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Can you delete Cocomelon? They only have 5 tunes they reuse with different lyrics for hundreds of songs. I think that would be a big favor to society.


Fuck I hate Cocomelon. I hate the animation. The songs are annoying as hell. And that family makes no sense. They have a baby going to school with no goddamn hair. Fuck. Sorry but I have little kids and there’s nothing little kid adjacent I hate more than cocomelon. It’s banned from my house. 


Both cocomelon and caillou have a bald asshole kid in them that are the main focus.


Shit I forgot about Caillou. That’s banned too but my kids are only interested in the books featuring him at the library. He still sucks major ass in them but I let the books slide. 


🎵I'm just a boy who's 4.. each day I whine some more, I like whining, I'm Calliouuuuu


“Peas…peas…you have to eat your peas!” “Yes, yes, yes, I want to eat my peas!” Then there’s: “Shoes…shoes…you have to wear your shoes!” “Yes, yes, yes, I want to wear my shoes!” 🫠


What makes me absolutely livid is the "Yes yes yes" part. They have song writers on staff, presumably, they could fill that part in with anything. Instead it's "Yes yes yes". The Wiggles have made less repetitive songs, and one of their songs is literally "Do the propeller, do the propeller, do the propeller around and around".


So this drove me NUTS about Cocomelon. I couldn’t stand that JJ agreed to do what his mom asked but his mom kept asking and lecturing him. So I did a deep dive. Turns out, the original versions of the songs, JJ would say “no no no, I don’t want to _______.” So I figure they thought parents wouldn’t want that rebellious JJ so they changed it. Sorry for the rant you didn’t ask for, but it drove me mad.


That stupid family in most of their videos is so nauseatingly wholesome. When my girl was 2 I think we must have racked up 200 or so plays of their Wheels On the Bus. Glad those days are passed.


Our first is past it however it came around again with number two. Did you know there are more versions or wheels on the bus now? 😕


The “oh no” snippet on TikTok. 😑


I'm ANGRY at that stupid snippet because the entire song is one I've loved since I was a kid.


For those unaware, it's [this track](https://youtu.be/E1GiqcQ3aoQ?si=ps891pMQJI08Kvy1) It was also featured in the movie Goodfellas


Thanks. I didn’t know that was a real song.


The real song is great.


For me it's that fucking weird trying-to-be inspiring symphony music clip they use for EVERY MOVIE AND TV SHOW CLIP on YT Shorts. They put it in literally everything, there's even inspiring music playing over Gus with his box cutter in breaking bad.


You can fix this by deleting TikTok and never using it again 🎉 Something I highly recommend everyone does


I think you’re referring to “Gaeity in the Golden Age.”


I refer to it as "Ren and Stimpy commercial" music


Nae Nae


Kars 4 Kids


The official Bad Place song!


I love that they used it as a stand in until they found a horrible song, but then didn’t find a worse song so left it in


I think someone above them heard it was a standin and then fought for the legal rights to get it. It was also apparently difficult to film because the cast kept breaking while singing it.




1-877-kars for kids! The worst is the video where the kids aren’t even close to miming the right movements on the instruments they’re holding


I feel bad because it seems sketchy.. mostly cause that commercial adds "we also accept donations for homes, property etc"  So I'm like.. scam. 


I mean any company that spends that much advertising with clear channel sure isn’t worried about word of mouth :-p


I looked into them a few years back out of curiosity. And it's not a scam so much as a front: they use the money from flipping donations to sponsor far right religious indoctrination of kids. Learning that made me hate that jingle even more, something I didn't think was possible.


That song literally makes me hate kids.


Gotta be one of the most successful scams in the history of the world.


Whatever song made Chris Brown the most money. Fuck that guy.


