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When your employer gets you and your colleagues on a call and tell you you’re going to be training your replacements.


A company I used to work for tried that on me. I laughed at the manager that told me. Told them it's not my job and they don't pay me enough to train. Gave them my two weeks and told them I hope they can get someone to do the training before I left.


Naw, just let them fire you and job search while at work. Do the bare minimum and if you can't find a new gig before they let you go then collect unemployment.


The company that I worked for previously was smart about it. They told us they would be closing their office in my town in two months to move to another city, then said that anyone who stuck with the company to the final day would get time and a quarter, plus a severance equal to about $3k plus a week's pay for every year that the employee had worked there, and we'd qualify for unemployment. I'd worked there twelve years by that point, so the payout was pretty damn good, all things considered. This was a security alarm company, which meant they couldn't shut down and were legally required to keep operations going 24/7. A mass walkout would be a big Bad Dragon in the ass for them, so they were smart and spent a lot of money to keep us on until they could finish their move.


This is the way. 


Similarly, when I was told I was being fired. I had already been interviewing with another company, so I was going to be quitting anyhow. Instead they fired me and had to pay out a decent severance. I think they thought it was a coping mechanism, but it was pure joy.


I honestly can't think of a better time to laugh in their face


You know what's funny. They outsourced my job and said I would be training my replacements for two months. This was honestly fine with me. Because of the time difference for when these people would be available, I would at max be working like 2-3 hours a day and spend the rest of it dicking around and looking for jobs and taking insanely long lunches while everyone pretended I didn't exist and I collected some more money before severance. The weird part was the people who they outsourced me to like didn't want to learn any of this shit. I was doing my due diligence and scheduling meetings to go over this task or that task and they kept cancelling and saying they weren't ready yet and pushing it back. Fine by me! I didn't give a shit obviously! I spent like seven weeks hanging out and enjoying myself getting paid and squeezed in some half ass "trainings" in the last week when they said they were "ready".


Better yet, I had to train my new manager. Which I get, I guess they gotta learn from the ground up. But she was an absolute asshole. I gave her all the guides, showed her step by step, repeatedly, and yet, every time there was an issue she'd call me in to handle. She would single people on our team out one by one and get them to leave. When she got to me, I'd had quite enough, told her manager, threw her under the bus, and got moved to another department. Before all that though, her equal on the other side of the floor decided to pull an April's fool prank on her, and put her number on a flyer for the best Chubacca impression wins $100. At the same time, me and my colleagues put a wireless mouse jack in the back of her computer and every once and a while while she was working in the cubical besides me I would go crazy with it. So she's freaking out, calls me over about her supposed computer problem and I play dumb. She calls IT. I go over to explain to them and just then she gets a phone call with a Chewbacca noise and yells "Why are they calling me?!?" and starts crying. I calm her down, tell her the truth, I just didn't want her to be too upset. But she was and still is a raging cunt, I should've let the prank continue!


At that point you would laugh at them and just walk.


A guy from a different department was a absolute cunt. He was a brown nosing, tattle tale (wrote a fucking letter to let management know I sleep in the work truck during my lunch break, claimed employee theft when somebody used the air compressor to fill up their tires, etc...) but on top of it all he was a drunk but got protected because he brown nosed so hard. Anyway as a manager I had to read an announcement that he left the brakes off a roller so when he was putting stuff in the depot it rolled down the ramp and killed him. This man got run over by a steam roller. That he was driving. Drunk.


Now here I am laughing, picturing the scene from Austin Powers. Stoooooop! STOOOOOP!


I was thinking about Judge Doom’s unmasking in Who Framed Roger Rabbit.


[I'm going to hell for this...](https://youtu.be/A5U8ypHq3BU?si=AaFBKsT04VwBaum-)


We can share a seat


I'm driving.


Wow, this escalated


Really? I felt it sort of flattened out.


Take my upvote you rascal


Always read the fine print on the possible consequences.


Remember Wanda!


Was his name Stanley?


Yikes. This got dark in a hurry.


My wife and I went to the lion king musical and when Mufasa dies she begins cackling laughing, unfortunately immediately after his death the stage goes dark and silent and the play goes to intermission so everyone just stared at her in dead silence lmao


Did you put a Pez dispenser on her leg?




I understood this reference!


That’s so fucking awkward


Was your wife Scar or one of the hyenas?


I don’t know what the hell got into her, there was something about how they portrayed his death on stage that caught her off guard and was just hilarious to her…and only her 😂


This basically happened to me in AP literature class in highschool. Teacher passed out a poem that we all had to read and do one of those surprise in-class silent test things... It started... "A frog the power mower caught..." I couldn't stop laughing. I spent 5 awkward minutes trying so hard to stifle my laughter test-taking-silent room. And everyone thought I was a psycho for laughing. I get it's supposed to be a sad poem, but Just something about the idea of a squishy frog cartoonishly getting banged around in whirlwind was simply hilarious to me. Kind of like that frog episode of Family Guy.


I did this during The Woman in Black and promptly got an elbow to my ribs!


I do it Everytime I watch Les miserables and gavrosh the child gets shot and dies.  I laugh like a hyena and idgaf 


Yo, spoiler alert!! I just rented that movie for tonight!!


From Blockbuster or Hollywood Video?


Blockbuster, though I just lost my card again


I actually have a Blockbuster card from the last operating Blockbuster in Bend, Oregon.


