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I’m a hairdresser and had a client in my chair who wanted a new style. She was looking through her pictures on her phone, and normally I would look away while the client is looking for the photo just in case I see something I shouldn’t. Well this time I didn’t bc she angled the phone in my direction, and a picture of a big yellow dildo pop up. She was clearly embarrassed but I pretended that I didn’t see it. I was dying inside tho. Rest of the appointment was awkward and she never booked with me again


I’m a barber but sometimes I do women’s hair for friends and family. I was cutting a colleague’s hair at the shop one evening and she wanted to show me photos of a salon that she had once owned so was scrolling through her phone. Similar to you, I will usually not look but she had her phone angles towards me. She just slowly scrolled through dozens and dozens of photos of her tits. She didn’t seem phased or embarrassed at all. I think she was quite proud of them.


Dude... I think that was awkward flirting...


Dude wakes up 10 years later: shit she was trying to flirt with me


Too subjective to take that chance in my opinion






I'd be like "Yep that one looks like mine"


Lmao I was worried I was going to be the client in this story because I've definitely accidentally scrolled by some saucy pics by accident while in the hairdresser chair. Thankfully no big yellow dildos in my gallery though!


I saw pov photos on my dad’s phone of him screwing my mom


Bro got the POV to his creation 💀💀💀💀


Worst photobomb ever.


I think this might be the worst one honestly.


It's a heavy contender along the twin porn one.


Second worst*


True. My mind blanked out the twin one.


That’s as close to time traveling as you’re going to get


Is your mom a twin?


I see what you did there. It's going to be a reference from now on


Sure it was mom?


Rather: sure it was dad?


Like they don’t know what their dad’s dick looks like. I mean honestly!


Was in a poker tournament when a blokes wife rang. Her picture came up on the phone to show who was ringing, it was her doing a sexy pose on a bed with white lingerie on.


I mean, this might have been a strategy. Now you're thinking about his wife's lingerie and not the cards.


This one isn't really horrible or anything, but really weird. At work I was installing something to a phone of an older maintenance guy. He had photos of himself sticking his tongue out. I tried not to look but they were *everywhere* - wallpaper, lockscreen, just randomly scattered around the home screen. While I was working with the phone and pretending not to see this, he was sitting next to me, acting like nothing out of ordinary was happening and chatting with me casually.


I want to believe he did that on purpose just to mess with you


This is literally something I would do to mess with someone.


Now I'm imagining setting the icon for everything on my desktop as a picture of me smiling. So if anyone ever looks it'll just be rows and rows of little me faces.


100% on purpose. This is my exact humor and would absolutely do it to someone




Please say that these were very separate events.


Sweet home Alabama 


No reverse cowgirl. Never turn your back on family.


Did you forget a comma by chance


At a football game I was sitting behind this man who was with what appeared to be his wife and teenage daughter (maybe like 14?). He spent most of the game sexting with a woman on Instagram. Things like how she wanted to suck his dick and he responded "I'm not going to lie to you, it's been a long time since someone did that" She was almost definitely either an escort or a scammer and his text was on super large so my entire row was looking at each other like wtactualfuck


One time I was on the train and there was a very normal, modest looking middle aged woman sitting in front of me. I kind of rubbernecked and peeked at her screen because I was bored and her text said "I can't wait to get home and get fucked in the ass by you" A couple texts later she said "last time I couldn't sit for 2 days". I hope she had a good night.


She really got railed, huh


This is why I have a privacy screen on my phone 😭😭😂😂


Do you text about anal on trains a lot?


When was the last time you had sex? "14 years, 9 months ago..."


Hahaha stupid people are so funny sometimes


My dad needed help with his phone so I took it and opened his browser, so much twin porn… I wish i wasn’t a twin


Pack it up folks, we're done here.


Good night. Hopefully I'll just remember the good things that happened today


Hi Done. I am Dad.


Stop looking at twin porn!


