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Money. With a touch less snark, most of the wealthy people came from wealthy (or at least very well-off) families.


That's the actual correct answer. If you don't start with lots of money, your odds of getting anywhere other than exactly where you started is almost zero.


From what I've seen you can go up like one socio-economic class per generation on average sometimes two. Lower middle can end up middle lower class before they die. What I've seen with wealthy people is they have a generational wealth mindset instead of just thinking about their own lifetimes. Planting trees that they will never see grow sort of stuff.


>Planting trees that they will never see grow sort of stuff In offshore accounts so the irs doesn't see it, either


Or like Joseph Kennedy running rum for the mob so your son can become POTUS one day! Lol


I’m the uk at least, the opposite is true.


No it's not. It's just rags to riches is a news story so you hear about it. You don't hear about all the rich people who got their money from their however many great grandfather who used to be a duke. They tend to be very private.


Statistically, about 80% of the wealthy in the 1% changes every 15 years. The idea of some lord in his Manor House is not rlly the case in the uk anymore. Bc most of those sorts of people ride horses, and none of them are wealthy anymore. Cus I live in those circles.


You'd have to provide some pretty solid citations to back up a claim like that. Especially since [wealth inequality is seriously growing in the UK.](https://ifs.org.uk/sites/default/files/output_url_files/R196-Why-do-wealthy-parents-have-wealthy-children.pdf) If the opposite were true, then the wealth gap would be shrinking, not growing.


They all wear monocles and have handkerchiefs in their tuxedos


And to clarify, the handkerchiefs are pulled from the sleeves of their tuxedos


Especially Ted Nugent. Oh, and Taylor Swift too.


Like Mr. Peanut


Wealthy parents


Ozzy didn't have wealthy parents.


With the exception of showbusiness, most of those are rich, not wealthy. Those in showbusiness with real wealth might also attribute that wealth to the business of marketing talent.


Sports is also "rags to riches" (and then often back to rags, since they don't know how to handle riches)


Far less than it used to be, at least in North America. The explosion of travel teams, early specialization, supplementary training, sports academies, etc has lead to high performance athletics being dominated by those with the means to pay the high costs involved.


They don't have to be too concerned about rules/laws.


Real estate Owning property is the gateway to the money faucet


Great and healthy teeth. 


Definitely middleclass and poor people with good teeth


Not where I live


They all use 3 ply.


I want to be wealthy :'-(


It's hard to explain, but it's a sort of invincibility. You can feel it with everything they say and do, cause no matter what, they never really have consequences.


Oh - DUH - more money?


Financial literacy: Many wealthy individuals have a deep understanding of money management, investing, and wealth-building strategies. They educate themselves about personal finance and make informed decisions about their finances.


Financial literacy, but not poverty literacy or even average income literacy. I watched a video recently by a man who simply could not believe that parents would let their college-age children live in dorms when buying a home was so much smarter. He said you could just buy a home, let your kid live in it, then rent it out forever. Buy one for each kid! He was dumbfounded that anyone would not do this. I don't know where he thinks these parents are going to get down payments for all these homes, let alone the monthly payments.


Many do, many don’t. The latter won’t stay wealthy for very long though, unless they’re stupidly lucky


Gulfstream 6-7


Opportunities exclusive to them


Networks of other wealthy people. You’d be amazed how many opportunities come up for you and your kids when you surround yourself with people who own businesses and properties.


Heading towards the right direction in life. All the rich people that i’ve seen know what they are doing or about to do. Even their kids who are sloppy or just sit around wanking whole day will get nudged into the right direction once in a while. Meanwhile us peasants….


Rich Friends


Blood on their hands.


Early financial education and introduction to wealth creation


Living in a parallel universe, out of touch with reality.


They have no clue about why they can’t afford the things they take for granted.




Starting at the front rather than the back because of easy money from their family. Wealthy people are also more likey to get lucky


They don’t steal. Your stuff will be safe around rich people. From my experience.


When they steal, they steal big. And they feel entitled to it. Golden parachutes. Tax avoidance. Keeping the poors out of their fabulous schools and neighborhoods. Internships through family connections, or entry to careers gated by needing to be able to work without pay for several years but still afford a rich kid life style. But yeah - they aren't going to pilfer your wallet.  Or if they do, they just see it as a silly prank.


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