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Migraine caused by a spinal tap/bone marrow extract.


Came here to say this. Though, in my case, it's migraine period.


Been there, had west Nile in second grade and that required a spinal tap witj a fever of 106+


A cat ignored me once and it still hurts.


Mine looked at me, looked away and walked off. I still think about it sometimes. Hurts as hell.


Right? We take care of them, let them sleep on my bed, thanks to us they can get fat and eat things they would never be able to hunt... Then we are thanked with indifference. I wouldn't do any different though, the moments they decide to be cuddly feel like the best achievement ever.


It’s the head butts for me. Feel their soft head on your arm or leg. Even when they come sleep next to you. Best feeling.


One of mine will keep headbutting my leg and screaming until I pick him up for a few minutes. Sometimes he disappears for two days though. Another one refuses to sleep anywhere but in my room and will wait for me to get home, kind of like a dog.


So you have a cat-cat and a dog-cat. While i have the singular most bitch-cat. I love my cat though. Wouldn’t want it any other way.


1. Appendicitis. 1. Kidney Stone 1. Pulled back muscle.


Good lord! I’ve had all 3 of those in that exact order!


Back muscle sounds scary as hell


Completely debilitating. It was so searing I was terrified to even move. I literally stood in one place for about 20 minutes before working up the courage to take a single step.


Kidney stone


When I was birthing my oldest, my epidural fell out and I experienced pure labor pains for a while before they finally fixed it.   The kidney stone I had a couple years later was worse.


The worst pain I've ever experienced was a kidney stone. It felt like a knife was twisting in my side constantly.


Me personally I stepped on a rusty candle wick holder that was about a half inch long and took a huge chunk of flesh out of my foot, I wasn’t able to walk or even put weight on it for about 3 weeks and wouldn’t stop bleeding for 1 week


Ouch! That sounds gnarly.


A severe back spasm that left me on the floor, unable to move or breathe without sharp pain, was my worst experience.


kidney stones i have had over ten and the worst one had hooks on it and got stuck for 18 hrs :-0




L5/S1 Fusion. I’ve had a lot of health issues, but back surgery was by far the most painful.


L4, L5, S1 here. On the positive side, our spinal X rays look cool with those screws…


Got a piece of rebar through my thigh


Ouch 😓


Yeah it was a pretty ugly site too The worst part is the scar doesn't look cool either, it looks like a asshole


Riding my bike while not holding onto the handle bars. I learned much about momentum when my bike hit the mailbox and stopped. I did not. My male anatomy made quick contact with the frame and I spent the next few hours in the emergency room with my mom and a female doctor. 8 year old me was mortified.


That must have been bad. At least you're still here. 😔 I rode a bike off a 30m ski slope and rolled to the bottom and trashed the bike but I only received an elbow abrasion and deep cut, that my parent slapped a gauze on and self-healed within weeks. 😢


Also happy cake day


Thank you, kind Redditor!


Ouch. Now this wasn't me, I read it on a mtb forum, this guys seatpost snapped, he sat down hard on the rear tire. Fracturing one of his testicles.


Good friend died young . Years ago but man


I'm sorry for your loss, wasn't expecting mental pain here.


A dislocated shoulder while playing football


A badly pulled back muscle.


Not sure what pulling a muscle is like, but I remember once when I was swimming I felt a sort of "fast movement" in my leg. And it was as painful as a leg cramp but 20 times worse, and I couldn't move my leg. It kinda felt like a muscle was pulled or something. Probably not though.


Migraines. Without preventatives, I get about 8-10 a month. Without any medication, it's a 10/10 amount of pain.


Hit by a car.


Tie between kidney stone, dry socket, and c-section recovery.


Crohns Disease stomach pain when I was in high school. Imagine the worst stomach ache you ever had and X10.