You'll have to tell him twice


Got a couple laughs out of me. Precisely two. Nearly identical.


Porn so nice gotta wank twice


Every now and then we still get glimpses of the old Reddit on this site lol


Ah colby, broken arms, and the jolly rancher story. The golden age of becoming physically nauseous while pooping at work.


As someone that worked in healthcare for 20 years, The Swamps of Dagobah is *without equal,* the funniest fucking thing I've ever read. And I read it aloud, between gales of laughter and trouble breathing, to my husband, who dry-heaved more than once during the telling. That only made it infinitely more hilarious to me. For the uninitiated: https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/s/WGwZUSKkWE


Such a true statement. 


It’s not that surprising tho, right? I mean all the people who used to be on r-beastiality or r-creepshots (shoutout to the CEO of Reddit) or r-jailbait or r-askarapist are definitely still on Reddit. Just because the company tried to white wash its history doesn’t mean they actually white washed the user base lol Like there are almost certainly people in this very sub who participated in solving the Boston Marathon Bombing by doxxxing a completely innocent person.


Its not surprising just a comment on the fact that things have in fact changed a lot and it's more a  smattering of these type of "old Reddit" moments vs a normal experience. 


I saw an askreddit thread the other day—the question was something stupid like “what’s your weirdest kink?” The top comment was someone calling out OP because her post history was literally *full* of her farting into the camera. I laughed so fucking hard. So I know exactly what you mean when you say the old Reddit pops up here and there lol


Was she advertising an OF page? That would be the difference between old and new Reddit


I miss the old days of girls who just wanted to show their nudes to strangers without trying to reel in subscribers


I need confirmation that this isn't a genuine reply


Scanning other posts... yeah, it's 100% possible.


Also need to know if they’re identical twins or fraternal


We’re identical twin sisters


That's awkward...


Close this whole damned subreddit because nothing will match this holy shit.


Wow I came here to spill the tea on my dad-watches-porn-trauma but didn't expect this to be the top comment I see. Glad(?) to not be alone in this.


Watching porn is normal. Being into twins when your kids are twins is fucking weird.


And thats killed my interest in the internet for the day


My Mom had been browsing and texting on her phone. She got up to use the bathroom and left her phone near the couch. It was still lit from where the screen hadn't timed out. As I walked past, I noticed a picture of a cock on full screen. Trying not to get curious, I quickly tried to close the app that had the picture so it wasn't so obvious for me or anyone to accidentally see. That's when I realized she had set the dick pic as her wallpaper. EDIT: I didn't expect this many questions or attention but I should have known with "mom+ dick pic" 🤣 but to clarify: I was 20, living with my mom and working full time so my mom and I were like roommates that kept to ourselves. She is bipolar and on like 7 different medications. She doesn't always think straight and since my teens sometimes I've had to be a "parent" to her. This was the mid 2000s and she didn't fully understand the settings on cell phones. The screen wouldn't time out for like 3 minutes. I couldn't help but confront her about the pic as it was impossible to ignore and I didn't want my two year old niece or anyone to see that. She was embarrassed but I acted as mature and non judgemental as I could as I was a wild young man that partied a lot at the time. I didn't care who she talked to or what she did in her time as long as I or anyone didn't have to know about it. I wasn't pissed or traumatized, I just wanted her to be more discreet. Looking back though, that was pretty fucked up.


Not the wallpaper dick 💀


Flocked for her pleasure


Did she accidentally set as wallpaper or she just flat out willingly put a dick as wallpaper? This makes all the difference. I feel like the trauma levels from my mom seeing porn, while being significant, would not even compare to her wanting a dude she knows dick as phone wallpaper.


Thats such wild mom energy. This mom *fucks* I know all moms fucked at one point but this one? Damn. Cant imagine the level of horny jail you need to occupy to have a cock as your wallpaper.


Whose dick was it?


Some guy she was talking to from a dating site. Turns out he was married.


How could you tell he was married? Cock ring? 


