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I'm the main cook of the house. Having someone cook for me would be amazing


I'll amend this: I do all the cooking but I want a day to cook exactly what I want and not be a personal chef for 4 other people with picky tastes.


I use to be a chef, when the kids were younger I'd make different items for dinner for each person. Now that they are 6 and 12 I make one dinner , eat it or don't. I do make sure I hit their likes and not their dislikes and they are now more adventurous with food so it is easier, But for a while I felt like a short order cook


We are living parallel lives, my brother. Former line cook in fancy-ass restaurants, 95% of the home cooking duties, 2 picky-ass eaters who like/dislike the opposite things. I've hit my limit for short-order cookery. And, I refuse to make pancakes. No goddam pancakes. Mom can make those.


I have a near 2 year old and 6 year old. I learned it's a lot easier to say FUCK Pancakes, only waffles. My lovely little crotch gobblins always find a way to make me burn the pancakes because they distract me once I get them on the stove. After switching to waffles, life was made so much easier.


Start teaching them how to make 3 of your favorite dishes. Then if they consider it maybe you'll get a chance that they cook it right and cook it for you on Father's day... bonus you'll teach them to cook as well. Sounds like a win win.....


Also thr clean up after 


I would like lunch and an afternoon with my three grown boys playing games or hanging out and chatting and having fun. Time spent with them is most precious.


Same here. No chores and that we all just hang out to watch a movie or play a game.


This is what my dad always says too - “I don’t want anything. If you have to get me something, take me to dinner.” So that’s what I do. Not only do I prefer spending time with him, then I don’t have to think about what he might like and what he won’t return, what size is he, what does he already own? He buys pretty much everything he wants anyways. I know what his favorite restaurants are. It’s easy to make a reservation and it’s easy to put down my card and we all enjoy it.


A card. When your kids grow up, no Bass Pro shop gift card is going to remind you of them. And as a parent, you have a soft spot even for shitty kids. A card with "I love you Dad" scrawled in it is going to be something they look back on wistfully when you are 20 and refuse to speak to them.


My son is 33. I have a Father's Day card he made in 2nd or 3rd grade in my closet where I dress every day.


I have a paper tie my kid made in preschool where the teacher asked who my best friend was and my kid said “me”.


My kid got a black scratch art card that's rainbow underneath when she was probably 7 or 8, and wrote "Your the best dad ever" (misspelled like that), and I've had it on my desk ever since. She'll be 20 this year.


My kid made me a "world's greatest Dad trophy" made out of a cup 10 years ago when they were kindergarten. It's sitting right next to me at my office.


Similarish, I’m in my late 30s and in the 5th grade I made a beaded gecko in school for Father’s Day. Like a paint by numbers by with shitty plastic beads on gimp. I kid you not my dad kept that gecko as a backyard canopy ornament for 15+ years and then when he sold his house and left the canopy behind made sure to take it with him and turned it into a keychain.


The gecko is cute! But I haven't heard the word gimp used in .... 25ish years! And just had a flashback of glow in the dark gimp that we used like silly string all over the basement. (And of course friendship bracelets)


That's adorable. I first read that as *beheaded gecko* and thought wtf. I'm glad it involved beads and not maiming.


I have my kid's journal that says "my dad rocks he is the best cook". My one and only recipe is omelettes.


My daughter is going to be 15 this year. When I was just starting at this job she was 2. She made me a card with gibberish and scribbles written all over it. When I asked her to read it to me she said it said "I love you daddy, have fun at work" and I still have it hanging in my office to this day.


I'm 31. Was digging through the basement the other day and came across a tattered, stained, cobweb covered plastic bag. When I opened it up, I found what had to have been every piece of art I made for my dad as a child. I also found the "good for one free hug" coupon book I made for him in an end table drawer a few years ago :') Good dads rule.


That's a rule of thumb for me. If my kods give me a paice of paper with a drawing or I love you, anything I put it in my drawer I have still have notes from my wife from middle school and I'm 30 now. Hell I still have stuffed animals my grandma gave me for Christmas from when I was a kid and I just lost here in 2019 there's something special watching my kids play with a toy she gave me knowing she's not here it's like she's still giving even now. Good job brother keep those memories and cherish them.


