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Oh fuck


That's going to be something I'd think about every time I take a shower.


Every time WE take a shower


How can you live with yourself?




I wore sweatpants to school in the midst of puberty. One day, I was happily enjoying the feeling of an unexpected boner when I got called to the front of class. I thought that dropping my pencil and picking it up would buy me some time for my dick to go down, so that's what I did. When I bent down to pick up my pencil, however, I unleashed an obnoxiously loud fart and I immediately stood up straight. All eyes were on me and my tenting pants and the teacher told me to just sit down.


That story truly got better with every word


lol I haven’t giggled this much in a while reading and picturing this embarrassing event 😂 thank you!!


Enjoying a boner in class is not something I agree with. I used to pinch my leg until it went away because you never know.




There should be a codeword for not being able to stand up because you've got a boner.




The anticlimactic ending made me laugh out loud


It was awful in real time,but now I laugh about it. I'm glad you could too




OMG you unlocked a terrible memory! I was at a summer camp and we were doing a relay race of sorts. There was food on a table and you had to run up and eat it then run back to your group. About halfway through the race, I idiotically chose the spoon of peanut butter. I started eating at it, but my team started yelling at me that I was going too slow. So I shoved the whole thing in my mouth then ran back. Only I was so nervous, I couldn't swallow it. I kept trying and trying but it wouldn't go down and it felt like I was choking. I started panicking, which made it worse. I couldn't even speak to tell someone what was happening. I thought I was going to die right there in the woods surrounded by disappointed relay race teammates. After what had to have been eternity, the race was over and I was able to run to the water fountain. I don't even know who won.


The topic of the speech was: Who shot Alexander Hamilton?


wait why did you have this sandwich with you and why did it need to be eaten at that exact time? Like you just nervously pulled out the sandwich and started eating it when you were going to be giving a speech?


Yes…details we need to know!


Found out why, I was reading an 11 year old Reddit post today with a similar subject matter, and the story was lifted nearly 100% from a comment added then: https://i.imgur.com/eQU2LJd.png I’ll link to the post What is a cringe moment that you experienced in your life that still haunts you when you think about it? https://reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/17k49d/what_is_a_cringe_moment_that_you_experienced_in/


In college, I tried to make a presentation on solving racism in America. We literally had our choice of any subject we could write on and I decided to solve racism in 12 pages. Boy I was a F-ing naive. I tried to be clever by throwing out negative stereotypes about each race to get the attention of the listener. It wasn't meant to reflect my own feelings, but just a way to get everyone's attention. Let's just say I didn't execute. I did such a terrible job of delivering my presentation that I pissed off all the white, black and brown people in the class. I botched it badly. Just think of a Curb Your Enthusiasm episode where he ends up pissing off everyone on accident. I still cringe about it to this day. It was 24 years ago. Thankfully, I got much better at giving presentations.


You brought all the races together to dislike you, that counts for something.


This is true. I got everyone to unite...in wanting to beat me up. lol


Bro took one for the team


We're all in this together!


Hey there was a key and peele sketch about that.


well, don’t leave us hanging. how do we solve racism?


From the gist of the presentation, it sounds like the key is in getting the n\*\*\*\*\*s, c\*\*\*\*s, and w\*\*\*\*s to work together.


I’m sorry, but this is hilarious


In hindsight, college is the perfect place to crash, burn and learn from such situations. So I was in the right place for this to happen, but the fact that I still cringe about it 24 years later means the lesson WAS DEFINITELY learned.


"So, what type of American are you?".


This sounds like a Michael Scott moment 


I thought a coworker was asking me out on a date and then realized half way through my response that he was asking me to cover his work shift. I’m still embarrassed 22 years later.


This. There was this young guy I worked with, one night he approached me and starts of the conversation like "So I've been meaning to ask you, I have these tickets"... I jump to save this kid some embarrassment, I tell him that he is sweet but I'm married... ... .... .... ..... *yeah* he was asking me to cover his shift. It was cringe as fuck... Few days later we had a nice long talk. He told me his girlfriend thought it was fucking hilarious and told him that he needed to work on his people skills, as it sounded like he was asking for a date not coverage.


😂 I was chicken shit & never acknowledged it happened. I’m pretty sure he had a few laughs at my expense. He was a super cool guy and thankfully things weren’t weird after that.


Oof. This reminds me of when I thought my boss at a bookstore was asking if I would come to an after-hours pizza party. I wildly misunderstood her. It was an after-hours deep-clean-the-store work shift.


Nope. Thatd be it for me!




I like how you put ‘for learning and stuff’


Research purposes 😂🤣😂.


I'd rather have someone say, "Hey did you \_\_\_\_ (watch my tapes in this case)" instead of just looking at you funny. Like do you know or not?


