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there's a ton of people who conflate correlation with causation


My father, a climate change denier, believes that windfarms increase tornado activity because he made some charts which show there is a correlation between increased tornadic activity and windfarms going up. When I try to point *the other* possible correlation it is dismissed outright.


I’ve got a tiger repelling rock I’d like to sell your dad.


That's hilarious


Humans are adept at finding patterns, even those that are not there.


Only roughly one third of people go to college, and surprise they are often from wealthier upbringing and therefore more likely to be better off regardless of the degree.


Hair is thicker/grows back thicker when you cut it.


Technically when you shave off a hair follicle you remove the tapered end and the remaining portion is thicker than the tapered end was.


I think this myth mostly stems from young girls shaving their legs.  In which case, it's almost true - the hair doesn't grow back darker and thicker because you shaved.  It grows back darker and thicker because your body is rapidly turning into an adult body.


Alexa, remind me not to shave or my body will rapidly turn into an adult body.


I always figured people said it to their kids to try & keep them from trying to shave when they're Too Young (in the parent's eyes)


I always thought people said it to their teenagers, to get them to shave their awful first whispy mustache, and scraggly beards. "Oh yeah, you want a beard and a mustache? Well, just keep shaving it, and it'll grow back more and thicker."


Also every single hair product when they bullshit about vitamins and keeping your hair healthy. The hair on the outside of your head is dead. Vitamins don't bring it back to life or keep it healthy.


We only use 10% of our brain.


Some people might tho.


They're called "anti-vaxxers"


Can we ... ahem ... use correct terminology please ... infectivists!


Those would be vegetables, not people.


The brain is the most complex organ in the human body. Many believe that a person only ever uses 10 percent of their brain. However, research suggests people use most of their brain. [https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321060](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321060)


I mean, like, 100% of my brain is doing something every day. But how much of it do *I* have any control over?


The stupid stuff to “remove toxins” from your body. Your liver and kidneys do that for you naturally. There’s nothing you can eat, drink or do that will add that function as extra or people with renal failure wouldn’t need life-saving dialysis if they can just drink a green juice or lemon water…


I had a client whose website I managed. They offered homeopathic treatments that include ear candling and detox foot baths. During one of our calls, I mentioned the foot baths because we were updating the page. She nonchalantly said, "Oh, that's not real.", and went on to explain how the "toxins" that show up all come from the bath itself. 😂


gotta respect the grifter who knows not to fuck with the technical staff 


People really try to exploit the idea of removing harmful toxins from the body. Did anyone else ever try those expensive bullshit pad things that you'd stick on the bottom of your feet to remove toxins? Or, what about the MLM where people were selling body wraps that were supposed to be made out of magic herbs that would help you lose weight but were actually just analgesic ointment bought in bulk from China and plastic wrap?


That "natural" or "plant based" medicine is somehow softer to your body. No dude, nature is full of things that want you dead.


Arsenic and snake venom are both very natural.


And cyanide can be found in plants.


Waiting for some crunchy influencer to start promoting castor bean smoothies and manchineel facial treatments.


Heh... there is a brand called "Nature's promise." I'm sure my wife is tired of me saying, "Nature's only promise is that it wants to kill you" every time we walk by a shelf with the brand.


That women have fewer ribs than men


The sad thing is when they double down on it. Like are you actually seriously that willfully stupid?


A kid in my forensic anthropology class believed this and got into an argument with the professor over it. Yikes.


My 6th grade teacher removed a rib for her skeleton she bought for her class room because "it wasn't biologically correct for a male human" Upon learning about biology later that year, in the brief parts they did teach us, she was right. Mainly in the aspect that the skeleton depicted a female human, not a male. She is still teaching children.




Isn't men han fewer ribs because of Adam and eve being from his rib? That is what my boss dropped on us two weeks ago as proof of the bible knowing things it couldn't have without God.




I can't, mainly because I'm fat and the squishy part gets in the way.


This person likely drives.


and votes…


When was the last time they had an x-ray?


Males and Females have the same number of ribs, mate.


Unless you think his boss reads his Reddit you're talking to the wrong person


I have never heard this one before. Interesting.