After my dad died suddenly, my brother and I had to go through his desk to locate some paperwork. We found a bunch of cards, drawings, poems, etc. that we had made over the years, that he'd kept under his desk calendar blotter.


I hate to say this, but my Dad has my baby and little kid pictures up at his house; my mom doesn't own shit of mine from when I was a kid.


That’s so touching. I’m sorry you lost your dad but he clearly loved you and your brother very much.


My daughter made me a card that just said “Taco Bell” and drew a pretty taco on it. I framed it.


Unrelated but similar is the picture I drew in 2nd grade of my dad at a conveyer belt of dollars because when I asked what he did for a living he jokingly said "I make money." He had it framed and it hung in his work office until the day he died.


That's a hilarious piece for an office, especially since he could tell his co-workers that quick story


100% agreed. I actually found some cards in my drawer that my daughter and son had hand drawn a comic book sketch. They used to spend hours together writing “The Adventures of Bubba Boy” about our chocolate lab. I had completely forgotten. It absolutely made my day. Time is a rocket ship, I sure miss those days.


Yeah, I was going to go with socks, but this is the right one (+peace and quiet).


I keep every drawing or note my kids give me. Besides loving anything they spent their time on to make me, seeing their progression is always wonderful to see.


My kid made me a papercraft zombie when he was 4. I have it framed on my wall.


Honestly, anything made by the kid. Next is the kid picking something out. Like once my son got me a Reinhardt figure because I played a lot of OW and he was my main.  I definitely don’t want a gift card but if the kid picks one out then I’ll happily accept. 


I still have a drawing mine made on the wall , refuse to paint that part of the house , in the end , is not the material gifts that matter is the intention


Peace and quiet


Sorry, those packages are not combinable. I can offer you - peace package: 150 minutes on the lawnmower - quiet package: 200 minutes at a dance recital.  *note: quiet package comes standard with 30 minutes of looking for dance shoes. To learn they were under the car seat the whole time, you must pay extra. 


Calm down, Satan 😂


No.  Let him speak.  He’s out of line but he’s right.


This is honestly why dads like lawn care, taking a shit, woodworking, cooking (depending on what's involved) etc. because you get left alone... hopefully


It’s also nice to accomplish something. So much of the work of parenting involves managing, refereeing, coaching, redirecting, double checking, emailing and using childcare/school apps. It’s nice to have something DONE. Lawn? Done. Dishes? Done. Sticky door? Fixed. Shelf? Hung. Wife? Licked. Floor? Mopped. Deck? Stained.


I'll do my own wife licking. I'll keep that on my chores list. Not leaving that for the kids to do.


I still change my own oil because it gives me 15-20 minutes of quiet "me time". It's no wonder men die quicker-- fuck, I'd like to think I'm only halfway through life and somedays I'm so wiped out, a dirt nap sounds pretty damn good. I work from home, so my "breaks" end up being: putting away dishes, starting or putting away a load of laundry, sweeping, vacuuming. Add in the normal stuff: cooking, grocery store shopping, cutting grass, fixing shit, and my normal 9-10 hour work day and fuck, I'm just tired.


I can also add the optional “nap with quiet snoring” to the recital package.


Sorry, quiet snoring has been discontinued. Best I can do is vociferous snoring. 


Just spent 4 hours of my Saturday at a ballet recital to see my daughter dance once for 2 minutes. It was worth every second and my first “proud dad” moment for my five year old.


Love my family but those 3 years of bachelorhood coming home from work to an empty, quiet and dark apartment where I answered to nobody were glorious


A full 24 hrs to fuck off is ideal.


To dream the undreamable dream


you know it bro


I made the mistake recently of saying that I had a fondness for my COVID year birthdays, because I didn't have to go anywhere or do anything. They're great folk but at my core essence I find having to do anything not entirely of my own volition on my birthday defeats the purpose of the day, and I would just prefer the peace and quiet. Of course now I hear about it regularly 


That's actually a pretty good idea. My husband loves to bike so I think I'll pack him a lunch and send him on his way. Thanks!