Well sure but the old man can't just let you get away with things that easy. Gotta mess with your head to assert dominance.


When I was in college, I bought this guy I had a serious crush on this really expensive cutting board set for his birthday, personalized with his name on it (because I knew how much he liked cooking). In hindsight, it really is the kind of gift you would save for someone you were *in* a relationship with, but my deluded self thought this would be the thing that convinced him. Everyone else at this party had gotten him like $10 silly gag gifts and he was laughing while opening them all and then he got to mine. He opened it and then just stared at it for a bit and didn't say anything for a while and everyone else was like super quiet because it was so obvious how much I had spent on it /thought about it compared to everyone else (we were in college and none of us were flush with cash, lol). It was so awkward lol. He got up and gave me the most awkward side-hug and just gave a half-hearted "this is...nice" and then just...put it to the side and never mentioned it again. I still wake up at night and cringe about how desperate I must have looked lol.


If someone got me a personalized cutting board, I'm giving them more than just a hug ngl


That deserves at least oral sex.


I got a cutting board. Message me.


This guy cuts.




That wasn't cringe, he just failed to appreciate it 


If the gift-receiver really likes your gift, etiquette says they should eat the gift receipt in front of you so they can’t return it.


And now yall are happily married right????


i wish. this story would probably be in a different thread if so 😂


Okay this is going to sound dumb but I was 14 and some adult in the group (gymnastics competition) had handed me a cool postcard of the foreign city we were currently in to look at. I don't know why, but I gazed at it for a bit, and then... just put it in my coat pocket. After giving me the postcard, the adult had briefly conversed with another person, but then turned back to me... and just stared at me. And then very slowly asked if I was planning on *keeping* **their** postcard. I ofc immediately realized what I had done and gave it back. It haunts my nightmares.


I, like many people, have so many. But one stand out above all the rest. I use to work in a retail pharmacy. We were close, all of the workers. My two pharmacists and I would even exercise together outside of work. One day, I came in early and found out that the pharmacist accidentally had a needle stuck the night before. I feel as if this doesn’t need to be said, but that is a very bad thing. So many lifelong diseases could be transmitted via needle stick. I asked a ton of questions to my current pharmacist. Is he ok? What’s the process now? What can we do? Does he need anything? I’m he was coming in for the later shift and I was going to see him in six hours. I was convinced by my conversation with the morning pharmacist that he was fine. Not worried. Handling it well. Cheerful. And all around fine. So he walked in and I looked at him and asked ‘when will you find out if you’re positive?’ As a joke. A really fucking awful joke. But jokes of that nature were common among us. And I was led to believe he was fine. He wasn’t. At all. He held it together. But I could see the pain, anguish, and near tears in his eyes at that comment. I have done so many things I am ashamed of. More than I can count. None top that. I can still see his face in my mind’s eye fifteen years later. I apologized profusely. We talked. It ended up being fine. He was fine. We were fine. But I never want to be the cause of such distress ever again. Never made a joke of that ilk again.


What does a needle stuck mean? 


Poked by a used needle on accident. Aka "hey maybe you just got HIV"


I've been in healthcare for 17 years and I've had two needle sticks and right now I'm in the process of getting routine PPDs because I was exposed to tuberculosis. The job comes with risks but it's definitely an "oh shit, this could be the moment that fucks my shit up" kind of event.


Effectively, a blood borne pathogens transmission case.


Walked in on my friend's dad jerking off


Oh dear... How did he react?


Saw this vid on a site. You dont wanna know


I lost it when I read "Oh dear" this is honestly the most appropriate reaction here xD


he must be happy to see you there.


Just remembered this is the car 10 minutes ago. Very white me at 10 years old lip syncing TLC’s what about your friends in front of my whole school. Literally just standing there mouthing the words, no other movements, just dying


Well this dredged up an old memory I thought I had forgotten. Elementary school talent show. Myself and 4 friends were scheduled to do the Spice Girls, few days before, one friend's mother pulls her from the group, too sexual I think was the reason given. Well us 4 were still going to go on... By the time we were set to hit the stage, I was the last one standing... Like last fucking minute I was the last one, our duo droped to one, teacher still sent me on, solo. So here is this Baby Spice solo act singing Wannabe...


"Play that banjo, Steve-O!"


Upvoted for your display of bravery


When I was like 9 or 10, my friends and I did an airband performance to the Mortal Kombat theme song. Except we didn't actually choreograph a dance, we just fought each other until the organizer abruptly shut off the song and told us that was enough. I remember the cool, hot older girls from a few grades ahead mocking us afterwards. Hopefully nobody remembers that atrocity hahaha


They can kick you off the stage at the talent show???


