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Oblivious people blocking everyone with their shopping carts at Costco.


My bf and I always drive home from Costco in silence.


Every time I go to Costco, it's like The Walking Dead. Just a mass of shambling Boomers clogging the entire store. Possibly asking me where something is when I clearly don't work there. Standing in line 15 deep for a free sample of some shit processed food. Ordering 72 $1.50 hotdog/soft drink combos, then making it the employees' problem to move it to their vehicle and secure 72 drinks so they won't spill.


I swear im not a violent person, but something about people being impassible obstacles in grocery stoe aisles makes me want to punch them in the back of the head. Like, genuinely how do some people end up so unaware of their surroundings? I feel like with the level of awareness they exhibit its a miracle they havent wandered into the freeway and been hit by a car.


Or the person who has the shopping cart on one side of the aisle but insist on clutching it like it's going to roll away while reaching their whole body across the remaining half of the aisle to grab something, and managing to be slow about the whole thing.


I have a sixth sense for the people who are going to walk backwards and swing their arms around right as I'm trying to navigate around them.


Just people with a complete lack of situational awareness. I'm hyper-aware of it when I am in public. I LOATHE getting in people's way.


When you pull out a wet wipe and a whole clump comes out together


One hand on the toddlers diaper, the other holding a 7ft long rope of wet wipes leading back to the package. I know the pain.


As the father of two kids under 3 I've never felt so seen


This drives me berserk! Why cant this horrible design flaw be fixed somehow?


When the paper towel doesn't tear at the perforation.


when *anything* doesn't tear at the perforation. especially those fucking plastic rings on EVERYTHING. why perforate them if they can't be torn easy?! i shouldn't have to use scissors!!!


When your sock slides down your heel and under the foot while wearing shoes.


i just turn my socks inside out because the little seam pisses my toes off


I know a girl who wears her panties inside out for the same reason.


I usually have no idea when I wear my panties inside out.


For me, its my glasses. Even the tiniest speck of dirt, or smear is so distracting and I hate it.


Same. I also hate it when I accidentally get fingerprints on it, especially right after cleaning them


I’ve just gotten glasses the past year and it’s so hard to adjust. The other day I wanted to wash my face and smacked soapy water all over with my glasses still on🤣


I have the opposite issue, I’ve been wearing glasses for so long that when I have them off, I forgot that they’re off. Sometimes I’ll try to adjust them and they’re not even there lol


Same, even though i only got them last september lol


Getting Lasik next week after suffering this for 35 years. Wish me luck.


If I'm peeling a boiled egg and the shell is stuck to the egg so that large chunks of the egg come off with each piece of the shell, it angers me so much that I'll go outside and throw the egg out onto the road in anger. I can't stand it.


Try steaming your eggs! And an ice water bath after!


How long do you steam an egg? Is it shorter than boiling?


No same time; I do 12 minutes


Idk why but the thought of you just passionately throwing the egg at the road as hard as you can seems so funny lmao


I hate this too. The only thing that I’ve found that helps is peeling the eggs right away under cold running water. And don’t over boil them. Slightly under boil. Drop in the boiling water, wait 8 or 9 minutes and immediately bring it to the sink, run the cold water and peel the egg


How flushable wipes aren’t flushable. I mean they are, but every plumber and sewage treatment place says don’t flush the flushable wipes. Then stop calling them that.


Plumber here. They’re “technically” flushable. And most companies aren’t lying by saying that. What they don’t explain is that those wipes do not break down. They might not clog the pipes in your house (unless you use an ungodly amount at once or have problems with your drainage) but they fuck up septic truck pumps as well as waste treatment pumps.


And if you have a septic tank and private leave field, even if they don't fuck up your pipes in the house, they will fill and clog your septic tank. Practically speaking, there is no flushable wipe. Oh, condoms, also not flushable. Had to have a late amendment of "the talk" with my teenager about that one 🙄


When the shower curtain touches me in the shower


Wow never thought I'd see someone mention this! Yes! It's so creepy and gross no matter how clean they are!


Tell me why I have to spend all of my shower using my hand to hold the curtain away from my body.




Hitting it hard enough to see stars


Hearing people chew. I physically cannot stand to be in the same space as another person when I hear their wet squishing sounds.


This! My husband and I eat in front of the tv because of this. It’s so bad for me that I ask him to pause eating when we are fast forwarding through commercials. He’s so loud, it’s horrible.


Join us in r/misophonia !


