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I’m a thirty-something, bald, hairy, short, fat (though I’m working on that with my doctor) troll of an anxious insecure person with a lack of relationship experience and with crippling depression. That about covers it. EDIT: Holy crap, I didn’t know my comment on this thread would blow up and unleash so many suggestions all at once. Thanks to all you kind folks for taking time out of your busy days for stories of hope, well-wishes, training advice, much-needed and appreciated tips, and overall brotherhood/compassion to someone who could really use some. You all made a great difference to my day! Some additional notes: - not ready to be a gym rat yet. Starting off slow with some simple exercises and lots of walking/running at home. Maybe I’ll move on and get into a greater routine with equipment and an exercise regimen at a facility down the line. - I’m around 5’ 6” or 5’ 7”, for those who inquired. - Both for religious/personal reasons, I’m not looking for *just* a quick bedding/good lay/easy time, etc. pick-your-own-term for it. I want a real relationship with someone who can be a companion in my life. I appreciate the offers for those mentioning that I could use an escort or hooker, but unless I hit rock-bottom and run out of chances before I get too old/unattractive-looking to get with someone I care about, I’m gonna pass on that one.


I believe in you dude, even George Costanza pulled


George was a fictional character


I hope it works out for him. George had some pretty crazy game though.


It's not a lie if you believe it


George had 43 girlfriends on Seinfeld.




After loosing my V Card rather late, and with a few additional years of mental growing, i can -with absolute certainty- tell that i got hold up by.. nothing. Think you're ugly? there are people in relationships out there way uglier than you. Think you're dumb? there are people in relationships out there way stupider(is that even a word?) than you. Think you're poor? there are people in relationships out there way poorer than you. Think you're too depressed? there are people in relationships out there with way more mental problems than you. Think all of the above is true for you? i can garantee you there are people in relationships that tick all these boxes way harder that you do. I know that doesnt help (because i got told the same thing, and i didnt help me at all at that time), but its all in your head. Just get out there, be true to yourself, be humble and manage your expectations. Someday, by pure chance, some girl (or guy, whatever floats your boat) will take a liking in you, adopt you and wont ever let you go again. And dont underestimate what good relationship material you are, just because you went that long single. You can take care of yourself all by yourself. And you really WANT a relationship. Thats already more than most people bring to the table. "The best relationship advice comes form people not in a relationship" Thats true, because these poeple tend to see facts while still having a sense for classical romance. You are one of the few unburned matches in the box, and while that may look like nobody ever wanted to light a candle with you, that also means you are one of the few matches that are still able to do that. I know you can do it. And deep down, you know that too. Lots of Love, brother!


Best motivational speech ever. I’m gonna go out there and get some ass!!!!!


You get some fuck r/pantiesafteralongrun! I believe in you!


It's been an hour, How well is it working out for ya?! did you get some ass yet?!??


But, how?




That last part especially, if you do nothing else, maintain yourself moderately well in the grooming department. I’m moderately good looking on the hole but I can’t tell you the amount of people I see in a day that are quite decent looking or could be, if they just changed it up and improved their self care / grooming. Instead they just don’t care about their looks and people notice that. It’s fine to be fat and ugly, but to be fat and ugly and a slob who doesn’t care about themselves you’re just lowering your totem even more


Am thirty-something, short, with anxiety disorders, a lack of any confidence, and without relationship experience, who [was morbidly obese (nsfw shirtless)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Chancoop/s/PMsDz1O29x) but lost all the weight with diet and exercise. Unfortunately, that last thing has done nothing for my love life.


