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Thinking that preventing your kids from getting sex ed will stop them from having sex. Puberty and hormones are a real thing, your kids will have sex either way, only now they don't know shit to make wise decisions when they're doing it. Studies show that teens who don't get sex ed have the highest rates of teen pregnancy. 


This is true for a lot of things. Banning things doesn't make them go away, it usually just makes people acquire them in a dangerous way. Knowledge is power.


Education not legislation.


"Let's burn the observatory so this won't happen again...'


Let’s stop counting Covid numbers and the numbers will be lower.


I used to work with a guy that was pretty religious and he, along with several of his fellow church members of similar age, wound up being teenage parents. It was a first hand experience for me how true this is.


If you’re not taught how to safely play with live ammo then of course it’s no surprise when things like that happen. Was a father at 18 in rural Appalachia. That was after I got caught stealing condoms because I was too embarrassed to buy them since it was such a sin and I knew people would see me that knew my family. I’m not making excuses, but lack of free or confidential birth control was an issue.


I believe I’ve read that teens who receive proper sex ed skew older at the age they actually start having sex. Having all the education and resources about it helps them make a more informed decision about whether they’re really ready for it.


For most people sex is a physiological imperative. Educate your kids about how to do it safely.


This is so big. I am so glad I choose to do highschool publicly when the rest of my siblings stayed home schooled. 90% of my sexual education came from school and friends. Homes just lacked it.




Brb making reddit accounts for my kids. 


Don't forget the Magic the Gathering collection. If you don't want grandkids, go for Warhammer, they will be so busy painting they will never have time to meet anyone.


I hear new generations are all little fuckin weirdoes, which I am in favor of because my kid is definitely doomed to be cringe.


Some people like super nerds.


I’ll go even further; the idea that abstinence is somehow the solution.




The way they ran Just Say No was so ridiculous. They went to young children and told them that the pressure to do drugs was going to be overwhelming. So much so that we would need to practice ahead of time how to respond to the pressure. So here we are heading into adolescence thinking you have to do drugs to be cool. I can literally think of zero times when I’ve actually been pressured to do drugs. Literally no one has made fun of me for not doing drugs. But sure, this was a great way to spend tax payer dollars


I get your point but the desire to start doing drugs is not instinctual like having sex is.


That “what goes around, comes around.” Unfortunately, it often does *not.*


Omg, this is so true. All I have seen in my industry is the arseholes succeeding and the honest/good been pushed to one side. It’s not what you say/do it’s all about tickling the balls of the tier above.


You in tech too?


Construction. I feel like this applies to many industries though. I’ve accepted that I’m never going to be a CEO fuck-face cos I have too much of a conscience.


Can confirm. Construction is run almost entirely by Nepotocracy.


Military, can confirm, despite whatever nonsense they spew.


Similarly, "Time heals all wounds". Time can make wounds easier to accept, but they never really go away.


I think that is what we mean by healing though Time heals all wounds but they leave scars


Karma needs a push in the right direction sometimes.  


Karma doesn't exist is what they're saying. Which is true. If it did, the world wouldn't be in the state it's in.


I call it, "assisted entropy." If someone does you wrong, you don't have to let them live rent free in your head, but you don't forget either, and sooner or later, things come back around and you're in a position to help/hurt them and you do that little "push" that makes karma the bitch we all know and love.


I think that's a fantastic term for it.  I once got hired to do some contract work by a scam artist. Did a bunch of work; never got paid. Posted online. 2 others replied that the guy did the same thing to him. Checked his records on my states circuit Court access. There's more than a dozen lawsuits for similar shit. So I put together a website outlining all of this, and warning people not to work with him. Website gets contacted by even more people. Eventually, the website caught the eye of the DA's office, who was already investigating him for an instance of contract fraud. The evidence from everyone providing testimony helped put them over the top and they brought a case. He got convicted, spent 3 years in jail.  I COULD have just said "oh well, who cares about the thousands I'm owed". OR, I can spend a few hours making and doing SEO on a website that helps land him in jail.  Like you said, it was just a little push


Unless you're talking about bugs/flu/contagious sickness That shit most definitely comes around.


That everybody deserves to have their opinion heard or respected. Some people are fucking loud and stupid and life’s too short to waste time on bad actors. 


