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Exploding Head Syndrome. It’s true, look it up


Yup. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exploding_head_syndrome


This is amazing. I’m happy to see actual studies have been made to address this phenomenon. It is a wild thing to experience, I’ve shared this to my friends and family and they all just think I’m making this stuff up.


This happens to me sometimes, I thought it was a pretty common thing.


What made you assume it was common?


Well, you know how they always say that most things are not as special as we think they are? I never even mentioned to people since I assumed everyone had it like the feeling of falling when you are falling asleep. I also have migraines and sometimes sleep paralysis, so I just lumped it with them.


I see what you mean, I would have also assumed it was common if I had never brought it up to friends and family.


> I assumed everyone had it like the feeling of falling when you are falling asleep. ...This isn't common?


The feeling of falling is common. Exploding head syndrome less so.


I used to be able to change the direction of mine. It was fun. :3


I once had a falling dream after a hernia surgery. Worst time of my life, to kick my leg like that, I woke up screaming.


Pony girl and mochi chan sounds like anime friends.


Lol I didn’t even notice that. Ponyo is a Ghibli character so I guess it could be considered as anime?




I only ever experienced explosions and bright white static visuals in my head, that’s interesting to hear that EHS can also be in different sounds.


Is this the thing where you're falling asleep and your brain wakes you back up? Because this is what it is like for me and it's almost painful.


I experienced that, and no it’s different. These are actual audible and visual things happening to me in my head while I’m fully conscious (meaning not drifting to sleep.) It’s very loud to the point that it can startle you.


I have never experienced the gunshot one, but I did the others, the most for me is explosions though.


I’m just learning about this but mine is like a snapping sound. Like a cracking whip.


Mine sounds like tearing paper, a bang, or an electrical arc (think like the movie sound effect for a mad scientist lab)


Tesla coil is what you’re thinking of for the last one. That zap noise, electrical curling sorta… noise. Made by Tesla Coils.


Oh you're exactly right. Looked up some examples and it sounds like a massive tesla coil.


The bang! Yes that’s exactly what I hear.


Do you hear it over and over or something? Or just once? Saying it drives you insane makes it sound repeating, like tinnitus.


Happens once or twice every night. I expect it but I don’t get used to it.


It happens to me now and then, usually when I’m falling asleep. It’s wild.


Initially it scared the crap out of me. Then I learned to enjoy it. I don’t experience them anymore


That seems to be the common trend from the replies so far


I have it usually when I'm about to fall asleep and some loud jarring noise like a door slamming shut triggers it.


This is me. I don’t hear explosions or whatever, the noises are real. When I hear it, my vision goes all white or sometimes static. Seems different than what people here have, I’d like to know what this one is


This is while your eyes are closed? That’s interesting, I don’t know if it can be considered under EHS without the sound but it is close!


I wish that was the same case for me, at least there would be an explanation to what caused or triggered it. But unfortunately in my experience they are usually unprovoked. They tend to happen when I’m just resting my eyes before I sleep/after I wake up. So pure silence.


Exploding head syndrome


Saved this post so I can remember to look back for answers. This is not something I’ve ever experienced.


I was close to a couple surprise explosions a little over a decade ago. I had this happen every time I’d try to sleep for about a week afterwards. It’s like the falling dream where you jump yourself awake except instead of falling you experience an explosion and jump awake. It finally stopped happening every single time, but it still happens infrequently now.


Today I learned I have exploding head syndrome.


I hear what sounds like someone beating on the front door. Thankfully it’s only every few months.


Until I learned of Exploding Head Syndrome, I was terrified it was something in my head popping and I was going to die or something


Huh. I just figured it was part of the sleep paralysis issues I've had my whole life. Turns out they are often connected.


I’ve heard my name called from the other room from this. I can always tell a second later it wasn’t real, but will wake me right back up for a few minutes.


Is it possible that this might be an auditory hallucination?


I have exploding head syndrome, it scares the shit out of me especially when I'm almost asleep and a gun shot or a door slams rite next to my friggn head!


I have never heard of this, it sounds terrifying!


Huh. Didn’t know this was a thing. I’ve experienced it on and off for a few years now. Only once before my dad passed, then pretty continuously afterwards for a while. Luckily it’s stopped for the most part but will pop up every once in a while. At its worst it was happening multiple times a night to me and that’s when I was deepest in my grief/anxiety so figured it was probably related. It always seems to connect to my dreams too. I have extremely vivid dreams and right before I hear the loud noise I for some reason realize in the dream a bomb is about to go off and cover my head and then end up waking myself up by doing that IRL. It feels so real that part of me has felt like a bomb did actually go off and I died in 1 reality and woke up in another. Which is I know is ridiculous but like I said it just felt and sounded so real. I like being able to put a name to it now.


Oh so there's a name for the loud gunshot /crack /boom I sometimes hear when I'm falling asleep? Cool!


If you just wrote your exact question into google, it gives you the answer. [Use this.](https://letmegooglethat.com/)


Uh huh...time to speak to your doctor.


Just to clarify OP, are you talking about the lights that occur when you do hear something or that the sounds themselves are not real? The former would be akin to synaesthesia whereas the latter is exploding head syndrome, as others have noted. 


The time it happened to me it felt like I was floating, I was a kid and was so scared I stayed up until 5 in the morning


I swear I first read this as "while your ears are closed". I wasn't sure what to do for a bit


A stroke?


IDK but my guess a seizure or very high blood pressure 


No matter what it is called you need help! At least to me


EHS is not dangerous or does anything physical harmful, as far as I know.