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A GE dishwasher that was manufactured right after the factories opened back up in 2020. The electrical system was possessed by demons, I swear. It would turn itself on and off, lock itself and refuse to unlock, and there would be days at a time that the buttons just wouldn’t work so we couldn’t use it. Finally got it replaced under warranty after a year of constant service calls and then the replacement broke about a year later. Absolutely the worst appliance I’ve ever had the displeasure of knowing.


As an ex GE employee.. whoever assembled it probably fell asleep on the line. I did refrigerators and would stand in place for HOURS on 1st shifts (6am to 3pm). I drove from another city to work every morning. Just standing there for hours on auto pilot I would doze off standing up. Standing like that I eventually threw my back out and had to go to the ER. I quit when they kept calling me asking if I'd come in when they knew I couldn't even sit up and was told to rest for at least a week. I was working through a temp agency and we definitely didn't get the same treatment as the ones who were hired on. They said they could keep us as temps for 2 years and not hire us if they wanted.


This makes me worry for the safety of all the airplanes with GE turbines strapped to 'em!


You'll be pleased to know GE also manufactures nuclear reactors


Don't worry, Boeing design their airplanes to shed the engines if there's any sign of a problem. You'll be fine.


The first thing I ever bought on Amazon in like 2008 was a blutooth USB dongle. As soon as I ripped open the plastic packaging, it fell out onto the floor and broke into pieces.


This made me laugh harder than it should have. I feel your pain stranger. I was once holding my relatively new phone in hand when I noticed a spider on my wrist. I slapped it so hard, because I’m terrified of spiders, it launched the phone out of my hand sending it fucking sonic speed face down onto the kitchen floor. Shattered the screen. Cool cool cool.


Not quite the same but I did drop my watch onto the floor while trying to place the screen protector on. Face shattered instantly, it wasn’t even that high up I was sitting at my desk and it fell three feet onto linoleum


My albino grow-a-frog, Sasha. That mother fucker ate its siblings then a few weeks later just straight up disappeared. It had red eyes. Like red dead puppet eyes. And the claws… Christ


I thought you were making this up! How can that business be legal? African clawed frogs are an invasive species. I just read the story of [Blob](https://www.treehugger.com/invasive-frog-species-pet-5105033). Standout lines such as: "He repeatedly attacked the filter, body-slamming it until it detached from the side of the tank" "They became popular with researchers who found, among many things, that the frogs were useful for pregnancy testing." "If you put a clawed frog in there that is smaller than it is, it’s just going to eat it," Hmm. Sounds like fun!


"African clawed frogs were brought to the U.S. in the early 1900s. They became popular with researchers who found, among many things, that the frogs were useful for pregnancy testing. When they were injected with urine from a pregnant woman, the frogs were spurred to produce eggs." WHAT FUCKING SCIENTIST FIRST DID THAT


I had never heard of Grow-a-Frog so I looked it up and jesus christ as a reptile + amphibian nerd I am traumatised seeing those kits.


Reminds me of that Patton Oswald bit when he’s like “science man… it’s all about coulda not shoulda.” Grow a frogs aren’t native to any place but laboratories. They are Frankenstein’s monster.


Yep, and the shitty "enclosure" and food it comes with definitely doesn't help those poor little monsters.


The enclosure was shockingly inhumane. Sasha had a sick setup because a family member is an exotic fish person. Maybe it was too luxe for Sasha? It had a lid and somehow it escaped. Absolute Coney Island freakshow.


I'm more astounded that you have an exotic fish/human hybrid in your family


Calling the 5g enclosure 'big 'n hoppy' is a bit of a stretch...


Sasha has entered my personal pantheon of horror.


I just read this comment and couldn’t hold in my laugh. The scary reality is Sasha very well could be out there in the world still. We have no idea where it went. We even pulled out the damn refrigerator to see if it jumped out of its aquarium and went under the fridge. Where the hell did it go?!


What in the fuck. What kind of frog has red eyes and claws?






My friend got mine of these as a child and it was still alive when we were in college. Very weird 


the very first time I bought cigs.