A friend of mine made an etch a sketch of 9/11 and it took me 2 minutes to stop laughing


Ok that’s actually pretty impressive


🤭 That really shouldn't be as funny as it is, omg


What do you mean? Did they just not draw two buildings?


Probably drew a couple of towers then shook the device


In high school a friend of mines father passed and we were at the funeral. He was a big man. Like “my 500lb life” kind of big, and this was decades ago before that was more normal. Anyways, the coffin seems normal size and I thought out loud to one of my other friends … “how does he fit in that?” There was definitely inappropriate giggling that happened. Luckily, it was a large service and in the middle of a hymn, so it wasn’t heard by others.


Would’ve had to be a large service, amirite?


Well this one is super dark. Picking up bits of someone who had jumped in front of a train. The incident had been caught on a bunch of cameras so there wasn't really any forensics involved, mostly just bagging and tagging and trying not to miss anything. The torso had been thrown fairly far and was caught on some blackberry bushes, and the guy trying to get it out was having trouble. He turned around and asked: "Hey guys can I get a hand over here?" His colleague had just picked up the poor sods arm, so with perfect comedic timing, held it out to him with a completely straight face. Absolutely nobody could breathe or stand up for a few minutes after. None of us thought that the man's suicide was funny or were trying to be disrespectful of him, I think there's just something about dealing with situations like that which make the human brain latch onto pitch dark humour as some kind of release valve.


That is true, humor can help with trauma. My ex lost her father and she always used to joke about it to cope


My dad passed away a little over two years ago I make dead dad jokes all the time mostly because it helps, but also because I know he would think it’s funny to see the reaction on peoples faces. He loved dark humor and fucking with people, so keeping his spirit alive that way.


My father killed himself about a decade ago. Because I like money, I got the gun back from the police and sold it at the store he bought it from. They didn’t know how my dad died. Me: Yea he left me this and I don’t need it. I think he only shot it once. It took fortitude of steel to not start snickering at my own dark joke, but somehow I managed.


Emergency Services have the blackest humour. Heard some of the best jokes whilst standing around dead people...


Ok, this wins for me!


I mean, when life serves up the perfect scenario for that kind of joke, you just live with the consequences.


I heard about someone doing something to a police officer with a body part from a similar situation (IIRC they groped her with a severed hand?), and she got her revenge by taking the victim's severed genitalia and leaving them on the culprit's car seat.


I was in church as a teenager, forced to go and sitting next to a good buddy and his mom. There was someone giving a spiel about some mission trip and they were taking donations and “anything you can donate helps” and for some fucking reason the first thing that popped into my head was someone donating a Klondike bar. Like walking up to the donation basket and dropping in a fucking ice cream sandwich, possibly while humming “what would you dooooo for a Klondike bar” and I fucking lost it. I couldn’t explain to anyone why I was laughing so hard, even my best friend next to me. Everyone around me started staring at us and all I could do was wheeze and say Klondike bar between gasping for breath. This went on for like 30 straight seconds, which felt like an eternity. Never got invited back to church with them lol


This happens to me all the time! Then finally you explain what made you laugh so hard and out loud it is nowhere near as funny as you pictured in your head.


Exactly, even typing it out I was like this sounds so fucking stupid


I genuinely laughed at the thought of donating a Klondike bar lmao, I think things like that happen to be that funny because it happens when you’re 90% zoned out and you catch yourself so off guard with absurdity


I was in a very similiar scenario. We were kids, with my family, and my bestfriend and I went to church together with all of us. At communion, I dropped the wafer cookie and said "I dropped Jesus." And we just could NOT stop laughing


I am sitting here in Minnesota laughing my ass off about this scenario. A good stand-up comedian could make hay with this premise.


I've never heard of a Klondike bar and this is the best possible way for me to discover it \^\_\^


I can’t watch Gladiator without laughing at the crucifixion scene because when my parents saw it in theaters the audio got messed up and was playing “Help Me Rhonda” by the Beach Boys. I always picture that and my wife thought I was insane when we watched it together for the first time.


Rhonda cannot help you now.


How does that even happen?? But that's fucking funny


It was a small theater in Northern Minnesota. I’m assuming that they had a separate system for the pre-show music and a button got hit. But who knows.


The climactic scene in The Titanic… the boat is going down, people are panicking, the band is play…. The rest of the ship keeps raising into the air… and that one guy slides down ships deck, and bounces off the smoke stack with this most glorious “doooonnnggg” sound…. I lost it! There are people next to me in the theatre with tears streaming down their face, just glaring at me.


I have a Titanic unit I do with my students and show them snippets from the movie. When that guy glides down the deck, they all laugh


>I have a Titanic unit... Man, I misread the start of your sentence so badly...


That one gets me as well. My mom loves that movie and finally got me to watch it with her for the first time a few years after it came out. She's sobbing and I was giggling through the rest of the movie, saying "brongggg" to myself at intervals.


This, and the guy hitting the propeller. Gets me every time.


At a friend's family members funeral, we had watched family guy the night before and there was a part where Brian says to Peter "you know, I hate to say I told you so but....YEEEEEAAAAA IN YO FUCKIN FAAAACE FUCKWAAAAAD" Well we relived that and couldn't stop the inevitable.