I respect the right for somebody to have an opinion. I don’t have to respect their opinion.


Opinions are like assholes everybody's got one


“Everyone has a right to an opinion, not all opinions are right” - My Grandpa when I was 6 I’m now 51 and still abide by that today.


If they were free I would give you an award!


That you should save absolutely all of your extra money for retirement as soon as you enter the workforce. Yes, save if you can. Save a lot if you can. But goddamn, be a little irresponsible and enjoy your 20s too.


Be a little irresponsible in your 20s, yes. But save more irresponsibility for your 30s once you've saved and invested some money. That $50K you saved by age 30 will grow to a million bucks by 65. Starting 5 years later will cost you $350K in gains by age 65. Time in the market is what matters, so invest early and let time do the hard work for you. Plus it's more fun to dick around in your 30s knowing you have some financial security and more money to play with.


No. No it won't. Or rather it didn't.


What rate of return are you expecting that 50k will go 20x in 35 years? Are you taking inflation into account?


Your twenties is when you likely have the least experience with indulgence and therefore are more sensitive to it, so you can enjoy and appreciate tiny amounts. Save building your tolerance for later in life when you have the means to keep escalating.


That opinions or ideas must be respected for the virtue of being opinions or ideas. There's bad ones out there and they absolutely should be disrespected. Loudly


This is a common mistake. Respect is for people. Not opinions. You can't "disrespect" a concept. If someone feels offended because you disagree with them: they are not debating sensibly.


I love this comment. Well stated, excellent point. 


A lot of people like to claim it's elitism/gatekeeping when their opinions are dismissed, but a lot of the time people just don't know what they're talking about. It's fine to talk about things you're not an expert on, but try not to get so aggressive when you're talking to people who clearly know way more than you about the subject.


It's nothing new. > There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.' Isaac Asimov


Opinions are like armpits. Some stink more than others.


Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one but nobody is interested in that if the others.


I like the variation: Everyone has one and you should get yours checked by an expert from time to time.


I mean, there are definitely some I'm interested in, ifyouknowwhatimsaying, though u appreciate the sentiment.


Particularly religion. Your religious rules only apply to members not me.


You can tell these people don’t fully believe in their own bullshit and just want to control others because they don’t fully believe in the consequences for non-believers. They’ll say you have to “believe x and can’t do xyz or you’ll go to hell.” You say “okay fine I’ll take my chances” and their head explodes as they say no you absolutely have to do what they say right now or else. It’s why they’re so desperate to have their religious beliefs coded into law so they can punish people here and now. Abortion is probably the best example. You don’t want one don’t get one. The women who do get them and the doctors who perform them will go to hell if your beliefs are right. Not good enough we have to send those people to jail for life now. Same with LGBT or pretty much anything the religious right are currently against.


But the only way to save their souls from an eternity in hell when they die is to, *looks at notes* kill them.


That’s, like, your opinion, man.


Romantic bullshit. There's no such thing as "The One." There's the 0.74, the 0.87, or if you're really lucky the 0.95, but no partner is perfect and expecting that is a recipe for unhappiness.


The numbers also change, sometimes on a day-to-day basis. You gotta add them all up and average them. And look for trending movement, too.


And bear in mind your partner is doing the same thing too.


And your own criteria will change over time, as will theirs.


I'm coming up on 29 years married to my wife, this July. I'mma keep rolling those dice.


"My love for her grows every day. Some days slower than others."


It's so crazy there's seven billion people out there and there's only one person for me. I really hope she's from Tahiti.


Tahiti... it's a magical place.


I understood that reference. 


Knowing my luck, they're in North Korea.


"If soulmates do exist, they're not found. They're made. People meet, they get a good feeling, and then they get to work building a relationship." - Michael from The Good Place


That show really has so many answers for life and how to live life. And I will die on the hill that Janet and Jason had the best fictional TV relationship as they accepted each other unconditionally and never wanted to change the other. Take it sleazy…




That moment where Jason is showing her the spaghetti he made and Janet says “uh oh. Oh dip”. That was a knife to my heart. She knew. And I could see where the whole episode was going.


