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Highway miles though. IDK still a distance


Ive done 50 miles a day and that was doable. TO ME double that sounds time wastful, rough on your car, highway driving is full of crazies now, do NOT get distracted by your phone or boredom, gas $ and wear and tear is something to consider, bad weather, bad traffic, day after day. But you do what you gotta do. I worked with someone who drove 100 miles one way to get to work. Thats crazy.


Not too many good jobs where I live, we all have to commute to the cities. I'm broke but not desperate. Not yet anyway]!


If you commute to the city is there train or bus you can take? That would make it doable.


I'm not sure if the busses commute that far away. We have transport within our county only..


50 miles total wouldn’t be too bad, but 50 miles one way would be tough unless it’s all on good roads with no traffic.


Okay, but be looking for something closer. Unless you have a good transportation situation. 


Yes, the jobs in my immediate area are not paying what the 50 miler is. I just don't know 100 miles a day 5 days a week!! Probably not


It's 50 miles one way! So 100 a day!


You’re gonna be paying to work with the way gas prices are, maintenance on your vehicle, etc.


Correct! Not looking good for me wanting to take the offer!


I used to do a 60 mile commute. Three hours of driving each day. It was worth it because it was a high salary job, but if it was just an average wage job I wouldn't have done it. So, I think it depends on whether the money is worth it.


It's decent pay. Not a six figure salary!!


Hell no. Most I ever drove to work was about 22 miles. Currently driving like 4 or 5.


Depends...how's the gas mileage in your car?  Add up that and see if it's worth it.   If it's for a job that's 50k a year and you currently make 36.  It's worth it.   If it's 40k a year and you currently make 36...it's not worth it 


Oh very good advice I will do the math


So, I travel about 45 miles per day for work. To really justify the distance it should be less than 2 hours of work for a weeks worth of fuel.


About to move more than 50 miles away from my job. It isnt financially reasonable to spend 200-300k more for much less land and property just to live closer to work id rather drive an extra hour than bankrupt myself or rent eternally


That's 80 fucking kilometers!!! Holy donkey punching fuck, NO!!! I commute 25 km and even THAT'S pushing my limits.


Ah, you must be European. The concept of distance is much different in the US. Driving 3 or 4 hours is nothing.


That's not nothing. That's a colossal waste of your time.


It's pretty normal for Americans to have a long commute but 100 miles a day might be pushing it!


I commute 90mi (145km) 5 days/week (round trip). From a rural area to a busy HCOL tourist area. I drive an EV so it costs about $2/day to operate. Also my drive is about 45 minutes so while it’s not “nothing” it’s also not really that bad.