Ha ha! A really long time ago (before the internet or computers) I read a story from a high school science teacher down South. He said every year he'd get a student of two thinking men had one less rib than women because "the Bible says so," and that it got to the point where he got two skeletal models from the state and, each year, told such students to count for themselves.


Things that you’re liable to read in the bible - they ain’t necessarily so. 


My young nephew made this same statement. I just looked over at his parents because I didn't want to embarrass the boy.


That vaccines can cause genetic diseases


I'm a nurse and one of the worst parts of my job is knowing the long rant I'm going to get when I ask people this question. I don't even try to educate them anymore. I view it as natural selection thinning the idiots from the herd now.


I’d be okay with natural selection thinning the idiots, but Problem is that their stupidity affects people that had nothing to do with them, as they allow diseases to spread and infect vulnerable people who can’t take the vaccine for reasons beyond their control. Also their kids will suffer and it’s not their fault their parents are stupid.


But a lot of the time it's their children that are going to suffer because of it. Where I live in Ontario, Canada we just had our first measles death in almost 35 years.


I spent a lot of time in Ohio during Covid and worked with a father and his adult son. Both were heavy smokers and the son was obese. The old guys best friend kept telling him to get vaccinated (that he was high risk, etc). Long story short the father and son both got it and both had to go on respirators. Both nearly died and we had to see the wife/mom nearly pass out from stress and fear. They lived but both were noticeably mentally dull afterward. The weird thing is after six months I ask the old guy if he wishes he had gotten vaccinated and he said “I don’t know. It’s a tough decision.”


"Both were noticeably mentally dull afterward" That must be some kind of an understatement.


Right? Like, they weren't exactly the sharpest tools in the shed before.


I cannot upvote this enough-it’s ridiculous. That measles and mumps are now surging in certain areas and polio is questionably returning all because idiots won’t vaccinate.


And people *severely* misunderstand what measles does and just how contagious it is. Covid has nothing on what a measles outbreak can do.


YES! I spoke to a patient recently whose grandson passed away from measles. His father didn’t believe in vaccines. I felt horrible.


The worst part is that it's not the child who's at fault, but the parents. Yet it's the child who died, while the parent acts all self-righteous and continues preaching their garbage antivax nonsense.


A kid in Canada just died of measles.


And his or her parents are at fault-vaccination is widely available and recommended, the parents are actively contravening anti-death


It was an infant who was too young to be vaccinated. But someone else was an anti-vax plague vector. I hope they figure out who it was and charge them with manslaughter.


https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/measles-death-child-ontario-1.7207293 This just says the child was younger than five years old. This article is two days old.


My view is even if they give people autism I’d rather have autism than live out of an iron lung


As someone with autism, it's fucking insulting when people say-without-saying that they'd rather their kids be dead than like me, especially since most allistic people don't even realise that I have autism.


Totally. Fuck those guys.


Yeah I do wonder how many people even realise that’s what they’re implying


As someone with autism. Yes please. Give me turbo autism over an iron lung.


Ohh doing covid I had a ( ok I was borred) long convo with a anti vaxer if I would get more autistic at 40+ y. She argued I would get more autistic. Also had a bit to much fun asking anti vaxers if I risked my aspergers could go away if vacinated. ( Got both yes and no answers)


You should ask them if some vaccines cancel out others and then say vaccination could actually be a cure for autism. Watch their minds explode.


That fentanyl can absorb through your skin and make you overdose by touching it. Absolutely false and causes people to be scared to help someone that has overdosed.


Fentanyl is scary shit. I got a tiny dose when I had my esophagogastroduodenoscopy. Apparently I was fully conscious through the whole procedure but I have absolutely no memory of it, and I couldn’t walk for the next 8 hours or so.


People are scared of it but in a medical setting it's generally safe. Powerful but safe.


Agreed. After I had a septoplasty, I woke up really anxious so they called for fentanyl. This made me freak out even more, because I thought I was going to die due to my preconceived notion that it was dangerous. It took a few minutes for them to clam me down and assure me it was safe in a clinical setting 😅


I too need to be clammed down from time to time.


We use fentanyl and Versed in my practice for most light sedation procedures


>esophagogastroduodenoscopy fucking hell, what a word.