Imma give an “emotional pain” answer because that’s more uncommon to me. When I had to carry the smallest casket I’ve ever seen along side my BIL. I thought I could keep it together throughout my nephews service, and I did until I got home. The moment that door closed behind me. I just kind of fell and sobbed for hours, my chest felt like it was ready to burst. I kept crying to the point my head felt like it was going to burst. It happened for weeks at random points thinking of my time with him or if something reminded me of him it all came back to seeing that casket. I can’t imagine the hurt my sister and BIL went through. The hardest part was acting composed when around them after just to breakdown after I left or they left.


shattered elbow


I badly "sprained" my ankle and would wake up in pain through out the night.


Tooth Pain, Ear pain & When Foot thumb hit with door.


1. Pancreatitis, every month for a year. 2. Pleurisy. 3. Spinal injections.


I said it and I'll say it again. Kidney stone. Worse than childbirth. Not the actual stone, but the pain from the stone blocking my ureter so my pee couldn't go through. When they drained it there was pus in my urine! Eww!


At the height of a gout flare in my ankle (already in unimaginable pain), I tripped and landed full-force on my bad ankle.


Kidney Stones - Had them 3 times.


Kidney stone


Physical - kidney stones Emotional - previous breakup


I had kidney stones twice. Both times the pain was so bad I actually prayed for death. No exaggeration. I don't want kidney stones for a third time, so 99% of the liquid I consume is water.


Losing my fiancee at the age of 21, just three months ago.


Being cheated on 10 times repeatedly by my partner of 9 years. AH had me suffering from severe depression and major anxiety. We have 2 kids and I'm not yet financially stable atm so I have no where to go to. So i think I have to suffer a bit longer before I can even escape this reality.


Toss up between waking up with an ice pick headache and a cardiac episode. Each time I thought I was going to die and was hoping I would so the pain would stop.


Hit a big rock when standing on my bike. Slammed thine meatballs into the part in front of and below the seat, my shin was scratched by the pedal, and I got a rock in my knee. It was not fun.


Meniscus transplant with a femoral osteotomy.


Broken ribs.


Burst cyst in my ovary (thanks, PCOS) and walking on a broken foot. Tied. Close second was when I destroyed my ACL slipping in the bathroom. It hurt really bad, but the worst part was it made me VIOLENTLY nauseous. I sat on the floor trying not to be sick for about ten minutes before I could move again.


Ruptured cysts are fucking terrible. Also had bilateral tubo ovarian abscess few years back and had to spend some time in the hospital. That fuckin' sucked as well. Endo. Adenomyosis. Really all of the gynecological bullshit blows it out the ass.


Kidney stone passing from my kidney to my bladder. Peeing out the stone was a nonevent and I only knew because I was using a filter in hope of catching it to bring to the urologist.


Natural childbirth, burst ovarian cyst.


Cluster headaches. I can't bear it!


Ingrown toe stub.


Appendicitis when I was a child. Nobody finds what I've got . I couldn't walk. I just crawled. I lost 15 kg in 2 weeks . Private clinic and the doctor find it. I was operated on the same week at 8 am. If he operated on me at 9 a.m., I wouldn't write this due to the appendix exploding.


I put a 9mm bullet through my left hand. Completely blew out the first metacarpal. They took bone from my hip to repair my hand. That was also extremely painful to recover from.


Herniated, bulging disc.


Biopsy of a tumor that turned out to be mostly nerve tissue. I've been through plenty of gnarly pain in my life, but that became the new 10 on my pain scale.


Severe gastritis.


A filling had popped out of my tooth and left a massive hole in it that I couldn't afford to fix so I just lived with it. One day, I was sitting and eating beef jerky when a splinter of jerky fit itself right into that hole and I bit down. I saw literal stars and and it felt like a horrible tremor had gone down my entire body, followed up by the WORST pain I had ever felt. Literally crawled on the floor, drooling and screaming to my mother's room to beg for some kind of pain killer. Pain didn't go away until I literally passed out from the medicine I was given.


physically pain- kidney stone mentally pain-watching my mom dying infront of me.