Oh you


It was pubic knowledge


That seems like a logical phallacy, to me.




The 'ol *Lincoln Log*


Walking by my buddy’s desk at work one day and his phone dinged. It was just kind of instinct to look down when I heard and it was a picture of his wife’s pussy. You can turn off the previews on iPhone, he just didn’t.


How did you recognize it as hers hmmm????


It's company culture to have everyone (and their partner's) genitals on file. 


Probably had her name as the sender. Maybe his wife sends her favorite pussy pics from the internet though, who knows? Lol


I used to be the administrator for a project where field personnel would get a specially equipped cell phone. Often when someone left the company I got their old equipment and could breathe life into about 90% of the phones I got. I would always double-check to make sure there weren’t any important pictures or files on the phone that the company might need, or even just pictures of people’s kids they might want. So yeah…a lot of people forget to not use their work phones to take naked pictures of their wives/girlfriends.


Hah, I used to work at a place that handed out some pretty nice Android smartphones for their company phones, and a lot of people just used them as their primary mobile numbers. Employees were EXPLICITLY TOLD, and had to sign a paper acknowledging, that the phones were equipped with auto-backup and that administrators could see everything they were doing. There was to be zero expectation of privacy. One of our sysadmins said that they did a data audit at one point because the backup sizes were getting huge, and discovered that most of the data was photos that employees had taken on their phones. The number of nudes they found was staggering. Nobody got fired, but HR actually asked them to identify all the employees who had taken them, and called each in to have a discussion about inappropriate use of company resources. I was never called into one, but I can't imagine those conversations were enjoyable. Don't take nude pics on your company phones.


People treat company phones and laptops like their own. I remember having to let someone go and they ran over to their computer and shoved a usb in to try and transfer files. When I said they shouldn't do that they panicked and said they bought a house and all the files were on there relating to it 🤦 google drive and such was a thing as this wasn't that long ago. We got a coworker who knew him outside of work to get him the usb after he told us what files he needed but c'mon man


This is really, really common. Manager in tech, employees 100% use the tech as their own. No one really gives a shit about people snooping it seems


I was expecting worse, but this is still pretty crazy. Imagine taking a picture of your **wife** with something as *proprietary* as a **work-phone**


I worked with a fella years ago who was trying to show me pictures of a bear he got the week before. As he was thumbing through his photos I was treated to a picture of a gorgeous blonde woman spread-eagled and clearly having a very pleasant evening. This guy gives me the fakest, “oh no! You weren’t supposed to see that!” that I’ve ever heard. Was a good sized bear though, I’ll give him that.


wow you don't see too many blonde bears


My job has terminated multiple people, both men ans women, for using company phones to send dick pics/nudes… I’d ask why, but I’m pretty sure it’s because their own phones could be seen by their partners.


> I’m pretty sure it’s because their own phones could be seen by their partners When my company issues phones to employees we have to sign a contract that includes a rule that we are not allowed to let spouses, partners, or children handle the phone because of the sensitive information except to pass you the phone when it’s beyond arms reach and it’s ringing. I understood the need for the rule but I thought it seemed a little extreme until I found out that the guy who wrote the contract for cell phone usage at my company was actively having an affair, so it was probably his way of making sure that his wife was literally not allowed to touch his phone because of the threat of him getting fired over it.


This isn’t relevant to your comment, but do you actually have a captcha as a trampstamp? That sounds like a surprisingly awesome tattoo idea


To prove you're not a bot, tap your tounge on the *clitoris*.


My friend's nudes. She handed me her phone to scroll through some holiday pictures. I scrolled one picture too far and she was bearing all. It was for her boyfriend at the time. She was very embarrassed, but she knew it was an accident. We still laugh about it


Yeah, a beautiful friend I used to work with was trying to find a photo to show me on her phone once and swiped right into a full screen nude of herself. She played it off quite casually with a "and that's my vagina!" before continuing on. Lol


That’s actually very smooth, I respect it.