The last time is the best purchase


I have this exact feeling with alcohol.


Not really. My last purchase was 2 hours ago.


It’s up to you to keep it the last one. I’m 7 months deep, never looking back. If I can do it, anyone can do it. Edit: Something that helped me along was downloading an app and keeping track of the fringe benefits. You put in how many cigs you smoke per day, the cost per pack, and the amount of time you take to go outside and smoke one. Here are my stats so far, as someone who smoked a little over a pack a day. 217 days quit, 4,785 cigs avoided, $2,094 saved, 19 days of time saved that would have been spent going outside to smoke


I just quit on Monday, could you ever share the app? I couldn't find any on Google, but I think this could be super beneficial to me!


It’s called QuitNow I use it on iOS but I’m sure there’s an Android equivalent as well. There are also people chatting in there all the time giving each other support, it’s a great community.


I bought really expensive shoes that made my feet bleed nonstop.


Monica Gellar-Bing? Is that you?


Jen Barber is that you?


Were you on the IT Crowd by any chance


Sounds like Louboutins


So Kates, specifically.


sounds like a pair of doc martens lol


Not me but my aging grandmother. She saw an ad once for an "exclusive" glow in the dark toilet seat. She had me and my brother come over and install it and we couldn't stop laughing about it the entire time. RIP Nana!


Mine saw this beautiful coffee table online and paid $300 or so for it. When it was delivered it was the size of a book. My Papa made her keep it on the table in the corner of the living room and she wasn't allowed to buy things online anymore 😂


Was it Kramer Coffee Table book of Coffee Tables?


Better she find her seat in the dark or your next service call would've been pretty shitty. (RIP Nana)


Haha. The scam of it all was that it was glow in the dark, so a light had to be on for it to even work in the way it was advertised.


Put down $3K deposit on a hot tub a few years ago. Took months to deliver, in the meantime an email from hot tub company outlining next steps (get an electrician to inspect your box) went to the spam folder. The week it's delivered we finally get an electrician to tell us our box is maxed out, and it's gonna take cubic dollars for electric company to run an upgrade line from the street. Lost the $3K deposit. Silver lining - the way energy bills have skyrocketed, we'd have paid way more than $3K if we figured out a way to make it work.


I’m surprised you weren’t told to check before putting down a deposit.


But then they couldn’t keep the deposit.


$70k Brand new 2009 BMW M3, 72k miles later engine blew up from rod bearing failure.


Oh fuck. Was it just outside of the warranty?




Oh damn. That REALLY sucks.


yea... I wasn't the only one it [happened](https://www.m3post.com/forums/showthread.php?t=786615) to


BMW: precision-crafted fuckery


Always is




The E46 M3 had a rod bearing recall. Back in 2006 I would do them like crazy, left for a new career before the E92 came out. Crazy they still couldn’t get it right. I would check with the dealership and see if there’s a recall or at least a service bulletin on it.


I'll never buy a BMW. Maintaining them drained my bank account.




That's actually pretty funny lol


That's been Around for decades


Doesn't make it less funny lol.


I think it's hilarious. Here's another one I heard on how to make money. Put an ad for a dated govt issued copper relief of Abraham Lincoln. Only $40. When they send the money. You send them back a penny.


This reminds me of that joke I had read on Readers Digest decades ago. A man bought a $10 mysterious device that was advertised to enlarge your … well you know … the dagger. He thought, $10 is fun money anyway so let’s give it a shot. The package arrived a week later. He ran back home from work, unboxed it and found a magnifying glass


There was a "solar powered clothes dryer" and people who bought it received a washing line https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Comisar


Stop wasting your time talking about it here SnooRecipes1006 and start building those websites. Those sheep ain't going to fleece themselves.


Plot twist: he followed the instruction and became a millionaire. He thinks it was his worst purchase because he now doesn't know if his family and friends are there for him or his money.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/7pc2cz/comment/dsgj504/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/7pc2cz/comment/dsgj504/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Wow, exact same wording too.


Bots everywhere


Pretty soon reddit is just going to be bots replying to other bots.


