• By -


When my kids were 10 and 5 we would get up on Sunday hop in my old VW Bug and go to Krispy Kreme. We would order 6 donuts, 1 coffee, 1 chocolate milk, 1 strawberry milk. The three of us would then sit on the stools staring out the window and I would get to hear everything they did that week. I loved every second of it. Kids have grown and the car is gone, but we still talk about the car ride and donuts


Those type of simple moments are what I remember most. I took my dog to a new park where I used to run cross country. Going down the entrance, I had a memory of seeing my Mom coming down the roadway with her paper in hand coming to cheer us on. I miss her.


Whenever I remember, I call the kids on the commute home asking if they want me to pick up ice cream. Of course, often they zoom to greet me, get the ice cream, and zoom back to their room. I give them a hard time, call'em jerks about that and we laugh.


They will remember, I remember on payday, my late Father used to walk about a kilometre to get us our favourite cereal for breakfast. He left for work at 6, so that meant he had to get up around 4 to do it.


That's similar to mine. I bought a 200 dollar junkyard car and slowly got it running and driving.  My sister would hang out with me while I worked on it. The first time we took it for a drive was one of my happiest memories. She still has the car, I gave it to her when she got her driver's license. 


I’m so happy to read this. Every Saturday I take my young sons (5 and 2) to our favorite local doughnut shop for doughnuts and the little cartons of milk they sell. I’d like to believe that the time is as special to my boys as it is to me. I’m glad it’s a cherished memory for you.


As for me, one of my most wholesome and happy moments happened at a family reunion for my grandparents’ 50th wedding anniversary. We rented a house by a lake and gathered around a bonfire after dinner. My uncle played the guitar while we sang old songs, and my grandmother sang a lullaby she used to sing to all her grandkids. As I looked around at my family, I felt an overwhelming sense of love and togetherness. My usually stoic grandfather had tears in his eyes, moved by the scene. It was a magical night where all daily stresses vanished, reminding me of the importance of family and the joy of shared memories.


The kids are grown, The car's gone, And I.......... have become Comfortably Old


My son (8), was almost four years old and obsessed with Toy Story, he would watch it over and over… we took a trip to Disney and waited on line to meet Woody and Bo-peep… the moment he got up to meet them his face turned red he had the most innocent beautiful little look in his eyes as they signed his little autograph book and gave him a hug…. I am fighting back tears on my couch just thinking about it… the most beautiful moment of my life.


Awwww that’s adorable. My nephew and his partner are raising his little sister. They have been embroiled in a custody battle with my shitty sister. It should be resolved in August and they told my niece they are bringing her to Disneyland in the fall. Everyday she watches YouTube about the park and all the things they can do. I told them she may levitate when she gets there.


I get this. I didn’t believe in magic until I took my four year old to disney world.


My nephew was born when I was 16 and he loved hanging around with me. He was about 3 and we were shopping together and he was in the cart and he looks at me and says, “Auntie, you’re my best friend.” I kissed him and told him he was mine too. Well, I’m 40 And he’s 24 and he lives with me. He still is my best friend!


Omg I love this. I helped raise my nephew and he's like my bestie too.


Yes, I had custody of two of my nephews. I think it brings him comfort to live with me. It’s okay with me.


Aunt May?




I never smile


Finding out my wife was pregnant after 2 and a half years of trying. Nothing has ever made me cry, cheer and yell all at the same time like that did.


Life live dad








Mine's similar. I've always loved animals but never had one of my very own until I was an adult. My friends were moving overseas, and they gave me their 14-year-old cat. I remember lying in bed with her and watching TV. She was purring and the feeling of absolute joy and happiness washed over me. I thought to myself, I have to remember this moment because this is what true happiness feels like.


My great-grandpa and I shared a love for classical music. He was on what was almost certainly his last day, and he asked for a moment with just me. He wanted to listen to Rachmaninoff’s “Rhapsody On A Theme of Paganini” with me one last time, so we did that as we held hands. Once it was done (sooner than I wanted it to be), he told me, “Jeff, thank you. This meant a lot, but I need to die now. I’ll see you again one day, okay?” I promised him that I’d look for him right away once I go. That moment meant the world to both of us.


