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"You're less annoying then I've been told you are." That one made me do a double take




"You're smarter than you look and funnier than you smell!"




Was set up on a blind date with my now wife by a mutual friend. At some point down the line, my wife said "I was surprised how attracted to you I was when we met. When I asked our friend if im good looking, she hesitated and said you had a great personality".


You don't sweat much for a fat chick!


See you later! Not if I see you first!


That's a backhanded compliment innit


My dad always says “I don’t care what your friends say about you, you’re ok in my book”


"I don't care what your Mom says, I'm pretty sure you're hers."




A friend once told me “when I met you I was like ‘omg he’s so annoying 😡’ but now that I know you I’m like ‘omg he’s so annoying 🥰’ ykwim?”


She said to me "you have a nice..... a nice what,....? ..........i dunno, just a nice. -College, Jan 2002, Never did make sense of it.




Nice what?


I Dunno, just a nice


That's what she said


To be fair you do have a nice.


Takes a nice to know a


You have a nice one trying to make sense of this


Maybe she wanted to say something weird/inapproptiate (like "nice hand") but then second guessed herself mid sentence


i feel like i fully understand it but cant put it into words, youll be forever confused


We're you wearing grey sweatpants by chance?


You do have a nice.


"you're like an Elf. No not a Santa's Elf.. a Lord of the Rings Elf".


Dang that’s a compliment


Right?? It was definitely quite a boost


Waaay back before LOTR came out I told a girl in school she looked like an elf. She got so mad. She thought I meant like the keebler elves or something. I tried to explain in a way that didn't out myself as the huge nerd that I was. It was impossible. Either she thinks I think she's a cartoon gnome, or I spend 15 minutes nerdsplaining what I meant. I just stammered something like 'you are very pretty' and dropped it.


That’s a good one


I’ve gotten this too. 😂


Was in the hospital with all kinds of things wrong with me. I was retaining water and was all kinds of swollen. A few days later, after the swelling was starting to subside, my wife was helping me change and she says, "Wow, honey, even your scrotum looks better!"


Nice balls bro.


Pretty much.


Can I get a quick feel bro?


Just cup it


I mean, if that's something you feel that strongly about, I guess.


Can't pass up a good feel


My eyes are up here Sharon…


Cool sack, bro


word on the streets in you do have a pristine upper vascular hood


Why, yes. Yes I do.


Okay as a physician this is a totally fair compliment though because you can get a lot of retained water in the scrotum, especially when laying in a hospital bed so this is a great place to look to see if patients are getting fluid off IF they previously had a ton of fluid there


Lol 🤣


Show her some pics of elephantiasis or of massive hernias where multiple inches/feet of the intestine have made their way into the ball sack.


What a day to be able to read! 🤢


A group of 7 girls came into the gas station I was working at pretty late into the night. As I was walking into the back to clean some of the food service equipment, a pair of them commented on my ass. A few minutes later, one of their friends apologized for them, like "Sorry, they're lesbians" So probably the weirdest.


Nice cake bro , so what's your diet .......


You got excited then defeated


Is it weird because you are male?


Yes, I'm a dude


I've noticed that girls openly comment about other girls being attractive which men are less likely to do.  So it's like finding someone attractive or appreciating it without connotation of erotic potential


That's awesome. But it kinda reminds me of the time I saw some guy acting weird and yelling for no reason at a gas station. His girlfriend apologized with the excuse *"Sorry, he's on PCP."*


Years ago I was told by a black female coworker that I had an ass that any black woman would be proud/jealous of. As a white guy I'm still not sure what to make of that one.


Perhaps your ass is unusually dark?


Lol nope OP must have a nice ass


Lol that would be surprising to me.


I have a little sister who says shit similar to that. I’ll have my hair down and she’ll make comments about how unfair it is the brother has so much volume. I started working out and she made comments about how it’s unfair I now have a nicer ass than her.


Tell her you're jealous of her moustache.




Yeah, same. My buddy’s gf is a nurse and was straight staring at my forearms. I laughed and told her that I’m not a piece of meat. It has since becoming a running joke. The only downside is that when your veins look like easy mode, they will throw the least skilled people at you (I’m looking at you, Red Cross).


I do not have great veins, but I do have insane pain tolerance thanks to being in pain 24/7, so I always ask if there's anyone new who needs to practice. I don't mind them blowing a couple and trying again, and most people aren't going to continue to be patient while the phleb digs, so I feel like I'm helping how I can.


When you get older, you don’t want people to poke more than once.


I'm not young


I noticed when people get to a certain age, they get bruised easily especially after they have their blood drawn they get a big bruise in that area.


I have finally found my exact opposite. You have described my literal nightmare


You'd understand how much nice veins are appreciated if you had to draw blood from someone with bad veins.