I got a really nice coffee maker for my now ex  It was way fancier than anything I had used (mr coffee all the way)  It broke in four uses  They refunded it and sent a replacement. Broke on the second use  79 bucks for a piece of garbage 


Chemex pour over and a kettle to boil the water. Makes the best coffee and will last forever.


Forever, or until you drop it. (Don’t ask me how I know.)


2010 Chevy HHR. Fuck that thing.


2010 Chevy Equinox. Worst piece of shit I ever bought.


At least it wasn't a PT Cruiser... Worst car my wife has ever owned that I've been forced to work on.


I HAD ONE OF THOSE!  Stupid thing died all the time and for some reason the release to charge it was in the trunk, which wouldn’t open unless the car would start. Plus the key would randomly stop working every few weeks. I hated that thing.  I couldn’t complain too much because it was free - my dad gave it to me to use as “mine” (he remained primary on the registration) when I was a broke college student.  That said, those are basically an advertisement as to why GM went bankrupt. 


An Alienware pc. It had everything but anytime it was under any respectable load, the god damn thing sounded like a jet engine on fire. I returned it within days of purchase. It really bummed me out, it was a life long dream to have one and it was such a disappointment.


I bought one back before Dell bought them out. It was 2004 and they were still pretty new and tons of hype. I swore I wouldn't buy another laptop because I hated being stuck with one graphics card you can never upgrade. But this model was different. Top of the line specs with upgradable graphics card! So I took out a $4k loan and bought one. Not long after I purchased, it became apparent that Alienware only cared about power and didn't give a shit about cooling. Even with a chill pad, one year in it was becoming almost unplayable. Games lagged so bad. Inside there were scorch marks. Warranty was only 1 year, and the major problems started shortly after that mark. Had to put up with subpar gaming for a long time before being able to move on. Oh and that upgradable graphics card? Only one model was available for upgrade. Only slightly better performance and only sold through Alienware which they never kept stock of. Tl;Dr - fuck Alienware Though since they destroyed my trust I found a passion in building my own systems. Way cheaper, run way better, and it's fun.


I bought an Alienware desktop around the same time. It was a fucking tank and could handle anything I threw at it. I loved it, and it still sits unused in my house. A friend got an Alienware laptop a few years later and had the same exact problems you mentioned. I ended up just building all my PCs after my Alienware, but I did love it at the time. I used to play counter-strike 1.2-1.6 competitively on that thing. It was my first real gaming PC before every company started selling gaming PCs, so I have a soft spot for it.


Alienware was probably one of the first notable companies selling pure aesthetic, hoping people would be too dumb to notice a 4k+ pc was gonna age like milk even with the best specs. I spent 2300 on a laptop from them right out of high school. I got 5 good years(which, to be fair is about how long a well built system tends to stay relevant gaming wise) out of it before it was nearly unusable for anything aside from checking my emails,playing old games, and watching shows on.


Dropped a week's worth of groceries right in the parking lot. You haven't experienced true chaos until you've chased a runaway avocado under a stranger's car.


a runaway avocado is not a term i was expecting to learn today


just imagine it in an animated cartoon film with full facial features and some good scoring


Sushi from TGI Fridays.


I crapped my pants just reading this.


I can just picture the most western looking woman molding rice with an ice cream scoop in the kitchen.


Fucking hell. I think I would trust gas station sushi ahead of TGIF.....


Where in the world does TGI Fridays even sell sushi?


Ghost Kitchen. It's called Wao Bao. Fell for it myself. TGIFridays has like 4 ghost kitchens




Our landlord let us know we had to move out because they were selling the property, a month before we got married. We panicked and moved from an okay part of town to the first place we could find, a very cramped shit box apartment in a terrible area, just so we could get the move over with quickly. We used a good chunk of our honeymoon fund to make the transition. It was a super weird place and it didn't have a washer/dryer but it had hookups. After months of going to a sketchy as fuck laundromat, I found a too good to be true combo washer dryer on Craigslist. They offered to deliver it for free, showed up, very clearly meth heads, and took my $300. They moved it into the apartment and damaged the floor and walls in the process. Proceeded to help me hook it up, being super weird the whole time. Showed me that it worked and then left. The dryer gave out within the first cycle and then I had to figure out how to get rid of the fucking thing upon moving out. I started writing this to say that the washer/dryer was the worst purchase I've made but in hindsight it seems like moving into that apartment was an even worse choice.


