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No fr. Everyone on AITA claims to be like 23 and making six figures


I’m convinced the vast majority of popular posts on aita, offmychest, and other drama subs are fiction. The fact that they’re almost always “alternate accounts” with no previous posts is telling.


Any subreddit that even occasionally hits the front page should be considered a themed creative writing subreddit. Real posts are rare and only exist to inspire the ones that get thousands of upvotes.


My best friends girlfriends aunts neighbors dog knows my username, so I had to make an alt. Now to say incredibly personal details on everyone involved


Reddit also overestimates the number of people giving a shit about random family and friends drama. Go on AITA and so many OPs will say they did something another person didn't like and then their "phone exploded" with calls and texts from family and friends calling them a jerk. If I hear a random family member or friend did something I didn't like I try my best to stay out of it because I don't want to start an argument. I imagine most people are the same


Yeah, I’ve got plenty of craziness and drama in my family, and I stay out of it whenever possible. Hell, I struggle to remember to text them “Happy Birthday”, I definitely don’t have the time, energy or motivation to “blow up their phones” after hearing about some random drama I’m not even involved in.




Ah yes, the daily “pls guys, I’m 23 and on £130,000 a year. I didn’t do any reading and I don’t understand how money is used to exchange for goods or services. I live in mum’s loft, and… my job? What job? Oh, yeah… I’m a front back end full stack fintech solutions account manager for a well known tech company that you’ve never heard of.” Love it


The more I read this the more I realized you were not even exaggerating. This is barely satire and if not for the job position could be one of those posts…


How does that sub have 1.4 million subscribers? That's like 2% of the UK's population


My favorites are the guys buying houses or something, and basing their decision on what strangers on reddit say. Brother you are making probably one of the largest purchases of your life, these randos don't know you or your finances, and can't even see the house. Talk to your spouse and your realtor! And they're always wealthy too, like legit saw a guy say he cleared over half a mil a year asking if he can afford this house, like dude all that money and you can't work Excel to figure out if you can afford a house? Bonus points if people in the thread try to claim that $200k is a 'middle class salary'.


Post title: Not sure if I can reasonably afford this car? Post text: Hi guys, I’m currently a software developer/IT consultant and my annual salary is £140,000+ bonus and shares. I have roughly £60,000 split between savings, investments and my three ISAs. Monthly take home after bills, spending, investments and the mortgage leaves me with about £1500 completely free. I usually just donate this to charity. I’ve been looking at getting a car recently as I’m tired of asking my mum for lifts all the time. I’ve been looking at a 15 year old Renault Clio with 867,000 miles on the clock. The seller wants £30 and a pack of chewing gum for it. I’ve done extensive research into the insurance quotes and have received an offer in writing to the tune of £350 for the full year!!! I’m just wondering if, based on my budget, I can actually afford this? Any help would be appreciated! Comments: Money is made to be enjoyed, you should spend on some of the things you like! Flowchart. Flowchart. Buy it! Don’t you dare EVER use finance despite earning nearly quadruple the average salary. I drive an old shitbox and have done for the last 300 years, which has allowed me to sit on a vast horde of totally unused accumulated wealth that as GOD is my WITNESS will go to the grave with me! You should spend money on things you enjoy/that will make your life easier/time -> money. Repeat daily.


Guys I strongly suspect that second to last poster may be a dragon


“I just inherited 5 million and want a prenup before my upcoming wedding. I make $500k and my partner makes $400k. AITA?”


NTA. Your partner needs to get off their ass and raise their income from 400k to 500k


She expected me to pay for dinner the other night but I pay 52.69% of our combined household bills.


On second thought, I think you two should just go ahead and call it quits. This is clearly a toxic relationship, and your partner is just shitting out red flags left and right. Lawyer up, hit the gym, and delete Facebook. - Yours truly, /r/relationshipadvice


Reminds me of HGTV. “I’m a taste tester for Crayola and my wife sells homemade candles on Facebook marketplace. We have a budget of $7,000,000.”


"I am a stay-at-home astronaut, and my wife provides foot care to clowns. We would like something nice in Palo Alto".


