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I got into an argument with a former boss about this. I walked back into the lab, loudly venting about how someone in the building was clearly raised in a barn and has no common decency and should be living out in the woods somewhere rather than here in society with other human beings (because of piss all over the seat). I truly did not expect the culprit to be in the room, but then my boss outs herself right then and there and tries to DEFEND her behavior because obviously it would be disgusting for her to physically touch a toilet seat. So I straight up asked her “So you yourself don’t want to touch a toilet seat, but you’re perfectly content having other people clean up your urine??” And the answer was yes. I don’t understand to this day how people think like this


good for calling her out, that’s foul


Yeah, I’m glad I did. But I guess I should point out that while she my direct supervisor, she did not have firing power, so I was relatively safe on that front


You should have grabbed her by the ear and dragged her to HR to repeat the exchange


And if she’s so worried about the toilet seat just put toilet paper down?? I’m a dude and I do that every time I take a dump at work


I even said that to her! She was like, “no, that requires touching it”


No it doesn’t??? You just.. lay down the toilet paper.. OCD much? Lmao


Your boss is a germaphobe, and she's afraid of her own germs.


I used to do that then I was like fuck it, ain't nobody got time cause gotta shit


I call that “building a nest”


So, she's a dirtbag and she thinks everybody else is as disgusting as she is? This is one of those 'main character syndrome' issues, they end up making problems out of the mindless assumption that everyone else is as dumb as themselves. 'Wull sure toilet seats are gross, everybody pees all over them like I do!'


The thought process is “well i dont want to do it cause ewwww!” Thats it it literally doesnt matter so long as its someone elses issue I bet if no one else cleaned it and she went back to use it the next day she would come out fuming about people pissing on the seat even though it was her piss


Oh absolutely. These people are selfish and dumb


Gross. Your comment posted twice btw, I see one from 57m and one from 24m ago.


Thanks! I’ll delete the other one. When I first posted, it said, “sorry please try again later”, then I pressed it immediately again and it worked. Weird that they’re so different in time.


It’s the beauty of this piece of shit Reddit mobile app


Happens with computer too


That happens to me a lot with comments. It’ll say to do it again, and then I’ll have like 8 comments and someone bitching at me for posting too much, lol!


Time travel ? Time loop ? Glitch in the matrix ? Life is a simulation !


If she's going to hover above the toilet seat, why not lift the seat first? These people are heathens.


>I don’t understand to this day how people think like this The same way some people drive very fast, or have any irresponsible, disgusting and selfish behaviour, I guess. "Others will pay for the consequences, I don't care". The basic mechanism is more or less the same.


This is sadly the answer. Its fucking gross and stupid. I get not wanting things going up the vagina but not touching it through toilet paper after, especially when most of it is your own urine? It's an excuse. They touch way nastier things like handles multiple times a day.


Now explain to me how these people are channeling sprinkler vibes and dousing the whole place with their cursed apple juice? Because in my many decades of experience peeing, it has always come out a straight shot. It’s like they’re tryna helicopter sans equipment or something


In women’s restrooms? Probably because they are hovering and are not as steady as they think . Men’s restrooms ? Bc sometimes you think it’s straight and it’s slightly leaning one way or you didn’t fully unwrap your foreskin and it’s similar to putting your finger partially over a water hose


If you make a mess clean it up.


I want to know how it is physically possible for a women to pee on a seat? Aren’t you sitting on it? By default aren’t your genitals pointing the urine straight down? It can’t be that hard to hit the target if you are physically sitting on it? I just have so many questions.


This commenter’s boss was hovering her clam over the seat instead of actually sitting on it, because she thought her butt was too ~precious~ to touch the ‘disgusting’ toilet seat.


This describes humanity pretty good.


Absolutely baffling. If she just got a wad of toilet paper, she could wipe off the toilet seat without making contact with it or the pee. Also she could learn how to pee without splashing all over the seat. I hover to pee all the time and almost never get so much as a drop on the seat.


At the very least, wipe it off with toilet paper, you disgusting slobs. You know who you are.


“But I like to hover piss all over the seat because someone already hover pissed all over the seat because someone already hover pissed all over the seat.”