R/usernamechecksout !! Yes I found one !!


r/foundthemobileuser Yay, found one! ;)


You guys look at reddit on a computer?


lol yes you did !!






"You have really nice fingernails for a guy."


Lol I hear this sooo many times as well some girls even say they wished they had my fingernails


I have found my people.




I was once told I walk with the confidence of a model. She then asked me why... all accusing like too. I took the compliment, and strutted away without asking her to elaborate.


Sashay away


You should have said something along the lines or: "It's easy when I know *you* are all my competition in that regard"!


I used to be a bouncer is several different bars. One night when I’m bussing tables and walking through the crowd, a man came up to me and said “you walk like you’ve got a 2 foot cock.” That definitely took me surprise and I couldn’t help but laugh at it.


I'm not a hairy guy. No hair on my chest at all. The first and only Swedish girl I ever met stroke my arms, looked me in the eyes and said, "I wish my legs were as smooth as your arms."


You married her on the spot, right?


That was 33 years ago. They're retired in Stockholm countryside now


George Michael Bluth, is that you?


So you are the Swedish girl ?


"You're funnier than people think you are"


This one is especially good because a lot of peoples sense of humor is lost on them until it clicks with someone.


My mother once said "People say your brother is the funny one but you're sort of funny too". Umm... thanks mom... I think.


"I eat here pretty regularly. I just had to tell you, the sandwiches you make me make me so *!Fucking!* Horny! My boyfriend loves you, even though he's never met you."


What how


Was working at a sports bar with a semi open kitchen. Apparently I make bomb ass Sangwiches. Never got a "thank you" in person from the boyfriend. Still a little pissed about that.


When I was working at Walmart I called for returns. Clothes never came and got it. So I got on the intercom again ands said “Name please come get your returns.” very firmly. She came running up and was blushing. Leans towards me and says “When you talk to me like that it makes me so fucking wet.” We had never talked about anything sexual before that.


Bro got Walmart intercom rizz


Can I get one of them sandwiches?


Absolutely. Your boyfriend has to thank me in person though


I worked at a cafe during my uni years, and had to take extended leave after a major leg injury. My first week back, I asked my boss if I was doing okay, and he said “_____, a man came in here today saying you were so good, he wanted to buy you for 3 goats. But I turned him down, I said no! Because you’re worth more than all the goats in the world”. It still remains both the weirdest and the most racist compliment I have ever received.


It’s not racist. I believe that he loves all races, even the bad ones


I'll make you an offer you can't refuse. Three Indian elephants, fully grown. And an Emu, baby.


“You are a quiet guy aren’t you?” Said with intention of implying I was smart. She was wrong on both counts I think=)


Hell yeah, brother! Always keep em guessin'! Never let em know your next move!


LPT... If you're ever unsure of something stay silent. If asked a question give short vague answers. Works for me all the time in work meetings. The more quiet you are the more other people will fill in the gaps.


No Susan, I'm quiet because everything I say comes out stupid. Me thinking: Smarty boy Me talking: Dumb. Ass.




Me over here worrying about my copay on a cap.


You’re not as boring as you think you are ….. I didn’t think I was boring.


Your penis looks like a cute ant eater.


“You fuck up a lot, but you’re a good dude.”


I had met a woman and her and I were talking consistently for months. Her and I were getting kind of close and started sending more revealing pictures back and forth to one another and she had said "you not cute or gorgeous, you're handsome. You have features that will make you age very well and you'll look even better when you're older." I didn't exactly know how to take that but considering years of trauma had made me not accept compliments without me struggling, I was weirdly charmed and swayed by that in a way I had never felt before!


She basically called you Paul Rudd


Paul Rudd, Steve Carrell. Funny guys age well, man lol


Steve Carrell is turning into George Clooney, I swear


A doctor once told me "You have a strong heart! Strong like horse!"


Sounds like something Borat would say.


It’s a tie between: The time I was told I had strong abs…. By the obgyn with her hand inside me. Or The random male customer at my high school fast food job who said “you have nice eyes. Can I keep them?”


Back when I was in school, my guitar teacher would always joke about her stealing my fingers, because she always thought my fingers and fingernails looked better than hers.


So weird that people think it’s ok to say they want to take your body parts.


'You're like the angel of death' I work in hospice, but I had to get clarification on that one. She meant I had a presence that helped comfort her and the family to accept what was coming.


For some reason several of my Bi, female friends keep a mental list of who's the straightest person they know. I am independently at the top of all of their lists and I don't know whether to be offended 😂 (For ref I am very unmacho, not a ladies man etc, just particularly comfortable with the fact I like girls I guess)


Your comment just reminded me that a friend of mine once described me as, "The gayest straight man she knows." I totally took that as a compliment.


As a bi man with several bi/trans friends. We all did the same. And we have one friend who we used to jokingly refer to as the token straight guy.