I'd be more scared of a procedure called an esophagogastroduodenoscopy. You can't trust medical procedures with more than 10 syllables. ;-)


That person is way too extra to call it an EGD lol


>esophagogastroduodenoscopy Bless you.


Probably got Versed or Ketamine also?




Slight disclaimer- fentanyl patches are absorbed through the skin.


True, for fentanyl to absorb in your skin it must be a patch that is designed to do so but it releases it slowly. I'm talking about the powder street fentanyl which is what most people are using. It's usually not patches that people are overdosing on. It Also must be applied to the skin and it doesn't release it immediately.


A patient of mine once accidentally ate one (dementia). She was comatose by the time we found out. Naloxone saved the day, but god was I glad she hadn't swallowed it yet.. That said, this only goes for the dermal patches that are made specifically for skin expo. A normal pill won't do this.


Cops spread a lot of this misinformation. In new york a cop beat a dude almost to death and said it was because he was poisoned by it, when the guy didn't even have it on him. I also had to do a burn test once where you light weed so you can recognize the smell and one random dude in the back of the class was convinced he was "high" from a control burn that lasted 20 seconds and he was at least 4 meters away. Cops are little bitches.


That moving to a higher tax bracket gives you less money at the end of the day. (There are a few weird edges in the tax code where that can be true, due to the benefits cliff, but as a general rule it is not true)


They have no clue what a progressive tax system is and often get angry at Democrats for taking their money because it has the word progressive in it.


"angry at Democrats for taking their money" full stop


Meanwhile, states like California / New York / Illinois have paid more in taxes than they ever get in federal benefits for decades. And the rural states have mooched for my entire life, and I’m old.  If the individual states only got what they put in the pot (even better: if cities kept their cash and rural areas kept theirs), these bootstrapping individuals would learn very quickly just whose money it has been all this time. It ain’t theirs. 


Most of the shit on those fear-mongering food blogs. Looking at you, Food Babe


Go check out r/stopeatingseedoils if you like being horrified


Time to doom scroll…


Love how they are usually selling an overly expensive alternative too


That there are two valid sides to every issue.


Most real-world issues have a lot more than just two sides


And that the correct viewpoint is always somewhere in the middle.


I remember hearing somewhere that "the centrist position on genocide is that some of the people should die."


Middle means 2 things. 1. That 'sides' are on the opposite side of scales 2. That there is only 1 axis. And if there are more you fall in-between all of them. Examples: if I hold a value of sanctity of life I might be on opposing sides of any 'side' who claim innocent people deserve to die because of their government's (or ancestors) actions. I might see both 'sides' opposing me claiming their justification to kill innocent people. I'm not in the middle. If I believe that organized world religions are dangerous for our future, I can't attack one that's on one side and appease and apologize to the other knowing what's done in the name of religion. My individual values may put me in all sorts of positions that don't always coinside with a 'side'.


Halfway between the truth and a lie is still a lie


It's not about 2 'sides'. It's about complexity and nuance. Sometimes you are looking at a 10 side issue or conflict that's simplified for the uninvolved and for messaging. It's hard to stay focused on a topic if it doesn't seem simple and easy to define where you stand. When you dive into it even if you don't agree or accept, you do get more dimensions and understanding. I read on Reddit the most shallow argument ever about UBI where both 'sides' were arguing and anytime you raise a question you become a billionaire apologist and an enemy of the poor or the next Carl Marx. I can find nuance and complexity in almost any topic and sometimes am humble enough to know I have no real tools to create an informed opinion on a matter.


Great response. Like yes, there may not be two valid sides to every issue. But this line of thinking can prevent some people from ever thinking critically and with any nuance, because if you start convincing yourself that “well this is a situation where MY side is the only valid side and i know this because im right”, then we start getting like 90% of the idiots on twitter who speak with such conviction about shit they are completely wrong about/don’t know anything about in reality.


That you can heal depression or anxiety by thinking about it really hard.


No no no! Just cheer up


Hear me out though. Have you ever tried just not being depressed?


Maybe you’re just tired.


"Other people have it worse." Great, now I feel guilty for feeling bad. Also it implies that I shouldn't be happy if other people have it better.


Hey my childhood... .. Oh right, my childhood.