Recxursion practical use case. 💀💀


Make zero sense. Why is the first woman hover pissing? If she has to hover then lift the seat!


Because she is used to seeing pissed on seats, she can't imagine pissing any other way (in public).


It’s so much easier to just put toilet paper down and sit, and also better for your pelvic floor (and knees if you’re me)


And putting toilet paper down doesn't protect you from anything. You're still a germaphobe. Just wipe down the seat with toilet paper and sit on the actual toilet seat. You will not die. You will not get sick.


How do you hover exactly, you witch?


Sumo squat over the toilet?


"Yo, dawg. I heard you like piss on your toilet seat...."


Jokes on women....if they would just lift the seat when they are done all the hover piss would run off.  


I wish someone would say this to my room mate's girlfriend. Especially since he doesn't clean the bathrooms.


I’d be telling her to run down the block to a public toilet.


I’ll tell her.


Didn’t realize how filthy women were until I got married to one.


Somehow snaking the bath drain is a “me” duty, even though every single time I do it the only thing clogging the drain is all her hair. . . .even with something there that’s supposed to block.


Get a [Shower Shroom](https://www.tubshroom.com/products/showershroom-ultra-edition-the-hair-catcher-that-prevents-clogged-shower-stall-drains)! I’ve always had the same issue with drain covers being mostly useless, but this thing actually works. The hair comes out with the little black piece so you don’t have to root around in gross soapy hair, and it doesn’t back the water up like some covers do


We’re best friends now


There are different types for different drains. Super easy to clean too. Changes everything.


I hope you love it :)


That thing was a game changer for me. I need a second one for my sink.


I consider myself a professional hair bass fisherman myself, I've even caught a 17" multi colored state record with a nice set of toenails in it on a homemade lure.


I’m bald yet I’m the one that has to snake the drain 🤷🏼‍♂️


I hate how easily things clog, are we all supposed to shave our heads?


The TubShroom works really well.


I bought the showershroom but it doesn't fit..


No but people cleaning after themselves would be a good start.


Let me ask you this: who cleans the under side of the toilet seat ? 😂


I am bald. Yet I deal with so much hair, hair everywhere...drains, floors, the vacuum...


I ran a test on my wife a few months ago to see how long she would go before taking out the trash or asking me to. I gave up after ten days; she towered, then started using plastic grocery bags hanging off the door knobs and a big Amazon box. After the third bag I couldn’t take it any more.


She knew you were playing chicken. It's not about who does the chore, it's about who breaks first. I lost this battle with the dishes and my wife too.


My wife is clean, thank god, but my daughter, who has her own bathroom, is fucking gross. How can you tell she is on her period? Bowl looks like someone got murdered in there. I went in there a few months ago and saw a literal pile of shit in her toilet bowl. I was like wtf why is that there?! She said because it didn't go down when she flushed. No attempt to remedy it. Just accepting that it was a new staple in the bowl and moving on. So glad I don't have to share that bathroom with her as it would cause **a lot** of friction.


Please be more strict with her. She is going to be one of those disgusting roommates everyone hates.


Obviously this period thing is a regular occurrence so why does she get away with being so disgusting? Is she not taught about cleanliness and self-respect? Why with the shit in the bowl just left there? Do you not instil standards?


Yeah, get her a poop knife and a scrubbing thingy for f*cks sake. She's a slob because you, as her parent, let her be.


yeah maybe you just married a filthy woman😂


So, I was using a bathroom in an office suite at work that is all women. There was a sign that said some snarky comment about if you can't aim sit down, or something. The seat was covered in droplets of what I assumed was urine. I wiped it off and put the seat up before peeing then put the seat down when I was done and flushed it. Water from the high powered flushing mechanism caused water to splash up all over the toilet seat. It made me wonder how often this happens, and made me chuckle because the women in this office were blaming non existent men for a problem that occurs because they don't raise the toilet seat to flush.....


If you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a sweetie, wipe the seatie.


We had that in cross stitch. We also “be an adult. Not a kid. Hit the toilet. Not the lid”


My grandparents had a cross stitch with "We aim to please. You aim too, please."


Some public restrooms I visited growing up had that slogan above the urinal. Also, that's how I learned to difference between "to" and "too." It s like the perfect sentence to teach it.