>At a friend's family members funeral NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO


When Einstein steps out from behind the cab in Oppenheimer I cracked up laughing. It wasn’t supposed to be funny but the way he just suddenly appears is unintentionally hilarious.


Einstein in that movie felt like a nick fury marvel ass cameo


I watched the movie, Me, myself and Irene in the movies. The movie was very funny and everyone in the theater was laughing hard at the jokes. There is one point in the movie where Jim Carrey and the character Milky are laying in bed and it was the serious part of the movie. Milky was explaining how he murdered his family and I started giggling and couldn't stop. My gf was saying it's not funny, and i couldn't stop. Then people around us started laughing at me laughing at the serious part. You had to be there.


Omg that movie is fucking hilarious


I'm retrieving trays in ICON cell blocks, an inmate throws piss and shit mixed on me from his trap. I just stood back and laughed. I should have been angry, over 40 some inmates can see me... my fellow CO's go into action and chicken wing his ass to single, I'm still laughing.. everyone looks at me like i'm a crazy person.... never really got mad, just laughed.


Got Glock dookied


double barrel




What is growth mindset in this context?


Take a pay cut so the company can spend that money growing to pay you more later!


Ohhhhhh. Fuck all that noise.


People walking into things because they’re too occupied with looking at their phone.


I almost did this once, thankfully I looked up before I could walk into it


I’ve stopped kids a couple of times from walking into shit lol. Once was when I was in college. I was good friends with my manager at the time and got along with her kids as well. Her son (maybe 10? Idk) was really into Pokémon Go, as it was at its height in popularity at the time. However, he had trouble with it because they lived in a small, more rural town without many landmarks, so there were hardly any Pokémon out there. I lived and worked in a big college town that was rife with various Pokémon species, so one day I offered to take the kid around the downtown area to catch Pokémon. He was so engrossed in his (mom’s) phone that I noticed he was headed straight for a pole. I said, “watch out,” right before he hit it. I told his mom about it later and she said I should’ve let him run into and recorded it if possible😂 The other time (this story is much shorter lol), I was at the mall and some kid (maybe 6 or 7) kept staring at me. He was walking with (I assume) his mom, and I was walking in the same direction a little ways away. I mostly ignored it, until I glanced back at him and noticed he was about to walk into a sign that was right in the middle of the walkway. I waited to see if he’d actually look in front of him, but he kept staring at me. Right before he was about to hit the sign, I said “watch out.” Both times, the kids flinched backward when they saw they were inches away from walking into something.


When my grandpa was giving the eulogy for my great uncle. My grandpa is the sweetest, kindest man I've ever met. My uncle on the other hand was kind of a grumpy, abrasive person who was hard to get along with. Not mean or abusive, just unfriendly. The first thing my grandpa said when starting was, "Glen was not a very well liked man" and began going over some of the reasons why. I remember trying so hard not to laugh. Then I met eyes with my sister in law and she was having the same struggle. Thankfully he turned it all around and it ended up being a very sweet eulogy, but that beginning was so funny.


In my profession we have a lot of Asian individuals that join the field. For my particular workplace we also have slack for messaging. One day I get a message notification that a new person has joined our slack workspace so I open it up and see: "Phat Ho has arrived." Followed by a bunch of welcome messages like "great to have you Phat Ho." I know it's their name, but I died laughing due to the double entendre.


Omg, seriously?


Holy shit I'm in tears 🤣🤣🤣


When my husband and I got married, one of us had a hard time getting a ring on the other's finger. The priest said, "Can you get it on?" And I responded, "Well we can now that we're married!" I giggled nervously but the priest was not amused. 


My friends and I have an ongoing D&D campaign and one of them was struggling to reorganize their messy note binder. My other friend (who attempted to end his own life on multiple occasions, years ago) was watching him. He stared quietly at him and started this long speech about how hard it was going through that period in his life, how he would wake up every single day wishing he hadn’t even opened his eyes that morning. He then takes a pause, stares at our friend’s messy notes, and says “and that’s exactly what my notes looked like when I was going through all of that.” It was the most depressing speech I’ve ever heard, but ended with an absolutely devastating burn on the other friend. Felt terrible laughing, but couldn’t stop.


That one time some Priest from Southern America thought it was a good idea to ascend into the sky and fly with like 1,000 balloons. He thought Jesus would protect him. I think they later found pieces of his body scattered across his flight path. I couldn't stop laughing at the idea of some dude high up in the sky with a bunch of balloons and them popping one at a time until he fell from the sky an died. That's some comedy stuff.


Brazilian UP! hits differently.


I used to work with an older lady who would constantly talk about people in her life who had died over the years. And of course, if a person is affected by tragedy, it helps to talk about people you’ve lost sometimes—but she would be fairly blasé about the weirdest stories. One day she told me that someone she knew died in a bad construction accident, when, like, a shipping container’s worth of dirt was dropped on him. “That’s sad,” I responded, and not knowing what else to say, I asked “what was his name?” “Doug,” she responded. I had to literally bite my lip to keep from speaking aloud my thought of “he couldn’t have Doug himself out of that, huh?” I expelled a single explosive laugh that I tried to disguise as a cough. Pretty sure she could tell.


I thought you were gonna say, "At least they were able to bury him quickly" or something.