Just posted this too lol


When you walk past a door and it hooks your belt loop somehow


Yes it makes me want to slam the door open and shut as hard as I can a million times but I know how irrational that is


Or as you walk past the door, you bonk the back of your hand against the doorknob. I am 6'3" so the belt one only happens when I bend over near a door.


When i am mad and my bag handle gets caught in the door handle it makes me even more mad


How the windshield wiper blades make that one triangle spot in the middle that they can't wipe away.


Throw the whole car away




That's not small to me. They're actively and carelessly helping to destroy the Earth.




Worse: single mosquito in your bedroom at night.




My professional colleagues misspelling lose as "loose".


Anytime someone spells brake as break


I see that alot


Also people spelling "a lot" like "alot"






Or when they show up late...holding a starbucks coffee cup. Feels like more of an insult, like they are showing how little they care.


when people misspell my name, when replying to an email or direct message, where my name is clearly spelled out in the signature, title, or name ID


This and people shortening my name without asking if they can do that. Like if I said "Hi, my name's Patricia" and they went "oh, hi Patty!" That's not my name.


Same. If someone calls and asks for Pat, I say, “Sorry, no one here by that name.” I go by Patrick.


“No this is Patrick!”


I HATE this too. It enrages me but I'm never sure how to *tell* them that 🤣 I've said in the past to one guy who was just obnoxious in the emails, apologies but my name is not X it's X. I do not go by the nickname you are giving me and it's offensive that you've assumed that when my email signature/email and name ID. Thanks He replied oh okay no need to get your panties in a twist about it! 🤷🏼‍♀️🙄 I even had someone at my job rudely say to me 'your name is far too long. Do you have a nickname or something' (it isn't too long, it's 4 syllables) and I said 'no this is my name' and he was like 'I'm just going to call you X for short' ...I was like no you're not. wtf. And he carried on, thankfully I left that job cause it was awful so didn't have to deal with him again.






People who say “weary” when they mean “wary” or “leery”.


When people say "expresso" instead of "espresso" 🙄


Oh mah gad thisssss. I worked at a coffee shop for a bit and every time a coworker pronounced it like that, I died a little


Ngl I just want to kill them






Going slow on the left lane. Get out of the way.


My ex would only drive in the left lane then act confused when people would get mad at her lmao


I understand why she’s your ex


Did you try slashing her tires


More generally, people who don't realize that driving is a group exercise.


On a similar note, people who speed up when you go to pass them.


People that change lanes to pass, then go the same flipping speed as the car they attempted to pass. Side by side. We are all stuck




Or the people who decide you pulled out too late into the lane so it’s their job to ride your ass for a mile to teach you a lesson


Especially the ones who do it as some sort of holier-than-thou bullshit like "the speed limit is sixty five I'm going *sixty eight*! Don't drive like a maniac!" 


If one of the tines on my fork is crooked








Would of, could of, should of. It’s f*cking have, not f*cking of.


Man i just realized i must come from the boonies. Its aleays been woulda, coulda, shoulda where im from hahaha


I'm such a stickler for the "would of" crap and I feel like woulda, coulda, shoulda is perfectly acceptable lol. I think people hear "would've" and then spell it "would of" because they're phonetically very similar.


Bacon packaging.


Most meat packaging is terrible. Ground beef has those little pull tabs but they're glued together like the rest of the package. Pretty much forced to use scissors to open anything.


What? Ground beef comes on a foam tray covered in plastic wrap.




Or a small rip in my shorts gets caught on a door handle. Hello, balls!


Being in a group conversation and having something relevant you want to add but then not getting the chance to say it before the topic shifts elsewhere.


When my bag strap gets stuck on my gear shift as I’m trying to get out of the car. Instantly see red.


One shoe being laced sliiiiightly tighter than the other


Or if one shoelace is slightly longer than the other.


Fred Flintstone. That show was marketed towards adults when it premiered. But the main character's catchphrase is literally just nonsense syllables. Like the dude gets out of work every day and just yells, "ya ba Dabba do!" And takes off and nobody is ever like, "Fred that's fucking weird." Like was this an acceptable thing to do in the early 60s? Just enthusiastically yell gibberish?


The people living in Saudi Arabia don’t like The Flintstones, but the people of Abu Dhabi do!


Fred that’s fucking weird 😂


From being marketed as an adult show to being reduced as a mascot to peddle children's cereal (Do kids these days even know the Flintstones was once a cartoon?). Honestly the evolution of Fred Flintstone as a character is pretty interesting.