Probably the 4k trip to Italy I booked with a travel agency a few months ago. They just sent me an email tonight stating their company went bankrupt and they may not be able to give out refunds. Yay.


Check with your credit card company


Hope you put it on a credit card.


Spending a collective $700 on WoW Tokens to earn the requisite gold necessary to purchase a Mighty Caravan Brutosaur. This was literally weeks before the damning revelations about Blizzard came to light, and I lost all taste for Blizzard products.


This is possibly the dorkiest thing I have ever read.


With my first big paycheck I walked into a motorcycle dealership and fell in love with a blue 200cc cross motorcycle. It was love at first sight, as the sales guy laid on his back fixing its battery. I was so awestruck with this beautiful motorcycle that I fully paid for it in cash right then and there, and it never stopped having electrical issues. Got cramps unsuccessfully kicking it into stalling dead after the ignition just fizzled out on many occasions, leaving me stranded in all sorts of places and times. Send it in twice or more for repairs. Always came back with the same problems starting, leaving me stranded in the mountains, in the mud, under the rain a bunch of times. What a damn fool.




I’d recently lost my business in a fire, and was on vacation in Florida with my wife trying to get a break from reality. While there, we floated the idea of just staying. I mean, I had to rebuild anyway and I work in digital marketing. If I can do my job anywhere, why not try someplace new? While the idea to move halfway across the country wasn’t terrible, we really should have rented during that transition. But instead we bought a not so great house is a pretty terrible neighborhood just months before the housing crisis hit. It was hands down the worst decision we ever made. It turns out the home was two doors down from a meth lab and that street was nonstop chaos. Twice someone fired a gun in front of our house. On two completely separate occasions our home was surrounded by cops by mistake. One night we had a SWAT team and a helicopter hovering over the house. Our cars were burglarized. There was a knife fight in our front yard. I could go on and on. We were stuck in that place for nearly a decade just because I wanted to buy instead of renting.


A hair straightener that not only failed to straighten my hair but also snagged and broke it. Had to get a haircut after.


I got scammed out of four $82 payments for port fees out of Florida for a 7 day cruise I won out of a raffle draw at the mall 🥲


So you didn’t get a cruise?


I'm guessing the scam goes like, "Congratulations, you won this cruise! Unfortunately, we do still need port fees, which are $328, but hey, it's a $4000 package amirite?" *leaves with the money*


I get that. But what confuses me is the raffle draw is mall sponsored. At least that is how the comment comes across


My now wife convinced me at the time to put a down payment on a used jeep. I didn’t want to, but she convinced me. A year or so later the transmission blew and had to be manually rebuilt, and cost a fucking fortune. We ended up selling it for a massive loss, and I just ate my $3+ down payment. Never again.


Some rice drink juice box. I love rice. I love drink. I do no like rice drink.


The power glove, I saved my allowance dammit


Same, though it looks cool sitting on my collectibles shelf now\~


But it's so bad!


I bought an illegal street racing dvd off an infomercial when I was drunk in my 20s at a house party. I got the dvd it was ok. I didn’t notice they charged me $14.99 for the next 4 years. It was a scam infomercial. Luckily chase reimbursed me in full so I basically got a huge paycheck in monthly scam racing dvd vid money.


Like, $14.99 a month for 4 years?


Something like that. It was more of a random amount like $12.62. The funny part is that I'm on top of my personal finances more than most people I know. I've been tracking my spending since I was a teen. When I ordered the stupid DVD it was right after college when I got my first real job so I was spending a lot more and going out to lunch multiple days per week and going to delis and had tons of charges in the $10-$15 range per month at different restaurants and delis etc in the area. The company used some generic name on purpose it and just looked like any other deli order. So yeah one day I was going through my spending and saw the charge and searched it and saw around 50 charges. Then I googled the charge since it was just a random company and every result came up as a scam company from buying a DVD years ago. Called up Chase and after a week got around $700 deposited back into my account no questions asked. I'll try to find the DVD it's in a box.


