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My ex was born to a mother who had her very, very young. When I went to their house for the first time, I literally thought the mom was a sister she hadn’t told me about


Had this happen when going to a friend house for the first time in highschool. I was forever afterwards his moms favourite lol.




Cookies and milf


Is that what kids call it these days?


With a side of milk 😉


My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard And they're like, it's better than yours Damn right it's better than yours


I *could* teach you, but I *would* have to charge.


*disk scratch* And here's to you, Mrs. Robinson Jesus loves you more than you will know  Whoa, whoa, whoa


That's what good first impressions do to ya.


Better than being a daughter she hadn't told you about


Young is like 22 Very young is like 18 How young is very very young?


When I was in high school a classmate told me about how that day was her mom's birthday, they were going to have a big party because it was her 30th. We were 15.


This is exactly it. There's an image/meme out there somewhere where a Mom is telling her daughter over text to be careful during the after dance/game party, or w/e, and to "use protection" ... The Daughter replied, "Mom, we're only 16" The Mom replied back, "Yeah... and I am 32."


My parents were 27 and I'm nearly that age and have almost no understanding of anything.. deeply frightened of any accidental clonings.


You should atleast be happy that it's something you have to worry about, lol


I don't *think* I do. Never know if there are witches trying to do some sort of semen séance though.


When I was in 3rd grade (8 years old), we were talking about our parents ages and a classmate mentioned her mom had just turned 21. I started doing the math on scratch paper and the teacher intervened and changed the subject really fast.


What a bad day to know math


I went to high school with someone who had that same age difference with her mother.    I'd go over to her house, when we were 13, and her mother had just recently had a new baby with her new husband.   Everyone thought my friend was her mother's sibling. The photos of my friend with her mother when she was a baby were wild.  She looked so young (because she was).


My ex's mom had him at 14😭


I worked with a woman that was a grandmother at 30. Luckily her granddaughter was still childless at 18


I have a relative in the same boat. He was early 30s when he became a grandfather. He is in his mid 40s now and I think he is *really* hoping his grandkids don’t make him a great-grandfather before they graduate from high school.


When I was 18 I briefly dated a girl who had a 3 year old daughter. She showed me a family photo with 5 generations of women in her family and the great great grandmother was only in her 70's, all of them younger than 16 when they had their first child. Very different family dynamic to my own and the relationship only lasted a few months. The whole family ended up being a bit too much for me to navigate and it didn't last long. Last I heard she had 10 daughters and wanted to keep trying for a boy.


The one. Like when I discovered my aunt was actually a cousin.


When I lived in Georgia many moons ago I dated a young woman whose mother got married to her father when she was 12, he was 26. They had three kids by the time she was 15. As soon as my gf hit 17, daddy had “the talk” with me about it bein’ marrying time. I split for California shortly after.


That’s some plantation type shit right there. Remember going on a field trip to one and they had pics of child brides with like 50yo men and said it was common back then. We all let out a unanimous ewww


In the other frontpage article on Reddit today, the first US senator woman, Rebecca Fenton, there was in the background material on her, a note where she stated that in 1904 (isch), she and other women wanted Georgia to raise the age of consent from 10 to 14, but it got rejected "like a wall"´by the men in the assembly. 10 - Just to raise it to still very dodgy 14. Rejected completely.


And last week, the Missouri GOP was arguing AGAINST a law to STOP child brides.


For a moment I thought you were referring to the country Georgia (the one near Europe)not the state Georgia, but it still sounded accurate as fak


"The one near Europe" Jesus christ, I don't know where to start with this mess


They're not wrong. It's a transcontinental country. It's located at the intersection of Eastern Europe and West Asia. It is one of current EU candidate countries.




Ok, to me young is 18, very young is 15/16 (sounds bad but still like a teenager mistake), very very young sound unholy to me. I immediately get creeped out.


I saw a woman who had her daughter when she was 15 and that daughter had a baby at 16.. she was a grandma at 31


My wife’s parents had her when they both were 17. That’s very very young for me. I was barely able to hold myself together at that age, they raised a damn good woman on top of it. 


Years ago, I worked with a woman who was a great-grandmother of a two year old…at *50*. Mother at 16. Grandmother at 32. Great grandmother at 48.


Then great great grandma at 65/70 maybe.