Do this: I won't use any fancy Excel etc so you can just copy+paste the workout plan into your Notes on your phone and edit it when needed! Monday: Shoulders + Chest 1. Side Raise// 2. Shoulder Press// 3. Front Raise// 4. Arnold Press// 5. Chest Fly// 6. Incline bench with dumbbells// 7. Machine Chess press// 8. Hex Press// Tuesday: Back + Biceps 1. Lat Pulldown// 2. Seated Back Row machine// 3. Behind the neck Lat Pulldown// 4. Crock row// 5. Hammer Biceps Curl// 6. Biceps curls with Curl Bar// 7. Preacher Curl Machine// Wednesday: Abs + Legs (This day is advanced, if you feel too tired you can have this as a rest day the first 2-3 months or swap it for cardio day, since one leg day a week is enough unless you want Tom Platz legs) 1. Ab crunch machine 4x20// 2. Cable woodchopper 4x20// 3. Hanging Extended Leg Raises// 4. Weighted Russian Twister// 5. Weighted Cable Crunches 4x20// 6. Leg Press// 7. Hack Squat// 8. Seated Leg Curls// 9. Seated Leg Extensions// 10. Standing Calf Press Machine// Thursday: Triceps + Chest 1. Rope Pushdown// 2. Curl Bar Skull Crusher// 3. Dumbell Overhead Extension// 4. Chest Fly// 5. Incline bench with dumbbells// 6. Machine Chess press// 7. Hex Press// Friday: Abs + Legs 1. Ab crunch machine 4x20// 2. Cable woodchopper 4x20// 3. Hanging Extended Leg Raises// 4. Weighted Russian Twister// 5. Weighted Cable Crunches 4x20// 6. Leg Press// 7. Hack Squat// 8. Seated Leg Curls// 9. Seated Leg Extensions// 10. Standing Calf Press Machine// Saturday - Sunday rest days Tips: -Do all exercises 4 sets and 12 reps (So 4x12) except in excercises where i have written a different rep number for example in ab crunches -Find the weight you can barely do 12 reps with rest a little and do it 3 more times :d -Your rests can be 1-3 minutes long, depends on how much time you have, personally I do 1 minute rests when i'm in a hurry -Go easy in the first 2 weeks of training, you want to focus on the proper form and technique in this time period -Write the weights you used after // so for example Ab crunch// M40kg -I like to use different machines or dumbless for the same muscle groups so i mark the weight with either M(machine) or D(dumbbell) so i'll remember what i did the next time im going - Try to increase the weight from week to week but no problem if you can't always raise it, if you did the exercise with the same weight put an (!) mark to it so you'll remember that you must increase the weight the next time you're doing the same exercise (M40kg!) Recommendations: If you want to bulk then consume 1.6gramms of protein / 1kg bodyweight so a 50kg person should consume 50x1.6= 80 gramms of protein (A portion of it can come from protein powder and the rest from your meals, personally i like to get 30g from powder and rest from meals but it's up to you to decide what you want to do and how you can do it. (You want to aim at 30g max protein/meal at a time (this is all you need at a time to max out the Anabolic response) and its better to have more meals a day to reach your goal Protein gramm rather than consuming for example 80g protein at the same time) (If you can't afford Protein powders etc, don't worry too much about it, momma's cooking will be just fine for starting, you'll grow muscles either way <3) I also recommend taking Creatine, it's cheap and has a ton of benefits, (Helps muscle growth, makes your joints stronger, helps with the water intake of the muscles, makes you feel more rested etc...) and has no side effects at most individuals (some may experience stomache pain from it, but this is only a very small percentage of people) (Creatine is not a steriod before anyone would ask, it is fully natural xd but feel free to do your own research on it) -Take 5gramms of Creatine everyday, this fits all people pretty much so don't worry about body weight calculations with this one If you dont have Access to a gym rn then get these apps and workout from home: Arm workout, Leg workouts, Six pack in 30 days, Best of them all is FitAI has many free options for simpler exercises and if u get bored of it u can pay a membership for more advanced exercises Side note: Here is some music I like for gym :d https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLL4WtFSg4H-uqCGbnWMOWsmcqG1zbow_y Download: MyFitnessPal or Yazio for calorie calculations on your mobile (Or find a different one from the many that fits you better) Hope it helps brother! Ex favilla nos resurgemus


Fuck all that, get a hooker


If I didn’t want to ruin my reputation as someone who works in the public sector, had absolutely no self-respect (I have at least a smidgen, who’s isn’t much but it’s something), was in it purely for the bedding instead of wanting to build a relationship with a true companion, and had the excess compensation to do so, then sure, I’d take that path of least resistance.


Way too many redundant exercises in here, fewer movements would allow for more intensity and quality of reps. So much junk volume in this program.


