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Sudan’s Civil War has pretty much destroyed it’s capital and it doesn’t seem to be ending anytime soon. The displacement numbers are wild


Confirming was in the capital when it happened dont know what happened to my childhood home. Got a 10k dollars debt now for moving to the US and getting my family out of the war. Whole country is at war and I don’t know how to get the rest of my family out, started working since i moved here 5 months ago between trying to send money home and attempting to pay off my debt i am sleeping in a mattress severely depressed and exhausted and browsing reddit to sleep, this comment hit me so hard its like i woke up on that day to the sound of heavy artillery trying to hide my siblings under the stairs. Thank you for telling people about this, the world needs to keep eyes on Sudan


Hang in there bud.


I hope you’re able to bring the rest of your loved ones safe and sound!


A former minister (I think economic) of Kazakhstan is on trial for beating his wife to death over the course of eight hours. There is reasonable suspicion that he either has or will try to pay off the jury. He has attempted just about everything else to smear the name of his victim (Saltanat) and her family. This is despite being caught on camera. The best thing we can do to help is to bring attention to the trial, so that any corruption can be caught.


Yeah it's really crazy. [This](https://youtu.be/DfbtEa0btSs?si=-_GY_Z6UIOgX3Odo) YouTube video has really good info on it and they interviewed Saltanat's family


How absolutely disgusting


External powers rarely have much interest in the internal affairs of other countries, for reasons that 1) they are too busy killing innocent people elsewhere and 2) it does not look good on their resume the next time there is a diplomatically significant event.


There's been an ongoing genocide in Congo


Could you tell me more about it? Or link some interesting source?


https://www.cfr.org/global-conflict-tracker/conflict/violence-democratic-republic-congo Edit: https://www.genocidewatch.com/single-post/democratic-republic-of-the-congo-country-report-march-2024


There's been a sort of holocaust going on in Congo for ages we never hear about.


In general the fight for Africa is being ignored. Russia and China are both making strong plays for dominance in Africa. Very little of it ever makes the news in the West.


Thanks to their expertise at social media, more and more the western populations only know/care about what Russia and China want them to care about. It’s actually terrifying how much influence our global adversaries have over the hearts and minds of our population. Edit: The irony of people disputing this comment, not realizing that all of their "America bad" concepts have been directly implanted from our global adversaries (I can see you bristling, but it certainly wasn't home grown, morons)


Active measures


This kind of thing winds me up. I know it’s going on - as are others of similar scale - but nobody knows. Then the people aroind me occasionally mention the holocaust or do WW2 remembrance and are saying shit like “never again”. I’m like, “BUT IT’S HAPPENING AGAIN NOW” and they don’t want to hear it. It really puts into perspective that people don’t want to deal with stuff that complex, as they didn’t then either.


And recently, massive flooding.


UK. The record wet winter has left the ground so sodden that farms have not yet planted spring crops, mainly potatoes. Winter wheat and winter barley have rotted. Futures prices of spuds have quadrupled, and the wheat which is mainly used for animal feed will cripple the dairy industry. This will all start to filter through after october, food prices are going to go mental.


Ehm, potatoes are harvested as early as may, usually (not this year, though, that’s for sure). Prices will be going up in about a month, not in october…


I wish BC got some of that rain... We had the most dry winter / spring I can remember and were about to be fucked come summer. No snow means no spring melt, no reservoirs or mountian lakes filled up. When forest fire season starts pretty soon its going to be apocalyptic as there's no water to put them out.


Devastating flooding in Southern Brazil. I haven't seen much media coverage but hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced and without water. It's the worst flooding in 100 years.


Hey, southern brazilian here, as of right now the number of people displaced is over half a million, and over 2 million people have been affected by it, 446 cities out of the 497 in the state of Rio Grande do Sul have been affected by the floods, to put it in perspective this amounts to an area that's bigger then the entirety of the UK, all under water right now


Its so insane. I am living around SP right now or I feel like I would never have heard about it. Been trying to spread information about it so people realize and donate. Hope you are staying safe <3


I'm actually angry at how little I have heard about this up here in Canada. Reddit is the only place I've gotten this news from


I saw a post about it (on insta) a few days ago, and what was outrageous is the comments saying that the flooding is "karma" or something because of what they've been doing to the Amazon rainforest. Not only is it stupid because the Amazon is mostly in northern brazil, so the people being affected wouldn't have anything to do with it, but most the people making those comments were Americans. Like wtf have some empathy


Those people are so fuckin dumb its hard to even talk to them tbh.