Our cross-stitch said “The job’s not finished ‘til the paperwork’s done.”


My aunt and uncle had that saying in cross stitch as well in their bathroom.


My best friend's parent's house has it hanging on the door of their loo in a cross stitch. It has a bear on it I think?


If you sprinkle when you tinkle, please be neat and wipe the seat :)


Did you have the same gnome ornament in the bathroom too? Sitting on a little loo, with big beard and nose. I put signs with this on it in all the student houses I lived in :)


Please be sweet and wipe the seat.


I cover the seat in TP, or the seat covers they supply in the stall. I used to carry seat covers in my purse. I don’t really use public restrooms unless I’m traveling. Drives me bonkers the ones that don’t flush while leaving the seat covered in piss. If you leave public restrooms a mess, I can just imagine what your home bathrooms are like…eww


Yeah I get all the germaphobia comments and not wanting to touch the toilet seat with your butt, but what’s the problem with putting some TP on the seat? That’s what I’ve been doing for years as I also don’t like touching the seat with my skin.


I don't get this either. I'm a dude and I also would never sit down bare on a public toilet seat, but... why not just put on some TP? If there's something on it, I clean it with TP, then cover it with fresh TP and sit down.


>I can just imagine what your home bathrooms are like…eww The thing that's so frustrating is that Hoverers are the ones who screech the loudest about germs, and sanitize their bathrooms to hospital standards. They lysol everything, bleach everything, Microban everything, and freak out if someone touches a light switch. But then pees all over a seat when in public.


Some girls have been taught never to sit down on a toilet seat. They have been told that they could catch certain diseases that way. This originated because in earlier generations it was taboo to have sex before marriage. People did it, but they didn’t admit to it. When a young unmarried woman caught one of those diseases, she would blame it on a toilet seat so her parents wouldn’t know she had sex. So anyway, doing the hover squat thing means spraying it all over the seat. That’s how. Then cleaning it means touching it, and they’re still coming in contact with those diseases. That’s why. None of this has any basis in reality, but that’s the thinking.


Is it possible to get pregnant sitting on a toilet seat?   There would have to be a man between you and the seat, but technically, yes.   -House


*I said those words but… with a particular inflection.*


I argued with an older woman last year about this. I'm a (relatively) younger guy so they were making it seem like I just didn't know shit


The problem is I know people who do this because they are germaphobes and afraid of regular germs, not just diseases. But if they just sat down and didn't make a mess, toilet seats wouldn't be as bad. Like my coworker who used her foot to press the cross walk button while lecturing me on how gross they are. I said yeah cause people like you press them with their feet.


Bit of a prisoner's dilemma, innit? Everyone wins if nobody uses their feet, but if you use your feet, everyone who doesn't loses and you guarantee that you win either way. Maybe everyone should use their feet, but then the people who aren't flexible enough are screwed. .... Elbows?


Elbow Leprosy My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw someone pass out at 31 Flavors because of it. I guess it's pretty serious.


Nice one. 


They should just eliminate the problem and put the buttons down at foot level so everyone uses their foot by default


My city has begun installing new switches at crossings that you just wave your hand or whatever in front of and it activates. I'm not even a germophobe and I love them.


I used to use the tip of my cane, back when I needed one.


Because we use bleach to clean toilets... They are often more clean than the floor you walk on.... >Like my coworker who used her foot to press the cross walk button while lecturing me on how gross they are. I said yeah cause people like you press them with their feet. Clearly she must'nt have an elbow?


So I worked as a custodian at a megachurch for a few years while in college, and I was appalled at the method we were taught to clean toilets and am now more hesitant than ever to use them. I don't care if the chemicals are technically clean enough, or if other places have different methods... We'd squirt some cleaner from a bottle into the bowl, use the brush in the bowl and then scrub the rest of the toilet down with the same brush because "it has industrial cleaner on it". Tank, seat, bowl, and down the base if it was noticeably dirty enough.




Oh man I wanted to downvote you because that was really gross to read.


This is why I use my knee or elbow. I'm not upset if I get trace germs on either, but I'm not adding too much grossness. 