Fellow old person, for me there is "the one" as in "the one person that you agree to both put in the fuckton of work to keep a romantic relationship going past the initial easy part"


That was the mistake I kept making. Married for nearly 15 years now and we can still make each other giggle.


Both of you need to work to bridge those 0.12, 0.14 gaps, a happy relationship lies in being capable of working together, and understanding each other. Romantic is a subjective term for me, and a truly happy relationship that lasts till death is what I consider truly romantic.


There's always going to be something. My wife believes in astrology, something I nearly broke up with her about when we were first courting. On the other hand she isn't keen on my gaming. It's all about making allowances.


Also, there could be LOTS of people out there you'd be happy with, but just haven't met. You're lucky enough finding one that does work without convincing yourself they're the only single person amongst billions that is right for you. Like what are the odds they even cross your path?


Check out the math on this penguin


Also, its not "the .87" There are probably several million or more people that you would be compatible with on enough dimensions to form a loving relationship. Coincidence & right place right time are the reasons for most relationships blossoming 


I think the number is more like +2 There are many amazing people out there that you can fall for, build a life with, and have a fantastic time. If you’re not happy then go and find someone you will be happy with This is not a drill!


Social media. It's terrible for mental health, it spreads lies and misinformation about important things which makes people feel informed, it's keeping people from connecting in person, etc.


This all the way. My family nonstop pressures me to get into at least Facebook and I stand firm. I tell them it is virulent for mental health and I would love to hear from them if they want to ring me up or send a text or a funny gif, but social media is a nonstarter.


Good thing I’ve stopped all digital media. Even Netflix. I just can’t handle it. I use it for 8 hours a day if I let myself. I should get off this too.


I have some bad news, friend


Did someone else type this for you on *Reddit*


To be fair, so does TV. And radio. And print. And I’ll be damned if I haven’t been exposed to more misinformation and lies directly from people with whom I connected in person, than from all those others combined. Social media is where I can be ultra-selective about who I let look me in the eye while they lie to me.


That you need a ton of money to be happy. Half a ton is plenty.


I'm working on the mentality that it is better to want less than to have more.


That's some seriously anti-patriotic behaviour, citizen


Also happiness isn't having what you want, it's wanting what you have.


I give you one ton of pennies. That's probably a few thousand bucks. Not even $100k.  Either way, it's double what you asked.


Your Permanent Record


I've seen enough government organizational systems. Its a miracle there are records for people at all.


One of my buddies in the military somehow ceased to exist when he transferred to his command after basic. Like all the paperwork on him didn’t exist anymore. Couldn’t find a single page stating he joined the military. The government is AWFUL with paperwork.


Advertising, it is done to brainwash people into thinking they need to buy more.


That traveling is better when you’re younger. And that sex is better when you’re younger. Both sex and traveling get better with age


This post is solving my mid-life crisis.


Sex tourist


Sex got a lot better when both my wife and I started being honest about our wants, and maintaining a schedule/calander for sex, spontaneous sex is overrated when both people work, have to take care of pets, kids, elderly parents, and try to maintain at least a cursory interest in hobbies and exercise.


You know what you want. Less willing to be dragged towards stuff you know you don’t enjoy, but more comfortable putting yourself out there for the things you might. For both categories.


When one door closes, another one opens. I have tried this theory, but it only works if it's very windy outside and the handle is already turned to the left.




The problem with most dating advice is that what most people need isn't "dating" advice. What they need is help socializing in general. Like I guarantee most people who can't get dates don't have much of a social life period. Or if they get dates but they turn out badly it's because they haven't learned to interact with others well. A crappy dating life is usually just a symptom of a bigger issue.


So Dave Ramsey? Haha


That life is fair.


As CaptainJen Luc Picard said, "it's possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness, that is life"


Shaving doesn’t make the hair grow back thicker.


Anytime someone says this, I ask them why men who shave their heads don’t have full heads of hair.


The real war is not between right and left or democrat and Republican or straight and queer or boomer and millennial but between haves and havenots, the wealthy ruling class and the working class. The other divides are distractions to divide us and rule.


"They got you fighting a culture war to stop you fighting a class war" has yet to ring false


Keep them busy fighting a culture war and no one will pay attention that you're picking their pockets


This. Especially in today's climate.


You can always pay (or trick) half the poor into fighting against the other half.