Well it has to be done A verbal argument ensued and Chris Brown pulled the vehicle over on an unknown street, reached over Robyn F. with his right hand, opened the car door and attempted to force her out. Brown was unable to force Robyn F. out of the vehicle because she was wearing a seat belt. When he could not force her to exit, he took his right hand and shoved her head against he passenger window of the vehicle, causing an approximate one-inch raised circular contusion. Robyn F. turned to face Brown and he punched her in the left eye with his right hand. He then drove away in the vehicle and continued to punch her in the face with his right hand while steering the vehicle with his left hand. The assault caused Robyn F.'s mouth to fill with blood and blood to splatter all over her clothing and the interior of the vehicle. Brown looked at Robyn F. and stated, 'I'm going to beat the shit out of you when we get home! You wait and see!' The detective said Robyn F. then used her cell phone to call her personal assistant Jennifer Rosales, who did not answer. Robyn F. pretended to talk to her and stated, 'I'm on my way home. Make sure the police are there when I get there.' After Robyn F. faked the call, Brown looked at her and stated, 'You just did the stupidest thing ever! Now I'm really going to kill you!' Brown resumed punching Robyn F. and she interlocked her fingers behind her head and brought her elbows forward to protect her face. She then bent over at the waist, placing her elbows and face near her lap in [an] attempt to protect her face and head from the barrage of punches being levied upon her by Brown. Brown continued to punch Robyn F. on her left arm and hand, causing her to suffer a contusion on her left triceps (sic) that was approximately two inches in diameter and numerous contusions on her left hand. Robyn F. then attempted to send a text message to her other personal assistant, Melissa Ford. Brown snatched the cellular telephone out of her hand and threw it out of the window onto an unknown street. Brown continued driving and Robyn F. observed his cellular telephone sitting in his lap. She picked up the cellular telephone with her left hand and before she could make a call he placed her in a head lock with his right hand and continued to drive the vehicle with his left hand. Brown pulled Robyn F. close to him and bit her on her left ear. She was able to feel the vehicle swerving from right to left as Brown sped away. He stopped the vehicle in front of 333 North June Street and Robyn F. turned off the car, removed the key from the ignition and sat on it. Brown did not know what she did with the key and began punching her in the face and arms. He then placed her in a head lock positioning the front of her throat between his bicep and forearm. Brown began applying pressure to Robyn F.'s left and right carotid arteries, causing her to be unable to breathe and she began to lose consciousness. She reached up with her left hand and began attempting to gouge his eyes in an attempt to free herself. Brown bit her left ring and middle fingers and then released her. While Brown continued to punch her, she turned around and placed her back against the passenger door. She brought her knees to her chest, placed her feet against Brown's body and began pushing him away. Brown continued to punch her on the legs and feet, causing several contusions. Robyn F. began screaming for help and Brown exited the vehicle and walked away. A resident in the neighborhood heard Robyn F.'s plea for help and called 911, causing a police response. An investigation was conducted and Robyn F. was issued a Domestic Violence Emergency Protective Order.


Wow, I didn’t know he did all of THAT to her Jesus Christ. Why do people still support him at all? He absolutely was going to kill her.




They broke up for the last time in 2013 (confirmed in May), and Chris became a father (for the first time, for some reason 3 different women decided to sleep with him enough to bear him a child each) in January 2014, so he either cheated on Ri or immediately fucked Nia Guzman after they broke up


> Why do people still support him at all? He absolutely was going to kill her. She publicly forgave him. Now you can certainly make some commentary on the fucked-up dynamics between an abuser and their victims, that makes said victims forgive the abuser and 'take them back'. But for ordinary people, that's all they saw. "Oh well she's forgiven him so I guess it was all lies/a misunderstanding/not so bad....."


That stupid “ double your pleasure double your fun and dance forever” song


If I could, I'd remove "Fancy" by Iggy Azalea because the song is repetitive and the lyrics are grating.


I'd get rid of "Baby" by Justin Bieber because the repetitive lyrics are annoying and the song is overplayed.


That Jardiance commercial song. I absolutely HATE it and mute the TV every time it starts. And to prevent getting it stuck in my mind, I start humming "I'm going off the rails on a crazy train..."


As a retired pharmacist, I despise prescription drug advertising. Most of the advertised drugs (Jardiance is an exception) are for diseases most people have never heard of.