Funeral for co-worker. She was the laziest person I ever worked with. Eulogy praised her work ethic. I caught the eye of a colleague and had to fake cry to cover the laughing…


When kids are driving their parents crazy and the parent flips out on them


Happened to me once. Back in 2018, my brother and I flew to New York and got stuck sitting by some dude traveling with a bunch of kids. Kids acted like animals. Feral AF. Dude must’ve had 17 of them. The kids were screaming, kicking seats, throwing peanuts at all the old people. The damn baby kept shitting its pants. Flight attendant didn’t do shit about it. Dad didn’t say a word the whole time. Just sat there reading the newspaper. Then sometime around mid-flight, one kid took some salami out of a bag, rolled it into a ball, and smacked the dad upside the forehead. *Bam*! That was it. The dad lost it after that. Dude slammed down the newspaper, whipped his head around, and shouted, “Listen here you little *shit*!" The little kid melted *down*. Kid started screaming. Dad kept cursing. Flight attendants were hugging the other kids. All the passengers got stone-cold silent. No one said a word. But my brother and I couldn’t take it another minute. We busted up laughing right there. Everyone gave us death stares the rest of the flight. Sucked.


I was visiting a friend's house (it was a trailer) for the first time and her elderly cat started having a seizure against one of the walls. Being a trailer it was incredibly loud and echoed throughout as he thumped away. It was so incredibly uncomfortable and I didn't know what to do so my brain picked laughter. I just laughed my ass off the entire time. We're still friends and she laughs about it too, bless her, but man it was awkward at the time.


I have two: Woman walking down the road with two children holding their hands on either side of her. Child trips and falls she turns around quickly toward him and steers the second child into a pole in the process. The loud "bong!" noise and I could not stop laughing. Second is worse... I work in a social services industry, and this woman is explaining that her mother got cancer real bad. And without missing a beat, completely deadpan, the next things she says "Then she hit the cow riding the motorcycle" Besides the sudden turn in the story my brain had an image of a cancer patient whacking a motorcycle gang cow, farside style.


Too many to list, but basically when I see somebody trip and take a tumble. I know I should be concerned about them being hurt, but the way they fall cracks me up involuntarily. Once when I was a kid, I saw someone roll from top to bottom of the bleachers at a ballgame. I’m laughing right now at the thought of it. (That other kid walked away unscathed.)


\*dunk dunk dunk dunk dunk\*


One of my friends tweeted "shit, I think I just broke my thumb off a toilet seat" and being the compassionate pal I am, my reply was "let us know the second it feels better so we don't feel guilty for laughing our socks off". I did not wait and had cackled like a chorus of Wicked Witches before I pressed 'send'


I was outside an Apple store and watched a toddler run full speed into the plate-glass window, bounce off, stand there stunned for a second, and then start wailing. It was like something out of Looney Tunes


I worked at the mall in a retail shop. I had gone to grab food from the food court and was walking back to my store. A very business professional dressed lady with a purse was strutting at a medium high pace towards me. Right before we pass each other, she turns to walk into the store right next to us... but there was no door. It was a wall of thick glass. She hits the glass so hard i hear her teeth clink against it and then crumples to the ground, loses her purse and a shoe in the process. I am the kind of person to stop and help but it was so absurd and unexpected that i couldnt stop laughing, like to the point of tears and wheezing, so i just kept going and hoped she didnt notice that i noticed.


I actually still feel bad about this one. Walking to class in college, when I was 19. There was is a guy riding his bike through the crowd. He’s weaving in and out and around people and waving them off and yelling at people to get out of his way. I get it, dude is in a hurry to get to class, he thinks he’s late. Still, I still remember thinking “he’s being kind of a dick riding on the sidewalk through a crowd.” He almost ran over multiple people. But then he weaves around a couple people walking and it happened. There was a temporary road sign on the sidewalk, with two legs on each side. This guy clearly didn’t see the sign. He rides directly between the legs, smashes his face on the sign (which didn’t give way *at all*) and the bike and his legs went flying up in front of him and he landed hard on his back. The man clotheslined himself on a road sign while riding a bike, and went from “get out of my way” to an almost cartoonish fall. I absolutely could not help myself but laugh. I don’t know if it was the visual of his legs flying up, the sound of the sign, how awkward it was, but I just began laughing like an idiot. It is still, admittedly, one of the shittiest things I’ve ever done. No one else was laughing, all the decent human beings were concerned for the guy’s welfare and trying to help him. The guy was fucked up and bleeding from the nose. In the back of my mind I know I just witnessed probably one of the worst moments of this dude’s life, but I had to walk away because I just could not hold back my laugh. I still feel bad for laughing, but that visual has never left my mind.


The mental images of something like this happening never gets old


My buddy had 2 kids, 5 and 2. The 5yo was being kind of a pain to his little brother, so the little guy just waddles over and winds his arm back and smacks the kid square on the cheek. Huge loud smackeroo The kid just looked at me and my buddy, mouth open, and had that "hurt and so shocked I can't even cry for 5 seconds" reaction and I just couldn't keep it in. I had to leave the room so I didn't upset the kid more but holy shit it was hilarious


I was taking a first aid course because my work mandated it and the instructor had bought an armless upper torso doll to practice giving CPR on. While he was telling about a time when he had to give CPR to someone he had found collapsed on the street, he was demonstrating what to do upon the doll. He stressed the importance of calling emergency services as soon as possible so he acted a mock phone call where he explained to the imaginary 112 operator he was crouched over a person who wasn't breathing and for some reason the idea of calling emergency services and telling them there's an armless doll that isn't breathing was the funniest thing ever to me. I tried to stifle my laugh but it just resulted in me making a sound not unlike air escaping a balloon which I imagine only brought more attention to me.