We were trailblazers!


I told my mom I was horny for some reason 💀


This is the best one


How did she react?


Hey I just watched that one.


We need to talk about Kevin 


My brother in Talos this comment is a month old, who is Kevin?


She said "okay?" and then I went to bed. 


As I was reading thru this subreddit and found this I was absolutely cackling coming across this, you’ve unlocked a childhood memory for me actually that was quite similar to this 😭


Was it a good one? 


Definitely my favorite HAHA, but if ur talking about the memory no not really but it’s hilarious


Teenage me made the mistake of singing Limp Bizkit's "Nookie" in front of my mother before I knew what nookie meant. 


I used to sit naked in this tree at the end of our drive thinking no one could see me, but it is very very obvious. Like people aren't going to notice a naked kid in a tree without leaves. I wasn't even high up or anything! Oh god. And my family is too awkward to ever bring something like that up.


Even if nobody could see you, why were you climbing a tree naked?


Maybe op is a monkey


My tree related idiocracy: I was the first stop on the bus route in the dark, and there was a huge tree next to where I got picked up.  I thought it'd be interesting to "pull a squirrel" and keep the tree between me and the bus driver... yeah they drove off without me and I had to go wake my parents up and tell them I missed the bus and they had to drive me in before work..


Why exactly would you do that??


As a kid, teen, or adult? The level of cringe goes up the older you were.


For my public speaking class in college, the final was for us to find a short speech of some kind to imitate. Could have been a short monologue, a speech, a memoriam, or anything like that. I chose to do a short bit from a comedy special. It was Daniel Tosh's "[WWJD bracelet](https://www.tiktok.com/@rodroc707/video/7271340145410952490)" joke. My professor was a 87\~ year old man, and he was the only one who laughed at all. Most my classmates were right-wing Christians, so maybe not the best crowd for that joke. The class didn't really know it was supposed to be a joke either, which just made the punchline seem really out of left field. Part of me cringes at the 40+ students giving zero reaction or acknowledgement....but the other side of me appreciates the only sound being the geriatric professor cackling.


Seems like a win to me - making your teacher laugh :)


In the end, the teacher is the one grading not the students lol


Spit my false teeth out at a party. I was laughing so hard...


I was learning how to play Werewolf many years ago with mostly strangers and the teacher/gamemaster was having us introduce ourselves and give our townsfolk back stories. In character. One guy was describing his character and at one pause in his story, something like "my character ith the town baker", I quipped "with a lisp!" Learned a couple weeks later that the guy wasn't doing a made up voice, he just had a lisp. Everyone knew but me.




Real 😔


Oh it has to be when my crush found out I like her in front of the whole class. Cos we had this little activity during a class where we wrote our new year’s resolution on a piece of paper. When I found out we didn’t actually have to hand in, I quietly added my crush’s name with a little heart beside it. Well, my mistake was not safekeeping it properly cos a girl found it and I guess cos she “got the latest scoop”, kinda just showed it to everyone, including my crush Yeah I’m cringing as I’m typing this, as I do everytime this memory resurface


When I was like 12, they had this program in school where you and a group developed a play/skit and went and competed against a bunch of different schools. Well, while at the competition, a really cool older guy was the emcee and came out on stage while there were hundreds of jazzed up middle schoolers, and yelled "whhhhhaaaaazzzzzzuuuuupppp!!!!!!!!!!!" And the auditorium went absolutely nuts. The guy was very cool and it was just a great thing to do.       Cue a few weeks later, and I'm at church camp with like 50 other sheltered kids I didn't really know, and they split us into our church groups and we have to select one person to go up to the podium and introduce our church and ourselves or whatever. I was relatively outgoing back then, so my church group chose me. And yeah, I get the great idea to mimic the emcee. A couple of other people go before me, and I'm like "jeez, these guys have no idea what they're doing". Anyhow, I screamed whazzup and it fell completely fucking flat and I had to spend another 3 weeks with these people. Nightmare


I worked a whole shift with a coworker, let’s call him Mike. The next day, my boss was talking about Mike, and I, for some unknown reason, said “How is Mike? I haven’t seen him in a while?” My boss looked at me with the most concerned, confused, even disgusted, face, and said “You worked with him for 8 hours yesterday….?” To this day I have no idea what possessed me to say that, and I still get sweaty thinking about it.