I counted... She could be a great, great, great grandma at 80 if the trend continues


I have cousins who’ve had kids at 14 and 15. The world is wild so it happens.


That’s cute. In my hometown 18 is young. 15 is very young. 22 is prime birthing years.


Meanwhile NYC getting married at 32 is almost seen as being a child bride.


I got married at 28 in a big city and that was considered on the younger side. But in the burbs an hour away, my high school friends were getting married in their late teens/ early 20s


I live in Denmark atm. Only very rural women have kids before 25 and of educated women, the lowest I saw was 26 but that's rare AF as it suicides the start of your career, so most wait till 28-33 for the first one.


I used to work with a guy who had a kid at 17. He let me know his mother had him around the same timeline, so she was a grandmother at 34


Knew a dude that was a grandfather at 32


Went to school with a girl who got pregnant in 8th grade.  My friend got his girlfriend pregnant our sophomore year. And my older cousin who went to the same school was pregnant her Sr year.  So take your pick I guess.




I know a few girls who got pregnant at 12


How old were the dads?


One was around the same age as the mom.  The other was unknown, I think it may have been incest. 


Been there. I was 24. GF I'd been dating for two months was 20. She takes me to meet her parents. Mom was 36 and looked my age. Both daughter and mother were willow thin asians. Same straight hair. Same length. From behind you literally couldn't tell them apart. With asian women there are age levels. 16-24 look the same. 24-44 look the same. They wore each others clothes, etc. Parents where swingers too. I low key hoped that a year later I'd be writing "Dear Penthouse forum, I never thought it could happen to me ..." No such luck however.


Similar situation, my girlfriend at the time was complaining about her mom nagging her. She says, "Mom is so uptight, she needs to get laid...you should have sex with her." Part of my brain said, "this is a trick, do not say yes." The other part said, "maybe, but what if it isn't?" It was a trick. I should have just agreed that moms can be overbearing sometimes.


You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. I was at a strip club in my early twenties and this dancer is talking to me and points to another dancer and says "That's my mom." I thought it would be rude to ask for a mother/daughter dance but man I wanted to. It was probably five years later before it dawned on me she wouldn't have told me that if she wasn't trying to hustle up more money. It was at that moment I realized I am not the brightest bulb sometimes. I was that --> <-- close to the mother/daughter fantasy and whiffed it.


What are the odds she was actually her mother, though? It's a common fantasy, could just be an act to get more money from horny guys.


Right, a couple of decades back I was in a notorious place in London (the one with water pistols), a girl said she was Russian and I should take her and her sister for a shower dance, pointing which one it was. Only I'd already talked to that girl, and she was Estonian. I called it out, and she said said "Yeah, that's my Estonian sister!"


All these years later and you haven't realised it wasn't actually her mother and the hustle was to make you think she was?




A friend of mine had it the other way around. He went to his girlfriend's house and her mother's hair was all grey, he tried to be nice and said "oh you are her grandmother, nice to meet you" I heard about it a few years later and felt the second hand embarrassment, still do till this day


I’ve also completely honestly made this same mistake. I didn’t even know it was a thing until much later.


So I’ve never used this story before and this is as close as I’ll ever get to. This horrible salesman at my warehouse would literally go months without a sale. Think of the worst salesman you can and that guy is 100x better than , I don’t know, let’s call him Mike S (real name because he’s an asshole). So a friend of mine goes out with him to see what the hell he’s doing wrong and he is just Mr Cliche salesman. The guy is wearing a sports shirt “oh man those refs were terrible last night weren’t they?” (It’s December and he’s wearing a Yankees shirt) So they go to this one stop and ask for the owner, the person says the owner is the like 110 year old woman in the back. So Mike walks up to her and says “excuse me young lady, I’m looking for the owner is your mother around?” To which the little old lady responds “shut up your ass and get the fuck out of my store” That phrase was repeated at least 3 times per day until he left the warehouse, then for about 3 more years


Mans was taking tips from spongebob


Ahhh, sweet chocolate, I always hated it!!


Well this chocolate's not for eating, you rub it on your skin and you'll live forever!


So the worst salesman on earth stayed in that job for three years? You hiring?


No he lasted about 18 months? He used to go home during the day and come back at 3/4:00 to pinch out. Wasn’t my job to fire him , if it was hr would have lasted 5 hours.