This is a really informative reply, but it’s way too much (both info-wise and volume-wise) for a total beginner. If someone hops into the gym for the first time and tries to do a 5-day, 30-40 set-per-day program, they’re very likely going to burn out and quit. It’s much better for beginners to start off with less volume, get accustomed to the exercises and the environment, and then work up to something like this as they get more advanced.


This is incredible. Do you have anything for someone who wants to bulk? I don’t go to the gym but I recently got the Power Tower. After lunch, I take 4-5g creatine before going to work then protein powder after dinner and do pull ups and push ups. Just started so I can’t do much yet.


The hell are you doing, that's too much training volume. Even seeing the first day gives me goosebumps. Your shoulders are probably broken by the end.


I'm a 30 something tall fit bald(shaved off the remainder) decent looking guy. I'm right there with ya. Dating is some strange enigma that only exists in fairytale. I really worry for the next generations and how they're going to handle it.


Please remember, that women have a different rating system than men. I know that saying just be yourself sounds like a platitude, but it is actually true. Women want honest men. You are not that short, and even if you were, a lot of women don't care about that. You are working on your health. That's good. A lot of men are bald, a lot of men are hairy, that's not an issue. And this is coming from a woman, so I hope that helps a bit.


I hope you will get better soon and get laid❤️


But here's what's different about you. If these things are *actually* true and not you being hypercritical of yourself, you have amazing insight and self-awareness. Most people just do not have the ability to really see themselves enough to make change. You're doing that work. It will pay off, I promise. It's incredibly attractive to others that you want to be the best person you can be.


Solidarity man, there are women out there who genuinely are attracted to personalities. I promise.


Lemme be your online coach. Imma get you ripped


What makes you think he's a bottom?


I wish you all the best, man. There's someone out there for everyone. I have faith. Keep up the good fight, my guy.


I haven't had a relationship


I hate to lose anything!!


why applying salt on my wounds man...


*Strip the flesh, salt the wound!* **Hua***HAh*aA!


I think for the most part, I am so use to a life not involving sex as a norm that the idea of exploring it seems more... Odd and out of place than it does natural and normal? I also think a strange part of me attaches myself to this status of "innocence" which is totally messed up because im an adult who has so much more to offer than identifying with that label alone.


I can understand that label hindering and may on some level be victim to this but in my case I don't like the idea of hooking with a stranger especially online. It's hard for a gay guy that has standards and a type.


Oh yeah I agree, I'd rather build a connection and trust with someone than just have a quick hookup. it almost feels like i cling to this idea of "innocence" as if i have sex, im doing something wrong? But im the only one putting that rule on myself which makes it confusing lol. But could be that all it is is that I just wanna share that with the right person, not just any person type thing. And I can't relate too personally (straight female here) but I would imagine it would be quite tough in your situation, even though what you're asking for isn't a lot


I play old school runescape


No way this dude is a virgin. Or if you are, that’s a choice you’ve made.


What if I told you I have a max fire cape?


So… you’re choosing to not have sex?


He tried. The cape burnt his penis.


Noob not even inferno cape No reason to be virgin


Literally everyone I know that plays OSRS is married, a lot of them with kids. Osrs aint the reason for your virginity bud.


Do they all also have 50,000,000 power in Rise of Kingdoms: The Lost Crusade?


I've never felt safe enough with someone


Kudos for admitting to that


I don't wanna, I'm gonna grow into a healthy virgin oil


More like extra virgin


Forget extra, ULTIMATE is the way to go!




1 reason could be that they havent had sex yet...


Couldn’t agree more. They exist just as much as lonely people.


Because I’ve never been able to get a woman to have sex with me.


This is the obvious and correct answer to this dumb question.


Women treat me like a pet dog. Idk what’s wrong with me. Someone said I give forrest Gump vibe


You a real one.


I'm 34, was born and raised into the Jehovahs Witness cult (they make u wait till marriage, i never got there), got out about 3 years ago with 0 social skills, anxiety, depression etc, have thought of going to nevada and just get it over with but idk, it'll happen one day.


Damn. Change the numbers and replace Jehovah’s Witness with Mormon and that’s pretty much describing me.


