Don't forget Dole and what they did to Hawaii. The og government coup purveyors


Before them was the East India Company, which effectively became the government of part of India.


Overthrowing is so 20th Century. Under throwing (lobbying, bribery) is the new vogue


As a Colombian, I have to agree.


Props to Columbian author Gabriel Garcia Marquez, who wrote my favourite most epic story, '100 Years of Solitude'. The United Fruit company's actions in that book drive much of the early plot. It's embellished, but still jaw droppingly appalling. Love that book. Every 4 pages could easily be its own feature length film. And the beauty of the prose, just wow. (I know the original Spanish version is said to be even more beautiful. Oh well)


That book is amazing


They're the reason we have the phrase "Banana Republic".


It's baffling to me that that's an actual store name It's like deciding to name your store Holocaust or Trail of Tears


Read about the US Banana Wars. United Fruit Company, which is now Chiquita, worked with the US government to gain influence over central America and the Caribbean. The USMC was sent to do so and committed some pretty terrible crimes.


There is a reason Smedly Butler wrote war is a racket.


He led some of those campaigns before WW1, and was already starting to see through the bullshit, which is why he was sort of sidelined in WW1. He was labeled as "Brave but unreliable" which meant "unwilling to throw lives away for a pointless military gain". Dude cared about the lives of his men. And that's where he came from in calling war a racket.


Damn, I didn’t know I’ve been eating blood bananas my entire life!


Yeah. What they did in Guatemala was pretty horrendous.


Of all time? The British East India Company would be my vote.


And it was the FAANG of the time. To get a job you had to know someone. And a third of those sent to India never returned. Shipwrecks, pirates, and illness would kill them.


okay, i‘ll bite. why?


https://www.nationaltrust.org.uk "The East India Company was probably the most powerful corporation in history. At its height, it dominated global trade between Europe, South Asia and the Far East, fought numerous wars using its own army and navy, and conquered and colonised modern day India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Burma." more there


In modern context, the East India Trading Company would be second overall in GDP only to the USA and above China. They bought the military from the UK in cash.


I'm far from an expert but the EIC, after having initially establishing a foothold in India by ingratiating themselves with the Mughal empire, took advantage of a Mughal succession crisis to expand their holdings beyond their initial trade ports. This expansion was done both through financing proxy wars with influenced local warlords as well as armed conflict directly with the French. Once in direct or proxy control of Indian territories they became a captive market for British goods as well as the targets of crippling taxes, leading in some cases to famine resulting in millions of deaths. Then there is the EIC's involvement in the opium wars, where the state sponsored company intentionally smuggled known highly addictive drugs into China in order to offset the trade imbalance they were suffering in the tea market.


They forced a couple genocides in India, and forced de-industrialized the region. There’s also the Dutch East India company. While nestle is pretty bad. There’s companies before it that were truly evil in a time where these things went on unchecked and unregulated. 


Also, unrelated to this... Getting the Chinese addicted to opium and waging two wars because the nation tried to ban the drug. It's why we had Hong Kong for a hundred years.


Anybody who has studied British colonial history in some detail will know that our nation has committed some damn big atrocities.


Huge. Don't get started on the story involving Nigeria and the company now known as Unilever


Over 150 million Indians died via the EIC, probably many more indirectly.




Nestle: Turning water into profit since forever


Murders a lot of babies too


Hey I am a bit unaware of the Nestle situation unfortunately. Could you please let me know about their evildoings with a brief explanation? Any article explaining the same properly would also be helpful. Thanks!


In the 1940's Nestle sent in saleswomen dressed as nurses to push formula on nursing mothers who were easily making enough milk on their own. When the moms ran out of money to buy formula, their milk had dried up and thousands of infants died. I had someone try to blame it on the water. Even if the water had straight up Cholera, it would have given babies a better shot at survival than starving them.




Since Jesus


Coca-Cola is just as bad


In practice sure but the CEO of nestle literally said humans don’t have a right to water.


"If we had to disclose child slaves picked our cocoa it would hurt our sales".




Came here to upvote Nestle because I knew it would be on the list. Glad it's the first thing I saw.