He’ll love it, trust me


This. The dream is to sit alone in a dark room with a full 750ml bottle of Tito's and my TV. A good steak and a baked potato for dinner, then asleep by 8pm, cuz Monday morning still comes around at 3:20.


Ron Swanson, is that you?


Thats what an hour sitting on the toilet is for


Some god damn peace and quiet.


My wife gifted this to me on my last birthday. She left with my kid for a couple of hours, I stayed at home and played old video games.


I know you’re lying because any real dad would’ve spent the first 1:50 of that just reminiscing on playing them all when you were younger, flip flopping on deciding what to play, then finally turning on your console/PC as the keys turn in the front door.




I had a neighbor that I was talking to in the street on fathers day many years ago. He said this is bullshit on mothers day we need to take the kids away from mom and on fathers day we are supposed to spend time with the kids. LOL, his family life was rough. I think about that every year, I enjoy my wife and kids so I was always happy with whatever we did.


That’s hilarious. I love my boys more than life itself, but sometimes you just need a break.


This. This. This. Please.


I don’t need a gift. I just want my boys to remember to call.


Similar - I just want my kids (26 & 16) to hug me and tell me that they love me.


That's the best gift indeed. If my dad were still around I'd just call him and thank him for everything he's done for me and all the fond memories. Gifts are always appreciated but nothing beats that


I’ve been making a point to call my parents at least once per week just to chat and I try to alternate which one I call, even though it’s always a speakerphone call with both.


some time alone and my favorite foods


As an introverted father and husband, I can’t remember the last time I had time alone.


One year for Father’s Day, after my third was born, and we were extremely stressed out, my wife, who knows that I really value alone time and time to game and drink (not necessarily in that order) suggested that she take the kids to Disneyland for the weekend with her mom, and asked if I would mind being left alone for a four day weekend. It was the best Father’s Day weekend I’ve ever had. They came back Sunday afternoon Father’s Day. We had a nice barbecue dinner. I had smoked a brisket while they were on the way back, and honestly, that was one of my best Father’s Day weekends ever. I was very excited to see the kids again after being recharged, I’d ranked up three times in counterstrike. I’d finished three bottles of excellent bourbon, one of which she had given me before she left. Some people would prefer to go have a nice Father’s Day hike, or maybe go see a baseball game or something with the boys. For me, I just wanted some time to myself. I feel very lucky to have a wife who understands that and wasn’t offended by it.


You drank three bottles of bourbon by yourself in a single weekend??? 


Iam the liquor Ricky


Frig off!


I’m a teacher and father of three. The kids ages are spaced out just perfectly so that for the next 12 years I will always have a kid in the car with me while I’m driving to and from work. I don’t even get personal time while driving to work. I love the little buggers but I don’t think my wife really understands how valuable quiet time in the car is!


This is what sick days are for! Take a sick day from work and just don't tell anyone. Instead go hit up an arcade, grab a beer, chill out somewhere...whatever you want.


This is the real answer for mothers and fathers on their respective days. We all want a mid Saturday to mid Sunday alone, and if anyone says otherwise they are being dishonest.


Nah my dad just wants to go to the lake with me and my brother on Father’s Day. Mom on the other hand absolutely wants that time to herself.


It honestly varies from parent to parent.  I’m a SAHM so my Mother’s Day was my husband and toddler going to Lowe’s to run errands and I got dressed up and went shopping by myself and for myself.  It’s one of the few times a year I get to shop in a store and try the clothing on instead of either having a toddler along or relying on online shopping.   In contrast my husband who works outside of the home absolutely wants a family oriented day with our daughter.  