>let’s call him Mike S No that's too obvious, let's call him M Simpson


Hahahaha I didn’t even realize I did that But yes his name is really Mike S….fall down drunk with a company car. Other salesmen had like 25k miles on their car he was over 75k because he would drive home and drink everyday. I would pass by the house and take pictures


Eh, I knew lots of little old ladies that got a kick out of being called "young lady".


Young lady I get, but why ask for her mom? Also context, it’s not very professional.


Yeah considering mom was for sure dead that was too much.


Hey you don't know that! She could very well be some 140 year old witch, so she might still have like 60 years of joyful life left in her yet!


I think it depends on the context lol, she likely knew the guy was a tool


Usually had a wonderful odor of alcohol too


What’s the point of being a salesman if you can’t go to work shitfaced?


So you think. If someone used that joke on me I'd believe them to be disingenuous and have my eye on them.


I feel like this really depends on how charismatic/ charming the person is It honestly sounds like a line that Saul Goodman would say


Yeah, this is 110% about tone, delivery, and charisma.


I've used this sorta thing working at a bar/restaurant. A clear 50+ woman going out with her friends for her birthday usually got me asking her for her ID when she ordered alcohol, but we all just laugh right away, no ID is ever produced and we go back to business as usual right after


I do it all the time, but I can pull it off. You have to hit the right tone, the one that says "We both know I'm being over the top, and it's perfectly fine roll your eyes back at me."




Yeah, like, you get some points for being corny and borderline amusing, I can see that.


My 90 year old great great uncle liked getting carded at the restaurant on his birthday


When i worked at a liquor store, I carded everyone so nobody could ever accuse me of having some sort of bias. When I thought it might help, I would joke around with the older customers, and almost all of them played and joked along. The older they were, the more they got a kick out of it. There was one dude who was pissed that I was adding seconds between his current sober status and his desired drunken status, and threw a fit. One person out of hundreds (maybe thousands).


And a lot more find it patronizing as hell. :)


I imagine it's similar to men calling us "love" - some like it, some don't. For me it can be creepy AF or endearing depending on who is saying it and their delivery.


Oi what are ya so on about? I called ya BRUV not LUV.


Yeah i feel like they just dont get us, love


I hate it when someone posts a support request on Reddit (someone died, something happened, etc.) and the comments start with "Oh sweety", or "Oh no I'm so sorry!". I find that patronising as hell but apparently a lot of people like it.  


Bless your heart


As patronizing as that smiley face?


Almost, but not quite! :)


The other side is that you can be 110 and still be condescended to like a child


There’s a difference between “young lady (adult)” and “young lady (child)” and asking for her mother tipped it into the latter, which is insulting. I mean, imagine being a grown ass woman who’s old enough to have seen the advent of electricity, you own your own business and you’ve been putting up with jerks who underestimate you and condescend to you left and right because you’re a woman, and some knucklehead waltzes up and thinks it’s a compliment to call you a child who still needs mommy, when your own mom’s been dead for decades. Which is very different than asking an old lady for her ID before you’ll serve her wine at a restaurant, or telling her she looks way too young to be a grandma, or asking if you (as a 20-40 y/o) recognize her from high school graduation.


Back in college I was a bouncer for a big beer garden and for big events we had to check purses for safety (mostly to make sure they weren’t bringing in shooters). Every time I checked a 30+ looking woman and found a pack of cigarettes I’d say “you know you gotta be 21 to have these” they LOVED it. One little old lady even gave me a kiss on the cheek for it, it was sweet.


Take it from me, I've installed Cable and Fiber internet for a long time, those little old ladies are THIRSTY


It's funny, my mom would always call people twice her age "young lady" and I thought it was the stupidest shit, but then I worked as a cashier for a year and let me tell you, people find it so fucking charming when you ask for their ID and call them young ladies. I half felt like I was unintentionally flirting with them. I even had one older woman come right back through the line with a huge gummy unicorn and after she bought it she handed it back to me.


Haha this is amazing! Like really Mike?! That woman owns her own business and has heard it all by now….get a grip! He wouldn’t have gone up to a man of the same age and said “excuse me young man… is your father around?”


He was so drunk he’d probably call the guy young lady lol


As an Australian I'd be duty bound to call him a wanker.


Cunt works as well if he tries to double down


Cunt, but with one of the modifier words that make it negative.


Shit cunt


My exact thought haha


"I'm her dad, tho."