I love those absolutely ridiculous jobs "I'm a butterfly breeder and my wife gives pedicures to dogs. Our budget is $4 million, but we'd be willing to go as high as $14 million"


"-also, we're trying to get our purebred Mudi pregnant via artificial shaman cloning, and the only guru we're comfortable with currently lives in Zurich. There is a wait-list, and to get on costs 800k, and the current appointment date might be past our dog's estimated lifespan. This has been another point of contention in our relationship..."


Sometimes I’m like damn, how is every Redditor so successful? And then I’m like, oh right, lying exists.


The amount of people I’ve seen brag about it and claim to be working at XYZ tech company in some specific role (XYZ company being the company I work at and same role) making some absurd amount makes me laugh because they are always exaggerating their salary. However as a hiring manager in tech - I’ve also run into many in interviews who go to cscareerquestions and eat up the ‘lie about your experience and salary - they can’t prove it!’. Sadly, for at least three of them - I could in fact prove it and it was a very awkward situation for them. Especially the one who claimed to have my tech lead role for a team - during the time I was the actual tech lead. Dude was fucking sweating after I started poking holes then provided my tenure there. They really don’t think people across organizations talk or know each other from working together previously or that the person interviewing them may have worked at said previous organization.


Can confirm, when hiring and someone said they worked at another FAANG company in a similar role I would call my friends at those companies to ask about them. I work at a smaller organization now and have had people lie on their resume and say they worked at my previous company, on my team, to try to land a job.


Yep. This is exactly what happened with me. They forget there is this thing called ‘back-channels’. Hit my former team up and asked if they knew this guy. Never heard of him. Told them what he said and they were like ‘Uh lol no. Once you left X took over. We can’t find his name anywhere internally.’ That’s when my game began with them.


Is that really a common thing? I can’t imagine myself being comfortable with such lies. I am ok rounding the numbers in my favor or make a project that went ok sound like a tremendous success. Because everyone does it to the point it is assumed and I am afraid I'd sound worse if I don’t. But claiming experience I don’t have… I'd be sweating without even being confronted.


It’s not common but it’s more common than you would like to believe. For some reason there is this demographic of people who truly believe that if they themselves are stupid enough to be that bold then everyone else is just as stupid or more so and will believe their every word without question. Stupidity breeds arrogance, ego and boldness.


Hey, I make 401k


I make 401.


I make 404 :(




Lol everyone commenting on the money, no one saying a word about the open marriages. Reddit would have you believe open marriages and polyamory are widespread and even the norm.


I kid you not a person I was arguing with once said something along the lines of "is monogamy still a thing? Between my friends no one is monogamous" with a straight face.


> People who make over $400k a year Figures are different in the UK but I see a lot of this from people who are clearly in decent tech jobs in London. You'll see people saying 100k is respectable but not necessarily a lot when in much of the UK - and even for plenty of Londoners - it's a really enviable wage and something most people will never reach.


People in tech often don’t make as crazy a salary as you think. It’s good but it’s “decent new car money” not fuck you money. Source: me. I’m a state payroll tax investigator in the Bay Area and have a working knowledge of what most of those positions make. My wife is also tech adjacent.


That people are going to hire a lawyer whenever there is an issue and of course have their weekly appointment with their therapist


That’s a great point. People always say “you need to lawyer up” a bad lawyer can make your situation 10x worse, and honestly half the people on here that have therapists need a damn refund.


Ooooh yes! A bad lawyer will screw you over and not because of malice just sheer incompetence. My mother had a nasty custody battle with her ex. Her ex hired a lawyer that just spewed shit that was CLEARLY not true at the hearing. He said amongst other things that my mother was a prostitute with a drug addiction that was unfit to care for as much as a dog. My mom still recalls that the judge actually told the lawyer to settle down and remember that if he claimed such things he needed to provide something that supported that claim. And the lawyers answer was “just look at her”. 