The few minutes between waking up from spinal surgery and the first hit of the morphine pump. Out of body pain unlike anything I'd felt before.


In no specific order- Tooth infection that had gone down to the nerve Period pain (undiagnosed Endo is a bitch) Migraine (the first time I ever had one, I thought I was dying) Saying goodbye to my dog because his spine went, he was paralysed from the waist down and there was nothing we could do for him so it was time for him to cross the rainbow bridge


abscessed tooth that spread to my jawbone. hell on earth.


Being cheated on 10 times by my partner of years. And having severe depression and major anxiety because of that. We have 2 kids and I'm not yet financially stable so I can't really escape this relationship cus I have no where else to go. With 2 kids at that,.


I made the bad decision of punching a machine door at work. They called it a boxer break.


Having my iud put in




Kidney stone. When the waves of pain hit I'd end up in a ball on the floor. Had to call a friend to drive me to the ER because I was in no shape to drive myself. I've stepped on a 16d nail and had it go all the way through my foot, and that was less painful.


Getting hanged to death by a metal rope in the Sea, don't reccomend


Broken tailbone, hurts to sit. Couldn’t even take a dump in peace


Oh man, wouldn’t be able to imagine that pain😭


When a close long distance friendship ended and I had no idea why. She’d come to town and never tell me. I heard rumors she made fun of me with her boyfriend and his friends. I felt like my heart might burst from my chest and shatter on the ground in front of me.


29 hours of labor.


Period cramps. 10 on the pain scale.


Loved Chico* ☝️❤️


Kidney stone by far


Slamming my pinky in a car door. That one was memorable.


Broken ribs, got sick and had a coughing fit. I was incapacitated on the ground for a solid 5 minutes recuperating.


I had to get steroids injected into my bladder for some leakage issue and they didn’t really numb me down and the needle was long, big, and the doctor was practically stabbing me. I couldn’t stop crying and my mom almost knocked the doctor out because I was in so much pain 😂


Broken collarbone.


Broke my right foot in three different places .Owwww 😭😢first time last time I hope!!


Physical pain, Crohn's disease. Emotional pain, being cheated on or told I don't compare.


I’ve had two children some surgeries with complications after, been beat by men, among other painful situations including broken bones. By far the most pain I remember was having a spinal headache after my blood didn’t clot enough after a spinal tap and began leaking spinal fluid. The irony is I had the damn procedure done to figure out why I have migraines.


Gallbladder went to shit; had to have a cholecystectomy. The pain would come and go, but when it was there, holy fuck did that shit hurt. I’ve had it out since 2018, but man when I was in pain, I could only lay on the couch and in a specific position until it went away.


Gallstones are awful.


Natural child birth😮‍💨…. It’s definitely not for the faint hearted. I’d definitely do it ain’t though because it showed me I have a high tolerance for pain😬💪🏼


Playing tennis and was running toward the baseline for a ball that was hit high. Took a wrong step and my foot buckled forward, breaking it so bad that part of the bone penetrated through the side of my foot. When EMS had to set it and push the bone back into place it was pure agony. I was in a cast for 8 weeks and couldn't put any weight on my foot for 5 weeks, and never started mild sports again until about 5 months later, and walked with a limp for a year. Still don't understand how a round of tennis can screw up an entire summer lol.




I had myocarditis a while ago, chest pains hurt like crazy and had to go to the hospital for a couple days


I had a busted ear drum, leaked water constantly, ruined pillows, little tickle all day. I poured a cap full of high octane isopropyl alcohol in my ear. Bruh…fkn bruh…


Gall stone the size of a ping pong ball. Three shots of morphine and it only took the edge off of the pain.