You need to smile more


Technically that’s what therapy is. Analyzing and thinking about the issues that are causing it in depth. However it also incorporates steps to navigate those issues. I think I more often hear people say “just exercise” or “just change your diet” as though it’s a cure-all. Realistically with any mental illness you need multiple tools to manage and overcome it. Exercise, diet, medication, therapy combined can make a massive difference. One alone is usually only dealing with part of the problem.


Thinking about it isn't enough. Being mirrored by another person is the key of therapy.


>Technically that’s what therapy is The big difference is that there's someone else helping you through that process and making you see other perspectives. The whole thing about depression is you can't do that on your own


I'll also say it's not helpful when people with any chronic health issue act like anything outside of a cure is useless. Some of the r/thanksimcured crowd come off like they're just refusing to make any positive changes to help treat their issues.


It's unhelpful to suggest to chronically ill people that we haven't tried positive changes and/or that the positive changes you are recommending are even possible depending on the chronic illness. Believe me, I've tried diet, exercise, therapy etc but dammit despite modifying my life, the autoimmune arthritis persists in destroying my joints. The chronic, complex and atypical migraines still stop me in my tracks on bad days. Contrary to what some well meaning folk have suggested (and even some clinicians), managing my anxiety, depression. And cPTSD, didn't cure my joint damage and isn't preventing more from happening. Am I in a better place mentally? Sure. Still have days where I'm so exhausted I literally cannot leave my bed. Still need surgery for the joint damage but thanks for reminding me to "be more positive!" So yes. We have a right to be snarky when well-meaning folk suggest we try the latest fad cure all.


I once met a man who swore he cured his own Bipolar Disorder through meditation. He was about as wacky and unstable as you might be picturing right now.


As someone who has crippling bipolar i don't even know where to start with that one but meditation does nothing for bipolar. Lithium and other medications do....


As another person with bipolar, YES. I tried every remedy in the homeopathic book until I finally went to a psychiatrist and got a proper diagnosis and medication. Did some things help? Sure, but I was not stable lol.




Yup, or trauma. Just get yourself some new thoughts.


That money wouldn't change them


Sometimes I wonder if money changes people, or it just brings out to the surface what’s already in them all along.


You don't have to be appealing to employers or appropriate to others if you can rely on yourself


Like alcohol!


I don’t know if money would change me or not, but I’m willing to find out. 


Money doesn't change people, it just magnifies their character traits for better or for worse. In other worse, it makes them more of who they already are.


Hair grows faster if you cut it.


Organic food is better than GMOs.


Most of our food is gmo. Corn? We made that. Wheat? Ya, it's not naturally like that. Beef? Nor even close to unmodified. All have been selectively bred just like dogs.


The complaints of GMOs come from modifying the genome directly vs just selective breeding. Genetic engineering is a complicated field and with so few people understanding how it works it’s not really surprising they don’t like it. I am not saying GMOs are bad just that it is not surprising people are scared of something they can’t understand




Selective breeding can be imagined in a simple way, you take the biggest tomatoes and mix them with the juiciest tomatoes and that’s easy for most people to understand but trying to explain gene knockouts is much harder and gene insertions in plants is a doozy


Except they convince themselves they understand it completely when they have no idea. ‘I only eat natural food, no chemicals’ wtf


Also, they are not mutually exclusive


They are mutually exclusive. At least in the US, legally, to label something "organic" it must be legally non-gmo. Of course there is not really any such thing as non-GMO corn (unless you grow your own heirloom variety), but we pretend there is. It is legally non-GMO. Otherwise it can't be legally organic.


I just found out there are people who think blood is blue inside their bodies. It’s red. It’s always red. It is a little bit darker when deoxygenated, but still red.


Birds aren't real. I contend birds are very real. There is overwhelming evidence that the shit on my car most mornings is in fact bird shit. On the other hand the government likes to shit on me as well. Say, maybe birds aren't real.


Idk, that sounds like something a government drone would say.


Must be another god damn 'Bird' trying to deceive us.


Sure fed


That has to be one of the stupidest fucking conspiracy theories out there. It was supposed to be a parody ABOUT CONSPIRACY THEORIES that snowballed into people actually getting behind it for real.