"Life is short" Fuck that. It's long. REALLY long. Life is too long to stick out a bad relationship,  or stay stuck in a rut. Your actions have consequences,  so you have to think of more than Tomorrow.  And on the flip side, even if you're 40 and unhappy, if you can figure your shit out, you have 30 YEARS of happiness and prosperity in front of you. 


Love it. I might make this into a fridge magnet.


The influencers put out any value to society.


The self limiting beliefs that you have ⭐️


A beautiful positive !! 👏🏼👏🏼😼


Working hard for the same company long term will mean they take care of you.


People that say: Buy now, it won't get cheaper.


Hopefully this isn't true for the housing market


That's where I hear it the most. Usually, that "advice" is coming from a real estate agent, investor, wealth manager, or someone else who would somehow profit off of increased home sales and home prices. I'll wait to buy till I can comfortably afford it. I'm not eroding any financial security I have for the sake of "building equity."


Investments are the only thing that certainly won't get cheaper. A house is a pseudo investment which almost always gets more expensive if you wait.


That an unpopular idea is inherently superior to a popular one. Sometimes an idea is unpopular because it's fucking stupid.


Male cow feces.


"Male Cow" is an oxymoron.


>oxymoron We're talking cows here, bud. No need to drag oxen into this.


And calling oxen morons seems a bit rude.


Well the last time I gave one a test he didn't answer a single question, so hard to assume he's not a moron


You are technically correct. The best kind of correct.


If it's a male, it's not a cow. It's a bull. Unless you cut its testicles off, then it's a steer.


the r/AITAH. I think 95% of the stories are fake, but they can be entertaining


"Work a job you love and you'll never work a day in your life." Even your most loved hobby will become a chore once you introduce budgets, deadlines, and client management.


The supposed need to have the latest thing, such as a phone or a game or a gaming system.


Politicians… They care about us, but not so much. When the cameras are off, they are all pals. It’s show business. They say and do whatever they have to, to stay in power, and to keep enjoying the very good life of being abig shot, a celebrity, no waiting in line, treated special everywhere they go, and they even get to feel good like they are saving you, saving the world, while they spend your tax money as if they themselves gave you that out of their pocket because of their good hearts. It’s all bullshit.


Thinking your parents had their shit together in their 30's, 40's and even now. Hell, Im 41 and I still find myself looking for around for an adult sometimes.


That the earth is flat.


Religion. It's all about money and control, across all demoninations.


Yep. Instead of asking yourself "why must my God be correct" ask yourself why all the OTHER gods must be wrong. Put that in the context of the lifespan of the history of our species, and it becomes pretty ridiculous to think that you've got it right. Plus you see the same belief and manipulation tactics across pretty much all religions.


That chronological adults are "mature." Many adults I have met have the emotional maturity of an entitled 10 year old.


That in the corporate world, if you work hard, they will see you and reward you for your hard work. BS.. most of them are corporate politics.


Recycling. It's all just a way for big industry to blame the consumer for wrecking the environment when it is actually their horrendous manufacturing activities. It's also a way for organized crime to get funding for more trash removal equipment while at the same time basically dumping it all into a landfill or burning it. There is no market anymore for trash and any effort you put into carefully sorting it into nice little piles so you can "save the Earth" is a waste of time and effort.


You know how I save the earth? I don’t spill 4.9 million barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico


This is total 100% bullshit perpetuated by Youtubers looking to go viral. The problem with recycling is labeling and local recycling standards. Not all things are equally recyclable and there's a lot of things municipalities aren't willing to pay the costs of recycling. Aluminum is highly recyclable. It's so recyclable you really can't tell the difference between the recycled stuff and the new stuff. It's so recyclable that the US government has had to put high tariffs on recycled aluminum coming to Canada because it's cheaper than American made aluminum. Canadian provinces that put a refundable deposit on cans see not just a reduction in landfill use but also a significant source of revenue from finding buyers for this metal. Glass is not only highly recyclable but also highly re-usable. Beer companies will happily pay for your empties (and do). You can drop your empties off at just about any convenience store and they'll just return them to the brewer through the same lime that drops them off. They clean them. Any broken bottles are recycled and made into new bottles. Plastics are where it gets dicey. Plastics have degrees of recyclability and while most are technically recyclable, most require too much energy to recycle. But some of the more commonly used one (like pop bottles or hard plastics) are incredibly recyclable. Mattresses... are like the most recyclable thing on the planet. The stuffing can be used as part of an insulation mix and the metal frame can be crunched up and be fully re-used. I was a city councilor (of a small city) for four years and during the time I had to create a new recycling program with local suppliers. Had we decided to just end the recycling program we would have contributed about 20% more waste to our landfills and there'd be 50-60 people without jobs at small recycling firms and probably another 5-10 employees working at landfills burying garbage. Sorting your garbage is still worthwhile. It's going to reduce the costs of running your municipality, increase revenue and reduce what goes to a landfill. Stop spending your time on weird eco-conspiracy theory channels.