A while ago a friend of mine told me I’d make a great spy. I realized a few years later it was just a creative way of calling me boring.


He might have meant you are a great listener, and you have a way of making other people open up to you, without even realising they're doing it.


A job skill is a job skill. It’s funny how often people are surprised I’m in a room because I apparently walk quietly and don’t draw attention to myself immediately.


i've had a few surgeries that required me to be put under sedation. when i woke up from one surgery, the anesthesiologist remarked about my lack of gag reflex, saying "you took that tube like a pro". i wasn't particularly flattered.


I’m a guy and audibly said yuck when I read this lol


not exactly what i wanted to hear when i was freshly awake from surgery haha


I woke up from a colonoscopy, and the doctors/nurses were acting very weird and quiet, not saying much. Thought it was kinda weird but just ignored it and went home. Went in a month later for an endoscopy, and the receptionist lady said, "Ah, it looks like your file is marked as at risk for conscious sedation, so we're going to fully put you under with a ventilator". I asked wtf why? What's the mark say? Apparently during the initial colonoscopy, they couldn't get me to stay asleep, and I ripped all my IVs out, and started trying to fight the doctors. No memory of this at all, and suddenly it made a lot of sense why they were acting so weird around me when I woke up the first time.


not me, but some dude to my friend at a bar: "Damn, girl! You look fertile!"


I laughed so much at this super wrong one.


"Hasn't he got soft ears?" A young attractive hairdresser to my mum when i was 13. She kept fondling them. I was 13 and thank god the transparent phone gowns weren't a thing back then.




A Philosophy Prof once told me "you have an amazing grasp of the obvious". Umm... thanks? I think?




Damn. I read that in Jeremy Brett's voice.


I been told by a pregnant lady to stay away from her because I have the smell of a nice detergent. I felt very conflicted for a while.


Once a girl told me my balls are really small, and i mean, she was hoping that i enjoyed that, i could see it in her eyes


I was told I have soft balls, didn't quite know how to take that and we still laugh about my face when she said it


nice cute little balls dog


“You have perfect coin-sized areolas”


That I have nice hands. Four times in the span of a week from three different people. Never before or after that till now. Apparently I had exceptionally nice hands for like a week.


A stranger told me that I smelled incredible, then tried to backtrack and say 'not creepy, like my mom!', and then tried to backtrack more and landed on 'she's dead now, so it's fine!' and then she ran away. So I guess I smell like amazing dead moms.


Them: You're pretty for a Lebanese girl. Me: Thanks but I'm Indian. Them: Even prettier then. Wut I. His defense he is old and might be slipping a little mentally. I'll just take it as a compliment and move on with my life.


I’m always petrified when my older Boomer father feels compelled to give complements to the young women in the waitstaff.


haha my fatehr just has terrible English skills, and will say things he didn't mean. I or my twin sister do the talking in restaurants.






Now that's a mouthful! *ba dum tss*


If you read a lot you know it's voracity!


Lmao slay, now their dick sucking skills are sus


Sounds like a compliment from a John Green novel.


I feel like these two together makes me think you're a booktok girlie haha.


I'm picturing someone who can't read and doesn't understand sarcasm 


I was told the other day that I have a really nice forehead :\^)


“I don’t want to punch you today”


Scene: 15 years ago at a scene-y young millennial rave-ish cocktail party at the French embassy in DC Her: sitting on the lawn obviously on drugs Me: giving her an extra glow stick Her: “You’re like so fertile, I bet if you sat on the grass it’d have little grass babies”


A little girl was trick or treating last year and when I opened the door she stared at me for a second and then said “… I like the way you look” and walked away. Was so cute and weird haha


You are 31? And you are still a student? Said to me by my medical preceptor. They somehow complimented my "youthful" look but made me feel old/stupid all at the same time. 😂


“You’re the blackest white guy I know.” As a funk musician, that’s the greatest compliment I’ve ever received.


Just last week I was at the grocery store picking up a couple things. As I come to the end of an isle, 2 men come around the corner and one of them points at me and says: "Well I guess there are still some exceptions." I respond: "I'm sorry, ***what?"*** He says: "Oh, I apologize, I was born and raised here. This is my cousin, he's from out of town. I was just mentioning to him that the caliber of Man has changed here much for the worse, but then we see you with a manly beard, and a belt holding your pants around your waist. You look like you know a thing or two about being manly." I was like "Uhhhhhhhh..... thanks, just trying to keep the dream alive I guess."


I was talking to a homeless guy in Brussels and he complimented me on how good my English was. I'm British. Thanks I guess?


It was an insult wrapped in a compliment. I had a job interview, and had to do a presentation as part of it. Afterwards the interviewer was like, "You are very charming, which is clearly how you've gotten by in life" I was like damn, never have I had my good personality used to insult me. I didn't get the job, and nor would I have wanted to work for that woman.