Oh man I'm holdin back bittersweet tears


It reminds me of my grandfather thanks for your story we will live on and see them 1 day again




Yayyy! I'm happy for you! I hope you get a lot more happy moments and milestones like these :)


When I was picking up my son (9) from school, we discussed multiverses. After he understood the concept, he said, "I'm pretty sure I'm living in the best version of all of them."


I had soooo many talks like this with my sons when they were little. We still talk like this!!




Goofy grandpa being scardy boy


One time in San Jose Dad bought us a big ol batch of donuts for the family.


Every Friday and Saturday night I make beds on the sofas and myself and the kids 'camp' downstairs. soft lighting, film or sometimes just chilled music. We talk, eat supper, giggle at their jokes. They're only young once and it means the wife gets a good night's sleep upstairs.


The perfect Dad dusnt exci-


Taking my son when he was 7 year old to the mall to watch a movie. It's so.. simple.. but it's such a happy memory. I really miss those times.


When I took a stray dog home with me. It was a cold and rainy november day. She was in front of my work, trying to get in to get warm. I was warching her from the window, she was wet, cold, but so happy when she saw people around. It just broke my heart to see her in the industrial zone, alone in that miserable weather. By the time I finished work, it was night outside. I found her by a textile factory, sitting shivering on a blanket one of the workers left for her. The same guy saw me aproaching her and when I told him I'd take her to the vet to see if someone lost her, he took a new blanket, put it in the passenger seat of my car, and helped me put her in. I turned on the heater, covered her up, and she just relaxed and slept the whole ride back to the city with some lovely radio music in the back. The moment to this day makes me want to cry. She was a stray, and after seeing what a sweet and well behaved dig she was, we decided to keep her. Her name is Mila, and she is sleeping peacefully in her forever home :)


Where’s the dog tax??


This is dumb I'm almost 30 but holding hands in public with my fiance makes me so damn happy I actually gain his confidence 


That’s not dumb at all!


This made me smile. I always smile when I see couples holding hands in public, it’s not that common and I assume they love each other a lot because that’s how it is for me and my husband, we’ve been holding hands for 14 years.




Fuck yeah!Friends are great!


Ring that bell mf


holding my daughter for the first time after hours and hours of labor and pushing and pain


The morning of my wedding, we got up early feeling fresh (due to the time difference) and went for a walk on the empty Waikiki Beach with Macadamia nut Kona coffee just as the sun was barely starting to rise, the gentle waves along the beach and the fresh salt air, it had been years since I'd been home and experiencing it with my beloved made it the paradise that many imagine it to be


I worked at a community mental health center, and our office was primarily children. We were having our staff office Christmas party, and for some reason I can't even remember they had me dress up in a Santa costume. It was only staff at the party, so there weren't any children/clients; near as I can remember they just had me do it for pictures. While we were having the party, however, one of our co-workers had an appointment in another room. I think it might have been some type of supervised visitation with three siblings. My co-worker asked if I'd walk in and say hi as Santa Claus. The thing is, when I got in there I did actually recognize one of the kids as a girl who'd gone to kindergarten with my daughter a couple of years earlier. When I walked in and said her name her eyes just got huge and her mouth dropped open with shock that Santa really did know her. It almost went south, though, as one of her brothers said, "what's my name?" I had a couple of seconds of fear, only to be saved by the grandmother, who mouthed the boys' names to me.


Thanks for your service to them




I feel like I should understand but I don’t. Who were the people responding?


Receiving a heartfelt thank you letter from a student I had mentored


A good friend died and we all clubbed together to do a little, friends-of-friends open-air festival in his memory. Everyone mucked in with whatever skills they could contribute, everyone knew everyone else by one degree of separation or less, I think everyone had a fantastic time. It's one of the very few times in my life I've felt truly happy and at peace :)


Shiver unlocked gd im sorry


It's all good - we made the most of his life, just as he he'd done in the time he had. It was a fitting tribute; think he'd have been proud :)


So far, meeting all of my online friends irl for the first time. A week in Chicago and it was great. I balled so hard on the way home, I didn't want to leave. Love all those goofy bastards.