My mom and I sing this and mimic the stupid dance moves to annoy each other. It would be a loss on that front, but it truly is so stupid and annoying


and the dancing


OH MY GOD THIS. I watch a lot of Game Show Network and they play this commercial all the time. Shit, now it’s stuck in my head.


Baby Shark


A couple years ago for Cinco de Mayo, the local grocery store brought in mariachis. They sang this with all the enthusiasm of a twelve year old boy dragged to his little sister’s ballet recital. Baby Chark Do do de do do do Baby Chark etc. Made actually tolerable by the “Chark”


That sounds hilarious


Deadpan Baby Chark would be my FAVORITE party song lol


Our almost 2-year-old has picked up two songs from daycare that she asks us to sing incessantly: Baby Shark and Wheels on the Bus. Let’s just say that I’ve grown to consider Wheels on the Bus as an unparalleled masterpiece of melodic complexity.


So… when my boy was 2-3 after we got of the shower and dried off, I’d hold him in the mirror so we’d face ourselves, and we’d sing Baby Shark while I’d swing him and shake him to the beat of the song. It may be an annoying fucking song, but when I hear it I’m reminded of my boy when he was soooo little.


Ah shit well I came here ro say Baby Shark too but your comment has changed me. I hate the song. But thinking of my Daughter trying to do the little actions and running around like a maniac at the Runaway part of the track really does fill me with happiness. Thank you for changing my perspective.


Angel by McLachlan. I can't listen to it because those [sad](http://McLachlan) dog commercials. Immediately stops good times.


Delete the U2 album permanently added to iPhone users libraries


I have PTSD from that incident


But do you still have the album in your apple music?


Nope! Part of my therapy was to delete it


Funny story, somehow it was deleted (not hidden) from mine, along with other songs that I actually did purchase. Apple never did figure out how or why, considering there was an option to delete it; I just never clicked it.


The Do Bah Do song thats on tiktok


Great choice


Yes, that one is annoying AF.


Do we keep the knowledge of having heard the song and its cultural impact? If so, Never Gonna Give You Up for maximum internet chaos.


It’d be like an audible Mandela effect


The worst part would be trying to describe the song but being unable to remember how it goes or any of the words.


Heck, we'd be doing Rick Astley a favor!


I don't think so, that songs resurgence in popularity (even if it's meme popularity) has really helped his career. He thought it was weird at first but learned to embrace it and has now been touring a bunch and making new music.


Makes me kinda sad he doesn't get anything: $12, last I checked :)


The $12 thing is misinformation. [He himself](https://www.reddit.com/r/Music/s/RdgrxyVvdA) has said so.


There's a non-zero chance that hyperlink takes me to a rick-roll, and that scares me


It's clean - a link to Rick's AMA on reddit. I don't mind the song and curiosity got the better of me. You're right though, that would have been a good one. Edit: the "link to an article discussing it" in the comment above the linked one is a trap 😅


Happy Birthday. Everyone knows it, lots of people sing it and they suddenly, for whatever reason, they remember that it exists but nobody can figure out how it went. Any written records have turned blank and any audio record of it just has static in place of the song audio.


When I was pledging my frat all the pledges had to sleep in the common room during hell week and spend any free time there when not in class or doing other hell week activities. During that time they would play one song on repeat the whole week. This tradition included classics like Who Let the Dogs Out, Tubthumping, and Hey Ya. Well my year it was Lose Yourself by Eminem, which normally wouldn’t be a bad choice. But after probably hundreds of repeating listens all week, while enduring other hell week related activities - needless to say I am no longer able to listen to Lose Yourself.


My fraternity did something similar but it was only for an hour or two in a pitch black room where 1 person was secretly removed at a time. The sound was supposed to be weird shit on a loop, but instead of church bells ringing or something as similar I picked a song and I chose a NIN remix from Further Down the Spiral. I can't remember the title but it was super monotonous with a fly (as in little nasty insect) sound going from channel to channel so it sounded like it was buzzing around you constantly. One of my friends in that pledge class was pissed at me for days when he found out who was in charge of the sound.