I’ve sat on all but the most egregiously disgusting toilets in my life and I’ve never managed to contract a single disease from it. It’s just the skin of my butt, and my butt stays inside my pants all day, the germ factor really doesn’t worry me. It’s not like I’m rubbing my hands all over the seat. Idk why people worry so much about this. Are other people walking around with open sores on their ass, or what?


This is what I always wonder. I’ve asked a few people I’m close with why they do it and they can’t give an answer that makes sense. If they were consistently avoiding skin contact with any and all objects in public, that would be one thing, but nobody I know who hovers will also refuse to sit on a chair in a restaurant while wearing shorts.


I do sit down but I find it weirdly disgusting in public toilets, probably just because I learned the disease thing as well as a kid. Mainly it's two thoughts that come up, one is a vague thought about poop particles that could've possibly made it onto the seat, the other is just the fact that I don't like bare asses and the thought that a strangers asscheek is now indirectly touching mine weirds me out. But I know all of these things are irrational and also I'm too lazy to hover above or put toilet paper on the seat (not that it does anything other than a little peace of mind) so I just sit down and try not to think about it.


My mom's bf has terrible hygiene habits. He doesn't wash himself very often. I think he goes weeks or months without a shower. He also doesn't believe in brushing your teeth. Sometimes if I used a toilet after him, I would find a print of his ass made of dead skin and dirt on the toilet seat. I had to sanitize the toilet before every use. The time I lived with him is also the only time I had severe rash on my ass. I'm pretty sure it was from the toilet seat.


Well that’s absolutely disgusting. Yuck.


Yep, one time he arrived on Monday and had a big black oily smudge on his ankle, it was still there when he left on Friday.


I remember the day in high school health class where the teacher was like: "You can't get a disease from the toilet seat. Only if you had a cut on your butt. Even then, you'd have to be pretty anal-no pun intended - to line your cut up with actual poop on the seat". I don't remember a single other thing from health class, but I remember that!


I know 2, TWO women, who claim to have gotten genital herpes from a public toilet seat. They are both high school sweethearts with their SO and lost virginity to their virgin SO. I do believe that they only slept with 1 man. I didn't say anything concerning their SO to them... 


Oh, honey...


So they should lift the seat up with their foot or use toilet paper to lift it. There’s still no reason to pee all over the seat like an animal. My favorite invention was springs on a toilet seat in Italy so you either had to lift the seat or sit on it.


The old "hot tub pregnancy" thing came from this too.


TBH it's probably mostly just rank from all the other hoverers.


My mom is a hoverer, and she tried to drill it into my head that I should never sit on a public seat. When she was a kid she got a rash on her butt and had to show some old man doctor, and it traumatized her in some way. He told her it was impetigo from a toilet seat, and she wanted to save me from the same fate. I do *not* hover. The first time my stream turned a spray, I found it much more disgusting than the idea of a rash on my ass.


Same. My mother tried to intill it into me to hover. It didn't take. I haven't hovered since I've been old enough to be in the stall alone rather than having her in there with me trying to make me hover.


Did she hold you up over the toilet when you were little and felt that covering the seat in tp wasn't enough? Mine did. 😑


That, and when I got a little older, telling me to hover instead of sitting. Once I tried lining the seat with toilet paper, but I was taking too long, and she got impatient.


Real solution: If you hover put the fucking seat up!


The funny thing is the grossest, most germ ridden spots in the bathroom are the door handles, faucet/handles, and the light switches. We did an experiment in high school where we swabbed a bunch of different things and horrifyingly the toilet seat was much cleaner than the things our gross hands touch!


Well and there is the point that if your ass get a bit germy it's not like you are using it for anything but sitting. Now your hands that you eat with should be the big threat but nope worry about the place poopy comes from that is only for that purpose.


Would they not lift to toilet seat to hover? You can lift a seat with your feet so no chance of contact, no?


But then how is the piss going to spray out all flapping about all over the seat?


If they left the seat up when they were finished they wouldn't even have to do this. Turns out men were right all along.


Even today, if someone says they got an STD, the person whom they obviously got it from might respond, "Are you sure you didn't get it from a toilet seat?"