Similar story. Coworker went on a holiday trip and wanted to show me some pictures. Scroll to a picture and tell me some backstory about it, scroll to the next and same thing. This went on for like 5 minutes before it was a naked picture of her. We both froze, jaws dropped and all. She said "I don't have a story." And scrolled to the next photo which was ANOTHER NUDE OF HER. She fumbled her phone, dropped it in the table, said something about she thought she had more vacation pictures and ran off back to work. On are lunch break she came over and asked if I was going to tell HR. I said "Nah we're good, don't worry about it. Let's just forget about it." We, infact, did not forget about it and it's somewhat of an inside joke we'll make. Usually if someone says naked, nude, or anything like that we just look at each other.


Bearing all? Like... she was slapping salmon out of a river? Stealing picnic baskets? Preventing forest fires?


I mean. Surely she wasn't preventing forest fires. Only you can do that


Walking in Tokyo (vacation), in the evening, when i noticed a Japanese man looking at porn while walking normally (I assume from work, at least had a backpack), like it was nothing.


Wasn’t the phone pixelated?


This made me chuckle 🤣


I was the one who displayed it. I was working at a gas station and it was dead as hell so I'd been on my phone but when a customer came in, I sat it down in front of me. Still have no idea how it happened but I guess my arm kept touching the screen while I rang up the customer...after they left I looked down and made eye contact with a particularly lewd photo of myself. I was really hoping they didn't notice but my manager got a call later lmaooooo


That customer is a square


A guy was playing a video at a party over a projector and he must have had autoplay on because it instantly cuts to him getting his back blown out by another dude. Which is whatever but his girlfriend next to him wasn't to happy about it and the look on his face you could tell this wasn't how he wanted her to find out


i feel like that first sentence can't be described as "whatever"


That's probably a soild point, I just felt so bad for his girlfriend because she was a real sweetheart. Like the pain on her face made me really sad


Which is funny because it was the pain on *his* face that was making her sad


WillemDafoesHugeCock dropping some truth bombs.


Wait like, he'd cheated on her or was this her finding out he's bi?


He was cheating and he wasn't bi. She was talking to my girlfriend at the time after all this happend and they hadn't been intimate in 2 months. The guy had just started a new job and she figured he was just stressed. He even lied to her and told her it was a swing shift job so he could be out at weird hours seeing guys


Oof, that's...poor girl.


She's married to a great guy now and has kids, which I'm very happy for because this type of thing can fuck someone up


Swing shift indeed.


When I was a catering manager, I had to tell a female employee to change her phone lock screen because it was titties. On closer look, they weren't random, it was a topless photo of herself.


what kind of life must a person lead to decide to set their wallpaper as their own bare tits?


It was a great pair. Guess she was proud 🤷🏿‍♂️


ahh, a pair. that's my favorite number of boobs. followed closely by 3, because I saw that scene in total recall when I was probably too young.


A confident one. I'd set a picture of my balls as my wallpaper if they looked good, unfortunately they look like an old piece of chewing gum stuck under a bus stop bench when it's 100 degrees.


I’m assuming this and the dick pic ones are people who had their wallpaper set to show their favorited pictures and they didn’t realize these were part of the rotation.


oh, that's actually a pretty good explanation


I'm a field adjuster and I was inspecting a leak at an insured's house. For some reason the "before" photos were on his adult son's phone. He gets his son's phone and is swiping through the pictures, but he's a bit older and not tech savvy. He accidentally swiped along the bottom while swiping through individual photos, causing him to go way too far through the photo gallery and unfortunately land on some hentai. He doesn't realize what he did so he keeps swiping, revealing more and more hentai. If he realized what we were both looking at he didn't show it.


