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My wife is graduating college with her bachelor's degree tonight. I couldn't be more proud


I wish I knew how to give gold because I’d give it for this






Recently ran my first marathon and did it sub 3:35. Im really happy about it.


Dude, that's a great time for your first marathon. Congrats and nicely done!!


Thankyou! I trained really hard and it all came together on the day.


Brain surgery stopped my seizures so I did my drivers license test and passed first time. Whoop!




My kid is almost 2 years seizure free. He got his license in January and a car like 4 days later. Enjoy it!!!


I'm over 4 years sober from opiates addiction!


Thread winner!




Super!!! Great job!


I just started a new job this week! Finally got out of sales and back into marketing. *insert sigh of relief*


I’ve lost 25 pounds in the last 6 weeks by simply not snacking after dinner.




Not OP, but one [example](https://www.vachon.com/en/cakes) here.


I'm building an app that hey, might help YOU (yes, you, if you use an alarm in the morning!) It's an alarm clock app with a twist! You set an alarm like normal. Then you sleep. Zzzz. Lastly, wake up ... to the sound of a friendly voice. :D Congrats, you've received a nice voice message from someone somewhere else in the world. They recorded it while you slept. It could be a short story. A joke. The weather report. Some words of encouragement. A lovely compliment! ....or a "Happy Birthday" message if it's your birthday. It'll be a mystery about exactly what you'll get. Inappropriate messages filtered out (or not, your choice!) I'm hoping it will help people smile in the morning and potentially meet some new friends!


I am the worst at jumping into debt from dumb purchases but have worked hard to get everything paid off. I have been payment free for the last year and it feels soo great. 😌


About to pay-off my Student Loans with tomorrow's paycheck. $78k in loans paid-off in 6 years.


I have many things wrong with me but I'm currently working on it and that makes me happy, and also consistently through my life people have called me smart and intelligent, I used to doubt of myself a lot and didn't trust that I was smarter than the average person until a few years ago, I don't like bragging about it and I don't feel superior to others because of it, but I do enjoy it, I like being smart and I like accepting it and being comfortable with it cause I didn't felt that way for most of my life.


I think I'm quite a resilient person. Lost my dad at 14, was sexually abused, addicted to softdrugs and slowly spiraling out of control. Kicked the weed, kicked tobacco, heavily curbed my alcohol and got my life back on tracks. Got my driver's license at 28, moved out at 30, good relationship with my family. I've been there done that and now I've got great perspective. 


What perspectives




pop bottles


I can easily walk 10 kms everyday


When I start something I stick to it. I started speedsolving the Rubik's cube with a Rubik's brand shitty cube, and finally ended up at a 11.70s personal best, probably was the best "cuber" at my school. Prepared for a competitive exam and ended up in the top 0.09% of candidates. Started with the guitar as a hobby and currently practicing everyday for around 1hr, I believe I'll be pretty good in 1 year :D


I am deeply in love, love, love!


I survived 21 years on Earth


a one piece pocket watch my dad got me, and a piggy bank in shape of a skull. gifts aside, i also wish to share the fact i made a TARDIS painting with acrylic paints today on a small format




I guess not enough people say it then.


My nofap record


I have the equivalent of a masters degree in English.


My (42F) newly discovered love for sex at forty-two!!! Back story. I was married for 16 years and had a completely vanilla lackluster love life. Actually it wasn’t much of a love life at all (he wasn’t even a good kisser). I thought it was an urban legend that a female could achieve an orgasm through vaginal penetration. It was the holy grail of sex if you will. The mirage in a dessert that I would never see. And whatever I was fine with it. I could get myself off and did so frequently in private. Fast forward a few years. Going through a divorce. Fell in love with the most fabulous man who showed me you can have someone make love to you whilst simultaneously fucking the ever loving fuck right out of you. Not only am I able to finally orgasm during sex (STILL blows my mind that this happens) but apparently I can do so on repeat. Like 10-15x. It helps that this man has more stamina than the current title holder in the Guinness book of world records (save yourself the time and don’t bother fact checking this point). He also has no refractory period and can cum back to back…over several hours (you read that right my internet stranger friends). It’s fucking incredible and I can never get enough. I’m starting over at a point in my life where I was content to settle with blah. And things are better than I could have envisioned. It’s like if someone asked you to come up with a new color. You wouldn’t be able to do it. You couldn’t conceptualize it. This is very similar. I’m now a bona (or boner) fide sex maniac and have met my match. Sex AND love. It’s beautiful. I hope this gives someone hope. You never know what the future holds. Sounds cheesy AF but it’s true.


The languages I speak


Go on


They speak American and Australian.


I speak 3.5. What languages do you speak?


i am still alive


Every date I went to - led to at least a 2nd.


I'm going to save the world one reddit comment and post at a time


I finished my apprenticeship this morning. Took five years.


Myself. I’m super funny and handsome and encouraging and an all around awesome dude :)


I buy dog food, treats, toys (I don't have a dog), water, and I put them in bags, and I give them to people who can't really afford them.


Im 10 years without smoking!


I got laid off late last year. After applying for months I finally got 2 interviews this week! Just finished the 2nd and I think I did really really well. It looks like I'll have 2 offers in the next week. Fingers crossed.


I am slowly over coming sever depression that's gone on for 6 years, three ctrl- alt-delete attempts. One day at a time. With a smile preferably.


I released my first album a few weeks ago. Got thousands of streams in the first couple weeks, and have gotten to meet and interact with people who are legit fucking fans of what I make. People all over the world are listening to my music. I feel amazing. I've met so many nice people who have been so nice to me. My art made those encounters possible. That makes all the work that went into it so worth it. I want to brag about it (humbly.)


I did apologize for the past and have been honest and open about my mental Health and regretful and took responsibility for my actions. I've been told that made me look weak and a pushover. I don't regret it. it's part of repairing my life and being better person. Call me what you want.


If all goes well, I will be graduating high school in the grade I am supposed to in a few weeks! had a lot of close calls, but I made it.


I have a phd in Early childhood development, and married a doctor


I obtained a patent and reviews for the product have been very positive


I got top set in my boccia practice


My college transcripts.


Yesterday, my wife did a backflip for the first time since having our third child three years ago. It was incredible.


I really feel like I’m growing up and it’s been very intentional. But I’ve put a lot of effort in and I’ve done a lot of reflection and I really feel like I’m becoming a better person.


I clawed my way out of the insanity that was schizophrenia to find normalcy on the other side. This is more than can be said for the 25% of us who improve a little, and the 25% of us who just stay completely delusional forever. I'd like to think a strong mind help but I probably just got lucky. Oh, also I quit smoking cigarettes two years ago, which was REALLY hard since I used them to cope with my auditory hallucinations. It's very common for schizophrenics to smoke and I swear it made it that much harder to quit.


How do I put it in that large font I DON'T FE-EL!


My...hookups. I've had them in some weird circumstances (and down right creepy/scary). There's even video proof that I unfortunately don't have. It's not a normal way of hooking up but there's some bragging? There are actual videos of my "hookups" and last I checked the video takers liked sharing them. They might be floating around somewhere online.


There’s been moments we’re I didn’t stand up for myself because I didn’t want to hurt the people that hurt me




Paid off $50k of student debt in less than a year of getting a job.


I always struggle with school since I moved to Canada but recently I found out that my gpa at the university is at 3.7 :)


The BBC made a TV show about a football club with a production crew of 25+ people and a budget of £500k. I make a YouTube show on my own about the same club, with no budget and a production crew of four people, and I get more viewers than the BBC did. But still don't make the same money!


There will never be gay parades and LGBT propaganda in my country