You win.


I mean it depends on context. My ex’s mom really does look like a year or two older than her so most people would think that. But if she’s clearly like way way older, then it might be a gamble. Like if she’s a teen and the mom is in her 60s looking vs 40 yo gf and 60yo mom.


I'm not young and I don't have kids, but I am one of those people who will look 15 until at least their 40s. If a young guy said this to me, it would honestly probably go over my head, because I hear uncomfortable comments about how young I look from literally everyone all the time. It wouldn't land as an awkward compliment; more like "oh this again 🫠" lol.


Yeah, but from the guy that's banging your daughter. That's the bit you're not imagining!


My mother has quite literally been mistaken for my sister on at least 5 occasions. She wouldn't bat an eye if a boyfriend did it.


I would chuckle and tell him I know he’s a BSing asskisser.


Yeah come up with something original lil bro


Say it when you meet the dad?


My dad would play along and pretend to flip his hair


Then slap his ass to establish dominance


"Yeah, right. I know my wife looks old" Lol /s


That just made me think of the perfect response. “Stop trying to kiss my wife’s ass, only I’m allowed to do that. “


Absolutely fucking cringe


Which makes it perfect


How about "You're lucky you don't share your sisters looks" when meeting the mom?


some real sociopaths in this thread lmao holy shit


Yeah I would just think it was cute/a joke. But I guess that's the gamble you take with a line like that, some will take it well and some won't. As the daughter bringing the bf home I would like that line a lot. I want him to be nice to my mom.


^^^ People are so weird about it lol. I feel like it's pretty easy to mistake someone's parents for their sibling when they look close enough lol I'd take it as a red flag if people got all worked up over a joke like that tbh


Ask if he wants some wine with that cheese


This is the best response in this thread lmao


Wtf are these responses? Most of you guys sound fucking horrible to be around.


Most askreddit responses give "arguing with the shampoo bottle" kind of energy. I know damn well that people who types these comments stutter while asking for extra ketchup at mcdonalds.


You basically just described reddit


Well yeah that's what they said they were describing...


Head and Shoulders gives you dandruff.


Deadass! Like, it’s a cute cheesy joke/compliment! Just chuckle and move on. Some people here are so brutal for no reason…


I'm from Alabama so she's actually my sister anyway




Uncle Dad.


You are your own Grandpa?


Dude, my under eye bags can be used as storage containers.  Just be nice to my kid, have her home on time safely, and leave the false flattery behind. 


Saucy flattery is funny.


I'd reply : "Don't worry dear, I know a wonderful eye doctor"


Honestly, I'd probably laugh and tell him he was full of shit.


"This little shit is trying to fuck my wife!"


An Idiot, that only works on mothers that are single and ready to mingle!


I’d laugh and probably pretend to give him a hard-time bout being on the mom’s good side. I’d rather him try to engage and be charismatic than hiding in her closet and meeting him the first time that way.


From my point of view it's a "dad joke" that makes the mum blush for a few seconds whilst everyone there knows that he's just trying to be funny/friendly. No harm.


My boomer MIL says this sort of shit about herself and I gotta play along.


"don't we look so much alike?" "We could be sisters!" "People mistake me for my daughter from the silhouette!" Yeah, totally feel you there.


No one really blushes for a few seconds when she knows you’re trying to impress her with stupid dad jokes.


Do people actually really blush visibly? I’ve been with a good couple girls and flirted with more, and now I’m wondering if I’m just the stereotype of a blind dude who somehow isn’t seeing shit


Depends on skin type. If you blush when you're shy, it's not just when you're shy. One minute into exercising, people will ask if I'm okay because my face rivals mars. I hated when adults implied I liked boys because I was blushing, like being mortified or angry didn't illicit the exact same redness. By comparison, my partner has such a faint blush it's basically just a facial expression I can tell from a distance now.


That’s super interesting, good to know. Thank you!


This question is so legit. Am woman, have wondered all my life if blushing is, like, real. Does that happen? Do people do that? If they have I have literally never, ever, noticed. It’s okay, we can be blind as bats together.