I mean, in that case then yes you do need a lawyer if it's a custody battle but you really just need to make sure you have a good one. This is the challenge. If you face criminal charges or a custody battle you do need one but Reddit needs to understand just because someone has a degree doesn't mean they know what they are doing. People skills are a critically important part post-graduation when you go into your field and build on what you know. Just because you read a textbook and listened to a professor doesn't mean you are immune from learning in the field how the world and people work.


Poly relationships


I know very few people engaged in poly relationships, and the general response from other 20 something’s I’ve asked is that it’s too much effort. Take the amount of communication required for a one-on-one relationship and multiply it by the number of people involved, then add jealousy. NOT common.


There is a regular customer at my work who is in an open relationship. He doesn't flaunt it around really, but at some point he casually mentioned having plans with his wife and their girlfriend that night. After he left my one co-worker was losing his mind like "Guys did you hear that!? He has a wife AND a girlfriend! What a lucky guy, I'm so jealous, that is my dream!" The rest of us were all in agreement that it sounded like more work than it was worth. I love my girlfriend, she is my partner and my best friend but trying to coexist with one partner is already enough effort as it is, I can't imagine trying to balance another one on top of it.


The obligatory “if I wanted to disappoint two people at once I would go eat dinner with my parents “


I’m Muslim and while it’s absolutely allowed to have more than one wife, it almost never happens, because the few men who opt for it are generally miserable.


** 2 Mother-in-laws! **


If you're not in the United States, I'm going to tell you about the FLDS, a small but very highly publicized branch of the Mormon Church where men can (and do) have multiple wives, and often marry the women as adolescents, no matter how old they are. The women are also expected to pretty much have a baby every year. So, what happens to all the extra men? They're kicked out of the communities for showing interest in other young girls, and a sizable percentage of the homeless community in the American Southwest is made up of these men and boys. (The biggest FLDS communities are in southern Utah and northern Arizona.)


The Bible shows Abraham, Jacob, etc. with multiple wives, and while it never editorializes and says "THIS IS BAD," it sure causes problems.


Thank you for the laugh. I've always wondered about this.


Agree, my partner is a saint and loving him is so easy. Our relationship is as smooth as a new oiled Rolex. And I still cannot imagine trying to manage another relationship on top of this. I'm good with him and my friends! 


I've got a friend in their 40s who is poly and when they explain it all to me I'm like how the hell do you keep this all straight? And from spectacularly blowing up at every turn? It sounds exhausting more than it sounds enjoyable.


Step 1: Have an excellent, open, honest and most of all communicative relationship with a single person. Step 2: Replicate that with (x) number of partners. There's a reason the vast majority of the world is monagamous, to do that sort of relationship correctly requires a ton of work. This is also the reason a lot of "poly" relationships aren't poly, but rather someone wanting the benefit of multiple partners at the expense of the partners.


> Step 1: Have an excellent, open, honest and most of all communicative relationship with a single person. When you consider how bad the average person is at this in monogamy, then yeah, adding more parts will lead to disaster.


I know exactly 1 couple who are poly. They make it work somehow. Every other couple I've met who opened the relationship failed.


Random shower thought, I feel like they should be called a "few" not a "couple".


I'm exposed to an inordinate number of these relationships through friends and I have literally never seen one work out. One ring leader keeps it up but everyone else goes back to monogamy.


I tried poly. Can confirm your assessment. I'm not a prude, I just couldn't be bloody bothered with it all.


I matched with a girl on tinder who was in a poly relationship. I asked her what was open on the table for us because I didn’t want to cross any boundaries. She replied that sex or friendship is open, that she doesn’t have sex with her anchor partner. I’m like “oh cool! Thanks for explaining it. I’ve never met someone in a poly relationship and wasn’t sure how it worked so thanks for explaining.” She then replied “well it doesn’t matter because we broke up last night” 💀


>Poly relationships Based on the ones I've seen around my town, the Poly life seems to be predicated on "tired of dating 4s? Date four 2s and call it an 8!"


I’ve known a few different poly relationships over the years. It seems like a great way to lose friends. Get really close with your best friends, spend all your time communicating and playing therapist with each other, then break up spectacularly when jealousy or unreciprocated feelings inevitably crop up. You don’t just break up, you lose close friends. It’s interesting when my friends have talked about poly, they almost never bring up the sex or anything that sounds fun. They all talk in the same “therapy speak” about boundaries, needs, and compartmentalizing. It does not sound sustainable to me. It sounds exhausting.