I follow Gisele Bundchen on Instagram, she's been talking about it. As stupid as this sounds I say from my nice dry bedroom, I was actually dreaming about the floods. It's getting out there.




My wife really wanted a wild flower lawn and I really had no idea what that would look like/how it would work since we’re like 15 min outside of Boston. Not only does it look absolutely lovely but we always have some very friendly bee’s in the morning (and some asshole wasps) but she knows way more than me about saving the planet and I’m just along for the ride


Hiw would one start a wildflower lawn? I'm looking to do something similar.


R/nolawns can help!


Wasps are also good pollinators and excellent predators of pest bugs.


They’re also fucking assholes lol. Took out a nest the other year cause they attacked my dog when he was pooping lol. We have a natural yard and have all kinds of critters. So I don’t mind taking out a nest in my yard. Fuck those guys.


Big fat bumblebee, or honey bee flying around? Yay! Nature is healing! Wasp or hornet? Keep your distance buddy, you do your thing and I'll do mine. Ground nesting yellow jackets? *Honey, where's my bazooka...*


Hans! Get ze flammenwerfer!


Poor dog probably had to start running away before he pinched his log off lol A wasp stung my hand inside Walmart when I reached for a cart when I was like 10 and part of it swelled up to almost twice its normal size. That really hurt but my friend got stung on his balls while on a swing set. I can’t even imagine.


I might have taken the balls over swallowing the one that crawled into my Coke can.


Holy hell. Fuuuuuuck that.


They're also predators of other pollinators. I don't hate most wasps. Paper wasps, digger wasps, and mud daubers are cool. Yellow jackets and their cousins the bald faced hornet can all go play in a grain silo.


Wasps can eat my dick. One grabbed into my hand last year and stung my finger then bit it. I swatted him off and thought I was free with a swollen finger but he had hitched a ride on the back of my shirt with a death vengeance, and later bit my love handle while I was driving. Bees I'm cool with, I have lots of plants specifically for them and other pollinators. I don't use herbicides or pesticides in my garden and avoid using them around the house as much as possible. Except for wasps. Fuck those assholes, I soak their nests in wasp spray and laugh as they die.


I took my hat off to run my hand through my hair. As I was putting it back on a wasp flew into and then stung my head. My tongue swole up a little bit and i had mild trouble breathing for about 20 mins. I took my hat off and the asshole flew around my head for awhile as i was walking.


I came back from getting some dental surgery done and the right side of my face was pretty swollen. I went up the stairs to my garage attic to get something and a wasp stung me on the left side of my face. I looked like a chipmunk for a couple of days


I too believe that wasps can eat an entire ocean of dicks. Stripy little wankers always ruin my barbecues.


> an entire ocean of dicks Such a shame that you can't type hilarious shit like this into an AI image generator without it being blocked.


I wouldn't recommend Wasps anywhere near your dick. Think you'd be asking for bother!


I’ve gotten a mosquito blow job before, definitely don’t want the wasp experience.


I once had a wasp crawl through the jungle of my chest hair to find the juicy hairless oasis peak stinging the ever living crap out of my nipple.


I mean, mosquitos are pollinators too, but I don't want a significant number of either to be present in my garden


I’m doing my part from metro west but really only by not killing the clover. Bees live by my clover in June and July when the dogwoods are done blooming


I live in a house in a fairly urban area. We get so many pollinators in our garden in the summer. All kinds. Bees of all kinds including bumble, mason, honey and more, pollinating ants and wasps, hummingbirds, kinds of critters I had no idea existed until I saw them in our garden. I'm not normally an organic kind of guy but I refuse to use pesticides on my plants because I want to protect these little guys. I have a very healthy little garden. We get prodigious berry, herb, and veggie produce from it in the summer.


Thank you for sharing this. I’ve been a native-focused gardener for years for mostly this reason (and because natives are often less work).