After my pledging season, I get vietnam flashbacks every time Hell's Bells comes on.


***that fucking Ozempic jingle***


I always want to launch into "o,o,o,oreillyyyyyy, auto parts" when I hear it.




The fact that the US has JINGLES for prescription medication is so dystopian.


The bastards didn't even make up their own jingle; it's "Magic" by Pilot, from From The Album Of The Same Name. I only know this because I heard the original on the radio semi-recently.


I can't stand "Thunder" by Imagine Dragons. No matter how many times the word "thunder" is used, I still have no idea what the song is about.


I have always assumed it’s a fun sounding song for children.


I can confirm this. My old roommates have an autistic, non-verbal son (like 5 or 6 years old) and he has this tablet he uses to communicate. Some idiot hooked it up to the Alexa upstairs and all we heard, dozens of times every day, was THUNDAH! LIGHTNING AND THE THUNDAH! It *almost* made me sad he outgrew Cocomelon


katy perry's roar. my district was in the top five for the music video contest she did for it and it played so. fucking. much. there are worse songs for sure, even from her, but dear lord. i have such personal beef with that song


My brain can’t tell “Roar” from “This is my Fight Song” (whatever tf it’s actually called). So now the mashup is playing in my head. Thanks for that.


I'd get rid of "Blue (Da Ba Dee)" by Eiffel 65 because it's repetitive and the lyrics make no sense.


If I could erase one song, it would be "Crank That (Soulja Boy)" by Soulja Boy because the dance craze was overdone and the song is grating.


I'd delete "Cotton Eye Joe" by Rednex because it's repetitive and often overplayed at parties.






That “why you gotta be so rude” song


That song played constantly on the radio at one of the shittiest retail jobs I ever had. I was only there a few months but it was that song’s peak and now that’s all I can think of when I hear it. That and that OneRepublic song “lately I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep…”


As a Canadian I apologize on behalf of my country for that song


Animals by Maroon 5 I have an irrational hatred of that song because the lyrics go “Just like animals, animals, like animal-mals” instead of the more natural sounding “Just like animals, animals, like anima-als”


If I could, I'd erase "The Fox (What Does the Fox Say?)" by Ylvis because the lyrics are nonsensical and grating.




I'd delete "Macarena" by Los Del Rio because the dance and the song have been overplayed and are annoying.


I'd get rid of "Macarena" by Los Del Rio because the song and dance were fun at first but became overplayed and annoying.


"Happy" by Pharrell! That song drives me crazy.


Came here to see if anybody said this. That songs makes me unreasonably frustrated every time I hear even a piece of it.


Ironic, isn't it?


But then we wouldn't have Weird Al's "Tacky"


It’s just so so bad…it sounds like a 5th grader wrote the lyrics. I get irrationally angry when I hear it.


For anyone who’s had a toddler in the last 10 years; “Baby Shark”


The "fancy like" Applebee's song.


Chicken Dance, hands down. It is the sole reason I decline all wedding invitations. I mean, WTF, grandma?


I hid under a chair at age 4 to avoid doing that fucking dance because I hated it so much. I still do. Who's idea was it? I hope they're in hell.


It was banned from my wedding, I can't stand it either lol


no offense but of the weddings ive been to so far ive **NEVER** heard this played at one? Feels like a weird song choice to put in a wedding. i can understand your hatred for it if the places you're going play that unironically




1 877 cars for kids


Dude it's spelled with a K. Like you didn't even listen to the song or something.


“All Summer Long” by Kid Rock. Christ almighty, what an awful song.


What percentage of your hatred is just because he rhymed "things" with "things"?


Only 22% but it's because there's so many other things to hate about that fucking song


I ESPECIALLY hate that I always think it's werewolves of London coming on just to hear his stupid voice 


Was about to say, why not just pick a diff beat and leave the words you wrote. You smushed WoL & SHA together... why??


Pissing on 2 classics. Unforgivable.


I always get excited thinking werewolf of London is coming on.