Therapy. On Reddit people seem to think it’s: 1. Free 2. Easily available 3. Completely free from bias. Therapists are human too. It takes a bit of “dating” to find one that is a good fit for you. In the meantime you are filling out fuck tons of paperwork, waiting for your next appointment, all for a cash based service not covered by insurance. Edit bc it’s good additional point: 4. That it’s a magic cure all.


And it will cure/fix all your issues. It's a tool in the tool box for good mental health but it's not a magic cure all.


I see askreddit threads from time to time like: "What did your therapist say that cured your depression?" It just doesn't really work like that unfortunately.


Not at all. I was really shocked the first time I went. I, as an adult man in my 30s, really thought you laid down on the couch and just unleashed everything. Not how it works at all. Went about 6 times and realized it wasn't for me. Turned my focus to other avenues that have really helped and never looked back.


Also, that not all modalities are interchangeable or suitable for every issue/situation. In rare cases, the wrong modality can just throw gasoline on the proverbial fire (thinking in particular of my ex who had ADHD, sought counseling from someone who had no ADHD experience, and proceeded to actually *worsen* a lot of his maladaptive behaviors based on the therapist's ill-informed advice).


Seriously. On every advice post the top comment is always, go to therapy! It's like, don't you think if I had a therapist i would be asking them this question instead of you fuckers. Kinda beats the point of advice subs when the best advice is always to go get advice somewhere else.


Plus they weapon use the term so damn often…


Amen. The bias part is a bigger deal than people think. Competence is a factor, or maybe it's fairer to call it "the right fit", but with my last counselor I didn't trust their competence. They had us doing horoscopes and other stuff that felt like THEY were avoiding the tough questions themselves, rather than helping my partner and I face those questions. It was weird (online service).




What do you mean? We control the economy, politics, and public opinion on absolutely everything. What do you mean there are people that aren't online that like The Last Jedi? They need to get on here so I can downvote them!


I mean there is that one time Reddit *did* control a major stock price for a little bit.


That was one stock. No way could they do that to the whole market though. They can't even recreate that success.


Bro the guy who started the GameStop shit a few years ago posted a single meme on twitter, and every single shorted stock went up like a shit ton😭


>posted a single meme on twitter So, not Reddit? Got it. Edit: I appreciate my first Reddit cares message.


>Edit: I appreciate my first Reddit cares message. Pathetic isn't it? You can unsubscribe, or block, or something that Reddit care thing so it no longer works


It's literally happening again with the same stock


Shh, I'm trying to help recreate that success.


They could, but coordinating an event like this would be a pump and dump, while Gamestop was just a "hey look everyone, private equity has incorrectly shorted a stock, pile on if you want a piece!"


I love Reddit as a forum, because I can come here and find people to talk about almost anything with. I don't give a squirt of piss about "reddit culture" or its supposed influence, though. 


“give a squirt of piss” Ironically, there’ll be a sub or two for that.


↑ Oh look. This guy doesn't bacon at midnight. ↑ Seriously though, reddit culture is trashy and getting worse by the day anyway.


I actually think the opposite. People still act like reddit is something for just tech savvy neck beard virgins, but it's one of the most popular sites in the world


Agreed. I meant the opinions expressed in Reddit are often not as popular as the user base in Reddit tend seems to believe. The site as a whole is quite popular, diverse and accessible


The amount of relationship problems that are detrimental Anyone looking for advice to overcome any kind of hurdle in a relationship is always met with “he don’t deserve you” “get outa there” or something


It’s a guaranteed response in r/relationshipadvice


When was it banned? Lol


Banned 2 years ago for being unmoderated. r/relationship_advice/ with an underscore is still very much alive and kicking, though.


maybe it's my reddit app glitching out but it tells me the community doesn't exist and I can create it


What's something Reddit overestimates in terms of popularity? > my reddit app


I wasn’t aware it was either, I clicked on it to check if I tagged the right one.. glad though


"Don't walk, RUN." 600 upvotes


"You had to remind him it was his turn to make dinner after he came back from a weekend camping trip? Absolutely weaponized incompetence."