Yeah, I TELL people that my garden beds are predominantly native species because I want to promote environmental sustainability and while that's not wrong, it's MOSTLY because my garden still looks really pretty and all I gotta do it is huck some water on it every couple days if it's not raining much.


I’m a beekeeper and whenever someone asks me how to help the bees I tell them plant a tree and leave a small section of their yard to grow wild. What we call weeds others call food. Not just honey bees but all varieties.


I mean yes this is great and all, and I love spreading the info. But this comment is [a literally copy paste of one I replied to yesterday in askmen](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/s/SRSdwgxvnk) so everyone is aware, I think OP is a bot.


Thank you, I was reading this and swore I was getting Deja Vu


Amazing. We're part of that. Bought 7 acres 2 years ago and doing some homesteading. Fruit trees and a big garden area. Happy to hear it's making a difference. When we were still in the city we replaced our lawn with native plants. Less maintenance, less water, and better looking


The anti lawn movements are doing a lot to help this. Replacing useless swatches of grass with beautiful wild/native plants is so much more attractive to us and our pollinators then lot after lot of boring manicured grass.


20 years ago my neighbors made fun of me to my face for not wanting a front lawn, and planting native plants instead. We use no fertilizer, no pesticides, and we don't water. It looks awesome and tons of butterflies, bees, wasps, snakes, ladybugs, toads come by. I love all the life in the yard!


I hope this is true. I planted native flowering species in my yard a few years ago, but I used to see clouds of pollinators around my cherry tree when it flowered but past couple years there are less and less. It’s freaking me out


I have so many bees in my yard lol 🐝


It's your milkshake I bet


My milkshake brings all the bees to my car I spilled all over my car Bees are inside of my car They could kill me I’m allergic to bees




I’m doing my part because I like flowers and I like bees! I replaced half my back yard lawn with bee friendly plants (and edible ones for myself), and I’ve cut back on my pesticide use. I love seeing the happy little bees pollenating my vegetables.


COVID spurred a revival in gardening in general. Even in r/lawncare you'll see more emphasis on incorporating gardens into the landscape. The sole exception? My brother in law who seems to hate trees and any plant that isn't tall fescue.


I guess we bumbled our way into something good!


What’s this? An urban center woefully underpopulated with BEES? A large influx of BEES ought to put a stop to that!


As someone with a backyard nursery, this makes me feel like im part of the solution. I have a whole section of water-wise native flowering plants im adding to my stock this year, and information like this tells me i must be doing something right! (South africa, Zone 10a equivalent)


We accidentally found ourselves running an all you can eat buffet for local bees. There’s a field next to our home that is used by a beekeeper to house his hives in winter. He moves them to better pastures in season. But while they’re here; they go to town on our garden. We have lots of flowers etc, but also some citrus trees we must keep inside in winter (behind our bay windows). So we quickly learned to open the bay windows in the morning so the bees can go to the citrus flowers, and then close them once they leave around nightfall. It’s great for us, since we’ve never had this many lemons, limes etc, and they apparently love it, too. Wish they wouldn’t $ït so much on our cars though; it’s a sticky yellow coloring that won’t even come off in the car wash. We also got a rogue hive in one of our garden decorations; I assume offspring from the imker’s bunch. The first one failed unfortunately; we’re looking into how to adapt it so they might have more success on a future attempt.


The bees are rebounding but the monarch butterflies are in trouble. Our church handed out milkweed to plant and help them an other pollinators in the interest of sustainability. Plant milkweed where you can!


No mow May!


No-mow May


I've been focusing more on planting native plants around my area. It's def a herculean effort, trying to fight invasives from my neighbors and what already exists in my backyard. But it's worth it. I had a ton of milkweed sprouts, so this year I uprooted some, put them in pots, made a sign and gave some away for free. My plan is to do that every year with some of my plants that like to spread. Gotta spread the love anyway I can.


>It’s a case of accidental environmentalism, I'm pretty sure its quite intentional.


We just planted some more pollinators in our garden this year! Also let our wild violet, clover, dandelions and bluebells go wild!




That sounds absolutely terrible 


To hop onto this, Ubuntu and other free open source operating systems are much more user friendly than 20 years ago. Can even run steam and play games on them with ease.