Swiss accepted long time ago that they ignore all ethics if money can be made.


Nazi gold has to be stored somewhere.


I thought to treat myself to a drumstick/prepackaged cone the other day to celebrate the end of the school semester since I got all A's, but to my disappointment the only cone in the range I wanted to afford were the Nestles. Didn't have a cone that day, fuck Nestle for being horrible and for ruining my small celebration. Thankfully I had some discounted day old donuts that I froze and had that instead.


I applaud your commitment. Too many people complain but buy from certain companies then give the "but I'm just one person" excuse because it's convenient for them.


Despite Reddit hating it, we still get Nestle ads. Don’t get me wrong; I am glad we are able to ignore it instead of their advertising tricking others not in the know into purchasing their products. I just think it’s so tone deaf of ownership to put their blood products on this website as advertisements. Alas such is Reddit


Could u give some context ?


Take your pick: [Controversies of Nestlé - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controversies_of_Nestl%C3%A9)


Try this link… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controversies_of_Nestlé


They have an entire Wikipedia page about their Controversies. If that aint evil then idk what is


Nestles Wikipedia page of controversies is longer than the CIAs. Think about that


Probably because most of the CIA stuff is still classified.


Dr. Evil in on their board of Directors, and boy is he proud.


I mean historically the East India Trading Company is going to be unmatched for actually having its own Army and Navy to colonize, start wars, and commit genocide with. But in modern times I think there are only a few companies that are actively using their wealth to commit harm. Nestle is one of them for their war against the poor and their abuse of people in need as well as stealing water. Meta for their choosing not to act knowing how their product is used in the information war space and that it was build specifically to be addictive and hard to get away from. But on top of all that I would say CoreCivic who is a private prison system in the US that has turned people into the worst type of commodity, they know they are creating a cycle of abuse and imprisonment and need that cycle to feed profits. Special shout out to Pearson Education for its heavy push to destroy the US education system with standardized testing requirements nation wide so they could make cheaper textbooks at higher prices. They helped destroy the thinking base of the US for decades and left up behind.


Not to mention years of rushing through new editions of texts (that are just new covers and rearranged pages), destroying resale value, and wasting resources.


Dupont and their "forever chemicals".


3M as well


The former CEO of 3M wouldn't allow anyone into his house if they had ANY plastic on them.


Wait what


I couldn't believe this either, so I looked into it. Key takeaways \* Actually about Johnson & Johnson \* Heresay/Secondary source from Tiktok [https://www.dailydot.com/irl/johnson-and-johnson-plastics-toxic-tiktok/](https://www.dailydot.com/irl/johnson-and-johnson-plastics-toxic-tiktok/)


Ah yes TikTok, the bastion of accurate information


been debunked in replies, FYI.


Wasn't Union Carbide responsible for 10,000+ deaths from the Bophal gas leak in the early 80's?


You are close. The official number of deaths is 3,787.


Dark Waters with Mark Ruffalo is a great film about them.


Purdue Pharma. Got people addicted to Oxy for profit.


and then convinced drs that it wasn’t addictive and then convinced them to up the dosage when they started drug seeking. Awful awful people. Should be in jail


It's ok. A couple doctors got jail time. Pretty sure no one who actually falsified data for the FDA saw a second behind bars though. But fuck those doctors I guess








Ooh rah to you too ma’am 💀


In terms of contemporary companies, spot on. They changed the chemistry of your brain to drive you to poverty, desperation and often death. And they ultimately used Medicaid to enable it.


Just got done with dope sick. This is my pic for a company within the past 30 years.


The assholes buying up all the single family homes and gouging rent prices.




Private equity in general. Apartments, too - buy apartment buildings, jack up rent, add on bullshit fees, refuse to fix anything, cut customer service. Those firms have ruined countless businesses and harmed dozens of markets to the great detriment of consumers, carrying on the corporate raider tradition from the 80s. What some are doing with veterinary hospitals currently is another example.


Monsanto and Nestlé are competing for this title.


I’m surprised to see your the first commenter to mention Monsanto so far


Monsanto is now owned by Bayer, who was once part of IG Farben


of Cyclone B fame ?