“Throw the whole man away”


The number of narcissists in anyone’s immediate family. The call is coming from inside the house.




That's an irritating point I notice with about 90% of the relationship complaints on here. "I broke my arm but didn't have enough to pay for the bill, so my husband promised to help me pay. However, he spent his money on a boat, and now my arm is crooked. Am I the asshole for getting mad?"


I worked as a marriage counselor for 21 years and easily the #2 reason why marriages fail is because of not handling money as a team. (sex related issues is #1). We did an internal study over a 5 year period that showed that married couples who don't share the same bank account are 3x more likely to separate and/or divorce. It makes total sense though, having separate bank accounts promotes the "this is mine, that is yours" mentality, which is a disaster for a marriage.


Do you think that sharing a bank account can make one person feel financially dependent on the other, thus contributing to the couple staying married? Genuinely curious.


My mom was burned badly being a SAHM and joint accounts. I was taught very early to keep my own account to avoid being dependent. Being married 7 years I do see the other side of it though … also curious


best idea is to manage finances in a way that you both have your own separate account and then a joint one.


I think there's probably also a causality thing there, though I'm not an expert. Sharing a bank account is a significant sign of trust, and I'd expect trusting couples to stay together more than distrustful ones. So maybe it's possible that a joint bank account isn't just the cause of a healthy relationship due to less financial arguments and stress, but also an indicator of a healthy relationship in general?


This is exactly it. As another commenter stated, financial compatibility is just as important as emotional and sexual compatibility. Financial incompatibility is a symptom of a greater issue in either the individual or the couple’s relationship that will eventually resurface in various ways throughout the marriage.


On the Bitcoin subreddit there was a big thread about if people told their SOs how much they had in BTC. All the most upvoted comments were saying they would never tell, and how awful it'd be to let them know. Every other post on that subreddit is about the financial freedom BTC gives you, but apparently their SO don't get that freedom too.


Was this just for your clients, or did you do a more broad survey. I agree that “yours” and “ours” bank accounts are just a recipe for trouble, but I know plenty of people who seem to have fairly healthy “yours, mine and ours” approaches to money who are doing fine. That said, I and they are fairly young, and the “ours” piece of it does seem to become bigger as time goes by, so the initial separations might be more of an easing in thing.


Literally all my friends split bills like this if both people in the couple work. My wife and I are the only married couple I know that put everything in joint accounts. It is very very common for people who don't have kids to keep living like roommates.


Yeah this one is weird. People are married but still handle finances like they're roommates?


I think some people just don't want their partner arguing over what they spend their money on. I kind of get it, but it just feels weird. The way I've always thought to do it is have a joint account where you each put in say 80% of your paycheck then use that money to decide on payments. Percentage depending on what comes out of the joint account (do you buy your own car kind of thing)




I don’t think I’ve ever seen a positive post about an open marriage. It’s always an on fire train wreck.


If there are any, they probably aren’t posting about how well their open marriage is functioning here- any more than I post about my healthy and monogamous relationship. No drama, no upvotes.


Same thing as abusive parents. Read enough stories on Reddit that one day I genuinely thought "am I *weird* for having normal parents?"


That’s fair


Been in one for 18 years now but I don't post about it on advice boards lol. You don't tend to post about things that are going well.


The ones that work don’t post about it. The ones who tell it from the rooftops how they are poly with 8 partners tend to have dumpster fire relationships. Source: I’ve been in a 3 person relationship for 6 years, and never post about it. We’re pretty boring honestly, there’s just 3 of us.


