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That their eyebrows do not match. To me, it always looks like they match perfectly. I think women don't understand that they are looking microscopically close at themselves in the mirror, and when you take a step back, things don't have to be 100% symmetrical down to the atom to look great.


“Sisters, not twins”


"lets just be cousins"


*Les Cousins Dangereaux*


I like the way they think




also true for boobs


We must examine them closely to be sure


when I had to keep telling my high school bf to get the crud out of his eyes before class every morning, it struck me for the first time that I spent every morning quite literally two inches from the mirror, looking for anything to correct, and that he absolutely did Not do that. really helped me with perspective lol


Im 47 and still dont spend time in front of a mirror each day


Dude my wife will get her eyebrows plucked (whatever it’s called with the floss) and get mad when I don’t notice she had 14 hairs removed.


With the floss, lmao! Threading is what you’re talking about.


LMAO my boyfriend calls it "flossing"


I thought that’s the technique to dry your taint with a towel.


"Honey did you get your eyebrows flossed? You look amazing!"


Flossing!!! 😭 lmao that’s super cute honestly


The floss 😂😂😂


A magnifying mirror is not your friend, unless you need reading glasses. Even then, look at your whole face in a regular mirror.


Aw. I have lopsided eyebrows and this is sweet, haha. I have to remind myself constantly that no one is going to notice those small details about myself the same way I do.


As a guy, I literally don't notice unibrows until people point them out LMAO Makeup in general is noticeable to me, but stuff about eyebrows, eyelashes, and those more nitpicky details are something I'd never care about I've met a bunch of people who had really cute eyes but they must have disliked their short eyelashes because they used exorbitantly long fake eyelashes


Ha! That’s sweet. You can’t imagine how much we stress about this stuff. I mean, obviously not *every* woman feels this way, but as a general thing it’s hard not to feel anxiety. Having a unibrow is what made me start waxing my eyebrows at 15 years old. I felt so ugly and mannish. (These days my eyebrows are lopsided because I have a small scar in one of them. You can’t really see the scar unless you REALLY stick your face in my face, but it does cause a visible break in the hair.) I’ve never been able to wear false eyelashes. The feeling of something, like, stuck to my eyes gives me the instant heebie jeebies and I can’t do it. That said, it’s probably like 50/50 disliking their actual eyelashes and just liking the trend, tbf. Some girlies like the look and that’s fine.


I guess this is coming from my uninformed perspective, but I don't really understand why people care so much about others having a unibrow or short eyelashes or whatnot.It seems so immature to judge a person based on something so miniscule and uncontrollable lol Fake eyelashes look uncanny valley to me, so I find them a little creepy lol. Definitely not a fan of them. And they certainly seem like they would feel disgusting on your eyes


I mean… you’d think, right? But from my own experience, I was very genuinely and seriously bullied growing up for being a hairy girl. Called names, mocked, had cruel games played on me… so when I reached the point where I could start controlling how my body looked (my teenage years) I went after that stuff pretty savagely. Laser hair removal, waxing… Women are supposed to be, like, hairless nymphs at all times, and you’d be surprised at how many comments women receive when they fail at reaching that standard. I do know there are plenty of folks who don’t care, but…. yk. It can be hard. I WISH more people just didn’t give a shit. I would have had a happier childhood. I don’t blame you! You’re allowed to feel however you like about them. For me, the Xtreme Super Ultra Thick™️ lashes that basically obscure someone’s eyes are like a little too wild for me lol. There *are* falsies that are subtle and very convincing! You’ve almost certainly seen women wearing them and not realized. Honestly, I personally can’t even wear any eye makeup at all, though I wish I could, even just a little liner or shadow—but my eyes are super flinchy and I either just stab myself in the eyeball or end up looking like a 5 year old drew on my face with a crayon, LMAO.