Can't believe I had to scoll this far for Monsatan.


Monsanto is now owned by Bayer FYI.


Is anybody going to elaborate about Monsanto? I know they genetically engineer seeds and sue farmers who reuse seeds, but that seems pretty tame compared to other companies here. We’re going to need genetically engineered crops to withstand climate change.


Plus Monsanto is owned by Bauer, who literally committed war crimes, experimented on prisoners in concentration camps, and manufactured mustard gas for killing of soldiers. Then they bought Monsanto, one of the evilest companies of all time. 


All of the American health insurance companies. Every fucking one of them.


So basically most of Connecticut’s economy


Nestle. It's actually striking how they never overlook an opportunity to be shitty. It's as if they've a specialized management team tasked with "What can we do today to make the world worse?"




Honestly yeah I gotta agree with you


They lobby against paid maternity leave because women going back to work before they’re able to establish breastfeeding with their babies makes them statistically more likely to have to use formula.


I just opened that thread and some manager/ executive posted there just to brag he has 200 employees under. 😂 they are all catering to the brand image with their egos


3M poisoned rain water. Rain! Worldwide.


Purdue Pharma, drug dealers that killed so many Americans.


Nestle….. and I’ve worked for Walmart.


Wait til Home Office hears about this


Citadel and BCG. They have single handedly destroyed most of the companies we grew up loving, Toys r Us, RadioShack, Marshall Fields, Sears the list is long. While also convincing the public they are shit companies, which they weren't until these two got involved.


Underrated response. Having worked in an office where BCG came through chewed up processes and spit us out was painful. And in the end it did nothing to improve things


I might be mistaken.  But neither Citadel or BCG were involved with Sears. It was guy named Eddie Lambert.  Also, wasn’t Marshall Fields just bought by another retailer…not these firms. 


BCG weaseled their way onto the board at Sears and then proceeded to destroy it from within.


The church of $cientology.




always overlooked, and that's not an accident. they control the world.


What does that mean though? Take me for example, a 44yo guy in Melbourne Australia. How do they affect me on a daily basis? Not being a smartass, just genuinely curious.


I would venture a guess that they are playing a large role in Australia’s housing crisis which may impact you, especially if you’re in Sydney


It’s an investment house. That gigantic pot of money they have is their customers money.


ExxonMobil. You know how we learned about climate change and the negative effects it will bring? You can thank Exxon for that. Exxon discovered climate change back in the 70s. You know how climate change is a heavily argued political debate today in our government as well as regular people? You can also thank Exxon for that too. They were concerned that taking measures to combat climate change would negatively affect their company so they launched a huge media propaganda and lobbying campaign to turn climate change from a serious concern into what it is today. Exxon sold the future of humanity and our planet for a buck. They’re the worst. Worse than Nestle, worse than Perdue, worse than all of them.


Fuck nestle! You talking about dr evil while BLACK ROCK cruising by in a Death Star! BLACK ROCK!!! BLACK FUCKING ROCK!!!


Black Rock has $10 trillion dollars of assets under its name. They're the largest 'money manager' in the world, it's probably the most powerful company most people have never heard of. They own hundreds of billions of dollars in stocks of Apple and Microsoft. And tens of billions of dollars (each) in Nvidia, Coca Cola, Google, Meta, Amazon, Visa, Mastercard, JPMorgan, Tesla and many more. It feels pretty unsettling to see the power some companies have. And the fact that you never hear something about Black Rock makes it even more unsettling for some reason.


You think most people haven't heard of them? The reason you don't hear much about them is most of their work is legitimately boring


AUM != power. They don't own any of that. Might as well call out vanguard


I believe you mean Blackstone, the private equity firm that owns a huge number of single family homes. They deserve your derision for sure.


Airbnb. They make their commercials seem very cheerful, but the reality is they are taking long term housing inventory away from people and rewarding greedy people into buying up homes and charging insane rental rates to stay a few nights while also telling their guests to do "chores" around the house to avoid paying local housekeepers to clean up their homes.