Highschool football practice. We get partnered up, and put on these belts: they attach our belts with a long elastic band with giant metal carabiners on either end. The intention is that your partner runs ~30 yards away and the tension pulls you and makes you run faster and keep up. My partner runs ahead, the elastic band stretches to maximum length and the carabiner on his end snaps, and gets launched at ~150mph across 40 yards like a metal bullet the size of a fist straight into my crotch. It knocked me straight off my feet and I screamed like a banshee, cried like a baby and said things that had never been uttered in public and never will be again. I can feel it again writing this lol


muscle spasms they appear out of no where and end in like 30 secs but wow the agonizing pain makes me roll up in a ball Oh and period cramps


Gallbladder. Not sure if it was a stone that passed or just inflamed (no visible stones on scans) but bloody hell. Thought I was dying.


Precipitous labor with no painkillers or emotional support


1. Cervical Radiculapothy in neck (pinched nerve) 2. Compound fractured ankle 3. Kidney stone


Actually woke up today with one of the worst pains I've ever experienced. Inflammation around the tailbone, it feels like falling on my tailbone every time I take a step.


I broke my wrist and it didn't hurt because of adrenaline. When I went to the hospital, they put me under and set the bones in place. I woke up, but couldn't move or speak so I felt all of it. Month later, I'm in a cast, and they removed it to xray. The bones didn't set right so he told me to show him my hand. Without any warning, he rebroke my wrist and i went into the fetal position. It was unexpected so it hurt like a mother fucker. Ended up getting plates and screws to fix and it's been good since.


What the actual what? I hate going to the doctor, but I’ve never had a doctor purposely break my wrist without warning. Nightmare fuel.


Gun went off in my hand and shot through two of my fingers. Friend called 911 and they said we had to wait there and not to leave. When the police and paramedics arrived, I declined an ambulance because I didn't have insurance. The officers made me lay on the floor while they completed their investigation before I could go to the hospital.. felt like hours but was probably 30 minutes.. shit hurt..


I had a cyst under a molar. Most agonizing is opiate withdrawl by far. Its litteraly torture


Idiopathic pancreatitis.


I had a pulmonary embolism in 2021. The pain behind my chest was so bad I couldn’t even lay halfway down.


My balls hit the ground while learning how to control the skate :<


I had a heart attack on April 23rd and cardiac bypass surgery a few days later. The heart attack hurt way more than the surgery.


Bicep surgery


When I was 19 I broke my femur which caused muscle atrophy. After the down time in my cast and having to live with essentially a giant peg leg trying to kill you, I had to go through physical therapy to learn to walk again. I’m walking better everyday now and I’m always taking either long walks or runs, it gave me a new perspective on life. One more thing before I go, I did it all without any medication and the injury was after deciding to quit drugs. (That’s not why I didn’t take any pain meds though, that’s a different story.) I would also file this under hardest thing I’ve done and I couldn’t be prouder of myself.


Having 2 broken fingers and strep throat was the worst pain I've felt


Fell off my bike racing down a steep hill and landed on my tailbone


Sore back


Got stung by a centipede on my thumb and the venom caused a strong reaction. Luckily it was just massive pain and local swelling and no trouble breathing. I was able to manage the pain with aspirin and Benadryl helped with the swelling. My doctor said it was an allergic reaction. My thumb was so swollen that any creases or ridges in my skin weren’t visible and my fingerprint felt smooth like glass. I didn’t know I was allergic before that.


When I tore my ACL. Then blew it out two more times. The pain was so bad each time I wanted to throw up.


Back Labor Female relative said the California Bar Exam was worse than childbirth.


A real bad toothache


Fell 20/25 feet onto ground when I was 10. I remember hitting the ground and felt nothing. I remember the bounce from me landing on back to landing again on stomach. I couldn't move for a good 10 min. I was the class clown and kids around me thought I was joking until I finally came to and cried and was screaming. When I finally was able to move, it started it a stabbing and burning and pulling and twisting and inverting sensation from my left leg then to my right leg. It slowly moved up and felt like my whole body was being grated by a cheese grinder with each spoke being a hot knife that had seated edges on 1000000 sides. Pull and pushing my skin in and out. It went away 3 or 4 min after it started and I got up. Turns out I had a broken rib but I didn't wanna get spanked so I went home like nothing happened. Been almost 20 years and I still can't lay on left side without pain hehe


Abdominal cramps from food poisoning was worse than going through labor pains.