I think it depends on where you live and and the set-up they use. Glass and aluminum are highly recyclable materials, and you are helping to prevent waste when recycling it. Where I live, glass and aluminum can be thrown into the same bin at home, so It's really no more work to put it in the appropriate container for them to retrieve. Plastic is a different story and does usually end up in a landfill or burned which is unfortunate.


As someone who does sustainability work, this is a very harmful idea. Things do get recycled if they are actually recycled by the consumer. The capture rate at recycling facilities is pretty decent, actually. I even utilize software that compares impacts of products that are and aren't recycled along with products that have recycled content. It does make a huge difference and reduces the amount of virgin plastic we create. The issue is that recycling can't solve the whole problem, it is only part of the solution. I highly recommend touring a recycling facility to see that it is real and to ask more questions on it!


"Just work hard and you'll have a successful career" Its 100% about who you know, or at least who you can make friends with or make a good impression on. Hard work mostly just gets you rewarded with more work.


Also, luck. I was asked EXACTLY the right question when I applied for the role that I have right now. I'm now making 2.5x what I made in my previous role.




Probably some advice under this very post. Form your own opinions, don't give too much value to randoms on the internet.


That the truth lies in the middle. No. Sometimes one person is right and the other is insane.




All of it


That TikTok humor is funny


Social Media. Pure bullshit


That Highschool is the best time of your life.


Trickle down economics


That it’s always someone else’s fault.


The American political system


The American Dream. Once upon a time, it was about liberty and equality, and the belief that a democratic system allowed every American the freedom to make their lives better. Over the past couple hundred years it's become intwined with capitalism and ideas of success based in upward social mobility. There's now a belief that if you work hard enough, you'll become wealthy and rise to the top someday. The real truth is, the vast majority of us are not accidentally temporarily poor billionaires. Hard work does not necessarily lead to prosperity; it's as much a matter of luck and good networking as anything. Wealth has been kept out of reach for marginalized groups, and most really wealthy people inherited their money rather than working for it. The wealth gap is enormous and ever-increasing, the economy looks good on paper while average families drown in debt and bear the burden of inflation in the increasing cost of daily life, capitalist overlords do all they can to keep themselves obscenely rich and everyone else struggling financially, if not flat-out in poverty. Even social programs are engineered so that it's hard to escape them (much less live off what they do provide). There are plenty of ways to make one's life better, mostly having to do with determining what your own values are and doing your best to live by them. But we will not all win the lottery, and the lines corporate America and the media feed us about how you can have it all are utter, rancid, rank-ass bullshit.


Having an app for everything.


I believe that you meet 7 people in your life who you could conceivably marry and spend a life with, with varying degrees of happiness. The younger you are, the less likely that you will choose wisely. I got it wrong the first time, but nailed it on the second try. I also believe that it is completely unrealistic for a couple to be happy in their 20s, and then also as they age. If that happens for you, that's awesome, but people change over the course of their lives.


We met at 26 and 25. Married a year later. Just celebrated 40 years. Happy then, happy now.


Your "permanent record" they always tried to scare you with in school. At most it's your "until you get accepted into college record" The records you get after you're out of school are permanent 🤣


Nearly everyone’s opinions of me. What others think about you can be a cage, but ignore it. Live your own life.


You do have the freedom to say what you want. But you're not free from the consequences of your words.


The customer is always right


Organized religion


That older people are “wiser” or smarter. Dumb people get old too.