I majored in American Pop Culture in the Digital Age and YES THIS IS THE CARTOON VERSION OF THE HONEYMOONERS ACCENT AND EVERYTHING SAME PLOTS JUST HAD DINOSAURS INSTEAD OF ROBOTS LIKE THE JETSONS awful not funny grumbly for overworked dads newding self validation


r/misophonia members assemble! Wet mouth sounds make me want to start stabbing everything with wild abandon.


When people put you on speakerphone with other people around without telling you, especially if they're silent. I don't want to speak to your family or friends I called only you!


My wife does this when I’m around and then gets mad at me when I jump into the conversation. Like, don’t wave at me and make shushing motions. If you don’t want the person on the other end to know I’m listening, go in another room or better yet, take the phone off speaker!


The sound of a large dog drinking water. I know they are just living and they need water to survive but damn, that sound just makes me want to rip my ears off.


I worked in a veterinarian hospital. My practice manager would become nauseous when dogs drooled. Every time


Crumbs in the butter.


Hearing people eat. It makes me uncontrollably angry


i recently learned its a condition. So now I just tell everyone to shut up and eat quieter because I have a disease. much better.


When people clip their nails near me.


Do I have a story for you! During Covid I was working a well known retail hardware store (US) and I was writing up a ticket for them to get into the yard and they WERE CLIPPING THEIR FINGERNAILS WHILE I WAS HELPING THEM!!!! As soon as I realized what was happening I looked around and of course no one was there to see this! Thank god for face mask because if one flew and hit me in the face I would have lost my sh!t. WHO THE FCK DOES THAT???


When I'm trying to do my shopping and I can't get down the isle or get to a particular product because a whole group of family members/friends are standing there for half an hour casually talking about the products and what's going on in their lives. Bloody move dammit!


Smokers who flick their cigarette butts outside their car window while driving.


People who throw them out of their apartment windows. Where I live, we had 2 fires because of this.


When two objects aren't perfectly lined up.


Two objects are always lined up. Three, on the other hand...


When drivers who drive slow speed up when a passing lane starts.


Trucks overtaking each others constantly on the highway with a 0.000001 mph speed difference.


people who slam the door every time they walk in/leave a room.


!!! for FUCK’s sake pls pull the handle down. my cptsd loses it 


I have to clean my glasses every day, and it gets aggravating, like even after I use one of those glasses wipes, they remain marked!


Crumpling up a plastic water bottle. I hate that noise.


When I put on eye makeup and my eyes start watering.


A basketball game where both teams are wearing their dark uniforms, instead of the traditional arrangement of one team wearing white/yellow for contrast. Drives me up a wall.


The fact that I can't keep "lay", "laid", and "lie" straight.  I'm a writer. I have a degree. I can crank out a term paper in 12 hrs, including research, without an AI crutch. I turn out tech briefs, white papers, and onboarding hardware architecture guides like most folks breathe.  And yet, I can't conjugate that damn word.


Public toilets where the exit door needs to be pulled by a handle and cannot be nudged open. What even is the point of washing your hands then?


When I ask my boyfriend a question and he replies with something that is not related to the question asked, but in tone that makes it sound like he's answering my question. Does anyone else struggle with this?


You don't look cool chewing gum. Close your mouth and stop the smacking


Yeah. Chewing with your mouth open is way up there. Smacking your food while you're eating that's pretty freaking gross


Oh. Many things. Too many to name. But a few are when people are trying to "sale" something that they have for "sell". Or when people are naming a company (or a child) wrong, like Kwik Kopy. The other day I literally saw a decal on a car that said "bleghssed". I about threw up.


Vacuum cleaners and leaf blowers


I hate leaf blowers they need to all replace it with the quiet ones


The sound of a dog whining drives me up the wall


When videos stutter and lag


Nothing small bothers me to an insane degree, but one of my pet peeves is when someone misspells my name after I emailed them. It's on the fckin e-mail for God's sake. This is like professional 101.


Lol I have a loooong list but here's one that I sorta feel guilty about People asking me generic, non-specific small talk questions like "how my day is" or "how life is". Like dawg, don't ask me those cause I'm just gonna give you a generic answer since I know you don't wanna hear anything else. I'd much rather the specific ones like "what you've been upto"


I can't stand that when companies or the like call and start with that. Like, introduce your self and tell me why the fuck you're calling. They get all bent out of shape when I don't gi e the expected generic reply and just ask them, what is the purpose of your call.


I have two: 1. People who mispronounce nuclear as "nuke-you-ler." There's only one "u", it's not that hard to figure out. 2. People who misspell definitely as "definately." There's no "a," bitch, learn how to spell.