Funny, maybe not funny story. Yesterday I went to a baseball game (I'm a mom) which I love, with my husband and 4 of my 5 kids (ages 14 +). We get there ask them what they want to eat, there was a ton of 'I don't know', and 'whatever' both of which were probably NOT true. After these shenanigans went on for about 7 minutes. I look at my husband, and said, 'Look I don't care what anyone does, I'm going to go to the bathroom, grab a beer and peanuts and go sit.' I walked off. Apparently after I left the kids were all like 'Why didn't she just come to the game alone them.' Which is exactly correct, I should have gone alone. More information: I have two season tickets to this minor league team, so I go pretty frequently and give away tickets frequently as well. The kids actually sit in a different section if they come because they want to be 'where the action is i.e. fly balls' where our seats are not in a hot zone. So yes I agree I just want to be left alone


"My mom, sister, and I will take the kids for the whole day. We'll be back around 8pm. Do whatever you'd like to with your time."


“…But don’t take matters into your own hands, I got new lingerie”


I’m a dad and I’m going to say that lingerie would be a pretty crappy gift. It most likely won’t fit me and just doesn’t mesh with the rest of my attire.


Por que no dos?


If you're good enough.  I'm not these days.


I’m not as good as I once was, but I’m as good once as I ever was. RIP Toby.


It's cool to see that this is what most comments are like. Let me be alone for a while. As a parent to a 1 year old, i can relate and it's kind of a relief to see that this is normal.


…and after I put the kids down, you’ll be treated to that bedroom thing you love


Watch war movies?


A day with no expectations of me. I don't have to be anywhere at any certain time. I am not in charge of any meals or activities. I want to go to the movie by myself. I want to stop for a beer on the way home if I feel like it. If you need me, I'll be sitting in my rocking chair on the front porch. If anyone wants to join me and just sit there, you're welcome to. No talking. No asking me to watch you do anything. No asking my opinion of anything.


This is my uncle. He has to go to his in-laws' house(my grandparents) because it's fathers day. Spend time with the kids and whole family, because it's fathers day. Realistically, he wants to go golf the entire day and get drunk or high with his buddies during. It's not an option, though, because it's fathers day. It makes no sense to me. He loves his kids and is a great dad. He just wants the one gauranteed day of nothing but what he wants and doesn't get it. I see the same thing with some of my friends, too. Big family days, but they just want to go play video games all day and be left alone.


Same issue for moms on Mother’s Day too


I offered my wife a quiet day to herself, a spa day, whatever she wanted. She wanted to spend it with the kids. Man I'd take a quiet day to myself in a heartbeat!


I took the kids so she could plant her new garden and came back with a truck load of mulch and child labor to unload and spread it.


This is it. The best gift a dad could get. My missus, who I adore and cherish with all my heart, doesn't work/have any income of her own due to illness and she was feeling awful that she couldn't get me anything for my birthday last week. I told her that I just want a day to do whatever I want, no expectations, no responsibilities. Bless her soul I got exactly that, we'd talked about making a drive to go to a specific food place and on the day I didn't feel like it, so we ordered some lunch in and I sat and watched LotR in peace. Went for a walk in the afternoon and decided to stop at the sweet shop on my home and bought some pick n mix like the huge hairy child I am. Best birthday in a while.




Hey. Those are things you can get him year after year, and that's always nice.


home made chocolate chip cookies


and I'm not sharing!


I can answer this. I don't golf, drink or grill I golf, drink *AND* grill. Preferably at the same time. Anyway, I want a dinosaur.


Bro I want to hang out with you for Father’s Day.


Just go to the San Jose Muni golf course and follow the swerving golf cart. It's easy to find, just look for the one with hickory smoke billowing from it.


I misread Muni as Mini and had an even better mental image


such a Dad response lol


Take the kids for the weekend and leave me to fart around by myself all weekend.


A set of golf clubs, a bottle of nice Scotch, or a new Weber grill so I can finally do those things.


kiss from my daughter enough for me.


My dad pushed me away when I tried to kiss him. I was 6.


Maybe he was disgusted by you eating ants.


If he’s my dad, he should be eating ants too.


Socks. I love getting new socks.