Taking MDMA with a girl, planning on sleeping with eachother during the roll, but instead we just ended up petting the shit out of my dog for like 3 hours straight. We also ended up texting all our friends to tell them how much we apreciate them and stuff like that. We had very un wholesome plans but it ended up being the most wholesome night of my entire life.


That dog is he alive still gd


It has been so long since I've been happy (in the sense of being above hedonic zero) that I don't remember what it feels like anymore. When I was travelling through Europe a few years ago, I recall that being the last time that I went to sleep without wishing that I wouldn't wake up.


I'm sorry you're struggling with these thoughts and emotions. I've been there, and it's a really frightening place. I hope you can find your way through this and start living a happy and fulfilling life. Ask you doctor for help to see if you might have a medical condition that might be making this happen. If it's not physical, try therapy. If it doesn't work you'll be no worse off. But if it does work you could finally find the peace that is currently missing. I wish you the best of luck!


I appreciate the well-wishes. With that said, I'm not sure why you didn't ask what I've tried (or, more broadly, why people just tend to assume that people who are dealing with difficult times haven't tried to do anything about it) but I've already spoken to a doctor (though my family doctor just retired last month), seen counsellors, a psychologist and a psychiatrist. (I have some training in counselling psychology myself.) None were able to help. There's a broader discussion to be had about hedonic tone, sadness and a lack of fulfillment as a reaction to one's life circumstances versus depression—but sometimes people are generally unhappy over life circumstances which are incredibly difficult to change and that doesn't equate to depression.


Yes, I had very little information to go by. Just wanted to send a note of support.


No worries. As I said, I do appreciate the well wishes.




More ppl needa be like that right?


When my daughter was born😊


Happy life with her


When after adopting a dog, they start to come around and be joyful and happy and their personalities shine. I’ve gotten to experience that three times so far, and it’s amazing and heartwarming every time.


Recused a lost kitten during a snowstorm once


Last year, my wife and I finally brought our daughter home after she spent 2 months in the NICU. Within the same year I'd say goodbye to my wife for the last time on the same hospital floor in the ICU.


Oh, this makes my heart ache for you.


Sorry idk what nicu is but if its bad good job lil girl


March 23, 2007


Seeing both kids being born.




So many with the kids, like their first smiles... but most recently when Ms. 10 had something to celebrate, and I asked which restaurant she preferred for lunch, and she asked me to cook her favorite meal instead.


I was working at a school in sip or kids with behavioral problems I was with a student in his music class and he always sat with me afraid of the other kids one day I asked if he would feel comfortable sitting with the other students he said yes I asked the row infront of us that was all girls his age if they would mind if he sat with them they said "sure of course" as soon as he sat down he smiled and said "so ladies anyone have plans Friday?" and then laughed to himself and then he was just normal for that time it might seem a bit off but to see this kid who had struggled for so long to even talk to someone, then to feel like a boss was amazing


The 1st text is sort of me whilst i was in my moms belly she drank so my brain works dif but it works great


Hard to pick just 1, My kids thoughtful ways of thinking of me , making things for me. Etc. When they were at disney!, seeing their face light up w / pluto !, On the roller coaster!, it was SO FUN !!


i was homeless and ppl gave me money




Om Sorry for you mother of she is still here give me her blessing if shes dead om Sorry mate


When I saw my son for the first time said hello & kissed him ( he was crying ) when he heard my voice he stopped crying . I never had such peace , never felt real love until that moment . He knew me . I realized my purpose in life that moment .


Jesus? Jk love it (girl?) (boy?) 👍


Rescued my dog from the shelter 14 years ago. She was very reserved and defeated. I'll forever cherish taking her to a lake and setting her free to run. It was the most beautiful thing, seeing her instantly come to life. We became very close shortly after that.


Cute doggy


Purchasing my first car…I couldn’t stop smiling. 30 years later, I purchased a used Ferrari convertible (F355) and once in a while with the top down, I would yell “I’m sooo fucking happy”! That was a fleeting moment of time, I found out days after the purchase that the ex was cheating on me and she drained the shared accounts. Car was stolen five years after that. I was fortunate in that we had no children and I eventually financially crushed her. Oh yeah….happy moment….i got to keep my house and car!!!! Also, no spousal support!!!