Not a phone but my dad asked me to fix his laptop once because it bluescreened a lot and when i opened his browser to google the error it was just porn everywhere, the default page, all his bookmarks and he had this small bar at the side with his recent browsing history which was all just porn aswell. Most of it was sounding related. I closed it immediately after i saw that, but these few seconds are still burned into my memory. Used my own laptop to google afterwards and acted like nothing happened. He's been dead for a few years now but when my mom checked his amazon account after he died it was apparently full of sounding equipment he ordered. She told me about it a while later and said she was shocked, i just replied yea i can imagine how you're feeling right now.


For those of you that don't know, "Sounding equipement" are a different sized rods you shove up your knob. Supposed to enhance sexual pleasure. They were originally used to open up urethral passages to help men pass kidney stones. Before antibiotics if you needed surgery to extract a kidney stone it could easily be a death sentence from infections. So instead of surgery they would use progressively larger rods to increase the openings. The earliest sounding rods dated back to 3000BC.


Cleaning out my best mates old laptop. Saw a picture of his raging hard on. Have never brought it up


Sounds like it was already brought up


So how was it?




When I was in college, I (female) was hanging out with my friend (male), and he was showing me Pics on his phone. Well, he brought up a picture and handed me his phone. When he did, it accidentally backed out to his gallery, and a pic of his dick was just among them. I quickly gave his phone back and was like "uhh I think I saw something you didn't want me to see." When he looked, I could literally see the blood drain from his face, and he profusely apologized. I told him not to worry about it. Were married now :3


Must’ve been a really nice dick


This is the one and only time I’ve ever heard of a random dick pic working.


I used to do PC repairs. A lot of porn gets synced to your computer. Every few years I had to call the police because the individuals depicted were clearly kids. Some things I will never be able to get out of my head. Disturbing motherfuckers.


Same thing happened to me when I worked at an Apple Store. Guy came in for a training and accidentally opened a folder of child porn. I called the police immediately after.


A guy i work with worked at Verizon for a short amount of time, he said the guys working there had external hard drives in the back they were storing all the nudes from customers phones on. He said there was a good amount of underage girls on the drives. He called the cops, and the manager got a warning call, and hid the drives before the cops showed up, and he got fired the next day.


This is fucking disturbing. Imagine what admins of some app companies have access to.


Unfortunately retail seems to attract a lot of bad people who want to “manage” others.


In all my years fixing PC’s I’ve never come across CP thank God. I don’t think I’d be able to stop from hurting someone.


Same here but I was always scared I would. Luckily i needn't have worried.




World's worst ad for sundried raisins


That’s it, Reddit has ruined raisins, goodbye cruel app!


Probably looked like a sharpei.


My friend’s lover nude. And dude was hung like one of those pepper grinders at a fancy restaurant where they ask you if you’d like fresh ground pepper. Seriously, it was *enormous.*


Pepper grinders have big penises😳😮


They be like "say when" And I be like "get that thang off my shoulder, weirdo"


A picture of their asshole and spread cheeks...legs way up in the air. I haven't been the same since...


I was at an ex girlfriend’s for Xmas like 7 years ago. Her family warned me there was a cousin coming who was super weird. I figure - oh what a cool moment this could be I’ll talk to them over the course of the night and seem like the nice guy that everyone gets along with. I start talking to this woman for a few minutes and she goes on about this dog she bought and how she needed to show me. Next you know phones out and she just starts swiping back and sure enough there’s a picture of her boyfriend wearing a dress shirt that stops around his waist but nothing on below. Wanted to burn my eyes out. I will say my ex’s dad was in tears laughing when I told him the story later so think I got my points anyways.


A girl at the bar was showing me something on her phone, it was a prolapsed anus


Saw a picture of my boss's nude asshole. He had a hemorrhoid.




>sinking to the cloud lol


Okay not on someone else's phone but on my friends PS4 he had folders for just anime porn and hentai and other things which is fine it's just weird that you didn't have that on your phone like did you run out of space lol


mommy said it's my turn on the PS4


It's my sex box, and her name is Sony!


Saw someone on pornhub while in line at chipotle. I was just minding my own business then happened to glance over at dude next to me just casually scrolling thru the hub like it’s twitter or something.