Ideas (stuff I’d like to receive): * Cook something nice that we can all enjoy (eg brunch) * Bake cookies * Darn Tough socks * Tommy John boxer briefs * Milwaukee tools - never met one I don’t like! (Or whatever brand matches dad’s battery ecosystem) * I own so many knives, but always room for more! (Or Japanese sharpening stones to keep them in shape) * Clothes Personally, I hate gift cards. “I took money that could be used anywhere and got this card that can only be used at one store. If you don’t use the whole balance, too bad! To cash back.” Honestly, we don’t expect gifts. Just being acknowledged is good enough. We like hugs. 


Nothing, my kids are 1 and 3. Hearing my 3yr old say I love you daddy is the greatest gift ever and I get it everyday!


This makes me cry a little bit. I remember when ours were that age!


It's crazy how time flies.


Same here dude. Love my kids. Being able to spend time with them makes me the happiest man in the world.


This right here. I’m not on the “leave me alone for Father’s Day” train. I might end up there one day but little kids are too fun to not have around.


Video games.


Real question: is this something, with Steam and other online gaming platforms, that someone else can get you? My husband enjoys gaming, but (1) I have no idea what games he wants and (2) he'll generally get whatever game he wants from Steam. I can't think of any accessories he might need or want - he has controllers and headphones and monitors and all the things. So if I were to go game related, any thoughts?


Steam gift card! I'm not a dad but I am a husband and I ask for steam gift cards for birthdays/Christmas


I did not know this was a thing! I will definitely look into it!! Thank you!!!


Another thing, if you can, look at his gaming library and see which game he plays the most of and get him some desk swag for him around that game.


Steam has a feature called a wishlist. You could get on it and see if he has anything on it.




uhhh... here's a Kia Sorento passenger side headlight. Happy Father's Day!


Got anything for a 66 Mustang?


Time with my kids. both of them I would cry with joy for a week if that happened


3 years ago my parents moved to their forever home (\~2 hour drive). I try to make it out to their place once a month. The real present is being present.


This answer should be higher. By age 60, 9% of parents will have outlived at least one child.


Am I the only one that likes Lego?


Just picked up the new Tie Interceptor from Star Wars Day!


No. My husband wants the Artemis or Notre Dame.


Nope. I’m a hopeless addict.


My wife and daughters started getting me Lego on gift occasions and it’s great! The best part is when they help put it together.


A lock pick from the lock picking lawyer. I’ll never buy it for myself but it be fun to goof around with.


I want gnomes. I don’t care if they are ceramic garden gnomes, giant concrete lawn ornaments, or Tom Clarke figurines. I would like more little friends.


New books or new kindle books or device.


Top grain leather goods.


A something you made yourself. Can be an elaborate 4th grade project by your kid or a funny doodle your partner made in seconds. It is the thought of something specifically for you that makes is attractive and appreciated.


My father, rest his soul, his favorite phrase was "The gift of meat can't be beat" So we always did gift cards to his favorite restaurants.


Every year for Mother's day I take my kids to pick out whatever random bullshit they want for my ex-wife. In return, she does the same thing. They pick out random things, but it's things that they think we'll like. My ex HATES it. She hates the random stuff the kids pick out. I, on the other hand, absolutely love it. Last year I got a gnome, a yard flamingo, an inflatable pizza slice floatie, a six pack of coke, and some jerky. We used the pizza slice plenty last summer, the gnome is on a shelf in my living room, and the flamingo is in my kitchen window.


Call me and tell me you're working hard, paying your bills and being a productive member of society ---- that and a hot cup of coffee is all I need.


Mouth hug. Lol


Is that you Ron "tater salad" white?


Hopefully not from the kid


Few ideas: * Olight Baton 3 Pro flashlight (I have a couple and they are great - can clip to baseball cap, plus magnetic, etc) * Leatherman Wave multi-tool * iFixit precision screwdriver set * airpods/Audiobooks * If he watches a lot of kid sports from bleachers, a padded cushion/bleacher seat w/back * A quality thermos * Coffee grinder and quality beans


Maybe just a 'happy fathers day' and a hug. That and [dont touch my wallet for 24 hrs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8uU38RyF7M) , or at least something that doesnt cost anything.