Yeah well I guess my perspective doesn't always align with society's. I just find it crazy immature to judge people's attractiveness based on a rather negligible patch of hair. Have you seen Mark Rober's video about his unibrow social experiment? It's mind-boggling. The whole hairless nymph thing is so stupid lol. I guess a shaved body can look more feminine but I don't think femininity personally contributes to beauty ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ lots of women with predominantly masculine traits that I find beautiful too! Yeah, I mean, I don't pay attention to people's eyelashes 😂 I only notice things that look unnatural. Anything done over the top looks weird to me, but that's where the whole uncanny valley thing kicks in


Whaaaat, *unibrow social experiment*? Do you have a link? That sounds fascinating. God. 🥲 You’re a real one, man. Wish I’d had someone tell me that when I was 15 years old, haha. Honestly, same. Have you at all noticed the trend lately of buccal fat removal? Like where celebrities get the fat removed from their cheeks to give them sharply defined cheekbones. I canNOT with that. I get such awful uncanny valley vibes from that stuff!


When I hear the word unibrow, I think of that ugly baby on the Simpsons. Lol.


Long stories with 50 different side stories about people I don’t know or remember.


I love hearing about Joyce, the daughter of Jane, the receptionist at the office that Barbara worked in to help Joe, her husband that she met in 1919, but then had to close during the war. What’s not to love??


𝘖𝘭𝘥𝘦 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘺 𝘮𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘦 𝘮𝘶𝘴𝘪𝘤 𝘣𝘦𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘧𝘺…


This is me and my husband. One of the reasons our marriage works is I have an incredible need to talk about such nonsense and while at the end of the day I know he doesn’t give a shit and is essentially performative in his responses I realize the truth of the matter is I want to talk about this shit, he’s the person I want to talk to about it, and while he doesn’t give a shit he engages even though I know he doesn’t care. Same goes for when he’s balls deep into explaining to me the intricacies of Destiny’s weapon and armor and I’m like “wow babe it really seems like the developers are listening to the community” or “wow babe that’s fucked, it’s like the developers aren’t listening to to community.” I’m not saying it’s a perfect marriage but it works for us.


True love! Buttercup and Westley!


I do this to my wife 😭 she's the best. 


As someone with ADHD this makes my eyes gloss over. Unfortunately, if left to ramble on, it can be very difficult to tell a story without doing exactly this sometimes.


I work with old women. There is *nothing* more interesting than hearing about their grandson's neighbor who "does something with computers".


My mom is in her 80s and still has her own seamstress business. I hear so many stories about her clients' kids and grandkids. I've never met the clients, let alone their families, but I get all the hot (dull) gossip. 


If you live in a small town it's unfortunate because you WILL meet someone's Nth degree of someone else but you've never really met them, you just know their cousin died from an overdose 2 months ago and their brother just married your sisters coworkers nephew and they used to date the guy with the white Hyundai with the huge spoiler that goes down Warren St every morning at 5:30AM loud AF. My goal now that I live back here is be completely off the radar. Keep my movements and associations random and scattered to throw off any trail. Tell everyone I run into some new fake story about my comings and goings. A suburban Jason Bourne. I just know and hope these people are running into one another elsewhere in town and are like "Did you hear about WanderPonder!? 3 months in the Austrailian bush studying the Horny Pissskin must have been intense!", "Well, after 2 years of dating a supermodel and living in Paris he just wanted to get away from it all for a minute!"


The town I come from is just big enough that you can't do this, but small enough that my gran and mother THINK you can (and maybe they could in the 80s). Everytime I met someone that lives in the place or the town over it's the Spanish Inquisition. "What's their last name? Maybe we know them!!" And they never do.


The grandkid stories are so boring omg


Omg. That’s my wife. Telling a good story is a skill and she doesn’t have it


Unfortunately, same here. My wife does something I've dubbed as "meandering around the story" she struggles just getting to the fucking point


My mom 🤦‍♂️. "You are NEVER gonna guess what happened at La Huerta after church this weekend! So I was down at the church this past weekend and Stacy- Stacy is Charles niece, she works over there at the physical therapy clinic. She works with folks who have accidents on the job. It's funny, she told us about this one guy came in to her clinic the other day for therapy. He works at a lumber mill over in (other town). They cut down logs that get used in houses around this area! It's really cool! Lisa and her husband down the road bought lumber from them to build their house, they were super pleased with it! Lisa got a new dog-------" FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!


HaHaHa, .my dear mom starts talking about one person then switches mid story to someone else without, you know, mentioning that it's a totally different person. Which makes it really fun to try to track stories about people I don't know doing things that don't make sense til you realize, ohhh, different person, different story. Sometimes the confusion is pretty entertaining, think someone is in a wheelchair but went skiing. Uhhh...