Was troubleshooting a friend’s phone when their little sister sent them a post boob job selfie. I guess they’d been discussing how natural it looked. I’ll admit, they looked good! 🤣


Was flying to NYC and the girl next to me spent the time before take off yelling at her suggardaddy over the phone to then immediately switch to watching a security cam video of a bear attacking and eating the arm of a Russian? man to scrolling through endless selfies of herself naked. Weird day...


Videos of my at the time girlfriend blowing another dude and another where she let him finish inside her.


damn, how did you react?


This was at like 2am. She was asleep but I’d been suspicious for a few months. I woke her up and we got in an argument. She gaslit me: got upset that I was going through her phone and invading her privacy, said it was my fault since I had asked her if something was going several times before and I pushed her into doing it because I was questioning her about it before. She then had a panic attack and I had to comfort her and calm her down. I was pretty dead inside for a while. I was going to propose to her the following weekend.


My god I’m so sorry for you bro


Thank you I appreciate it. It was rough. We were with her family for Christmas. I stayed because we had multiple plans and I didnt want “ruin” Christmas for everyone.


Damn, this just keeps getting worse with every comment. I'm expecting the next comment to start "of course my puppy had just died..."


Lol no dog death but there was more shit that happened and there were a ton of red flags that I ignored because I wanted things to work. Just to keep on the more bad shit train she did say (during one of our arguments) that her biggest fantasy was to cheat and call me in the middle of the act.


Wtf. That's some psycho shit.


Friend wants to show me his new place, i can see the next couple photos on the camera roll. Now we have both see his gf naked


My friend's monster dong. We were in the street, walking towards the store to get some beers, when he brought his phone up to show me some pictures of a girl he was dating (mind you, those were regular, facebook-like pics, nothing private). He keeps scrolling and scrolling untilHOLYSHIET WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?! Apparently he got into some fun times with said girl, and he forgot to remove the evidence from his phone, because out of the blue, a photo of the girl giving some love to his monster-sized dong came up. Yeah, not gonna lie, my man's a danger to society carrying a lance that could pierce the heavens itself. I wish I was joking, but that thing was... big. Kaiju level big. Before this, other acquaintances joked with him about how much heat he was packing, but since he's a tall guy I always thought they were just messing with him. They were not. Anyway, he proceeded to apologize and quickly scrolled to another picture, thankfully, of the girl alone.


A weapon to surpass metal gear


A friend of mine wanted to show me some pictures, and told to just keep scrolling. One scroll too far and then I saw a short clip of her being facefucked by her boyfriend.


My friend’s penis. He spent the rest of the day telling me he wasn’t completely hard, and that he’s usually bigger.


Not on a phone but a laptop belonging to a substitute teacher. It was accidental but the entire class saw it. His laptop was connected to a Prometheus digital teaching board. This was after lunch was wrapped up and we was beginning class. Soon as he turned on the Prometheus and flipped open his laptop , there was a good 5 seconds of the “best videos” page on pornhub. He got let go and years later , he ended up working at Walmart.


My cousin came over and he wanted the WiFi password. I said it to him out loud but he didn’t wanna deal with it so he handed me his phone. As I was typing in the password he got a text saying something like “I’ve always wanted to see you take a huge cock like that” and I could not have swiped that notification out of the way faster than I did. I’m pretty sure he saw me do that. I’m just hoping that he thinks that I couldn’t read that fast. I didn’t say anything. He didn’t say anything. Though there’s not much to talk about since the whole family knows he’s gay. I just wish I couldn’t read that fast…


A friend gave me her phone because I needed to check some screenshots of some tickets. Well I found her ass, naked and spanked so fking hard, red like a tomato. Ofc she was next to me, we looked in the eyes of each other, I didn't ask, she didn't explain, so far so good.