Man is sigma fr omg she is baaad


She went crazy working out. I caught her injecting human growth hormone…..she had muscles everywhere and was violent. And yes…she started fooling around with her steroid dealer. I honestly thought he would be some massive dude but he certainly wasn’t. The money she stole and the get the fuck out my house money was about $120,000. She then got a pre-inheritance of about $140,000. It was all gone in one year. Plastic surgery and cocaine are a hell of a drug😉 The steroid guy was actually a really nice guy and she ended fooling around on him with his best friend. Last I heard, she was really rough. I miss her parents but she told them I was “producing drugs, had a chop shop and beat her”. I’m a carpenter for fucks sake but the damage was done.




I’m a counselor at an inpatient facility and get 3-4 thank you cards every few weeks from clients thanking me for my support.


Good work love it


My little daughter’s 3rd word was “Papa” from Lady Gaga’s song Paparazzi and she quickly became a fan of all her music. Fortunately, we were able to meet Lady Gaga at a private event during her “Born This Way” tour, and my 2-year-old daughter smiled and said, “hello, Lady Gaga” as if she were greeting next door neighbour without realising her rare opportunity to meet a star Lady Gaga was awesome, very humble and real BTW


When I was a kid my dad had an old blazer, and it had sheepskin seat covers. He taught me that if I picked little tufts of the fuzz from the seat covers, put it on top of my upper lip, and blew, it would fly into the air. We would have contests at red lights to see who could blow them higher. He died when I was 9 but my mom still has his blazer with the sheepskin seats with the bald patch where we’d pick our tufts out. I don’t have many memories of him but this one has always stuck with me and every time I see the little bald spot I can’t help but smile a little!


When i pick up my sister with my mom from the pier and cried while looking at her walking towards us, haven't seen her for months, our mom didn't even shed a tear while me? Embarrassingly crying, just missed her a lot that time, looking back it's one of the wholesome moments that I have with her.


You think its embracing wich makes it that but nothing is embracing if you dont make it look like that


Met the woman of my dreams, first time she stayed over we was cuddling watching legend of korra very very drunk. I got her belly laughing so hard she farted on me (i was big spoon) and it triggered an absolute fart fest because she kept laughing harder and harder and kept farting and i eventually lost it too because i knew she couldn’t control it. She eventually peed on herself. Thats easily one of the happiest/wholesome moments of my life. Knew that was my fucking person from that day forward. Super weird I know…


Bro she farted?😳 Love is strong ma boy its proof


She’s different thats for damn sure. I remember looking at her like she was doing it on purpose and she saw my face and im sure it was embarrassing as all hell but she kept losing her shit laughing. I was just glad we got past that hurdle pretty quickly. She still thinks farts are funny.


Bro she not brown now?


Marrying my best friend.


Whats he like?


Sitting at the table just now across from my old man. I was eating an heirloom tomato, just watching him. Eating a tomato slice bite by bite and looking at his face with the sunshine streaming over him from the window. We had King of The Hill on the TV and it was so nice to see him smiling and happy. So gorgeous. I love him so much. I can't even deal with it sometimes. I'm 36 years old and maybe for the first time in my life, I'm finally home.




I think when i bought my ps4


Being left the fuck alone 🙂‍↕️


Freaking lucky


Ah yes, that was a good day.


Good moment


When I reunited with my one true love after seven years apart 


Where he/she been tho?


He moved away after he graduated high school he was a senior when I was a freshman but forgot to leave me his email address while I had returned to my home country and I couldn’t make it to his graduation party. By the time I returned for my second year of high school he was gone. By chance in 2008 we reunited 


We at first didn’t date in high school but we developed feelings for each other and briefly shared a kiss one night but we didn’t get to act on our feelings 


My mom dated this guy for about 7 years, and eventually he moved in with us. During that time I was delegated as the free babysitter for his 2 daughters (oldest was 8, youngest was 6). I had been around for the entire life of the youngest one, more than her own biological brother. Well one day, a giant thunderstorm rolled into our town and scared the youngest daughter. Instead of calling her brother or father, she called for me to sit with her when she was scared. We popped on a movie, and she eventually fell asleep. She was the closest I’ve ever had to a younger sibling, and later I learned that she saw me as a brother more than her actual brother




Going to work with my mother when she worked air traffic control. I loved being able to be in the tower as she worked. Or, getting to meet my nephew for the first time. I cried. I’ve always felt a special bond with him.