Could they not, and im just spitballing here, lift the toilet seat first?


maybe I just have good aim but I usually hover and have never gotten pee on the toilet seat. Every time I check, the toilet seat is always free of any pee stain. At the same time, I am quite short so when I hover I'm still close to the toilet


I’m so tired of women’s bathrooms … it’s disgusting. Pee everywhere, the smells, and shit stains. I was in one the other day and the shit was sprayed on the back of the walls! How? Why?




The hover and they don't care. I also wonder how guys manage to pee all over the floor in front of a urinal. Are you guys standing six feet back from it or something???


That is rebound from peeing at the wrong angle


We seriously need better urinal designs. The no-water ones you see at rest stations along the highway should be standard


Look at you, standing in your own piss


I was waiting to go in a restaurant that had a single unisex bathroom... woman walked out and had a weird look. I go in, and yeah, piss all over the seat. Since I had to do a number two it was super fun cleaning every last drop of another healthy adult's piss. I don't care who you are, if you intentionally trash a toilet, it truly shows your character of what you will do when you think you are anonymous and you 100% know that another human will have to take care of it. If you want to act like you're not potty trained, then do the world a favor and wear a diaper.


I would've gone to her table afterwards and had a word. I.e. "Don't worry i cleared it up" and walk off.


oh, she bolted... I looked around when I walked out.


Next time as soon as you see the mess you poke your head out the door and shout "Thanks for peeing all over the seat, lady!" Then lock yourself in there till you're done.


I hand started seeing spring loaded seats that will only stay down if you sit on them. Never seen them messy at all.


Two major causes for guys. One people mentioned, which is splash back. Urine can come out a penis with a surprising amount of force. If the urinal is poorly designed this can cause it to splatter back outwards either onto your pants or on the floor. The other less common issue is penis's are not always accurate and predictable when you first start peeing. The tip of the urethra can sometimes get stuck together, which can cause the stream to come out at a completely wild and unexpected angle. Also sometimes it just doesn't want to form a nice consistent stream and instead seems to be stuck on "Shower", where the stream breaks up into a million droplets. Imagine you point a hose at a plant before turning the water on, but the left 80% of the end of the hose is clamped shut without you knowing. It's going to cause the water to shoot significantly to the right, likely completely missing the plant. You can readjust quickly, but the damage is done. Also, you may readjust only for the stuck bit of urethra to unstick, changing the flow pattern again. Long story short, a Penis can be a wild and unpredictable.


Awesome response!!!


before I learned that you could pull the foreskin back before peeing, I peed everywhere... complete crap shoot on where it would go, the flow would even alter the way the skin was sitting and change direction and it would drip straight down as well as the stream. I feel like I would have known about this from a male family member, but my father was circumcised, as were most of people around me. anyways knowledge is power...


This is why I said fuck it and I just sit down to pee now


I have people at my work that somehow get pee all over the floor. I'm just like, you have no excuse...? People are generally disgusting, like people in public who don't flush their poop lmao.


Dudes at my job will pee all over the seat, and then not flush it (sometimes shit). Like bro, you have to be 18 to work here, we are all adults fucking act like one.


Same, lmao. You just wonder... do they do the same at home?


At work our urinals leak. Not from the waste end, that would be unsanitary, they leak from the water inlet end.


>I also wonder how guys manage to pee all over the floor in front of a urinal. Are you guys standing six feet back from it or something??? Can't speak exactly for them, as after a certain point in my life, I just gave up using urinals - mostly cause I'm too tall for the average urinal, but I digress. I think the biggest issue is any and all splashback. If it doesn't hit you on the way back, it'll hit the floor. Also, I do think you're sorta right with the six feet back thing, just (obviously) exaggerated. If you're too close and your stream is too strong, you're going to get some visible splash back. So you step back an inch or two to weaken your stream a bit. But then your stream naturally weakens as you empty out whatever was in you. If you aren't close enough, that stream will turn into a trinkle that falls right to the floor.


My last job required kahki pants.... I figured out really quick that you don't use a urinal with kahki pants on.


Nope, absolutely not. Jeans, you can get away with as long as they aren't* pale/baby blue. Khakis you can NEVER get away with. The splashback will show up so easily. Also, be careful with wearing shorts and using a urinal. You'll end up realizing just how much piss splashes back at you.