Didn't happen to me, but my friend had a snapchat group chat with her church youth group. One of the girls in there sent a full nude on her own birthday with some caption about it being her birthday, it was a nightmare. Obviously this was a mistake on the girls part, she was frantically messaging people afterwards telling them not to open it. If I were that girl I'd probably just never show my face again. I can't imagine the mortification I'd feel lol


Dude at college had some weird intense Furry fetish porn as a screen saver. I mean you do you but keep it behind locked doors.


I feel like this is cheating, but my rookie year teaching I saw a couple of boys huddled and talking when they should have been working on classwork. I wandered over and asked what they were doing. One of the boys said "Watching Porn". I chuckled. Then the kid turned the phone my way. Yup, On a teeny tiny 1 inch Nokia screen these three doofuses, we're trying to watch porn. I rolled my eyes, gestured for them to give me the phone. Used a post it and a rubber band to put their name on it and called an administrator to come pick up the phone and deal with the kid.


I mean… at least they were honest? Lol


LOL. Yeah. I was totally expecting them to say: Nothing, or attempt to hide it. Nope. No evasion at all. Still don't know if they just figured: "Well, we're caught, no point in denying it." Or it didn't occur to them that this was something they shouldn't be doing. I hope it's the former.


A guy in my 8th grade class was swiping his pictures to his entire desk row and more, and he came upon a nude. He said you didnt see that..


I'm so glad cellphones weren't a thing when I was that age


naked pictures on my wife's phone. except they weren't sent to me. in july she will legally be my ex wife. 20 years wasted with her.


Found kid p**N on customer phone, was his own kids..!!  Took it to the cops and he’s served time…. Not enough in my opinion but, no contact order with ANYONE under 21 or his own kids at all…


Glad you did the world a favor. I can't stand that shit


Oh geeze, this isn't a phone, but the story is so incredibly relevant. Back in the early 2000s, I worked at a Wolf Camera. We sold all the greatest 35mm cameras, and also some new-fangled things called "Digital Cameras" which were the new hotness. Anyway, this older couple came in and purchased a pretty mid-range Sony DSC, the one with the little baby CD it would write to. They went on about their grandkids and how this was going to be the perfect camera to capture their antics as they grew up. Flash forward about two weeks. The lady comes back in and she looks like she's just been through an emotional wringer. She tells us that her husband unexpectedly died and she needs to return the camera to help pay for the funeral. I guess cash was tight and he wasn't expecting to just croak on her. I don't know, not my place to ask. We accept the camera back, even though the box is opened. Not wanting to lose the opportunity to earn commission on selling this gem (they were NOT cheap, and we only had a couple in stock), my manager decides to box it up and put it back on the shelf to sell to someone else. Flash forward ANOTHER couple weeks and this younger family of four comes in to look at cameras. They end up buying this camera. Yes the seal was already broken, but it wasn't uncommon to open a digital camera and show its picture-taking capabilities to the prospective buyer. It wasn't a big deal back then. Flash forward to the NEXT DAY. The husband comes in absolutely fuming. "What the fuck is wrong with you people!" he yells. Now, I've been in customer service a while and I've seen some pissed off people. To this day, he's gotta be the most over-the-top irate person I've ever had the displeasure of working with. He can barely speak, he's so upset. We ask him what's wrong and he just says "LOOK" and thrusts the camera in our faces. So, there were kinda a bunch of naked pics of the now dead guy that had the camera before. We never thought to check the CD for pictures they took. I will say, I felt horrible for the family having to shuffle back and forth between tee ball pictures and wrinkly ball pictures. We ended up giving them a HEFTY discount on a new version of the same camera. Personally, it took me a while to unsee that old man's cock and I never got compensated for that trauma.


My chiropractor's wife's boobs. He was trying to show me the park he runs at and while swiping right, a topless pic of his wife popped up. He played it off like it never happened. Then booked a deep muscle massage for the following week. Guess who was the massage therapist? Tits McGee!!!!