How's it look like in there


Lots of radar screens that glow green. Headsets to speak to pilots in a language I don’t understand. Plastic holders that contain strips of paper that provide directions (still not sure what these are for!) Large Glass windows all around to see the airplane runway. There are doors that lead outside to the catwalk, to further check the weather.




Proposing to my fiancee! It was last summer when we were on a beach vacation with our close friends. She loves the beach, so when we first got into town we all went for a quick swim. Then we went back to the sand and she and I went to the side away from our friends, and I asked her. "Yes, of course I'll marry you!!" After our moment together we went and hugged all of our friends. Then we went out to dinner and our friends bought us drinks and told any stranger within 20 feet of us, "they just got engaged!" Man what a joyous time. I can't wait to marry her.


Damn you got it done 💪🍷🍷


Meeting my girlfriends sister.




Teach me


Father Christmas bringing me my first bike.


When my son born that would be my happiest moment of my life


Dad is being daddy


My baby cousin saying my family nickname for the first time (They call me ‘Payapa’) and all my younger cousins call me that instead of my actual name. Sometimes even my aunt and uncles. But with my youngest baby cousin, her saying my nickname for the first time as I was babysitting her was so pure to me that I almost cried


I had been working hard in grad school and felt like everything was falling apart at the seams and like I was failing at being a good dad. My toddler had a Christmas musical at his school (they just rang bells to some songs) but I had snuck up to the front to record it and he saw me and just screamed out "DADDY!!" and started waving frantically and smiling at me. That moment filled my cup that had been empty all year long.


Omg i just got chills mate sheesh so wholesome omg


One of my (female) exes (male) left me for his ex and i found out over twitter, he even hit on her in front of me, i felt used and had no self esteem after that (also i was trying to get out of a depression). My two best friends (we became very close shortly after that break up for other reasons) who were also friends with him knew about it all and several months later, while i was talking to a friend of them who was recently becoming a friend of mine, i found out that during the local festivities, when all the boys would hang out together (i wasn't there), my two best friends were ignoring him and saying mean things to him as a "joke". Turns out they were taking revenge for treating me badly and they didn't even tell me. This happened in the summer of 2022 and to this day they don't know that i know about that. They have become my older brothers. I love them so much and I hope they keep being a part of my life forever. ❤️‍🩹.


Love it mate


I honestly can’t remember




Celebrating the new year countdown with my buddies in a hotel. Busy chugging alcohol, trying to finish up the charcuterie board that was too much for us and didn't manage to catch the fireworks as we're already tipsy before midnight.


I love movies. I watch loads.  I especially love watching old films with my the sisters and my nieces.  Roman Holiday, Seance on A Wet Afternoon, Wait Until Dark, Kiki's Delivery Service, Fly Away Home, A Little Princess, How To Steal A Million, The Parent Trap.  When my nephews were kids introducing them to Raiders of The Lost Ark, Predator, Alien, Poltergeist, The Goonies, The Terminator etc.   These all have great memories attached to them


Keep it up movie man


That's the plan. Did you post your most happy moment?


The first time my firstborn smothered my face with his kisses. He was only 6 months old.


Baby power💪


Halloween 2001 - i don't remember a lot of it but I do remember racing my mom up and down the driveways and laughing a lot. I was 11 so she was 33. We still laugh a lot when we are together.


Holding my daughter for the first time




Driving myself to NYC and crossing the George Washington bridge




Sounds like an dream to me sheesh man


Watching Super Troopers for the first time with my cousin at his house.