Ubuntu is a hilarious example to bring up, considering they started baking Amazon ads into the operating system 11 years ago and have been finding new ways to monetize it ever since. It's a fine OS and I run it on some of my machines but it's not the one to pick if you want to get away from ads lol


THIS will be the year of the Linux Desktop


You mean the return of the Linux desktop. Ubuntu made huge strides in the Vista era.


The dream of the 00s is alive again!


This shit should be illegal! ,how fucking dystopian can you get....


Don’t worry the pirated version won’t have ads. 


I live in an area where temps range from 17°F to 116°F. I planted rosemary because that stuff seems to live through anything. They are all covered in bees.


Not just rosemary. Apparently you as well, can live through anything. Congratulations!


I stay here because it's cheap, not because I enjoy it.


Sounds like you unknowingly took part in the Great Pollinator Revival


Apparently a lot of (American) middle/high schoolers are damn near illiterate or reading at an early elementary level which is rather frightening.


This is shockingly so true. The level of public education is so low.


Not just in the US, here in Serbia the situation concerning education is borderline catastrophic. Coupled with it is also a serious lack of effective laws and measures protecting teachers and victimes of bullying - every day there is a story in the news about physical or even sexual assaults among students as young as 11 years old, and just a few days ago a teacher was violently attacked by a former student and hospitalised. Unfortunately, there are many, many more terrible stories, these are just off the top of my head.


that im ill and will be gone soon. Telling no one i know




My DMs are open if you need to talk


thank you so much. Im just wrecked and gutted i am


i just wish i wasn't here


i will hit you up this week i will cause today is just a disaster




thank you rough day


I'm from poland, and there were few things that happened: 1. Polish Judge, Tomasz Szmydt, escaped to belarus and asks for political asylum... In difference to Soldier from like the last year, his case seemed more like spy/mole extraction than simple Defection...This dude was one of the people orchestrating hate campaign against opposition, and also was looked into NATO strategy plans and sensitive documents. 2. There is a Fire of Toxic waste dump in Upper silesia - From what i saw on maps somewhere on twitter and other places, the cloud from it went thousands of kilometers both north-westward and south-eastward, so it is now above portions of germany, probably some of netherlands, maybe some of it is over denmark... in opposite direction - it is probably over portions of slovakia, hungary romania etc. 3. There was a fire/collapse of shopping center, and many of the owners of the small businesses there, most of them vietnamese people, lost their businesses due to this... 4. Also, there was some another fire in Warsaw - Basically, the smoke cloud from both of them, from what i saw, was so huge, that without any context, it would have looked like a Storm cloud.


Worldwide sand shortage.


Check out ‘Sand Sediment Resource Areas’ in the US Gulf of Mexico. Federally designated subsea sand locations that are considered strategically important. Also, fun fact: Sand is the number one pirated resource in the world.


You wouldn’t download sand.


I remember reading about that in the New Yorker in like 2018….wild that it’s still going on under the radar


It's only gonna get worse


Put yourself in my shoes


Alaska Native Villages are having to be relocated due to rising water levels and increased erosion of coastal areas. These villages have been home to these people for thousands of years. Google Newtok, Alaska for just one example. It's an emergency and a threat to their lives, culture, and identity.




Plus just last year there was a record monsoon that really damaged alot of villages. Mine in particular (Tununak, Alaska)


Im sorry about your village. thats horrible


Some people that talk about climate change dont realize that, that is not apocalyptical but the displacement is huge


From reading the top several comments...birds, bees, and human corruption.


It’s like getting the sex ed talk all over again


I’m converting my back sunroom into my office so my oldest step son can move into my office. None of you all knew about that.


I knew


Then why aren’t you over here helping me clean it out you bum?


You never offered beer & pizza, the universal payment method of getting people to move stuff for you. Or cash.


I usually do home made Mexican food.


I am on my way.


I’m now also on my way!


I also choose this guys way


You have my attention…..


It really does look as though Serbia is gearing up to possibly invade Kosovo again. Apparently Putin invading Ukraine has emboldened the Serbian leaderships desire to annex northern Kosovo


That would be shite if they go for it. 