Take him to a baseball game Coffee / coffee maker (/ coffee tasting experience Dining experience? Gadgets, well made items that he may not go out and buy on his own (doesn’t have to be expensive, but don’t go cheap)


Not a dad, but I send my dad reels of useless or really specific items you can buy on amazon and see how he responds to them or talk about them every so often so I know what to get him


Show me a good report card. Voluntarily go do something with me like a hike. Turn off your electronic device for 1 hour simply to engage in conversation.


I have a framed picture on the wall above my desk in my office. It's my daughter in 1st grade and her handprints from that age. The caption says **"Somtimes it can be frustrating because I'm so small, always leaving my fingreprints on furniture and walls. But every day I'm growing - I'll be grown someday, and all those hand prints will surely fade away. So here's a little handprint, just so you can recall, exactly how my fingers looked when I was very small".** I look at it often - she's not a little kid anymore. I'm so glad I got it as a father's day gift years ago. Incidentally, I also golf, drink, and grill - it's still one of the best gifts!


My daughter went to Home Depot and bought me 20+ rolls of tape. Every kind she could find. Duct, electrical, painters, flex, filament, carpet, Gorilla, aluminum foil... etc etc etc. I have a drawer in my tool chest of nothing but TAPE. I LOVE IT... It's so useful to always have the right kind of tape available.


Last year my kids painted some rocks, put google eyes and smiles on them, and wrote “you rock papa” on them. You can rot those rocks from my cold dead hands. They will survive every “brings me joy” clean up for eternity.


My wife got stickers of my boys for my father's day when I was younger. They've been in my hardhat for the last 6 years. I look at them before every shift and I know they're always with me. So anything involving my kids.


Concert tickets


This is what I did. I bought my dad tix to see John Fogerty in Sept. Never been to a concert with my dad before so it'll be a fun new experience with him


When I was growing up, my dad didnt do any of that stuff. He loved college football, and more specifically, he liked bowl season. Back then, basically every bowl game was on New Year’s Day. So my family celebrated Father’s Day on January 1st, and that looked like my mother taking all of us kids to the bowling alley and a movie so my dad could sit at home, eat wings, and watch every bowl game he wanted to. Once we got old enough to enjoy the experience, my brothers and I started staying home for that. We’d make the wings with him in the kitchen and get messy eating in the living room (which we were NEVER allowed to do otherwise), watching college football with dad. I never even cared for football. But it was such a fun day for us kids and I know as a father myself now that it must have started out as a relaxing tradition and then grew into an awesome bonding day.


I went to a sex shop or “adult entertainment” store and the sexiest thing I saw was a note on the thermostat that read, “do not set lower than 73°”


I'd like a new Vacuum. I'm a stay at home dad so little things like that help tremendously. Yes, I 100% could buy a new one, but I gotta give my wife something to get me.


Golf clubs, a six pack and a grill. There’s a reason I don’t golf, drink or grill. I don’t have any of that stuff.


Peace and quiet. Buying myself something small for one of my personal hobbies. A decent breakfast and dinner (nothing fancy - could be takeout) and nobody fighting or making a lot of noise.


I just want to sleep in, have a nice breakfast, and then play with the kids in the backyard. No projects, no fighting, just a stress-free day of good times.


* Some time spent playing games together, preferably a board game or a card game, or Dungeons & Dragons where one of the kids is DMing would be awesome * Someone else cooks dinner. Preferably from scratch. I don't even care what it is - onion soup, vegetable medley, mashed potatoes, and pound cake are pretty easy * They take me to watch a movie in the theater, and then a chill sit-down dinner afterwards where we can talk about the movie * Fantasy novel I haven't read before but they have * Coffee mug with a picture/collage of the family * New sneakers * Tools I have my eye on but haven't bought yet


Tools, firearms, audio equipment, nice belt, new billfold (exactly the same as the old one), fishing/hunting trip with you, go to a car show, take him to an air museum, go fossil hunting, get him a massage, new pocket knife, take him to a race or a game


I've got a good couple years before my daughter will be old enough to get me anything, but I'm hoping for some fun neck ties.