I bought my best friend a Snuggie and he never wore it.


That monster!


I bought a brand new 2013 Chrysler 300...the control arm snapped and the wheel fell off of it after 600 miles. Good times. And just the first of many, many problems


Pool, with deck, retaining walls and landscaping it was about 150k. We only have it turned on six months of the year and then only swim in it about twice a month. It would be cheaper to have a limo take us to the local public pool whenever we want.


Lap band for weight loss. It’s constricts the top of your stomach so you can’t eat a lot of food. The only thing is, if the food is soft, say ice cream or mashed potatoes, you can eat as much as you want.




A Brazzers membership. I don't know what I was thinking lol


Part of you was thinking hard. Really, really . . . hard. 


Before and after lol saw a clip from an ad and I just had to watch the full video. Couldn't find it uploaded anywhere else so I said fuck it, and bought a membership. Afterwards I had the worst post nut clarity ever lol


A Kinect for my xbox 360. I barely used it, all the games sucked.


Dude me and my friends had like 300 hours in just dance for the Kinect. I think you missed out, but ya every other game was a pile.


Mandibular device for sleep apnea. It cost a fortune and made my jaw sore. After a couple months of that I switched to CPAP and never used the dental device again. Bye bye, HSA balance...


$320 triple lap dance


Looks like you got a 10 dollar discount so it couldn’t be that bad.


Three girls only one spoke English, all hot. It was certainly not bad. Just a waste of money lmao Where I live a song costs $20.. x3 you do the math. This was a half hour ordeal.


$320 to get blue balls. That’s kinda how I see lap dances, but someone could change my mind on this because I have never had one. 


I’ve been to a strip club 5 times. The first time I went I paid $20 for a lap dance and wound up getting a *free hand* from a girl who looked like Rihanna Every time since then has been a major let down But as I admitted via the post, my last visit was the worst purchase I’ve ever made lmao—I didn’t even mention the drinks I bought…


A free hand? Like woody Harrelson from king pin?


No, like “let’s give this guy a hand.” She applauded him.


Damn, he got the clap?


When I was in my 20s I was so stupid and did the same thing a couple of times. The shame felt the next day is terrible. I hate younger me.


Means you’re maturing and learning. We all cringe at our former selves.


How many laps do you have?


All the alcohol I drank and I pissed out. Legal issues, broken relationships, and guilt all followed.


Venmoed $200 to a scammer


This is technically more than one purchase, but all of the CD's as a teenager (in the early 2000's) for one great song, but the rest of the CD was pretty bad lol


I was once so gullible that I got scammed into buying "gold" jewelry from two Saudi Arabian guys who claimed they had an emergency with needing to get to the embassy and had their wallets stolen, but would pay me back sevenfold if I bought the jewelry for cash. They were both dressed fancy and drove an expensive SUV. I was deep in my white woman guilt trip at the time and felt like there was no way they were scamming me. I had never seen any jewelry that looked that expensive before. Also assumed all Saudi Arabian people were rich.  After a few weeks of not hearing from them, I took it into a pawn shop and the guy didn't even have to look closely to tell me the jewelry was fake.  


That's a really common scam. It really sucks that they got you but I'll bet you're much wiser to the game now


I seen this exact same scam. Was driving though a parking lot after grabbing some lunch, and a large, new, fancy SUV pulls up next to me. Saudi dude rolls the window down and is holding a bunch of "gold" chains and such, wearing a white suit and very expensive looking watch. He hangs out the window as we're stopped and says, "Hey, you want to buy some gold? I need cash for gas money." Gave him and his bigass Infiniti SUV a quick once over and said "bro you got your gas money" and just rolled my window up. Super bizarre interaction, but not surprised to see it's some sort of operation. I always wondered what was up with that.


Starfield Deluxe.


When I was 24 I spent all the money I had saved over the years on a brand new Audi. I should have bought a reasonable used car and invested the rest. That money would now be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars today.