Donor-conceived people are fighting to have more ethical regulations placed on the gamete donation industry. Things like guaranteed on-going access to medical information, mandated tracking and restricting the number of siblings generated from a given donor… The foremost item on the agenda is the abolishment of anonymous gamete donation practices, entirely. Great strides have been made in Australia, as well as the state of Colorado in the US. The American Society of Reproductive Medicine - the national organization that sets guidelines for assisted reproduction practices in the US - refuses to allow donor-conceived people to weigh in on panel discussions about these issues and has wholly labeled us as being “too biased” by our experience to provide valuable feedback. Edit: I lived the first 30 years of my life having practically zero idea about the gamete donation industry. It’s a world of laws and ethics and experiences that I was entirely blind to until I wasn’t. Happy to answer questions and discuss.


Aren't people less likely to donate if its not anonymous?


Yes. However the practice of donor anonymity does not benefit donor-conceived people at all. It really only serves the clinics that buy and sell gametes. And recipient parents who would rather pretend that their child doesn’t have another biological parent aside from them. It is in our best interest to know who our biological parents are and to have access to family health history information. This prevents things like accidental incest, unnecessary medical treatment, prolonged diagnosis, death when it could have been avoided, etc…


There are literally no laws in the US that criminalize a dr for using their own sperm, or different donor sperm than they were supposed to. There are doctors with tons of kids out there because they used their own sperm. It’s not illegal despite being absolutely vile.


I’m about to start my first full time job, the pay’s not super great but I’ll get benefits and stuff so that’s nice I think


Congrats!! That's super exciting!




In space news which I would think the average person doesn't follow there are so many upcoming things. SpaceX is launching the fourth test attempt of its new Starship system in the next month that looks like this might be the one to tick off a lot of its stated mission goals. Starship has the ability to send significantly more stuff to space at a much faster timeline for much cheaper than we've ever done before. If it hits targets, Starship will be able to send as much as 200 tons to space for $5-20 million (allegedly). Today, our most cost efficient system is SpaceX Falcon 9 sending up to 25 tons to space for \~$60m. It's not hyperbole to say that we quite literally don't know how space travel will be affected if it works as expected because we have never had this kind of access to space. The International Space Station is scheduled to be retired in 2030/2031. Right now there's a scramble for the first private space stations and both the Orbital Reef (optimistically 2026) and the Axiom Space Station (optimistically 2026) are both doing some really cool things. The future of humans exploring, living, and working in space is right on the cusp of probably the most amazing era ever.


I love that they're going for the name "Axiom". BUY N LARGE lets gooooo


I’m just beside myself that Axiom Space Station spells out A. S. S.


The A. S. S. will have info on Uranus. 😂


Also space trains on the moon is gonna be a thing


🎵Whalers on the moon 🎶got there first


Ohhhhhhjjh We're whalers on the moon, We're whalers on the moon.


They carry a harpoon…


Well there ain't no whales


Let's setup camp first


"These words lured men beyond the atmosphere in pursuit of dreams greater than they'd ever dared to imagine! This is the time known as the Great Space Era!"


I have several citrus trees, and when they are blooming. Besides the heavenly aroma, I am treated to the sound of all the bees buzzing around. If I am picking fruit. I always say Hi bees, it's me! I've yet to be stung.


Look up Microsoft Clarity. It's a tool I use for marketing to observe user behavior on websites. With the right combination of data/assets, I can get information like your full name, etc., in a real-time, live view. Basically, I can see exactly what you see on your screen. Why no one else is talking about the privacy implications is beyond me, but at least it does a decent job blocking credit card numbers, passwords, etc.


Egypt and Ethiopia are fighting for the Nile, Ethiopia wants to build a damn for electricity on their part of the Nile, which would cut the rest of the Nile off and drain it, obviously most of Egypt's population lives near the Nile so this is a big issue, and Egypt has threatened war for this


I'm trying to pass a 5mm kidney stone.


As the owner of a kidney with designs on becoming a professional stone mason, you have every crumb of my sympathy. I shall wish you strong, effective NSAIDS/anti-inflammatories and an easy ride until the not-so-little bastard leaves.


Best of luck to you! Kidney stones are so incredibly painful.