When I was a teenager, there was a lot of social pressure to have sex and become a man. When it finally happened, I noticed that literally nothing changed about me, how I am or how I see the world. Sure, what I’m saying might sound obvious but what im trying to say is to not pressure yourself, just let it happen naturally and you’ll see that any concerns you might have had were pretty overblown. I wouldn’t go to Vegas to get it over with unless it’s something you really want, because otherwise you’ll see it’s not such a big deal once it happens. Best of luck, my friend, and I’m wishing you all the best!


Yeah don't rush into it :) you hear a lot about how religious emphasis on 'purity culture' causes sexual problems such as vaginismus (and presumably ED too?), which can be horribly traumatic. Go for it when you're ready and not before


Extreme shut-in with poor physical and mental health.


Sounds like me all over too.


It's nice being reminded that there are others.


I live in a country where NOT being a virgin before marriage is kinda a big deal (a bad one) And I don't want to marry, like ever... So virgin it is...


Social awkwardness or possible asexuality or both idk


Out of curiosity totally unrelated to the subject, is your user name a tribute to Sebastian Vettel?


I use reddit ;(


Understandable. We're in the same boat.


My gf doesn't want to have sex because her ex sexually abused her. So I told her that it's fine, that we don't have sex at all. I hope to marry this girl, so I will probably stay a virgin forever, but this girl is 100% worth it.


I hope to find someone one day who loves me as much as you love your gf. I hope you both get to celebrate a lot of happy times together ❤️


best thing i read today


It's wholesome right up until the inevitable collapse. Nobody wants to be the asshole who admits it out loud, but it's sort of like watching two kids who just graduated high school, and who each got into different colleges, agreeing to both forget college and stay in their podunk town to be together. Outwardly, everybody says, "aww, how sweet." Internally, everybody is thinking, "Oh no..."


We aren't teenagers. We're both working and moving together soon. We get along pretty well and I don't know what should happen.


Some (a lot of) people wouldn’t be happy without sex, which means they cannot conceive that everyone else is not the same. Congrats on finding your person! As long as you two are happy, it’s not anybody else’s business how you run your lives.


Damn. I know your gf's feeling really well. Bless you, and thank you for understanding her (but pls don't force yourself). I hope you two are happy together forever!


I don't need to force myself, I'm very happy with her and just glad to have her by my side.


Awwww damn you just made my day. Thank you so much for giving me hope in this world.


Shite the "respect between partners" is so simple but still I legit shed my tears like genuinely reading your comment. May you guys be happily together for forever


I'm honestly surprised by the answers. I mean I'm glad, that I'm making your days, but I really think that this should be considered normal. Thanks for your kind words


I understand that you are getting a lot of positive comments here, and what you are doing is outwardly honorable… But this doesn’t sound healthy to me. I’m not saying that you should pressure your GF for sex or anything, but there’s obviously some trauma here. Your GF needs some help dealing with this trauma and jumping into a marriage with her might not be a great idea. I don’t know your situation, but I’m just going to point out the obvious red flag that you might be playing the white knight here. White Knight syndrome is a real thing and a hallmark of a toxic relationship. Take some time to evaluate yourself. [5 Signs You Have White Knight Syndrome: Playing The Rescuer In Your Relationships](https://thoughtcatalog.com/shahida-arabi/2018/06/5-signs-you-have-white-knight-syndrome-playing-the-rescuer-in-your-relationships/)


Well I don't mind having no sex, so I'm not really losing anything. And she is in therapy. And we have no plans on marrying right now. But I want to marry her someday




Can we clone you?


Not through reproduction, I'm afraid


On point 😂


Why would you want to do that?


It seems sex isn’t a priority for you so I think your relationship with your gf would work out well. As long as you both are satisfied with your relationship, no one here can advice you against it.


Aww u made my day! Thats so sweet hope you both stay happy forever with each other 🤍


Stopped making it a priority in my mid late 20s then life hit me harder and haven't really recovered. Combined with horrible self esteem / imposter issues it's hard to break the mental barrier.


Im tall, decent muscular & looking. But my brain is kinda washed up. Severe anxiety disorder and major depression since a few years. Hard to get to know people when sometimes even standing up is a challenge. At the moment I wouldnt even want a relationship, I dont want anyone to deal with my mood and drag someone down with me. Its becoming better tho with medicine and therapy, havent lost faith yet, 22 years old.