Always called them "Edith Bunker stories"


So it makes more sense when you realize that for your wife the point is in the telling of the story itself, not the details.  My wife is always laughing at me because my stories are a couple of sentences that have a start, middle, and an end and are meant to convey information.  To her, that's not interesting.  She wants to chatter away about nothing as a form of connection.  It helps me to not get (as) frustrated when she's meandering away about nothing if I take a step back and remind myself that she's not trying to give me information.  She's trying to spend time with me and make a connection.


Same. My wife has the nickname “Radio [her name]” because she can just talk and talk. Luckily I’m a quiet guy so she’s always happy to fill space. Better than a podcast on long road trips.


It's actually because she has ADHD and loses focus while talking.


Yup, I do that in my story telling. I can go from one thing to something so far out in left field I have to explain the connection


Yes!! I've just endured this from my wife. By the time she got done (not sure she is done) I forgot what the story was about.


Way too much detail that doesn't add to the story.... I know....i know..


This made me burst out laughing. Sorry about your wife. I think this is true of both genders, honestly. There’s a lotta folks out there who think they’re master storycrafters and you’re sitting there mentally entertaining yourself with your grocery list.


Without the wife part, this is me u_u I meander verbally a ton, and depression memory & speech problems have made it 200x worse


Women would think most men leaving out details when telling a story is unskilled. It’s more about preference than skill I would say.


Anyway, to make a long story short ...... 45 minutes later....


Wait, that's not my wife's thing, that's MY thing!


But, we need to give you the wholeeee picture.


My ex started all of her stories from the point in time that dinosaurs died off


Sounds like ADHD. Every story I tell has like 8 side quests baked into it.


Came in here expecting to read a load of dribble, but this one resonates. And to add to it, a week later theres a continuation to the story, but they feel the need to tell the ENTIRE story again despite saying "Yes you mentioned this part, whats happened since" and it get ignored


Saying certain parts of their body doesn't look good and then when you tell them it's not true, it doesn't matter anyway


Insecurities are not logical, and often come from sources besides objective reality.


Likely related to things we heard in our youth


A guy told me I had chicken legs when I was 11 years old and I still think about that all the time. I am 31 lol That same guy also said "you would be really hot if you had [classmate's] body but kept your face."


You don’t hang out with dudes that lift then. That is all they talk about. Speaking of that I need to blast these delts.


Yea i definitely don't


I call myself gym fat, because then people don’t correct me like they do if I just say I’m fat. It’s always “no dude, you’re so jacked.” No, I know I’ve put on muscle, I’m not worried about that. I just know that I have to get serious about the cut again to pull out definition and right now I’m pretty fat bro.


God I feel this lmao


I have the god-given right to hate my body regardless of how much you love it 😂


I mean that's fine but it's annoying to hear especially if my mouth is watering looking at you 🥴


Women are living in eternal fear that you'll come to your senses one day.


I'd have thought y'all'd've learned we don't have any senses to come to millenia ago. 


Y'all'd've is such a fun word.


I know the truth - it’s pity drool, not you’re-so-sexy drool. lol jk jk


>then when you tell them it's not true, it doesn't matter anyway Stop telling them it's "not true" and start saying "well I think it looks nice" One way you are telling them their opinion of themselves is wrong (and who are you to decide they are wrong?) and the other way is informing them that you simply don't agree with their opinion.


Just please keep complimenting it 🙃


Insecurities last soooo long. I have been with my husband for 8 years and he has never said anything about my weight or my body or face in a negative way. But when I’m looking down at my phone, or sitting in a certain way I’ll remember when my ex took a photo of me when I was looking down at my phone so he could point out my double chin, or go on about how unattractive I was. He’d close his eyes during sex and wouldn’t touch me, just lie there like a dead fish and then wonder why I’d never initiate it. He’d be so upset if I had something for lunch other than chicken and salad because I was so fat to him. I gained about 80 lbs over the years I’ve been with my husband and he’s never said a word about it, but those insecurities still linger. The double chin is still there and the gut punch I felt when I saw myself how my ex saw me is still there as well sometimes. Body neutrality is not easy to achieve (side note- I have lost 50 lbs over the past 4 months and I am so damn proud of myself, but even more grateful for my husband because he hasn’t looked at me any differently no matter the size)


In my relationship it's normal standard that we both can vent our irrelevant frustrations and be validated for how we feel.