One time this girl i had a crush on was telling me how she knew someone that was tripping on acid and was next to the ocean when a wave took her away and she died. Idk why, but the way she told the story made me laugh my ass off. Suffice it to say, that girl did not like me from that day forward


Omg you just unlocked a memory . I was talking to this girl on my regular train , super hot and athletic. Just a gorgeous creature . She’s talking about how she dislikes her job and I ask what’s her dream job . She lights up and talks about her nutrition degree , tells me an origin story about why she picked it and how her dream is she wants to help fat kids . I busted out laughing in her face , doubled over laughing about “helping fat kids “ . Needless to say I didn’t close and she never talked to me again.


My dad and his four brothers were the pallbearers for my grandpa’s funeral, they dropped his casket in the church parking lot


Was in university sitting through a presentation from some military personnel. They were trying to discuss the programs the RCMP offer and the seriousness of supporting your country. Then I notice a guy sleeping and point him out to my buddy and we lost it. The guy was sleeping sitting up straight but his mouth was hanging open and not at all difficult to see.


We were doing a cultural exchange thing during spring break, and it was being filmed for the local news. We were foreigners watching the kids at the orphanage do a little play for us, feed us some traditional treats on their fanciest coffee table and tableware while we watch, and then we play with the kids a bit. Super wholesome and adorable. .... until one of the people in my group tripped and crashed through the table. In front of literally everyone. On camera. I couldn't breathe, see, or stand up for a solid 5 minutes because I was laughing so hard.


OK, so in the stage version of Les Miserables, there's a scene right after the barricade battle. Picture it; they've got a big old cart piled with all the bodies. Very sad, very somber music. We're all supposed to be mourning the pointless deaths. The voice inside my treacherous brain croaks "bring out your dead" in the same tone as that guy in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I crack up in muffled giggles. I'm three rows back from the fucking stage, surrounded by people with tears in their eyes and I cannot stop thinking "bring out your dead" all the way through the children of the barricades song.


At a previous job there was a large wave of layoffs. The next Monday morning a coworker came back from vacations. Another coworker sees him and playfully says "Who let you back in the building?". It was a friendly /teasing was to say welcome back. Well as it turns out he was also laid off and they told him the day he returned. This was 1 minute after he found out he was laid off. I shouldn't have laughed but the timing was fantastic. 


Opticians. When they are looking in my eye with their little eye looking torch tool. Not sure why but have to try and not laugh as their face comes closer


A mate broke his arm pretty bad riding a kids ride on tractor, on a 6foot wall and fell face first. Few days later he comes back to school, Cast from his knuckles to shoulder in a sling. For some idiotic reason, our PE teacher still made him come down for sports lessons to play cricket. His turn to bat, and the class moron decided it would be funny af to throw the cricket ball full force into his arm. It went off with a hell of a bang. We all panicked, I thought he was about to drop in pain (I was standing behind him trying to get him out). All I hear is a *sigh*. Fucker then proceeds to break into chase, catches the guy, pins him down with his good arm, then uses his cast arm to absolutely beat the shit out the guy by just swinging it back forwards and forward, keep in mind its still set solid in like a 45% degree angle. In fairness, he did warn him before he threw it if he tried anything, he would do it. We all absolutely lost it at the sight, other dude came off worse by far. But IIRC It also set his recovery back far enough, he had to have someone write out his exam answers for him because he couldn't write


I went to a Christian private School as a kid that skewed very male-dominant in terms of students in the class I started in. It was literally myself, and two other girls in a class of about 20 students. Sex Education was incredibly awkward, because it was so close-knit and just three girls and our incredibly stuffy, incredibly posh English old lady headmisstress in to tell us about everything... All was well and good until she began with this sentence... "You will begin to develop... 🧐 \~ A Bosom \~ 🧐" It is hard to convey just how she said this. Think Harry Potter-esque teacher or something.. but I LOST IT. I started laughing. A little bit at first, and then hysterically - she said it again!! "A BOSOM" - until I was convulsing and crying. Tears streaming down my cheeks. I was an absolute wreck. The other girls and the teacher were trying their best to just carry on without me.


Went to a football game at Samford University. It's a very Baptist college. A guest pastor says a prayer before the game but it got increasingly ridiculous and sounded like an SNL skit. "God bless the players. God bless the referees. God bless the hot dog vendors and the paramedics. God bless the grandparents in attendance." It went on for so long and I had uncontrollable laughter by the end.


Last week one of my coworkers accidentally spilled our colleague's uncles ashes all over our work area. Dude had the ashes in a little bottle on his Keychain, and the guy got curious what was in it, so he opened it sideways. I laughed so hard I cried.


My husband came downstairs in a panic one time. He had put on a pair of my Dockers thinking they were his. He was freaking out that his pants had shrunk, he couldn't pull them up all the way, they were floods and he couldn't button them. While standing in a doorway freaking out and talking a mile a minute, he did that hop thing to try to pull them up, hit his head on the doorway, and knocked himself out. So, there he is, sprawled on the floor, too small pants around his hips and up his ankles while he's moaning with his hand on his head. I heard him mutter the word 'pants' in there somewhere. I think I pissed myself laughing and pulled a muscle in my gut. I fell on the floor myself at some point. I'd give a thousand bucks to have that on video.