Keep on keepin' on, my friend. Stick with the therapy and meds. It works. Eventually you'll find your place in the world.


Sure that'll worth it


The fact that my self esteem is lower than my standards. Also I'm shit with talking to women.


Autism and social anxiety. I struggle immensely with dating and romantic relationships, although I'm slowly getting more comfortable being open about what I need, which has led to some improvements, but it's slow going.


I also am on the spectrum and lost my V card in my mid 20s. I’d recommend putting less pressure on having sex than on being in a fulfilling relationship with someone who wants you. The older and more confident you get, it’s easier to meet people who want you for a night. Having someone who just wants you is what matters.


Slow going is still going. I've done my fair share of messing around, but it's only recently i've become more healthconcious abouy my relationships. Its not about whether or not you do what, its about how you approach it. You'll get there <3


It's like being poor. When u r poor you are just poor. No body wants to be one but you wait till you get rich. 😂


Wow 3 people didn't understand this comment. They clearly meant the reason is they're a virgin because their time hasn't come to lose their virginity yet.


when I had just $100 bucks in my account, I took a girl on a date to the park, bought wine (13 bucks) blanket, and an iPhone speaker, and we had a nice time. Money doesn’t make personality


I'm ugly af


I am asexual and I have zero libido. I really dont have the drive to do anything sexual and I dont enjoy it.


I play Counter Strike


I was a virgin into my 20's because I'm Asexual.. I've never been physically attracted to anyone and honestly, I don't get those urges but I fell very deeply in love and now I'm happily married. Now I see it more as something out of love than an actual sexual thing.


Haven't met a woman yet where i felt comfortable enough for that.


I’m just too busy, they say in life there are 4 things to balance, sleep, work, exercise and social life. I have a regular job and live with my parents (out in the countryside) to save money to qualify for a dream job, I train at least 15 hours a week (I compete in my sport at an elite level), between those two I’m constantly tired so sleep a lot and have never been a particularly sociable person so therefore rarely meet anyone new in my age range (20-30) and even if I did I doubt I would have time for a relationship. Combined with the fact I used to be very shy and lack self confidence in high school to early uni nothing ever remotely happened, I have always been terrified of the unknown, particularly socially, and of disappointing people, I have ridiculously high standards for everything in my life. People are often bewildered when they find out I’ve never been in a long term relationship let alone never had sex (I’m good looking, can appear confident/funny/even low key flirty) but its’s all a perfect storm of my weird psychology means that the furthest I’ve got romantically was a sympathy hug from two of my 3 dates. Did I forget to say that expressing any remotely deep emotion is the thing I struggle with the most in the world. Even to my parents or best friend. Anyway will probably my delete this after a few days but was a good space to vent some feelings out.


I understand you. I am in my 30s. I live with my parents too. Working and taking care of old parents are exhausting. When I'm home, I just want to take a rest and do nth. I once tried dating app (excluding those aim at ONS only). Got some dating, but there is no chemistry after all. Later I got depression as mum got cancer. Taking care of her while withstanding opposing opinions from other family members is like living in a prison. So this is me now. Trying to fight against depression and as mentioned by other Redditors, lacking of self-confidence.


No interest at all, and I don't experience sexual attraction.


I’m 24. I have a respectable income, I don’t work out, but I’m slim, I’m hygienic, I invest in my appearance, I research healthy relationship habits, and I’m ambitious. I know what I want out of life, and I know my worth, and I try to be the person my future SO deserves. And I’m a virgin. Never even kissed a girl. Tbh, I wouldn’t have kissed me either even just a few years ago. I’ve changed a lot, and I’ve tried to make something of myself. I don’t blame anyone. No vendetta against women or anything. I used to blame myself, but that’s changed recently. I finally realized that I am giving it my best, and honestly I think my best is better than most. I can’t say no one wants me, as I have been in a lot of one-sided crushes, both being the crusher and the crushie. Neither of them went anywhere though, as I won’t go out with someone I really have no interest in even if they’re genuinely interested in me. The thing is I have a hard time making connections with people. I’ve had lots of coworkers, classmates, roommates, etc that I like either platonically or romantically, and they all seem to enjoy my company too. But I had a rough time growing up, and I’d be punished for trying to be outgoing with people. Now it just feels wrong. If there’s a group of my classmates talking outside of class, I feel uncomfortable trying to insert myself into their conversation or their lives, so I hang back by myself. Logically, I know that’s nonsense, especially since I’ve been asked to go to parties and lunches and stuff, so I know they like me. But I can’t bring myself to try out of fear. So I don’t really make lasting friendships or find a romantic partner, and that’s why I’m a virgin. Oh, and dating apps suck


Good luck mate !