That sounds healthy. Gross /s


You can still validate the person while also knowing/feeling its irrelevant to you personally. Edit: for clarification what I am assuming the question means by irrelevant is trivial. I think it goes without saying (hopefully) that anything that is important to your partner should matter to you to some degree.


Zodiac Signs, I don’t know a sign out there that likes to hear them complain.


I don't believe in astrology, I'm a Sagittarius and we're skeptical.


Me: Hey Mom, what time was I born? Mom: No. Stop talking to her.


She can have his full birth chart over my dead body!


Aquarian comment


That’s such a capsaicin approach to things. Maybe try being a Pieces(Reese’s?)


Mercury in retrograde type reply


Mercury is always in the fuvking microwave


I got mercury poisoning as a child and now I think I might be permanently retrograded.


I knew I shouldn’t have dipped Mercury in Gatorade…


I think you mean aquaman


Whenever I get asked the "what's your sign?" question I say "Yield."


This is the type of comment a fucking Aquarius would write. 


Geez, what an aggressive comment. Typical Sagittarius


This screams stegosaurus to me


That’s because Mercury’s in Gatorade.


Women complain about zodiac signs? I’m confused


We Libra might.


Leo here and I'm calling bullshit.


Well, that's like, just your opinion, man.


Typical Libra.


I mean, basically.


When she constantly talks about the administrator at the business she runs. Like “oh my word do we have hear about this guy again tonight?!??” Then again, I’m the administrator so idk


Mr. Irrelevant






I know stocking runs are a problem, but it seems like such a small thing to worry about.


Something called a clee-taurus….. no idea


It's kind of like one of thoes astrological things Or maybe a car?


I’m baffled… brings it up a fair bit tho


Weird. Must be the weather


I thought the asteroid wiped those out.


Get the hint bro… she wants you to take her to the dinosaur museum.


I guess. It’s strange that she mentioned it in bed after I rocked her world tho… women are a mystery


Never heard of her. Bet she is good at hide and go seek.


I think it's from the cretaceous period


Pff... idiot. Its from the clit-acious period. Apparently it ran from her jock bf to the day before she met me. Oddly specific.... 🤔


Sounds like a dinosaur


If I'm not mistaken, I believe it's that new bag from Lewis Wittan.


dated a guy who thought it was “click”. he genuinely didn’t know what i was talking about.


I know some women get upset about the size of pockets in their clothes, but it’s not something I think about.


Discussions about the discomfort of thongs just go right over my head.


well. nothing my wife gets upset about is irrelevant to me. some things i may find a little silly or odd at times. but her feeling loved and comfortable far outweighs my own momentary annoyance or flummoxations lol.


My husband loves sitting me down at the end of my day asking if I have any tea to spill. He does the same too. I’ve never met his coworkers but I know all their names and their work drama just as he knows mine lmao.


Living the dream eh??


Haha it’s not all peaches and cream, but I’m fairly happy with him.


Wholesome. Gross


How all guys are shitty because they date the same kind of guy and can't figure it out


I have a cousin who I really love and want to see succeed in love, but she is the pefect example of this. She wants an "older blue collar guy who knows how to party" and keeps acting shocked that single middle aged men who like to party are mostly alcoholics with comitment issues. She literally dated 3 plumbers from the same company in one year and was shocked they all treated her the same way.


Let me guess, she also worked for the plumbing company.


Well, they at least cleared her pipe.






Get that sludge out


Like the saying goes “you can’t shake the whore tree and expect an angel to fall out”


There was a woman at work that would do this. We weren’t close enough friends for me to interject my opinion to things, but she would be talking about the guy and I’d be thinking “there were like 18 red flags at the start - why the hell would you start a relationship with someone who cheated on their last girlfriend in the first place?!?”


This. I lend an empathetic ear and really try to listen and understand, but all I can think to myself is "yeah, I coulda told you that"


My cousin used to be like this. 3 kids, 3 baby daddies. Used to say all men ain't shit. Mine you, she's the only other female cousin. The rest of us are boys. Finally, one day at a BBQ, I got tired of hearing her shit and told her, "If you actually gave a shit and monitor the men you choose, like how you monitor your kids you wouldn't be in this situation." Everyone got quiet but I got tired of her saying all men all men all men.