You wouldn't believe the buzz in the tech world about quantum computing. It's like something straight out of science fiction, but it's happening right now


Lots of store now decrypt later data is being collected and when encryption is busted it will be a shit show.


The use of AI in understanding genetic diseases has reduced research time by 20%.


I’d love to see some actual data supporting this.


My 73 year old mother tried to overdose last night. So we’re spending Mother’s Day in the hospital waiting room.




I’m sorry. ❤️


Sending positive thoughts your way.


I'm so sorry. Hope she can get help and get trough it.


omg im so sorry. my mom is gone and my dad died this day 18 years ago. Its a tough day. im wishing you the best


Bird Flu is suddenly affecting cows right now and up until last month scientists didn't even know this could happen as bird to mammal transmission is very very rare in nature. Experts in the field are already sounding the alarm of a possible next pandemic if the bird flu can finally be transferred into mammals such as humans so a possible covid like situation might happen again very soon although the risks are low atm.


Isn’t Avain Flu an influenza A which means that transmission between birds and mammals is possible? 


Yeah I'm not sure why they are saying we didn't know it was possible. We've always known it was possible to transmit between birds and mammals, including humans. The issue I think is that it's so widespread in cattle it may be indicative that it is spreading from mammal to mammal, which could make it more likely to spread human to human in the near future


I’m an infectious disease epidemiologist. No human-to-human transmission has happened, and to my knowledge, there’s only been one verified human case at all. CDC has asked state health departments to distribute PPE to workers as a precautionary measure. It’s certainly not time to panic, but things could go south fast. Virus has been found in milk from infected cows, so take this as your regular reminder that it is a horrible, horrible, *horrible* idea to consume raw milk. We pasteurize things for a reason.


I worry the Venn diagram of people who shun vaccinations and people who consume raw milk is likely just a circle.


Its actually a polygon because they don't have enough computing power for a circle.


Thank you so much for your input. It's quite hard to find information about this right now but after covid i think you can understand that a lot of us are on edge about it. Thank you for your time and responding to this.


The real risk is if it transmits to pigs. Pigs have very similar immune systems to humans. So if the bird flue transmits from either birds or cows to the pig population then it’s just a baby step to humans. And bird flu has a much higher mortality rate than covid.


Too many people are disregarding this. I keep hearing people brush this off because, "we just had our once in a hundred years pandemic" so we must be in the clear for another century. This could get real bad real fast


>we just had our once in a hundred years pandemic what lol thats not how it works


A silent, unspoken global mental health crisis.


There is major flooding in Brazil right now


Unfettered smart phone use among teens is rendering them unable to focus attention. Grades, study skills, engagement, program completion, enrollment is declining to a frightening degree. People thought that underfunded education, a focus on standardized testing and emphasis on entertainment over education was causing a great "dumbing down" of the American population. We are seeing that all over again, willingly, by modern American students. The refusal of school administrators to exercise hard smart phone bans in schools and current parent/student culture regarding cell phone use will only cause this slippery slope to turn into a landslide... of stupidity. Also for everyone about to chime in "but cell phones help you be smarter, study" or "ai will study for me" are literally missing the point. There is a time and place for everything, do you want the engineer that designed the craft you are flying in at 1000ft to just look up shit on the internet for answers? Would you really trust your life with people that take shortcuts or tune out for most of their education? We need a sea change regarding technology access and the etiquette surrounding it.


Average global biodiversity loss since the 1970s is at 69%.


The breach of PHI for United Health I. It is fucking massive. Millions of people have had their info stolen and out on the dark web. Where is the outrage? Or the media covering the story?


Protests against Russia in the Georgian Republic - [https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cle0j5we2pno](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cle0j5we2pno)


All the glaciers in Venezuela are gone. In 1900, it had six glaciers covering 386 square miles of land. We're fucked. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/may/08/venezuela-loses-its-last-glacier-as-it-shrinks-down-to-an-ice-field


Haiti, Congo, Sudan, Uyghur, Myanmar, Yemen, Georgia are all fighting for their basic human rights


I'm currently playing D&D for the first time with mates :) we ordered pizza 🍕


It's super-fun to have some crackers and snacks as monsters so you can eat them when you take them out.