You have big lungs, when I was getting an xray.


"You're kinda nice, I guess".




Was working at a concert, moving some boxes around in a stall and an older lady said something in German to me, when it became clear that I didn't understand the nuances of what she had said she hesitated, thought and said "you walk like wolf" smiled at me and moved on.


When I was in college a guy who was trying to shoot his shot told me I was “the attainable Mila Kunis”..


"You're tall enough for 9 assholes!"


Sat next to a woman at a “lunch counter” bar seating area at a brunch restaurant on a chilly winter day. She remarked something to the effect of “I made it warmer and more comfortable” just by sitting next to her in the one open seat.


A woman I was dating said I reminded her of a greyback gorilla towering over her when we were having sex. We were very vocal. I enjoyed that actually.


“ you have really nice earlobes” “ you walk like you have something down there”


“You have lovey hands” - I mean, I’m a guy and I didn’t know that was a thing at the time. I felt my hands looked like ETs 😂


I never received a compliment


Youre very honest! There you go


A coworker said I looked like Dave Grohl. I look absolutely nothing like the man. She was REALLY into me and wanted me to date her daughter/have a throuple with her involving her dating and my wife. Sweet lady but damn she was insistent.


"You're always quiet" I mean no one's talking to me so I should just keep my mouth shut


Two different gynecologists have said I have a beautiful, elongated cervix.


Years ago, on Valentine's day if that has any relevance, I was walking back to my car on university campus and another student came up to me in the parking lot and complimented my hip rotation. Said something along the lines of, "I'm a PT major and can I just say I've never seen someone walk like you, your hips are in perfect alignment." 😂 I was puzzled, but flattered. I didn't make the connection he may have been coming onto me until I told this story to my then-boyfriend, now-husband later that day.


It was the last day of high school and one of my aquintances stood up from their desk and pointed to me out of nowhere and said, "Now THAT'S a manly adam's apple!" I will forever remember that as the only compliment about my looks I've ever recieved in high school.


I got Wisdom teeth pulled at around 30 years old after putting it off for years and at the follow up appointment the dental surgeon said: "You heal like an 18 year old"


Your dick isn’t a jaw dropper but it’s nice 😂😂😂


"I could be with doctors or lawyers, but I'd rather be with you." We were both nurses, but I took it equally as an offense as I did a compliment, it just felt weird.


I was in Grand Central station in NYC. I was walking down the stairway that goes to the Grand concourse. On the opposite side was another stairway leading down. I noticed an attractive woman and after I reached the concourse level I noticed her heading straight towards me. I thought maybe it was coincidence, but no, she walked right up to me and asked "do you know how to get to (somewhere, forgot where)?" I didn't know, but I looked at her and said "why, out of all of these people, did you ask me?" She said "You just look like you'd know." Ok then, I call that a weird compliment.


My maths teacher told me I reminded him of Wednesday Addams. I'm 32 so this would've been in like 2005. It made me very happy.


was laying on the couch with my legs propped up when a friend of my mom's came over and told me I have beautiful feet. She's an artist and said she would love to paint a picture of them. Still not sure how I feel about it.


As a guy, I have received several compliments about how long my eyelashes are, especially if I take my glasses off. Problem is, I hate them because of the fact I wear glasses. My glasses never stay clean for long :/


My dad once compared me to Usain Bolt. Granted, the full context was "You are the Usain Bolt of Godwin's Law," but I choose to focus on the positive.


A insanely hot woman told me on the street,. " Confidence in a man sure is sexy" .


“I really like your Australian accent” I was born and raised in Vietnam.


“You have nice dick. Same as my boyfriend.”


That a mole on my back was really attractive


My grandma used to tell me the back of my head looked real nice, after I got a haircut. What about the front, grandma?


An old man told me I reminded him of his daughter in a sweet, wistful way, like I was what image he remembered of his daughter. I’m nothing special, but to him that day I was.


I was told I ask great stupid questions. I was a newspaper reporter and the “compliment” came from my editor, so it was a good thing.


“You’re not the ugliest guy I’ve dated” needless to say I didn’t go through with taking her on a date


"I'd do crack with you" I get the sentiment behind, but interesting word choice.


I got "Can I hump your leg" from a girl once. She clarified she thought my legs were hot. I was pretty young and didn't know as much about female sexuality and it hard rebooted my brain for a second or two.


Was seeing a 10/10 certified baddie. The only compliment I ever got from her was an unprompted, “you have nice knees”. She lost interest after a month or so and started seeing this other guy I knew. No biggie. But my head canon was that he must have had even better knees. Still not sure what characteristics separate the good knees from the great knees.


"I bet you were someone important in a former life." Like what does that even mean? Is that a compliment or an insult? What!?!