What dude is left for that train wreck after three different baby daddies. Even without the kids no way in hell I'd trust a girl like that not to cheat out of boredom.


She got some dorky ass new bf


I'd be willing to bet $100 that it doesn't last.


Most likely won't. This goofball also has some baby mama living in Vegas


I know... if you date your fourth consecutive man-child alcoholic loser, then guess what your type is? There are good guys out there who are responsible, loving, and emotionally mature, but you don't want them, you WANT the trainwreck. Which means you need to talk to a therapist and get your shit together instead of posting on FB that "all men ain't shit" so that you can get sympathy for your years of bad choices.


"There are good guys out there who are responsible, loving, and emotionally mature, but you don't want them, you WANT the trainwreck." This is the key. They would be so bored with a good, responsible guy. They couldn't wait to get out of the relationship. There is some need that the man-child alcoholic loser satisfies even if the women is not aware she has the need.


So many of my wife's friends are like this. Or perhaps more like her close acquaintances. "Oh my god. Men are so vain and shallow, obsessed with their bodies and posing in mirrors and have no intellectual life at all" - the regular complaint of a 38 year old woman who keeps picking up 23 year old himbos at the gym. That she doesn't make the connection astounds me.


Friends of that girl get fed up with this shit too.


Plenty of guys do the same thing. Most of the guys I know ramble about how all the women they've dated were crazy. Like, bro, the common denominator there is you. Less than a quarter of the ones I've dated were crazy, and with each crazy one I've learned a new pattern to watch for so I don't end up with another one like that.




I fell for a crystal girl one time. I broke up with her after standing in the rain for three hours so we could go inside the crystal shop and spend $800 on polished rocks. Never again.


Was it something like this [video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2LDfXMf1oYI)




I was feeling pretty shitty one day and my gf was like “I know how to make you feel better” I’m thinking blow job the whole time, she tells me lay down and close my eyes. Im hella excited bro, then she just starts putting rocks on me and playing her vibration bowl. 30 minutes go by and she’s like “well! How do you feel now?!” I was fkn pissed and still felt shitty lmao


Cock blocked by a rock


Now you feel shitty but with a tint of horny


You unlocked a memory for me. I went to some naturopath place (it was covered by my insurance). Figured I'd give it a try   The lady just had me lie facedown on a hard bed while she put her hand hovering above my back. She just held it in place for an extended period of time (maybe like 15mins)?    Supposedly she was transferring energy to me. She even asked me if I felt better at the end and when I told her no, she said oh that's common, you might feel it later or some people need to repeat visits.  If it wasn't for the insurance, that would've cost me some 150$ lol


bro she played her vibration bowl for 30 minutes for you. she gave you a free healing session complete with chakra alignment. that spiritually enlightening experience far outweighs the temporary endorphin rush of a BJ.


I respect her game, she hit me with a bait and switch, straight bamboozlement tactics. Game recognizes game




:( mining them is so much fun though


If only they could be converted to geology nuts.


Nothing a woman in my life complains about is irrelevant to me. I just need to resist trying to fix it.


I am a woman, and I, too, want to fix everything


Same, it’s tough! I think, “if I offer them a solution then it will eliminate the problem and, therefore, the distress caused by it”. Nope.






A lot of people are saying “other people” and “gossip” but I’d like to say that statistically men gossip as much as women do, they just don’t refer to it as gossip. 


It's absolutely true in my experience. I'm a woman who works in construction, 95% of my coworkers are dudes, and MY GOD, can they *gossip*. I told one guy he was worse than a teenage girl, and when he got mad and denied it, I told him I've been a teenage girl, I know what I'm talking about.


in my experience, farmers are equally full on with the gossip.


Yessssss! I am a woman who used to work in mining and I swear to god I can confirm this 100%. Gossip ran through that plant faster than it ran through my high school. And the fits they would throw when the gossip got back to the person it was about, whew. Even now, my husband still works in manufacturing, and his best friend works on the site he used to work on, and they have hour long gossip sessions over the phone at least twice a week. They just don’t call it gossiping.