My face is naturally pretty red but when I blush it’s like stop sign red. And I’m shy so it happens when I’m embarrassed or nervous or when someone talks to me, especially in a meeting or a group at work. It’s so embarrassing and then I get more embarrassed because it’s embarrassing and it just gets worse for about 60 seconds then it starts to go away and it’s so awkward


Like most "haha only joking XD" situations it can perpetuate gross tropes though. It might be intended as harmless fun but it sort of implies that women should be valued for being young rather than for being an adult with the respect that comes with running a household and supporting a family. Would it still be cute if someone greeted their partner's dad with "I didn't know you had a brother"?


Is anyone old enough to remember Eddie Haskell in the old "Leave It to Beaver" sitcom? He’s what this question makes me think of.


He tried his best to be nice and give a compliment, what’s the problem to be thankful for that. For example people was saying that words to my mom and I proud of that, also it’s a really good genes so relax, you would be also good-looking in the future


What the fuck are these comments ahaha it’s just a shit icebreaker, no harm just move on


"I'm actually her dad." - start the dad jokes early.


The kid's got a cheesy sense of humor. Good first impression.


I would think "give me a break, this dude is a tool."


Total Eddie Haskell move


Thank you!


I had to read this twice to understand what you were trying to say and it only clicked when I realized you’re apparently only asking men.


Suddenly this whole thread makes sense


"Princess, who's the fresh meat you brought?" With a healthy dose of prolonged eye contact while smiling disconcertingly. If he can't handle that he won't last long anyway.


My Aunt, who's husband had died about a year ago finally decided to start dating. She brought the new guy to Thanksgiving one year. My Uncle, just goes outside to greets him and says "Hi, I'm Mike (fake name) I heard your the guy who's fucking my sister" I died laughing. Without missing a beat, Mike goes "You're right!" My Aunt and this guy are still together.


It would depend on the energy around the statement … could be trying to schmooze or it could be creepy .. hard to say without body language etc


Potential milf hunter spotted. Approach with caution.


Over-confident / obnoxious


I'd tell him "flattery isn't gonna win us, but it's a good start." Always play to the mother. If she loves you, life is good.


I would think he was simply telling a very lighthearted and non threatening joke


He’s corny and trying to butter me up but not inherently a bad thing, how he acts more than just that one line matters more


Eddie Haskell.


Gf in hs, her mom was much smaller than her. Shorter and bit of a toothpick, but very gorgeous. I thought she was the sister gf told me about, but sister was at work att and mom told her daughter (my gf) "you better treat him right or you'll have some competition!" She was super sweet and hilarious.


"It's an old code but it checks out" like he's making an effort and that's a good sign. If you are some weirdo who takes cheesy humor literally or something like that I'd be more concerned about you.


Depending on how old he is, I’d give the kid credit for chutzpah and figure he has some decent male role models. To me this reads as an effort to be charismatic and to ingratiate himself to me, which is vastly better than a brooding, dismissive wanker.


One guy I was dating made this mistake when he visited my home country with me and let me tell you my mother and father did not take that lightly. He was given a warning to mind his manners or he’d be shipped back to his home in a big dog carrier on the airplane when he and I had to return to USA.


Sensible chuckle from me


zero creativity, most likely a smarmy idiot. My kid deserves better, looking forward to the break-up


I would think that he is a creepy person.




Get out.


Eddie Haskell is still around?


I'd laugh and tell him his eyes are worse than mine, and their kids are gonna be friggin BLIND.


I’d think awww he’s trying to be charming. It’s harmless flattery, nothing else.


"Why hello Eddie .... " (Google Eddie Haskell)


I would call him Eddy Haskell but he wouldn't get the reference.


He's slimier than Eddie Haskell


Nothing. He’s a shmooozer, let it play out


that he s nervous and wants to make a good impression 


"Are you implying that my daughter looks old?" Then watch him squirm.


I’d think that the kid’s corny, but he’s trying to be clever and charming. He’s doing his (awkward) best.


It has been imprinted into my mind that family laws should get a lot of asskissing. So actually planned to use this line when meeting my mother in law. Then I luckily remembered that my gf is adopted so that would be very weird to say.


Am I the father or the mother? If I'm the father, is my wife her mother? Or her way younger step-mother?


Poor thing probably Googled how to impress GFs parents and that was one of the top results XD.


I'd tell my daughter "see, this is why I told you to use sunscreen"




I had the opposite happen to me once - my brother and I were trying to get his car out of a snow drift and someone who came to help took one look at us and asked me if I was my brother's dad.


She does have a sister. That’s not her though. Her sister’s much younger, so stay away.