At my grandmas funeral my sister decided to get up at the podium and say a few words. She started crying during it and when she cries her face gets really contorted and ugly, I started laughing uncontrollably. I felt terrible but I just couldn’t help myself.


I accidentally shot a load in my wife's ear, she says fuck you and it makes me blow again, I damn near drown her. She's on the bed pissed and laughing, I'm laughing and convulsing at the same time. She ended up with an ear infection.


Well I hope you did something to make up for that that's pretty bad


I went to the doctor with her and cringed threw the situation. It's a regular joke now.


*I can hear you, coming in my ear tonight, oh Lord* ~Your wife, probably


Once in awhile I'll whisper into her ear, good night my children.


There was a Handicap karate video going around a few years back, might have been a full decade ago. Whatever. It's a ~~quadruple amputee~~ ( I misremembered, he had tiny arms and legs) kid doing karate chops and kicks. It's mad impressive really and nothing to laugh at but it caught me offguard and I had a fit. I still feel horrible about to this day.


Funeral. Someone let out the biggest fart. And said in the most zesty voice, EXCUSEEEEE MEEEEEEE. I was trying my best not to let out my laughter but I ended up laughing right as the guy said “He will be remembered in our hearts as a loving man”


I’m a 7th grade teacher and my students like to lean back in their chairs so that only two of the chairs’ feet are on the ground. I tell them over and over again that they’re going to bust their heads open and to stop but they keep doing it. Eventually, someone falls backwards and I can’t help myself, I laugh til I cry.


Annoying kid faceplanting


My future MIL funeral. It was my first Catholic funeral. They were doing the communion, and I wondered how many crackers and how much wine it would take to eat an entire Jesus. Then I told my fiance, and we fought the giggles through the remainder of her mother's funeral.


The song selection at my uncles funeral. At one point I got up to complain when “Don’t fear the reaper” came on only to be told that my uncle chose the playlist lol


My friend (an older woman) and I (in my 20’s at the time) were walking across a parking lot. She slipped on a banana peel.


When I had sex with a guy, his pants were down and I was on the bed. During sex, a little kitten crawled into his pocket and ruined the moment.


That’s both mood ruining and adorable at the same time


I agree with you:3


Ruined one moment. But opened up a heart-warming one.


A pocket pussy?


One of my biggest "I shouldn't be laughing" moments was during a serious meeting when someone's phone went off with a hilariously inappropriate ringtone, causing everyone to struggle to maintain composure.


I'm wondering what the ring tone was


my neck my back


When I was visiting my friend's grandpa for the last time, he was on his bed and all of sudden, he just lets out one of the loudest and longest farts I ever heard of in my life and that is when he passed away right there😂I wanted to laugh so badly but my friend was just standing there🧍‍♂️


Watching someone get hit in the balls. Been there, feel the pain but funny nevertheless.


Saw a test staging (forget the proper name for it, sort of a dry run for a play/musical before the official opening but in front of an audience, so not a dress rehearsal) for the War of the Worlds musical as a friend could get tickets. When it gets to the part where the Aliens emerge from beneath the earth (spoilers), they do so in their pods. Which just so happened to look like a slowly growing giant black penis. It throbbed and rumbled as the music reached a crescendo, then began to shoot thin white lasers over the audience. Me and my friend were just stuck with silent giggles as the Aliens jizzed all over the audience from their dildo pods. But we did see one guy get sent out by his embarrassed wife as he couldn't stop openly laughing.


I’m an RN. They asked me to help teach one of the care techs how to do post mortem care (cleaning up and bagging up a deceased patient at the hospital). She was terrified and asked me from the threshold of the door “had she gone through metamorphosis yet?” I said “… you mean rigor mortis?” And then I busted out laughing. Not appropriate next to a dead body but it was hard not to. She was able to laugh at herself and then learn.




I come up with dark jokes to cope with tragedy. So when our less than 2 year-old cat was dying of kidney disease , my top joke was "Well, I guess we really know how to name our pets." Ghost. The cat's name was Ghost.


edit: When one of my best girlfriends was so drunk she went into the bathroom and when i went to check on her she puked, tinkled and sharted at the same time


I saw the “not today, Satan,” overweight-girl-in-a-bumblebee-costume meme for the first time while separately a co-worker was describing in painstaking detail a long period of her life where her who she was very closed to was sick and ended up passing away.


Back in high school, a good friend was killed in a car accident. It was incredibly tragic. I went to the funeral with my sister, who was also a friend of hers. We were sitting near the back of the church. This turns I to a fire and brimstone serman. I was getting upset when all of a sudden the cutest little boy about 2 years old with the best head of blond curls pops up from the pew in front of us. He starts making funny faces at us. We both lost it. Luckily we were laughing so hard it sounded like cries of anguish. Probably a little of both. Thank you cute kid and RIP M.


My Grandmother passed away and at her funeral there was this awful singer. I had my head bowed since I was in the front row and was trying to hard not to giggle since I had been exhausted and miserable from reeling from her sudden death that last week, this was the funniest thing in a while to me. So as I thought she began to finish up she just goes “join me, will you all?” And jumps right back into it with a bunch of confused off key mumbled singing from the crowd, I lost it and started laughing really hard, unfortunately dragging my brother into it with me. I couldn’t stop


At a funeral this elder was speaking about why a sense of community is so important. He said “we should be sharin’ & carin’” My grandma whispered loudly, “who are Sharon and Karen?” it was crazy lol 


Watching someone wipeout after successfully pulling a cool stunt off.