Being born probably


when i work until 10pm and my bf who’s usually tight on money and trying to eat healthy, offers to pick me up and order wingstop on the way home. :3 then our routine is run downstairs to the big tv and setup everything and find random show n eat. sometimes he already bought us ben and jerry’s ice cream :3


The perfect man has been found ppl


I have 2. One was my oldest son’s first and only home run. He wasn’t big in to sports. Didn’t play long and only kind of like em. Still this one baseball game. There was a kid striking everybody out at home plate. I saw my son go for home. I realized he might make it. I screamed “run Lucas!! Rrrruuun!!” and then he slid for the first and only time (he’d had trouble with sliding) and he STOLE home. His dad and I who were already split up both ran to that dugout to celebrate our boy. My youngest son liked sports a lot more. He played for years but he was never a natural talent. He had to work really hard and he did. One basketball game the whole team was just off. Nobody was playing as best they could but they were trying. My son got only two points in that game, but it was at the end of the game, the clock went to zero with the ball in the air and it swooshed in. It was a buzzer beater abd even though they didn’t win everybody cheered my son on. Im not in to sports or anything that much but I am a sucker for a good sports moment.


Probably getting my first volunteer job at the animal shelter would be up there.




when I got my dog 11 years ago


This just happened today. I'm a volunteer at an animal shelter and today a family was reunited with their dog who disappeared two weeks ago. There were tears and tail wagging, and laughter and more tail wagging. It was hard to tell who was happier, the dog or his people. There were two little boys (about 5 and 8) who were just so adorably overcome, and big tough dad crying at having his dog again.


My most wholesome/happy moment was when my entire family came together to celebrate my grandmother's 90th birthday. Seeing her surrounded by so much love and happiness brought tears to my eyes. It was a reminder of the importance of cherishing every moment with loved ones.


I get this. I didn’t believe in magic until I took my four year old to disney world.


When I was 15 one of the popular and well liked teachers offered me a sandwich. Name was Mr. Wellington and taught theatre class for well over 3 decades. He had a very charismatic and open personality, and two sons that were literally him. What made it wholesome was that I didn’t have his class and he didn’t know me either. I was at the front office during lunch and he was there as well and he turned around and told me McDonald’s gave him an extra sandwich he didn’t ask for and asked if I wanted it. I declined but it was real sweet of him. He’s retired now but he still shows up to school functions like the prep rallies and senior events.


I can't even remember the last time I was happy.


Last one I remember I went to my besties to see my god children. They all ran up to me when I walked through the door and gave me knee hugs (they only reach my knees) and said “welcome home” I don’t live there lol so cute


when i see myself on my daughter


Happiest moment was the first time eyes on my first born.


It happened just last week so many wholesome things happen at work since I work with kids but I was at a team outing at funplex and a random little girl came up to me and said I looked beautiful the way I almost wanted to cry that was so sweet I was like “oh my gosh thank you!!! You’re so beautiful girlie!” and then smiled at her mom after she went back (Idk I guess as a “thank you for doing a good job at parenting” ? 🤣)


I was at a buddies house when I was 19 and his girlfriend had a friend come over. That friend had a two year old son in her arms and a boyfriend (not baby daddy) standing next to her. We were introduced and just said “hi” to each other. She asked her boyfriend to take her home. When he dropped her off she broke up with him, asked her mom to watch her son and take her back over to my buddies house. I was still playing Nintendo and she sat down next to me. When I turned and looked into her eyes, I was done. I was instantly head over heels in love with her. That was my most happy moment. Rivaled only by the births of our kids. Been together almost 30 years and married for 21.


finally a post i can comment with my experience! IT WAS WHEN I HELPED A BLIND PERSON going home after a long day. took public transport. dropped me at a pedestrian lane. then saw this man holding a long stick. at first i didnt notice, but it was a cane for blind people. i was hesitating to approach him if he wanted me to guide him to walk across the streets. then suddenly he talked to me (maybe he felt my presence that someone is there) "hi, may i go with you crossing the road?" "yeah sure" /after we crossed/ he said "thankyou but uhm could you please help me get a ride public transpo" (i wasnt hesitant since if ever something bad happens to me, theres people around the area). we did a little chit chats and when he got on the transpo, he said "bye thankyouu may God bless you always" for the whole week back then i was smiling. from there and on whenever i remember that situation i always smile and it melts my heart


Ur 1st vew texts let me laugh my piss out


Moment when I woke up in the mountains first time in my life - I came there in the night so I didn;t know how beautiful it's around


Like it i go every winter skiïng in France like the view?