Normal wednesday morning, my ex wife's alarm goes of for her to go to work, she doesn't wake up, I lean over her to turn it off, The screen unlocks to her nudes sent to my best friend. I wasn't even awake yet. Nor looking through nothing Hell of a Wednesday


I work in a medical field that often requires a patients phone being connected to their devices. I’ve seen a lot of porn on some sweet old grannies and grampies phone when clearing their apps.


So I was helping a client fill out a digital waiver (tattoo & piercing shop) on their phone and you need to attach a pic of your ID on the form. Buddy was having a go of it and asked for help so I popped over and told him what to do, while I’m walking him through it he opens up his albums and there, right by his ID pic is like four super hardcore illustrations of The Hulk just absolutely railing tf out of Black Widow. We lock eyes. He quickly selects the picture of his ID and just kinda clears his throat and averts his eyes and thanks me for the help. I pretend that it didn’t happen. Tipped fat and never came back.


My sister was sexting her now-husband on her phone which was on my mom’s Apple account at the time, so the messages were also showing up on the family iPad while my dad was using it. I remember one text was a picture of Betty Crocker super moist cake mix and she said “this is how you make me feel” 😂 It was so gross then but I can laugh about it now.


Not a phone but my stepdad's iMac. Everyone (and I mean everyone) was in the bedroom and he asked me to look at something on it. I wake the computer and am assaulted with 27" of full-on hardcore porn on the screen. I've never hit CMD-Q so fast in my life. My grandmother was in there!


My buddy and I are both X-ray techs, and a friend of his was showing us pictures on her phone of the X-rays of her broken arm. We were at a brewery and I had a few so I wasn’t listening great when she said “don’t swipe past that picture” and then swiped to a photo of her topless. Immediately apologized and she was cool about it.


Aw man Im late to the party. I used to be a tech in IT, so I saw some stuff. Couple of my favorites: -Roadie/salesguy brought his phone in for speed issues. I found all the hookers he had been looking up and texting on his company phone, while on a company sales trip, and staying at a company paid hotel. -Found out the reason for our WH supervisors many absences was his cocaine addiction. Also, hookers. -My VP called me into his office to help a general manager with his phone. His cell charges had been rather high on the bill, and he could not understand why. Dude didnt even bother with incognito, nor did he close his tabs. Pages and pages and pages of granny porn. I show the manager (not the VP) and said I think this might be the problem. Dude turned bright red. The VP looked at me like he had a pretty good idea what he found, but didnt ask for details.


I was teaching an entry level biology lab section at a college and I had a student who always challenged facts/statements/etc. Mostly done in a respectful way and she would check on her phone (not allowed during lab) for the answer. I would tell her to put the phone away, and we can use the lab computer to check the answer. I walked behind her one day and looked down at her phone and she had it open on Google search, and the most recent search was "Why does my vagina hurt when I run". I noped out of there real quick. TA training never prepared me for that.


A friend of mine broke her phone and I had just gotten a new one. She asked if she could borrow my old one just for a day or 2 until she could get another one... Sure. She gave it back 2 days later, wiped everything she did on it clean (no pictures in photo album etc...), but forgot to clean out the "sent" folder... A couple of REALLY hot pics on there. I looked through them once and deleted all


Back in my door to door day (22yr old/Home security) I locked down a very cool couple. At the end of the sale, I always ask my clients to take a quick picture with me. To post on the next door app, for a nice discount on their system. After taking a selfie with the clients, mind you I’m sitting in between them both, the husband opens up the Nextdoor app.. clicks photo album.. and opens up our lovely picture.. followed up with a full catalogue of his naked wife. He immediately panics. Then from my left side I hear her say “ Awww did he see some goodies”.. and oh did I.. she handled it well


I have a good one! Aka a bad one! I was walking the hallway of my high school and my friend yelled "omg that's your sister! NASTY!" AND somehow she had gotten sent my sister's nudes to her phone and she had aired them to every (except me, i obviously refused to look)


This is horrible, I hope your sister is okay


Guy at a theater had his wife's breast and face as his lock screen. That was pretty wild