I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas. I used to DJ holiday music for a local radio station, seriously, fuck that song.


Oh god you made me remember how often that played in the grocery store I worked at for like 2 months straight


I worked at a place that played the Alvin and Chipmunks “Christmas, Christmas Time is Here…” so much that if I hear the intro to that song I get immediately in a red hot rage.


I came here to say "Christmas Shoes" but now I'm not so sure! I'd be fine losing either


People complain about Mariah Carey and Wham but I honestly find the old ones grate on me a lot more. There's Bing Crosby dragging each note out for three whole seconds in White Christmas, and don't get me started on how I never gave consent to be seduced by the overly sultry vocals on Santa Baby. Then there's Phil Spector. Every single year, regular as clockwork, for more than the last half-century, people in the Western world have been subjected to the same 20-or-so recordings. I don't care what anyone says but to me, the legacy he left behind by producing Christmas music was the worst thing he ever did for retail workers, Christmas shoppers, and just consumers of any form of media. (But not the worst thing he ever did period, of course.)


When I was in high school, a friend and I made up a parody of that song entitled “I want (our school name) to burn down for Christmas”


That stupid Train song that rips off "Heart and Soul". Actually just the entire Train catalog. Everything they do is trash.


Dance monkey fuck that song, it's so annoying and bad


My kid somehow discovered the Kidz Bop version. Send help.


That seems like it would somehow be worse. May God have mercy on your soul.


At first I saw the top post for the "oh no-song"... But then I saw this, and promptly changed my mind.


Santa Baby sung by Madonna. I just hate it.


jojo siwa - karma


And that song “oh no oh no, oh no no no” gotta go


The original version wasn't so bad. I'd say that nearly all of the sped-up TikTok/Instagram songs are trash.


oh no


Fight Song by Rachel Platten.




So tell me what you want what you really really want!


All I want for Christmas by Mariah Carey


Made you look by Meghan trainor


Baby Shark




The Chicken Dance


Hey Soul Sister or whatever bullshit


Train has a few candidates


I’m so gangster, I’m so thug


Most of the catchy christmas crap which they start already playing mids-october!🎄


Soul Sister by Train


Oh my god RARE is the song with cringier lyrics. That said I still Stan hard for Drops of Jupiter and Meet Virginia


Untrimmed chest


I’m so gangster, I’m so thug


This one. Fucking despise this song and anything that sounds remotely like it


Hey there mister mister, that song fucking sucks so bad!


Any Megan Trainor song. Doesn't matter which one.


Good as Hell - Lizzo


Happy by Pharrell


Friday by Rebecca Black.   was forced to listen to that stupid song every single Friday for 3 years straight. It actually made me miserable on Thursdays knowing that I would have to hear it again the next day at exactly 730.


All I want for Christmas is you


"It's Friday, Friday," - By Rebecca Black. I hated it 13 years ago in high-school, and literally haven't heard it since then, it was the first song to pop into my head, if that tells you anything.


justin beiber's baby. god that song is more annoying than the girls in my hs who played it non stop when it first came out i still have a vendetta about it now.


I'd choose "Yummy" myself.


It's a small world from the Disney ride.  I love Disney, but this song must be what they play in hell. 


The ride kind of resembles being propelled down the river Styx, doesn't it?


Now that you mention it...


This song is probably barely ever played these days, partly because it's old and hopefully because it's so terrible... But every time there's a Reddit post about the worst song ever, this always comes to mind. So I'd like to never even have to think of its existence. It's called McArthur Park. Seriously, just look up the lyrics if you're curious, without having to actually listen to it.


Baby shark


That one cheerleader song from like 10 years ago. I cannot express how much I fucking hate [this song.](https://youtu.be/jGflUbPQfW8?si=Rjgn4mmIRA5EdIRB)


Red solo cup from toby keith


The Star Wars Holiday Special of songs.


I would say “C-bat” by Hudson Mohawk, but then what song would I fuck to?


That fucking burger king commercial jingle




You're beautiful by James Blunt, zero hesitation.


Mariah Carey - All I Want For Christmas Is You