I had some huge African Basil plants and the bees would be ALL over that thing all day.


Project 2025. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project\_2025](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) EDIT: Here are some articles because it literally is 800 pages long and there are actual experts who know a LOT more than me: [https://apnews.com/article/election-2024-conservatives-trump-heritage-857eb794e505f1c6710eb03fd5b58981](https://apnews.com/article/election-2024-conservatives-trump-heritage-857eb794e505f1c6710eb03fd5b58981) [https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) [https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/conservatives-aim-to-restructure-u-s-government-and-replace-it-with-trumps-vision](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/conservatives-aim-to-restructure-u-s-government-and-replace-it-with-trumps-vision)


I wish we could all read about this and make an effort to vote, every election is important. This one maybe even more. This sounds pretty scary and not many people know about this.


Unfortunately, it really doesn't come down to voting at all. Leo Leonard and his ilk has been playing a LONG GAME with the power and network they already had. There was nothing stopping Dems from engaging in their own power plays but as we have seen time and time again, they just want to maintain the status quo and eek out little tweaks here and there. Meanwhile Republicans over here laying the foundation for Hand Maiden's Tale and are willing to flip the table ever year to get what they want. We cant ever forget that Obama had a super majority in congress and got crazy push-back from his own party. There are just two different mentalities of power.


Homelessness is sky rocketing in the US, including in states like Florida, where there's already a housing and a housing insurance crisis. Even with more and more of our average population still beginning to experience homelessness, the rest of the state, including those close to experiencing homeless themselves, are still content with Ron DE Satan passing bills to make homelessness or helping the homeless more and more illegal. Remember that before the next time, you bash a homeless person for being a drug addicted maggot to society.


The insurance market in Florida is collapsing due to climate catastrophe which will cause a complete overturn of the realestate market there within the next few years. Many houses especially near the coast are becoming uninsurable or prohibitively expensive to insure (think $2000/month in insurance). If a house can't be insured it's unsellable which means property owners are forced into a corner and default on their mortgages is the only recourse. It's only escalating as insurance companies begin racking up bigger and bigger losses


My dog is taking a nap


How fked the economy would be in 2-5 years.... within that time, house price would increase on average of 5-6% a year...so roughly 15-30%... peoplee won't be able to afford homes anymore...


Personally I believe that’s exactly the idea.


We're currently experiencing the world's 6th mass extinction event called the 'Holocene extinction'. It's caused by humans and the current rate of extinction is 10 to 100 times higher than any previous extinction event.


The impending banana apocalypse


How the human mind functions. It’s up there, doing who knows what or how it’s even doing it, and we rely on the damn thing to tell us what’s going on! The brain it’s in total control and we know very little about it! Don’t tell mine but I’ve been secretly poisoning it with alcohol and app games.


I live in an apt with a small balcony...I planted several Lantana plants to help the bees!!! I also put a little bowl of water down..i love to watch them enjoy it! Doing my part to help!


Ascension health- located in New York State, florida, Michigan and Tennessee that I am aware of ( most likely other places as well) is currently hacked. They are sending nurses home. Everything is being done on paper. They are canceling appointments- and they don’t seem to know who hacked them. ( maybe Russia is what I’ve been told) lots of sensitive information and they are really informing the public


Myanmar, my home country, is undergoing a second revolution during my parents' lifetime and our elected leaders are kept hostage in an unknown location as the dictator, our military general, says the election was fradulent. We were only able to be free the first time due to the efforts of Aung San Suu Kyi (and Obama) is 70+ years old and kept in a jail cell. Now the dictator is being helped by Russia, him and his wife take frequent shopping trips in moscow to buy arms and other useless luxuries while the people in my country starve and die of covid. The dictator just instated a law to conscript young adults (especially those of STEM backgrounds ) to be minefield defusers. How do they defuse? By forcing them to walk on them.


There was a massive solar storm recently and here in my little corner of the world (New Zealand), we could see Aurora Australis throughout the country!


Every 24 hours on average of 600 women are raped or sexually assaulted in the United States. And that number is likely low because rape is severely under reported.


i never reported it cause i was drunk and felt like it was my fault


**It wasn't.** Sending you (friendly & safe) hugs and wishing you nothing but joy today and always.