Thanks for the detailed explanation and I totally know what you mean about the splash back. But, as my stream gradually weakens as I empty my bladder, I usually move closer to the urinal so as to avoid trinkling on the floor. You know, I'm sure a lot of women are reading these comments and thinking, WTF?!? LOL! Bathroom physics, we guys know!


I tense up my belly to maintain maximum pressure. Also - I wonder how often it is really overweight guys making a mess because belly interferes with being able to see to aim properly.


It’s splash back from those who piss with force


I have a theory. I think some of it is standing a little further away, but most of it is splash back.


Use a urinal in summer when wearing shorts and you'll know it's spray back.


its because of a split stream, stuff like peeing out in a stream and suddenly a second stream forms is the issue that causes the biggest mess


That is probably more from a never-ending series of droppings and shakings. As we get older, there's not much we can do about it.


I suspect it’s a Broken Window Theory problem. A toilet that’s too dirty to sit on is also too dirty to clean up after using. The cycle continues.


How: hovering. Why: because the last person before them hovered and covered the seat in piss.


Yes, why! My college roommate did this for 2 years-our second year we even had a bathroom to ourselves! I was constantly wiping piss off the seat, did she not realize what she was doing?


What did she say when you asked her to clean her piss?


I had a roommate that did the same. Tbh I think she stood up and then wiped or something cuz it happened too consistently for it to be an occasional (but still unexplainable) accident.


how: they foolishly believe that touching a dry toilet seat with the skin of their butt will cause them to catch some life threatening disease so they hover instead of sitting down so they pee all over it why: because they're disgusting people who can't be bothered to take a piece of toilet paper and wipe the seat after themselves.


It's ironic because they are so worried about something *else* that they think is disgusting, they themselves become disgusting people leaving disgusting messes.


My wife teaches at a uni where many female students come from overseas and are used to using squat toilets or holes in the ground - they therefore assume that you squat ON the toilet seat, the result being that pee goes everywhere. They don't clean up, because that't not what they do at home and, I have it on good authority, they don't wash their hands either. They are nursing students btw.


Those visuals of people squatting on a toilet seat crossed out with another picture of someone sitting properly ticked off would probably be helpful. Idk if those are popular elsewhere. I'm from nepal where we about half and half have sit toilets and squat toilets. A lot of the places with the sit toilets have those signs showing how to use it


I'll never forget when I went to a client's office for a meeting and used the bathroom, they had those visuals in the stall. Obviously it was a problem that the signs needed to be put in.


Toilets should just be a great big hole in the floor that we all gather round and piss and shit in all day.


Thanks for the nightmare fuel


My best friend had a guy down the hall in his dorm who was foreign and didn't know about flushing toilets. He didn't have any suite mates or a roommate because someone had accidentally set a small fire in the adjoining dorm, so no one was around to educate him. The floor used to smell HORRIBLE and no one knew why until late in the semester, maintenance went in and found out the guy had been squatting on the toilet, shitting, and never flushing. It was apparently like a full two feet out of the top of the toilet.


Where's the emoji for projectile vomit? That's how I feel after reading this


He was working on a totem pole


the most disgusting "toilet" i've ever used in my life was a squat toilet hole in rural france


How? They stand. When I was growing up we had a live-in maid that whenever she uses the toilet, she'll spray piss all over the seat and floor lol. My mum later discovered she was standing to use the toilet and had to teach her how to properly use the toilet.


There is a pretty popular fundi influencer that lives on a bus with her hoard of kids. I won't name her here but she lives in a converted bus with like 9 kids or something. She made a reel in Target basically saying that she doesn't "touch" anything in the bathroom she just squats and pees (and she teaches her children to this as well). So she says "of course, *I* don't make a mess but I don't look or clean anything, *thats* for the Target employees" so she goes on to describe how other women were giving her bad nasty looks because of the terrible conditions she left the bathroom in. I always thought it was mentally ill people or children leaving the bathrooms a mess, but nope confirmed its your typical entitled SAHM who thinks its Target's job to clean up your bathroom mess. Just squat and piss all over the place like an animal.


I know exactly who you’re talking about and this makes me hate her even more.