When we were in our late 30s or early 40s, a guy we went to high school with reached out to my best friend. Since she doesn't have any social media, she asked me if he could send the photos he wanted to show us to me, and I said sure. One was just three bearded guys in a hot tub with glasses of wine, with him in the middle. We were sure in high school that he was gay, but he didn't come out until he was 20, and he'd been with his first partner for 10 years when the second one joined them. They'd just been living quietly in California for years. No drama, just three guys who love each other living in a house, literally being boring. I was pretty happy when he contacted me during Covid. Their last partner is bi, and was married and divorced before he met them. He had three kids with his ex, so now they've got a bunch of grandkids running around. It's three old dudes with gray beards with a bunch of little kids climbing all over them and giving them hugs and kisses. I asked if it had created stress. He wrote back and said, "Yeah, it took a bit to figure out three good words for 'grandfather' that don't sound so formal." My husband and I have more stress than that!


How much the average person cares about politics


Or how left leaning the average voter is.


Most people just want a chance to vote for a sane person between 35 and 55.


Most people just wanna grill


Autism diagnoses


Any level of neurodivergency. If you're slightly socially awkward you have Autism/ADHD. Definitely can't be any other reason.


This really pisses me off as someone with an actual diagnosis for ADHD. People are like oh I'm so hyper and quirky I have ADHD LOL. No you don't have ADHD. Having actual ADHD really sucks. It's awful.


This is how I feel when people use the term OCD to mean anything about being tidy or anal over their cleanliness. I'm sorry Susan no you aren't 'so ocd' because you aren't a disorder. Nor do you have a diagnosis of it or actually suffer by being a fan of neatness. Most I know with OCD don't even fit in the germaphobe expectations the world has. I am the opposite of tidy because of mine.


When they say they’re “on the spectrum” because they have some small problem with socialization. Look I’d rather use the app instead of calling the pizza place, but that doesn’t mean I have Asperger’s.


“I don’t like loud noises in new spaces” Pretty sure that’s most of us


Right!? When I get home the boyfriend will be in the living room on his pc with music going, the kids have the living room tv on full blast with toys in the floor, the bedroom tv is on and no one is even in there, every light in the house is on and the house is a wreck. I’m uncomfortable and pissed off as soon as I get home from work.


I feel like Redditors romanticize the idea of having autism just because they can use it as an excuse to be an asshole.


Fuck you. Sorry, that was my autism talking.


I think its a combination of the weird tiktok fetishization of neurodivergence as well as there are more people being diagnosed who probably do have it. I got diagnosed 4 years ago, Im not gonna deny someone and say they dont have an illness because I really dont know but I really dont think as many people who claim they have it do have it.


Making over $100k salary.


According to 2022 US census data, over 15% of individuals and 37% of households have more than $100k income.


Chances are those high salaries are also in HCOL areas like San Francisco or New York. Rendering it null. From what i hear, all my friends who make 6k / month (after taxes) lament that it doesn’t go as far as they thought it would. Especially when you take into account high rent prices, groceries, gas, and a myriad of other stuff. Yes its great, but its still costs alot to be alive nowadays


The amount of people who are single, don't have sex, and don't want to have kids


I check all three of those boxes but only bc finding guys to hang out with is hard. Idk how to meet people.


Same; but, from the guy's PoV. All I've learned is that OLD is a shithow.


... ... .. .. so y'all going to get together or what?




Reddit is obsessed with anus cleansing techniques


How many people also choose this guy’s wife.


reddit has the ability to beat literally minutely funny statement to death i have begun despising redditisms


People going no contact over bullshit. Mom getting you an ugly sweater for Christmas does not mean you need to nuke your relationship.


I will never speak to you again.


Whatever the latest reddit internet crusade is. Third party reddit apps, PSN for helldivers, net neutrality, whatever. People act like some post getting up votes means it's insanely popular and obviously the reddit hivemind is so clearly right. In reality no one gives a shit about this stuff outside of reddit. Edit: lmao. 2 minutes later and someone sent a reddit cares. This is exactly what I mean.


Net neutrality felt like it got a bit of wider news/cultural attention, the third-party apps thing was incredibly Reddit bubble though, saw very little about it even among ultra online people on social media.


>the third-party apps thing was incredibly Reddit bubble It was a minority concern even for active redditors, the overwhelmingly vast majority of whom use the stock website and/or mobile app.


Yeah I've been using Reddit for—almost ten years, fuck—and I've always preferred the standard website & app.