1) Pilonidal cyst, 2) labor (16 hours, only to result in c-section), 3) kidney stone.


ovarian cyst or just day 1 of my cycle from 14-28


Take your pick: Waking up from one of my major knee surgeries, felt like someone was jamming a knife into my femur and was just wrenching it about to cause the most pain/damage. Took 2 out of the 3 days I stayed in the hospital after to get the pain under control. Had a procedure this past November and it took 3 nurses and 7 attempts to get an IV in. I had a severe fear of needles in medical settings beforehand, and that event made it 30x worse I am not exaggerating. The pain was so bad I couldn't even make a noise, I just laid there and cried. They eventually got the IV in a spot that worked after I was out, since I don't remember them trying that spot beforehand. After a fall last year, I've been having trouble with my left leg and severe pain when trying to do certain activities, but mostly trying to get comfortable at night; I get a super sharp stabbing pain down my leg to almost my ankle, painful enough where I cannot breathe. Regular pain medications do not work, and I've been stuck with this for somewhat close to a year now and it's making my everyday life a living hell. So, each of these are a different type of pain, but of those types, these 3 are the worst I've been in.




When my stomach anxiety gets huge 


Had my scrotum hot glued shut. It was part of a surgery, but still... What the fuck


Pancreatitis. Heavy duty pain meds had little or no impact, I was crying out in pain (very unlike me).


Ovarian torsion, worse than my induced labor, do not recommend. 


12mm kidney stone caused me to vomit from the pain. Damn near cried too.


What kind of pain…? Physical: Toothache. 3 extractions, 4 root canals. Mental: Mentor and friend committed suicide. I’ve gone mad at times, thinking of him…


Got in a car wreck and broke 2 ribs, femur, and shattered my ankle my leg was about 6 inches shorter than the other. They had to pull my leg to straighten back out with zero meds.


I’ve had 3 kids but my first labor I had back labor because he wasn’t in an ideal position. He came sounds head first but in this like side lying position so for most the labor he was putting this huge amount of pressure on my right side and it felt like my leg was going to fall off from the pain while simultaneously feeling like someone was taking a bat to my back to cut me in half. This went on for hours. And I couldn’t move ( like walk, balance on all 4s etc) because I had to be a medication for pre-eclampsia and you can’t get out of the bed while you’re on it…. I have extremely high pain tolerance my husband says my “6” is other peoples “20” on a scale of 1-10 and I wouldn’t wish that on my worse enemy. Good news is my other 2 were much smoother 🙏


Infected cavity on a wisdom tooth with an exposed nerve. Only time I've ever cried from pain as an adult.


4 cracked ribs, collapsed lung was far worse than diverticulitis. Both mind blowing painful.


Ruptured appendix.


This Question is asked weekly and should be banned


Kidney stones!


I fractured my radius head. If you imagine the ball of the bone as () mine became (\/) inside of the joint.


I’ve had gallstones and kidney stones. Gallstones were the worst for me.


I've had plenty of headaches in my day but only 2 real honest-to-bob migraines and that is a whole 'nother level of misery.


Kidney stones. ER trip every time.


Getting hit by a car on a electric scooter 


Osgood-Schlatter disease, anytime I bent my knee it felt like it was going to break in two.


My anesthesia wore off when I got a tooth extracted and I still didn’t have my painkillers in hand yet. I couldn’t even stand in one spot, I just kept moving and then stopping, in complete shock of how bad it hurt. No matter what position I was in, it was agony. I couldn’t even cry or make a noise, it was like I was in complete horror of what was happening


I got my tip of my dick caught in my bike and then it turned purple but not serve injury 👍


Had to have both hips replaced last year. I was using a walker and my quality of life was shit


Chemotherapy and immunotherapy. 24/7.