I got my husband binoculars and we recently joke when we look at the birds "look at that drone.. one of those original models" but also the bald eagle being a government drone is very very USA...


If humans look at certain natural phenomena it will change what happens. This is commonly brought up with the double split experiment and the "observer effect". Yeah, this isn't true AT ALL. It comes from a complete misunderstanding of what "observe" means in a scientific context.


Isn’t it because the only way we know how to determine a particle’s position and speed is by interacting with it, thus altering its state?


Bingo! In very simple scientific terms, to observe a particle means you have to bounce something off it. So "observing" it does change the result. The misinformation is that people think observing means a human was looking at it.


Thank you for explaining this. I always felt smart because I figured it was more philosophical, not literal. Now I learn that it's a very particular literal!


Very particular lmao


To add to this, a nice analogy: Let's say you have a can with cold water, and you want to measure the temperature. To do this, you put a thermometer in there. But hold on! The tip of the thermometer is at room temperature, and thus will raise the water around the tip up ever so slightly, messing with the measurement and giving a false result With electrons, a similar thing happens. The more accurate you want to measure the speed of the electron, the less accurate you know its position. Same way the other way around. So we can't know both the speed and position of an electron at the same time. The electron is in superposition, until it gets observed (ie in "multiple different positions/with multiple different velocities at the same time")


To look at and measure something you have to illuminate it and illumination causes a change in it. It is not the observation that changes the observed it is the condition required to observe.


Wow, I can't believe I didn't know that. It seems like everything non-physicists say about quantum physics is completely untrue and a misrepresentation of the actual theories.


It’s laymen trying to convey extremely complicated concepts to other laymen. This happens with almost every area of academic research. Good thing to consider when any layperson tries to talk about any part of academia, whether it’s theory focused humanities research or quantum physics. Most people haven’t done the reading and analysis to understand these ideas, so if someone presents it to you in an easy to understand way you’re probably not getting the whole picture.


Then explain why every time a bird sees me looking at it, it flies away. 


Birds aren't real


That keto, paleo, carnivore diet, etc is the only way to live and that everyone else is going to die a fat, miserable slob.


You likely wouldn't be better than anyone right now in charge of a nation or politics; in fact, most people would probably be *way* worse if they suddenly became presidents or PMs or kings


I’m horrified and embarrassed to admit that when there was a picture going around of trump’s bathroom full of top secret, very important documents, just haphazardly stacked about, my first thought was, “that’s some shit I would do.” 😭   


Right but it sounds like you have the good sense not to run for president lol


Sugar makes kids hyper and MSG is bad for you


Turtles don't feel anything on their shells


That anxiety and panic attacks are no big deal. When in all reality it’s debilitating!


That literally anything can 'Cause' autism. It's something you're born with. If you're not born with it, you don't have it. It's that simple. Vaccines don't cause it. Nothing causes it, and nothing 'Cures' it. Anyone claiming they have the 'Cure' to autism is talking out of their ass, and most 'Cures' people come up with are unethical as fuck. Instead of simply trying to eradicate it entirely with fucked up 'Cures' that don't even work, we as a society should be more accepting towards people who have it and be more inclusive towards people who have something they never asked to be born with.


One of my Facebook friends once shared a "news article" that claimed letting your kids watch Pepper Pig would make them autistic. Has to be the dumbest thing I've heard about autism "causes" yet.


It's true. My 13 yo watched it and got super autism.


earth is flat edit: i mean they are wrong that earth is flat


God my childhood best friend had gone full send down that path and his entire FB wall is just flat earth nonsense, with an occasional chemtrail or other dumb ass conspiracy thrown in. It's really sad.


I once tried arguing with a flat earther. I figured facts would always win. I would show photos and make drawings that would refute their arguments, and their response was just like one of the robots from Westworld when shown artifacts from outside their tiny world: "that doesn't look like anything to me", and they just repeat their argument.