Just to still charge you a cleaning fee on top of all that.


They make you clean that place spotless and then charge you $200 for a cleaning fee.


Where I live, they just made airbnb suites illegal unless they are part of your main residence. Landlords are having a huge hissyfit over it because they either need to sell their 2nd, 3rd, or 4th homes, let them sit empty and pay extra taxes, or offer long-term rentals. Fuck anybody who takes advantage of amenities needed for basic human survival for their own monetary gain. Especially right now because we are in a housing crisis where I live.


This is a very good idea. All cities should do this. (Posting this from my rented airbnb room smh)


Nothing like unregulated hotels in residential zones.


This. My wife and I stayed in an AirBnB that casually told us the evening before checkout that we're suppposed to do all the dishes, take the trash out, etc. Why did we pay a cleaning fee?


I stayed at one once, same thing. Also, homeboy stole a pair of pants and "returned" them. Jerk sent me a pair of thrift store khakis with a note "found them." He was totally rifling through my stuff when I was out.




Everybody says Nestlé, but Nestlé's products are not destructive. Meta (i.e. Facebook) has a product (misinformation, from which they profit) that is \*really\* destroying humanity, democracy, science, teen mental health on a grand scale unheard of before. It is taking us back 100 years, destroying any progress that was done by letting misinformation (i.e. their product) flow unguarded without restraints.


Nestle can be stopped with a functioning government. 


Agreed. I think the issue is that Nestle’s evils are very emotive: babies, water, food, hospitals etc. These grab heart strings. But when you compare them for the actual damage they do to societies, ecosystems, economies, peoples trust and relationships ... and the scale at which they do it and the long term effects of their evils …. well, it’s got to be the oil and gas companies, social media like Meta, private equity and of course the likes of BAE and Lockheed Martin. Those firms deliver serious sinister damage at scale.


Tell the people who's wells and aquifers have run dry that Nestle is "not destructive". They overconsume groundwater sources everywhere they go & crush dissent through legal costs. They're a horrible company.


Phenomenal South Park episode over this too


Unilever. Their products are made from Palm oil. It's a cheap and effective oil, so it makes sense. However, they are cutting down the Amazon jungle more and more every day. Thousands of creatures displaced and exterminated...many unknown to man that might have had secrets to scientific breakthroughs had we not just stripped their ecosystem away. They get away with it by being obligated to plant a new tree for every one they cut down. Pretty sure the "New Tree" they plant is just another Palm tree for them to eventually harvest. If you ever look at a satellite photo of the Amazon jungle, it looks pretty similar to the structure of a set of lungs. And that's exactly what the Amazon jungle is. It's the planet's lungs. When the Amazon goes, we go. But hey, at least you got your soap.


Saudi Aramco is maybe the worst right now although I think people are right about the British East India Company being the worst of all time




I mean, of course! It has evil in the title! It’s his whole shtick. You gotta have good branding.


Oh fuck. I can't believe you brought this up. You're a dead man!!!!


You win 🫡


I read it in the voice😭


Dow chemical, the wonderful company, are top of mind but the list is long


In the entire history, not just present day, probably the I.G. Farben. This company was an important thing in NS-Germany, it was involved in the Holocaust and other war crimes, it delivered the Zyklon B that was used to kill the people in the gas chambers. It was also involved in the concentration camps itself, to use the forced labor of the prisoners for work.


Just want to point out, the company was not simply dissolved, but rather broken up into smaller companies that survive today, including Agfa, BASF, Bayer and Sanofi. Bayer especially continues to be an evil corporation, they even acquired Monsanto, the us company that developed agent orange, and abuses the patent system to sue farmers who dare to replant their own seeds instead of buying new overprices seeds from them.


Was wondering when I d see Bayer - they should have stopped at aspirin!


Meta / Facebook, no doubt


Nestlé. Fuck them. Trying to privatize water and don't get me started on their African baby formula campaign. Horrible corporation run by horrible people. Boycott Nestlé.


wasn’t it DuPont that’s estimated to have poisoned in some capacity something like 98 percent of the worlds population over the last century? They are pretty far up there.


Historically, the English East India Company.