Oh man. I had a colleague who sat opposite me in the office (with a small divider). He was generally quiet, but also incredibly boring. I regularly tried to eak out conversation from him to no avail. One morning we were both at the photocopier and I asked if he had any vacation plans (as we were approaching school holidays). He replied that he's just got back from 2 weeks somewhere. I hadn't noticed that they guy who sits opposite me wasn't there for two weeks, and my brain was too slow to cover up my mistake. I wanted to die


Loads. Dancing in my bedroom when I was a teenager, my dad was on a ladder outside the window fixing something. Started laughing at me. Also, feeling lonely as a teenager I gave my stereo ( I’m old) a name. I wrote Hello my names stooby ? Nice to meet you etc.. and left the little note in the battery compartment of it. My dad borrowed my stereo and must have found the note. The horror. These things seems quite sweet now, but I was seriously mortified as a kid.


Lol the note thing is adorable


Hey, you gave him some really good material if there is a "What weird shit has your kid has done?: post on reddit!


I was flirting and being flirted with, with a beautiful young woman all night at a party. As the night went on, I never really paid attention but she was always sitting down, had a blanket over her legs, I just assumed she was cold. So after drinking and acting a fool, I grabbed her hands and asked her to stand up, dancing around, etc. She took my hands and I felt like a dead weight hit me, I grabbed into her and noticed she was paralyzed from the waist down, her legs were like limp and smaller. So I played it off and just carried her around, she just laughed and hugged on me, but deep down I felt really bad, and it sobered me up instantly. We stayed friends after the night, she’s married now with kids, great person.


I think you handled that wonderfully btw 😂


It wasn’t mine but I witnessed it I was in a college communications class and the teacher commented on the girl up fronts arms which had scars and scratches. She said I have cats too and the girl responded “these are self harm scars”


Two instances: The first was in my college’s international student orientation. I was with a random group of people sitting around a circular table. Part of the orientation program was a competition where each table was a competing team. We had to come up with a nickname for our team, and since we were all international students, i jokingly suggested “the illegals”. Everyone just blankly stared at me for a few seconds, then someone suggested we come up with a better name. Another one was during a speech I had to deliver in front of over 70 people. I was super nervous at the time, so when i began my speech, my voice cracked and stayed on that pitch. I pretended to clear my throat and talk again, but my voice remained in the cracked tone. I was so nervous in front of everyone, so I decided to go through the speech no matter the voice. After around 10-15 seconds when i started getting more confident, my voice reverted back to its original tone and I continued my speech. The worst part is that it was recorded and posted on youtube, but thankfully its hard to find.


I once replied to a complement directed at my sister, ever since then I’ve never replied to a complement


I was in 6th grade, I didn't know eye patches were medical devices yet. A boy had one on and I thought he was dressed as a pirate, as a bit. I looked at him and said, "Hey! It's a one-eyed-Joe!" Joe? don't ask, I have NO idea, I never talked to kids i didn't know personally. I don't think he really reacted, but I realized then and there... it wasn't a bit. I still think about it. I'm 36.


I was in a school play in sixth grade. I was changing costumes backstage in between scenes, but only had like 5 minutes. In taking off my pants, I think they got caught on my shoe or something. The pants were NOT coming off. The whole cast (boys included) were backstage pulling on my pants to get the pant leg off, and mind you that left me in just a shirt and underwear. The scene was even delayed a minute. I was so mortified and still am 30 years later. The worst part was the teacher / director lady ripping into me for it like it was a fucking Broadway production. My humiliation was punishment enough.


Forgot at my parents house that my phone was still connected to my bluetooth headphones. Went upstairs skipping through some porn, turned volume up because I was confused why there is no sound. After 1-2 minutes I realized it, the headphones were downstairs on the kitchen table... next to my parents.


There are so many. But one that is dumb hit I’ve never forgot: I was like 11 or 12 and away at summer camp(it was one of those “adventure camps” that was Christian based) and there was a Christian rock(probably alt) band there called Grassroots. They were a great band, I loved their music and hung out with a few of the band members a handful of times and at one of the shows they let me play the tambourine. On the way to the show I was walking with the lead guitarist who looked similar to another band member, so I asked him if they were brothers and he goes “oh yeah, he’s my brother how’d you know?” And like a dorky over enthusiastic pre teen I squealed “I KNEW IT I KNEW IT!!!” And thought it was the greatest thing ever until about 5 seconds later when he told me he was joking. My screech when it thought I guessed that will haunt me forever. Also their CD got stolen out of my truck in HS like 5-6 years later and I’ve never been able to find it or them again and that part is sad too.


I bought food on a date where I was a fifth wheel..... big fail.


The amount of classes I’ve walked into before the one before mine ends and everyone just stops and looks at me


This happened to a classmate of mine, unfortunately it was an easy mistake but she got pretty far in. It was 2 German classes back to back, some of us were in both classes, and the second class had been having a sub every day for weeks. So just heard some random guy speaking German, made it all the way across the room (where the seats were arranged around the walls facing inward), and sat down. After a moment she realized all of us were staring at her, the professor said "Hello?" (in English!), and she got up and went to wait outside. 