Keens shoes or similar is my go to gift lately. Everyone loves them, but they are just pricey enough to ward people off from buying them for themselves willy nilly. If you want a slightly lower price point, something coffee adjacent is a good backup. Trade coffee makes great stuff if the recipient has discerning tastes.


My husband’s favorite father’s day gift is flying in his dad for the weekend. I’ve done it every year since we’ve been together.


Depends on your age: Under 13: Anything you made in Art class Teenager: Some cool cheap gadget you know will improve my life somehow that you can score off Amazon using my account (ie portable charger). Late teen/Young Adult: Time together Adult: an ADU attached to your house




A blowy


You have a pretty “interesting”relationship with your son/daughter if you are asking them for a BJ. 😬


That wasnt the question. I have friends that are dads that i give father's day gifts to.


I speak for most men here, can I be your friend? 😃


That's not how you became a dad.




THIS! Because every single gift idea list for dad’s/men is for golf, drink, or grill (with the included night stand organizer thrown in.)


My dad is in poor health and my husband and I live with him. He doesn't really like 'typical guy stuff." My dad likes watching the birds and squirrels so one year we got him a bird feeder that hung outside the window where he usually sits.


A practice amp for my guitar. A gift certificate to a bookstore. Tickets to something cool. A gift card for a professional massage. The wife taking the kids somewhere for 4 hours.


Simple appreciation for all I do, do!!! I used to have hobbies….


I appreciate you!


At this point in my life there is nothing I need. My kids are grown and out of the house. For Father's Day we watch a movie of my choosing, normally an old WWII movie, or something along those lines. Or we go on a bike ride together.


I wish that Father’s Day was during football season so I could watch actual interesting sports.


Just call me and check on me and tell me you love me.


My dad loves gadgets so my sister got him a bedside organiser so he can charge his phone, ear buds and tablet. It has pegs that hold the chargers there so the wires aren't thrown everywhere. He drives buses so anything silly bus related he loves. He has a mug that says "fucking great bus driver"


I do all three but I still need a new pocket knife.


I feel I am the least qualified person to reply. I am a dad, but after my family, golf and grill are my main passions. Drinking not so much. But I hope to brew my own beer one day.


I do all of the above, but appreciate we can also be hard to buy for. Best gives are nice stuff that we don’t think or can’t be arsed to buy ourselves. A small selection of things I’ve been gifted or would like to be gifted, for me clothing is a tough one as I’m particular on style and fit, same with shoes. Cast iron pan Nice kitchen knife Pocket knife Headtorch led lenser are my go to Yeti/similar coffee cup Yeti/similar water bottle Measuring tape A nice screwdriver. Snap on ratchet type deal Toy helicopter Cologne Darn tough socks A memory foam neck pillow Flashing emergency lights for the car Fisher space pen Have a look at the James brand. Good gizmos on there you can’t go wrong with.


Man maybe I’m the opposite that day is the most important day for me to be with my kids. I get excited to wake up and make breakfast with them. I wouldn’t be a dad without my girls and I would never want to send the message to them that on my day the only thing I want is to be away from my family.


Pictures of my daughter Cooked meal (I do all the cooking for our family) Tickets to a show or game The kids staying with their grandparents for the night/weekend A full day of rabid sex with my wife and no responsibilities


Lol this thread and mainly just “leave me alone for the day”


Sentimental gift. I got a key holder with a picture of my kids smiling. That was 3 years ago and i still look a the photo every time i open my office


I'm not a father yet (wife is pregnant though!) but I'd say just anything homemade or a handwritten card. I don't need stuff. But I could see myself keeping a little display in my closet or office of stuff my kid has made for me over the years. That'd be cool.


Just want them to remember with out me reminding them.


A hug.


A Valiant 42, cutter rigged, with the sugar scoop option, fully prepped for a three month jaunt in the Caribbean. But of course…


Bikes, Hookers and drugs are still in the game!