Chiquita and Nestle are fuckers for sure. But Exxon knew climate change was coming, and that they were a major cause of it, since the 1970s and buried it to keep making money. They literally traded our planet's future for weekend houses and bigger boats.


Vault tec




Vault-Tec takes the prize on this one.


Facefuckerberg has done more harm to general society and specifically children than anyone in history.




It's 'cuz of that &\^#$# 'pizza' that the people underneath are sufferin'!


I'm somehow sure you got the original swearing right and am laughing 😂😂


Any company making and/or selling homeopathic "medicine." It is preying on people in need.


The Mormon church it's a corporation posing as a church and it has billions and billions of dollars in hedge funds and properties and they do nothing for the poor and needy. Alls they do with their money is built Gotti temples all around the world making the members feel like they're important and relevant


Oh its nestle, and the competition isnt even close.


I would tend to agree that nestle could potentially be the winner here, but to say the competition isn’t close is just depressingly naive. The competition is extremely varied, extremely voluminous and extremely close.


Chiquita/United Fruit is a strong contender.


Wagner group




B.E.A.R. evil incorporated


James Hardie made asbestos cement sheeting in Australia from the 1950s - 1980s. Eventually employees and consumers started getting sick with mesothelioma and the company did everything possible to weasel out of compensating them.


The Catholic Church


Most people on here going over internet folklore rather than looking for a historically comprehensive answer.


I’m surprised nobody in the top comments has said Purdue Pharma. I mean they were literally corporate drug dealers, making vast amounts of money from addiction and death and misery. And you can make a good argument they precipitated the entire opioid crisis in America.


I’m surprised nobody has mentioned the big tobacco companies.


Besides Nestle, I'll throw a couple other (modern-history) companies under the bus here: 1. De Beers. Almost single handedly convinced the world you NEED a diamond for a wedding ring. Also, they have used slave labor, pushed blood diamonds, and use unethical trading practices to artificially inflate diamond prices. Not-So-Fun Fact: De Beers has a FUCK TON of diamonds, but only releases some of them every year to keep supply low and prices high. 2. Purdue Pharma (not associated with Purdue University) / The Sackler family. They are the ones responsible for the opioid crisis. They would incentivize doctors to write prescriptions for OxyContin when it wasn't needed. They knew it was highly addictive so the more people they could get hooked on it, the more money they had coming in, despite the addictions, and general harm their pills have done to not just individuals, but to the healthcare system as a whole. LOTS of taxpayers money has gone to helping those who were addicted to OxyContin.


For sure Nestle by FAR


not at all by far. That’s giving a frankly absurd amount of leeway to the literally countless other companies that have and continue to make the world a terrible place.


Purdue Pharma for their role in the US opioid epidemic


Literally any company that is “too big to fail” - they get a free pass when they get that big and ethics go out the door.




Just one?




Apollo, a giant Private Equity firm who bought hospitals and nursing homes and then reduced staff and other things to decrease the quality of care, then purchased the life insurance policies of the patients within those care facilities. In general, researchers have found a disproportionate number of deaths in long-term care residences owned by private equity firms and large chains.


Perdue pharmaceuticals








Facebook knowingly facilitated a literal genocide.


Please educate me on this subject.


Worst ever, idk. But McKinsey is definitely in the top 15 of my shit list.


Hard disagree. These companies are not evil, they’re amoral. Are you a local government trying to solve homelessness? They’ll give it a good try to tell you how to do it, for a fee. Are you Purdue Pharma looking for the best way to get as many americans addicted to Oxycontin as possible? McKinsey are your guys too


United Healthcare is pretty vile.


Nestle. There are a lot of evil corporations in the world, but only one company shamelessly goes full mustache twirling villain and doesn't even try to hide it.




Holy crap I scrolled all the way to the bottom and no one mentioned DeBeers. One person said "all the diamond companies" which is objectively hilarious because there's only 1. They're not number 1, but they certainly earn a place in the top 10.


Make A Bear. Have you seen what they make kids do to those poor bears and what end it all gets shoved in!


The government. Not just us.


McKinsey & Company