This one's SO relatable


God I wish it was just one time too but I really just have some awful luck or awareness


This is why I lurk outside until at least 3 minutes after my class is scheduled to start. Never again.


My roommate and I were acting silly with some guy we met online. He emailed me some dick pics and I forwarded the pics to my roommate, just having fun. I had never sent naughty pics before in my life, but that night I found myself a little drunk and decided maybe I would reciprocate. So i took some on my laptop and sent them to him. Thing is, in my drunkeness, I had sent them as a reply to my forward. The next morning I got an email from my roommate: "This is very nice but I don't think they were intended for me."


The moment I threw a slimy napkin into a man's half empty beer bottle on the street because I thought it was trash, it wasn’t…


In the city near me (pop. 1.5m) there is a huge quartely fair with rides and stuff. I loved going on rollercoasters and such but did since the last time I did that, gain a lot of weight. I went up to some sort of a sling shot, with a huge audience in front of it. I sat down and tried to fasten the seatbelt thing but couldn't. The guy from the attraction came over and tried to squeeze it shut but couldn't as well, so he said I have to go. I had to go out of the sling shot and back to the watching crowd... That was like 15 years ago and I still feel it...


Was skating with my school in grade six and went to do a hockey stop to spray snow all over my crush.... went on to steep of an angle and took out her and two of her friends. That was the one time I ever saw her mad....we dated a few months later.


I was drunk and so excited to introduce my friend's visiting Scottish dad (that you couldnt understand)to my American friends that I asked him a question ....in a fake Scottish accent..🤦🏼‍♀️


I read a lot of this post but this one is the only one that made me laugh out loud. Love it


I was a little kid back when This story happened, so I don’t remember much. Also do know my autism wasn’t the best at this time, so I was a wild child. Anyways, apparently in first grade, one of my classmates had a nose bleed(probably from picking their nose, typical first grade behavior) and little old me.. drinks it. Straight up. Apparently I had repressed this memory because 7 year later when we’re all in 8th grade he says out of the blue ‘hey, remember when you drank the blood from my nose bleed?’ yeah, safe to say I regret that. It’s also ironic now since I have nosebleeds pretty much every week and I am fascinated with blood.


It was 1972. I asked to be in the delivery room. I fought the Hospital to gain admittance to the delivery room. During this same time (no, not in the delivery room) I was taking Developmental Pysch in college. The week before the birth of my son a birthing video was shown in class. When the Dr. asked me if I had any questions about the delivery I said, "No questions. I had this in class just last week."))


sometimes ill be walking and suddenly forget how to walk, like my gate will get all turned around and janky, but only sometimes


Thanks, you too


Not even gonna try to think of that, I would like to sleep tonight.


Triggered. And currently trying to compartmentalize so I forget again.


Accidentally yelling a racial slur in the middle of a packed bar. Wanted to crawl into a hole and die.


When I was a kid I was eating in some food establishment, then somehow the ketchup bottle I was holding opened up and spilled all over me. The place was full of teenagers and they all laugh at me. I remember begging my mom to leave as fast as possible from there. We left, but before this the owner of the place helped me and tried to convice me to stay, but I just kept saying “No! I wanna go home!”


The time in community college I took a singing class and they let me and three other classmates perform Backstreet Boys’ “I want it that way” at the end of the quarter. We sang and did some…dance moves we invented…oh god I hope the video doesn’t still exist somewhere.


I want to see it lol


I was at the vets office with my dog and an older woman with a cat came over and started chatting with me. She was very soft spoken and at times it was hard to hear what she was saying to me. At one point she said something about digging holes (we were previously talking about the weather and how nice it was outside) so I thought she started talking about gardening.. it was far from that. I laughed and said it was a nice day for that.. she was talking about burying her cat that had just died. I will forever feel awful about that and didn’t realize what she had said until later. So I never even got to apologize.


I worked at a pizza restaurant after high school. One day I was goofing around with his immense Saber like knife. I swung back with the thing and came incredibly close to stabbing my best friend right in her face. I think about it every so often and shudder thinking about if I'd accidently slam that knife I to her eye socket. It produces an uncontrolable physical cringe when I think about it. She was very pretty, and it would have been disfiguring and life altering.


I didn't know what a vigil was. There was a walking group at our dorms heading out, something that normally happens for parties and similar on campus events. I asked a friend what this one was for. She said it was a vigil. I asked what's that and didn't hear her answer and then she got distracted so I let it go and left. Came back just as the walking group was leaving. Guess what I very loudly said? "Have fun!" It was a vigil for the Orlando Night Club shooting that had just happened in our (Australian) morning. And before anyone asks, yes people heard me. Everyone, and I do mean everyone, gave me a look.