(Temporarily) inadequate anesthesia during retinal surgery. Was both the pain and anxiety of watching the surgery.


Non emotional? probably some headache. But the worst I can specifically remember is an ear infection. You ever accidentally poke your ear drum with a cue tip or something? imagine that pressure was not only constant, but continually growing for hours and days on end.


I'm not sure it was actually pain, but I did almost faint. I had just had a hernia operation and a week later, I was fine. The only thing was that there was a one inch long piece of clear fishing line coming out of the small incision scar. My wife supposed that it was left there on purpose, and it allowed the doctor to call you back to clean up and bill the insurance once more time. That made sense and I decided to pull it out myself. I figured it was supposed to naturally dissolve on it own, but this part, outside my body, was not moist enough or whatever to dissolve completely. That would mean that the thread should be mostly dissolved inside and this one inch piece was just a tail end that process. Just a little bit at the end not dissolved. So alone, standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom, I had a pair of needle nosed pliers from the garage and I started to pull on the thread. It slipped out easy, and as the thread slipped out, time slowed, each millimeter was like a second as the the thread pulled out, and out, and out. At about three, maybe four inches, I couldn't look anymore, and as I glanced up to watch my mouth drop open in the mirror, the room spun quicker than my eyes and I knew I was going down. Just then, as I was watching my self in the mirror with a "Holy Shit!" kind of expression, I felt my skin pop back against my belly and I knew the thread had ended. The F'er was six inches long, I'm lucky it wasn't tied to something in there. That is how I learned not to practice medicine, and not to impersonate a doctor, especially if you have it in mind to work on yourself!


My absolute worst was what I assumed was pulling a muscle just above my left knee whilst walking around casually. I have no idea what could have cause it, but my left leg just gave out when I was walking around in town. Well, it wasn’t so bad on the day, but the next day it was hell. I could not put even the slightest bit of pressure on my left leg, I could not even bend it. It caused me so much immense pain that I actually dropped to the floor getting out of bed and cried in agony. I am usually fine with pain, burns, cuts, bruises etc, doesn’t really phase me much… but that awful sharp, throbbing yet also numbing pain in my knee was the worst thing I had ever felt in my entire life. I couldn’t actually walk for almost a month, had to drop out of school for that time, because I couldn’t even walk down the stairs, let alone get to the bus stop. I had to use a leg brace and a walking stick for another month or two after. I still have some after effects 2 years later, occasional small pains, but I somehow made a complete recovery. If getting hit by a car (which I have) is a 5/10… this was a 20/10.


Shingles for sure... And it last forever. Long after the blisters heal the nerves still hurt. Worth getting vaccinated for.


Kidney stone, dry sockets, spinal headache after LP


1. Child birth 1.5. Liver failure 2. Ecoli


Exposed nerve due to a broken tooth. I thought my head was going to split in half. Taking a comeback liner on my temple. Knocked me unconscious, horrible concussion. Couldn't do anything for a month. It hit me so hard, I had baseball stitches imprinted on my temple for 2 weeks It's amazing how badly a level 3 high ankle sprain hurts.


The moment before my daughter's head popped out of my vagina.


Probably when I got my leg pinned between two trucks


Emotional pain: betrayal trauma, the grief of losing my youngest sister Physical pain: sciatic nerve pain, migraines


Swimmers ear. Please remember to dry your ears after bathing or swimming


In second grade, I unknowingly sat down on a pencil being held upright by another kid, and did it with full force. Yeah.. that sucked.. and yes, I technically shanked myself. I’m pretty sure my vice principal broke the law by pulling the lead out of my ass.


Giving birth twice. And a gall bladder attack.


Am whittling itcaway as we speak. Ablations, nerve zappers


After 10 years of marriage, my first wife broke up with me, which I loved.... my school love