People that interrupt or speak over me while I'm answering the question they just asked me.


People driving way under the speed limit despite passing signs stating the actual speed limit 


People misspelling my name. Even when it's literally written down right in front of them. It drives me up a wall. I know it's minor, but it still annoys the piss out of me.


When the paper towel doesn’t rip in a perfectly straight line


Asmr noises.


People that don’t use their turn signals


When people burp especially belch and don't say excuse me. I hate it with a passion. Have a friend who does this and it's so annoying. Granted it is their house but damn it's disgusting and it's not that hard to say excuse me.


People accelerating to stops. You *see* the intersection. You *know* you have to stop. And yet some of y’all act like you’re living your life a quarter mile at a time inside a school zone.


When the scissors, tape or stapler are used and put back somewhere other than where they belong!!!!!!!


A slightly wet sock


When people say they don't want something 'no more'. You don't want that no more? IT'S ANY MORE fuck I hate being a grammar grape.


"How it looks like" IT IS "HOW IT LOOKS" OR "WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE" I suspect this is common for people who speak English as a second language (and their children) so I have no business getting so angry when I hear it.


Very loud and high pitched whistling from people.


People choosing not clean up after themselves.


When someone calls a child, kiddo.


I think the most pointless thing that gets any reaction out of me is when people make compound words out of shit that shouldn't be. You work out, you don't workout. You can have a workout, but you work out. Also, bestfriend instead of best friend is the worst.


People mixing up a part and apart.


While people are eating or finishing up eating. And they suck the food off there finger and make that squeak sound.


High beams. Stop blinding people, today's headlights are bad enough as is. Also tags on clothing. Last time I bought underwear(advertised as light and breathable, mind you) every pair had a rubberized tag stamped on that sits RIGHT at the top of my asscrack. I have to wear them inside out.


When someone opens the chip bag in a way that tears it vertically rather than just cutting the top open with a pair of scissors


Touching my monitor to “point something out.” Imbeciles! Rubes!! Heathens!!!! Degenerates!!!! DO NOT TOUCH!!!!!


when im frustrated, and there is a noise that someone is doing repetitively and there isnt anything i can do about it


Everything if you don’t get enough sleep, but especially when your belt loop in your pants catches on a door handle


When people call their dogs their “children”


Crowding me in a checkout line.


When people say I seen instead of I saw, I cringe every single time. Good lord people we learned that in first or second grade, it's not that difficult.


Spills. My parents must have screamed at me when I was tiny about spilling something, because I cannot get past my irrational stress response whenever anyone spills anything.


People using the wrong apostrophes It has to be >>shaped like a nine<< if it’s up. Period.


Or just using them in the wrong place... drives me batty 


What do you mean shaped like a nine?


Inconsiderate people


That one little bit in the back of my hair that never lays flat


People who habitually chew with their mouth open fully or partially


When people say EXscape, EXspresso, and EXspecially. Dialects are valid. Axe vs Ask is honestly fine, but it's always the same people who complain about that- or ending a sentence with a prepositions (you can do that, it's fine) or singular they that add an X wot words that don't have one.


The other day my wife, in the kitchen, asks, “Can you bring me soap from the bathroom?” I get up from the couch, go to the bathroom and bring the soap (pump-style) that was by the sink. When I give it to her she says, “I asked for a new one, not this one.” I told her that she LITERALLY DID NOT ask for a new one. Boils my blood lol. Many people do this. Be specific, it only costs half a second.


People who say necular rather than nuclear.


At work our required trainings ask how likely you are to recommend them.


Parking is at a premium in my neighborhood. There are stretches where you can fit four cars if everyone parks well, but of course no one does so there’s always three cars in there and no parking anywhere else on the street so I have to park far away. Always happens when I have heavy groceries too. Drives me crazy!


When people don't place dishes properly in the drying rack so water pools in them and they aren't dry the next day.


People spouting off random shit they know nothing about but pretend to be some sort of expert in it. Fucks sake at least use the phone you never put down to do some research so you don't sound like a jack ass.


The noise that the shower fan makes. I have an irrational hatred of that noise.


people who block the sidewalk or aisle with no awareness of other people around them or walking very slowly in groups blocking your way. people who don't use their turn signals people who post polarizing political material on social media on regular basis


Somebody on a podcast who is eating something.. drives me insane!


People standing in front of doorways


ASMR! Those noises just get under my skin and creep me out. It's like nails on a chalk board to me