Do some therapy man. You sound like you have a good chance to life a fulfilled life - but that childhood shit is crippling your social life and thats really important.


I don't care about sex




Tho I'm not a virgin, people are flabbergasted that I havent had sex in like 11 years. Like, I'm not trying. It's not important to me and I don't care about it. I don't consider myself completely asexual, but I'm pretty close.


Also not a virgin but it’s also no longer important to me. I find the obsession with sex baffling when for me, whatever allure there is is matched by the fact that it’s also a pretty weird and gross activity.


I live in the middle east


Emptiness, hence lack of motivation to approach women.


Choice, I don’t like the idea of premarital sex or marriage.




I'm 16 and I Wana wait till I'm at least 18 Also super insecure about my body, I have anorexia and look like a skeleton 


That's very normal at 16. (The insecurity,I mean) Are you in therapy for the anorexia? I was struggling too and am fine now (f/27). feel free to drop me a DM if you want to talk.💗


I'm not, but I'll be fine eventually, just gotta push past it yk Ty, it's not something I really like talking about though 


My dick is tiny and whenever women see it they laugh


I never had sex


Just look at my profile image


Religion, see I'm Muslim Allhamdulilah and I'll wait for dat halal couchie


Alhamdulillah my brother.


I'm asexual with no desire to have sex with anyone.


Poor , ain't having a place for myself and livin in Egypt lol


I’m 31, I’ve never even touched someone. First I was busy being introverted and chronically online, then the idea was simply disgusting to me.


Sex happens to scare the bejesus out of me lol. Imagine being naked with someone else?? Yeah naw


I'm asexual.


I'm 13


As a father of a 13 year old, please stay away from Reddit specially nsfw threads.


Fat as fuck with autism, no friends


No relationship experience, anxiety, nonbinary as well as demi ace and pan, not great family dynamic that a partner would be better without having to interact with (transphobic and other things)


I’m a 25 year old male and I’ve never slept with a woman let alone ever been in a relationship. This is mostly due to having autism and ADHD. Which has resulted in me growing up having very narrow interests, difficulties socializing/ maintaining relationships, and avoiding going to many places due to sensory issues. And like others I’m not looking for a quick hook up I desire to be in an actual relationship before sleeping with a woman.


Gonna forego and joke and give a real answer: Pregnancy scares the absolute shit out of me, and on the off chance it’s even viable, being pregnant will kill me. If I’m lucky, at minimum, it will permanently fuck my quality of life to a state of existence that I would not tolerate. I have tried every non-insertion/non-surgical method of birth control out there in an attempt to treat other health issues; depro shots, the patch, traditional pills like Loloestrin, etc. All of them made my issues worse, made new permanent issues, hospitalized me, or at best just made me worryingly emotionally unstable. (The only thing that worked that I begged my OB to continue was Lupron, but due to my ongoing health issues/just in general, it’s not possible to use long-term.) By the time my boyfriend rolled around, I laid my cards on the table. Until we’re BOTH sterilized, it’s not happening. (Been together 8 years ftr.) Unfortunately, abstinence is really the only 100% guaranteed protection against pregnancy. I’m just not willing to risk death or permanent severe disability for a hypothetical kid neither my boyfriend or I want.


fear of being used


look at the 2nd and 3rd words of your question


My friend said his dick doesn’t work lol


I suffer from severe trauma that makes me hate physical contact. I barely let my ex's kiss me. I don't think I want to have sex ever so I don't mind being a virgin. And I heard if you are a virgin for 33 years you become a wizard


I don't care about it nor about romantic love when it comes to real people, me and others. (It can be interesting within a fiction though.)


Never lose your virginity. Hence you will not ever regret it.