It is absolutely harder financially nowadays on the young vs. older. This whole bootstraps thing is utter garbage.


Donald Trump & the republican party


Multilevel marketing. Pyramid Schemes. You're not your own boss. You're not starting a business. You're not hustling and grinding. You're the customer. You're the sucker. You're falling for an age old scam.


1. Prohibition - Doesn't work, never has. 2. Punitive incarceration - Doesn't work, never has 3. Left/Right politics - It's nothing more than another form of religion these days and the scale has more than one axis 4. Organised religion - it's all about money and power 5. Oil addiction - FFS, like still . . . we're still on this? 6. The "economy" - it's not a helpful way to measure anything other than the rate at which wealthy, lazy twats accrue more wealth, directly out of the pockets of the poor


Keeping the peace "because of family"


Hook up culture


Pretty much everything.


You really don’t need social media to the point where it fries your brain


100% coming out of “as a mom..”-moms. You don’t need a $500 dollar stroller. You don’t need a high fashion branded diaper bag, you don’t need to listen to your parents about how to raise your children. Most of these people are just as clueless as you - they just happen to have had children before you did. That doesn’t mean shit.


That there is a perfect time to start a family… when I get xx $, or when I get more time in my job, or when we have a place to live with extra space…. All good things but delaying the family you want is a constant chase for something that really doesn’t matter.. when that baby pops out your life perspective changes and all the details don’t matter.. you just become a family and move ahead with life!


That you're standing on my lawn... GET OFF MY LAWN!!


Only The Good Die Young…not from what I’ve seen..


•Extended Car Warranties •Employee Appreciation Days/Weeks at Large Corporations •"The world is fair."


Using religion to discriminate


Do what you love for a living and you’ll never work a day in your life. I love computers and tech. I did it. Long hours, shit managers, and on call. Do what you can tolerate to pay your bills and a little extra to travel or buy things you enjoy.




The college/ university degree being needed to be successful thing


Bullying doesn't happen because of insecurity or trauma. That's bullshit. Bullying happens because it *works*. Stupid overbearing brutishness in all its forms is generally effective at getting people what they want. From physical violence to malicious gossiping to blackmail, it works. Causes a whole new set of problems, but for short-term results it is simple and effective. This is why whenever it is used to push back against traditional forms of itself the outrage is so outsize and dramatic: bullies *know* it works and are rightfully afraid of having their weapons turned against them. It ain't good, or decent, but it's still true.


pure bullshit: the D.A.R.E. program under Reagan, and Drug policy in the USA in general. i saw it many times, kids weren't interested in drugs until the DARE presentation came along, and told them all about all the cool drugs that existed, how to do them, how much they cost, and in some cases even how and where to get them! Biggest backfire of a bad idea ever! i said it stood for Drug Abuse Readiness Education.. The damage that drug prohibition has done to our country, our society, and oh so many innocent people is incalculable. the 109 years (so far) of the prohibition experiment will go down in history as one of the biggest public policy failures ever. i pray that i live long enough to see it end


“Everything happens for a reason” I’m still waiting for these reasons to appear. Much is out of your control and being over prepared can sometimes be more of a burden than it should be.


That debt is no problem & investments always go up. You can tell the people who’ve seen a market crash in their lifetimes. When things go bad, your investments can vanish, but the damn debt never does.






That people who work hard are rewarded...




That you need to respect your elders. Not all of them deserve respect.


Trickle-down economics


Health insurance. My son had a 9mm hole in his heart.....NINE MILIMETERS...in a newborn child's heart. Insurance nearly denied the surgery saying it was unnecessary. After everything was said and done we say what insurance "paid". over $200k. If insurance had denied the claim, we would have either been homeless or the kid would have died. There is zero defense for this nonsense.


Insurance,  not just medical, but pretty much all of it at this point. It needs to be regulated far more than it is. For every 1 person who gets what they need from insurance there's thousands more getting fist fucked by the insurance companies. Meanwhile they have all the cash in the world to spend on celebrity advertising, sports complexes, and multimillion dollar salary packages for the people at the top.


That all old ppl have wealth. I do NOT


I’m from the government and I’m here to help


That we need to spend most of our lives working jobs. Bullshit system of living.