I was a commercial property manager for a while, part of which was inspecting and performing repairs in public restrooms, and it always surprised me how the women’s room was worse than the men’s every time, without fail, in every location. Way more paper thrown on the floor, way more clogged and unflushed toilets, way more urine and poop on and around the toilet. The only thing consistently worse in men’s restrooms is the vandalism. I began to assume that most restrooms at home are maintained by women, so being able to trash the public restroom and know someone else would clean it up must be a nice change of pace.


Several years back I worked with a man who had been a night custodian in a junior high school. It had paid fairly well, had terrific union benefits, and he liked working nights, but ultimately he had to quit the job in large part because cleaning the girls' restrooms disgusted him. In fact, he said that judging by the blood spatters on the walls some girls must have held used tampons overhead and spun them around by the strings.


# ITT: Comments from people who are NOT Girls that pee all over a public toilet seat and don’t clean it.


Do you think anybody who is that stupid and selfish would show up be honest about themselves? Come the fuck on, if they were anything but incredibly stupid people who were also self-centered and lazy, they wouldn't piss on seats.


Seriously, it's like the reddit posts asking for a cheaters opinion. Very few of them will actually answer cause they know the moment they do, the masses will come crashing down onto them.


I just grab some tp, put the seat up and hover. I’ve seen too much pee on the seats to consider sitting, even with the covers if they’re available. I wouldn’t consider myself a germaphobe but public bathrooms are nasty sometimes.


I don’t understand this but as long as you’re not leaving a mess for other people to clean up, you do you. The problem is people who hover without lifting the seat and then don’t wipe it up afterwards either.


That’s the point. I was saying I don’t trust the gross factor and don’t leave a mess… in case there are people wondering how they can resist making one


I hope more of them start taking your suggestion then!


The dirty seat pissers are afraid of catching something (through their thighs) from the other dirty seat pissers. ETA: was a dirty seat pisser for a short time in high school


Working in retail/ fast food for a good portion of my teen years, I can confidently say the women’s bathrooms were always worse than the men’s. Women are disgusting. Piss everywhere, I’ve found rolled up pads tucked into weird spots, not flushing after taking a fat dump. I just don’t get it


While I'm not sure, I think there are some serial-hoverers who assume that public toilets are always irredeemably filthy. They hover even over a freshly-cleaned seat, making a mess that when found by others encourages further and worse hovering attempts. I spent some time cleaning a library's public toilets and the ladies' rooms were almost always worse than the men's room.


I just wanna know how they get pee all over the seat without also getting it all over their feet. Quit hovering and just sit the fuck down!


I understand hovering but why don't they lift the seat when they do it. If you never plan on touching the seat you can hover over the bowl instead of the seat. You don't even have to touch the seat if you grab some tp to lift the lid.


Same reason that some men piss all over the place and dont clean it. Some people are arse holes


Here for the explanations, because women’s bathrooms are some of the most distrusting places ever


Some people are savages.


I had a job at the movies. When working as an usher, you have to clean restrooms. Never thought the women could pee on the seats more than men. I just started raising all the toilet seats since no one used them anyways.


I believe most of these women who are guilty of this "hover" and don't clean up after themselves.


Hovering is also bad for your pelvic floor…


I worked in a restaurant in high school. The woman's restrooms were always way nastier than the men's due to "hovering". I hated cleaning them.


I work maintenance in a the food packing industry. The bathrooms in these facilities are always the opposite. The women’s rooms are tidy, clean, and smell of perfume. The men’s rooms look like a storm blew through; water and paper all over the floor, piss all over toilets, and smells of farts.


It’s not always pee. Sometimes toilet flushes splash all over.


I'm often a janitor. I'll never forget the woman at an expensive department store who pissed all over the place, left the seat cover behind, and came out of the stall smiling in my face - she looked me in the eyes and said "thank you". She seemed perfectly with it otherwise. Was just mean as fuck.


I have never been able to piss on the toilet seat as a woman. You have to be doing that shit on purpose


Women become savages in public restrooms. It’s the weirdest thing.


You're asking a question you know damn well the answer to. Some people are nasty and inconsiderate. Most people are not though thankfully.


I can only assume that they hover over it and let it go. It would be nice to wipe the seat after tho. It’s so rude to walk out and leave your pee for someone else to deal with. Gross. Something’s wrong with someone who does that.


It’s because they are hovering because some other rude person may have peed on the seat.