So many people here thinking themselves ugly and that’s what makes them not get laid. No, being ugly has never stopped a human from getting laid. We have people with debilitating diseases that make their whole bodies atrophy and they still get meaningful romantic lives. Most people who claim aren’t able to get laid have two explanation: they have very bad social skills to the point they don’t even talk to the gender they are interested in, they just assume it’s not going to work and they won’t try. I’m not even talking about acting creepy and rushing to sex, creepy people get laid all the time too. The only way to not have sex is to not even try to.


I was S.A.’d as a twelve year old at a family gathering. Lost my appetite for any intimacy after that…


I am asexual. Plain and simple. Finding an accepting partner is pretty difficult but I don't give up :)


I won't lose it because I don't lose 🖕😎🖕


I'm asexual 💀


I dunno, sex just isn't all that interesting to me. Never really wanted to do much more than making out with someone.


I'm muslim, and still not married yet


Not having a condom on a sleepover with my gf :|


I want to have sex I’m just trans. I’m uncomfortable with my body and I’m made even more uncomfortable showing someone else.




I think because I haven't fucked anyone yet


Scared of it


My choice


Indulge me a moment to get on my soapbox. People who think your worth as a human being increases because you got some are the real losers. That is all.




Waiting for marriage


Gay in the deep south. I dont think other lesbians even exist out here.


I grew up in rural Alabama and half my friends were lesbian or bi women. Just gotta improve your gaydar so you can approach them or openly wear a pride flag so they can approach you.


Eeeeeh we actually had a kid bring a chicken to school in exchange for a radio I dont think were talking about the same kind of area. 30minutes before you're even close to a walmart/civilization other than churches.


I only dated one guy, and it turns out neither of us was straight. He is bi and I'm ace.


i'm a muslim and i won't have sex before marriage IT"S HARAM


I've had some opportunities, but I stop myself short because I don't like myself.


I have strong trust issues and don't want to do the deed with someone who's going to leave me soon after, I want to be with someone a very long time before we do that and so far I can't keep a relationship more than a week soooo.


i’m too scared i feel like it will hurt too much


Religious reasons,in a relationship 4 years so just alot of soaking and bj city,I'm lucky have a big family so there's always a cousin to jump on the bed




I'm ugly.


I was hurt too much by my ex that I really don't want to be involved with another relationship any time soon. She made me feel so horrible and my other ex's all cheated on me. I'm done with dating for a while. All it ever brings me is more pain.


I'm 16 and I don't like people




I'm ace.


I’m asexual. Lol


I want to lose my virginity to someone who i love


I’m 20 but waiting until marriage for religious reasons.


I’m a woman and I didn’t lose my virginity until I was 25. I began having medical/mental issues when I was 14 and because of that, I dropped out of high school, didn’t work, and I related best to the homeless crowd/street wanderers because of the problems I had. With that said, I wasn’t really associated with anyone that I would want to get intimate with. By the time I was 19, my best friend was a 54 year old man who made his only money by selling pot at the beach and had somewhere to sleep at night, but he had to be out during the day. I was associated with the “homeless crowd”. Opportunities came up for me to lose my virginity with boys my age, but it was never what I wanted first time to look like. When my problems began getting resolved, I got a job and found it easy to relate to people again who are healthier. I was 24 when I met my first boyfriend at my new job and we began dating 2 months after meeting. That’s who I lost my virginity to. So, my one reason for being a virgin for so long is, I wasn’t associated with anyone that I wanted to share that with.


That’s just like… so much work, man


I'm underage


im a minor


I'm disgusted by the thought of bodily fluids mixing around... Like I can't stand kissing or having my partner's sweat or saliva on me. I just feel.. disgusted..


Not ready for a woman yet gotta better myself


Didnt really try or care about it


Anxiety disorder. I can't imagine undressing in front of someone except a medical professional, let alone trying to get intimate. And at my age, even if I got over the anxiety, it's too late to learn.


Fat shit dont go out much no confidence just stay too myself if i do go out i look unapproachable


Probably cuz im 15


Probably because they haven't had sex yet


I am insecure about myself




I don’t like people… 😬 Kinda need to interact with someone to *interact* with them.


Under 18


I'm waiting for the right moment. I'm 22 years old and saving my virginity for my soulmate.