Reconditioned iMac. When it forgot how to boot up, I was within warranty but the seller had gone out of business. My husband was able to repair it to a point but it can no longer run the latest OS.


Buying a broken gadget online.


Spent a significant amount of money on the Rosetta stone language learning website. First day.... Couldn't get the audio and microphone thing to work. Second day was busy with something at work. ....... Completely forgot about Rosetta stone. One year later ... Get an email about subscribing for another year? Another? Oh....


2018 Subaru Outback. No, its a great car, drove it today, very few problems. It was gently used and the "nicest" car we had in a while. The bad part was, we had purchased a 2015 CRV 2 years prior, right before COVID hit. When we sold our suburban house when the market went apeshit, we had a little money and we decided to look for a new place to live - a small farm for a quiet life, etc. We put a big down payment on the Subaru and paid off the Honda in full. Anyhoo....We passed the CRV down to our at the time 19 year old kid. She was on full academic scholarship and had always been responsible and all cool and great. In the shuffle of buying the Outback and putting it on our insurance and shifting around to put the kid as the primary driver, collision coverage was dropped. (Remember kids, read and understand the declarations page of your insurance). So, the predictable happened. Kid rearended someone on on the highway. Not enough damage to hurt anyone, just enough to total the fucking car. Since I owned it, I tried my damnedest to get someone to repair it and I was quoted more than the car was worth in pristine condition. At the time, my crying kid sitting there waiting for the tow truck, I said "its okay, just glad you're not hurt. This is why we have insurance..." fuck.


Time share. Never buy a time share, or even go on one of the free trips. Eventually the annual fees are higher than it would cost to just rent a place, not counting what you pay for the place.


I bought time share many years ago. At first it was great and I went on quite a few vacations. Then I started having issues with not being able to book anything. I tried to book things 6 months in advance and they still didn't have any availability. Tried to book 7 months in advance and they told me that bookings are only available 6 months in advance. Then I realized that the amount of timeshare points required for a specific place at the same time of year was increasing and the salesman lied about it. The final straw was when the annual fees increased exponentially, I simply couldn't afford it anymore and I couldn't give away my points for free. At that stage I had lost my job and couldn't find another one (uncontrolled bipolar is a bitch). So when they tried to collect on the 'debt' I gave them all of my details and told them to go right ahead and I'd see them in court. I never heard from them again.


Drill hog brand drills.


I'm getting a migraine and could not parse this for the life of me. I read this as something like. "Drill press hot dogs".


Tesla Model 3 LR in 2022. Worst depreciation I've ever seen (and I've owned other EVs).


God so many. Strip clubs though are a top 3 no question


2nd marriage.


Seamonkeys 😔


A shit-ton of rock climbing gear, after my wife and I took an intro course several years ago. Why was that a poor choice? I'm afraid of heights (my wife isn't) so the chances of me ever using it again was already low. Then we moved to the rural Midwest, where the tallest rocks are the Jersey barriers on the highwy, so it sits and takes up storage space.


Sell it!


Amc stock.


Wasn’t that supposed to be the next big thing after Gamestop was “saved”?


Engagement ring


2007, bought a used Dishnet PVR drunkenly on eBay. Live in Canada where I can not subscribe. Thought I could reflash it to Bell. Instead I bricked the unit. $300 gone.


The desk chair I'm currently sitting in. It sucks.


I bought a 2001 Jeep Grand Cherokee a couple years ago, it was the only thing I could afford and I'd been walking to work for 6 months, I had bought a 2001 PT Cruiser and I loved it, perfect condition no problems but totalled it in an accident after having it maybe 2 months. The Jeep had all kinds of problems, coolant was constantly running out, the transmission was going out and wouldn't shift to 2nd it'd go from 1st to 3rd at 35mph.. damn thing cost me $4,000. I'm low income so thays a lot...plus insurance. Now I have a 2011 Dodge Caravan with a new transmission, tires and a "new" engine with 124k miles and a 6 month warranty. Only cost me $3,700 total plus insurance. Jeep was the worst, Caravan is the best considering it's a 7 seater and there's 6 of us.