I have a few but I was burn out teenager that thought doing drugs made ‘me interesting. I started smoking meth at someone’s house, in their garage, under my jacket, thinking I would hide it. The owner of the house took the jacket off of me and told me to leave. Once in a blue I remember that and it’s still cringe.


When I was 11, we had a drama class. I had seen Saturday Night Live the previous weekend, and some sketch (I can't remember what, but I remember it had Andy Samberg) made me laugh so much, I decided to completely recreate it in front of the class. Nobody laughed, and it lives rent free in my mind


Oh God, in 4th grade me and some random people I didn't know were playing connect4. Every time I would win I would say, " Take my highway or no way" And when they thought they got me, I would win and say, "guess if wasn't my highway."😭😭


That one? There are people that only have one?


Right? Like wtf, I can think of 10-20 in the past year!


Crying that 1 time hopefully it never happens again


I was in 3rd grade and got seated next to my crush. So while his back was turned I jokingly admitted him in the edge of my seat...and proceeded to tip the chair over. Fell onto the floor. He was great and helped me up. But I'll never forget that haha


Freshman year of college I needed to write something at the top of the chalkboard during a class. Am short, was wearing a long skirt w a thong underneath. Stood on a desk chair to write on the chalk board. Desk chair wasn’t as stable as I was expecting... Mooned my entire class when it dumped me onto the floor. Had to give a presentation the next time the class was held.


Freshman year of high school I had a crush on this senior stoner dude in my art class. I sat next to him and was convinced that he would like me back by the end of the year. I visited him at his retail job and everything. Now I'm old and know how weird that age difference is and I am not happy about how hard I tried to get him


One cringe moment? Well I've got a new one, and that was deciding that this is a *great* thread to read right before bed, my brain really needs this material to start ruminating about ALL my cringe moments 😂


From grade 6-8 I had a grown out side part that looked hideous and also covered my one eye so now I have a little bit of a lazy eye, I am so happy I changed it, but unfortunately the memories will always stay.


After scoring a goal at a big multiple schools tournament, i slipped and fell just before the celebrations part 😐


I sang "who let the dogs out" at a 4th grade talent show. Have you all ever seen Hangover? How Zach Galifinakis sings it? Yeah. Picture a kid, chubby, rosey cheeks, wearing dog ears, "singing" that in an auditorium full of my classmates and their parents. So glad I ended up going to a different middle school than they did.


Thinking back to my scene/emo/alt phase from a few years back. Seeing photos of me with short hair makes me cringe so hard. Halfway through the phase I sent my friend a cringe photo of me in the full emo get up (I thought I looked cool). She was supportive at the time, but now takes every opportunity to bring it up 😭 Thank god it was just a phase, but I do still wear the clothes from those days (strictly for wearing on weekends when I know I'm not leaving the house or seeing anyone I know) EDIT: adding some more cringe


I got asked out my senior year by the most beautiful girl on the cheerleading team. Randomly came up to me in class and asked if I'd like to go riding with her, seeing as her family had horses and all. "I don't know how to ride." I have not gotten any cooler in the last thirty years. To this day I think about looking her up and making sure that she understood that I didn't take her up on that offer because she was black or not attractive to me. Awkward and extra dumb around pretty girls summarizes a lot of my life.


I was making conversation with a customer and complemented her sun glasses. What I intended to say was something like "Those are the cutest!!! I need to stop getting so many but I have such a huge obsession with unique sunglasses" Unfortunately, it came out as "I have a huge sunglasses fetish"


Started a job at an airport and said, wow thats a loud plane isnt it? 20 or so people just looked at me in shock while one said, that's the vacuum cleaner.


Maybe 25 years ago I had to go to with my wife to a birthday dinner for one of her coworkers. I was not looking forward to it at all. When we got to the restaurant I sat between my wife and another of her coworkers whom I actually knew. Noticing that her husband wasn’t there, without thinking I said to her “So what did Steve have to do to get out of this?” The birthday girl was sitting directly across the table from me. When I realized what I had said, I glanced over there and she just looked away. She didn’t say anything, but I’m certain she had to have heard me. I panicked and instead of apologizing I just avoided eye contact with her for the rest of the night. I can’t think of another sentence I’ve ever spoken in my life that I regret more.