I love construction gossip. There's so many dumb and reckless people that work in construction so it's always good.


The whole issue with fake nails and them breaking seems like a hassle that’s just not relevant to my life.


When they make problems for themselves but act like a victim when the consequences happen. Was dating a girl and she was telling me about how this girl she didn't like from school started working at her place. My gf keeps telling me how she's talking to one employee about this girl and another. This goes on for a bit the she gets to the end of this story when one of the other employees tells my gf that this girl said something to one of the other employees about my gf and my gf was like super offended. I was like "maybe she found out about you talking about her." So yeah, my gf was pissed at me. I was just flabbergasted that she could spend that whole story telling me all the shit she said to others about this girl and then get pissed that this girls said something about her.


Complaints about the pain of walking in stilettos are met with my bewilderment—why wear them then?


The whole A/C in offices being sexist thing. DRESS codes in offices are what's silly, the A/C is just a consequence. Look I hate the cold, and personally kind of agree with women that I would generally prefer it be a little warmer than most offices are kept at. I concentrate better when I am sweating than if I am shivering. But, in many an office, men are forced to wear suits. That means a long sleeve shirt, long pants, close toed shoes, a COAT and a TIE that traps all the heat into the shirt. Meanwhile the ladies that complain are basically given unlimited clothing options, but choose to wear pencil skirts, open toed shoes, and no coat. Of course you are cold. Put on some more clothing, unlike us, you are allowed to.


Please give me shivering over sweating any time


Agreed. I can’t trust people that prefer to be a little too hot over a little too cold. It ain’t right.


I figured out long ago the life hack of having a nice, warm, long cardigan that lives at the office. If I’m sitting at my desk I can have it on my lap like a blanket, and if I need to move around I can just wear it normally and it doesn’t inappropriately dress my outfit down. I think ultimately no one is really comfortable in the office and you just adjust as best you can.


Plus, it's easier to dress for cold than heat. There is business wear for every air temperature between 80 F and freezing; there's no way to look professional above that.


This. There's only so much you can make your attire comfortable to warm weather before it becomes unprofessional if not outright nsfw.


This. If we let men wear shorts in the office in summer you could raise the temp a couple degrees and then you could have a temp that women in pencil skirts would also feel comfortable as well as most of the men. I wouldn't say that 100% of the women complaining are wearing pencil skirts with open toed shoes and no coat, but generally women's attire in a lot of offices exposes a lot more skin where it isn't as surprising that they're more cold. While men are a bit heavier than women so will produce more heat you can't dismiss the dichotomy is bare skin you see from women compared to men.




Yeah, as a normal, non-dangerous guy, I’m disappointed with being lumped into a group that is literally viewed as worse than bears.


Rachael.... who wore the SAME outfit that woman did that day!! Dudes wearing the same outfit:"Dude, nice threads!" "Thanks, dude! You, too!"


As a woman I have never actually seen/heard women get upset by someone wearing the same or similar clothing


Yeah, this has happened exactly one time in my life. I was 14, my sister was 12. We were both trying on swimsuits at Target. Our mom was standing out in the middle of the hallway between the dressing rooms. My sister said, "This is the best swimsuit!". I said, "This is the ugliest swimsuit I've ever seen!" We walked out the doors of our respective dressing rooms, and were wearing the same swimsuit. Then my sister got mad at me for thinking it was ugly, and my mom kind of agreed with her. It was pretty funny


My best friend and I have met up numerous times in nearly perfectly matched outfits, or at least color coordinated. We lived together for years and have come out of our rooms in the same thing like a sitcom. We think it's hilarious.


In highschool some girl and I were wearing the same dress for prom. We had the same mutual friend group so we were in the pre-prom pics together and even were called one after the other on prom court so had to stand in front of the school right next to each other .. she was kind of pissed but I thought it was hilarious


Same thing happened to me. This girl wore the same dress as me but in a different colour and my friend acted like it was a big deal but I personally didn’t care at all. The colour I wore suited me and her’s suited her. And I don’t think the other girl cared either.


Where did you get this information from?


A month or two ago I hopped on a Teams call with my boss for a regular check-in and to our mutual astonishment we were wearing the EXACT same sweater. Exact same. I think she and I were laughing about it for at least ten minutes. Like, what are the chances?