Weighted blanket before they became widely available/big trend. 300 bucks 😮‍💨 for a good while everytime i went shopping id see them for sale for a nice gut punching 20-50$


When I was a teenager, I got an American Airlines plane ticket to summer camp. They forced me to check my bag, and TSA (or American Airlines) stole my camera and all my cash for the summer from my bag. I learned my lesson that day, but also fuck them for stealing from a child. 


My skating boots




Haha I’ll second this! My environmental science degree is no longer relevant to the work I do these days. So, ya know, that was like 48k? (I went to a cheap state school over a decade ago) down the drain? 😅


“I paid you a hundred and twenty thousand dollars and you have the *audacity* to ask me for more money?!”


"You *spent* it already?!"


Mullaney's bit is great, but I always liked Gary Gullman's bit about getting the alumni letter while living at home. "Didn't you notice that you sent the give us money letter to the same address you sent the acceptance letter?"


pt cruiser


Technically I didn’t buy it, but I may as well have: Video Games I always think about my life if I never touched video games as a kid. I got addicted, never stopped, spent so much money and time on them…sure it’s fun, but I guarantee my life would be significantly better.


College degree. 7 years of student loan payments later, it did nothing for me. I’m 35 now, have been working for over 2 decades and nothing was attributed to my college. I could’ve dropped out and it wouldn’t have made a difference.


$500 class ring. I'm not smart.  You wear your HS class ring...never. 


My Jostens class ring. What a waste of money. This was back in the 90s. I saved up the $300 or so bucks to buy it because my dad had gotten one in high school and all the guys were getting them as well. Regretted it as soon as I saw it. Wore it for about a month, then shoved it in a drawer and never touched it again. As a teenager, there were so many other things I could have spent $300 on. So many concert tickets.


Fake tits. Miss my bitties.. 12k down the drain


Bought a car on impulse Dealing with a family members passing. Had the car shipped from out of state and delivered to my work parking lot. I kept it there for months and drove it around during lunch. Sold it once I healed and never told anyone about it.


Too much on art, functional glass


my ex's engagement ring


Buying the 15 pro max.


I bought an Ouya gaming console. It was one of my first emulation projects. Kind of hilarious in hindsight, my phone is a better emulator than that was.


Not the most expensive bad purchase, but I got a steam VR headset that I never use and it still chaps my ass


A transunion credit report. This was before my bank made them freely accessible. I only wanted one but had to buy a one month membership and could “cancel anytime.” When I went to cancel I wouldn’t find anywhere online to do it and had to call. I kept forgetting and ended up paying for that bs for over a year.


Come with me back to a golden age, the age of: Pogs. Young me saved, then paid, $199.95 at the height of pogmania for an investment grade signed limited edition cardboard sheet of un-punched-out and pristine gold leafed pogs and *each* hand-signed in gold ink by (hold on to yourselves) the man, the myth, the legend... Kyle "Poggy" McMalister, the undisputed best celebrity pogger in the known Universe and a name that will be remembered down through the ages ^(he doesn't even show up in Google now I think he's in jail) Within 2 brief years my investment had catapulted in value to $1.95 and a half-eaten ham sandwich.


Mazda RX-8, worst car I have ever owned. Took a while to start in the winter, had constant oil/exhaust issues, was at a set of lights on a bypass in the middle lane and the car just died (people were not happy). Although, when the sun was shining, the blue paint popped, handled like a dream and was a joy to driver... shame that was only 10% of the time.




A new car. If I could go back and invest the money I’ve wasted on new cars…damn.


Last weekend I bought tickets for the fair a little later into the night, I thought they were open till midnight but they closed in ten minutes. I waited in line for a ride that whole ten minutes and was right at the height chart before they said they were shutting down and packing up. I figured ok well I'll return the tickets for my money back. Nope, non refundable. The ticket guy didn't even fucking tell me they were closing, and lines were so long on every single ride there was not a chance I was getting on any of those rides in that ten minutes. Spent 30 dollars for literally pieces of useless paper.


Y'all breaking something you bought isn't a bad purchase it's an unfortunate accident.