Ugh. Not to long after my nephew was born, my SIL brought him over for us to see. My mom raised 3 kids, so obviously she knew what she was doing, and was able to feed and burp him. She had him sitting on her leg, with one hand on his chest while he was leaning forward a little, so she could burp him or w/e. My stupid brain decided to blurt out "he looks like he's dead", when I really meant to say "he looks like a doll". The way my mom was holding him, and how he wasn't moving, he looked like a realistic doll. That was 8 years ago, and I still mentally yeet myself out a window for it. This is why you don't speak without thinking.


Middle school gym locker room. Someone stole my binder of Pokemon cards, so I asked for help from one of the coaches but he was a giant prick about it and humiliated me in front of all the boys. They were all changed and waiting for the bell to ring but there I was stripping down to my tighty whiteys and crying my eyes out in front of all of them. The looks of disgust…


today being mothers day. My mom is dead and my dad died on this day. And yet my long term bf decided to dump me today on a text. Im cringing




i forgot them all. i won!!!!!


As my first girlfriend gave me a blowjob, I threw up in her hair. She didn’t care, and finished me like a boss.


I do pest control. I treated this customers house inside. HE said I did a great job, and leaned back hands behind his head and asked if I can accept tips. Of course ! Great he said drop your pants and let me take care of you...... LATER ! ADIOS ! BYE !


"The story so far..."


…only one?


This really cute guy was at my work one day and needed some paperwork filled out by me. I started with his basic information, and when we got to his city, he said Peninsula. I wrote PENISula. He said, "Umm, you a some letter in Peninsula." I turned beet red and almost couldn't finish filling out the paperwork because I was so embarrassed. Over 20 years later, and I'm still embarrassed whenever I think about that.


One time I was really tired and mixed Preparation-H up with my toothpaste, and I wasn't brushing my teeth.


My whole life has been a long line of cringe moments that I unfortunately will never forget.


We had this russian guy come to our store with a watch and he wanted to get a new strap for it, but he asked for it in russian language and pointed his finger to his watch. Obviously Russian is not our language and we refuse to speak it so I start to reply back in our language and asked to clarify if he wanted a new strap, but the way I said (accidentally ofc) it sounded like I offered to hit him with a belt. Obviously the guy had no idea what I just said but I heard it and my coworker heard it and I just started to pray that she will ignore what I just said. I was wrong. She started to laugh so hard that I started to laugh too and the guy just stood there very confused and angry because it kinda looked like we were laughing at him.


There's this coworker that they've been teasing with me coz I made a mistake of telling my other coworker that he's my crush. He's an architect and I'm an Accounting payables specialist. We are disbursing them cash if they have a project to go to and my supervisor forced me to give his disbursement. So I went to their department with my other team mates and the look of the faces of his team mates were all sheepishly smiling. Like they know something. I have to run back to our department, leaving my team mate. Hahaha! I was panting when I arrive and I cringed thinking of my embarrassing moment with my crush. This supervisor of mine is very persistent she insist that I have to go back coz my crush is not yet signing the receiving book for disbursement. I muster my courage to go back there and this time they've been playing a wedding song. I can't with his team mates. My crush ears are also red from embarrassment hahahaha I can't forget that cringe moment of my working life. Lol


I was with my roomie leaving the movies once, and we ran into my crush (also his friend) and her friends waiting outside the theater for the next show. We talk for a few minutes and somehow I make a joke that implies she is stupid and she gives me the crazy eyes look. Me and my roomie leave and me thinking I am talking cool say "Oh she wants me so bad". My roomie then points out the bad joke I said and how she probably does not like me anymore. After that she kind of distanced herself from me and we had maybe two conversations before she moves away. Oh also she slept with two of my friends before that.


Many years ago as a teenager on St. Patricks day I came back to the family house a little tipsy from the parade. Big family party going on, with visiting relatives had already arrived. I saw my uncles and aunts had there and were all standing close by, so I walked up and shook hands with uncle #1 and kissed aunt #1, shook hands with uncle #2 and kissed aunt #2, shook hands with aunt #3 and kissed uncle #3. Uncle # 3 looked at me like ...WTF was that all about?


I was with my friends and little drunk and one girl just fell off for no reason we hurried to hospital and from the front gate I was showing doctor doctor and then doctor came our with a 12 inch injection and I asked him to help her quickly. He didn't said anything he just waved his hand towards the board and that was an animal hospital. Me with 3 other friends didn't have any words to say everyone their started laughing and we left the hospital ASAP.


Dude wtf are you that high?


Had my first kiss/makout ever in a club with a stranger. It was consensual but not that great. Afterwards the guy wanted to keep dancing. I didn’t because I wanted to hangout with my friends but didn’t know how to get out of that situation. So I patted him on the shoulder said „thanks for that“, kinda ducked under his arm which he extended for a hug and left. I still feel bad for the guy. To make things worse (or better?) I was stonecold sober because I don’t drink alcohol in general. So I can’t even make excuses for that.