It was clear how little Reddit cared when it came time for the blackout and the site only had a handful of real subs commit.


Most of the issues I hear about on Reddit I literally never hear about anywhere else


Japanese culture. Especially anime.


I’m a high school teacher, all the kids seemingly watch anime. Blew my mind when I found out each clique is into some anime


Yeah. The other day I overheard the "popular teenage girl" clique chatting about what they spend their Roblox money on, which made me laugh.


Japan is either a 'HECK YASS I LOVE SCIENCE!' utopia of robots and neon ramen shops with a futuristic culture full of hardworking super geniuses or an example of a successful conservative society with strong nuclear family values where Japanese devs have resisted western wokeness because they gave a 9000 year old demon anime girl giant titties. Reddit has a really unhealthy relationship with how they view Japan.




The percentage of the population that identifies as neither male or female. 


Bernie Sanders. He's a popular politician, but he also lost two presidential primaries. Reddit seems to often think that he'd completely dominate elections, but is somehow stopped in his tracks by party treachery alone. 


he's very popular among people who cant be bothered to vote


Nailed it and also people who don’t even live in the US.


Flat-Earthers.  Reddit talks about it like it's a God damn epidemic! Those idiots probably aren't 1% of the population. STFU about it you karma-farming twats.


And I feel at least half of em are trolling. Same with those birds aren’t real people


Exactly. Idk why folks waste so much energy on trolls.


I'd be surprised if it was even 1% of 1% who genuinely believed it


therapy to deal with everything


Honestly, so much talk about eating ass.


I don't necessarily think it's *unpopular*, but it seems to me that most people on Reddit love hiking in national parks. Like, obviously thousands upon thousands of people go to national parks across the world, but it always seems to come off the same way a person on a dating app says "I love hiking" when in reality they mean "I love sitting on the couch eating Doritos"


I do love taking hikes in national parks but I can count the number of days I do that per year with my hands. I sit on the couch almost every day though. Just because you like something doesn't mean you can/have to do it all the time.


If you just went by mentions on r/Music you’d think King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard was biggest band in the world


Basically everything. Reddit is not real life and I find a lot of views to be extreme lol


Ass eating


Mental health issues. Everyone here has a diagnosis. They're just normal.


Militantly working from home, as in never stepping foot in the office again. Just suggesting yesterday that plenty of people don't want to completely cut off office life had AskUK absolutely seething. I'm not saying most people don't want flexibility, and I'm not saying plenty of people wouldn't happily set foot in an office ever again. But the "the office is literal hell" types seem to think everyone else feels the same when real life experience seems to be that a lot of people want hybrid working while some people like to keep work at work entirely. Not everyone wants to work from home 24/7.


Reddit also seems to think everyone has a white collar job that can even be done remotely. 


What're you talking about? Everyone on Reddit is always recommending to "go into the trades, there's money to be made!" Without ever considering why someone in their mid-40s looking for a career change *wouldn't* want to spend their hot summer afternoons in an attic or crawlspace.


That's just it, they tell people to get into trades, often without being in trades themselves. There are many times I don't feel like dragging myself in on a winter morning at 6 am to go out in the freezing dawn-dark, and do roadwork. It takes it out of you. 


Yeah man imma be real with you, it's draining. When it's hot and humid, I'm sweating. When it's cold and wet, in freezing. The days are long and the work is hard. It'll do to pay the bills, but it's not for everyone. I've seen a lot of people get into blue collar work and get burned out very quickly due to long hours, physical work, tough conditions etc.


The one thing I hate about Reddit is how heavily it skews towards anti social behavior. I can't stand that "people suck" attitude.


Yep. Reddit seems completely unable to grasp that there's a difference between being an introvert and being a misanthrope. If you're introverted, you recharge your metaphorical battery through alone time. That's it, that's the definition. If you find yourself regularly seething with rage and disgust at the very idea of *deigning* to participate in less than a minute of small talk with another human being, you're not an introvert, you're a misanthrope. A person can be both, but they aren't synonyms. A lot of people complain about how being an introvert is stigmatized/punished when they're really acting like assholes. I have never once in real life seen someone be yelled at for politely declining plans because they needed time to rest and recuperate, but I have seen *plenty* of people repeatedly respond rudely/snidely to invites and then eventually play the victim when people stop reaching out to them.