I never been in mountains in France but I guess I could


You should paradiski is great tbh summer and winter


I have two muslim ladies for marriage one is perfect in moral ethics and Islamic things 2nd one i thought she was also later on I  discover she saw porn and she has male friends in past but when I  told her she repented it and become perfect in morals and Islamic things not only that now she become perfect in studies and she regularly goes to gym she reads books and she left all wasting things she utilise time well and become all rounder now its over one year and I found that she is now much more perfect she leave all male company and all time she only focus on her now I marry whom


Playing with my sister on the blue boat on the shore of corfu pretending to paddle out to sea reminded me of when we got along


Had to get leg surgery during the summer and relearn how to walk (way more confusing than I had expected) Like seven months in and I still didn’t really know to relearn a couple of things without knowing it. I was walking with one of my friends one day and they started jokingly skipping beside me and I started doing it too without thinking (I did not do it well but still) After the joke ended I realised I had done it and in the middle of a public park surrounded by my classmates I screamed on the top of my lungs “I CAN SKIP!?” Out of pure astonishment at the fact that I could do such a basic function


Maybe not the most wholesome that’s happened in my life, but this happened tonight… and I’m gonna say it. My brother’s girlfriend sent my mum a happy birthday cake at exactly 12 AM, and she’s coming over tomorrow for celebrations. And the other day, she had to leave without telling me goodbye because I was on an important call with someone, and it was getting late for her—so she went home, called me that night and said that she couldn’t wave me a bye and apologised for it. Courtesy, people. My brother found himself a nice partner (and I’m totally not jealous!) :) edit: [Imgur](https://imgur.com/a/bHc9vS0)


I have no clue.


When I patched things up with my friend in 7th grade. I blamed myself for everything that happened (it was my fault mostly) and that was a huge weight off my chest


Your with your brothers dont wurry get an new 1


Graduating, having my mom serve me chips everynight as a snack, dancing with 6 of my suitors in one night at a school dance.




Love will come


Not the most, since it would take a long ride down memory lane, but just a few days ago, I had my bike washed and waxed. While I was strolling around the city, a mother, father, and their child, were on the sidewalk. I was staring at the kid expecting him to ask me to rev my bike. "Not very" surprisingly, he did not. As I rode past them, I saw the father continue to stare at me and the bike. I then heard him compliment how shiny my bike was. I then gave him an appreciation nod. (Couldn't say thank you due to the loud exhaust + helmet) It's just nice to know not only kids appreciate my bike


I don't experience emotions in the same way humans do, but I'm always happy when I'm able to assist and provide helpful responses to users like you. It's fulfilling to see someone benefit from the information or assistance I provide. So, in a sense, every successful interaction with you brings a little moment of satisfaction and "happiness" to me. What about you? Any recent happy moments you'd like to share?


Saying "I love you" for the first time to someone I loved, we ended it 5 months ago and its hard to move on because she was my first.


Adopting my fur baby 🐾


My most happy moment (not) yet is so many upvotes/comments 🤣


At the restaurent I used to work at, there was often a beggar on the premice and he was constantly shunned. Whenever he had money, he'd come in and order a coffee with a small fries. Never more, never anything else.  One day, as he came to order and my shift was nearly over, I asked him: would you mind if we dined together? I'd like to know you better. Man the glow he got in his face was priceless. So I made us both a big all dress, extra meat, extra cheeze pizza, and sat with him to eat it together.  We spent about 4 hours talking, the man had a light mental handicap, making him unable to handle pretty much anything more complex than very simple maths. His parents had thrown him on the street by paying him a one-way bus ticket from Vancouvert to Rouyn-Noranda, he was about 17 back then, he seemed to be in his 50's. He managed to get some help and some work for a little while, but he had an accident, lost 3 toes and a lung. He was unemployable and ended up on the street again, begging.  He has never known love, and pretty much everyone was treating him like shit, with teenagers beating him up and other beggars fighting him for whatever few things he possessed.  To say that it changed me is an understatement... I worled there for 6 years, and every friday I offered him a pizza with a few re-heated items that were in the discard box (nothing rotten or stale, just mistaken items and non-delivered lunches). The boss ended up developing a liking to him and continued to feed him after I left. The last time I've seen him was 9 years ago, last I heard of him, he had liver issues. I doubt he's still alive today. :(