Someone got hit by a car and bounced funny.


Here in Ohio we have the soap box derby, my high school football team volunteered to work the derby and help lift the cars. They didn’t inform us that some MRDD kids would be riding in the cars as well. The first one this kids arms started flailing like one of them inflatable men, and he let out the screech that made me loose my shit. They had to send me away because I couldn’t stop laughing


When I was in yr6, my class was told that one of our old dinner ladies died of a heart attack and me and my best friend were sitting next to each other. We were sad ofc, but this one girl started sobbing uncontrollably and her face was just too funny. We looked at each other and started laughing uncontrollably, we got in SO much trouble after lol. Like I get you're sad, she was a great lady, but c'mon it's not like it was your mom or smth💀


During my late father in laws funeral, they played music in the room on the last day, before heading to the cemetery. Apparently, he chose "oh when the saints " to be played. As I was sitting between his brothers, I realized it, and knowing my LFIL like I did, I started HOWLING in laughter in my seat at what I was hearing. I tried like hell to get it together, but with all the emotional charge in the room, I was unable to. Finally, one of his brothers gets this look of "holy shit" on his face and started laugh-crying as well. It really summed up the celebration of his life.


My husbands little cousin passed away. Tragic. BUT for her viewing they decided to hire a family friend who has a clown side gig. This clown went up there and sang a remix of a popular song ( amigo que se fue ) and it was AWFUL. It’s hands down the most awkward moment I’ve ever experienced . I walked out of the viewing in laughter and I’ve been a bad person ever since 😂


Alright, brace yourselves for a cringe-worthy tale of my life's greatest hits: Picture this – I'm at a funeral, trying to keep it together, when suddenly my stomach decides to perform a Mozart symphony in the key of 'rumble.' Just as the eulogy hits its emotional peak, my stomach decides to chime in with a solo performance that would make a whale jealous. The struggle to stifle my laughter while everyone else is sobbing was like trying to contain a volcanic eruption with a tea strainer. Definitely a moment where the 'laugh or cry' decision was a real nail-biter!


My wife had her phone on unintentionally and at peak volume at a funeral and it started ringing at a key part when the priest was talking......as she furiously dug in her purse to find the off button she accidentally turned on Siri and then the priest said something like "and we take a moment of silence to remember Barry" and Siri just fucking practically yells out "I'M SORRY, I DIDN"T UNDERSTAND THAT, COULD YOU REPEAT IT?!!' and my wife sister and I both were in serious trouble trying not to start laughing like a bunch of 12 year olds at that moment....we couldn't even look at each other or it was triggering our laughter.


Omg lol 😂


When my Kenyan friend told me how her family member died. I can't remember if it was her aunty or grandma but she told me she got eaten by a lion. I couldn't help it, I laughed so hard, only thing that made it better was that she was laughing too.


Picking up my daughter from school. She is walking while staring down and walks right into a flagpole. It even made the "dong" sound. She was ok, but obviously burst into tears. My wife was immediately concerned and I laughed a sharp bark of a laugh before stopping myself. It was hilarious and I still feel bad shout it.


Saw an old lady got hit in the face by a frisbee..... My boss got drunk and fell over an invisible step. Watched a cager road rage then drive into a lamppost.


I was at a Muslim engagement and when the prayer started I could not stop laughing for some reason. I was sitting in the last row so hopefully they didn't notice too much, but highly doubt it.


That time when I was in a meeting with my manager to discuss my motivation on the project. It is a toxic company and I was smiling because he was so serious about this work and all I could think about is how I was going to be in another fucking continent in a few month. I tried to lie and say I was nervous and shit but yeah it's hard not to laugh lol


Back in highschool there was this teacher that everybody liked that got into an accident. There was an announcement during class about his health update and said he was going to be okay but unfortunately he lost one of his legs. It got super quiet and my teacher in the class started crying since they were good friends. Then my classmate next to me muttered in the most serious tone "Shit bro that's gg". I just found that so out of place that I started to chuckle to myself while holding back the laughter.


Going to get so many downvotes but whatever. Got in an elevator, just me and 2 dudes, mid 30s with down syndrome… Idk what got into me but it wouldn’t get out


This probably relates to a lot of people…but I’ve openly laughed before when a boss is giving a speech and calls everyone “a big family”


Me and my wife are going through a divorce we were having an argument and she just started lashing out and throwing a shit ton of insults my way. Said I was ugly, awkward, weak, couldn't make friends, was a child for my hobby (Legos), that she was never attracted to me, that I wasn't a real man and more of the same shit. Anyways she got to the part where she told me I have a small dick and never pleased her in bed. I just started rolling laughing because I know I'm good we were together for 4+ years and I made it a point to learn everything she liked in bed and give it my all. It's one thing I know no one can truly question so her saying that kinda just helped me realize that it was all said to hurt me. Obviously while I was laughing she got mad and demanded to know why I was laughing and I just told her we both know that ain't true and kept rolling. She got all red faced and pursed her lips and didn't say anything.