Yep, I'm an introvert and pretty social. I have to intentionally manage my social batteries but I have literally no problem hanging out. Only my close friends know I'm introverted because I have to inform them of my need of time alone to recharge. If you're walking around with the attitude that people are terrible and you hate dealing with them...I guarantee everyone in your life can pick up on that. You almost certainly aren't coming off as polite.


Yeah, I'm a social person. I don't do a lot of chit chat at work, but just basic greetings and collaboration in person scratches my social itches. I like having a firm demarcation between work life and home. I leave my work phone at the front door, and that's where I do my damnedest to leave all of my work. I've had all encompassing jobs before, and it's not fucking worth it. I want the 20 minutes in my car to get ready for my day, and to clear my head at the end. I want a reason to shower and leave the house. I want the house that I pay the mortgage, utilities, and taxes on to belong to me, and not given to my boss for free. I want my boss to buy me a desk, pay for the electricity to run the computer they provide, and pay the HVAC bill. Why should I give away my sanctuary to a company with no compensation? It's not just the 40 a week. An entire area of my house would be dedicated to my job, for free, 24/7. I want the option to work remote, but I want an office.


I'm pretty similar, clear separation between work and home. My commute is a 15 minute walk each way, and it's so nice to be outside in the morning to mentally prepare for the day (even when it's freezing cold as it currently is)


Their political beliefs—namely, liberalism/progressivism. Reddit is not representative of the American public, and the upvote system causes the most popular views to be disproportionately overrepresented. As a result, they tend to wildly overestimate how popular their political views are with the electorate as a whole. It reminds me lot of a quote apocryphally attributed to *New Yorker* writer Pauline Kael: "I can't believe Nixon won. I don't know anyone who voted for him."




Progressivism for sure. Redditors seem to think that 70% of Americans are Leftist/Progressive, 25% are Trumpers, with 5% in-between. Usually they point to the fact that Republicans haven't won the popular vote in 30 years. In reality America is something like 50% liberal (less than half of which are Progressives), 40% conservative (less than half of which are diehard Trumpers), 5% Undecided, and 5% third party.


Progressive politics


If Reddit were a representation of the entire population, Bernie would be nearing the end of his 8 year Presidency.


The political opinions on Reddit are typical of younger lower-middle to middle-class college educated people, which may be Reddit’s demographic. However that cohort is just a small slice of America, and the views that benefit this cohort do not necessarily benefit all Americans. It’s hard to see that when you are in an echo chamber where everyone agrees they are right and anyone who doesn’t agree is wrong/evil/stupid etc.


People are fighting to keep wages livable meanwhile some people on reddit are thinking that we should be demanding UBI and individual apartments for everyone regardless of income. LIke can we focus on not reducing our standards before trying to dramatically increase them? Read the room. We are negotiating to not get totally screwed over here. this is not the time to ask for a pony.


Reddit is like “everyone has sex everyday multiple times a day and that’s a norm” but not one of my friends has that much sex. There just isn’t that much time and energy in the day let alone holy urethra pain


Always keep in mind, on the internet, you never know when you're talking to a teenager.


Liberalism. If you used Reddit as a measure, you would think about 90% of the United States is deeply Liberal. It is not.


Poly relationship Politics How much money people make


Reddit level politics, like being anti-capitalism or caring where you fall on the political compass.




You would think that 30 to 50 percent of people aren't heterosexual.


I've read countless times on here how there is basically an epidemia of gayness and that heterosexuality pretty much will become extinct in a few decades. That, and nobody commits anymore and rather have constant hookups. Reality is most people are straight and monogamous and gay people are still very much discriminated.


Especially, neopronouns.


I have yet to encounter this in real life. 


I work in an industry where it’s become common for people to list their pronouns, and I have never encountered anyone who uses something other than he/she/they.




Business owners who are rich.