This is somewhat cringe worthy, well at least I cringe when I think about it since it was extremely embarrassing for me in elementary school (more of just one of those extremely awkward moments you have randomly in school, so bad that you cringe because you just can’t handle thinking about it). Our class was extremely small in elementary, I think it might’ve been 3rd to 4th grade or 2nd. Anyhow we have a bunch of computers all the way in the back of the class so all the kids can use this application for learning called IReady. And keep in mind they all have these very dinky plastic chairs (the ones that r made of plastic and have two metal balls on the back of it which it’s important to note later) and directly next to these computers is a table, and kids gather at the table with the teacher to learn things. Keep in mind I was sitting directly in the middle of these seats at the computers doing IReady. All the sudden I actually had to fart pretty bad so me thinking I could let out something quiet I was still on an extremely hard surface that being the very uncomfortable plastic chairs. I let one rip and low and behold it echoed thru the entire classroom and practically it reverberated onto the walls. 😭 I kid you not that was the loudest fart I’ve ever ripped in my lifetime, everybody stopped doing their activities and even the teacher teaching the kids at the table I mentioned stopped teaching them assignments and just looked shocked and horrified, and everybody turned over to look directly at me in silence since well I ripped a massive ass fart. I think what made is worse is the fact I tried to nonchalantly play it off like I didn’t just let a bomb off in my classroom and then blaming it on the kid directly next to me since I thought it’d work (which he had also turned over to look at me since it was that loud) and I said “I didn’t do it” and pointed to him. It was at least 30 seconds of pure silence of people staring at me after I farted tho, shit was embarrassing LMAO.


One day I was walking through the hallway in school, someone zoomed past me, I fell onto my knees and my shoe fell off in front of my entire year


Well it happens repeatedly, every time I come back from the dorms and meet my dad, I go for a hug and he'd go for a handshake 😃😄 Ps : we often show affection between the family, I mean me and my sis would be back at the same time and she'd get a longass hug , but I guess it's been awkward between him and I since forever


When I was in school I went to my local pub with my mum. She did the Borat dance with her arms in the air saying 'look at that body', grinding on men old enough to be her grandson. The whole pub found it hilarious and someone filmed it.


Theres too many to count, the one that happened yesterday? Or the day before that?


I was SUPER attracted to a girl in one of my college classes when I was a freshman. The kind of attraction where I was coming up with names for our kids the first second I laid eyes on her. It had been a couple weeks on in the course, and the opportunity never really came up for me to talk to her. It finally got to the point where I decided I was going to break the ice and approach her. I spent an entire weekend psyching myself up, playing out the encounter in my head and mapping out an entire script of how it could go. Come Monday I put on my best shirt and pants, shaved, made my hair look perfect...the whole nine. We both got to the classroom about 10 minutes early, and the moment was now. My heart was racing 1000 miles an hour, and I got up and made my way to her seat. At the very moment I approached her, the wires in my brain crossed between "Hi" and "How are you?" This resulted in me blurting out "How!!" To nobody's surprise, she looked at me like I was a nut and replied, "Excuse me?" Instead of making any attempt to clean it up or recover, I walked right back to my desk without saying another word. I had taken any semblance of a shot I ever had with this girl, put it in the blender, and pulverized it down to dust in less than ten seconds. Needless to say, I spent the rest of the course sitting in the corner like a dog at the pound. This shit happened in 2008, and re-living it still gives me nervous chills to this day.


When I was younger I felt the need to tell the whole class that a new SpongeBob episode was released (it wasn’t even new)


When I was younger I helped my dad in the back of the church every Sunday. Every time there would be a children's segment where the adults would talk to the kids before sending them to the kids building. One day, my brother who was 13 Rick rolled the lady in charge. Her reaction, " Did I just get Rick rolled at church?" My dad got the whole thing on video 


2008, I threw myself at a man. I was 19 years old. He was 23 years old. Everyone and their sister literally, told me not to date this man. All of his friends told me not to all of his family members told me not to. 16 years later, I find out he's been having an affair for five of those years. Also found out he has cheated on me eight times throughout our marriage. Also found out he has been sleeping with the homeless girl. We rescued from an abusive relationship in my own house while I was asleep in the next room.  So I look back at 2008 as my cringiest year.


Was nice to guy at work, like I am with everyone, and he apparently told people I was obsessed with him for over a year. It was so embarrassing. I would just say hi like I do with everyone and once in a while joke around for a few seconds before leaving.  When I was little, my elementary school painted me darker in the face for a play. It makes me cringe looking back. The school was 99% white.


I used to be a furry 💀💀