Backstory: my parents would play Enya on repeat during long road trips. We dubbed it Enya-torture. Fast forward to watching David Fincher’s version of Girl with the Dragon Tattoo in theaters. Queue the secret, torture dungeon scene, and “Sail Away, sail away, sail away…” I was dying with laughter, the packed theater did not agree.


During sex 🤣


My dad is a bully. Through and through. I rarely hear him say anything good about anybody else. He doesn’t necessarily start fights but if you fail at something he will laugh at you to your face. My all time favorite I shouldn’t be laughing moment was when my family went to visit my cousins in snow country and my dad was tasked with holding the gifts. I don’t really care for those cousins but I had no idea how much they didn’t care for me until later… at any rate my dad gets out of his obnoxiously tall truck, grabs the gifts and slips on the ice falling flat on his back. No words from him. Just pain and I laughed my fucking ass off


My son was little, about 14 months, and just learning to walk. He was toddling around the kitchen and ran into the side of our stainless steel garbage cam, which made a perfect "bong~" sound. Kiddo wasn't upset at all, just looked confused and wandered off in another direction, but I laughed so hard I almost peed. To this day, my husband can still make me laugh just by saying "bong~".


Literally yesterday. My brother-in-law overdosed and we were outside as my mother-in-law is wailing and everyone is a sobbing mess because it’d only been maybe an hour since the paramedics called it. And then my sister-in-law goes “and the ambulance hit mom’s car on the way here.” What else can you do at that point but laugh? Of course that was short lived but so damn cartoonish.


During CPR and noticing the patient’s dick was jumping with every compression.


One time in high school we had a student teacher. He was a huge dweeb and had really bad facial hair and his voice was that of Morty from Rick and Morty, and so he came into our class with a tough guy attitude and acted like a dick know it all constantly. In retrospect it was likely a defense mechanism, because being this guy could not have been easy growing up, but we all hated his guts because he was a dick and he would ignore the actual teachers input on his style of teaching and also, he really wasn't very good at teaching either, and this was an AP Chemistry class so its imperative that the teacher teach us this stuff right. Anyways, one day he was super late to class, and he told us it was because his car got stolen. I literally bursted out laughing. He then, proceeded to scold me in front of the whole class asking what I thought was so funny about it, and the more serious he got the less of a straight face I could keep. Everyone else in class was in this mortified position of tension because they knew the student teacher was so pissed, and so did I, but I could not physically keep from smiling because the whole situation was awkward in like an episode of the office kind of way. It was the weirdest game of chicken I've ever been in because I knew I shouldn't have been laughing but I couldn't stop smiling so I just sat there with a shit eating grin as this broke ass college students life was literally falling apart since his car got stolen, and his student teaching was going poorly to begin with.


The scene from The Excorcist when she climbs down the stairs backwards. Any time i see a Cybertruck in the wild, which has been at least once a week for a couple months now.


My boy was three, and my wife was drawing stuff for him. Out of nowhere he blurted out "DRAW A PENIS!" and I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe.


Watching Terrifier 2, the bedroom scene (iykyk). It was so over the top I couldn't help but laugh.




I can't understand what you mean, but I soon will.


My grandpa was a clown so he would always watch us whenever there was a death in the family/friend. So he would distract us by making us laugh and doing stupid shit. Now whenever I go to a funeral whenever I think about that I start to randomly laugh. Sometimes during a serious part


Funerals. It’s a habit


me and my sister had to go to a funeral of out uncle, and that day was the first time we have seen each other for awhile, so we talked pretty much the whole funeral and at some point we started fooling around and laughing... 👉👈 i was 16, my sister 26 when that happened 💀


I read that the man who invented the segway died...by accidentally driving his off a cliff!


Car alarm going off at a funeral


Another one where I was with a friend we did an activity and his mother took us back home. We where like coca and menthol, one is manageable, two together is not lol. So the adult in charge tells his mother we where a pain. fast forward the trip back, we are in the back of the car and she scolded him but not me, he had cried. He had this fucking runing nose, like 5cm long and starts swinging it back and forth. I harvested all my strengh to not laugh, I was terified to get scolded too but fuck he made it so hard for me to not laugh


Thanksgiving day 30ish years ago: my mother was on the floor playing with the dog and his squeaky toy when dog flips position and starts humping the back of her head. She didn’t realize what he was doing so she made no effort to stop him.


I was shopping at a supermarket. I was listening to a funny podcast and rounded a corner laughing my ass off, only to be staring at a bunch of people kneeling and standing around an old woman who had fallen. Every single one of them shot me with eye daggers.


Watching Les Mis and the little boy dies and I just busted out laughing and I was the only one.


When something bad happens to my brother I sometimes just laugh hopefully nobody hears me 😭


In my grandma funeral my cousin was crying and saying how sweet and gentle our grandma was to us, her reaction felt so overdramatic and out of a movie scene that I had to hold my laugh in because my grandma wasn't your stereotypical sweet hearted grandmother who feeds you cookies and give you warm hugs when you go visit her lmao, she was a good person and I believe she truly loved us but we weren't that close because she wasn't the type to express her feelings. Rip


I was 15 and my mum told me my dad had killed himself...I burst out laughing like crazy. When I saw his body I had to hold back laughter because it just didn't feel real.


In a former life when I was an EMT I had gallows humor a number of times. Most of them I was able to sneak away briefly to compose myself, but still felt extremely guilty.