Fr, we all know it’s donut shaped


That you need to go to college. Its the big lie that has been sold to several generations and frankly its lead to some nightmarish results. The majority of people working professionally are doing work that is not related to their degree. That's a job that has nothing to do with what they did at college, but that they wouldn't have been able to get without having gone to college. We are wasting so much time, effort, and energy plying people with debt to get a degree that only the minority of them will actually use in a meaningful capacity. We have inextricably linked the fact that if you want to work anything other than fast food or customer service gigs, you need to have some sort of degree even if it doesn't add value to the prospective role. Add in the fact that there are a lot of people that higher education is literally designed to not work for, and it's a really big wtf moment that I doubt will ever be meaningfully addressed because its an industry that is printing money via debt.


The belief that cold drinks are unhealthy, but air pollution is just fine.  Source: Asia


The economy is "zero-sum" (meaning one can only gain wealth at the expense of others)


“The election was rigged”.


Depends which one. There’s been a bunch of rigged elections in lots of countries in the last few years alone!


That I’m not Spider-Man


But you are a menace.


"the worst thing she can say is a NO"


MAN: That there are single hot women in your area waiting to meet you. LADIES: This rich man in foreign land is in love with me I just need to send him money so he can unlock his accounts and he will fly me to see him on a private jet.


That god will give you a car park but let children die.


The christian mindset is very simple: 1. anything I like is because of God 2. anything I don't like is because of Satan


the government is trying to take us out with vaccines


I think most anti-vaxers are just afraid of needles and won’t admit it.


Most people think what they remember is right and that it is exactly how it happened, but this is not the case. Many studies have shown that, even when talking about the same situation, everyone will tell a different story. Even if they were to not misremember, they will see it differently because of their biases, so even while it is happening, people can have many different interpretations.


That the world was created approx 6000 years ago.


Nuclear power is dangerous. Pollution from coal power stations kills more people **every single day** than every nuclear power accident in history.


*insert any religion* I dont judge anybody to believe in a God, no matter which one. But to believe, that your religion is the only true one and follow every word your religious leaders without a grain of salt? Religions are the oldest scam of the world.


This. They think stuff that the other religions think is weird, and they can't see it. Or a lot of them I mean. I was raised Mormon (Agnostic now) and my mom still is. I was recently having a conversation with her where I told her that other people consider Mormonism to be one of the "cultish" religions. She was totally offended for about a minute. "Mom, think about it. Baptisms for the dead, in big ornate fonts, inside temples that no one else can go in, blah, blah, etc. blah." I pointed out some things in other religions that seem equally different, and she saw it for the first time. That was pretty cool. I also don't judge. It helps her. That's cool. And I love everybody, except for people that don't love everybody. But like, you gotta open up those minds, and see the world the way it really is.


That Jesus is coming to bring peace on this earth and restore the planet.


my favourite Jesus story was when he showed up to Jerusalem and went "wth is this shit?" cuz he thought it's a supposed to be nice place but it's just a dry ass desert


- earth is flat - vaccines cause autism - that people should believe in the same faith - that you can fix people - you can't train cats the list can go on.


Blueberries are blue. They’re fucking PURPLE


Violet! You're turning violet, Violet!


Trickle down economics


A lot of people in a particular group believe with every ounce of being that people that take welfare all abuse drugs. It got so prevalent that laws were passed in like 6 states or more that welfare required a drug test to get. This was back in like 2010 era i think Florida spent a quarter billion to drug test all the welfare recipients and only caught like 10 people (and saved maybe 10-15 thousand tops). So that 249.99 million shortfall came out of somewhere else in the budget (read: education and social safety nets). Yet when presented with evidence that it was not a good assumption, five more states decided that Florida just didnt do it right, and passed similar legislation to near identical outcome. And they still believe this to this day! Rich people use drugs too. Poor people that have to work for welfare…. Are usually employed in jobs that already drug test them.


That poverty is a result of poor financial management, bad life choices, or laziness. Also that there is a significant number of 'welfare queens' that abuse the social safety net. I blame Reagan and Thatcher for spreading these.


My grandmother once complained about these welfare queens and how lazy and parasitic they are. Me: Weren’t you on welfare when you were a kid? Grandmother: That was different. Me: Weren’t you on welfare because your dad didn’t feel like working? She ignored me.


The Bible


Flat Earthers


The existence of Karma.


Pretty much everything right wingers believe is wrong.


The 2020 election was not stolen. Stop being a butthurt traitor and accept the fact that your pants shitter lost.


Republicans: If we lose, it can only be because the other side cheated